3 ai a TWae- Kilt. Iâm lb G.NbSmê* as prorisi.ta, su s wy AoapeulMI g rJI K i .in aa4etloiat!oi le-ris &m fk cèydO0i*lscou- *Whi i*a.sut. o he toansd the. om>li- l"iltary sthaamtgm 1 uêfie iekd oly to .sythttlhodianomorthanlr10duty. For 1!t h aspokl amd t.epublic hed a righîtA t.spe* te 1ihoroctggh performance cf ieuch or dcuty. The.show h. îhought vai the beuover bIhi Lidsy. fe s a <I-hi 'nmjo lh. ,ouec. of progvess makm9 by thefarmeote tiiCupty. Whenit *wuus e- 'beri u hdthat car bitvren a bd t. ptr- cfêôjued Il h=1 imes" it %vas cor-- tsuily 'rry creditabletea.utheti thmL thej Swee able to show auchtoWc. Houons-i. hi4ed toe uf thi elts1 c,.f iiirecont gen- ers! deproseka. Ma-ny fîr*.e weshh cf - the coounîy-were mortgraged fer heavy a- &m*uutms ad at high raies of intereat j andI peope .-oIrl c onr a teuàdeltire couftty 15tbowwith 2'ds= 0ooud iltheir- faces andt -wit4r carceltya a y of hipnl hei irheartà,, met tg-day lieth r.oioing and lreWpul. For thtey nov su their wayto rede.iug the Prpyupon viricl théy had Iive d*dfa- boie fr ears, wben a ebX agethey saw- STomaomwe* lete b. ubserveti as&s day of 'Thiakstgivig. This lalper and apppre- * ri&1e, f0t vo have great cause for iatuka- ti~1itn#. W. have had . peso. vithia our r-ri while Our neighbo6rs have béen cou- y'u cly tm i vil var; and tiisyeai', ed witii s bounuuful havest, end large prices for overythiad the farm pWodo. .Mr, Wocd 1OU cacluded s exceullent opeetl4cof which lcII tho ah.,. as but s Very imuerf'.t outhire>, anid by proposint Our i het at-Home. Mr..W Knevîsetaprepoeed Ouruait. esud Mr Eeynatouireàpouuded. ýhn Busineà.bef«ore Graàcd cat- q Jury. bl Nevr belor n lué tire hustocf this County 'ces-~ had a C rand Jury,se long an aray of weiglu- l otf nemal h ruhty idcrei requiring .tèrattenîtion, as any at.tho ast iaesizes; ansd neyer befure, per- ýhv lisps, did a Grand Jury dispatcht businîess than viith se ruuch eidera nd celcity. 1Below we give a c liès fteé-iudiatmente- reporled on by trustgm a in- 1 he (,rand Jury th.-ough theirForentari, 1. The. MeNeely, FKsq. - rn- -il McMulien, Larcery, Truc bill. Chas 1Iartley. obtaiing mouney under t alAs pre. amud texces-No bll. Pat isud DEenuiis MCritu- Ows, morin, Laceuy-T.ru- bill. Thoms Meagîrer, hian,} John flogan, Johin Meagitr Michael Jor- byPdan, Mi 1 rie Harnele John Wiu.n anJd M Oe-sAsî-nebil ely u te of 1Muethy,-Asi=tà,i-. eeyan pert- Saimuel Iliehqrdsoni, TUireny-Trnre- bill ed tu Thernas MeGill, Assaàlt-Tràe bill. Owoit. 'The O'Brian, James O'Bniau, Wmn O'Brian anc y bc ECI O'lhniaui, Mwider-N~o bill. Walter ctIft, Wilson, Porjury- No bill. Wm Aslhrman, h- Perjuy-No bl. IVi H Lughisir, Rape- e fTre bii.. mwi- Ten cases in zail! But Our realers will bue- noice trat 0111y five Irue blls.were foudi- zn Athe cliaracler of tIre evideucea broujirt before ow tIri, tIreGranti Jury àllow'tnw threm w flud bit- ýVork r en only hall the indiclmnénts.. ,te"t omantie Inicidenit pf a,- Niglit liuêîî jt~7 I - Oielitigi last wëeek, t-éireitiabitalnte cf- ust have given the Mwortlhy preîîy 1111e villitg e a a iuundrfed tuiles frori ailof troublte buire connulll2Lake Simeeoe,'.veitrown irîtu a stato o A~ fiirki.i ut buttcr-smowi l'y 1iîllellse extiteinent b' a nurnou 1r taI-a >*ouiqu yvs highly recorinelideut In. eeese tiîerum worY on îy lady of tendjer1.yeamns> tiee rly. -dnuugter u 01iie ti aipici -vere ver'y very respcectble parents, lad clopeu witt kt this profrîubl:o braîri of rlier fatiitr's rppjroutiCe. Il appeari tirait irl rruauinacre itentior. a Innfuil har, iariilbt-n-ymo-ng wspirtait8. fOr -rma.in,i tii rlrpaue', scI~ritiis nid werrl toetlr' to a Party'- at i auei-lubour'r lI ir dirsliy. A web of' and %virile i 1tire test %vurcltippatl.gîil critIl ýbitel byNIr Uiokrley Ml- Illiglit fantastio ta 'Il"'hue yurtîru ollrir ibirily (A thie xurv.A efnPýlol 'nar'f.>tv "0( il, ire work dl'MdissAitamm, 1Cccli>' enlcrud 10on0 persoir s stable alnd ra wiîi0,ultrriudo lv Mi's G M t eîtuted -hrronatpitn oai fat iuorst- oha 1,110i . Trlarge ant ik ie tluttt uf- aiitltiigentlemnai 1was ri-rd of l>mtrra-- ilowts 1y 19 su;vpIly .a two-Steated buggy. 