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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Oct 1865, p. 3

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é *.-.~.*---.. -r-- ta' ltm I bé fouuâed ~ X I II@ COUkTY 0 0 OPI, g~~1 . ~rd re-d A.cres! NAS. FA -155 -31S-lY %m à# sthe, " KELLOO *AAM veynv*lnsk ppenit vth good buMP90g. ir .À -0m,. 22nd, gir7eé- Ld4 320 teéarticles W TI~ t HSS ms e To Just reecîved;afiàeslce uokc Gold & Silver-.Watohe. tai notices. Nëxt we tise Prise Mosgfrmin -,Mr. Glutn en fyester rket barumsg been dvis and sd of No my teu tôcku laid. is, and whist is stilIlibar strl[Ippe ldsrtiaga . Thet and £ýi)ou tbs vii hfouyl' aussort.td. Tise té'oiest.F ant y ontbaud. >Tbeir barc lm 100 A- jlo à.tgl ao. upturitlana, UU tUL4 wes wvil, mn's GolIdCisata eonand J.W . W t ~ N S - TorQnto, October Il.. 303 rfor ths of tie T14E OCTOBER ýNUJMBEË mod, linw u Shawl, IURCRXÂN'S "FAMILtY AGAZINR. ýoelties "Malntala tise reputation t vis ie aled.1* i daya. ils introdw4*o-ie te se umany Olritias hob.mcs, 1 1-1whee t hca"ipt fail te aci U a -mentor, sud tu -ly a-exerta influenucefor gond nolt te* liightly eus. 0w) as cfDry Number XXXIV., frOtb! ouatm:- 'est pe- CHRIST CURCII DAYS: AN OiuroaufSTOXY. ii very - Chaier IX.-Te"tau. ix r su d a .- 7- Pamà n îd y ThySONNET-MY STUIDY. 11$.tise Rev'. Richard enanPATIoNALISM ,dAeD REEAI B Y wder to the Rev. Areher Guruey, Parie. TIIE GJURCHES -OF ST.. PE-TERSBURlG. e-rsup By James F.Oubb. id !C"y O0rR : GOU OELSSMR. AND FamiTy MISS SEWELL. ý ý- .-ý rmsarse IEST FQR TIKEý AtY.- By-A. Il. Gran~it, *M.A (With aiî.ilùsttati6n.) ý TUIE EAST LONDON POXIR.ý By Â. IL. Craig, M. .. worthy MOTHEWtS DARLING_ îowi- A Po P U 1,A H ISTUýRY Of, THtR ENGLTSH »> tle BIBLE. Cha.pr X.l.thwaBil. tÏae IW(>tTIDN'TMN-ARRY A ÇVRAT1@3?' -1 1 EFhi. Brisn x :Noua iLLÀN'Lire *la * ~ - ire Chapters. ýarivari - . n-Sssa h egbus 4 ftheir ~ .Rumig Thr Il TE TEV OCATIfiN 01t'THÉ, &Â'1T T F, " W&t N NA NTES. Aa ls!iit'iSrID'.l id )u5t Two Parts. Pa rt 1L. ylt, 1s er . W.' 'ut fosr Irons, Di). srty in in to ar .4) get i hft in, viai.5d1 itck'.w Comméercil. J.IÇrS A Y MARKETS. Tburîday Ociber20, 1% Wheet.............. $1 '30 to-$1 g W sea ............... 1 05- 1 13 ,prbsh .............020 05 e, per bsh...........eQu0 0 o ,es, periussl........ O0 d O 0 t>, lier.bitahi............10 o> 0 *58 <ey, per ton............ 600 6 50' 'eprton........... I... 550<Ëo00 rper brI............. 5 00 5 50 li-Butier, perib ..... .... 0 195"0 20 *iief".-............. ...0 t) ' 0 pet W toIbs. . . ......4 50 ~.( 0 per lb .....*1»".... %O 00 0 14 )w,per lb.... 0ê«8 0ooo ýwood, per cord......b 1 () 45 mec.........~.... 5"*s Ie1s; each ....... 01" '150 3, per 100 ibs... ........50" uJ ON SALE AT il YI.s .f Qctober izext. te à~ J, F, )Y, giron tht authlie.e: MUicuipalcupeil ort Ie 0F MARII"OSAI, If st receive a vey aorwi .- vieme meen lus snd fçom al ls readers. .... .Ita literature s or c an .instructive, hesiltl> hay Éracter, particu- Iarly fiting it'for iiswiiy peruisftl.'