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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 3 Nov 1865, p. 1

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*, fVol VfL w.- ýt Str@ýe tLinday. . ~ - _ 4 sudi L.oado Pie à tou4~s e. Md mm thec an M B"1. t, ~ ~ Besis ONI DoiUitos Pm ryb ,folar.Paaa sti1,0318- paid- te (Jhancory ~I@ 1~i teock, ICet Strout. t- W m. h0YNOiXbige bteafob tbi il&M- j ats o e oti oty.of Vitoria s%Çme- at-Lýaw,kc, &e. ronuading Couati.., ltai.ho. blitaoposod the luWwi Bank. fHotel -on WiliIswàStuai, iatO1 DCCOeld hY Keai steet, Lintdsay. tJewtti, snd aseite bu 'mIite *8~4 b ih. P. S. MAv'a' ad l ta sy, Y,1sI*siel h§E nev su«vont- - 274f. 1oaoe Wine, Liquur nsd Cigars of the béat ý.B.,arrisi-roun-i .,a attentive bas -oîieneil x Law Lindsay, Dec. 161 1864.- 2294f ina addition to bits __________________ ineeoAlbertoffice*.A a.IIEMOREA = 0,cr MNirHoder's L~ZNEEANcN OMâce. -WA LTOSTE T POÉ? HOP4. ýARR1STERS A AT-, RtU T Ur O I up1e V, Solicitors i in an- tIHI1S favorlit; t:IelXb&viflg b..» 1y oiy en- vancQtm5 Ac. &C. p oetely renovated, a fiords lb. butmof etm AY. i.adtepbt rIJAots Bocs. comutodatIon for trS'ÇlrC 5su lcrubo OR AItN geuerally. Under -Prese.nt managemett ri ILLS. B. ORI>t,, efforts will hoe pared tha iii Mco nduco te .com for!t of guest a er, 1trey~t-L5, n- The. bt of Liqua'ý sud (igars )jge-Keea n'a Brick 41y dsa Y, C.W. 1-ie o s ,R ar suad At- AYETN lficitors in' (Vlacr7,lcet h a aicer8, &Ic. &e., Liait- The subacriberboge t10 4ifl uOtftO l âh . a iock', Ke»tStreet. loased lte abovea bolT, wIdh has bee» fmrnism GI50. JAS. MWeLLn d and i ftted up thro-tghýoUtiàa le'bot of stylo. * it-t Noe bit the choicet Liquors aand C igara vili - b. kepone in tiernis 1 isvii h frns. taraey-at-Law, soli- edti ilaail the 4elicacies of thé eOeasa. 1[tsoivency, Notary EIcar-fui asud obiigg tters al"78 in >11 MeDonUeils nov attendamice. ~ .AIIPopel. ighlai. k Giauseu's.rprito 2- Rtf Beaverton. Jan. 6(lb, 186e. 280, 239-tf, lIo,. illiam Street, e tua 'e 11p)tinthse bet living rates. Ail or- attenionA, snd-a gond --- 29-y geon Den- ock. oppo- --- 290 gincer sud Provincia 1i ,asselStreet. idsa>. CW. 6-t Ley.at-Làaw, iP'ln l Isolvetie>'. Olc-64 bo, and 4dtt's Block Mone>' to Loan, Etl 7 lirnicial vithin ten ,h -burrower proposes. -316-f rTUNr farristerg andt StallCll<or ln Chîancere, fllos-een n' Block, F. DENISTOUN. ,T ANDRE\N,,- , eou, A.coucheur,&C ýnand in ise AI>,NG fRUi, iNo. 8, Keit Strect. 241 -t TuE AOL>and (lt-rýnui st of Trin- Touacfer (dftlie Pian-! (sdlekte aI Mr. lhbitt-oi's, Lat-ms' Inupri eoeral Agliati h- - (Late DoIte,'s:) Corner of Kent sand William Stricts. Lndsay. JOHN- STEELE, ProprieIOr. HAVING leasci lte abovo vweil-ýkriowa cen-7 lial Hulel for a terin Ofyes ns, and hav- -ing thorotaghly reftted sud refurnise e'!. ane, the proîtrietor wili ho glad'ta have a cati fron. litetravelling public. TiseBar is fuiraisis.- ed ith thelieslitwiaios, iqa-ors anti cigare: Plent>' ofaht foot'> sud.extensive stabling un- den thte charge of good Hlostlers. 278-tf (LATE. PLATV'S,> -Neson atreet, Toreite, --Above Kirag Street.. - I IE Subsenuber begà to lutimailaibis frnends ove central promnises for a -tcrm of ycare, ho bas refitted fgad lrefuraisbod lhrongft, and ho yl b. glad t bu bave a cati fronithtie travelliný.g cein- mua - 'Excellent"sd extensive SiabIing. -~ . JAMES CROCKER, Torn to uv 1865. 305-If II[OP opposite the IMarket, Kent Street, Lind- ~Jsay, where lie is pléarIed Wb make up Gar- ments in the latest Style and ,it very reasonabie charges. Cuttin doue eheapaud an tise short- est notice. Jauuary, 1865. 20t H4ENRY HUGHES, 1îC ES E D AUC- ~ "X jTtONEElt, L and, flouse Andi Commission - Agent. Rsîre Kent -Street) Linîdsay, t3Orders ieft nt the Olliceof the Càanadaar. Posi wili receive Ipruu'j)t .attention.. Lindsay, JuIy istis. 1864. 25t DAhiVs,8IlO0T EL, *CAMBRAY, C.W. 