*wis.b- Oadlas v B"eai% eata w lia beteen a u 4ltbuaWelu, Ke vicinitv, and bn amsrtionthitt siiokýe et iii. i lt; Ooufftles WlCersJ0Field, allufed, (mlil * W jez, à Uw DBroMie Town ton and Liua MMg &trT ibiaug n, 1 s Mn Fiu s.-ci uuais, wt ".ponianoe m*s, T- V Ian.1 D» iLeamasaW cas tise ifia rGL"s4uEtR N.., lJO". Waei cr -sad hi. etex ru, Tocn Clark &i Tresaie; R.. ulve D U.rmbl,.Dr Dewur, W. lMM) j wu to beC La4w. Opta.. c oSer;,P Eobln- Cal Qovernn WKu t#Hsiag% D1> Bodie; GO0 This gensf luttes;J fi Dlsue~, it4dBrmiisor Briglitun,. W Jýoi ot o! .Maor Il wa, be k..-4rosvmarReve; Cessata- t<>UTt-a' hatJb.AgrJrI, WZtb oCase; ica ml Cl1-rk sud Treaurei. - ý They-wil l u.-WÏ W Wbb, Reeve; -,Counalors ihi'uugL.outi uoaiO, J is YoiagRWebb.- 1 ,Re"puisds ia - R Fo.IRevte;onelion J ÀA skeh laia Simauoa, D Eaaîo-p eter would lue fa MKelleï, 0o.thse UC oros.Ti $My.07it wvas 0 >vesj Sq. pçpnioq i- f - te Prtand ecloqueïx Rîi nd feaeto alaYi, MGil.. Col. iaul ociier et . ettORUW -oratUsaus, and bute le A-Sc A 9«w. Mr Brc, tigtoA, -are alto Mua4ic by IgUSIS. songi<ros d1uiqragiaU f -the.h'ackett 400dyeOmed iwîh toiseBd- 9 0 Mdsue*- pleturu-of 7ON. vaut e 9"d CUL *vas un- mm ieand unaboq unofA ,Thn rsgtoe tie Cllab <taia bad liche, i ho ern.have a aR COn- Company' Là in Ti. are n lion cas tises Pld -te t6 folloelng e> orB Mhrepreaetedb 0 ie4st -hck Tnntle.:-: -Boiled Sahue. tient, lobuton sauce; disttetlsb, Maître d'sioîls a uce.. me-Boiled-Chlckàn iclub Pork, prley meg of mutthos, osr saues; torke>', 05- ce; -arcs; beef apilsat "iminisuce; h e,-browm saddIe oftutou, ite 80u0. duocka, Eagliso £i e.-- dli#hesý-Bu4liym issu, bute,. .e4- -Fillet ofBesf, lsrded.a la Flua nciar, lest vesi, lo"nto $sauce; lamis chops, d piquant-sauce; îlese croquettes, lemous ,,colloped oys tenthe sheil, beef a la »Wutr #al ad; ters vol.au vent; mut- miails.--Swemipotoe,- baked; mauail- atosu, rimbur qabscoahmss heeRalib lé I0sý,'e.e ry, .piekled Pckted onions, Frenci mu#aurd, Worces- e snd club saue., choc chtoc. tq.-RoldEgiusjluipdInvn charlotte' deérus, blanc mange, iasp- jelly, gnpue Joli>', psumberry jelIy', port li', madefra cimjlnly c'ahérrY tarto,. m'y tarte, peaels-Jillymtrjls, Lafayette cake, à macarottes ieed crssuely u'cake. êberry Jeu>'caskpi aple,, emaalerrn sud pes, citron cake, fruit cke poe cake, Jelly cake, quisnes»ae, ponge-<rop., be>'y Ieed cream. ert-Cata'supes, vaterraelnaagrapes, &eh 8,rjIinm - almlonds,alra uts, re.. sMdenabie h tne was occupied vils tise , tise band discouarsug unoa excellent ai différeutt s..UpOn lb.rentoval ofý cti, Dr. fShortt adgss or Moore thon prépoed %s lb. ki«t negu-. se President oatie UnîtetI États., mk Standing. elt-" Star iSj4ngled Bonnet.' ,e cicers forr**ody JuhtÏsOs. n egiélai toast - - be Quten.» de la'tise Bflam"uGod lave tise Quen."1 re tluers. Muiue* by -tise Orphetio, Gle. 11 GotI save tise Qcs rpnded to by Rovi. -Dr.- Shott, of Port vise spoke at sact angtl. lie 5ope'i ho' th Confederstion rtkot Our n tied Siates. ai u ini AUthe: arts sund sciences, and i e advantagcs.îanl blesuings accrng ffromn Thse Britisis aud Atailcan nations have Sedileli rlniples ot relliion al oéven thé H e liépretd *0asposibiit of et ay y leîceen mti i o nes. -e cxprcssed- inoat regard - ad - respect for tise great eau Repuiblie Ot ancelation, ho mid. à heard thse Anietcnin bail erepr.ssedaý o annrs the Americangentlemen to.