ý-Cambridge 1LONDOX;: JàA«s Hoce & Boxa.' TORaNTO, 1W. C. CIîîavuvr k Ce. M0NTiLEAl:.DAwsou BROTHIC9S7 alid .111Boukselers. NOTICE To Sehoý.elTcachiers. Tim SE MI-AN XUA L EXAMINATtON 0F TEACHERS.l for the Linday, istict, wfli be hld (N)as IPOR Ist CLA$$ CECRTIICATEs: TIwrsdayithe, 2lst Decemberi FoR -2nd & 3rd 'CLÀASSâtlrTiFCàTr6s * Yriday, 22rtd Dcember&. ThecExaninatic vililie -heldi iftimoscbol IHeusé, sud ne candidates viii b. admited afler, 1.2 o'clock. JH IAS .. Oclber.1 îli Cai nau fbad LindsayOtà>.'t, 1RG5. 320 -IUST RECFIV ED 50 pieces DWfar1< PR I N "t froua bd. ltu Iu. M. per yard, ai UE ROBERTI rý [ ltS i. Kenr SIreet. JUS T received 4ut tie ei cal Hail a frer supply Ur OX,îsl Ou At 45 ceitta per galon. W.J. THIiRKELL. Lindsay>kSpt. 2%,IS 3.1 -Gmn L A RG E LOT1r y and -wbuie ABLANKErsh fôrisà1e cheap.utý ROBRRT sPIER?' Kt'nî Street. 13Y M EŽN~< Pi'10cns CYAe<p iI.kanSia ttioi wy. Jaeou Kent Street, LiiidMyb M sCellamolus orders cars fully executed On 'î~îdeme trniA &new. stock Ad ioîapote4 ianglish Hardware ln a few dut&.', A f.w-gôoodcanaàrgwn Ietter.(post-paid) 10 flookkller, Ott. s-h, 1865. Lindsay, flOUSEKE'e.PFRS wôuld. find thpe F.acIoqy, wieSiln check do.,)ao. ROBERT SPIER'IS, xent-Stree't. EMAINI.NVU ht I4L? aofce ~TAPLK "M or-9 m lu am- b r Dow kgsa for ail aim bfila. N.* toe forSmei I. Our qst Quese bila ow te ul~t bats o CI-rc DDINbis W*l lise ofod puied asumihbmne bims %4" le*"atuaul 41b u b a - *(i ctfda amuil.l vigour te our - imaaiinevu, promoes qqg4,ordrs, lu, ntment and W.Uiw c m-bouutilhhmrvct v ipis Divine Pr9vim ol Wvatis0 gm&prim Io Zb. d for aU kinds of Gri, lai tbe *absice tam M cç.plon oe!*bis.argation cf ipoociiy 1%ty,, ad la or&i t# racet ois a contingesc crdi Mucsd hen"xorward te use Y IOKLY or lu cqul#man; uposi wiich termil r r te f y'A-d- '- 'f Yiclor' a Ready-i-ade CI tluinîs Scot fJh and ( anaudiagi-weeds, h<p Fresh verv %Muntin ba dbmasouaim p* .tiati eertloùln Ub* frintecaSUa wûlumMy Own) will b. doly appreciate4, and liai tley wlm tsi use le lnuinutoMasud uphOMiiiuaY ewýt. ecirocit btT 'eeo 1toW i.l Tf) AELITHO&E ww> are iude 1e0 ome fçr ! b. poitand proce4iinye9 , oe i3 say PLJE4&E P.&I, UP, and gave me the trouble,&àd yommrses tic aUnOyAscc of lee~ pro.:. ceeding. And t akntlsem.tor pou farours 1 remain tlefr b%çUent&een'aat, FOOT, 0F KENT STRPEI, £1Nfl.IY. PS-As msigIml have been ixp6rted thse Dunkin Act bau timulated the nzanu&ctmre and 4ai t6 Lh indsay Aie and Be& Ml Oarl rec.ived At the, gtore viii be pror*spt1j attended to. Lindsay, 2uth-Oetober, 1865.[3] .L The. Subscriber deisires o : cati the attention of, FARMIERS, MJACKSMIHS,. CARRIAG1EV &WAGGONAJAKERS, CARPENTERS, BUHJ-DERS1, CABINET -MARERS -510E. MÂKERSI, MILL OWNERS .LNi» ýLUMBERMEýN ta bis astock of HARDWARE which he hab openedout in C 'etillsold tan.,Ke 9' lok and which h.offlers at ,educed kates te cash purchasers. Pguts, MISColours, Glass, -&c..alwayis. en hand., Lltldgày, 22th October, 1865. Insolvent &ot -of 1884, PROVINCE OF CMIADý -CO1JNTY OF VICTORIA.. Inl the Co0un- IY Court uf t Covnfy of Victo)ria, inIeMalter of John Orseme asaiJ'oseph B reease, ha*otessta. NOTICE là hereby g-en thb.i on FRIDAYi the TWEYTY-SECONDD.Y et DEC BM-i BER, A.». 