'itir'ilc iiet d attd ( 'î'luCrleye n-cir À ru tiire rîýtîIiO rkill i 'u (t' l irîttlr u i u' vsjntrnf~ trs lil Ïi"nrrîcis t<rk Illte tirsI prizo. Icten,, Irle Ycuig- lady sat1 very qtarîl>' s ira- ur eh~iiuoîu cae c Jtir dntrous-r Oorrrand appurd uusutsuall un(At, kfnt -Street, wviiclt i viî-lflorruste fuir visito;s intrme, about P2 a'clock, arc t'ipapived b 'r -ltgirca ati Constable atuiliis ugl ady oi a icti;atutie hul1 ve vmrr.t~eit for' tiroir ex- mil. BLut itîsîenad ai gairn im , Iliyte>'1 ve- oiltIr. Titey riiso Zid a l* 01W rid res'rii Ire articles. 011 I p tioru aith alslurt' distrunce,wlire ot) àsjuy would-be benedicl anud iis friurnîd aNwai te 'aJ i drîrurer iaEtl'os' hottel 'ýl,,rn vitit tlie bu;,g, ,andultire isan w; asavouv îleàsalit r sioni'.n*rouleit r ntire miiaîier's. tri I »uupelby IWIntitg san<u idf uil i poied G-a i l Jt jîIneaultime thir '-tiiirha(t leaked out in ti lrdi , Eatj ltr.l.P., alud- tire lancitrg--room, aur1 Saine aire ituforirieu tl KMiv l'soir, 1Esqj, 2ild Vv-p(renri tirf û ya-ýwrg lady-oai W'itrl anit al -r' thre swruftpttoue rjqpî 1 bailpeuaod TUir'e ltier sýdd'1iî1 i,, ail Mrt (ott 1 lighran pînnposcd tc ii a -asIs w riîrvere mIni>' iu- by Jilt firarul iditu; suci'c'Jîr l; ve1 takilîrg id IIIIutçp o ers 'dut1'Ilile fruir M v 'ans gidl b see lun 4fnièrtd - lrtire' -vere aIilott aI théiraliniistt' Illeid a ropsgâte. WC LrmU lt lteardvh:t.passed bc j. p. p. ntweesthe'i e n h y'*fi aai I Mi, n kigbut ve k tov lira lIre yoîrntg lady w .asbr for' Ilctire L totrmtnit itahcil safely hack lto pinrlrrarru let Cits tot5 munIti-rufrniuls mî wiîlr ir le> lra'l - rneeuviedrepelitaui fer iiavîtîg " iodveJ not viaci', bi 1 %veri cii-Io r-onr.ugrth -is tr't<?vtal." Tie rro rourned ta thre place4 s1muna tira briglitef ai>puces amuusementl, but coco suer' adljoui'ncd la il rO Illet 11uitis occatsion. nearcmt tavenui-Dünkiiî's 1h1, unfurtiinati siuliut uiiitrlomike -d alk ]y, wits not in oecraion- and lue succeedt elessa, 110V - rovitteinoe pr-' in obiinirig raint i te flrY cup fI-rgotfini mrct vunuh.r -more- faàv4mi4rblUof ni i is griefs. Tbiyirî b le rser l vis - - i rt.. hu W5pleut>'I-lt- N iv STreiR.-Tit etv i val in Iran-à s Cfol, c'er> illntr Illte fariner - iu lî iais il truclbeen- foR aIrî lte prospect of -beller' liruessa thlie fi 0)i 1110rir ('ounîry was tuire, ie allritiulg buintess rhneta 1our Ilon ,r& of uim aelpnuspOril>'. i- ilii"vis. Wo',unttrt-,tan-d tri es 3~ ~ ~ ~~~ý' utev ri55t s&tftC- oulter*& Chasnlier (i l'elerboro' irave l t , , umI.u itf>l 'sd ile col-lier more, KeîittStreet, apparul i o-inge. e'îg f viea-r * i;e' iarfi tial~iti1y ofstock rmeaip. S. & O.Jihigelaw 0,u:wtîeruthe'>'il cctl,' ies wars loa,%ed -tend opeuiiuug eut a large stock aifIDru~ tinirgitilirut PI l1tUlwey Paitrts, Oi!s, Fasrey Toitet Artà-lcs , Patei gel uî irrir enl Mdio,&C« TI) ,y-, p ro mise thi large ,ihIw ir mit il c utire It Sîo Md'kin . '--'it'ih ce-r br ireo fred that naf) ioë ru6É.iiafl. the. CJUtyLo -u un I dirspoecf- more. hîtti, out fur tihe advYert ismeut. as diuhug tir le coeuttty of a -. . ulenut i 1werlth, and nse- IF4tn oii heYeua «>i:ie 10cultivaliaiorunf thi s F;.rIvr.1inîçinu ir, er Il a couniry liko -is, hereFal il Sow.tirp chier w'ee wevom itted mal tîIare ïsescat.. U4,s0 pOrtlY. : iusg mentiffl ibtt tire Ag ritulisi rai '-Diurtsti Stie allîtiing tea h hnila-î va- prvided 'hy Mn.it ktil.Fr vo sssinss. ar auJ ihi il vas gql up in thtça gensti huea. - jmans atial god elyh. W. 114Q thà -0 1-muprp#j QiJqJ4 fra ortprtanity to tsay tiraIt ttvOieres wili-i fd eJ r ~ ~ j*.llet.caznMMd5iOk sthe FlresIrt *o i. W COP" 4f i Bomtea spires neoffets -Aàa&ind proýpety s.ized by the Sherifin ie wh John *Ims s~~. ~ ~<ç4w - toni.hiMitchell oPthe tof Omee. was the 6ýawfn .are a veing ud.hi8"t%1 t 00t ksta'oalistwotJIy Y.mnv, hSem« I .1plaintill StImd awbheelale amrrin Mnrn ne wFait Assies sud Court éf Oyer »ed t e.