-thse dhan latiem Lugt.-u pîsa. vctsd fêtee rd s ieaolitet ustomn ieusson botS uides. roni the sake, h pleasant 'banuquets Mud lattrcange Of g, e votîltigo spinal annexation. Dr. h.e feelingl>'do- tise deaths ot Preoideat 4n. _ las Canadat a <encrai feeling of syta- Pprevalled -ou Ihtis occasoa-cs*iarc les. apaed sad the day ohaeryed.. Amneica bovn that Safo ur years of van lu vwas ho lad af lihéfre. s pBau#&s tiseho#e of la beiug Aumorlcaa. (Oontigiu.d applause) 1-heGovemrofetNec Yok." uaie- HRaill Colnmbia.Il dayor Moore tise. hatroduoed- Comsmodore wlosecisaracterili, pleasst'esmaika -e iseartill>'m'eeivéd. le wus frequentl>' inerrupteid vihs asuse, hi. mat>' palpable bitscedne amaîl a- Mt o emsuent. HEtoflbred Ïu offclusloa tolocing toat:- - >u neighbouis acrou: thé Lake+-unay'oui tiens wtk tie.ýbe-,peudciasud pleasaut Ont aM tise> bld aleineto that aobleà rted vôm&4u, tse QeUS, ciso le bonued .41. ~ ~ P repcfs eadof Utiecivilized 1d; sud sa'c us si tsrclbon- inaruansd apen lisis e long ias ve are, à true o e .best lntereamoft bumanusy, and 6ever trease na>'be revoked or acoulled, there h. à t.cip»"tygoy t 01feeling hicS I sen .give paes to, *anluo stnuie- . ud bumreu<ea& s auaS! ..teInUgli *t<h Itds Md e "aid vit*loi.rg Theaî is.Y, ' diIe*ad sie rut."., a nk citS en"[Isuls, sMd tSie. liait>' r foç tCenittis&kM Mt1 mj'r M4oge thé* sobimE lie: Gorennor Geai- or <'iaadL 8"d." Tic slagiag et thii lub an has.otéa seveais Mayor Mnom gralou ki.mma -lieped upon ay ltosldnesoui, sud cii te. l b. ispt&bssepIa.uw "OluIriHosite p. nu nu Q.th olio ing<mm *lg k os ds=. bodw t the , po% puil 4 Iw k ueîw s ut: > beeing ý,WW3*OI tg ef. -Gildeftl.eve, u Misu> rea en"e a agu t u steauset , si qiuuChi. 1ttSetslyPllSW AI.Wag- shoew Rara liaid wva' very uÎIuc se m ro!the11i.kasd -t a t ai e s*. ýThishow .d It oe, nid lai wer. ou to e .Iu.aku npeetas amewha! a mal4,l mime'IThe - white the- qualisy wva. good;bat itiid#mestic- rudby CuL mntmtva oI <ain, sic, there was a lgo<g611 l- lari daie iay. The samplo t>! eh ite ated States. j inler eI4eaî e xhbied by. Nr. Stey, and a5150u -"O5 ~.whuceb iook ttW ' iriprme, *ca aVery aupe- bousp ivitit bisj rie astio -.The aà"! vis impo *iretiloinv jW alao. H-e thei. L.aiîed States1*0 oilt an iti-baus Bel, J J 814 aiAI oS?. lycasda* Then ctitruu.by ithe Uaaas. Respeadedi e by Aldermau Draper.> Pis re- marks vers o!fs ery happy rature, alndIng o. the différence -of feeling stow ieisÉta ig Whee thé tio sections. Tise meetings, lie ihotigii,- to e .emfueahly prcper, tisat vo -suay-knuoveuch otir; n;sd hoped uhey *ouild csxlmnnate in li.ving together is broherly love. 1 resident Dra per subuuiited tise toai, "Cana- ,dian Railds,tse -prWset eue thse boit uofa-lt." (A.pplause.] George W. WUilr vas calUed on fon a. re- appa.. Bs wanêks were of a very enthusi- asti naure, snd vuzeisetutly received. He cotcluaded b)'. tosshisg 4"Tbe tiea ut Canada and Aunerres.- - 141..Clegborts, 01 Poart Hope, tida vigorous spech on tise raid toast previously offéreti. The substance of lis speech, which cas. eleganity worded, conaited of deprecatlng tIhe opiston, prevslent vutIste Auseinana, that this ympsu.