18655, at 10 cfthue C!ookiulte fore- nac, or. ab suen as Corintel cia be heard.l the undersigned viii àpply te bise Jsîdge of ic said Court -fui a Dischre uder lite sait!AAt. JOJIN BR"EE. residing ln thie Township ef Mariposn, il tihe GouDnî , f tictoria.1 V..5. Solicitor for Insolveuts., Dated, I3th day of 0tber, AD, 1805. 3We A COMPLFETE 'Assoriment of Ribns, Flowers, Feathers and Ttiîn îngsat ROBERT SP-FR.'bS, Kent Street. Insolveiit Act .cf 1864. r IRE Creditors of thse nndersigned are tiotified i ete mttu the L.aw.Office: of iMesgrs. Mac. kay -& {e in »tthse Town of Lindsay,: in the Cof nty o'$itehon taturflay, tlîe2811i day of McobtiS6' ,a L tite hour of .Eleven o'éIock:in the forenoon,' for lie ièpose of rteuiving state.- ment,* of lus etffaira, nnd. of namig&nwsignee- to whom h-ie imiy.maké an a= gmetunder the àbove Acet. Dii ted ait lie To*iu of LindaayfitueCoit of Victoria, titis lth day otOc.têber1 AD). t865. residing in the. Township of rioa ini the Geuantyôf Victortia, Farmet. JAMES -Il EA P, L .;»sK v. soicit(W toi InËllvenit. 219ml2 T EAS, SIGARS and other -Gm->î reries to b. hati ai the 1l.owest pricee, ai ROBERT SPIER'S, J liE Office0 liegiBtmrrm -Ater ind re..epencdj tebec Oct. 3 ,18O&.. #Ib Sec rbtry, aber 2nd,.1865.. rkqaa Secretary andi at Quebec frein aud i the.' 251h instant. oicilSecretary. ~ ÀBAY MARE junped ocor 1a field hoîveen Bgisover Apd Mud Lake ,on the 4tb mast, Sisl about8 yuana Q14uap4i à",a iêrge scar on the hip. She va as stèn fuollowing a wuggcn, Norths of Argl.ufr- ale s te ber wbereabo!ats wi1l e tianùkftiliy recelied by Messr.aorÉe dianonMailla, Joln, Giiobriat, WoodviI1ë or Adam Grd, Manchester. WILLIAM GORDON,. Poirt Whitbv. Whbitbv. l10ths oct.,l. - a5 nlQ. IStI )3 »-1w will b. pamsed armicissel Dus Johaistola chas ---- Y ovn= tw rouv vide UComuek A lezx Mahar-Edývards i k ~, -r ai u re r et L t No, Cam upbell Heetor 11 eDousgalill* tothc allovance for nead ln Cunningham JLmean2Jobsà 3 ha ring bora surreyet and Dor>' A'tony --Patter»on Mise Mary ibave for salea aChoice Selection o!f P..S reens John 8Sterena Mary Auna. . , .Tovsiship Clerk. P ersons calling îur thé aboe. il! pease ask couîprising HYACINT1IS, TGLIPS, CROCU. -Iis l6Ush dAY OfOciober, for d*rùudletSeo, SES, &a.*hklc tlic'y ofeotat ven loir Dices. * 1 - - ,EOIGIaB, Llday, sep 5, 180 JO[JIN BUERTýRANM IXPORTANT ,41tTICE. TI "E Stibérber-begs lbave lé retura thanks lu bis many. frientis in lova andl country fuir past f voUir, nd liaving borne the weiglit , a rKlit busie fr nMue year:, huis coue ho. îtt csiuaItson teo en up a' Cash Traite, cOta- TIrE luT D.JL OF OCTOBER,1865, - výich wiii be closely adhored té, fer ai least Ove mzouths, ta enabie him te settleuphis