NY -' arme saseu. il 1 Mt bue 1!Said, 4in ur. J » said Iý for t hat wms- de oi ine. wbo lived up Ibis lu *& frt4 the, 4urfîï w4. ihi i Perbape, I t,àl. 1 mutteÏe ss4cîw mr Poineli approoh 4be ground us if hl magie, i," -7 -W i y - 5 1 fna ' ~$~ty.ip.*fPowell prsernteid fromb Wtihg tohbis vurd's asssitce ,oi b.t.tage I&#b'h44a tefat ',,a lawW1l hurst -iuta a lauglt, sud Iugbed Ul 'totêrs cuame M litseye si,. ('.n- d the~ fellow, what diii bc messt If t IPçIk .rnr Cai4sy »ýdear boy,'> hemid, "don't usto spofson, but cénsader bow odd- g &wya.f alI smen, aou ah", i à fl h My iiok"3 1-bwwruake acquinuieie ltûstge- o~w mUntM I bave eicbaned -Came*' TRJOLIS? OL» 'PÉDAGOGUE. lat l OEOuGIA"Qt5051 ra a >olly aid pedagegne, long ago, rai 'ted leitder ualloy *and dry:. frm-was b.nt, andi bis git vas slow, long ttiubafr vas. as wite ags no*, lut a vouderful tvînkteie Inl oye,; db saung every>.nigÉit-u as nt et teo b.d, Letusb mbo appydovbobîre below' eliving ahoul I lire,.theugi thie deai b. ld tb-JoiIy .1 pedagogme,logaa ht acholars the m e ofthmet, andi réadlng and blatoryT, tao.; lilWoa.s up ôorfhla knte olà ieatt in hi. bréant hati he- wants cf, tb. littîgul child b. knew: lie yoe ~.y'ug" he efen- aaid,1 mucb te joy down beres belon', D:rivpg andi ret for the dead M, ýp)7y old podagogue long ago. Wdwuhat7 W'itb the stupldest beys ho was kiud. and cqo, -is be Bospee m ylugeutiesî terme &eThp - 'baff k newnin his achool-. - i ohim, wvas a arbarous rmbe, S A.,&tolbard workfor hi Po or Id b6es; vWrst B jides. lt vas painful, ho semetimes said; rrgg Isoin t% i1iuld m àk e lifepleean.t .dowi. itere- art.below,l &rTeliving teeti "barmr e' th ie deadt» rain Bat-hu317ai pdsou on g. One dosnt ne ived in the htby te bawtborn lane, gil aveiy -W" rm ndus. u oodbint over the door; *41 to ke H11e ma-* *equ'e t eneat &md plain, But a spirit of cetrrt Ibere held reigu, An ad hlo' getihé. as ld àaadpoer;i >o#1 tg An mlbUî* relative here below, Wo' id o~rmwbewhn Iam dead ; *~'tî ~ $a$duii J~îibdpe 'qge,.long ago. s81hed etbe Bt th..pleewnts .tha be ado!a &i, Iq~~ A -Were h ýè,bmhouMdnt6 toPmis -Withtbe. tuait ftied -back te A neighboue's at 1 sull7 Mtvîng an neeemous caîl, lifle a. Oinpj@, d£ t Wttedly glams ,lly 'beiivû Thtis was the met pltatttrt4 ie said, andi 1 d O (><lb.nuy hb. se below' OfhOse a4%Wlydpedggue k opgt. jOlly e01 ggne' W~1d face, bhis gloittaf ltbutod-oebool grlue., alad,8lippe4,i ant pratIkýd fapce-,, btn*e -Wnntrry *on îreflar tetules: 1Iugerd alw b.j#WIe belov; Mrt la