- ties ot Cana" a t iti.h the-rebellion, *ile, on tie eontrary. tise symspathies of thse Cana, dian people vere w iii- th. U iioàn, andý that those' among them wvie Methterwime, ivoie.the' c-c tia of 1niârepreuctistio and imposiionu. Dr. Dewar,.(a 'bseh,<> of flan Hope, voas then called 11pon tu réspond ta the le sdieu The Mlayor, untroducing Dr.-!), ho Ped tilst as bic Wa- a manr'rugéable mans, liewould: be'sistacr oùP' iet ore lhe cnt house. Dr. Dewtir s.id liat President Draper 1àand hmniseli' er.' the only. parties prescrit net vietinis to -a uonferclsics, (peticout) goverimient. H e ofl'cred tise toaut: U (lotibleu. the Yanikee Girls a" - 1 Miuic, luipheu Ulec tJltb :-i Heatin totse- Fain-ut ,' s&W), b>'Port Hope Gîe ub"vive Mr. Wood of L siisay, vas called npon, fur a 8eatbuiet, and offerud iàx.. Gildercleeve, andth ie 9offlenu ofi-he Mn. Gildcnleeve, chot b>' thse vs>', Lu stru e specunoft a Cautad"ange.1fleinan, reatpoids'd te thc selstimnsesih.briefl>' and i.atppltriauiely, clos- imsg cuis a>iug tisai a more hosptitbl>e people1 or a'More beatuifil cityi t waà nut - us lt te have ftound. - - - Hayoone çalled apem Mr. Jotin Fadeir, part propriiet-e f tise Fert Ilope, Lindsuay 'anti Ilesventon Railroad, vin> resîonded in*a very happy îssunner. es jor Moore aaaopsaced ,bat aihD,1 o'clock',. ai. the City Hilall, the inspection of the, Fire Bri- gade ,Wutld tait.place, adsudta1 3 ê'loçk cuir- rnages voùld lue neady 'ta take tise Visitera tu ail Isuiualiof! htciest ii he.cii>'. -."'The Prega" vtie. thea îoauied, and no. ne- peotuse callen flrr ) hich the 1>IsB are, no doub-, îarotout1ly graitcftil. Tieassemblage tul Ihjounned,.ý it bcing ok-lock, P.tu. faI u I the fa- wîg ineraing 8e.break- ' Sst t 1LeBtickt *1i, pujshe miuîoius 1iied fusib to laie a loo hat thg. cuy. Tao City' liait Was hti 'r.a4 place.iiucid. [laeMare siuasted ti.relaw cour18 andi u.- fices o e t iseîendatiouuty, civieoffies-, &ic. 'Herew. laid ausopportutfy cf!'.-. in# taese .mi-anatti slparade of Use ?File Brigade of tise eitio andl to ohserve- 1usie uà muner in mrick ter spleulid uteamners cous.d throw j. lrge jet ot« w 1Ietrovt lle'- iglacut pnini of-the Ciy lail. AtM 2 c'cluck p.m., a li>s, arraruofcari iges vere 15 wautiug te coavey the viSia.-, uns ltu pltces a!iàteie'utju thse city-am)d rcPty. hI sta#uPi eoleda Méry's 109.ital, -MountI Huje Cemetery aud -tii Pent taatiar'y. At -the Cify lHes- pitl -ce cere treated 1.a Mosuai uup-îoaa lunch, and speeches wer-e madebyCl Illa tl, MajorMc rand uJersis. -F!POii the vurk botise ce de àreîas' 0e Un: ver ai.>' -teo ur. Iratl, aPit te an em'cellent tes was acnounce d for- aus at 7uclÀ: Aiter, bu Col. I auita ia' sete referafibaitka toi se May or, Ca Roqclueter, foi and unboaiaded ib* rCanadian clttddamid 'i full et ar vaig u Causaduans. Il thé. hope ual tth Anwrieaui Bag à aide in pose.am Amid h.ty' wni uiaking of 1 and, th*. eugre W". Co"itehiSn ion, aO iieso us antd bospitalit>' le i.is gallàu ow e ived with fi equenai plied on béhaif -of;ils. sentiniestowrands tudei by' expresiingf Sof -Englassd!an4t be ryer float aide b' M. pari>' broke up,' swathftir aise train Dmn