~~p uwmu no hc ~~j<i.eS ~~~ I~i ~ ~ ___ ~Terner and Goeal Goal Delivery for the heictniudvaagitW.l wetyuMlide niProd~qwiaen omsa OMMwt mSý r 0iug ý oiyo Vooloeedt-a t Mitchell & Ce., cf Lndoay, who il vas al- 1865 86 ý,swbei., in st. Pimpl'.Church the soi' th".way _7 tathe pesce of oeliock, befolr. -Rts là4hip CiùzI JUSTiciE leýed had an jntest jui the Omemee bus i- 1005Woies*4btcby1~. I,. ~. i- ~jo~y ~~ ~ j,.yy l>anj Dim.Tho mIllea Iers nte neas, éonducted. uÛder the firM Of John Of Millbm~k 11 b e. Mr. Mwards auM snd botter uMplafs. than geatns>i j.. t ho pZ noo f the Hon. Sidney Smith, Q.C. Mitchell & CO. T1%. eadiàg witnéss tes- GiIlieo5 & LalcasiBh1TO roaced utat pprpsis. iscureste ~ )><~4 1Jr w shh egage In aThere vas a large number of legal entle- tified a» fôllowsCharles Mitchell wai for- StocknDow COKXic Itelai LTw and attentive ~Iomg5tioO in the W. wsrfiae wl.oe fieldis . theworld, whos. ar- men preilent, 'iz.: C. S.Paterson, Hector merly in business, vith my ,bro.lthe Henry, Dress Goods :Woolcis Jq Irt a. Church; sud thbo .-. . uir held giJ.,p aso.issum uï,ee,prititing presses, Camerca, Toronto; C. AX Weller,*'Peterbnro'; and am coie of the judgmeunt crédgis in ithis hws'1nktIlt&(sv soringant .viiiig ema. 'a S. A- ~i .Letsps, bse sodfrs ae ~~<><-A. LaCourse,. County Attorniey,.J.Wei ter, case. Ne e a any interest in the Orne- Lr.w's and eh. r -.îsi t.A-ad oetqswm61de r. hls ee ii Axissv'arcuah.-lte wtoa aa juneleansd dys, .Adam HBudap"t, O. J. MeKa,JIF. Den- mée business; bohrunyha u ate lne~ Mwr ST. farreers sud pthetese missionaries and Min-.nistoun, James Heap, Martnansford, Geo. Omemee branch vas openetd about '2 years *~miese thi ~c lch(,. .J, -B. Mui, ijstols, snd )ta Mes' satiwth saeDeonerasd C. B. Oruo'., The followîng ag.. John,(plainitiff)vas brother's partuierIlirykrigs A.B.: iiiuAter) ?reoewau&nmade teOuriiitreatisu o ece'au d arts, ibles ji gentlemen anisvered to their naines, and in the buisiness ,thon and managed the store. G1oe.Cr~~ et.r lepodece u, ~i.m~ebi egtoad eq eegesuditstraesgeo feli %v eto sworn ti ias grand Jirors: 5 He ie iiOere.The firm wask,]n,, ,aberdscvDrak Jnavt' as our ertter and bse.façjor, aur preserver a ale isriv'lry, u4 -socialuduniversal, I 'o Mc'eîy Ea.,J.P frea a J 4ichlt&Cc IiOcobrlat strnflleemer. P isgsfroni PNaîms,65, avzceeuand thlîtbnruof it# devout Gog rene, Fran.ciiir n ilim brother. took stock,.ýbut did net soit oui lig Stchdvduni AT4R ITWEES 103.106 and 13G voe ro ad, ail of which m.iùùnmmlay "Glory te God'in 1iho, higliest, o eHrion Betaoht Innlly, TIi's. inerest untilFebruary folloÀing. w ntsTvaýJcha~ ~ n,<i futnd VùE [M ati, je~ pidweur *a i.~ I& 2 lit Ms ret wrk houd o fr ~momntJohn Jordanr Duncan Jackson, Wm -Lehane, $590. Tie first note was passded1 re-ditorsl "Ritbit.hskê.Led beped u.» tal îhGod elheps ithe God cf John Lithrow, Arthur MeQuade, J'nM- in Montrent, and has betlaui th 'eltlukcgitadsrI o1el îâe fbthteLodhlpdu,$'rget ta h We thesothep .r. 1 1 - - B our f>tî 'r-e lu te itroe6toe têjseaoerelaind ti. utue. Ti. varastng aeMis which Laughlin, Isaite W. Reid, John C. Ra.y, P. s pad ail Lut about $80. Thé notice of, al rft. -Ray 'ny the coouzectioù of thei passage with the pro-_ have upheld us il% car pasi trials and diffiéul- 'Shannon, tWas Sepison and Sidney dissolution wslî cue,16.Hv Viin UttOL cKgac&hz tie byaretsaar about 7 151 he cnut usaî MKezi. lee oouu7t ohfoI ftheeusnes.GI LES&-ES &I4{F befoe tre SfiSj#8S'L crd by S$ILiete, b till. Go ,àithn f rd and God wil dei . .TOQÂDJR. a folee ssigrn rte.Wle F 1.S.p "'u,'L'1 ",>," s .heia udjvtrl fn ierht mnmb ta l i ord hP thn addressed the radthe fstock'wus taken there Wvas about $Gi)Eý: foqc se l, aibd bustoirthe lerealites, àsud aulpouce are porsie go anad Jury.Ile said it vas a malter of sincee ete- voril ot goods ithestor e. opurchases had kept ther fQrthal'peried under thee mon var retroglessive. Oui cause is a good one g1 11s bal aerdrwudeîig ic hedsouin oh ~mun etre ls Lrlipîeuad'sd : jr, bout cf their despotism. , Thel had tn learny, our objet a oblque, and aur eternal statu their.ttettiGn.,Three fM rdonraeorfrlie ieaurtfsocutimofomnurgrîrr£'I'ead ie'r~ hover, what mauy despole have sinces a brighl oue. : l trial in Il me our language arson>baiglary, and several for the toaFcom-i purchai'e. -PtirchaÉsed P.