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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 27 Oct 1865, p. 3

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attok of pmlyse w icfsebngp tiv, bcavu compiueé, and terminated fatal- goIn. te his ual fuliof yeariand he assuiedtly L. gom fual of homurs. lie.was-bora in thé 0311 mMr tsrit eb jacluded Stormont,- Dautisu, and Glengari", and practiced .bsw in Cornwà.Il 14we rtantio i, the- Hon. J. & MoDonald stwdied Jo in i ce. B dilgnce, abikty, d. ndhat high setîtude ,w)h. Vus no eninentIy a cbamtfristié, Mr. MoLeu attain.d eminence iihie. profes- and then 5C hief J wstice, hé- was at the tilme of hie <luth, Ps.iders u Cw of Errer sud Appeu1&He waa nnt deilined to hold th*s po"iuonlonig, hwever. ,favin.g paasedthe allotithrée-040r. yeasman .ilten, a general .1 h. 78cm et uwhicb bis medi- cal attendants were ussable-tâ ceck. ,He leqw'ee a widow, four meonsud ireduh tom, 10 raoum-bisoremiovai. any outuide the-faiiîroe wil jobi heosti itheir,BOT- Itàt LÂAoua.-Ifl cbnsequenée of the borcty of labonur, sud ils high prices whioh workmen'i demand, we1 understand that 1MNers' Jacquei & Hay, -of. Toronto0,'bave advanced iLe prices of ilseir gooda flîteen per cent. Ttsus it wiIl beo seen the Amnerican drain fuir ,kilied -labour.wiliI bmore or, less reit iy our owslpou'Pin A t'Ncor KRit.-Tbe, kcy of thse-palace, lakk the key oft tIc stable, j-ock-key, -thse ko-y of 1 ie, convent, matik-key ; the.key of tise h-itelce, tsur-key - the. keY 1of tihe.ceIar, whis-. key; tle key. for cruing-colds, frost-bites, eprlu' liuissbures, &c., là'te 4" Càn.dita, Pa in Destroyer;' at e - cl., per botte. Soid by aIl Medici-ne Decalèe. - RAVI Wl aî,v CnLOSaMOGra 'Yeman y colds, lhoarsnesa,.sore thr*atoi cûuglis, &c. al of whfrh may b. cures! hy -utint BryaW'sPuIii moule Weférs-25 cts. a box.ý' BORN. facurtie otsubietl 1reflects theo 1OitetIse îilinst.,thbe vite o? . J. MNaecayl )ii Cie isaideuss nn1 masrits 1 Esq., of a dausghter. Vy werc. -Tihe Show uf draft MARIED. l:'scs guorli rtus g 1d lasiPort hope, on flic- luth im., 1y the Bey. h thse oxeeitiàn of Mr-. iroe- <o.MdeJ B 1ryss tCiiibrkidge, Msszs.,. lies wî- nul iii cotidition, -was t-Y Miss-y A., datigIlei ut A. Gudr ie, of lPort tad thse îurneejcattlo % tas ai-- ue the> mark. -jAt te esidcne u tseiric m otlicr, iii ze ieS~va raaJhic Jugo , T.iîiîb, dî 1edscs onlatthe i 8tia ist., MrJ. i7o list %vas ce liguilee ludgiss ljydiii itisý, botl1 asnitrber uofte memibLrS Of t ii boAni. 1oilexfrienals, partou o f tID- ies- at Pak li heictel, where. At lier iiotber*s- resýidence, Liu:dsay, ou Mfon- am served Inthl d e.'ýehet dav the 23rd mîst., deîly regretted by a large Llie hio.-t busu odeserve divpo us-cIe ofnaahittances, ELLEN, d'laugeitter uf tho cl<Ih 'as reissoved ltie tt ut uaDssrEqgs2yas 1 putiotie tuaîs ie-s o p- espoild Od teo;afîer viseltise oi eel . L'ST E'. - - - LLNDSAY MARKETS. -Tbir4idssy, October 27, 1865 's 'i c' a' 't 'i a. 