tu Citaarlefe. Tie and siormy Ahd.4t PrWe out admirably. -Tihe importation et usproyed Réelts of vairious tdereiptionw b. à îbjë.»i Whieh saod -ha#lthise ttian-O qi icu tifiiusanti ce are gil thai Mn. Sto- ry' coniuidbieeoerpiqmIss met viii w ieady a reward. The i. shw u oota w.v aï.uai, A. MteQaade, L24q., M~puiy Reeve af namiIy, ' took ii.lion làsîmare of the Pz ise. , wcere glati là siotiée .tuai Oui comfrerîe Mir. Coopur of thé 19,àÉd&r, took acv;ruml pri« tes (tr rouiS agammat a prufîmskmal gardeser, andt etake this"opp"ns.tiyotank hiai for i-al.a-iety Of veîy fine vrgetables senlt I on ûffice.,- -Afiel thé Show vas ovr nt i he report rea&d, i fie'of ti'.eSuc-iet judgeciixd, a nimber cf! agricultuiaati, sa owne tu an excellent Qiîter gui aip by Irs Blaucwei, haisichasged,,tmtise uies f btes. in a Moest praiuîecorthy mau,r.T cihair. %vas. occupied - by Wrn. Cottiugli a Eaq.,ý WanJer. of the, Counity, and the Vice Chai yA M Quade, Esq. »Werti ejèou - as rerckoviei, intorestiig peeche wier. dfeliveieti by MeWsr*. Cuttmngiuuirni Knws im nditih"r gei iletr.et. W. ai iiuebietu the Warder for uhe PRIZE L.IST, - ek: B-ruai Mare atiFoal, A àMe Qaai 211d, John ..Nccarirot' ÈI.Spot Dwaüght Horse,James. ]Blacb w éli *1 21l . Joh.u Bami ey. BelI Single 1Herâe, Dr Black 2Ild, Jo«in I:esî two y-ear olti Colt, John Bailey; 2m A MICQuatie. Best -nie year olt Colt, A McQ.uatle ;,2111 lIa-at Mi ich,,Cu', A, McQtiate; 2ud- A Mc &é.4- Bull, .Thom" Foe; 2n4t.,,A Mi Bit Bull Cal:, Wm Fader; Qsd, Noi ws.5thy ut & prise. -Boit fleif'er Cai1f, A.MC*Quae z 2od, Tu, Fem. Bée. wo a en Ilciter, F Atarna; 2n 110.4 Fee. - Reml une. yean nid lie ifer, Thos Fée.;j,2ù Fraucis Adamal. -Ber.t ageti Ram, .A McQUade ;21,illW 15<-si Ram Lamîb, Jushix Ba9iey; 21)d*$ W Thune.. 114,4 u S1îeanlîrir Rami, J-ôounFoe. *BeAi Peu of Eues, -John Fle; 2aud, liet Peui of Ewe Latuab, IVin Thoci CLA8»-Wîs.lOacAIE. Buai Botia, Tht -à For; 2ud, Win Cottin Ilest Sue,. T Fe ;2uid, W Cottiùghi CLAS -G"AtN AND. VSOE£TAL;-. Beg ai il Wi > tJohn tmry: 211(l lieet .ip ing, Wheat, Thomas Evaus; la mes MicielI., Ecà Ba&rle.',.John Baiiey; 2pnd, Je Beet i srgtt Peau., A MeQuiie;2nd Baitey. Biecsinaîl Pease, John Storey;2ud S" Be w iithy SeetiWilliam Fee ;- Ja-ne. Mhell. -. Bemt Fiai SeetiNui Thorue, 2tud, BoutiPûtates, Wrn Mita; 211t, Cope Bés i Tonnipsu,. Thou Fee.1 Qnîi, iJ Sit Besi Orafi' f.Carrt,John Goodlyfl'-;5j Jamen BlItckw.ll. Beai WIitie Carrais, John- Geodliffe j Thucursaa iuaoi Bemt _Ltuag Bil d ecta, CKnowlsc Best Pisrmnip.4, J Cooper; 2nit, J Gonwd ii lestMarigle Wurtztel, Wiu tto.er, 'homas .. Roi nioxaJ Bàiley; 2iii, JGoodýi - -Beît Whte 1absage, bse Gootiiffe;.21 Joeeph Cooper. - ÉéBea RéJ -Cabsage, Joseph Cooper, 21 Johnn Gootiu&. Bor-t C eler>', G. Mori'iUon; 2.-: "J c Boit ContýA. A MoQuae;, 2àde. Alez Lang Boit varrety of Vegetables-, J Goolite. Bei Pain eà Boots, àÀ MeQuade; lad. T B lieut Ftlled Chh, T Fe.; 2md, M -McEivâ Best Flantuel, T Feç ; nd1 RSaidsu Best Home-nuae. Quitt, Copelin Laldle>',a Thoronas Fee, Bra ost o"Ma Blankets, Jamnes Blaokwi lasd, 4 veQoade. iest ]Pair Soçks, Y A4#nsu; lad I ' 4d Beul ilitta, Jit ka le>'; -bd WinFe$. i 3rd, F Aass Beat Bpead. A IcQuade 1Sud, WM McEtVwu Best Set lsmeus, Jobn Raley.' Beai Uppen Luaifise,TheaBeIl l. OI eide aisow. Bust ploue .Job P aik l.' ad; AI McQqa -But cUItl'tèiir Adamis.