-4 A lu a eau M a dI $1~~ au"OM OUnaPmoasa s' a Ntsrj'Public Lhu al pl, 10. 12t .. 1> id teo haesr ha9 Kealt Street. 9i, Oy MIV-egs lb Itêfitt l.a-i rs,awà te< tM fls ea !Vcoi u u- ~modW. tffl bd bas opeuit le Moel .Uiff" Sus% iaily oceetakit by jewe:f t, $84 .b.ubameaiW t it un'd furnisia- bd lu fuel StYIQý !iimtcua5-âid eîel. ycnvesi- efflisIg.*s ef l te best Le opent, a ý La .ýýn atentiva stle u lat i tedance. eeAlbert OM 1 c- 5 *#24 E T- vr Mr, Boldet's (LATU pT AUON ItuIg813I8, à AT- *ger1r UMSUP1, ?er«W tr moltu la chas-1 mers, te. Be. rpHIIS favorits Ibotul hailai buuu llel.com- Y. pluti reso51d,*'<I' lte ofcfs- Aox' 13Or-1 com6d t.> fortusellIt'#saiilspublic t AINR ON, gemsaaly. Vstrp50 . eutnBD tooaf u eas At41rny-4l~L U-î PThe beo f Ltier$i;DsuiOgai. Il 4U Rleverieoue 1Iarnlsters adit-5A DTN ri, ke. à o., Lind- The, sabseilbe.bées go a996MiOWtlitI lieha , Kentfllut-et. iesi lbthesbovibotSIa -vhlOb bus iWOU fauniait- Oci. j49. M mLLn @d-sud iteit a th1oïghoui':t. Lest of style. - -1: Notetf but be cero.i qulsa nd iigues vil: _______-bcekeptlnla h. bar, s«d hlm table yl tac fumnisia tey-at-atv Sut d wlit ail-te dell-caclbs cf te*aot.- moven,.Nctar> K1r Casefiat andsi bligiIg (Istleicr lmj*Y& l .WeDoamelituInov atttsanue. Il hGimoua'. - - WM.. PARiCIN, Propnietor 235-tf--Beaverten, jan. Sîit185.28 autiteqfcUt S T '1 LIT rEL. tere o e ite lin', !fatile Insmran ce (Le1au) Ueorge KerîrltI. Corner of Kent andi William 'Sîreeta, Lindsay --239-til JOHN $TE!-, Pord Wilamltnset, f IAVING te.eil be aboie inelt-icnoitï cou- -e ap ina tise es> [j 1ai Motel br a, ter ni f years1 an si ba i ,9 ates. l Or- luug Ihomasagbnty reMitos d- mdefamnlmbed i ioti, andi a good staune, te- pro.tritor *fil be glasi-to bave a cal! 1 J791Y fron. lte travellig public. The Bar lduiaîisi -~P wi et*th the boit vines,. lquors amd cigamaý n-et fuelmm u x eniestabing an tee d-LX er lbhe<chate of gcod Ilomîlra. 27-tf r aud Proisiial - (LATE PLATTr"S,)- Stmet. sol*"ts.ecfreet, Teroàte, - - i itfAbové xini Street.. Ansi Pièvincil- 111ESmbcrib'-m e gi to intî 1mate te bi .s fra-louai., m n l - s Eeu-t, -'lsud 11ppubflc, Ibal ýitsn esmeàteait- 'v central pretnsforfeaterm Of y"este ha > -h.w, iaIXntsv w aetted Audreralieitomhutado 1 amry. Off Cs-64 be glad t lha ve a etail front tetravelling comna. d Admn'éllo ok muntt-.- y to Lo-nnti,»aI gLVExellent en-d extensive Stabling. IclIp mil-atna In - JAESCROOKER, rrower plroiîaetes. Tmr.malia. .trait181M. 05tf litj 110'pposite the M*rke t'Kent Street, Lind- ety, whera 1h. lu p"epâedte rake up Gar. m4iit5 in the latest Style andeti ey esonba Chaàrges. Cutting dono çebeP.n ob. short, eit notice. Janaty, ~6.20 I4INftV HUGHESI 1LCE S-I DAUC. _À IO%ýgf,-Land; Jifonse atnd commissiuîi Agent. huîvc Kent 'Street, Lindsay, grOrders left xt tbe Office of the c'afddicar. post wil recelve proulpt attention. Lindsay, July 13th. 1864. 