'f DE Subscriber beg9e infor,i bis, friends jand the paîale ic ôViçtoria Contyv, tisat ho haie Opent'd theôeol 1.in Cambray Iately'accu- pied toy Mr. lMlct>l;and as lie bite bad ii fur- ilisi*d i firatst~y le ivsitoxe .v ii find, evem-y con- %Vene~e ine", iquo and cigare of thse jbest qullity. Anuattntive lter -aiways in, WNI. DAVIS, -r ifr --- rcanibay, Sept. 1865,ý. * 3l64>' un aI- 'M. HARRIS, TAlLai, lim Stroot, Sa eS. Lindsay. Militai>' Tniiorin's;, Clerg>'- Fttues imns', Culloge and l)nsting rGowns-an'! Samo- rau king Capis utade up b ordcr., tiel & Cltîitg clýa-ned -kiud turnerl:-Ordlen nos-] 270 pctft&lhy soliviteti. andi satisfaction guaaatecti. MON EVTOLOýA N - -tA'r EtGWTfP ER CUs-t. belr anti Bnihder, tAPPLYtol -G. DORMEILI g pieansCe fu1t1ý £. -Soiior Douçrinuames niado e Lnya -pt 2,1863 2654tf tTA10' 0/t-KW'OOl),(sip'epposite Mn. A. -gent :uhs Tituber'. aîrnsadsoe>îslflfilm ie t Comantn'ftr tierail patronage bestowed du - li -for lite.1>551 0 anti D>urhtam. -j3 years,:hogs te s4ay tilatlieho l.astill lineptie'! ta tise Comtr>Baild- I îromity execuite ai rdent vitbtwbith berna>' - -i icfavourilite lael .1tles simdait he lQ'y- _7 _____est prices. I5148, *mls to-bas mail- 50805- Ah te lm, , Staosaad - ken- àa A sang - din c ; Tic wZoad WIeliuiýhnle, u NM .. i#ii.* - "ut -fl 1~* me g- misa, Fa* fPricel, W w saàà Ms -Oaf Paris Bot,, .ns"4< O»Aet.1oao 'SU,'and 1PoryDdL Tisée Ell. *re ité vii Yoteu, Saaérd's 9,sakbcfn "ul oàm,0os.m of Bnell & là lb. 7 isecs $375 20ô " 81"5 00 38 4. 10ci 8 75 50 < $<12 50 75 ' 118 î75 104- " 1 " 25 00 Ib0o " 20" 37 50 206022 c 50 0 250 U 24 Id 62.50 LÙoi of Acadû ny,,.tmbrast, Jr-L ~UAsrçBeMJialitjti.idare vaito- to WfeagtPrwêeof *eUllIasgngo 225,lbs.2$if$ 56 00 15 001$ Il .00 275 99' 69 (» 1U00[ 8400- 3,75 32 -'94 où 22 00 1.160,0. 450 34 112 00 15 00!137,00 600 36, 150 00 30 00118000 1756 40 18800 35 00, 22: 0- l(so0 46 250 0 42 0& 292 00 120 48 3W00 45$0' 345 00 A400 50 350 00 t800' 400 00 1560- 52, 400 0 4001 454 00 18(10 55 450 00 6 0 00 510:00 20m 58 .500 00 62 00j 56200ô 25i1o 60 625 00 72 001697'00 3(m0 63 7500-83 0083500 35i0 66 875 00 87 00 962,00 4,M0 69 1000 PO100 00] 1100 00 4500 '72 1125 06 113 001 1238e00 5000- 75 1250 0.125 $0 1375:001 Lrger îSazes mad b ordvudit 2.5 ct#; per' pourd. GuiÂnaàis.-.AlBello sold a-I tue above pnices warru'ied agaia breakugé by fair, rangiug, for. toe miust*s ram time 1uof-pur.- chasing. Shouli one fait, sa nw bell will ho given -by neturning the. brékeacite.- Orders may b. sont throdgh. the Assalc AoV-imme Àux oaso, 389 Broadwasy Newý York. in case a Bell brealfer the. expiration of lteé Warranteloo, I <1ev Suf price for the. olt moetal. JOHN B. ROBINSON, 311-I. -. 36 Dey Streel, N. Y. Au'47ddFirat Prtze £a lte Agrimütural ExMbftoLsmoy. On tns green ù-gime. .- *Wa ita hongi dur posle bordens lànwaitsfa' pliglit are.sn Thougi tocks <mmd- string dahlias-k ms laitiers tmlr ien Thy hosry da*as, O.cltober, Tbey ne'er ver. noaI lu bide- UnIlike tihlo.some doyven On the.green bu-aide, r Though R»bia's towu-aetesaSwel ling A saber thoÙght compeling Thst nâne wouldoek le bide,,.0 Bitai! *6 aI haute sit cba rinn.n O' frost andfaine anaîmdeing, -Wilue*viser foiki aie waudetizmg .We'Ill e h oca iepf a To-elaete cgle n sud asedo W" re lve'a dolight-sla ey sha.ed; Thoir cbeettu'ies eq'il bear. use -As owre eut iteadAsthoy gilde, Puer birds t ey part iu silence W ' lie g r n a b i hl - a d e . * Àd thougis nolaanbkiu's gambols May chçer us e n oui rambles,, Q'hips, and! haveadIl rabls, 11k brake, vell ire vl pnIie,- Andi pu'ltbe Iiugening govani, Whbare, laie. the clumeer'd rowan, lau scarlel grand eur glowin' Gracedth ie green, bil-âide. When streami the. gnud sannuel P rae- 'tween the bills sud clatis, Whîlesaags the. double rainbow Aboon the apaskling vood.