- JUDO E. Siailiffe, ChristopluenKnowciit. H Moore. Thomas Evans. - ginviieTtnies. -Tomas it[ateiset, lui Mlurum 5si.-Thôt. T iopea. W. Ti m Bot aiu .5m 1.-h MsE Y C, Mitar-lri prise Hair WreathIBlcue,: hîg lebsas a ak 4Wii Cbgc i.Jh.a>-: Rr-M MTv.àGIt rapes ii. prise, if 1e judtis ecsî:sqideleît as. 2uad, Josa. àMcm. - ff. Jus 6 Mitar- L .1 plrise Squiiah matie bya aewilig- matwihi-e.)- 3 paîr, t woo- - 2 tait.C.-11 iut oRC J i h i -l tprise Naturaî u iét a n 0 1b !M ,. M n Jxm eeThorndike. P ir ni W o!'a 1 as ae Su : n: -1>1,NMrs .1o B axer. _________________- Miltz-4 7 -enties; Mr.*Jtybt Culbe-i; Uic.1ý Y Mis Jolie Parkiaaoes. 6 piidsrda'iae Tain, ALFCR tîn, ictri. oimy zhbbtei utia.lipie n 1-ùwen;-2d1-Jufge:Willialii Taylorjohft Cumrig - -Mm .Jas Thotrnduke. Pair Woukeîi SiippnaJ F ('uaauitàgi. MORSES AND ÎCAITLE. -J3 pties.. le~t priye. M.x 6Gieo Keiiips: Qd 'Lu nbrWa-ioL4ts, J Clark. Naaki !«.jJdsýe.-Natiîa. Clwate, lames. ChamberaMs J1 mt. qit oo . aie, Pî o erebou:li rerMr~î andi W m rv .2 eire ; pin«'M Bta'aer; 4 1 ,d Pli-l uix 1d1 . Rs' i xi 9. Draft Berfes. 6 enties. - lai 'priSe, John cool u'onk fiai. 8 eît-rtes; 1'41 prise, MnIs C.:10 )-de Fias.,l .s ,t, N oI: 01,18% Calill; 2d, M ýThortd.ike, 3d, 4 Blckweil. -I Ribilson; 2d1, M iss Thor:a.like. Papen 2nîi, Regii.ald Fo*Ile -, 3id, D Meiuva, Sp.is Carr.ige Hq.rses. 6 eîtrioaý,.109-Fîser., ! eniry; pi ize, MnTruseout. OlI lair Honte-Mati Baîk 81 - i >r . Cùtitiîgh d; 1,E Cleaîdenmig;3,* .i> -,2 nie;!,bt prize4 Mis Bailéy. JRobeit Vizon; 2Qsad, Mis. William Thiorn. IDavid Baieiuut. > sd netrsliiPonil frawvietg.3 eie;~tPrise, Mris: Covelet : let, Mis k. A 1Bowei Xairvwith foal fade:5 etis.ltjohn" Bulto 1 e ,Mr->'C B Ri#bîir.is. .Cray- a Quilt: u.isLItd s',Mns, W G oh-pris, WSeaii; 2<W, .rihùrMcQads; -3ds ua xaixi, ol1 do laa,2 ei!lliie* ; Utsi Ileîson &a. NIMi.ssDîgss- Roei iluk.rrisce, M i uiay ; 24, Mrs BitileY. Pair <f socka: 1-t, mi-u iic< lu, biun.e iii bladdle or Single Harnesa. 4en- mdktu.ah.2 eun iIi1ie E K Pain uf Nit.,: 1.i. *M r&' Jo4n callxJnt tries. lotpie W Coingham ;2di, Anthur Ftancia; a u rlnay.. 's uiiig., 1 tuîtry Sii uound ti.n uiuei':1.tl-ai, rJ -uNllet; ean; blùqo«, d.B, George Calvoît.. -prise, Mrs Baiey. Fincy Netiitag, i eni:y; 2îs, Mr* Bunehard; 3î,p Mrs. Win Il 2 ytarsai oldt.1 6 effirie. liprihe, pri., Mit y:olàilan.. crotche.t wur,3 u. u,,ihi 4sh, '[ra. Geirge Horer. .me. DottakiOurie; *1,l »Obert Willopke; BM, "i.; là, prige,_ MIa Kenuîutdy ;2d, Miss, Six ic Clase: -t, Mrs. J wiiliaxnc; Qd lsuîaêo Reid,. B'Iiey, Enirmiïlery,- 3 eirius; l..t prise, -Mnsa. R F Wliîe-,ide 3dJob»liead - -ljadColt. 4 ew.ri'io.. 1t pri1se, 4 Mis& Baiiey j %f M s Fisk., .Fancy Xiii Lotthoines umule ÙBreaul:l - -'. *Mia John Tc-,ou 11 J Back,; 3<1 A Mcquads. tii, 5 entiêliti p:ize, Mvs C B wlbini- Parkiliâoil i2iii4, mti-i »-/dq 1îxv llo er. TfGuhbrpd Cuti wjhh pedige< 1 *n- et - o; 21,Mn. W B ack Il. jiila'.sywn r a d e 'P 9eah fi i î y ; p i e M s J D S n ia r w o rk , ouei GaeC, 9 e ro. li prix5tSM5?je-2 eîtneî; lai ,prie, Miss Adam; 2d1, Mn8Jdgs f io, Cîn - JF Cunningt theral 2$. blethemîil; 3d.: T nriaitike. A Kennedy. *a e'kIeur rie Rtct Bri;U, MLoyul Fit ?atjyi otei ;n.iipisbis.M mau apDora, ftie, Berlin: i, -Mn' .Wiittm Taylm .Cipwlwl Hd a i e 'tophina. q lt F ,, e .l l 4e -l i1Rag D w , 4ra F ik ied J$V rk : lst, pM n. i W u T a ) lo r; 2 . , i. I Yak.of iln. 2enirues. lstW Tee ad.ia .