frueaiIf m,yyettin i ed P' jeU7.ol c14 ,s4405o14 go-it 'd'bis pip aIP4 ir,ê jjit vith e ê piro.wl4owul p)»yvh d Wi,,a sU U1 5q r old yCrovit cIA peagogie, loa agit 1 k lw lg01lw f.bkku qum *-,Ise ekr wudT i-oS theOnp.t %n mable Mrqm *.otogkUÏ af6rtbe ùsth for sComany Man 1.m *rwt eonal lacIW*ufor, isde, sy ~ o~~qLi* AnaMur.oeWiY b. bAd Iayo QN, Ob~aa. IDAVID WGOfliseSo.etary. Ë M ERON ',& ý 01 S10tes ~ .g,~be~bes>t inormhie Êrisnds sdiepbi eg.nerally, thal b .e ujust reMdOelbe ofns henost fasbiouftbiO-stcck d sul d Wiet.r G"odaver in- o.rtOi.14ei~ 'q4»ÂTWaing Dopatjt bt asbeeun fitted wkls . egroietatCAMa; - and as b.bssecuresihiiWSer<temB0f fleet-elaus Wokmen, ho laIton shiseift.tb.héeau suit ho fastes of-au Wh~o ýy fa Cr sh1im vitit their patronage. The finest BEAvNEt4 PILQT AND WHITNEYS o au, - T~~.- taW afew Pièces of first eas %&~DLTfSý - G~ÙASSIMERES, DOES KINS forýDireesSut,& they are we11 kmou <orî« aal>Ity and finish, hb. feeuMaieut Itat.therc .vili b. a peut de. mAnd fcr tm l ossa. Matu rIiàimeB;nd FauClotit of bis owu maflslways on baud, Fanej Pilanuocf a&l dspriptiou4 very cIheap',anti a gÔc od neuétai Of îttt oodssNcbasShirt ýj«sTki8l% Linens_&Ço.- W4>woundo~ 30.......Bls front$4 00 toe $1100 Qodand~TweedS&tiE 10 00 t - 15 0 . .*,u-I00s 1 64G11lm0 Shirto sud Drwers frffl 100 01 400,,~5t5..... .oin10010 3501 lie bs a& mf«4p, e CoUýrs sime tm 121 tII le161) and<là immen s estment f e1orsu m~~~' ocs, ats Ca0,Braces, Bandkerc-h1t &o; lIn &c4lho basu0 Lindsay. S&ptiiu*eW mli, j 865 aie GENERAL GaQcERIE8,. TEAS, TOBACCOSCOFFEES SIJGA] WINES, BRANDIES, RUMS, OLD TOM AND HOLL.&ND GINS, CHIPPEWA MALT WRE N COMMOx WHISKIES, &o. &C., T1[&TIL IRiTYADI The subso ibers are determitd aheretofoie b Oppl want ,O frlt tiisTo*uf, by-keeping cousIs ntly -ou isnd ,the best-brieds: e Iiii*d Wine *U Liquette, Aessud Porter, a-l ou~t ich viii b. 8Idït Lowesýt:P y. rce ir ah ,DOBSN:*,ýNýIL OC lmnda LütreWrhu ite slubcribelOrs t teublie Vc toi onyt largost sasOM tti Oftt 1P - ty . unn n vario syesoue t i to i4 Particular ttu ýW A LNUT SOpAS 1l MAI11 OLOTU, -CNEB¶TÔ 1)Al " 8141118 &Dlulng Tables, ROOKINO s 0(>fiJWATNGSý, W A &%'àkD~ tI BUA15$,SOFA, COTTAGE& COMON BEDOTRÀ pARLOR, DUIN ING HENi CBAIfI, - DRBM8NG TABLI%c* i 317- ~- -9 , 0 , 4*S Mal cntt1 WallPr t#àM Jr bi 9cqa erWud wBc A N-t a-. 1 <A-,st.G as oui Pipes bos~1 ,1N~ Yul 1', 4, s. ~0W~NE . b vfd eper«1tud E IR . lOoeofhe - ~. wiss nowi laat th çomi. 11, àÉluîeka th te r taiabhSU&ix a.S wbîle ot o eionle 4 ýî delJà lb n e)sl vr s- bas 4. .ralgbyt a MWek erpaiu lbiw uateasenut** th nQt pe.