255-t D.1VI S'S IOTEL, (Laie Icçoil') CAMBRAYp C.W.. iF E Sneriber b4g o Inforp bis frieàdf ls ndS lb. ptlblic of Victoria Cotii, that h. bit gopen.'ê the htllaCmry aeyccci- l1eMd by Isr. VcColl;, and as be ham.hsd it fus,- iiihèd in ii t eI tylo, v *ior ilI Ilnd .very con- venlence. Winei, liquors and cigars of le lest quality. An tetv otea Wyul %Vu. sersvtca ,Aftprvtsm.ý Csnuifbsal, Sept. il W.M. v- -Ylm 31.6-lyw HV . iARRIlS, TArt.oNWilliam Street, .VY Lmindsymlitàry Vnliifonnm, Clergy-. me nu' College and t)ressling ilowns snd Smso- king Csp raf1e up t -o der. CfnthWng ceesn4 sd mmcd. 'orders tes- pec'tftdil , soted., s afitiaetionsrated l'ildsoay, âme P', f#66. 31 m ON E- Y fTO LOQA N- A? 11091? PUR iC R?., APPLY t . OU R 1i ?ýsay, Sept, 2, 18325t fT AILOR, OAK.WOIOD, (&hopopsteM.A I CmeroWs l tore t ufr lb. 111 ral pUfoagp bessowed ot la or epast 3 yegms begs go say Ibat l IsIlp1>tpaed té promptly ,ecuIo ail odeswitb whkh he rsy hf&vmired, iD h l s t ilessod aIthé loir- le AND DstiNSffl. I reAtd w PIANO) là dalroul or TnIermi made kaoma o application.. Liijauy ,Y , 1865. 26î T o B SOL> <~1BP i is Bil lhait of Lot u la lit1hb tuausloa o! Ope, côosailed 100 &araod vhit abot-l10 aére# are cfd- -ait 10 ami efady te Ieg. ThI fA muI is*thîn 41 mi«o idoi ada îi .i l mue frop Oln e. aShor distance froin 16 e rslf.kAcou, lQàdt,e Z<~ d'uflis lart oëf.lteai . 1 : Il 1 " Ma# . For fim arp tcil Misste.M b u ; l l 'a au - idLeaM% Ludny ien :sfl bs N1TU, taraite ns ani gw, i4ali&mors i- hîer~ Utîcets-Kef-nitn'.r iltue , i BERT DENNISTOVS. PORT ANIREWS, hirgeoul, Àcsoucbetir, &c. .,Sargsevn, lhysician,ftasl ar. tr * v Suy1rgeonin t-he ltpA [IN(;, R0Om, No. 8, 894. -241-1 UIDLERt )THE GAOL, -an~d Il', (latp Orustuist tif Trin- 01,) Tes eler e-4 tit'e-aio KAeialence et0 Mr. linttonst, V. 9. -Willnnétu' tmiprovedl craOrgstîs. - NtLIU-ENSEfl A("(-' ilqsay, Cl' articular i- ncca'y and aliter IadHi Mlivss'ia, ,ihriter; l)stes - ellr. aio. a-<Ieite4,11aeqo S (leaiernItiAgent anfl-l*- tir Ummirimgo 'lre-t, -. tid- 0i, Anchitect and -Iuilder, .asla sui Iioor (rame# mnade cashefr. -184. - 272-it h,Laîil Ageht ;aisg Tim4hr a canalla Uomî'aaiv for tIre i in, tilirgeon -bsck, of the 31l-. ED AMALGAK NtELU$% AMdALQAN 8ELL8, AMALGÂ* »ULLS, AMAL#AU BEL provien tbem to coimà a U lbl - tiet. aoniwbh m% gogs, T*prnr, i OUUSx . mAwitw umArlolNUne led by smemnfctr.Blasa fm oegi Mes.