-inciPalY frorn il:eir -z,11iiun i îr. rig Mf1'.Ir lernd>liaiilisesio tLguua alletianmuI e <Iithe.rto lith h odhlpdu, mnoffertes of larceîy. This is a black lBuichisoit & Co. of Morîtleal."le business sîîdIittee~e.-U -Mr~ader, t.7- loretalu i lonrg subjeotiol the nation by in blèssedutess in'heaven aur-language &hallI calendai for a rural.district where the people silice thre dissolution bas been ken edo b-~~i<rvtx-vuhtirait of Mary Anne lbL:rîuaa whih bito ~ s. lst Tentie .' utoHi tre lye u sd ased -sare mainly devoted toe agricultural pursuits. joàu alune. The ,inoce roupd hv made out a btrçuug case agaiiisi thre prisoller. Philisti evre triîîmph>lant, tiow,,on 1he fromu oi aiin lu Iis ewn bloodt, te Hlmb eeteesfo oecueorohrbe eeie nteodnrycu fbs The tr 'eired, dnrl affer a.sh eutkrc saute baille field, the!' hosen people".after glory for, evez sud cicr. Oà! <.vho shah j hc rnual oepaisc stenesicihsdssllou fi cosea-ror-dit ur it edrta twnt eas athhiisu ppesin crb tatgan.ntei s.i gfr-nlt1osebu1 1 Y û r xtiotIs, iinaiion of the witnemby 1r 'îttersofaillai BsLtd.hp irsrir ieîrse.s achevd sina 'sc.ry ad roe tei tousndliestanthusud'an îo causgete us or ho*lesorne steuo exe. lii aytin naeral r.tht tlî ')~,jict tjiý.i. Jr tr'scnr,,u. owly ars bha'rdteli a bopresio àcf thanafrigrand knre udtage rr a rogt.but adtht bs e 10 ooer diorabeIVrer e4fretian grer virttoithin 1> lÙr:L. widontetlrsiigfue.T!P1.an epl .i atn clinst-aIa e.s ern ua jdg lae n 'ypsiio iIe otc o' isaulo easfis pbisedtepMrtîelafu snene !tlC a i1y *Phiiie sigatineeemd t'ory n r te ir -'sthe amuhoIrialay eledntds-my ae e pn isndrssvtî sci n h ls oaFbuay,163 au vs th hm Aj r c a. flowccnrvrerna- repîrturtwasagaît e se ler nemesfIe eu ~cievmens ad oensuewIraîs ay bu on 10 retflark Oadthe dthity ftIe nd fasera. Ed. rtni oft 1rderd -the du- agrue c it ioiaLrIloale rmes iv r1".,t befor. teslae cI re o iecat Go theon tre consoren1sof rydompîionand ehbttoynhe ito r talyitiyfurdslto a largd1eonMthe lnt u iw iIae~It~rec ù u curblesu su~esfr Isue no lir eadr ad it~tnurnîiswh~itaîtndd ~~laltuon suspion ue.Pae ilha pmit on d e 'lotc asuo aea.Vrtfor to.sthîe ùirtjn 'i irtr e ilrof 8~h Ille. u was Samuel, ca treihuan flurful rshîeb Fe li hea tire. l dvl ba b lae po istil.I ti rset i" icrdut.eI e 'tth.a'r tawi. tast~rt sud ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m co' hiwêotr ilcac ugwl togr mus idterlnusgave teryopan.abis .ak fr Iueir feth scon theRIMIIoS' bra. 185,aSdES. - conu,-vubùe exeei.urd" r' Le, a ahileiste e, r mateua ged he in s nîd forLams val ias rtis er chorus dis-l' it y . y i nolîlî nmide mAtrtir1r3wauàv i>!,ck 'elit-nilti lu 2 6 C ., n the airi- 'fiii ý-tlt av çtif curntymuirdoilrm samai fhlcf lra jatîro sregîlte~ ails eas. Hâ l <Lorcbi htuarg dC 8 Ïcri>ii. LrCî>' '-ma C3hae rerýVfi .1: s hie llry proceded ed itir th heinou crime murde1 or arcloseer-l1tiie and so-weremoregeand-mohrepitoîîerwai îtrr.amcal patrifisi audfasii. sîengt.-knwlede amu levaurdjoy uîd aliercapial ofence Lie il e shuid g aid nwa eVeriamîî pan fren Ih prem- T/c Qrccn s. IlS/.yftherzdisonL Toh.enthevrais i t s e leraend tirse Ic- oiu u a ppiuesebengalwys u iîto-t eako h utte h r o n fii ns briiecie jur. Teydidu 0Lfrenv. holirere vee t hares Astr iethe fawcofierc ovenantembd htoge increase. ures, redethre ndwii re hab frthm m Ir.cortwiiou.asiari rp1nse_" O.J.M-Nay Eq.1cfIandovr.iit hirSauese ua ret tneaa clld tetrtysahbeeu goncu roitun-tselî crIdjîe, ie Illetirai lue al-lefo il ivas crruitie dui il & aseCe. I -uWliaiEg'ýirV-: lérael'acaptaidict bonrunha tî mange underpd i .saetr the .ove thLa " Iittebo hti ti.Lai ioledus" 'ie ave oeras ;ths l .'il e iri îenîy ouvhlm t(r itrnou life, perbaainpi riîîtifre itss'e iae fuiprevet ir iecia ri! .rsa L2,trIirte r&'eiver :btone ai h.ip Urulsa bcau ateo-fo tid on- yul hoi rand uinfhrter,éhs ri ropct ru aris Ii lapmrss heuCcvdgc f ie il "o 'or rsieî uj i t-,kroig ien elaelemiscn tuent oila.Israeli~*, eînlndug thuti aiheart are fil ailove sd joyr thuso evierecettretaumonn'hittoalI eevbietiict e tI s ideîri y a etir a rir osers. ira vr- 'lie w ithe erph b'iinsN arakrrd pceacJvno OUrthe uits:er2 es bf stere aùd' ir.eidr-and tehessd prngtimpi i-latesded yeî ne ?