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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 3 Nov 1865, p. 3

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- i on, a ee'.isuvctc "Ib o l tbe' s .ôk4 he key f th alc, hkey 'el~ e tb 16 tu., perbtts .dy " ltPXTuax <I r sGaA Mxtr-h retumat for the w.ek exhibit he total "010i EN 'C oDS nl theGrpaI 'té taave fi2utt d'up 187.82 20, wbicb ii sa inerem w- of '825, 1At, -$laen ,b.j dimflefor the o ýrripWoi w TI~OX.~S'. of taot pes. The rfcwi cl st*.tesA ~prominnot portiosido! 11froighl buiess continiues etOewMOa. It ite.4IV*tOOdthat a motn o Ot t- enof Pomone hn, farsinq inter- en u Ilioiswils hoti. b., hk for the ipwofpnmiang spait14UnW -ed s ,ovrmetuith.xtaty of re-enacting a Rei- prSoeky ?eafy with Cauada, mani ômemar- .liasug the Canadie.n Goveruntrupectîng themdeepetinu o f the 8t. Lawresncecanala, 'D ÂTMOSliVtLand of navigatioâ gtnnally. 1te sposible thai important rmalta mtay spving from ýuI 4gitnewpapeiq ne igh he ! venlent. Il-Vn41tl&ig i1 Wew<u rige of be.t owt tawvay AIED uàýsaeh ildaud imnms., ils ihougb 1atJectt fby oi4 On the 141h uit., et Ëihsideiioe ofthe bridie uï true cbit(!&, 1ieth fa ther, I>y Rev'. J. M. SimpÉaon, William Rear, ,rn plcessvtarte*iihM. D., of Ilinois. to vins Sarah È. Boves, Ur- uwrnr*khdaughter ofWm. Boe,5. aioa ciip At id cab OilCh ived t ltsw iteis, - -- - poët whioii i invasico of jLNSY AIES eln, wnects, 1Thurisdaye:Norember 3, 18U6 ettaid, wtiii Fail Wbett,...............$l 16. to $140 sdnfot Icave SpringWha,...... S"i1 he "t î 1ft. Ostos, per bush.......2 0 O25 ýwerftil agent Pet, 0 busle00 0 55 véin not- po t oa e uh......'> '02 lie t nala- i3srley ~e'ub..... 0"0,55 the tota l e- Timothy, Ver ton... ...... . o Q91'7 50 bba2es, for- 010iee4 per ton ......... ..5 5<> $00) hOýqt i Flour, per bI........5,00"19 à50 FrshButter, perb... î..ï...Ô 19- " 025 Egseroz.......000 #-01le h. #l.wagB.d1 per 100 ba. ....4 60 " 6 00 aiVeal per lb. per qr....... .OO45-1 00 ax, hear Ilmcper lb ....... .......O 0 0, -0.,14 n15100 W" Tallw, per lb ..............00846 O0O larger lb..u ordwocd, pr coud ........ 00Où 1 be u4-ens att. (es., each .. ..... O0 25 ".O 33 wgeret could Turkeyi, ach ...........0 40 14 0 60 1 uy.se fionsIor, per 100 Ib..........7 50"8-75 ti t procemss - - - - zuela mriht' Relief ili Ton iWute8. ite èing tinir DRYAN'S PULM4ON1 I AFERS. Mir -415rmne like oa wiItsr'.t day. Tito original niediine Esteblighel la -1 737,and a cotuttn microsco*pe, fiast article cf 'lb. unI ever Inroducel under n er trnngio up e-ltenause et I Ptimoai cWaters,"'lu Ibis or sn.y inail bïrsi l eîîwte of lb cutîer country; ali chier Pulmonlu Waters are i, clark tdua with l Itt curterfeits. 'l'h.gentil. coin b. knouts by- o mniall horris protrude tit.sanie BRYA.N being stamped oi tlite-Waler. p4'vt.t an intsruîmettrRYAN'S PULMOtNIO WAFERrS, i'l1a"tniît'sunk, widhit -fet,.CahodeuTtatHesn t t-rilti .Sofie peoplo BRYAN'S -,PILMNIOWAFER8 r(il. frtit) 'lm but tnt'y Relleve Spittingci. iijool, Peins n te Cbest. as îhsnsWî4 iê.sussftm frtiniîs tvimshttua'BRANS ULMNl W 1l ,ersav lte hîcen ~> *Relleve frritation ..f te Uvula -ndl Tonus I peltpoytaa> snfly À RYINS Pu7LMNIom VA-FERS Reli.vethe al1tare Comlaàints in Ten MlNinutes. -1) re begrtnri-tr die l! RY AN'S PULýMONIO WAITl .