à4 o 24 at& p er pu4d, -ss 4111 wumeftbe ~ti dye -ms. Q moisi t*keo l exb^ff, or bçugbfor 8snd f or, reular tu the Mat4ketmr, No. 36 Dv. îm=?. Ngaw Mho>I ."d ?ad.ry Bll. *Theso Bell are litted wth Yok,&a8tnd tCrank asd 'aft, elmplete or tuse 15, lb. 7 incee S 20 . Il '-8101 si -I' . 10 "876 5 ~12 1287é 10018 15 (0e 150 " 20 <' 9 7 à 900 " 22 '50 0 250," 24U LiutofAcademny, Sfeamsixsa4 Pire-aM *t (lAUrel. fidi, vwithpart ic*larsasa 10 Weig/,Price orf Dia.li an*ging 215 2q_169fl, 0, 8 375 2 94 (X) 22 00 l16 .Ï50 4 1120< 200 13 600 36 150 (J 30 ou) 1841 150 -40 .188 00 350' 225 1000 48 250 00 42 0)292 120Q 48 3000 4!i 34 1400 50 3u) 00 to 00 400 1500 52 400 00 64 W0 454 18081 :55 4500<> 00() o 5<61 20M 6a:, 00 oq 82.00]S62, 25 60:. 625t 0 72 of)1 69 300 63 750 001 830ou $1 35 6 68 75 00 8709)(Y -963 450() 72 1125 06 113060 131 500<> 7i ~1250 00 I125 001 ý75 ý4srgerSàe> n muae teo reti ai 25 cs. per pû ut,*IkANTU. AUllIBell$soid at tle a' h iie9 Sh utonId me fail, a w. b ell w givlet by retlrning the brolea une. O)rders May e @ent îougb the Aàfx Aovcli tG Aoucy,38q,. rod*iy, ilork. .11 ceesa Bell bretaksafter the expira tio h. Warrantee,1 altotrlssif priwe f«'lbe JOHIN -. . RINSO, 31I-Iy.. 3GDey Street, PHOWb AP Alwarded Firt Prize aitheAcAgriculi Exhkibition, Lindiayj . KMPANOIS BEGS ta laforn bit Friends eand tbeI tbat-ýfos, the put po..cof en ablig hi toexectitey in 'heMmost pertect nianner, a lers with W-hich bc. mayr be favored-hi made imi'tb oroiugbly a<4tIaitited wi the lalte îm.provementm la lis -art; 5and. eiuppied witb the best tuateris, chemical lie hopes ta proditce the Carte de V'isite. greut exceIleaice 5a ay made in this pro, rhe Gallery lie spacioeus and favorably Sit in regard 10 iigbtý and is pronouincei by 1 tu b. remA.rkably well da pted for the pi ut making corrsect likenesses. 0-r ositlvely no plétumes mil be let, the Gaflkry tillpatid for. '.SaS iofacf os éiw. n ntery ecale. "ý0We invarialily supply Mmr. Francig -wi pureul and bemt ceeniea ltat.can Wb. obi and believe bantateb. tliorctighir acqui with bis beautiful art. i NOWLStI.& RG 1I bave much pleamitre in reertifylng- rrais's 88-abikity ia regard ta bià beng 4 make poil photograp'he.- J. F. GIMS<0 "Thepiettires taken-bhy Ms.Fr*ncies, u say, are as good as 1 haive seeau frai mi the boit Gallerles. Wo. cDON:NEI "1 cenader the photogm ph.q of Mr. F sgood atid atrue as .W1 have evei in England, aid 1 have seen prme of the * -JAMES B. MU] Llndsay, April 7th, 186, Iractbteierds restonornbi ani thée puble thal he Ootinoeto lekc be .at homes, neateft And moit canifs carda gos sud bul<l., eomatàtliY On taI bire. Term$ extres Wl V Moitrate. FmmlIy Gr.mera, 1 A»WELVIS B KENT SUREEJ LINIDS1Y. (1ONF'ECTI(QNU8YI>Sweeîuueata, _, é8à ÇuWýs ÇhicéTubse.cos, and