'i a' as a' 'a s' a' s' t lis -iS~. S - ri n- lrn. .. . . .. . . 1 '0 Ilawiîr - - - - -- (ats, pler ilab.........O20 trJ Brusce; 2rd, 1) lorer. l'case, pier bush.......O0 jl-aî Cult, ÂA lrie 21l, t>)(G111t11. otatues, lier blisAis-- --- --- uls! Fis l\cttr rn -Lid 1)Barley, per.Luisis...........O50 - TinItls- lier- tuo---------i WI-sc Paus-iiî; laid, Tisomas {Àuver, lier-ton........6- 50< I Iour, îesr uI....... .5 00> D Gloves- 211(l, -.7BsuçceFresis Buttes-,lierlb......O1 P - - Pgg, lues - a-O0 CA .TT 1,E. - -lc eà10 lt. ......... * 0- 0Q,5 (hait ' - - - b cul per- 1it--lie-Q.:. . .. . . utsG taxs.ci;2s, aoreîamp i.... ". .....5-0. liutt'Wetcat- Iao< l pr ...r(1r.........o Ci ~ ('Ll lICt- 3îd I torwud.ltrGor!......e i- ,- c î1 -00 10 2 -aie............ , P-ts-oi ,2ssl C Campbsell. i I.am1>, J I retor ;21111, W bieRas--. C. ; npaî 211d, Pi-evn Litsil, 1 lîuva 2îd1c Cimphel. OÀTiE, a-ras, S119EP À àND SWINç.- J ,-, ;sh pas-u, tans!M. Grecs. 1('A (N.. W i t, JTProstýort 2nl, Jos-i- n-i I.,us-hs, T Edpgr;1-htstGidol., $i40ý 1 13 o 25ýi o55 7 50 00:0 o 0 0 Oô 0 14 o(10 i 0 O35 8 75 Laps 1 us-gt - oc u rof i lt l rtt i ll gn ýSia0 Ži 1am111t1.1).T'ieolingesI anal -onCas-taJ Ii~s-a, .2nd, A Mc-1 ~.i, 1'ruusi h-s-on-n 2sud 1> Sautes-: 2ni; T Ciaf'uri. l' .1-lit, i 1-3. - - ~15 - taef..rd : 2o4 1- Mtrri-ou. i-si: 2saai, T (tiiu,~ Su', bt-Nul.: 2sud, G t'ister. - b i - 'atif rositus! is! ut-val iCiiasîncys 4~ ~ ~ ~ ~las (mi.s -lii-y icd,& A .uas siuic ufOS2.L. sun-a tis n huîi j si '-j- ad lt-iIkt-tu iii thl ~~~~~~~C E1tutb. .stf-ni5t 0gIbVs sF, s.-D, ut r:tte-,for lWsirlfpisl ~'çi11~ - S-r. - - --J.,rîuîuu LL. cUit -tAppies, J lrüctr ; 2ml, ItEts. v, -ti mur 1cru31-tn - lbsssei Stu-~-sc.spied by Mr. G. il1. At, M-MilLssil 2ntI, A Cîîrrie --- 2 b.i-iule!<'ofh-Gsuos ~- W anted -Immediately., (U. ulld Coth G Sito;'2rid, A C la nktos-k Quu;li, rcu m-os-.t; ; nd, JOhCl[A-'Sea o -- - j a iSIII smapOcc11piesl >- Le:late John Mîglt. Ask McNala; 2idJ Gran1t. -LsisOalp-t % lIts; Jiliuil rd, J !aurrav. - fou' Prca1, John Gs-st; -211d, As-ciiT hQI 'iliie L tisaI iseis RAMEDWELLING IIOUSE lue 1 asis 'asie rois & ruc - A laIc-iy ucealiicd bylittitew lakely,,spn. ~aisit~xl.~S:timserYs &~Irce. jytîr-k S-riniLindanyr1îis a large coni- Utise. -- tii o usefans! wull adaated fsra Boas-ding 1 t-'1 AN, 1)u iop-i t<sMS lauo Pruce $466, payaruble by'linstatutehti. -ttu -ieàr, A Ms-Nuaas! saItiïitiisie Psssin is-e pîly to - - Messi-saMA-CKÂY kIIAP rau' a- I'susmîw We i-uicstlsîl - ~ ~ ~. .,.iSolcitrs. 111,LiU' Ky.,. 