îrmý:tly front îls preval- Are a blessing te ail Classes -nul Consltittîtionu. -w, Lieto l 'w of tlttîy, BRYANS PULM(>NIC WA F ERS 1!s have ldied ithin s a W re adapted forVocalis tnd Pabli Speakers. (4 b0veiitv. - ' 1j BRVAN'S-tiULMONl9i, VAPO~S ý Savs Gle &1wffie'd 'We.- ;re in a simple forrri a peaaât ti. theste., e-J 10 nIJ4sieriaus- BRYAN'S PJLýMO.YIO WAFERS f p týtulIrég, Ille in'ecîn Nul oly religve, butt effeet hIRStit ures. ini Mitldrlam, numbel-- Ar, t rrated t ive.satisfaction to, every one (eptti0.. whtereupon éÏIub- f No PentU>' elotl be vithout a Box cf bd tc inedu fit the pur- - BftYOs's >LOI AE$ vois. flie W11010 were W I lte bouse. a oter garmsuîa c f lte Ne Travelier sbould be ,vitbout easiippîy of. il ltid 1h. tank uiedtii *-RYoN',PtiMNIC WAFERS: Vl of Oie va ttl( e e la t Ne-persona wiii ever olject to give fou a ofrepimtti i Ihn B - PSULMONI. IWAFERS i fl~u'.ruitlnei iit o n)~ MOSE.S, soie Po iir, focesler. ;~;~~;; its < oral by N'rt.hrop ced Lytuan, NXemastie, tia ls n i()ttna forMa ilItdSaYbY *C- rilet uvi-n rgory lie sw~ratma.,alecanali.t isa Medicailiait -E., .Boiree, Oek.- aapreru"r of da m teGCiro, anila ÂAWyt, ~T MIttrliett, Oinemne, ad ail other mUe'ine * e i Un!'Fater iw J( aum rv ovlJ Iti; Ir ect, uvrUe# 1 for itigiett Tiii areWse Duorri hlàl recomimendi m for whic it i t mis meeSs lsv4b. beumthsm, amd ntor Ue rom. la ftm »"iMa Dealers, lnanaIlparta et the country, fer fosher supplies, &Bd .ae&is.htyi.g as tu th iiversa) aatofaIlo Ilgtves. The0^««tdiatsPan Dustroyer aivesfais t. gie Immendiste r.a* AU leMdici.e ara kep ix. Physiciansezdeus ad use ilm&",go famuly vili b. whtit m Ar o*Du tu$ag 4 Priée ql 25 cet pe btle AU coersabsosud h adrewaed NORTHROP à LYMXAN, NewcastleO. w oRluLin4saT by . 8,toa, Kowisée iGregory, and et the Me4icaIRHal; S. A. BOee' Oakwooýd; (ko, Doug1aa, anilla; A.. Wyattt Canningion; GiIchia% hCamerosi, oodvileé Thom&@ Ijatcbett, Omemee., andiaU meçdiebïne dealers.'211 GOFrg»ougIaRUff b1ÂNILL.A, C. W. 82 NOTICE To Schoô1 Teachers, TUE SEMI-ANNUAL EXAMIMATION OF TEACHERS for the vil e beld as folor,: For First Class Certifléates: For 2nd and Srd Class Certifictes.: Frrldlay, Stla flec. next. The Exrminction vil be held 'n, the, Sehool hete, com mening at 10 oeleick A. M... R. F. WHIWEIDES, Oakwood, 28th Octobe P, 186,5. _J22 sTrYED INT TIR PREM1SES OF THE ýS subs ber Lt 1:8 inth.p Gîb concession, ur ope, bout the l4th of (ktober. a numnber of SHEE>. Tsa o nerctake themawey bjy pro. ing property and paying expenses;. JOUIN MCARTtY.* Ope, Octuber 30th, 1865.> 322-3 TI liE pulic.ae Lereby rantoned ageit pr tbsng ire. .PROMISSORY. NOTES drawn. by me in favour tPrancis Coliell, dat- ed Carden, August 1865, and imatumiiug.as folloîs:. $50)_du st Jannary 1866i; $50, dfle lot J» ya, 1867.; $50, due lat January', 1868j 49s b aye never received any value, fur said notes. ROBERT COWAN., .'Carden, October 15th, 1865-. .322-.0, Insolvent Act ef .184 lu lA. maller of NEIL BROWN 'an In- 9'Endrsigxsed bas been appointed Assig- ..nee in IMin atter and requ ires. daimnstu be filed within TWO MO1#T-fS fromnt tis- date. DUNA LII ROWN,- .rel$iding iA tLb.townsbip cf Maillosa," in the County uofV uta, Oakwt)od P.O., Asigmee. Uaripoua,. 