~A EBuwes., Paiwy Kxitiîîg: Ici, Mre George 1:2d, W ~ icgi.~uiy apt i~Batrnan ;2iImr< , 4 Bo tu Ape - 2 yeara «14 Grude Ijoielr. *3 sotnie,lit DlaaTo4rFuc agMa Iîes ii.M< ~iaefoea. -Er- pris., S, Memh.udl -.1,d J Gibb. *< Can~~îgr abùdn: sMsI<~1IIo;2J robars -4Native -ieifer Iemrv. lot Y r yeau oldButet. apl é ýQCib le-t'lesîry ere . iVxlqweiý st c, Mrs E prie-,S Mtiiral. -1 ,i ABue>a Qui, 'i4s Bteman' rMs Yearlir,~ Metls.mll. F leowëtie,prie, baNrsBail; Kne e uiDaig;li iiJtnRie.Tt Bull Cl!. Shirt, prize, Mms Blakwell; Woulets all Hg;Iilr4EA ùe.S'ihkCushiôn; - 'S.u Th> Iîi1 P Risg, prise,,Mis blacku'il j Couking-Sture,liMEABgs lit p ixe 4t" itN Àbr* reailiof Feathers; am ai, Cise"îC, Me*tr. ý . lte à D rown., recoamsutedW; Case Faney lit, MiesLloyd.- Sn, Grd Cltol. 2earuan15 lO <! G001114J FQUMnOu, eatMendIit; Fealiter, z.5, S Keherai. -Flôwer'. Mm- Hiokiion, prise; 'HuneyMmsWVT - IHEEP .AND élus. WiVhiesiide,. prise ; Tub Butter, Prize, MMs Bu.hel -Apple&; lait, Mr* Robert Dixoul Uéi Jmsgss.-Abrmu Kentedy, W Beytetan d A:enneédy; pair Bots. prisme, A MeQ"a I "dMi rrg ooe. 2 lb. Grpes; lido G..ge s.nsy. ~ llardSoap, luCONa.Sd, I4 c(ie% x~ is. John piimaia. - use. t Sww benj lu lubeA' ? a à, lm.- wool. 6 entrie.Ib ne fSpeizi. JfHiwdoi d à.. Èidèn .»Iiar&, 1Jr; .MI., -amb, kaii"MILsa1. «ikuherali. - 'V"sisty va.heId ., .VCN 00*. 1W eVqS îal '&É wag .rTolrhe- YSerln w. on ~I crodutab4 somue, iii ie p,tcmnua.port,2 E9,LF, belong nt nrie. etSkrt liiipriz, W hon; 2d, 3 H Hopî.;limDO~ #ven,-tolfab an imp Tenu o nsbe f '- W eSua - IeitlogWc e- tri. vs mmci bdoi'fop. yersrait»1.Ra ýjtambhit ve a.,Jr 2 entres Grt Shi v &a Ble e 1Mata k Cap * tsdac P o ! viite dr va no 0 t. la.ru . aiii;Sd Mhév.Soctu.Qlýeti crdiatl peifmindmele anft 1hii2. 9<1..e.ie rt nd thnool..4ertieol. Hsey S~ns~twr lami. woio 1. ws10fad adea t P ~riz. l.werWva as lis A.Iop%ït gaioeha001f, be of ihoir orend- w juae Hdti.2m :G o p4ajl Voit.) darn' tw olî provkmd by r ol. oi heNediier. Bolt.h* twoIbor i.jt io o egnaiderlotr: aBtr amks Oa, Acaii Tii.dm ofa vwts w Dtd y mc00I.,W îhy elwge btu. tSS a MaieuntySnds raine neACTOY COTTner E'.qProsdesîtof ti. Soioly auJ he ika uv ler 1 e r d foer estS-tc adCa danTWoIS Tii iSISItoa4 vrs roocd nt dly boar te ee I ear e rur long 14 p ' ize, & kitp F owers. ý'1 honaie.Se een tiDm adde D.Mc-G eguy 2,J i";3, lortku e Beieg n se Za',, x-W ade, Le>vr Su' verIme ar. e ntwlr ri e d 1 r-ze. Rlubita: Ea.mEbero athefiesi .wid'rIyta. avrt.) G pie, SlI P rofiét - ea Mney F Pour. Tii. ~rowded cla e or oouma ,J(air ~s-o n RtrInbA lisatKett.Lidi pr«iedaÎt a mre Cte odeti notce W. a - ,<I, I~~but itgu diar ot. ispie ' Lidasbty menti~f. él~. iaiatr.biA.- lciioa elayaseauM ;,i Stib; Z1,Weaî. 9 eu>rie. îglsDuMSi.r.pand grîcltra i i'o!ohe ofies ! Viea ce Présient. ve rize, W h:kwtll 2<, 4me Fr;el; k gre .i t e. Iee.JPopose atBlavkl BettI. ons. ooue p orx. StecieemàdnyD.Mugh- , ..Baey. Getes6 1 ize, ' J liges Robifd e, y,: lb W for e 1earl Ptpn-e?4. let Prhae 2nd4k. cPeron £oe. atprzi, AMcuaJc 2, asThîrîdhe 3e,àCrceî:îuBotsSlf.s 1 pue azýe IW&yeftr oui Ver -2Ca od . Ge. Ir;. Cïatliaêu. 