% Ia lth erhid ili !thut telle us The storrn-kiug by wili. ride, ob ha vusolt haste in temre rrae Ibe.greçun iili-ide? - WImsi thotigis the clatie close o'er us,- And glens grov dark befonelns, Soane-busit frac btuetering 1Boreas Will ample bell' proN'ide', Wliie thoughts we laug shah treasure- Tise irns of purest pleastre- Shali'leap in cauty»ÀoSsuno lu theéeiion hili-sid0' Ohye vint liiie eari Azmid ltecil>' smeek- Ye Plet sâre' face-àaboald eeek; jMid' social tNukarda, foamie"'I Site canes use lang lu bide, Bua-t veeÈlsite laelte freabness o' the greenhill-sidc. For sumj1er 1 sffight site canes use, Aind,,iitiera..fruwiiss.oe fears.nae, Tu sligist pour toil site dares.n.ae, Nor frac hi-anseeki te bide; By btînaiesnmurmîu*ring 'sÏ-t-ély, Au monta .or.'en sliell meet yo, Anîd wvi' stsile will greet ye On tise mren ltlil-side. - * Hipsitaws and bramblcs"'--Wild berries.- SEGSlt Io n bsFn'd nt iePaubl icT col&D D O D. r ) ltaitonlieputs pose aof enabling bimacilf - ô execule, te lte Most perfectiannen,, AIl oi' TéDocsnaeig afaninsplace foriS les wilhis ieli ho imay ho favored-he -bas h oe eiql MU Pl ' l sarde hiiel f tborougimiy acquainîti vwitit' aRwork -; bis>' flgens are ver>' .busy; pies ao a he laie inipirovcetts i is art; and being flatnel, cloti- anti chiniz are rapidly trans- 00 applie'! villithe bcattns.tenialg, cîmenicla,&C ,mul.edtl mbail sorits-oi*cpmiùrtabit> g4arnients hi ohopes go produce thiCt. .1 -deVsieinsfor lhe peor;..mailt ya powidow in ber' to -rsi .excellence as any masetin, Ibis province. lonely Lhubn niad men shivening oni bu ie Gal.ion>' î5apaietti andtavorably siualcd tîeir creukitig' betis, and. foniorn families. CO ri regard to, hijt,. and iapronunced b>' judnges acoturgot with Irùrnkeil, fathers, vili.be clati re ýo ho remankabi>' vell adapted ftonrlte purpuse wjîitte garittents tirough the bowling rit )f mnaking corrtctlhikeueases. . inter, anti, <iat ié alîîîosî as -goodt, lbe hi iz'Posiively no pictunes vill b. let. n fcomiorfeti b>' îeWarnl -synmpathuies of these PE ,b Gallonry tili pailtifer. Chinsiirt s:eueni. Illai redeemisiîg of Ihis mu >j- Satisfactionm give% ie tery cage-.«C:3 sinlui výonlt go thuînk ho* mal 'fut reans Y' 0- fc cbsily flow fratib onteat beants, anti *open s TcfluiiflIIS. ardera,, andi genciolli- endeavo.uns, into al ba "4We invariaitl>' stpply Mr.,>Francis villithlite mdark byways tai sorraw anti wtttietiness. hi p'sts audbeg ILciern ctiIsitStCéanfl hbtaiuoed, Biotishe 1)orcas. mcoin74 fteft sometbirsg Sc % d believe bin tohle iteorcgily acquaicledatmone gitan tIbis. Il& meeiigs in tiie villageh wt hil eulifulsartare he h on Csage'of Iboerah'tS, Klqowtsox à GREGORY." in the el'y; prices ,<tunrermt aeq ei i "hbave mmxi hpieasure-ia certifying tl> M4. - eW, onesliC t'ttd foreign, -lu lheroughly aW ne acis abiiit.y in regard to-bis being able to canvaSseCl l te sagae of -tise ttocks -in repu- Pl Mas. g o togrspha. - talion .if nt.lin raln>ds-is, ascertaieti- J . F. d'zsi." soetimea theno is greel ise anti -- lauin lise U "Thii itures takeis b>'Mr. Francis,of Litid-' Par valuo. As* the crdle gels ready> for ils T <t>, aie as got as. havesen frntm mante-oSaftarftooii 505510t, il breaks up h Ita uile lie hot alliertes.-khots of people -haviisg afinities 'ior. eacht Wxn._MeDONNKLL!" other. Sewing anti ialkifigt, talkiig - antid "Iconsidlren leg pil uf Mn. Fran cis sewstg-an extiaordiasi>'mounit of both ils tc as good anad as irui assay 1 have ever aen ilt eprcscfaonpsh nt Saali in Engisu'!,ad I have men» saine o e inscmi.items o! news ItuisaIo anti- fret Jike rimaile- P - JAME 13. MIR" -cocks; mectet-ar0 Ici Oui-in cornrat ULndsay', Aprhl '11h, 1865. 292 grever matiens are laid oinatrie table. $everal1 tke4valile beaas ens logether b ai anc 'ùnse metings ; vetes <%veopro- Iyj lt ý~voking-ly, lednt; expréessive'-iterjections - sèsoaed the -di;cotiuse;snetcitem of sentfen- The subscnubir doures I totefom bis trien. , c e O.liver Twis.t'à. crusta, only <hette Il and tbe public Ibat bc continues le koep lte tie appaeefor, ame.Mas. Hemngway bot herses, neatestand mmd tatlcomfortabkcL p t nrnvel a tangieti piçç5 f m- maiangem'anê buggies, oonâtantiy on band for msieiiaîn elainagte ber tharti an fountit bine. - - - - - - cousins, île sa-;iul Ms- Jus ili e Trsa extrenfi à5 7de- --know .Uuuî, wlhlq! beX » eniosity gettingtheÇ il- WORKMAN beat ut ber <muties>', alliedrew ber char 1ta ________________________ lennelne glu*jbaotir- naro -the knot, anti Fa~ily OrO Cber 1 sko', l.t i. iillëtOan etalkinco about?" * ý"Ibote -isa n.watt1 yung man Air s o 'eabou to le ogmged, gtalJane CA ~~s.