-wlIviiNfYI RPo 4E, n IO( GIAP i~he~4 spiu4 .uaudbar*tlacbed.5. osery deritin o».materinl fop eathe A ' iN <rc #Ubdbq«a en Lot, S4ad nlag a o so or .11k thrsfewilb.cawa ettfaa ms -a 1 iie i* ool&thi2 &ad0 er cse- It as*a naigt Bw IM noýrpe COGWHI L,"Te h or AC-ha hihthy*i fi>gme wil pply 10 tbs, o1lb.f5 Q. 1 and uva, a. i A ali i Thr eq t idshe ;IYperforai' s p e rt e eue weyhn rqiîe o hoog ~'az rNole .Dri vme scriptnon oferMachrine ID rmarke A rataiBiÇes ducin: ok-eî - Vebve 111 reminingnlsan fron go té grthe ve yüe.aoMailecwit. otn en , dpe o~eykndq ui's ySn w«b .e ve rtnctco endr ilaentSmposibe t ge on siC B0inss, RanF, SPt0N ringM E.n, n Tbe-iu.We à g«a t of oio d 5114 sîal, o slk iretin4 l e aRArseD ité h iet Of-.agn iget obeE -1 mm4o<I et Es aý@eîtî atQand Ldiesrair 10 upplytCem C OGs itWasueinordc arti-s ht-chc te r (~1d a4~beI~ su a findas orte m-; and cete caan d xntÉiin it:ru»R. asmLED w ratiOOkwhed ttiery or fit uren. o eü.'.'IeuMwer t ludsevrtwo Bng n- wiite for R tlo!$lrnug and Qoidar~DopsandRtiZ5andl0ckUe. r ivwe slit te p a tr a chn-àAe 1pýtc âi Ëu t e i1s ue i~c ij.es u nio Wdeheip1o andre. ai t purLan rmga. lec, Merdwn aalosâge tant*%, Mt ers, l ite Bak.lgHt ery. A Morchbit ntsz:q, le ian Glim4 Vet otr fe reatf l frnshimf at HpCkr uu4t ure (JterPler is fl kneof&hndoaiE,& ID ndsa eJtreIUpn . 8 i t and oa U*qtMu)wrs [Sh y f oe in-rsdii trd Gin cokg 0m * gilet u Froni w ih tesu etetrfg ti ea erecî frn L wTot eta4 «nston.fki sin sin ae heir trst u c u seng Te inig an 4ea 4 O a nigOL t piC dfL l oif titiOfl Reeliis mogdChItabLe ntttos kp i h nprun yteSuçt. Uhi ifntbrntcethosbcrbe îl CD i ielery lly de ai t UD witeh. eihagin numbtÏe ,teo, Doh ae 3ok~< tiltite tecamrry ong th Watchm atnt bievss FlUo R 0F Miý atici1Neti o MPLETE. O rigiale ofySudhe arp, ie . uuclimdct aheretee sehh. dao, a ed 0 beu- No. . a ty Mahinvie, 'wth eýw1oM aer plan o! thve dprsi. hosl oissi tiful ar n orenie. mncit &dLdw ionsp. opl teet............ $6 0aciy.T ndatineisdry te hrg é Rap, WoleU, d4 ie asoDrPlan o gld ENo. , l lnfcuilwtxe- Teac wo al lhad a long expirtiet s irnish~- spoli, iguta.Nwsalezie, kLý or uIes se Tbe......... 7i40es ih w a scffic t guaapitaeof 115. îact1oo Car Sam s.wil b eecte t orertel o.3, arethe" 5 patrronage, orfciet ofwr:iu-iu Go1dREmiviops aCId isd lcGitMuldng CAINES N EE.Y ARITY 21 MSGon e sk W riiIGIIasmiroprartnr G. . K6, -Me nIagntrfe iltwnaii htl7itd ____________________ dKnt