cigan f theboaet Brandi. rcoliu t c.4vI. 1!b.ulusbetbeg talafms te laits cf LItdItyansi êmnotadilag oiy té -ÎýÎ £*soli D.fma -ihB' 0.sA. 1wretforebua àW inLnsay- "I VO EuT 'I1I'~AND' FAMILY JO#RNÂ'L. M - TERMS ûC> 4D J- 'R TISI.IG. yenmmemniadnlne,.................... ladr 5 persomisasa, $8 for saix niotits. F'aos ma f» 1j.rtac!auts aird cibeil axan r5'OttiU1l (-r 4C cO&Mm sase,Wah thme primiteetoofhaviiln* aew tsniare alt1h.eind ofcv ery îh---e mnh.e-aaa ton"rem. t1l.Ms>ip'e.t aé!ver.,genn ie , nsA&nrcd bru Oallte of s' ni Noiaiei and ehanged aictmîdiut<ly.- 373- Ad rs.imemeîaî soalI withcoul. Wn-aiiemna5UUt5 inrr.ted amnlfoaiaiddtaarged iýr full -me. ifl 3itV5itCe. Nerchantis Wli-l n--" ipecard 10 F5>' 0iw- *.Ordri , C o Lctai n'-aang m svflnnm' iraitit e à&: wfatilig, u1tte-a ha- 'Puha4ier oîH av' net ba-en uWe ERARIfol çe very Sîred may Le seelitehairy ehhiren -found'In ti>wn-Made .gauLmentç ; moreever. îea- ite dît1 "M -cura-cntiiic-orsr-asation, naure rarsaly lindin ~~~~o otEusaaiga he.gréund slevi>ing i4 e anlet-d il ioer the toot ith ai DeestI mnaeev h'nm Ubs hla iy tibu piil, 1iL-aithe "lblimg ; TQ' a.-moes. ô!lentii 1ke thait for wfnjcm the epesos ey likethe- incu ieus giare of banald -ltrvepncia' cce h- Ii ttl-u -<up-tire arPe&4 up -9mi ty ui-i'i nnc-an bti îamdeCtu tl--v av eVery rosi ada e esonofts c -wehaîruh..u1drobabir artuien front anil ereneus MaS anuaheriqi by lais a-sm tait of re5pect alC0neIlOm rf faîbems, i rthrelowqmul years a '40U oan4 tvra tetsteibgo iOl-yl nidfrîc mr eTeaeqe-ft'W favounieiitu pcacs a-these o hi Fruts 5esseloa nal-hm to drink n n e, aushe >11,sef dacrfices h in ving w8y tW lion nnay le asked of the muer mwhe aioes mt n ia ir mott-t-ha a-e caracter, ac;piant no Iree, et4tr fwllharn'ticdoor, asa*tîte&r étherp.opie. i l[et -talilon tht qic a .oUchitl- 1t te fienîin-tm xl, rob aotailtt-sîe Yo u ngdu m on a i. tk- t tIz O I . A .yha a n af a al ir o u i ve u e ai e l e a n gu age of d oub f ul fè ropriety, p e napoi t a va u , a a an k il a d te o s ra s r yongusnai aoudîl pu>cp Wchda eoniseriible, lime,' ob.î.erved I1. - -of piofaiîy anal obsetîiy-wlhle the r o f Upet-t pihrases. the speaker laming sight et cen dpar<-their1111011M halo îtediii. -"u t I, etrîa b aikly i sprotesta ina vain r] mep nipar osce tebrene5 -fli outirina ratic"s Jacl ' ti.a metusim t-iho epdti.hMnopertliotaar hua-ny. I have pierîy cf -agaainsiiopt taitefaie'obn f al Ulte exiressitn Ag 111;M) acfthée. frma& - tiI rotd~aino heposoi y uma udiuaurre1r.'n Londian, aWay frnainnfaec 1. --a eateaa tmIas will ciae s1iilal tasuffered tu aie. -Their hies, Qîves te stake f.op u. boela uas1ed"nla-y avoigatians, andtI lere vere