~ I K~U , -Trest,"- <a the answor in an: undertone. Di- beYy e>' e acran, ?"Mis- KNT 8T7L.Er, LADSI Y,... 41 ningW8&y ays that -aasthebes construc-. ONFEÇTIONERY, Svsetmeatm, Fruits, ieLii ,e ptupnh' codmçL" "Puer ',Te. C, offepe,CoIioe.Tobaccas, asnd Fancy flo "sileiM.. ilottes. " tanugh Pipes. las inucli:niée* BPPen5ityulgm ;I Cigaro of tbe bsst Brahd. x- do n 1mev bh' t -bo t t i he o 6r" Cml atCa4 .U'I -The yo>tlglady itoOk ber beau, dit ailcl - eugl.know. .-And 1h07 tdisti ot piieiiive!>' Pro-1 Lindiay,20thOo@c, 16-nexe m- Crn >' t"-ho atit&iet. M dearne ut ol ik b el'I ueraan."< Dfwsi _circlo broie up' , aaiti >'is <aid Ibrèéo, the migh Isladiesyaung. - ast Me -,dispeaodW t. iae Tii ubeciberIialusb te tnb*btmts digwelohi iiee*. .Mbis Jon'iesdMa of LIids>ay s'! mtioglsi couâtry It hrt Brovu anti s bnii -tatib kt 1ha! l&toy otiuIont atiitgoand varied stock bisi ak . "T . y 5Bi ong ¶Svau solsu et'hàà ChaedilSteas. fltus, Druslag a&" v.ry ddý- P' si" id Mn.-- oses, atter oI1mr 1 cO1< ltê , k,-ahi of tii. dto@m if< sVeraI aliermalter a ei oeI h W l-au Iwerle m @ 1e. <Me.. Brown. *priIÉ9, in--a b a*ebereoihi*bemskérd kit Lindsasy, Orum'e il0 'ý . (Mirs asnd #.Vf* R GaS.mdwCi ii. aivw Pe pr- j t wPserpIa bW,'fibblg' *W W < t O vins ai b rne Tnh* hiwe, »OW - ' hJe l in h; iéAo9bde me-0ihm L~~~~W W**,iei1 oeeb or i th sl SI ili to of th t -,a w i -I .2 YTA LOR, Williain In hlm for the pasî 14! w,$ic Aw~D StIlQINSa6. At lie is stitl prCiared 10 .aers w-iLbh ich lb. may - Kra.. rosb'e BradY_ rTST STYLES, Usai%f ou- TAVING renteti a PIANO l -e doinons of - -takung pupils aI ýber nciidénet e, Umssel 'N, lysirinxt, ueaisr. WCut-a-t, Ternis made kuovu on ap liCat iont. dut>', Miay' 3,1865.'l6-> e - ottage, -back. of ti,-lu ~finIn t --3144>'A irod a m iForB le llouse, Sigt an' Orua- BE SOLD CHEAP, ubtis amI baf of'Lot Glazier, 'aper lisagen 1 4 ! ite 9th caneession eOpa, contaaiet Ahi orders rare-fnhfly fill, 4 1 no acres cf wiich about 10 acMire 0kr eu.d Sbop oaî -Willittmineet. suit 10 acres rai't o.Ti aisvti 865. 292 q44mites et Linits>' anti 8miles frouasOmonie, ____________ Ia short disance frein tité niila.: Ag>odi TAIG.-leadiig road rusinpart ot 4pbi CABiNETMAKER andti - 3.- pOna tion tio lmooy demn; an«, to aflouce tbat . ~tb. balance ini 4 -yeane. ,For faxr$er particuharsi tosnrlmenlcef ilFieShah apply tilthe ovue r John 1Brysa, p, or 10 bridge sIreet, Linds>',a 18-o3nmMAKY $A, .ticdc square. a1'P --Slebr, Iltay .,, andt ltababy mnoderato instoto emenit tire of 1'"atei't»frl.Cs*iuPulcba 14 peqain w fl of' YIMOOW Mid M.s1 ise. >si tr Isati kuen hat eau dit' do epu via sal te Bic er bat mec "la ~lff tr, o tc t Tel si n; .14 l en but t out:i.dowa, trieti but flot f4rsake 'rievod but not orubittereti, when ho ieft t] scee o hafiret endeavotire for the ne ,oid of the West. "ýSwan, My dear feIlov, is this y« Il ,pkufamilir. voie apou the -mal roui, o dayt anti h. turnuei roud to hal a clle, eti the friend with kinti xofiéitudie.-"Fin yI," anevsereti Swan, wih sSoethir of 1 olti&e. Whtor bouai?»1> a 17ha kqw' yel." Areyon alose t -sakoti fnienti."&'uvi.ye, nti ýswan. mii w ith heip a tender anemory of Jane. C accmet cf litafdiied'douigs"aince îhi 't 'vý littleî10 relaie," aniswened Iae,wl hm eoamjanu@i'a fa*ers ai itsynspathise ,expmefi44-61Mthe tbuuboid of 1,f. e,, goid sesams vithax cor grappbt-"w btppd, &o.pui«oUt.yer ad d sot~ ~ Ja th@.' " cý s, reppondet fnlîd "ukuw t dlblybfleeq .4~i~t iL» l;MruSSIP894s14.fut v* kqb ~ tes - l". W ÏbR asthe astt- -mm u>1, am mr, a oe s aides sider bom, iàd a Mmd Mr. Brown brou ghi àleodigwtw, -Pa"Msial fWbil, BUM14 What .ws'" tIheircie, i fbr6omê?» asïout Mv.,Iaew. She 1 bid op uev.va- iluns- é<faierest, for Sban& wo 4"capai t ixuusuc s ,bCo- Y. ýbey r 8"» aSwu a cms h8 