5., 00. î5 atru-InSOlvent ýAet -of184 as- ýkiid r 1 1-E 0,re dî1bors utfî(4 nndes-sied are nolffies! pur 1 to luitaset ai thl ai Offikee utMessrs. Mac- a's1 -'kaxy &k llap,in tise Townt ot Lindsay, In thse itth ru- Cs ouyf Victofia,un tness!ay. ibe 141hday ot ftier e No)vemnber ieat Ithelhour tEleven 'li kl he hideýjItise forenoon, for the us spose ut receIving staSe-. g" is- ne- mentutfis afilàirs, sas! ofüning an aîsign.o noule tise ta vlionile sas>-make su asalgpan u aer lise liq- tise aSti-e AdI. nanig 1 utatktthse Town o? insay,iu the county oe usr Victos-is, titis 241h uôt 0eto3s%, Aý..18 65. l ue S , - resis!'g ait ov s d Xpo arlp= , " ix the (louait>- or ctoia kip ikins" .J-MOAL ~ tg - Soilcitor i !gsosuIent, 2- 4M t st stm" toi.tbe asb e h 1w is mAèitd&adt AM i d 4 tb"OMtuely upen ~WPDERATION (vitli &U11*8 t aO etMrv- *arneê~iS ee puoeafr aulour 11ab ~ . w 4it ho u 49SoiR Mm C~-. austhe. mdiiieulgued 41a 8frou the xUwootux*pwwsern1a. d Uilnks thatfr-oaathe 4.siWtOur.ç0am mer qMMor the Peut t*ireeOf four yem sbus naii t1iePablie atcmoh #w, xtravagant a dlab as 5hà. navel <me (the . ofe4eme stew) wW* ou WDowninagStreet Physoiana bave pmerbdlor mustoour Oaum.au PW MOM qrat Quéec.. That our substantiel diC e «M ~C. PEtOIPU~DDIN&, la the best food for t ,.apied wi etrebmien4., adfretrupkRaoy adisilatuteOcf rsierooàW seaaonig, Nortb-wst. q..% ,or worse thAn sea «ÜËQ4ea o ty. B.1co.*ty, cogtribntes v ou w rArienitui snwS rOi 141 0 "Meor W1*ibi . uordr e a4i tocOStif5t 1 d, No~as~ iwlaylew f 0 ouatifu hwYest with Wh" hDivine Prov deu~e bua h1md ne, til good price to bcaai for ail kinda ofý Grain, Stock kt IiLn theSI.almost certainatiipation Of the, Abrogation Of the exlsiig hcprocity Treaty, and ini orêèr to ie èuh a- contsngeoy 1 bave hdéSd o stop doing a cr4dt bu8sibeta, nd béneeorrard l 1 FOR U AI>Y M ONE YONLY or Its e4tpiva1nt, upon wbich ter".- I n bl o mfr-e inhisabitant(cf Lindsay sud ,Counity Of Victoria 6a» Büperlor tock 6f uW 5TMLK A4NO FANU TR IfltY cot hanIdCanadiaiiTV,,-,' TÉrustingto a disceniieg pubUc th.t my exertiong in tlieir interest 1 (as welîy owsi) will be dilly appreciated, and t. hey wii ausit e b jn u te gud.àP-4rq Treaty. TO &*LL 2HOSEwho arc indebted te sme foi thse pust and preceding yearas, would kindly, say PLEAME PA1 Y tiF, and save me the, trouble an yourse1ves the. annoyance ut légal pro- ceedinge. And thàn.kiog itcn for past favours, 1 reniai-t their obedienfais 'at, lamesLenihan FOOT 0 ETSRELIND&41y P.S.-As miglît bave been expedted thieDnnin Act, las stimilated thé manufàîctnre and sale of the Lindsay Ale andlper. 111 orders received ftt the store wil be- rOily attessded te. Lindsgy, 2t October, 1865. 30 LL HARD éW"ARE - The Subaier desrle aftat de t îohin of FARMERS, I3LACKSSMITHS, .ýCARRIAGE & IVAGGON MAKERS, C-ARPJENTIRS,, BUI LDERS, -CABINET MAKERS, SHOE, MAKERS, MILL (OWNERS ANDU LUMBERMIEN tolbis stock, of HtAI)WARh. which lieh>s opened, out la (ILNeis od ~aod 1FierPt'sBluc'k, -and! videli liee ufess&areducedés oat s h suspurchasers. - lPaînts, Oua V olours, Glass, &e., lways on hand. ;r3- cOL'N TRY. STORE-KEZPJFRS SUPPLIED. Lindlsay, 22th Oetober, 1865. A ýLARGE LOT of grey. and ~1 J3LANKETS for sale cheaj> at ROBERT SIPIER'S, Kent Street. 