28th (>ctober, 1865. 322-8 varus * tA ?tTILISfl81O[t ýNI D Y *TIER1~AF NGîS! EMD~ DiI adeekl y atOttaiva Ill CELE BRIAT ED :FM U PI LLS q pae byjthe Proprietor iW W T his 8 Jnalihemies M IE i te,.N ins U S liaisl tetin Theivîaheuedicne ls îtnfailinglu[brespect 2THE.02VAIVA 1 CIi E a i t he et - . tpepiifiatidneros lnsswals been far alitaI of its uouteîpommies. -IIt inicident le K. female ebuItit ion. jha' o-esaueaa u1lil.e îinc -lecil - I, 1t tuderfttes a Il e usestnd ileves fail; ch- C anatta, sud tb. TeIegraph is treet>' usel for Iii. >'1p- stracltionu, from whatever causé, anti a spectit transtntssit) f L II itemns of ?oiiticîil, Comtneér--: cure> cieereidonMl, cald(Jouerai intereat t is Eurapean Cor- luM rOitiIttt 4i£S li espne e adiastted Io bc secoud lu that of îLt.lring on tihe monîi>' poriod with regula rit>' torials are thte prolsîctipof ab cie litera ry meu,, hum Vil-- AU a. nd il. Reports are tiirnjbled b>' first-cîs Pill shoil înt e taen y teinie Biurt,,Hcnd mriters. I is -lte oldesltablibed têsaIae Plsshud iib aeni.by fnleE nulost txtiptst'Oly ofretsI4ted n-mevipper l by t î'regnan - therin l..St tise Ottawa district, and bas ceaîsequently tise dagi- LUNiS s tiîey aae tte lis briug 0on miîscsr- -bestciaima te advertiizing patronage. -Gttwa tved, iage;but ai every chier ie, culdlis ever>' being nom the Seat aet4Uoyerien ti iis. the il- 'olwiai case, titiy are lefcl> af.tenton ci lte 'ropretorto1 render thse pajier moit laailcase of.Nevou~ant Spnal ffetios, ortS> lte position Il bas alttened of a zmetro-, roipiPan l ti. 3ac au Lnib, leavines, Fa-l' tanournal is -eetsad u rt, igue on1ogigit exerionî, palpitation ôftisclîearts t . 1lanteefr the fu ue sl lt r1sure. LOoess of iSpirits, H-ystérics, Sick Headache, 1iPuarece Tiraut!for u ture pu-W-ites, and ail othpr rintîtl disecases occasion- i T es. i usripioeane: j I I ed y cailsoderé! ,>v0eMn,these Pilla mdi elfect Ties DaînI' PAPR,-. a cure wien all otbeêr meauîs have falel:- Per Tire i1nths........._$1j<no 9'package, whiicli sbcilà be'ectrefully preserved. <'iIalf Year............ 3 00 'lli -Àboule couîainin 6 pl s, à encircied, - Yea-r........ ......... vo it i the Gorverntent oîamlp cfGrýet Brilain, Payable Sttllin adavance * -c l e se nt peet. treefor $1 al 8 postag TaWELYPjt,- ittrtr Ftîîs er Yeur,deivrel lo subscriberp rO st o ale by Nortlîrdr ya, eraîlj-in thitiy;........$1S 'tit ? C. W., geneent lAgents for tie'se (3ads. .Bll --if called for à t tise offce 1 Co- iniLindsayby 0. liritton, Kncw*imoà h Gregory, Nail-to stabecriters In ucent *itid t tthe Medic~t all1; E. J%. »omes, Oak-., he cuîa*ylif pail strict. if(8ýwood Gen. Douzlas, Matiliai bA. Wyatt, Cia- - ly in adt-ûce........iO n ington - Gilebriat & Cansercu,4 Woodiie; T. - Utierwi4e.......... I 50 ma'~ Mticett, Omeneet.., culailmedicine dosersc. - ______________in_____RATIS. Or'Ajvawrîewe:s.. it lie Ail alvertîseumutlsare chargel for lte.firit tider i Insertion lu the I)aity palier aItishe ra4teofEighl- ýConta a line, adin lte Weoltly, Tont Cen ts a q)live leno, measured b-y sel imi opseýa.;sd fer it andi ecccisu bsequeuî. inberton -ilu-the.Daliy .Tua hiow. (l- ents aie n, asud inthe wek17 Pour Vent&tm chieR - I li~ne. N esaint aIe trou ts boa reafur pro- mere casunsi adver$iàlng; but a lberaI disceunt- I viii .1b.elvel dto Lote takiug a gisen pa learal t for s leagth.toftlim,, ovevrtiig by ýle")ar gat- jbhait >e*r orquarter'. tuera~~.Al Ai anouncementi of-Rlrths, Mrigs i arnl!y - » 1 . IDeathâ are ehargsIst the rate ot 50 cents esoh.