S.west. ats , anda Cba Mxi:,etriand No WoleaeE;bibent y na li Sm Un inn a, eu*01, 180».t 2portm entit mer, whr gnie r ot ei'y ±ney.iuouey dté êetbý enI iju mSanbd B sh9â l terai iun iii âe, < mwIEh th sunC bsane .mhsc rect 536,kBroYork meît.ewk tork fant 1tas, aheslleBos ~ I~IA RNg SS1 ii. T. A »rita. o 1adt donîg(îu'. - ,r1 nue subarir dsiestojueri i cuoesg nr n-h.var iidt.ec j of tht e ircmakof Wff PRCEop MAHINPESt.AXLEcs Ene Ot!it n i ms bretoore to hic ho as ed te baum o. 1 Faily achine îthHemmr pan er the apieaina rc molae, poied nil vei l ýa t f.Ugmvn-nsrariptilic tat Nadditionte ont ..ain.bu.ines..of Phot0-CitTs d te n n sualinder thca rge '0oÔ tstCOM be Ktu FlOVkN. ral hîtM a turi , w rexUaqte for a ppr hli iash dle eprience iid. t joiinÏieotoe oBusinf Mtc e ss sin ab(ç .C.......75no neSa ufereo uaaneeofis.picc1r &ar lugSta.9.i1h o Hr ectd tSader insu-,N~ttol inLa ge T85. 00tL w:. indstty Aîil fur, 18'iet. of M.ri*zrigan Wair llUu' LndaNo.eh.wllbg 4,0 tee eaeargeimfor - aser..... *ortet o - ielrcnàtîgfilifrTai,.Alr t e ave a sit frndivelot cii wG e y t ding War IS Is AN E rican and àForeigu Poprr Kenf St., u i he W. Cîtiem an adeCuae, 1GriO etTu a ndr, e rn~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ce aokn lsl Itebsns tnsi,~&.As,1eovn treoscope al mfor bIfnyT o enip~ing~onebut xp.renct wormenamI r pisbt exhition OurCloue will be 0g~~~efllcwinggiCO"5t fotth oneldra-. o- 1865 1865nts -y Ged heaV Sitrt-~ Hanes $ OWe ere MyOie siet t nroduce these thtn - bavymes................ ited Sui Jts, 3m9 -weanufacturew Yrk LRGnenser MO 1J.g-TuT.do do do dok2CO.. qutantiries in great variony, ranging in pric Set f hht inge Hrnes, wth aiù. tor.epa ati n 0en upro ubeuyad thisdt ea i0,leving AÏ dgen rtso i on- .Th d s scBride..............18 0 c rnateorete of P ic àe iatu mrnes gwiU ieanvout-usavk.'i Lr- A go Of erithbe dle seto ore- FUSAbBMte04r, days a:Ný Z"L n atuulsys t 9atel n.,ctigt Re 11e 3 501ta B or buDWAr lht.Y, Bobcaythe apli atd Fnc4 arem 11, rvie >fladto tork)outtmairupper "nd bip->tOtQ-- T es ag e t l lean ll eeloac yri round uas li ne adfpuybidhaie. 25 ow1 ep c AttR PHO TO( arefeqaPes for t9a.m.jelîf r.etty.e-)iit Rparying e ecue d nessadtî ey b nep* . s 1anJf0l rewnt sbjets(towG.aditoniar aROCHnEo..r DO bely cotituil inn mdthefPotrit o East9-tandSW ad tadsu orye of. CoMice 4c.strlcoes and Let-oels, 250 Oer in1ayýArivv.fi, 8 .r.L IIAfit ids t,.aLinday,, and Cuter i nt glaà Of leers, 5bavey.mmn Offle r55teMent , n-lS L baed tentiat titietoveet prices. 