'VALU A L V FO-R S A L E CnLiberaI Torm .L The solitu i ifof Lot 22 -iin the Eightlî(,,on- in the- COUNTYOF ONTARIO,)- 11(c lnd red Ace ! -MORE or>. LESq. Knowuas. the - KELLOG FAR M." or b 1l)' N8O ~, --.-&iUr litggisýtry o(Aire.Lnsv NOTCE. jP111ESan i e( at th eIcl l uuIt - ll On ,CSaturaay, 0October 28th, I1865, btcsiht1ý lsurs if 10 0'cduck il.m. andi 3 P.. LindayO~tbcr-lith, 184,5:U NOTICE is h reby gimiels t it fe i ex L j meeting of iie !1(1âioIic ouswit)fut ite TOWVNSIII-P OF M RiOS, to J) lac nt ht-d i kwood, -on tise Twentv-s ix thi day f 1eeemet!next, - J-s vl epse tq gcsab1isi a LIN F OWAI two 'rodi wihi frons tl srlam arceefor;-ruas! inirear u4 Let. No. 1ils uncesQ B, to the aliowance fpr road is rear of Lot No; 16 in cosseeasiun.C insaîid Toéwn-. sLip. Sais! somias! 1ig becn surveyc.d anda laid uutby W. Galbraiths, P.L.S. -J. F. cuyxNNIGS, - To wsss.ip,(les-k. -Dated at-Oakwq0d, tis l 1th day -uf Octubc-r, JUST RECEIVED 50. pieces elý-Dark PRINT lit fro i.O1d. tb 18. 3d. per yard, aft ROBERT.SPIER'S, Ke1<nt Street'. -NOTICE To Schota1 Teachèe. TRE SEMI-ANNUAL :E XAMINATION4 OF TEACIIERS fur thée Lindsay District, willI be heIs! (l.V.) as FoR last 4!L&SB cEwravwArÈs: thurday, tJl 2 ti) Deemàber. rog'.gnd SrcI CLASS CEIRTI1cATES: 'Jriday, 22 d.]ecember. ýbiýXxamlnat1on viil he eldins U»ionScbool H6uWsud ans o candidates wil be adn" A "îet,e 12 umlopk. Linduay, Outober It, 1865i 25 JOHN BERTRAM. r EF Stbseriblerbegs. leave te)retutaihlanks t.' lis astny fnends ln town ans! coasntry fus fstt fvusruand! iaving borate tise sseigiit of a credit business for aluie Ny-ar,-, bas couse .lu( flia conclusion l'O.open tup, s Cash Tsude, coni- TUE IST îDAY 0FOCTOBER 1865, whlhi 4i L l sely adîseres! tn fûr aI last' rire înonast.su nile lMinsb- settle Up liii e- Couilts, HEM)O~FFICE -IN CANADAS WtLILiucitoiq., .àTORONTO. -THEE DINBURGH LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY.. Utnder thse Act f-Parliansent pases! liais lat Sesson; npw eti~plCai For tIe suie beqe6_t or thmeirWivcs and Ohildren; suds Polciisan. sitopliser ffiefronigay> CIMIn on < « u t555IUSf reditosa.ns! ouais!. ipersoa to provide vitis certaiaty after tIsid"a afor te maintenance ut Unr Famjlýes The- Edinbstgh Life Assurance Company are prepaieci to offer anumnal facili*ls for thiii de- scitio fhurue TrautpropoWa, and! eesyiisforsnnîion respectingr Life Assaace'may le ba!, S aiy.cf thse Cçeipaxiy's offices ia Cana ta. J. IIILLI'ARD CAuERON, Chairman. I DAVID HIGGINS, -SSlletary, (319) CAMERON &RDE, Solicitomf ,&c.1 !86~Y4~1AND, WINTER G1865W The CHEAPEST Grey Cotîoine, The HEAEST birings,(heavy) The,,CIIEAPEST W-inceyqi (Scotch The CHEAPEST Cobobrg~s- The CHEAPEST Sh awls,nýw style' The CHEAPESTWiiln(fcy The CHEAPEST Blanketq, Th&,CHEAPEST Tweeds, ilt wool. [The CHEAPEST Pijnî,(Iiovles-) ARE TO BE HAD ONLY The» C HEAPEST Flannelsu, al