si¶iuod sfqrébming ier il dieliý "Lep a leli' eouady .5 ptuas!"' WTh*bld," wexelamus Bron; d ihue 1te ; vis> bld tel 'mroc Io*".mentloe it as w, *ýMA oeauaa aapJ "S-edidi1 Vary à -am theptieWslats" :Mz. Brovii 1 not. "I -1am, bot at ail surpriseti," said mnaiden sbster, Ilho ceniainly looketi hike ho blettime ho liroached br l "Sw an! uc . èSwaà 1" enquireti the -frienti," 1 w* hies when a boy-very, sby-gretî lent." "lrlh.7 -are jusi the pe~l, Il Mr@.Brown; "poor youag mati,'"se ied, d4very promising 1 anti tbis cil- [Itance seemeto b onfirux th.easil report. [p a, few tiys 1Ur. Brown weait lu the v. Fiaishing his business, he p aïd a visit iia icIe'5oiinutisg-rcom. The friematily 1mehant wasthe counsellor anti heiper iany a young, mn uin is, hardi srable an .ducation, anti man y a poor mriniiter nwR upèn the unstable waters of pliblic itiou. -"There ia' a .yùog Swan some- lerein your noigh.bourbotad," ho raid to i .phew tiuring the. course of the cou6iiver- on.- "Yea, I; h eati of Tubb's a-a- ny. -lnsmaa4_, they say,"> unswered, owin bisha off-hand. way. 4"Insane!1" boa thte.old gentleman. 'eYes; wile I itdirect frein s re!ativo of his only a few yia go.'l, 4"4Very sorry," sPaid the olti erc.han in a tue of hearty commisseration, promising yàuth-very borry, but I, arn ad lo'earu thàé facl'Il"anti difectly as own lAtefi o nce o ent 1e an office a few ers beIow, anti withdrew te namne(of Isaac Kan. frm thé lisiof applicanis lIo tiheatià asterabié of a large Latin achooi. 41We ust. bavé men of sound, uninds for titis wt,"' ho' raid; "sbory, poor' feilow! le ouid have bien likeiy tu succeed.Il . At,%upper h. reicalieti the youfig man to 0recollection af bis family, ant izmentioneti a .ffiiciig,,iepo'tt concerning h.ir. IdA iry pleasat cil I Irotu iard;" v'as the la- ily arement uncommonly intelligent; Ai îi il reaiiy set",' "'$Sn>Brown. sys, di- ci froi hie relatives, anti uniler snob cir- imatances, of courue, Il cannoe use my in- oence for hirn a: . Latin sebool ;" andi nz as the ochi merchaut hati liveti, lie yet fa sihfreïery fresh biight upon the eso'he young. "Al.n t is is Jane Trea's frenti, noten- 1ei Ibelieve? .I declare.-she ougttte oie if,, for Jane ha* s great. borror of jasa- y; you kuow bow ach tbey have, bat ithe Treat family," sand a great îalk foi- kqed among the- you> ladies on aIl the in- resteA involved in Iii is new issue of the case [w a country,,frienti of the famiiy vas pro. >i, andth i ti ile word which bati unsealed ie -fountaiin of théir sympathies,- lie bore ra ith him lover railroati ant i wggon- id fan raway intô the. ititerior -of the siate, lion in a- itle inn lie acc'identiy m'etha old éqbaintance', snd frientity eiquiries. of every rt feui thick and fast. 4"Anti who is preâcli' ,g for )-ou 1 any mirister- yeît Vl*"6We ive bati a yoting. fnait n iswereId the vil- ige squire, '16who hbas preaclietilsoyerai âne? for us, and ou ~ple are rigtta iwitbhum, andi if h would malle up bu rlat tu seU;le, we. ahoulti choose- 1dm 10 norrow,.$" "6Ah, mndeeti; good 1!-*ho is itl' t I e- nano is Swan, Isaac Swan." "64Isaak wain, of tha ubb's Acatiemy ît" asked thE ,Id merchantis country friend in a bonte « ,nàcerp. "The very Mame; tio you knom ,m ?," I kniow ot hii," and bebusîdti b nne ad wordis.ihere ly evidently unapo)ôker ilt unp]eakant truth ; and ti l oulti pot bx >nceaied ; dtity té .any pariio requiret i eva lation of Ibm facte, in the case ; -,but i nust bo (aie" saiti the retailer, Il if yal ive not noticeti il." d'Now I think ofif Mrbaps liebas singuilanities of inanner,1 titi. tho quire, pausing anti turning tii rung man over in bis ýmmid, "dbut 1 neya ,oulti have guosset ili. Weli, if that is 1h 'b 1se, *t ifj an insuperable bar to our havini iirw; zlà knhow our -parialitroubles I an rry, ýti lllantitheo aquiro hastene lorpe,1 toteli the news arounti, anti poc Swan *as. leIt, ta painful coni-,ctnire wha Leu hbis age'wlieu at York ...12 w The vnlter cf tiisin 1865, aW t....... 0 t A. D. 1865 th nc SPECIAL FaRI OF PUBLIC P&ÂAsz.