ý 1.-Ibeir S jUFSWberé lb. nete. ofDeabt isasccompswed Wmt, SHERIFF'S SALE 0OF LANDS an iatimaio othîe day-offatra, aaddition- tecur- FOR TAXES. 6i cents la retuire to i be aid. ~î e. - -lUn fWorth le itaîe, stidre au bept O huuaseA.LL Loto remainiug unsoid on-té lest iday lie.Asveriser, $8 year.- A (>c f Octuber 'Wt vii b. oferel fer sale on -e :BTAYLOR. U kut Tueiaay, -,Novomber 23p, JUST RECIAVED 50 1pleçes A .D. >les o *hlèei day 1.8I lu héeby m P IT&hO Id.o t WLU.DOGALL -ROBERIT SPIWS,' 1- MY, J.v. frd106.Keit sîreet *LOT. lBast bhaIt20 Ecut bair 19 CON. LM? .S W-et hbaIf20 , West bs'f 1 t 17 4 .19 1 West haIt 20 7 Westhaif 21 Any parties desirouz of porcmasing by private sql ali. cndo gse taimey lime before thb.cucnion by - mipplylng te. the amýer Hý-,T. Wickham. Esq., on thet.Preiiises,' or. ltéIa Attorney, Martin Dunaford. Terns oe-furli do, athlb.balance lu fou euai anuilIinsîtalments, mt six par ceut intet hereon.- LesY, Nv M. DNSFRDSol«or, lie. 1865.322 DAILY JOIJRNALS for 1866, At Hày's Book Store. 500 VoIs. NRW BOOKS, At :Hay's Book Store. Orders o slîtèl fora"Y Magazine or Neispa- pers4. 121 Now is the time to snhscribe.. KIBe ine lime 10 commnence> with Jau. Né. 11AY'S BOOK STORE., CasselPu lllustrated Bible, -containiung over 900 At HA'S BOOR STORE. JUS? REtxCEIVED c fini seleted stock cf the nevest deaignas i .IEWE LLER Vi EL-ECTRO-PLATED WARE, W. WHARIN'S, il King Street Wrest, LIST. -f" LETTEIRB R!.CMAINIXýGini tbeLKÉDSAY POstI Office, 2nd NOV, -1865. DaJohn PtrMa sin Lucy. Dely ohn Mrrison fRugh- GldnnTho$ MCD*rick l Grabai Jhn cGrath Terrenee Hamilton, -Etiard MC .Lennan Kenneth HmnMrtin iParking J, frnJme s ay is 1tnolds Robert [rwn J m e S nith M r endy Alex ToMpkins James> Lee Daniel Il Thempson Maljida, Lindsay Wimn alIter MN A PerseOt Callin 9 -fQ r 1he abusvi ii Peu. ask for- idvertised lete. T.-R. ADAX, PM LarnpPl A large stock cf Parlour, ]Qed-rocm,, an"gmg a Skie Lampa. The lereat and, 2~pr cent. hae thanGB~ trhomse ins Lindsay.' CA 0.09d Table Lmmp for' Sa Cent. SParties reqiingtem ,Ps for-Churcbea vii bé iupplied anterylow rates. n4 lage sto-kof round snd aval Chiotes ShdsGobes,-Wicks, *r. à A gol toc cfOiL alysou baud. MerchatssudiItoel-l<eepe". suppiel it qla ntities of froni 5 té 20 galogens e »êcel JUST RECEl VED A supply ut Ayers Agte Cure.. A fine -Supp Y' of 1he celebratef iadlaiiG RÂPE IINE ex- ~ced l* a feu dnye, highly recozeenelfor sudcmn .d Saatrainental Purposes. W. J. THIRKELL. Wmited Inuediatey AN APPRENTICE toe b.IIRNES-MAK- A ING busiess. Muai, b. aboýut15 .ac«"ut sg4aa aIweii reccmm"ded. Apply té . .I - JO- H N ý .