1.0 Diginst2 s,  40 a A rt oist, 2 t I Acal ereepectU70Mso ctel tip age, 54> PesroininentWue, 5 "SeaCRibER atrr o d - o of teL VEtnnettorilaPrratsbIinst lt.ûn ,f h ~~04oW Lida t t e businss1864, 2,autt- C. 3,000 piigSteofW sÉefort, TO NSI 0 M R, f' ',TA onnidin rorodklin5 fCttalogu e wli elrtd ita dita urefx gd-xlxela eingraving ,nPaintutngeeStat"d wo.mee.y(&ha or vitvte exhibition, Ou LSJkOS iuicoe wd COuClChlflg lognessent onress rceip !Sap nodrtr'~'ESWMLSAi <RS l buy>nehDozen Plctur for Caso, ra -atarogarednul b sThe- trtî srtyaid a1t'rof 8 .lLUvp.:18 . o&filed outht rceip o! $priéendset bv noit tdhe withn of ne ta:P.OTORARI ALUCS.e -Te e -r'A. K.o of intoogrtptratdOttr odernggodsC. htLad Tho i LI~UAtY : i-tfy - - Tî.......e.. ..Unte S aes an - e a1uàuute im 1e s g d o o 0ft 4 wnilpea7 s rmitaiey ei nerce.f r[ E t; me MIY ,.Y- do 'llE.kH.T.AN HO Y& le Ac atei i er M< l rAF ipsg ad. y te ai r ai89. f..ont .To .....te, . nnd caîCnts aI5 Cath.O rA  ,stxs i .t rtoi o thl o oro , &t o B I.avetnle ryM ndaysp, went fedy-n Fthe ep i- fice s dual in, ofou g d l'tcea-! tý51)Qa I) îtrd en n tayaI c ock, unes, and evesraN ue d otfi1 abi i t . 2 wi - l ty duy. Teàeda a ibtI v er, Mx1Û . anrs5,! sud uy,, aI 32 o....... ......dva d sandwsutCo5n,, aliga A ofyMnv ele sli tJson']FiSTAGE Liver"ool & Lordon e g veuigtrainfor Toronte or Clig wed. N R ein, AhereyeOrlîiaeanweter lace wite al'Fouriers Iote. Lnds:yeeiy& Go': îlg itr s thpsua pp stops. A t OriBa,is se.l fîmi Cg SPHt O ,6Rcloc, At g liing Ma ailla ..aouttîlin"tand Y lere iver Witly25dBeaeron. Retriaglev Oaurmdrae lI etaoguenr emraes ovAU» Cthu ip - -AdeerthE, n poot o Stage fronihOshataliculai.hrsatsdtoeFret7'11 P.4iLrig eecte -n&ýyprMptyAY, sarddirevn Inse s 'to ki dinhes e o ngrd May bI, 1865t298 art e resso ale The lîroprito f wîli flotb y AUS kDAT'ofCi;iP nd uLLrTE ,ng liersn 5 iaid fer. GOffcRGE C0 SateF.LL, F 0i R, 're f .ci An % done t t-e loestrite. Dii 1 Autorsý40 r pist or-2 Cali is rspectfuly soýlitlidvr._e1Stage, 50Pr mine Womeu, 150 Prou iII£20t. ýJ 1 M E 1 STLOVEon en - tdesergption .f sueh.dzfCopies of Wdorokbsro- art qii~~ii 4sf ibogbreprodut.cooii ofuthe-emost Ce] cSr, ed itacin tatIc e re f .1 9-3d taes. - -i ebmerlos.g.IcigDeG8 rentut u sree il ta n dere , ir in- - Agetî fNrILLSsAND DBBlGN-onng mo prt e.D Liatn tnteso! ind'utaay u srO unding 'Ai w TePoe le i n Cult' iik ýak for Il>. 