colos The- C HEAPEST Mandleso The CHEAPEST Fars, The CHAETIlosiery. The CHEAPEST Ribbons, Thie CfIEAPEST C.aps and Ht@)te Thse CIIEAPEST Ready-made The CHiEAPEST Groceries- .pilaic Wiiltcr Goods!fl rrlE Subseriber: begs -b Inform la is frieùdà and tihe publie generally, *that bc h lias j-ualt receires! une of thse. usot fàAsisonable stock of Fal sud Iin-ter Goods ever liin- Ixirtes!into Lindsay. Tihe Taiiuring I),q)aaiment Las been fitles! witithtie greatest cas-e; ans! as ise lias secures tlise services uf irst-cbiss ii-kntn, lie fLirters iiseif tîtb ecausa it lte tastes -f utl Wihvîo ay fa s-unr'Lins witit Ilix patroisage. -. The fincst.BEAVER, Pl LOT ANI) DWIIITNEYS on.band, also*a fewv îec<es.0f fir-zt-class 131'OADCLOT11S, (ÙXSS IME RES,DOESKINS, for 1)ress Suits, &c. For Y aucyý Tweeds, Silk Miktis-es, Does!iinz, Redfioril Cors!, tisese is nu ?aaucy ClotLing establisi- nient ini Canada that bas bettet- goods. 0f Cailadian Tweeds he. has an inniiense stock, ans! as they arcwa'll linown for durabiity nul finishs, lie feels confidenl that thes-cviII bel a great de-, .ffiand for tseti. Ilomeè-made Flanuels ans! FuIl Clotiî uf bis owu make always on baud, Faucy Flannrelâ oft'ail descriptions ves-y cheap, and a- goos! assortînent ofStait 7i ods, sucit asý Shirt- ings, Tîc7kiissgs, Linesîs, &c. !<uw ou liais! oves- 300 undercoats.....fs-un $4 00 lu $11 0(1 Coud Canadian Twced-Sits1Ol 5G 500 pairPants... fon2 0b 0-16000 Shirts antd Ds-aivesfrom 1i00<JO b 3 00 400 Vests......... from 1 00 to0 3.50- îl -sa-asoovs-100 ppe- olass(sizes froni1to1jl 161) ans! au immnense assortment oaf (Motlandis! id (..oveq, MîttU, Socits, lianis, Caip,itraces. ýlaitdkercliiefi, &c; i4 fitt, lie bas on fliati s over $ 10,000 wor:li of superios- goods, assaiàisboünd to sel! tiseni cieap. IjAs asrmntl na-de luos-rdes- ans! a good it, warrantes!. Liudsaiv. Serteroher 29~th, 5805 A. ALOTTE. Isauie w-im t-e been l fisdctc4 u iata, iifr frotî.U.s d U r tg rek~ dis-e to Avre yeas-m, that lie uasgentl- NEDANS>MS AE MoxFI and, as lie lias lie-lises! teém alojits t)t-i t j lipi atr its tas tisey, .tI rtac tiee-nt- -leNIE I:iitby pav i'g n. ua111), 1 ev sre in a puai. tias- lu du Sou, ecuiaily alac i; ralîy ire d T dise scribes- offiŽrs to neulisitlIc ut Victoria -osîy iel s-talassortiment crfPss-Ius,Disring fus-moruner,, aid-:ts sia tes!. abus-e-mnauistharcli-- nd ais B-s! RoussiFurffiture, mn varions styles, es-es- lrotiglit it'm Liadsay. larticulas- attention - - J~AMES %VATSON,isivt- uli- Lit d à, i.2', 18( Z. - 173 A I,.