chuIdrea grewé up pare amatig"a1 nri-tamto it cai lay ina h' ior elty, antI dirclt 1 " ;. idatî jcfuareo a n yuraine-roia» I ivin- unonthey fill! speech -wilhlazy, siaircla-- trees là un6huedsue tle abfiu.aurldmine urgeait seed ai yeur ac htdn inftce asivf1atrs n, étang piraisett, akarne lun con terauon, Tittu ~;i~im'Ju~snliI~ n *uaaenly ooly ttan I.Ta fseti fosi înt. [ave- starcely tîct-hment ny S ta e of îl funniaitiuag amad huitV jitc'le-;tble u eoan'asinamn. Som bIt MM. tnte of, 9 ttemnple wnu but a a rble as, lit -tua.imd. teapon >'aur valuabte fmiy Ioreumatic se mîeniVfavou!5bi1 bat h. 'Affl xtow 14 "yS 1* tlié al ;but 1 bave becai agMou eil dosai cf flu ' ucameely thépurehaso oftri ,#en.. asîe thé bitu. fboie villa ooi"4h at nigitl, aad 1 aoui 6a elobiig ; aithougit item .tutste anal pru- la ene-.the - ai I maii ly tier sepint, g stock , -: fapda~IM lb t b o î. dêtace may bo Vasy' l.tiottWLisov spehwbiibuniiteca,<Cpyg mwpU he, ttu cf 011f 40,e - i4 a-iaaaie;IllatlheAnyupcainylpntJourho h adlyOI t c4 teiîa MDP>* il w»be wceuàry ox- &ess,.'dliarcf Üte ioiy Pts"obeduinbo *.**, S 'ls mI]inro te lel ~uMt wkuiSJ~duI' tsi hdra caBot! a lon ti W.mP Oflk W 0 t 1-41et e4 it wIme asequis to 01- îw y» *â#W ollâ etthe otud ----- *botewié fcald.. gstçrb oe tam rsNOVEMBER l0, I5(rus:-81.50,1 inÂavance-C.isktRonoo A. BETPOLTI ATINT.ofan theo- tot morbidly aliprehenive. il a.h.seul li er- ushsnd ore couti not hélp amili.ng gole .this rexpct- ifîeen o> îwenty doLars eitrm(er a ~ asom"ultîg Ph sceabe popri- b.O foE.hufterB 1ne ho -1oked-to be, hugcing fotbccai, hnt-- - r, TQ.larbtuae alîh Igitiue , as bisher, as îbongh my eretheoscope -T~eat kindiiess if he allow. la i e tu av uOYS, , l i bmy mpîs;n a dag.rmekmg entrnco iota bis away îwo or îhr.4o; white ho regadse <day sNlyiwEld o9$5gIi eva chhldr.1 ~ - .%« Umir 8eît lier frepiveoafas IIualtnbthe -vrb, Modésrrmir" a4 he ljttl i morl Pe mm':woh. o ere i te ý ïediue- <, avoifla mvsactusa 1W bck f 7ahmet!rveitt ail tlion-1h îwo mooden do o f;VCIOîle pa a nyt md hrrltoove t sef iffofw4uOs, à, tu oe riagai ta.air doo bll aewee At d t bi m mt, aew very thatinàuartitamIr.aa:iv n enc erAin (ta- qoü tF'a m a u eessn t. bas' (et ov$M y suîs1lIld bero s -a4 sf - place;las sgtne. f he ora o oemupnm y tîoa nI wee n.outacoeoiraai f or toaea> yhtie*i O'aW tu h. but s ,bl" !,l . patoor matlsthou. byad tIure ti hUes il loedWtenI eîure -panta-egdinade y ah r oPa l ertoIit al 1S. Pt . ips M*d e14omm. , ' gsuelau paossi e awrte thl on tia Mmy atin r nutoed hi. ot i, and 1 1 oelcmaaoas n -r a4n ls 8* -1,f1 iat1lo te usie~coàl1Uly??toragllso Ciobcld. » lic ang Thrdft- re .,dme t heat he t~ souiv obpeatifons the- a-ssmg Ill res, asi mhte1of, hernain-o Thm ebwtbmaIlsiss h eln u sh. wt n -waç eqie e mle, bunthelit ero as î Iotha s h a uflr whoe rPM"al t - u a ra ie opr'aht re f inar4 9Ba.h bisrdis&Wil aW.bnitti»dfr teet li-roin,>me- amgoal <s>ca 1 ha e h. < rhc 1.wcae apecrpYo.od- mth-iaaiîl rmne -miehales-n' ft~1et55 hach s UOW i, aîbogkitesafte breakt, 1 nu mci sc ungastetem su.