-ý;JosHAISLEY, î51h iL..hp occupied by lb. iale John Might. LI.isyOo.elf15h, U ALARGE LOT ol grey and wbite BLANKETS fer s le-k uep at niWBERT SIK'8 Dindsay, Noveniber 1,1865. The Vie, The The The, The The. The The CHEAPÉST GreyCotions, C I-EAPEST Shirtingn,(heavy) CIIEAPEST Wincéys, (Scotch CHiEAPEST'Coboiurgs, CHEAI>EST Shawls,new. etyle CUlE AIPEST Wooýllcns,(fancy). CIIE.APEýST I3lanket.ý, CHRAPEST Tweeds, ail wool CFIEAPEST Printe, (Hoyles) ARETOBE IUAl)ONLY- .f10.SEKEýýPEZS %ould fin( Iittoheiradvantage b ifspec the Factory, w hite Shirtig an( check do., .at- ROBERT SPIER'S- Kenî Stict ,THE, COMMERCIAL UNION INSURANCE COhIPANY. Cmxr Orsio.~lýondon, 19 Coruhli, . Orricts kl,2 & 223 St. Paul S Capital--------- '2~0,00Ô DESI i 'D 1N-CAN AD A - $50 General Agents for Cùnadat, NOItLAND, WATO &CO The undersigned ha-ving been appoite A gent cf thse abuve irst claës Engliih Compan for the Couatv cf Victoria, is prepared t e ifiý ever'y descripion of Fire and LAfe Isumancea tbe lowcsët rates consistentvitis secumity.' Pros pectuocu, he, May bbe ati OU pplication lu JAMES TIRA?, 315.y. .Agent, Lindsis M b.SoId-A Bargaiî A-LL that neir FRAME DWELLING HOUS .n, lateiy- occupieti by Mttise* r Blakely,0 YorkStreet, in Lindsay. lh la À large cou modieus house andi velt adapte& for:a Boa rdin -lousqe., Price $«1), payable byiùotaimenit immediete posscssion givena. -Apply te Meurs MACKAY h HEÂP, Soliciteo Iiisl venit.,Act of: 18M84 'TECreditors cf the undersigned are notifi Ito, mcee tthLbaweyOffice of Messsma( 4aY4 He4Pin thse Tuwncof Lin dsay, ileth Couity of Victoria, on Tuesday, the l4th day( Noy*emb)er 180à,at the heur cf Eleven Wiclock i lh* forenoon, fur the purpose of reeiving stéc ýmenweof ,bis it, ad of namnig a an assigue ta vhom h.anxay make au sosigament uat Dated attlite Tôwncf Lindsay, in the Cernn cf Victorita i 24Lh day of Uctober, A. D.18e *GEORGE POGI,, resaimg at lbe Township cf Ops, - stht OCounty of Victi; 0.3. MACKAY, Lunes 'y, I - - Solicitor for 'esoîreut. 1 21 COMPLETE Assrtuient -Ribhoss, Flowers, Feathers*ar Trimmings, at- ROBERT'SPIER'S, [cnt Stre %J j JJ A£ýéà bwb ..ia A "2? COUN'vy op*, ON2',"IO, One Hund red -Acres!1 Am wyvaluabe property viti goal bolag AppIy te, U0O. DoumaE, or ta R»' DLNSWFlRD, &,L*ihr e.g y Oitos. Ldsy laslvutAct of I8O4 Irz RE CiO&IIof ld b. umlrslgned ae. uotifled I *Mée5* lbheItw om of Memr. aMe- *ea #; de, te lb.T -idcfLindsay, in Ihe couulv cof viet"*I, on Venday, tb. Tventith day of Normber, A. P. 155, At Lthe ur of~ Bieven o'clack in lte forpuicon, .for the purpose of reçoivig s IuIem.ats o!f %-la Mkrs, and uof namnt; ans ssigue te wviom, ha mayrinake ai assgamtluadrtbe abovo -Ac. -The domIcileW o! Insoent being aI lthe Town- Datel at tii.Tbocf 'Lindiay, lu lbe mid D RBÏINSON, Phyician, Surgeon: aud Ac- 'l -coucheur. R Iesidenee-Comner William and RussealStrecta, formerly>occupied by Mi.G.. Lennon. -321 Exte nsive Land àSai. To g6Il by PUBLIC AUCTION aI withou t, sere, 2*S-o acres exeelliut bard",mccl LsAndsituAte fa te-Towuship of ViERULAM,1 -in lb. Cénnty cf ictoria , on SATUIRDAY, 3Oth of DÉCIEMBERY etbeiug compoaed of the folie g labaI< ttd o 0<Lndsa sVCitî f itoria, r ortegetpr neurlyns iifent unibw.Mdij.Tbefri a& a been revaded Ibis season wiîh : pc finer. prices, ctl' goa odOn forea=hid