'uttes'. theoumn hut oittry for the extensive patrenage vhile vis- i' Tl cuour mI nitae bra-ilé htplace, snd wonld aIse st e that lit - - nb oi"o ütructi0ou Moue e han opnsdaerianent office in chtargre of %I. T eS& argain. * ~ ook4eeium*au c 00epiiig, MmC. H. Corbet, lateass-n ihDa~lhy, Dn- ro sBocks ,oxmercia-lCalculations, Cor îs ! lgeton.- Tht business vIl-i e cou- T tsîh la!o .nNo. 18,in te ýI nitaciala', Commnerll OortcapQefl duetedl by under the uamt and style of cncsslon of Mrlscu.hig~tSr- (iacuittg li eprinç iso! Enjisit Cotioi J, EL êBT !svihaot0" c r lacland . i n , B u aitt e 4 e ul S i , T eleg riiphy n d d r -i â io ;1vý l - Pbonogr~~~~phy. - AIl ~~Ojeratins perfoetned on lte lttest aud rcutv ifl -1 's ' tne bi a - Lctsrers. mnI cientifie pi'nclplta koova Qthe profes- o-ad loaFuueti'igtxx~.ai smsiî Ba ru and -StabtOt tereon ;- îhe-e i i1M Me DY ns l tntScene < t-uoand vaat*antt@ne gtehet1lot.ou .050,6n .l îl sin euntil frtiter nttice,. M . Corbettmay asa OOe pps R tîin w ttr su th e conus. Ooutterii-alobstÀons, ani CCoin- fndaM.Kai8ofic, mt<1M.L-T'uewiII ticgiveîi 1er Uithegreater îaîo h mercdai Cooe kapeènud Lectume on Buat- Ce.e MO'onhw cnnu purchasŽ mon1ey. n.ss u~t~ . bs vsiteas a r, iS: on le Wrs:Thce n Titi n 1s tabît. For paticulars amd 50 bîè.îsIi a ùsa ,vit:on he hurà ytrea, allyon he remibes te the lroirie!~tZ), - Ne R.Botfl~,MA. ~ ~'in each month and remain ont week, wheu rat h ie GEO RGE LAKE, .Mr;a3xB,5iToyg, Ohjopmto nmnOt1eal XRC ETIWN J -AN or te Messrs. MACKAY à& HEM'. cm 1 Ote, T«oro, Inatrue- - - Liiidi5Yr -PIN. le. . J TuiseUIâtet0eO ~fN. Martin, Andrtws, B@nonadCoa,- e bd *ap~r -M. Dunsfird, S.ulicitor, J. Gallon, Deîîuty Sher-L uuvu-~* 1f Go.Kempt,T. Keenan, J.* Dundas, J. Lenii- GÂ~ ~ >A MaD yb be l a5Iw» t in mtentg seW. J. Robinsol R uo lanW. Orac, lbUI tgPtS:V -J easL À.advelî, A. ngt, Fo-. PORT HOPE &PETERBORO' Y, X" sma , et-Nnrimlua 5Y k& Co-;.; Me orbett von!i eft rt" following letter xw k ý ther t à ., id t koti 1>vuDi D " Dentit. of Il A 1 l à W A Y ~)ms4 k .Fltob; Adan ~ LL.ft L. W. Stultb ~: j~, I5~.r Ada. ~ Dwas& hi, W.q. IL3 Kewmaak.t; Rev hue. Chatrmauo flmItoA~N w~I~1~ 1<1' ~i~**t, Torosto> ente. - "KNgato. H1afler lte 23ud 0<MA Y. Otht "-Kngson.Týl9 w silI i-urnas fîltows: "Having saggwd kuovionge of! M . H.MAIL.q 5NM Coritt t tring biU3s 51451.5itb me, 1 citeerfully Leave Port Iùpe at,....- *........... mn reeofod ie dhmt'Otii. public- as.a- Dentiot, Arrive at Pt erborougitrt 1 bot »d n*Ck&mae Leave Peteiborcig oit ...... .....3. > W- t ~ - B is.. Ak X.!>.,Arrive ai Port Hope at........ 55 e - - IX 6)1.P Mr awAmye t Fort aI..........