\ NflI GOU,- C AN E ITTOM CHAIR, - CH'iAIRS - - - wool) SA - STE-AM BO>ATr NOTI'CEÉ. - ) - EBOA RDS & Iiextg Tables, RCIG c. i (~~~'-INER îITOTS, * jWSItTNS eomrn 0. U dcation Min n., -SOFACTAE&CMOBDSAS WITH ]IROCHEJSTER!lAlOlIIIN -I CHE JCAIRS, D q-, iTABLES, &c. &-c.. pAý.1ilor7DraCrIN fUll& atTCHNe .f. oln falszt eienlnl nso UP P EltCABIN STEIA-MEFR, Lent-es NrtsSuas oe ports for Charlotte, crus-y ('iLiIRN, t12-45, i.an. Rf, tR G, at2 pM. ilETIlNiNO .Lea -esChaslotte for Non ht ~isu-ci~rî, v--viîosîigSundateteie àas S:.3si r viit ie arrisai ut sptîl iitrais froni hl -tsr.r jsCîinud f'a tn, tail jîoisisas t lIat sl os-iil.).v ail or Boat, couînec titith rre iii Raesetes ii ituefor express lrAins EssZ,: l>nz-ejjgîs<rs in tise Ussites! State4, Vin Rochie- tes-; s-iast b-> 'iltr.utissiwith -titis,,t.eines- ii Chiarlot.te; ,ariing îsî Port i a ies-a ,swis'îsialîtc:c-ntride ut-es- Lak- t)ntari'i, in tialsO fo-rs1 -strain,7to liuds.'Ay.nài ts.uo ts ~aestr*.iig-lEat.qais! West <an tise(Grans! Tfsun-k lailway, and also, fuor Royal Mail Lino of T 'his Svwif axns! magsifcentît6axner lias Leen ee Ialle 13s~ aP ors-tiisroute,,witit aIl tise modemrntajlifiaàès, anal lies- saluionaad. stite- rous iAres elegtsily furnighed - Tise Tabtle and! Bar.alway%.s supplies! vit thtie ver v- Lest. -, .. ý1- 1 1 MIs-.$25; Deck,-$2 G0, - lUggage ut sisk ut owners, uimbus houked And~ Fur fi-tises- informa.tion appi>- 10 tihe Cipitini on boas-s!, or to, - Kingston, Oct., i8~? a. - -KiDgâtoa- %MATCHES AND CIIS Justý recelired a fine selecedst ock >of Gold& Sive~Watches., Also. a suiperior lot uf Ladiesl' asud Gentle- il King StresSt west, ACOMPLETE -AÉsortmnent of ,; -Ribbons,'Fluweors, Feathers and TImmnings, at, 1PýOBERT SPIER'S, Kent street. T EA, SUARSand-Othe' Gho-ý e40qto be had at the lowest pîce9,at Kent Street. Pitrers F a c ded 0. eansof alleii~ unis Icertsl"aiicintstock lI~iwer A 1J INNTUESNG THIF ncî,KENT, STREET. 2,17 iH. OLTOURF. DOSO &NIBLOCK, lIgaporters andl Dealers Ï» GENER -, ÏT1 GROCER IES, TEAS, TOBACCOS, :COFFEESSGR WINK, BRXNI)ES, ums, 1) Tom- AND1-OLAN - GNS C-IPI>EWAMAT01)R ,AN - --COMos WV1ISKtF.S, &c. &e. STOCIK AT-AL Till"' TIZV D OI'111 Tihe-alise ilhers- arc determiincd as ie-retofore 50 suppiy a- vant 1-cg fel le buij Towis, lýv lc a geoilstsiittî un hasdts! lise Lest brandi uf Insiortes! Wisses aud Liq»iî, Ales tMiîd Pustes-, ail t s -iC1 i st-ut L Lin -no0vt Àç At ,f 1864. PM=VICEOF CAAIA CouNty 0OF V-10TORMA lu <-he C.oun-. ty Court of the, Coualy. of Victoria. hgs Mie Maler of JMm. lreeanad Jon,çh N BCx shrey pez ta oe We Fb. -y .nc or«s.»onsas Couftsel cas e beard, tise daderaig"w iii apply Su She Jqdge oet b as Court for aDischàrie under tisé sais!Act. JOHN BREME. -- reaiding in lhe Townshtip of Nariposa in thme Coanl> of Victoria. Solicitor for Insolreuts, ýDates!, I3th day of October, A.t>. 1865. 319 Offce of the Provincial Secretary, QuIEC1EC, October 2nd, 18#5.. T HE Offie of le Poica Sceayand B~eeitrarwill be closed at Qee iuiand and re-opened at Ottawâ on the; 25t.h instant. WX .NMcDOIUGALLS Provincial- Secretary. Quebec, oct. 3, 6. -313 EU TSEKEEPERS wouId find- teU it to their advantage to inspet .h Éàctory, White -Shrngad check d'b., athitn ad ROBERT SPIER'S, Kent Street. FRESE ATTRAOt'IONS TO 0OUR N0BlE BANNR T T's sil the de erutination oft heecubscriber lu again revisit the " Bather Land," and las View of lte saine Le wishes to seli (and is ýbaonn to do so> the undersnentioned desirabie. property, situated on une of the most. pleasai streets iii LitsdsayT ,.