of pc.oduoe, stock, ho., which enaie etsbbuy their RT. OOIS 'AND.GROUJIRIE s ORREADY MONEY, At- JAM ES LENIHAN'SY w ibo bas nov on band a complet. mssortment of nev and sessonable ITAPJLE AND WI(9T ])RY (DO1I& - embracing a large variety ut Ladies 'Dress God- 1* ilRA )*LI News RIBliONS, .News <7OBOUkGSP New. MANT, ES, - News PLOWERS, News WINCIES. Neis O VNE SNew FRA TREIfS, News LELAINES, Ne A MTSNews GLOVFES,- Neits-PRINTS. Nets CAPS, Nets HOSIER Y, Neiv SKIR TINGS «News CLOUDS, News MOUDS, News Victorneg, Cauadia* Twees ansd Pul Clots, p ~doAs>, BIeavera, ansd Dwnsa, llanketa, Flann elu SkatinsAfings, 4c., Ready omade Cloling, Hats, Caps, T7i4s, Collare, Msg/flrs, 4c., and Th tiemotFBE:H G 1ZOC ERI ES AU t:th mst isonblpricet .......................F1or'caush OuIly. .'tact the .t their chief bevera ge 10 lind say Ale -sed Beer i scf itçelf sufficient, proof taI they are oer,-uorityiscoduc bt ealtis. isdustry brings wealth, prudenceisleaothem te boy for readyrmne* ihen tbey cem get goud valut. The attention of cashhyrss pecially snvited. P..AIorders for the Lindsay Brewery lef ate a-tore will rcceivc prompt attention. -Lindsaýy,;S3oth Octuber, 18G51 3201, L MESSR.S. COULTER*,& CHÂMBERS WILL OPEN, A iiIaST cTýl"sslfL SOR :0N KENT;STREET, (pposite S. 40. Big", ) uw On Friday, the 1Oth of.Nevember Instant,, «« Comprising a carefulky, selected s -tock of genuiùie Drugqa. (licmicals, Patent Mledicines, tye S taffs - of tise besl quality, Paints, Vils, ail sizes of, Window Glass, Staîioneryv' c Sokvr large and wili be scld* YCHE A P!CHFAP ! 1 CHEAP!,!! CHEA.P!!"! Orders from Physiciane, Cotàtry Dri'ggists andi Sbopkeepers will -bc promptfly attended td andi auprlied >et the lowest prices... PIIYICtsie s perseiptifâns and tmi iv Rweitill receive thse personatlRttQntion orm. R: Chambers, Who is a Druggistofaiiynt xeen, as ruterence te andt estitionials fmnm eminent Phvsîcians cau testify. Uè tJagh paiti for Timotby Sorti, Lard aed Fias Sied. - C0UTTTFRk&CHAMBERS..1 General Agent, Kingstons. UNDERTAKING., r ANDERSON, CA-BINETMAKERad #J TURXR,7 begs toataînunce that le bas in stock a etousleteas-sortment of' COFFINS at î,is Wart4room.3, Cambridige street, Lindsay, à Uittle. Narth of the Marlket Square. J. A. keeps a Ilearge, and trusts bymodarate* eh-irges andi strict attention ta mefit a short of Tobe So.d a Bargain. Thse sollahalf of Lit No. 18, sntb.15at) cocin of 'Mriposa, Ioentiiig 100 acres, of wii:iîalnuÏ.) acre, are eteared'iud un,ý ,dem ctîivation: il ir, voit fenced, bas a good 4n, at.l ýo a Frame Dwéllir.g house, and q smaall Dia and- Stable tce~;there ta a- ways a gc>od smply'. of rjile s~r on the lot. Time liii be gi\vt:: fir she greater pai f t hi purchlase 11101kV Tîtie isîdispuiasble. For patlcularsa nd lq treat, apply on t4e prmiizes to ti-le Proprietor, GEORGE LAKE, or to Mess. MACKAY & HRAPi The CHEAP EST Flannelî, all colors - The CI-EAPEST Mantles, PORT HOPE & PETERBORO' -The C HEAPEST 'Furs, WA Trhe.'CUEAPEST y, tfisN and after te 2nd ofMAY, thePeterboWo >The. CIEAPEST Capeband , lUTrainis w ill run as folows": The C-H E.X PESe C psrandlHaîst- l, The CHIEAPES'1 .Ready-mae eae or»Hpea ........1..55lu .rmxve at Pe*.erb:mrc-igb ........12.15 p.ni. The HEA [ÇîîîîngLeive Pe:cerboraugh at......... 3.30 p. TeCR A E T Groceries Arrive ai 1>rt llope Ri ..........5p. Le.