îeuoîtas, iaodei,aadar vhcalie aediMha-îta u-- Shik a the alo vuhsar Ia n'oereda'w as oian . aintte iiî a venee e t aile been se lon g eamiîaing vilte - - l,ý1dh "Dolh u ts Sxoa Deourr r nmitigteail -th aof roothem u oratrhieso.Vrydî h4i, àd ;aprptid e rciiv- pt* nacr friecited1-wo agnxiuvbcl rtIo h;-- eaLIC adO. epr lanbel t. d r am; ea'l etbalsý, s t !? -Iv ni.ab of dune for7bOu-n. t tue extont cf ute aresoudin rihljoyuUyove lie iftI ihuliyasCzo fotajl i s ell -t e endohe1di o ieufrrit, w vr that e1 î~ h mn hr à( Obyali 12,frena emPlbas % ~ssIcieor-iartltuef heî fheher lewsanid hc *Ir6à esthis ul, »utli &uiec oulmll deaïa lm aqrt ern. kea motnel h osae PteesevorasavoesrCmmar-eu a sdlti liei. anneylgaitaatl-xosî-l enmybtuaeuae Imm*, tbeh' ouN!hoéewmd , i! amtesao e apop upaur e- h anvoa-e l he foe I Lrôieoned th1ta-er avre tos wohowitingtep'yl Ymom bon nvreu teratrs crc-j ael Upanal thaonegdhi ownat,,a ta nibecom-ean arta t.ic - i prreit muoe a'm, of uc althe bk v te mi nopil ihaypoinen Ia onm.qeaceolan.mea hat he, mano 1111e ob.eataoýenu- 2é;uil e haT h rul uI t. pin- 510 wid bi tal lt bs aoul-onyael wmchI tke aeq aiehalve adtdock on my ble, exp-seaif, himurlif pea-lecîiy ii-v -Ja t~ mnlfceror loy New il pîllaol ubabc'itero w sc !- aar thers ce hst strakes flotutaaîy hie îiouris satisi the mail Pa- tîc e j t h-> em- it I e lokepc pac e mter ! te 1 r th h t e tjoy1avRepuilon en -- ian .c)' i i e lïi e uiî re - nlro hé esr ivin" isre , hrpieca ecranpea Swî rttraitiy e n meia a)> i erigpltly Ieis-lasotg ime, anal 1hmntevotindeuetroiule t ue1nurf - îads cahacùi luide thertam inel cfti 00pt te cond.nse.kwaat o bae hunwyich Jy6wan on.. iagf- hefi-t a l ans attii e s ai s--f Ith peei .t imte Bovin' sround, nîe-rocm y piens ~ e~-g-ae tWkaneforeuissemeu llt-1, Il 0 Ali.su' t T he m éi'aptet oi h d nt haveere go ong aml g a-J1 ion ent. ta iee -a trplts S s th -d l tammbins ir . ugu ea- W iive thre.taalrn bauech ma t o rpa c tio n anir. wla y ih i feu -o in'b te.nrnî- a c ant -pi. 0e Hurrahn theced thaeggaryenov r Le>seeni nt su r yth slie .schomdicale.1 os , etvhere - TtUo: ;ST- e:. Thcoîc.eta i 00 ~ r1eg.saanpf9,lh~hMhe unmaaasaaa - ee e e foradmite atheiîat'l whif- h - person. Be iaad : CsOCo are d'ý taeut sr, B L 'vAICitOur -ai 5 ÀSe' lte ldies asn' Q 7tblau rigbtrgudèa t