-iz : One two story i;rick andone Praue lions. standing on ose Lof-5 and one large two etory- Fraie House on a "o adjosnsng. aIll weil fnsh- ed dwiellin gs with good yards and every aO- comntodation. Also, that two story Frame Buiilding (Shop and Dweiling) oecupied at pr- sent by htimseif, directiy opposite Brown's block, Kent Strcet, a good gardvrt and barn attaches!, witli every convenience fur a businessImass. The-bnyer is guaranteed ar advauta.ke at once ot 16 per in' n tise capital investéd, aud also a remuneration ofut at eaqt 9 or 10ý per cent. thereafter, per year;' For terns and further lu. -formation apply ltise subscriberz, G.-H. KrzyU, or to A. HIIIJTDPETII, SolicU r. We have stili renulining on hbaud fs-os goude sols! at Cost, a few artiles of Gia'sswsre, Cul- lery, Lanips ans! Globes, Lookiu<.-giasses, 4e., which will be sois! very cbeap. -. Just receires! a lot of good Gold and Ëilve'- Watches, comprising best Eugliihý Patent Lev- ers. lsunting and, operf case dot Detacbed Cy- linder do. do., Dupex. Escipement "d Ladied G3id Watchcs, and a fine sssortrneîst of > gois! silt-er and platcd Ful? Cliainq,.Iiûuks and Kens GoId Ear-Drops and Ring.s, and Ccks ofevery description -and price to suit purehasers. Aise, splendid Satin Room Palier and 'vindow Blinds, Gilt Velvet Borders, for uealy- furnisbing a sit- liig rooxu, in endIless varieiv, Juît importea di- rect fromnNew-York,.: Best COAL OIL at prices defýing eompetîiion. Ulitl furtitér notice the sutis-usier wiii con- titis to carry on Ille Watchm&kiug business as heretofore, to wlsielthlias. ad'Ied the beau- tiftil art ýf Engraviisg. I-nscriptions- upox RingsWatc'*es, i4oorpla tes, C otfiipla tes, Forke, Card Stamips, ivill be exeruted to order in du- perior style. î Jus oc eceired a splendid lot of Gui Moulding G.11, KERE, Sax, Kent St.,,W.t Lin.Isay, Sep. 2Gth, 1.865. 29Q-Gta THE COMMERCIAL, UNION UISURANCE COMPANY. Ç Lonidon, 19 Coruhsili , E. C. Csi~s Orss~ ~Montreai,221 &223 SL1Paul St. Capital----------1.0,0 DEPOSIT.FL'ND IN CANÂDA -$5,0iW General Agents for Canada, Tie undersigned hiavieg been appointes! Agent of the above fir.t <las3 En glish Company for the Couuty of Victiiria;- is pr, pared to effect evcry description of Firc and! Lt'e Insurance aS tlise iow.est rates consistent wiîIL security., Prob- pectuses, &c., snay le Lad on aI'plicatio's te JAMES IJEAP, 315-y. - Agent, Lindsay. Farmiers Attentioin ! 