îdsrdiet-ood aur strllicinp evidene diet v-s gnuiit, alue t,0y'! 1re otu sen centSamuccetus a t iryru e I Ye areon rugraund b ar videace frofevthe u tîîce ears ii tre. Poviniale 't 'Wu:i".u' 'aiU. rberrv' e wrb si<na aaiat hii4ne. surmnrevey lat u fhifiwe, bt v- th deencerai aî viii wre du n per Rt; jîrtay lur Siey mitr, QC., or lce of'd Saw ic jri.e r r.lien irrr le an ow alîoou v Ipoitho sutireamd(e ery havà tnaire uolandveir u e ,ie t o ir rsctinsosl rv. ie,1f ivsru ieu'prrz ie'irrswr - s ht i ie .aete he irsewrd '.itrties iesafliefuue udor caeîuî1tisniîdard'eiedauif îr Qei..n'gliti ha rnl ged . y ilic neek 1 whalty' o :~Isi werexpese, ndyg t w. rad'iu d heai rutitii expenice a it' nivomahtet iacaerlcosio'aio adexmirain hen, -eso if Lucrrghiîrayeerl(tltre. .areThethu p Teyvntcu a cd s."Tits ws iewd b lie reahue Th Oabry O>'~Pied a mavînesiuîil wd bo ce thr dock ta rg'tDS tesei omtreCa -Cîqra& ior ie.. The t! iodl VOLT~rPrc bis fur asets. "troc hBim asrdairi enterd itîttaeOrdiferuIsiendnîo.eiudédun aurd urelrzsed au ailI nliai' ('h. 1,Proal;2 oilY; ,Plt h y; Tirewipeopleeai Cars crime of Iuiieiiitraare roti. :,.1-r, r Sand s at t:re inrs r i a.dTheerry iarau Ievtae a rauna r prset og .rAk iio'ter %asuber ti o,!iJe St s atoimadfih tegyh'nweâY n e,rhod. I isttduuderRr uua A~r Tr Tr rsue lansed iîi Lrerr iabebrtucsafittisProonc. '. stikig Ein lnvifha Pe d î: .ealn, .siiop. aýriiieperTh Cielr;rîrur c leyL r on.' i~irm co anes is s bdyamud ad ypatiswh sme xer- ey,&.,anher ntreo lteeudue nt îbetg rainxdpladd"gitv vvreitheierv'rrî lats1.ar W. e snai. ne l ýràitùlu e utdhir iese i nalhptrlur$n91o1hicra re il n cpcaesortd'sens ce 0. J. iorîthk a impno tis o %ei-.T rr ensOei riit: lrr' 'er sr -a sol. Fr titse Gd haI itepel s. dialiea areas god- a il lI -oie. e t 4dd hl. frontaolthreCcourt.lc u"eutont!askadiritl tu tlie o oqeos e de umednge atre as Il ma>'a, ra af' iar oudr îrbui, -%avillar cums e t I L' Vr itie nrise- ttre pi 'r r> iatds hi, IrL Ihi Ma'ehf i e-lea*' t 4 UCL 1Iu.. urn.Il,;ccrr'. e- ' 1 l i )IlrSa ulstu a to e s al e rîao a m au -oetehétr W'Ia d'rutrnauir' ~t w tlirtn* adit eaded o- Wprevent exnslvantepo.i lie ba bi-aiwhih h. hl'. i a ie gd jurhseu riei, la tre oi, adet tit " ilty." Cnlyau:oc Od f o brujilue rts rrrt. prSicrty A. ad ire r iliat enezr Iie, utotie of ié, wncrsaiërinteerofiin-h ici!:Pe uJ bileliecutpocee il ieflovts rare.auiD rv rîrc,.rrese yea ad ue WhkissnEs; ertand,.Huy wer Atif lOS 'lie owar 1-Pjuy A.ew il î cé r te ttrr i't lie rr ev wtiiiruhliép qp mpiZ iis haulhncainiThe alje-se maury of ths g irirah swo;eTreasuctci'..Jam- -Màftu Lave; Du:i'lt-c--n turcproîrlenc ant gracr tie Lor î~ir reîorsMesss Robrî DuglasE I iii- Onlaroi)Jzpk v.tLiect e an-ctionon hvîrr beenordeed ar tir grourd n mi' atoneeaofholp tus. elâea toî5]1 eu e Coupauî. il ioe $3, uis, iwgc rîomseros ol.Vriefr i tf o irecti aiofhIler-ied rrde i aIuI, Cr'tici e.r ri ni-bhriie 'ldieSaluelo iteaoniji-,ng lui capitala .odv Ment ' as airaiaesik-es, reileit.iiig.tb1..:à'. hearuiityArp full onlover-anforoCovarus;il lotl.ai rerly, and' r *c' Nertrr-- borh son at ers aalas ser y ars,--oea nd.me eii Te- barrd ble ie-i -r an yet licherîia vsurrîiePen- prueriouil aer et .i ct i ( lk ýa vi(iii fr enu l, an roM .