î-e etoîor IXg~ED 61 s. âw -tr--w -,ive. at Port 11e-j-e at ............ 8.15 a.mi. Le-ave Port Ilope ai.-........3.00 p.m.I loeklKent-sti-et.-Arrive àt Peterborough ............ 5.30 p.m. B. R. KIMBALL, JOTNI FOWLER, d NOTICE et To Sho ôTecer The Liverpool.& ---don id -&Globe TRE SÉMi-A-NýNAL t EXA MINATI ON'0F TE-ACHES' g l for thc Linsy District, wil 1bc helti (D.V.> as uliR .A i I E c IFI4 r FOR tsIS CLASS CERTIFICATES: Iny ested Punda, - - $15,0 00,000. Thursday,. the 21st flecember. Daily Inconse h opn,$200 FoR .2nd& 3ru CLA34: CEÙTAICATES: ieCopu,$1200 s. Friday 22ud Decenxber. Tise Fire Prentitu.ni.sreceiv."l b- titis cou- TieExamination wun be lbell in t'nliincholpn trn ieya 1- cct b>e m lieue, ntine anddats mi b adnîted !-w other Comnpany ln Great Britain b>' £2,000 12 ocIock. 1,erbi g.. A. Insurauvres on ever! des6cripttion etofp"rty JO«VCAS . effiàcted aittise loireSi reinunierative- rates. Cisairmau f 3 Lo-.. sses i-aid trmiediatî-iy on proof. Liuday, October iTtit, l)3G5 320 JAE0EP ___________________________________ genst for Lindsay. cdInsolvent- et of 1864 Offiein Kempt's 3ikBok mPROVINCE 0F CAXADAi IDEN Ti aRy# at COUNTY 0F VICOI.~I u on os îy -ourt of thie County of Victoria, J. O'Donnell., &P5. llit e-Malter of Johin Breere <and .cseph OF PETERIIORO', - Brcneinsoccits. TEGÇ-Zta return Lils sinçere ilsauks oth îe lx. LT. F)i 1 . -iuîts ut Lindisarandstuurrounding - XTOTICE ishereby given titat on FRÎDAY, conU-- for the extenssive~ patronage ibile viol, 1 \1tieTWNT-,CN DAoDEE - ing ie place. andi wou14 ai-> staîe Ibat tle SBER, A.D. 1865, ai 10ofethtie Clork in tise fore- ias oprned a permanent offirp i bu charge of Mr. 3Enon. or ns soon as Coun tel can blie erd, tiseC' Il. ('orset, late a-ýSiSlant witlî Dr. Da', De&- SEundersigntid il appi> te tise Judge of the said tisi, of Kingionor. Thse liiîsinois miwilb. cma-- m-Court for a Discitar&ge under tise said -Act. dulJbudrtienneat t f mg JONBREE.ODONNELL k& CORBMT. rsdnluJOSE P'l. B!REENE. Ail opemaiens îpe rforîned on the1 latesIad r!Wlthe To*nsîip cf aripoîa iolsietîcirinteilpes kan>t t tihe profès- t 0-J. ~la tht Count> of. Victoria. in tisrrnctagestifto. )ro. ffCALti fthter notice, Mr. Corbett may b. 21 Solicitor.for.Insolventi.- f.und et 'Mr. Keenan's office, iu re.sî. of Ili. La- -Datel, 3b day of October. A.D 1 865'. -319 Ct>irîe's otlk'. Mr. (UI>Onnei w 1 (i 111t%0î ___________________________________I î viîs as iisuil, viz: lbu the tiret Tbursdy I. IM ORâTA T .t( TICEà .acrismontis andt remsin oeeweek, iben ho bcd qHESbsrber bcgs leas-. te velum Ibeulis EXTRACI TEETII WITHOUT PAIN. j tei uan>' frîcudo lu toun and country the for past faveurs4, and bcaing borne :te Weigbt t iFFIENCFS-: 'cof 1 f a credit business for nine yeîsrs, lias cone to Drs-.