-Tbe 't Lontion Record slalom that -the following lx forru of.prayer vitii ho autatoruzeti b>'au or- i dien in'Council, to b. useti on anti afiete10 Stis 6f October. h lias, been sîread, i>c-u- ai lateti atnde het heating: 6"A.,praven sug- 0c <'esteti -fui use in Schis. Houseboitis, anti N Famtilles vithin hisetdiocèse, under aut pies- ag eîmttrial., b>' Chalea Thomas, imd Arcih-W bisisop of Canterbury." O , Lord Goti AI-Il mighty, whose are ibm cailleon a titousand i lilis, anttiin wboe hanti is lb. broaltf every living tling, look tiovn,we pray Ttee, iii campase on îneusTluy servante; whor Tboheas visiteti wiîh a grievous muniglmin among aur heérds-* ad floks. - We acknoav l1edre Oui transgressions, vwhicit vorthil>' de- k serve Tis>'chastisement, andi oui r c4n ic vr-r before us; daîinlahumble penoco e w corne t10seek Tity aid. In. ti.miti-ofa jutigaent do îiîeu,OLord, romembeï emeaY: et", o pc>'Tee., ibis plague b>' Tht reod p paer,, aiti save titlprovision il wviel liu badtt in Thytindessra il foi 0our austenance. -DeflendaDaise, graci- SI ou& Lord, fronut. epestilence vitb vbhhf tanen>'. foreiga lande have beecu amilien ;1 keep .il, ve beâeecliThee, fan svay . mmh out bordens, anti. shieldt bornfomemils ravagea; su shaih e voernffer usito Tbee0 t hé sacrifice of praise -andt tmkogiviag for these Thy scie of providence over us, Ibm'l *JeuneChrist unt Lord.-Ameti." SuccESSm'uL Pms.uAras.-FtOai the 'lIce-: ti coloras»f ai acontempoi'aWY, vo exIret tise folovitag antecdote --For nu>'years1 the Bapliat tcomamnity'ofDunferasiaxe as1 1 prmdtiae b brellions David Dever sd Iname lugis =ZherDavid '-va aplami, lionest, stiaigitîforvalrd mas, who never belli- tatedt 10expi.es. lie 1convicions,.lioveven, a npalatable tîbey might b. e aI oers. - Bein!g eetaa a tnember, of tbe prion board, ho vas caletiupon te give -bisevote on tîs ohoicesof aa hpWn f ramom elîooaitiasteof 9 ltseeutabti'shaetiKirk. Tiei. -ty vite ad' a gaglie thetbocoidence e t h. mçd bail i- j drether an iudiffirent preaclier in a charge te which eliebatptviost1y bsn asîsti and on Daîd*nu. t stgyhi* as-. of sntI.e bh ciuce 0ofuthe bierai-"sid "Woo, l'. neoui ecins.Jetheémm.,for I s uidýrstant lie .luw m,éeheb.-kirk t-mam atirely; sié 1basesstll h v,0 wumybe pol,.ohuVaOawl otase9 anh.owa nd whethev k vau not at ôoe beigea ieknow: lihai bu lunduretoti the rus peture oE hie aOUM; -it orld put Unesupo ~ tou~x*nganti coocelmesis I1 betw.ot no esoilons.," 0ev i Ma«0 have y=u b»um OaPlt" ho iminedlaly a skie; en Ibis internai deçasiwt, viîb ha bro- 1 thory ooo& oc, sand a look as m oeclis te t âme, "I knov ithe faetsdon't b. afraiti» 10 peoak oà." "Of ihe acaemy t" asmiedii Svan; vhirh bis frienti ook te b. a wtim i1 ibt ,-i h did ant m ean tu '.hum our hua lu. 1i 11«T he. boupita," saiti hii fionti, witb a C cheerfl ve*il-infioig lance, whih' adt-a mitttiof no vasion. "Jicspitai1" eehoed' Imm iuneea toereOf unfeignetiatoishint-m,i ad a Iouk certaly nimilike s auduman.' "YdLte lame oal!I earti you ý tiaibsatber syer." This vas the Brat webonubos. "h la e:tainiyhaaitosepp he runof oeseif in these tisys," lie said tiryly -yoî tht> bloodti rimalt taisface tingieJ in bis fingers, anti a hot suffocathig breath choket inlahis throut. 'rit reports did soi drive hii ibere. But it is a srauge anti terrible tbing how wo mnay b. aifting. the mercy of a goeipiaig, heed- les inonÉde-.ate,'unfoundett repart. -Let everybody stop anti cosider %% hbat useqfuilcas may be hindered, what nreputations injureti,1 visai teats grieveti, h aî prospects bligis:-i mdvha a rai ut.piJ.lcorsequence aneer tâ ho ecaUed, may issuè fronthie ut- toreucofa a single unguartiiword. A1TENIPTED CHILD-N URDIER. About oo» yesterday an inh uman but for- tunatelyunusuccas8ful atteinpt to ecommit1 chi ki-murder, threw osr.lo rspeople mb oa stalle of exc itemnent, quit. unusual te tbom. Tho ïcircumêtances are these -In, croaing, the premises n tha, near of a respectable rn rc attV tone, la young mari heard hum an criai of digress