3.t.Gbb -'olidri Maîýgoi . art-I. 8Bu Jh-r 1Pear 9'mal[ kand. 7 entrie .Thewdil P; oinl, t t: 1h11: y :n ne Ale càlioen i Eld Me. Bîaw111;1 * 2md rtix. Brui *aMai, uoFudvile-f W1865. ýSteq q Cim1 n Aribamil s ubt, C» Bà RI. wl ;2W Thur N* 34, S FoiES. iWîiaukge L lpr priai muiCot,1 lsî , nld, B.eFiie.4etrits. laid s iiZe, HWlakiiiOt!CSiie 1 .4,Dnc1wko 2dBa le -lt-eifer :lf,1. t. A MQ -ale '2<W, S P,lcerti. ý' yi-%tut' C t li.C Bruîai ;Qd l Mcte effiit, Htlàjo asleilMmutgé Con;. 4Weait .es.uttie.A Dil i;! Kug ;3dgeulrituralj. , h amo puse eau ofhet, cieWorkiuîg Oxen.Prime, _w Scd. enlrdiJes la pri, IcT "t Benjamin Joàsmson, Manpoaa amesîiaBlakweîl (ieeiîay> IJkg~Wn hraie rwat a p- 2dp.ela ba,11 iiiCro s us Bie eale. ieîîri. I si pse, A Wuh u Ný-Rb ia iff-k, Dseule an Miti me GCu',Iirden larnb. 44B D&u IIt .kelo ; <1, W B Skwai'u ; 3. .Jien"' C-i Ei,. t2: i Mare w it a l ysti. s i ilo, r geampol*, Rile. Buhe *G,;, brg acC..enw g. itmuîg ml 1-co Siâ a irre C hi -prizu Spriùg ~ ~ As PrimelA .Iurnsp'. 6 IJs-Thrpud.,M2ik JTeai[k ;3d ru.I~.î.~I FS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1( Macl MEdenAgl. 2wae an.i anea . uue iiral, P-1. t4. 1w- elae 2umdI riüx e Sp.à ig W er it, . yeftar old 3dJGehn Calvei t -v; 210:. tLe e' u L,u:î Ie.eZ1,Jùanu lloifý.r-tlit ai z Joaac'%y 2y T Zau, Joh CS it, M ripaaprie, puti ili; i G al e s ' M,, t . rstii: le ii . ; l,JPrii Alen »on ; ,iEliS t; i prme BrkmQd sa Lm,3ddo di îrail; 2.1iJaune' Faof1I1866«. l gaeuse: I W, Bail Agc Ew*, ai heaiixg wes 2ni. o, atr.s.. 4 eîtrites. isci prise, GoW- S 'itthri ,d Jo4 iudk% k-id u AribiE'amb 2îddu Clvî; <1 CKînwsu y 1 ltt Prme u ilCloit, ?.. Diotiklà, w 1do, Bu4il lstix (>. 4 ettie. 11lai pise, Spi. U'i Hr *tt- r ea::1,4, DS a'n«Jai kuereîî JOhn .aLdec2 e, ie Avaamesiiilis 2<1, ob:sia Cen. 2aid l.uneF Mel2e1- 2 Pn-er McH Calf, su4oie, /don eorg a lée; W, JaM et lie »Il. ugsMctfhoidkWnBvîn Id aipizuHriyl2i 2ya o. ot.6ma it BCri. 43etoîr ie. iPrimLe, J Dat,00 Ki.Ilf 3id Uobetr: OIx . rrés Sîtou, 2:a:l C H i.e2ad Bea. . -auîgm Wui-tez. 4 eties hi pr7d , 2p4, JaUne y a iai kCuit; it,rJ ; 3 a m Wî 2 w of Nk,2:a sîuel c iiSetBd Jul ilàwmei 2,l rge Cnivei %%. Y e t-; 3Ram h-t, aDnalr; . Ag.tIlun lut -ika, I s eti So' a 2 6ui lu.tr. 2 euaîie. .lat Praze, 1 Jh x .,Btoaau.. -m C- d hiprizo Patufei, Qu i eduiCarniîs, Ellis; 2<iîcreti iCi.*i Pc:o iieE es -î,SNitaa laI Be Stealatig Radiprn , à i Co , lt t 4rlbato gele. 5 enirize . Ici ri 21,Jm louîe 1 e1e ne Mie.C w, CRù am.Balkve!t; 2d, JWunS arre ;là, eauut rfrf lau:îag iis. I 2.J M rk CIM rt IiDruh Haia aad hi: .-ey 4 eiris Siji.t;qîd ie îawrelu ;3îd1,!a tip r.iark GereCmpelr.1« uize.' Knwlon Qi6Jaes iii.Pnu tleE'eLxî.-itV Fol t Piz >rit* Rau bi. -ilie:îî . 1, - CulCVeil . 