âse- courits. *Ho would furthermore beg te inforni -hose parties whol ave been Indebtei le bita for from three te Oive years, that lie urge ntiy NEED8l> AN» MUST RAVE, lMONEY! and, as he bas lièlped thim long Ibroughithe pasthâi lirdtmes .by giylng. Niem al the credit they agtskd,*ho trusts- th*ey wii returu the com-, plimtent b>' payini up, now they aire in a posi- tion to do go, especiaily ai lie is really îîressed fer moue>', sud-as stated aboyve-nusît have it. JAMES WATSON, Lindas>' Sept. 27, 1865. 317-8 STEAMBOAT NOT-CE.ý Daily C6mmniMcation The new and taagnlticentstel.plated IJPPERC.ABIN gSTEAbiER,. mage Lces Nýonth, Shore ports for Chiarlotte, ever>' da xSîuiayè xcepted,) as folewot - COLBORNE ai 12-45i p.mn. PORT HOPE, uat 3.3o p.m. * IITUU ING.Leaes Carlttefor nortli Shr otevery moi ning,ÇSundatyc excepteti) at_ 8.30 cen the arrivai cf special train .trou :Rochester. Rasaeîîgers la, Giinada trOis,'ail points Eat, West sud Northi; b> Rail or Boal, coanec .t vith tis S5teamer at Por -t R1101 and Cobousrg, suMd - rive in Rochester io lime foe epress traiàs BAwl, West snd South. Pssetugersns lthe VUited Stateg;,-via Roches- têr,. couteet'by speîýia! traitis vitit Usis steaMer gI~ ~ ~~ ý haote âriigs- Port Hoe. fe swift and pleasant ride over Lake (Ontario, in t ime for apecial lrius te Lindia' itut! Pterbeîee end expeess. îraina,13ast and. West on the Grand Trinuk Railia', asud sucO, for Royal Mail Linse This sinift sud magniOicent steamaer lias beer~ eapetially fittet! up- for titis rôute, ils ai, theé modem appliancea sund lier saloon and staté- recuis are eleganti>' furniîsbed . -TiseTable a nt! Baralwiys 5upp1iz wà tit i -ery bes. Fsre.--$2 ~;D k,200 Oat risk eZ owacrs, unleas booket! sud .sd Or. r ful'O.her information apply te the ÎCaptain Kingafon, Oct,, i8~5 Katon.- LiS3T OF LETTERS the L:.ow ot fie BrbvnSam~sèi Ied "htes Bticley Timotity' Liiàd-ýay Wnx Clark Ana . Leneh au Patrick Clark Robert Lee R Daniel colear WrnMaab>'Sm Dolton Aldfred Morrison James Fe. Wm HIMeGueJames GloI'Jar*s bMeGinues Wut. Grahams T Il MePtierson Mrs: Agne -all Josephi 0'Connell Iiidget -lleslin-mch«I.l Rberts Wtt, Hiekey AirsJuta eott Jitms A Jewt-llThois Skuse Richard JacsonMrslilzabti Stout Sanuci1 Keefe (.athe'rirue Timnnirusan Hellen Turbo>' Juý Tt&îuy ou. / a... I4gAm1OVP4ce- wk tANA*A, wLLItN ,tON ST. OPON TO. ¼*~~D ,J1GXILIFE AsSUAC OP ru«c bise Act Of 1arhiat aîPsAsd t* w $ai so; an euspoweed flsbu te applicants, bu*oi.! -Mkeicdaiat aiêtheir death fur IlW dIikk ~hLis. Aa-radeCen to oflèr naànlas) uclities for this dc- '4 dvayhiusIé pcin U sntas sa d at any of lis ~~ oa"asmcsUCaa JILLYARD CAMRON, Cbairma. DAVID HIGGINS, Secrta . - CAMERON & ORDE,4olicitors,&. -Ag"h ts iLn.y (319) I86i al ANI»R OO}ý !V~ Tii'. CHEAPEST Grey Cotilns Tii.