1, boUi.L 'ai; uweît, b 7uO mu .5. i A.t 4%.rvLMuau.5. DOBSONk& NIBLOCK. cldsajy, May- 4tt, 1865. -190tfi 'I R B S - --___ __ - lTe subseribe s eis-es to infus-mthse cuso» ufthltelefixas of NEW FÂNC(Y OODS' eI Lvel IEMISJAGERIS Keenau's Blockt Kent Street,'Lindsay. Juil Repives! a ll.g îantil>-cff ,sew stYlcs W aIl Papes-, suitable f6r BiuitgRooampBNd Rooms-, parlors, Halls , &C. al ot vIaieli %vdi Le Sols! aIea bmall advance on cust; Paper Wlasduw aJinds, Looking. GfAeseg, a.nt -Loukîng Glass Plate; lictus-e Fraies ans! mandle Orn!îneibts. CHIDIIN'SCABS AýND. EnglsiaGlu, Waki ,g Sticks~, Canes, &c. C Kl A GE s Tke "oyers orthe mre499 will eind! tliée Let Tob)ac.cos su great variety; Pipeà front a ccnt, and upwards; Cigare uft tue best brands, and Cigar Ciaseàini every style. râ -FIXECT CfIEWING TODACCO. - SPLENDID QUALIU'WlrITZ WINE VIEGAR. Ladies',%vifll ied a. varied!stock ot Beads, Braids, Tatting Cottôn,. Berlin Wocls, I'ewellery, Wedding Rings, ans! Fatev C-tlery;. Dres.siisgCombsToilet Sep, erfumery aud Hair ()II. A Laïrge variety *of Giite Mduld ing. Violins', Violin Stkings ans! Bows. j~'-Stan~in luorder. F211d Door West of the Jevwett Ilouse. ~ iaga -IMMII, i6q. *Frein persons.indebted to Ibis offec. 4« carrying on the ilarmess -àiad Saddiery susimm solely on lbis own. amaqnt, lu the uid stand a#- joining, tisestore of -W. BKMitchell 4êCP, William Street, Lindsay-, tuer, lie viii be gia -to h ave a vsit frosu etemyone ïir wànt* of azm-- -Iiing in bis hune. - Working closesi-atise business Iimsf, and enipluyving iong s effl riebaed workmen, &ud lauyiug bis uraterial for cash, ho I# prepared le pIfer the folIlosving pre iâst for tIse considut,- Va of intendimg- pirchasers: ÇI o o d e a 'Y S o r t - T u g ia i - affl i l ba y ames. . . . . . . . - 1 . long-Tutado do ic 2006 Hlook Dare..*.................... 1006 Set of light singiflarnuas, vitIssises! -traces, round .huies, ans!- lp.strap, anis fancy Brdie .............. 18 et A goos! serviceàblse doublese ut coarme- fines, (seita-bic for a,.btggy or ligliS wos-k) 'itit crupper and! bî-stras round lin.es- ans! tau.>cBml.... 5f Ans! everything ini ptportlon. 4epaisieg exècusted! usait], prompty> m ebeap>- Whipq, LasIses, Sgi-plngleepB, ddiea, lalte, Bruahies, Combo, &. te-,kepi cedaàtautly en band asud pold ves7 ap' All kimsds ut Cas-i*815ad iCalter nt*neing douse aS lthe lOWes te ~1 cill e ".c l niîuUd it 1~ 1~ DO2ZEN and! Minant 316-17 Exibuitioni cf tise.TisraIs Lilts-ai Society was held at Fl*idssy 1he 131h jin. T4s ktshly fine, and thse attenda-nce ýs, thetir wvss'm and !da.sisor.., uérce larger thit on uny for- -The. - samples of fail anad Werte excellent, wvile the ýtab]ea would b. bard lu 1wt. f fruit. was bighly creditable cm( regioils, anad fuily 'establi- lial with ca-re snd prupor cul- eon thse borders tif Lake. Sim- mIe ag fat as apples are con- ic motS avoured portions& of -Thse qua(tity. varrss<y and- iyv utthe nevera-f. branclies - 0< a? A aria~2udTOi-f<t.2-5 per cnCheaper :1)Gitn:~i,, J-la -~'a.a -ï-io'A Good Table LaMpfor 60 Ceênts. 1 -

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