-aýuýusLtýuze i sVt <3 , cret iraî, alsce ag iî ther4ls sud -i6uruns been s u t ined fu l amidowîibutersvscrr -a -nt-fur[I theI:Iud-t' ' . ý~ r if ~ 0 -i -dIa . tr irhoroo Ie ' ~ a fr£6 'Ùd M » îr o prscutiiîury. N n inyS iti .. S Lr'I r is U'rîîrgL'i Ire peto u riois lit sept dis- ace te bufor lproséle c nn. pairuu ... s o er gâ thase tram uf theIfueuratndrouts* , I - . -&1 - liotrerystle"'M lr ,,IIa asta >helreie ouliib i ayset awarî r - bay otTrurr 'l The orQuevseLnk'Acior o pomssoy iMn. a n 2 anIRo ertI , is j , -'r'-' woui' lar. Wedo e i ta),i'ei lîty hfin eerience.ofh oue-etr Ir atit may . ~cpfrdt ~~tr' r.~ ' - rert lu in. sX.tae edilfrpantif or 6$1i Hui- Cort e >ureda oeu reis«,Yt i,, a. . Verictte a,,elnywttc aur (ioî.ul roneiteastiy ttotlrrrruSa-divson nt ete r n lot su bl ir e grbat I ule cuînf op - pelli &' M arthiLod edtt ý ins fo lit .; Ml e Kma y & f h eajirif r usife D rart . H preSid ney mianCSuri t ir" t i n v irrir. U ,Yr e-a:' i ed oct- 1 a - t\'. V" unty.~AoguAg Mach. it il bore-e f ir Cuny 'ctiZaD -i r U't1ýcrr r--- -- cil us." oT t h a r wd u." i iyits achtnkplcPorhe£mmaiM: h pocimîn it aSon IaieÂr.ýri lot the tCrr' ' Tht rahall:y .VlrcTiped . ittm ni.iwol et,...,.- r du ,r 2. lii,'v aspeliitireIookTeua sh-rt i e. - T eti Iui e t s t ur i e in betauro (od' afuriso uil ue tiai tier Ftzrimrion, Un, tand4resdy lrut corunon ounats b 'ii-'t.:eo lt,,,, -,.r ' "ii- ' r cr vueorly putus- rat lugî trt e î tut l r $-tî i trey t i-ieIl ,l le r ru, lyt mi lu ,iti LM to hsnvif,,-thue f;mmily cr-e-- ieClu urci- Umr1yliir iait crmnufllioitii ia -civilized rtâte Itoki as pr(ciou1i aud ortir liviag fur. 1 3.POhiiCraH3y. IvW hvecivil aurti reli- goslibeity,-a hetitage heft us by urebie an Cest-'sbr. W U av - exce, (llnt lawS a d 2 humee pross, antd alltiagrimrr ouiragrus counuit- ltIdaýù rîgr ucr'peisois iuiSul pt'operu arre joxeposod-by thre lather ai-d pinisiied "*lieni tueL af'nndcrs are c9nivicteuh b>'tihe foi-non. Ileinoved lon ihe anc rand friotlire -exclu- srvrflessrof an -sritôcr.ticai ljhgarch'anid a r ater irlI tte aatIîcr'tatid mcm ns iutiestra iri- ed ducicctaey, WC anCre re frons the alts cf lite furrriuur, and tif wc are.-vwise we wili r eel, ic lior lbe miouSnCSsaioflire latter.m 4. Genxirly, to Sunra p tire wireeas.inn- irabitltts of ilbis Province. AgTicuihur e la tire baser -of Ouir askperir>'. Wliitri ls prt - fduels fril there ii k'pressiÀoa irt al ç 4>ssesi f- frnt1j lieiumblest tùtire higircils. rW le n durseprolutsare abuurdausi, sud espeaialt uu'nets ire>1' brninga gre-rr iluix ai moue'yin-' ta. thre commurity, art oui>' ectire f£rmer Innaspen 1-ut ait classe flrisit inn llrdr pur- ssitr'and professions. - J'iiis seasoiu- weIrav,- ' Iran ais m buîdani biarvnest auJlitgfirptees are given forr ury kiisd ofiags'cultnnal pro- duce. IVirat lias been deujed ùmn d tuions-ite beea opfeiu'ed onutus. God hbas çgiv en us mn anda ruiltal seaion. Ma> aui' learts b. filkedI'iii je>', giadneqst It graîitude. May wOënont becoino giddy et thé 1lictigiri ai eu-r pusperit>' and tfall. Sée: tire gad ravagsof a.blëcdy four yeau's' var in thre presenti cauditiranoaitire Unrited Stàtea-- a vanriimitaxud ùe boire and b.a.in,, thre irerve and iew, the- asenals - and. excite- j uer aofira Fedenat goverureut- ta-lire uh-: înos-a van which to thre husbaiîd Èra ihe.wifeý, Ie familer fcfnr lire clildrenith. .îbrothirnfirn theê sieit, arnd tire chîluiren frint tire parent, sud lait is legaçcy cf, isnitled ciliem,'desolated fieldls, leavy. vartaxes, brokenu heants andi ripploît soldiùes. ,Tira1 ire % ee tot invohivotIilui vr dunag thcse. troublous years ofi lUgal capture sud.foolish raids is alti iblbe, net tafe t idn f~ staheseulandt he forethuugbt ou' cur upla-_ n4titjjs1Lut ujýtn Goid freni viom ccmolh du~reye.-yiling (rota àcuumb cf breati te s -crovu of gior>'. W. have Peace, pfeuty, gud prosperity. W. are s ooloni" maluri1g inte a iiýtin. Ija I>cpic'1abriglat deoliusy iw -béorr Un. -0 #at istnirrr0'c te delop o ur great tnosures &M inaour grnid .ttggl. as. s ailou çeoomto bbe off' fko u .Ins Tîd ' %yor-e u ly 6ugiis. Tir nes awardîe t o litd üý49 ea la Thre as fo aoawa:- a for' pif1; Caîne1 roit & Orde for dft. Iru 1logI-lt piz, Roen Dbson,- 'riTe Court then -adjcufircd Unlil 9 o*cclock Mroauiri; 'bite eorge Itîdicar,, Emil>'. - ti-niorro%. IlOuuden IL 1ough.