- CHEAPEST Shirtings,(heaY) The CUEAPEST WinceYs, (Scotch The CHEAEsT Cobours The CHEAPEST ShaWisnewatyle *Thé'CHEAPESTWooJjens,(ancy) The CHIEAPEST Bianketf~ The- !UEAPEST ?its H Q-ie. -ARE TO,.BE.,HAI ONLY Trhe CHEAPEST'r. lannels, ail colors The CHEAPEST Mantles, keCJiEAPEST Fars 'he CHE-APEST Hoery, Ille CHEAPEST Ribbons, The CHEAPEST-Capâ and Hats, The CHEAPEST Ready-rnade [Clothing, The- CHEAPEST ,Groceries À%6 WW H M lnIc 'S6llv, ]M. nt Stre-tI Fit -and, Wiuit (oed! T HE ýSnbsriber begs. to inform bhis friendsand the public genceral ]y, that .lie bas just received one of-the mst fashioriable stock.of FaIl Aýnd WiDterGoo)dà ever im-» potedo Lintdsay. The Tailoring Department, has been fitted with the greatest care; and as rtrc bau secured tlie services of first-class workmuen, hée flattera bilnseif that beiecan suit the tastes of &IIlwh inay favour him with their patronage. The finest BEAIVER, PILOT AND WHITNEYS on hand, also a few piecès -of firs-c-7laess B ROADCLOTIIS, CýASSIMNERES,.DOESKINS for Dress Suits, &c. For Fauty Tweed,Silk Mixtures, Doeskins, BedfbrdI Cort], there is *no fanry <iôthing establîsh- ment in'Canada that ba better goode.. 0f Canadian Twreeds he lias an 'immiense stock, and as lhey areveIli known for durability and finish, lie feuis cffid(lnt that thiere will lfie a great de- niand"for theni.' Homne-made Flanne1h and FîtIICloth of bis owvin make alwftyz- on biaud;' Fancv Flauneis of ail descriptions m.r~r cheftp, and a gond assortment of Stale Goods,.such as Sirt- ings, Tickinga, Lineins, &c.. Xow on hand over 300 ndecoat ..foin 4 Oto $1 (0 God Cnadin Teed u 1t ~0 (0to 15(06 500 pair Pan ts........ frdm 2 (>0 to 6 50 3000 Shirts and Drawers from 1I 00 to «I 00> 4«Q0Iesta.......from 00 ta 3 5C Ile.bas also-over 4,900 paper Coliars (si7ws tfom. 121, to 1G4) andean immense a3sortnîent (if Cloth and Xid GlrIèes, fitts, Socks, HIa Is, Caps, Braces, HIandkerchiofs, &c; in fact] he has on haud.over $10,000 svor h of superior.goods, aud is bound to seil themu cheap. gl* Any garmeat m&-de te order and a good fit warranted. A d~A W ~ u~ .117 Linidsay, Sptemube; 29th, I qC5 Lindsay Furniture War'ebûse NIMENSH STOI1 'ND. LOW Pa FIReS The subscriber offers to the publie of I ictoria Couni'. the I 'rgest as srt.ment of Parl our, Dining and lIed Roemn Furniture, in various styles, ever brouglit ito.Li idsay Partscilar attention is la'. ted to, bis WA14NUT SOFAS IN flAIR CLOTH', " CHAIRS " L SIDE-BOARDS & iing Tables, " CORINER WIIATNOTS, " BUREAUS, PA&RLOROIXING h KITCHBN CHfAIRS, CANE BOTTOM CHIAIR, WOOD SEAT l ROCK1NG i WASJI STANDS- S'OFA, COTTAGE & COMMON BEDSTEAIIS DRBS$ING. TABLES, &c. Ac. Alorders carefully attended te. fZ-Caffins of all sizér k-ept conàlantl>' in stock. ~-Picturea FrameiL Zt A Cali lrom iuiending purchasers sclewiiei.. - kemmnb.-ANONINGTHE EN'GLISII CfluRCH, KENTI'STREET. 317 ' DOBO1' &NIBLOCK, GENÈRAL GROCERIES,- TEAS,. TOBACCOS, -COFFEES, SUGAR WINES, BRANDIES, US L O AND HOLLAND GINS, CH-IPPEWA MIALT,, OLD UVE, AND' COMMION WHISKIES, &c. &. Thesuserbes ae etemied s e-rîtore to supply a want long fîtiin this Town, by keeping constaun-ly on haid lte 'neat brands of Imi>orted .Wines a na! Liquors, Aies sud Porte ,al of which vili b. Bold at Lws o~bePi~ o ah LincdsaLy, May4i& 85 DOBSN &~NIBLOCK. 