-Martin, Andreis, Beuscu nnl Cogas, in tts ~ocluson t upenup aCashTraI , n M. Diinsfomd, Solicitor, J. CGallon, Deput>' 5he.' te- encing on: if,; Geo. Kempi, T. Keena n, .1. Dandas, J., Leni- sea HE lT DA ~ CTOBR, 165,hanW. J. Robinsan, J. R. Knowlson, W. Gracç. T1er u icb I.rovOT B R,18 L. A. ëadwcll, A. Wright, Esqs., mhic iil be closel>' adiseredti lafor. t leant Mr* Coreu -wouid offer.the following 1.11ev ît>' Byvexmoutha, Id tebile biMtote se Uup-is ac- 0t recommenda lion, f-om Dr. IDay, Denti&tO W5 -counta. -.Kingst-on, ati in addition the foIlowiDZ refrb Hie mônitifurthevutese beg lu inuform tbose onces. - "Kgtui parties .irbo bave hotu indebtetti le hlm for from "eig Kol to instonm."C r i e t h e e u f ; . . a s , b a t b . r gM ' l C o r b e t t d u i n g b i s s t t ud i s u t h r u e , I c b e r f n l 7 NEEDs, AND 2_4 H AVEP, M NE! rcoxnuîeîtd bkm ie OIublic As aDe1% s -2 aul as Le bas bhleil them s g iroui h obSr i iiam en 1i . g1a B. W. DAYr M.D.,' past bard tumes by giviug Ibersi altise credit '"els, igla Of shy skad, he lri4s the>' miii returu lte, coin- gRs su a:-Dms. Feuler, Streuge and ndj.lmolby payinj& up, uiouthey are la c poSl- t Heur>' - o te le udo.o seopecta1iy a ai trealiy pressed -Bro Sinitb, SJ. eriffCoîb. retJausk for msoaey, asud-si statel boe-ut fhare t. O'Rell,Eq. e.JGcyevM.C1 -. se,1Kingston; -Mr. La Course, G. Dormes m«4 et- I4pdusy, Sept. 27, 1881 I. U - T 81,- GJWetler, SoniicloraLuuus. CmOONFLM?* FLUJSH HAT%,- 1100? SKIftTSY trust g 1<, t, tiai. il, le ni uf ai i-s <1 iiir rv~îiît AND W-INTER G-OoDsf TOWNSH[P 0F, MARIPOSA9, tu be beld at Oakwood, on the.Twenty-sîzh day of December ticit, a By-law HIi be pamse 10 eotablish a.lIýE 0F R(OAD 1*0 roda widW from the allowance fer roadd m rear cf Lot Se. 16 in conession B, to tbe allovance for romd ia rear of Lot No. 16 in concesion, C in uaid Town- ship. Said road having been aùrvey.d and laid out by W, Galbraith, P.L.S. Townsédp CIeek. Dated at Oakwood, tbis 1lIth day of October, 1IsSb. 82"- STEAMBOAT NOTICE. Daily Cmnication, Wl7TII ROCIIESTER. The new saddina gaiticent steel-plated UP PE R'CABIN 'S TEA M ER, CIIRYSLER, MASTER1 Leafes North ehore porte for Charlotte, every day (Sandays exceptedi) as folows: COLBORYE, at 12-43, p.m. COBOURG, at 2 p;.ml. PORT HOP>E, at 3.30 p.rn. RETURN[XG.-Leaves Ch*rlotte for ortis Shore ports, every mot ning, (Sun days excepted) ati 8.30 en the. arrivai of speciai train froni Roches ter. Passoogerq in Canad.from Pailpoints- at, West s'i North, hv Rail or Boat. connect witi this Stt-.iiier at Port Hlope. and Cobourgi and u.' r:ve ii ocheter iiitiine for express trains Rant, West and Soutîs, Passengers in. the Uinited Stategt, via Roche:- tert connect by special tramns with tbis steamer aet Charlotte.; avriving Mt Port- Hope, citer a swift and plea;Vant ride ov-cr Lake -Ontarlo, m tîie for special trais to LIndsay and Peterborô,. and expeess trains Enst and West on the Grand TWunk kailway, and also, for Royal Mail Line of Steamers. SThis swift and niagnificent steamer bau been e3pecialHX fit ted up for this route, vith cll "h modern appliance3, andi ber saloon sud stite-ý rooms are, elegantly furnished. The Table and Blar always *9upplied vitlk the very best. Fare.-$2 50; Deck, $2 00. Bae-gage at risk of owuers, unless booked And paid for. .For forther informnation appiy to the Captai. cmn board, or to Kingston, Oct.., 1865. - - -7= - , N 1

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