2S' JT a i; urd iit îi st.wSiti; tai .aîe'M 0<~-yl 4onlLJA konE/onPue, Mi:eri - -,wi Qnd pris- Fac dCaîhruîz, Ad t er l 12 ,wn h i itre Caerî' 1JU5:oVl1in -auo Ike, J Die i,*e pii lt$a,,id Ptao6 ohn tal a'.. I.rut s et .tïey tl. *> - Ja e dask.lna ShAlt1yriaîi R i,2d g 12 , ud yar P e oV Thored e ( its2oaa r * Ate bet Ba,"g red lit~e JohnC i C 2S m er i ithriBuljaCaif. M -l NU; CaTL ri.S Charlea Crnpbe12, horari . nredarou',.a, e bre!r:ie-t> Lo9 Spe.i i stndpizPexc Bu tr u 'sa &w uu4îr i elr ugei- GbR9 Mon G. T3uau. Aei r. Ba.siu: rSe tere1~ linÀ ~~~~~~~~~~b .DUdnÛ/SdËwal , i Harmuw. 2 elîtaa. i aze , aam onuurLse>cr mi :e 4 11 -etJUmes .tewsrt, iIudile .LLbe .aguî >sr t pie i3cd ov ra red:hJD aa ge * e-àti leS ane //ii.ET/gara/i - Hodu, '12 4 entrites. 16i Pize : I.A~ O prise irli let prez, seu , n oMn J Fwoee EmI.iri posa alr 1utî antes Farell*Jugs, JCMical f JB .e, -- Thiora. Iprie BPll C, 2 d 1Byar, iSw.L DE' EArezeT. Bushc il brtîe ix.-t Jri. » 1e:; IVi£Aron, Zl arîoe. - El" p ize Ju d j James K iîolisT cfetardj5 2îd kA ami ai Joi-str:ns ii. WMa i L uior- Joh Roer on- Edo -e, rd g 'eEcr. .hààiel WAppi 4 etî.ie; la prie e;Q ,J.hrWce;31(1, %JV 1Cu Il 2adprmeShits 2d aieti I . e 1? s her;i îk: ,, N Iha l TI a 1 xm. Peter3 IcAlp tineE/don-laxi Bro.dMare .iý.at1v ; 2, Tlorg l e i. .ck10mai5, ' linT,îîmatium-n1.141, a.on s,% 117 l MeandrM, t "lindAd. E/do-31,,lise ý 6 Crie; is e, S Foie1ër;1ill ai i iam;1(t, Lle Iciortii . iar ~ Be* er oidCuit, 3l ii khCw oiut - BakeI 3 ucue rp , es.îa; ;3dJhnVilaS as. - Dusacan poutîd~~~~4 abb's.te 6 8 ntrie" . -istprie.ames ffîi.uïrw .Jdl. atei Sartîi ld orsde.n, 18 con P, n; ieîJa s Tiirudike d ia; Bate ui êî4 i V iî:.R:> 2usd ohn vK y Maipoaard pareisej l b JH opiît. 6 of tI< iies,6cs u<,S i-e 'Eresl. tSMAieil <ber~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Druguît Ilosua. - - .riesslt rie.I ti; tDo pCrîize;, ýi t,.<~Fa~,Ii -M~e& olta yer ~ clt.Rin:ide B cail14 Cotir, ; lai pBue.-1Idal amese Tito ,.w ruaA avr; CoinAlCoag M rP C-r pie i vert ; 2, .Jh PaliksFril.n PeWBlc- u li he elaPoatues: 1.wtA -1t. s ,r me 4 h JtoreC ibri yS:c laî:e, -kn Lac/dm. cDimald,£ldnn-2ud pri 4 ib -5 ads 1"ulà'CIat. -8 ýe.triea - hi ua, ;.gH.oe;3.MTInfk Jas Mdc itou, Iis I 4Ar i 2lr udBulpie ii . .! <, J ae Iiý. p: f 6Gse:Cr î. c.SM ie l u h a l ii'uiit- ltBrugtaube iipk e ia tende u.re: - wg l..r Bu' er ; . %rI1 W, et, u Vaa. 2IduPel.! - j4cairote, laiprutlerDo, <ur.e. 1 4. :Al.iî i i0¾ çiaze J , raoua- î an. ~ Alias <'glerine Cwrri-Fanry Rng 5 Ke:irid.î '>..iseatalieiF!a Yîg.i.. enry 2 0 J.t:. aî - ;ii oi: e - C arles- tieampbtell, E H.:at ; i, -13R1- - 6 1-sot e t , But 'l'los SMaar Mies Elizabeth Camerois-lst pris. Hair - îssî. 1G puarForibR em raba 'e s hoie. ; Pu pkîî-lat Sau QMi1, Sai, 2laia 'Billr, 'f Kerripi it2<1. , 1 yCa..ij uIuam. Q Citro:lî, siV 1r e :-ay 21 Rt,, ul Fimadi. o.wdela ,lr tr.; I-ew. TlIpD-s.1eiý. rm . lieil.ýiopr oiiC l's Mie l cavsl-ic pis aîr o- UI harrt, 3 . 2e11Itîé!a : hi .prie, Ii 1> 1411 2 10<1 unea< ta i, e.rg ýe Ba i e, Var 'n.ruîig.aio Donald 6Conne. (Aaiposae shdrt, ixecitee e, &M l W;n!èse u. awQsî *2,- ad fuirn fuate good. H.'e i chhabd Kt a tac anert spoke. a-i- an te baiile et aivMoQoo la pejlai of tia eomequ en" *frons- eIiima re ý m. Thse. van h ul as mach, streughi- eau as Wamonarchi- aeed 1y Mr. Wcebb, msced a& the' nez t of Great Beitîin- d W'ligiuus liberty justice. Bufflceslu oila of h"a liaaaed aying a marked tri- e Club, folloced ty- li>lbe, tissu proposed. sentiment with a tee .1 ç