-l1st prize, Matitrew mec ElauEnl 2td, Thomias Jackson,, Em Strd Ictbr -O il' liTra~ oQrdEruily. 1 .- Juugs-jJito Gibb, The 'Stephipeiar t ensoneu and.marniug aI 9 o'ehuek'-; WM Mina>'. H isLordshriii (MJef Juctice Draper pmesid- Laraor Soîs-n'.Mesrs.W. C.. Cire y-w e cI& o, IToot hé lreagenuts for trie ele- A gani andi pupular.mg e a,-snt 41 tOr te rvs. tgrl.=LýeAetc- tire ýOctober inuinUthe-iecontents c h iir ' - r an ornry euie y ire as fllo1xis rOn tire Medicinal Effectis ue hn00rstr"ongr tir îr' ai Lazixîss-.Mairimnony ax .er-,tire Wae r- iarfiEtuil>', Verdict fàrI>ilaiitifr-." Cain- Tener îrdI'rc sd rici-Tse tarl'erau & Oi-de for p!àititif; Mackay ansd leap ther ' ii r nkingroemFom for deendarat. - l)rlirg ovub>'the ca"A Sone~ iMcIit a. McL.cnnan.-Tis su'as an Boulgus Pir-AtontiteHopiiadeu- iactiOri bronglrt b>' Mn. Litaes Mélnnus, nre- WiityWottin-a-,i Prett> omeu ai thre. 1mung inîthe townshipOf Bextey, lIo-reover jîreofHrc Walpoc- La Belle Sauiagç I-Morc," Witnesse"-A.Tnile oai Croqulo aqanr> flmIrci n esvt rn -Partnid"'e Day as il. vas antI as il is-ý-Sal- r.iltE enli t elv -WrtneSses ivere placeinlire 6-oïbox vie rn'- mnorS-Speariig-Tiro Eai's Daugltei'-Ttse Mercha'it- Prince& aI Etgland-Our IVelsi dtutMiînsm resl îrsesat3o -Watîtitsg-lAures Cupid n a Basting-Part>'fu 'as ia iby a rcrcloiau -01 lire Wanttt, but net WOrldly-.ýAniisLé' remave frein lot.E; tirat MeLenraîn -va tra ChicePiturs-"Ir toantuliplumberiu- ntIre adjoining lut; and ltaI -NoesI ltey'had secam sticks ai tiraber villa Iià init- af Giles Lanigursie.Most ai tirese articles asQutrlaicfiePlii. - are protUsely illusmrated by -thérebeit artiste. Tr erîdugj drsigIeJuy $3.5Q per aérnum. on 30 cents e Singlê copy, arîlnthoentonpealda 0tr Portr a th bok-sIn. rasil.cuttiug aurd' removiugcf stan ding tinîber. .If -.~~~~~~~~~~~ NntuÂuasv-ie eertdfO an-mmrnved-timnber Cul b>' another person, Carbouizeti Pen sud a large stockcf Englih nîa ibig~e o anae u au Slattoner>',' togeiher 'xsîh saine fine editions b hedl b okaî ne o acn' oi tire W Aiciley 'Navets i"d other standardlsLrsrp uvvr ol e odfr werks~ hae JuI hee reciroî lit ISy' J belveen lb. Ivo acte moraily', althougi boqk toire. Thre Americant magazines for 'tse mv madie a, distinction.. Ifth ie jury Noveibe ar aIe a.bud.-1 thuiralt tire evidence wotiry of credeuce, - OntMOTALFurua-T B.Peersn Iand therç 'vas uotbiug to 1"d tireratea ay Brother, Philatielpiria., yl pubisir-, f rom 0atler concçlusionîItmrIn that il vas trulirful' il adiance sîreets, oun ovenuber, itis, -',-Our1 woul b. their dnty, te ieid fo.r tire Plainitif; Mutual Prieid)" Chaules Dickesrs-' ewusno- and fer- suehlia inuni as .vouîd st oniy vel, coixpetosand un idged, vitiil tire ocrer thre valu, of ii.timbèr, but'- cornpeR- - îlctators e atch tri rvesedta Islehmfriis boss sud trouble. Verdict cf titis pplratrn.wiig--W r- for thi. PlsiuIE"ie$[53. Cameron,,& One dict fte "Oi Matirai Fti.iud» s'avTry g for Plaintif. 'Sidney Smith, Q. C., for De- erôtte neceptio), as lt mseofiisbest books. 1fondant. ST. AuavsCsaa.-KTR-TheO L.silimu ., MeDowgWI.-This was eni ctiou fer' daingea arising out of thec sale at Rer J . MirB.A.e, yl (D.V )deliver a-Paptf.goeb'tieSei mdneeu Iectre u tIe ato, ohueh u S5batt ~ timn.- Thea Shonif as iudmnified te smli., eniuig firsi, Ct. 29th etai6:30. p.at. Sulbect I sd having:jad, t*0,plaintif e8ouglut te r.- -," ýTii Gnek Il vcr gdataies'Verdict for plaintiff $361. CANDA aa~rnux-Cauusc.-Th ajion«=,4Orde frplainif; G. J. Weller Aev Mr Rogers, of Peow, vil! (DV> fientmlrt iTn prosoli j. in 'es!St. Pru ý tninC hum-oiet ai-This 'W uo~Nbahl l ,u.sdU m. 15 I!tlQd t11 tqi~. eov4p . 0 . f peared. un evidte ir tati iC pri'soner, Wn %vas cru>' laid>' reîururr'd frein servtng iu.ea" iv 'r " 3ý vears lu tire Peiiiîitenîir , eitîered-alror.t .'