proeeduaag fron lie kimew- not- where. Ho enteactlitise merchant*s bouse in suh a sate of trpidation that he coulti col tel!l for somo moments. wliatgave ne' lu hie excitemneat. The partiesin, tise bouse thon rusheti into tbe yard, andi thene bearsnepeti.ioai oftheb agonizing, shrieks., Afev bnirmmetssufficeti to let them. know that a child was struggling in tise privy vauît. Unsucce sf ut efforts verd fr ksomu imie made to, release tise sufferen, u.til s coloureti woman was loere i mt ise pit, anti succeedeti in e.tricaîing the airno.i suf- focateti viýiîm, who, ri bi exposeto use light, proveti 10 be a new-born chiti of Ahi-v atpersuiasion-tliougb ,hsigttiy tinctureti ny2 1 cour fartis had'beon duly attende.l b, en- quiries wvere naturally enougli set où foot - u tiasoveritîs femorale-pnet, hich fact vas seon ascertainedtri y t nwilling confession of lte mencbant's colouréti servant. Sho aise stateti thaï she tiat hrowai a. lot af bot *ashes intotise prvy vault, anti several pails of waten, after p1aeing the cisilti there, witli à vicw la t hurnyiug ils death. But the little 1picaninny 1culiveti the cruel anti uartural -nîteanapt on ils life; anti is now in jail vush -iLs irîhuman- mother,. iso, vas oiy about two weekti in tise empioyment of ise gentîe- *man in wiose liause she gve bi rtis to the chilti. She sayie beftrletler-oft'he illeg- aI iatbo's naine la Johnason, t gentleman.ai calourn. wvisj not unkeowu in these parts.- Barrie Exain mer. TirtuCzNi-uus, *ND AHLi Aco.- 1I have seen a man, wbo etnverset i wtbà eman that fougisl at Fiotden Fieldi, may Ill *saiti by a venerable octogenarian- gentleinan ,to whum ve are indebted, for 'the Ioiîowirig -Mot intenesting memorandum :-Tbe writer ofa titis, <hon au infant, saw Peter Garden, who uiotiatIthe age of 126., When0 tweilve years olti, on a journey to London about tle -'ea 1670, in thi% *capacîty af nparein tie af- niti- rkingistitutions ha Nev Yen kare ibosi udt, ar ie t tsucsau lrs ilseema n asyl d ta- keep il. B-krv a*-eas oka W ears ago, aii. »o1wxMlu lb. hokifuhl- ie i îtâi.btions vie have.ano ceunitry ad fo7rcign excbaïtge. But noe-fitory or acmiste shop keeps meoa on lthe jump as es a live ban titithis -wide-awake - cily. mas in tine of tisese institutions ye:zterdây,ý icis noit il"len years oLl.. lis army of erks have Làbu oebandaîtearly iii the menui- g§ andti tby canatt eave tâtait thear day'. ork Im dunc, wviacis asifen ' nl until long 'er thse-Las is lighted. ,ls capital is tva- liuais, ils daiîy neceiptas feven million dot- -s. .Il receives tiaily irom 'twô huaretita inr hundred letters, ailtiof wisica lave toube 1teed t answered befure bi bue4neas tie day ends. - tNo batk clerk on the salary of a tbouaand liais a yean gees to bis batk as roguîaly rv orke as many Ijours as William B. As- r, wha counta up bis ieîty millions. His' lle une story office, a stop or two libm Woadway, ont Prince streqt, îvith ils iran- ans, making il resemble a police prison, is ie tien Wisere he perforntiis bis daily teil,. md ouitaof aIl hio vealth antilabour gels. nly bis Ilvictilai anticl He"Buai-, ends personally tb allbis bmimsknows very dollar ai rent anmd iî:come abat is taube- ome due, pays out every dtollar, makes bis tris iihi oaihaîti atiobigs is sub- rdinates tu corne -3 lÎtifor information, rhile lie ducs'nul go tu tset. -lHe gener- Iy -cernes. down in the Omnibus atatm eariy our of thse da). anti remaillsecloWey absor- tti in businies's until tre o'c!ack. 'Ho rely takes exercise,ý anti fiauds bis pieaoure tIlle clo.