296-tfl NEW FÂNCY GoODS! At GEFMS Xeenans.Blockt' Jus, Releved a large quaniity- ef aew style Parea Halls &c.. a1lof which yl ho sol LeigGlajsse, Looking Glass Plate 4thI les IILO R EN'.19CA E inli4h Ghie, Walki'ng Sticks, Canes, viii finI the bout Tobaceos in great vrniet bru na asd Cigae -Cases ila err>'stylo. U-2 FINE CUT CHEWING TORACCO. Ladici viient! avàriedstock cf Pet-dt Weddîug Rings, ud Fan c>' Cîtler>'; Dressh A Large vusney " CliMuildn .Violine. Vieliu Stringsand Bowa. 6:1:)» Samping. to br4e,. Loindsay,4th Àri 2nd Door V Pt-nosonncalling for the a&beve vil peu s for tiddr.rtised 1letters., -~.- - p ~ ~ T.ÎR.:-Alt, ±'.X. * Frompersons ii 315-ly. Agent, Lindsur. The &îihseriber desires tu inform'thbi csoma of theiate firm of Ke1~ &LOv, as welI as the general liubIir that lie is nov UJAG 1 Wn' carrying on the lHa r.ess ani ddir ui soll>op his wn asscun,5 ii the old stanld a4- Ut aÂe te  " .joinînig the -store tif R mB !ichei et co. NIVilliant Street, Lindsay, viiere lie wîll e glaÀ to have. a visit froin Oeryoiîe lin WR uit ef any- ee W'all -Pape>r, uilable for Diniitg ReaB Roomus, thing ilu his-line. Id a t a smali advance on ceaI; Paper Wiadow Bliuds, Working ciôsuly al; the -teinesa lituseif, mol B Pi6lureFrames and Mantde Onameuts. -empioy'ikg ànoue bl Itnieiencet workiten, and buyiug bis inuterial for cash, l 5i14e iîiared 'te 13-S A N D C A. R JR 1I A G E S offer the folloring price-liiztfor tie cusidera. he. lion of inteuding îîirchasera: Good hbear>' Mort-Tug . làarnessu-vif h Abdan hear>' Hamea ......... .......if c WE, £E~~ V~ M. Loug-Tug -do -, do d4do 206 ; Ppe frnt aosd upvards; Cigare efthtie best Hc art ............oo Set Of 1tgitî single larhu, vils riuised traces, round lines, sukd bip-strap, SPLENDID QUYALITY WlUITE WINE VINEGAR. and -fane>' Brisile*. . . .ac -A. good serviceable double set cf, oia rat- le, Bru.ida, Tattig CeoaBetnilu Wools, Jevellerv, fns siil o ujvo ih ing Combe; 1loilet Sua N Perfuuery and liair oit. Wes, (silhue r andugy rhig round lhues saddfane>'Bride.. 06 And everything likproportion. Repaining executet! neatlY, prouiptY 61 * tbeapiv. Il estoz tUeJewet Huu s. Br~~ Lushs uircinglel, Brklles, laitus Iviet th J.e ,ettH ous .- dushe ramba, . e._, hept constatl>' om - hla nisandi sold very cbeap. Aillkinds e! Carniage and OCuttrr Tnimming donc aItishe lovest priees. y jA caii is respectfuîly aoliolbed. 1 JAMMS LOVELL. ýndebtedoth <bsclce. ~Lnfy euue-2,14 "Ot b lier fnue exaîii thse Ladies om ... lé, 11 T B'Stibscriber wi!l asoon 1>. ln rec.eipt or i$ F&ii Stock of Drugs, Cliemicals, Patent Meicimie2f;Dye Stt)ffSt. PerfumerySchooi Book,. Stationery. CoRIl Ou,' Lampa, Chimneys, &c., vhich, viii mnaire ion. ca the Most complete stocks in the couint>. A éoud sassortosent of novr Qu bauad, which wiii b., sold 1ev for cashsý COAL O0W IN. CARDEN. The probabiitv of Oit- being fouant i hp quantitiea ila Carden, the aubserîber is Dow seiling a >gond article- of 011 at 47 Ceunts îxr rgalion.