-r tire Irour ai nldurigîri entIrle 2rrd î:îut "'r-"'r- 'r"t tire blise Of 'M a i vArli aa i r'r r-r r~tJ'S gr rrieu"r " r," r ,î 1-e tJu 0. mande:, -lady', residingna ieslae<It V .ir" t'- . - Otn nd tiitiraI'tre ts ' e n it 'd 11 11rrithe.n rr itrtt it thre folrlww ri-' assault cri lier persoîs fur wiuie ras irx w i'iiE 4L'.1- Mrt. té ire îried. wile srs2in 'iil e' T r 1-, o J ,of t101 .rlu trï- it'!0>r raviràier sire iifictei a w'outid criit is elclrerrktilreurOri!r'rit at'.r.1 whii ierw - .1reed te brin-g hume thie u- a lr'\oueraur u .crimn .u t a -siis'l iti r eic.tr .rnit 1 îe u 1 ri-I' t i. r\"" 'r During tire lime rtre ufuriulatc %sî'r111 i WriaCutt"iyi'ru r recitiug lte wrong shreliàJ stTere~l aI*tel- lie- rr'r v' t i Iirl- raIat:'r ir muis or tise prisonier sire, vrai v-euy Ssu. t htenr'ru 'r'r.arr~ u fected, anduthsobsan-td teaus: frequesstly Siop- r..r ceîu u lot eut ruc e tt'r-r' pcd luer utterenc ; virile tire hrtrdtetr . lu -eud. l!e '.'rnu tt au-t w'retclr visa hall besosthre aulirer etfirur gross" inn «cit xl aridta~-kc:t' r r~ wronrtu a ieble, sickly vvc'i't', af 60 ) yua- s, il!! U 9'y.tr 1 1 à r e'.'. irejrel ..r c tt Ioked oi - i aeerilirg -1iditereurce.'lie ,o ttaw Ili';ri' i r r, ~~'ttt-r, evidertce of 14t.Lawdor w:as dear ndt!u'nd r .raru ru n ~îrr'utr Poitsled. Ibout~liaif-É-ttua or elev-eui "ir-,1'1r ar'rer trre .r the suiseri-lît r-elié wr'awekened l'b itrnryIn'si i a ~li'"i>er- mosand on getti-gout cf bed a ungilsg ta froc* îî,1tris i.'.'-: ýkrrrt'art' ut Pre'-t ueir- the svindu Ir Ae fouud'il raised.anstl a mru irYt > t Xn.11ry- 1 rta,-'rr u1 ot i.c urt - ou tire-outside. Tire nigirt vas Inri nt a ssrrkrr ri'.r. .r.tcesrr rl1!rS. sire sau b is qface dîstincit>', and avore 'lru pv ra mrako.trArrr1'.trI - -ev traIt "e pruinen wui e tire or !e 'turttulutsea.Wit ile ivelv a irer ll. ute ed ta) tOlt,, tiiS e'okàutrv_ r . i i r i lurut TIreevas no mail, on his elieek nt tie limne. irnî)t, itrav .'r' a îuLe.urr' ".l-"r'Pr At i fié invemtigatiors whièh tock place before 1rrrttinsIa errrî "r5' 't r r Thomras Maicrett & -Isaac !dcNeél1y, Esqs., Jroihaewil tr aoinaer f h Itudtices ai tII. Peace, both lUary Ants Han- îîeonrai, Sdre1- rtîi eetueabiedt ne anrd Mr&. La*der'identified tthe prisriter gel tIr rudh a Iluunber Dîf ttitIicu',4 cases. rtu5 -tre former aE tire parly vIre comm itted tire, 1 d ets1)a t -i1 assauit, tire curer as tIeaté y sire îdea- j o -r ic voir red to -gel -in honreeoit nthe raiglsi rfIA1C M\EL . ,rantd Jur4llsou 'îtsa tle suatilt. i 23u1 Oeil Isaac McNeoly,,Eaq., J. P., testilied flrai -T'hie busa, g inaurir beeti couJuded ir he vas anc of tire magigtrale. befare whofnn court aul'c r ecult. the pu'isoucr was brougit. cn, tire 'tl instantrî' CE-r Rnka,4à ~uW - E a 'S OBige- Saw-the rearkson iris cheek cifvinat appear-Ily 4 ov~e riurggreat itirluceineni, rit ed- to-bea, recent vround..tire shape OfluktIîne se'a TIre Crown Counsel saiti that. vas the case'. rtr.OccaigMnl-htr.Sruv' ie.Londshipo asked thorepisonor if lieIratd Dresses,. Cîcuds, Scar F 1ur "riti' uyhng te ouy ta tire Jary. - 'iloods, Cap.:, IBats, &c, &c. Tirese are ir-i Prisonea.-HIOvO nu0 Ucunsel, aud 't>' w it- i; sareitig iaIeu r uutP arr nosss ac ne vsCour. Rmembr lmeter veat. -You-a et -as pOüfni aarur nemuatenet, i Cort emeberthefront S., & 0. Culovas aret e rhiall iii nigirt, ben «titis affaîtroccurreýd. 1Itas ual irer br paceon hs. nught Hae ul ovu. Special tdv.ia,-,es are orered tu' paâsed thrat vay for 7 yeam .Set up ivitir a cs utnes sick pengr en Wy ail lte niglit ini queset.On. I hETurrRNEu-We are, glird Io ntice iLal Was pretly drunk ; felhio the cattleguard D Bnsn iaj iurnednlinea>' oie Oit~~~~~~ li sls lt>gigfrabIl ipractice ai hie proi<tori. 1Be cenli ball on thrailg îcie i - -- b r eofarnarried maI1, 'russuliug iris DnseO vhiak.y muu my face. l1nenv frieurds tirai ho iniende nraking Lirrdeay hi& nutiiogiriRh.affir iiiI vs ajosed.home. Dr B'r' long. expebrience -sad ailit>' IÇohin..t> sy. as apnaCtîii>oShýonjid ."Soure hlm a lage