-est -attention ..o busines4. A ienti tifmine radé tu Was!tingrton with him n- th saine car t'romu New York. Be uoi- lr.spoke nor gui out of his seat. and hardly aovei frotjersey City le Washsington. Ho tually leaves bis office ntl ave-o'clock, snd ralks slowly up Bro-adway tn, Lafayette Aace. Be- is over Si' feet bui. beavily> )ill, witia deciie et ,urmnait luok. small ia> cye-s, as if lhe vas lali asieep, beati unti as a ptmpkin and ti out as tiestitute )f air. Be is exc.eeiaîgy lî opitable. andt in lthe 1 seasîts' gives td nier to tais frientis weekly,- at vwhichi tlie ric-sl- vitands on set- vicels of gzo'd anti i ver ari piesetiteil by liv- nieti servants tm, bis els Commodore. Vatteabi :t vever %vorked sarder in ,aUs liie-never îvorvvd-iore-heurs itan nowv.Ile bats a confideaitial e!erk,who works like a p)ack basîse, vîto Illss beenu is, mploy for thirly years. ' Beidcs ahit, lVan- derbilt dos hie oenbu.,iiie-s, tmakea ami xecutes-hii own coittratts, anthis, with te busines . iedos on twenty ianillions,is no smallit *u The Cotmmodore.gaes down tbis businessn gulary every day, -anticati sé-fouaîd at certain bours. -_I1iî o ni' recrea- taàis teelire aid fast tors2s. Muses Ta>'- lo, whoe dividemis froru bis coal stixk1 atone Ibis year reai&hiet tlie.prettv 11111e sont of a million (J dollars, begans business min New Yoik vieahue i-was sixteen x years of age, kppt.luis books tî his otvilia itI, anti bas donc su ever isce 111elibrar>' iii ahi& bouse os Fîiftu Ave sue is-a re, iilar Work- shop. Ever>' taighi hie briîi,,,!sup bis bnsi- nems, wut!i lits otvam htti. 1la vat. busi- ness as personal la hi-mn.elt, ant is ie u-4iness. as trustee is kept bv bm.,rtseif. Ile makes- ail iseoriginial enîties of stnI :and kiad, auJ cs bu lus -oflice fbu n i lat, r natiou, aen i -ho Înawe, jusl bow t:,iiismustb bothe-re to ho -ighl. Anti sltSmild evo -recordl kepit bY hie Q0k- keepets anti clerk-s be de.troyed il* uroulti make axa difference wib h ha, for lie ruas tise originials'ut ltis'own btandis. Mar>' nercisanîs spenti lme afiernoonin riditmg, or an game, or iin thé exîtemnea t ai the even- ing stock board; 'but, Mr. Tay aor tiu b is recreaioù in. a bath. - a good tian'ur, a coai- fortable siesta, andl an eveîîiaig t-voted lta. voîk. Such a mac woultimake money anal- keep il. .Thé"e are oni>' speciînens, of bas the men oi Wealtb in oui chies becume mon of toit. SLEEPING WITR OiPEN WINOewS.-A& letton in» a London papeýr=y-"-Thtere cati b. ne oubt of t1se.bea eficaiets to, healîli of «i froe communication at might tif thit air cf the sleeping rom with-lthe extenaal ar. This seetus toi be becomiug moto and. Moro- presseti upon lb. minita of the publie, in op- pw.itiion- lethe olti -otion -ofilie nouions qta' aty oif tho nught air. Wo rememfbor to lhave reati au account a few yiars back. of the testimofai agentleman ivaticeti in year-p wo teiee a clergyman, who alniiuidia hesîl!h anti prolongeti a"ge îtmrel>'10 tem>p iamg iu a -roomn with an op .en vînciow. Frtm, m- earlie4 1 le.I havre, wbenevo 1 oeau sie w th Many bedraotn w im mdo v p aj as .1 » . ........ ss. tur te 4Per mmm.ra~mmii n ID08 w"a tfe 5pTm *te qnseru forr aeuuieb i~~~oeP r hh ti ,h<vIIn. emli miii. s 0a he Pl b«, -71M eo~g y A AHEOSul LoE wMsmIau lieume! Ps icmnu mnmwt-day- . -f tqlan im*r St aPneuIéf1cear fLebmmmi h stilla bthewo cP r. elil mot 8noi- thee ne glC.&o iai ful of iula, butooff me! l'aihrt-nie Io.adsj; s be one ?tm sîoéings, Wck n i eyscayh rnlatistr peoaple cear ooLesuosisu couunta a tachor. el .a ifnteïr tîdsut4 anif. t.eati dn, tahelier sfervice Auttooffiy hrt, iey stk handkerchao&W"f- "' A * y d a botwa t rouhe m ming ; eh si' arie oprtooan.g oaet ns- mn misequle. witai at te ea. mAe r.1lus isf be bd ao ao ne*Mywe ta" -r mmutnX. As t. ciltinthe alwre abrlentan i gijergat, jand- about atris; n ou .must, lok at Ieurt, niarrt is waruae ii with thein;teyof nyraity;bontici nypthr gram . to fr ornmmliaaih.y -! 1.Sch.wfu ln evelvilet, e1terand owershalbrandletscerto gimcracksand wdefol1 da my aotm look&uno iook atthe mûeuloct iiialu ear1icnte; file dan tiwold be, coant ha «geabre; le beflvicat ado it! Bîwithi e hri su-le grue, oforsrnehng eî<, do.bu h anfil lon1 look in t ireIl'ru gorto baa ntiref frgee; nti whe i do nîy ocn thlooka mucb itt4ihe nve 'Iuom un he n oru .ck 1an e ti ;jt woul rei:uzy too a e ieejud righe s erelngte1shttow 1. on thew! R[CHEST MEN [N4 NEW YORK TRE HARDEST WORKERS.

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