- Parties requiring 01 iii ficd it to thoir advantage to boy ait»e Medical lhalll au they wiIl at ai limes save frein 3 te 5 cents per gallon.. A freali supply of Sozodout, Flori da Water aN r'S. Allen ."sIlair Preparation, a certain prever titlire of hair ccining out, ét4 luces ingte rowth of new tiair! A good supply f the celebrated ack-nnwledg4ed so bu a moet exc.ellent mnedicine folr Liver CoYniplaint, 1IudîgessîonQyses Heartbturn, &cC ire il A triai. Counirp MercMntis supplied twiik Drup -and, Patent Medièiyieoat Toron*o pices. Pedlars suppliedth iliMedicinea, Zotences, &c., ai a smaill advance above'colit. .4 w<ord of adeice. là the Furrnicri of the ceuni y rofVictoria: llefore îîurcliasiig ypure Dye:stufis,. caîl a nd ex- amine the:quiidity and, prices at the, Medicâl Hall. Receipts for colouring giron gratiis. Reraeniber the pte Médical Hall, Kent St., Lindsay. W J.,'IIRKELL. ýLiudsar, Sept- 22, W~5. 36O Long rayi J'»e.e FRESH ATT RAË'.%&ONB TU 0UR NOB1,E BANNER., ITT iâz stil the deterniinaîion of the ,sibscriber S to again rsviiît the "Fatlier L.and,* a A in view of the si'me. lie w isiîs to-itI ll (and l3 bound tu do et>> the- underîineti,iîeâd litiirable prolierty, sitîiatedon tine of the Înozt j.casant streets in Litsa v, viz: t)né tw(y 'ory 1Brick and -one Frame Houas standing~ on oiiu Lot, and one large two Stsry Fraîne Iltase ôn :L lot a djolinîng, ail' ll fmiiish- e d .ltl1nl sîhgOllvarl at euv e onrniod.1 lin. AI.o, tIat luo st #'ry Franie sent.b .1himuseif, îiirectly-op.iulrw> ok KÈent Stret. a fgodgrlietandi ha r atiletd, with eve,Év 'coruvemnî-e tor s -a m~ni!. The buyîrer ig guar.inièttti ai cvii nî.ig-i t bn(e of 1t; pur cent oi t he capital i*iivèýtu! aL Jtls a renî,imeration of ai leatst 9,Y --,, 1,ep--it. jthereafter, per ye.,r, For ternis anî fiirtiter il- IformsationaîîIyo the. subscriber., . . EX1-1 or iý A. IiU.DSPETII. &!icitor. Ive ha ve still remainine (ouh and fromn goodu sold at Cost, a few articles cf GlasswarÉ, C ut- lory, Lamîîsnaid(Globes, okg-lsv,&. whieh will Lie sold ï7crY cheap. Just rec *vod a lot of on Cl)and Suve- Watchps. ecouîplrisi.ng best Emalgliî-iPatent lv ers, tinîtiug antd olep-case îdo. Detaelei ('Y- linder do. do., I)l tjlx Escaponient andLale Gold wittchs,.a.»-+s iie 'tsortment of gold silver andi plateil F«ObhC 'iains,. Hooks;aund ecys, Gold Ear-1!)roits'anti Rings, and C('iokstifeveri description and prire toit iiîrchas;ers. Aise, splenditI.Sa tin Rîoiîîl'aller ati window Shis, Gilt Velvet nords fotr iii siy fuènish;Iing a sit- trmg rooin, in (cudâi ss variciv. jkist Imiîsîrsed di- rect-front-New Yourk. Ilest COAL olL lat prires deftiing coînetition. Until fiîrther notice thée subscriber wyul con- tinue lu carry, uvi tie 'Wamciînîkig business as heretoforer te whicth lie bas added the beau- tiful art of Engraving. I;nscriptions ut>on X, HOLTORIFO

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