heiiei pit oeageae o o t nerview.he laa l'e- n lIo ato n m v t a~ iae~ nravr aLui .fH d a~~r ontd nesmleyasr misI daady-ced both eal n,i themesenringp-oid lsrb-k aeron u a- e.rsepoeer--xta'eç ,en~.r~rscapesai oo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Cc Iocosn vl oe aalmgîihn ab rou~pprcm ai haipeiî.i e-îdoit'àgii va a able er ,,clày tasa tiande T~,he 0lt -of a yni fcleo a m . tir 0e i 0e Setepih o n Brthir b-e m il siick qktt, cs? .cid u f 'wîuirlî ai ed tei y aoagpatuh le ienttf' t oyiie. Wher ivmporasu- a e,.f ~ m nt ghty Bbrdlaou, Int r nynwieae l-iece oitnaeojetithae te s u a lo vmp-p haua~tiea ala umrecae fee~ot, andttlaosee,-hut hdproor- a- .I cn 11,dMayer i ~ ~ ~ ~ t re ' bale 1-w b e r" ' - iii'-guasê mi ; o eOmià a g ix a u e~ i cmm amifo T-** ... ern-- I . ane teh e r i. who a~ ,.xx l. hi ng texv aîe i ri t yer cyc iii bis arciful anirace flet- l s 91 41mb r t o r 'lne 1ir it a cal-m ettlhaca ae t bcistati . S A t:a-au as l ji :a e- v~eln anottick ee Y. li ed eramteguole ibs! uîlalenbn g -tee datb itoîf. Paple vie are ô suc-tcal Iattiibi-nnhwever, ac halornittal, orlaad idée. Crouellief l tthers a aifea'the Waflin. - de foY wt inynapbr ve. Ilem seemaqne of amdaang ili ui volcat i a uitaiony u- 1Ilme mose htalt f adi an w s-tî' îIoe- itaisrîe a i l ame ancotter f ornthe j a b ler. A .a u rne . O-hms a e f l droa'ý--nr *wnn-xet !i mve nieam'iffa'h. ia ambus e-pvetat eriay i netff-itti e u ss is r f9't -l> .me Inle- ta iti, fmy ep irle ,paint 1, lisou ae- lp bthwera t e ,g. at r e îhnbc f eahth Nit Le W hi<) 7cr 1"Rigm l -aaoul her mfowa ! - but thn iaiist hue ad a iers peaby) crSk hnkag mev. e. d-tncl .in i a olfr îi 'r stire pc-itxduer t muehoss4g afte ai.,nor it fuudh0r îlie sent o seprtitv thttey -ket cf hi. cai lauann i.51 eannget wasiat r VIi te --fth fo tee 'l. . x-.lnp Mev Sureone r mcr dr ami pi, a' î lnit, - ier r ate¶>ypelt ap etie mait.cf m eupattad il1 =ililful r iea-. ailsalrae eliaedto-l, iraithe t-:all ft m fnhe ht IlSCAX ~ ~ ~ i - b aa mtee an re ei abtvati amte i-u attae oe ih bI hvefo1 alou m-hns s te ale-nmi ccrnneh qautv a arv qIa lly fie fn cf l attes, oa e Ibet so u brthed*" e -th et îe cumpaîay ; -hile «o cenais are YDty iea.sm Ipengaan 1 Cl îrducts La e as a irt as tio e ara nsiêv XI"he, by sb tth r. u -p n l, w i - ù a e u:r'té a wis tuvege.ut- îlei i,. dm e , b oc'ht nil J am o etlaëc e gîan Ii s , - n(i -i i --iý " a a el rirmstre.Ciiabermever vas s causfe, goý ed aia: 1 nete c citel, -o'rt echot' u e ev,<ii - pi or edb.thsdimSyuUvhte-avredpon - th.exctdtes oftei ivaama ht ir u a e 1troubla 'xv all l n e c or b e. sp!c 7 (i agýd T e aie-olo'o w ere rný_,pttintgRpsru- ln a-eI)-waî1 are eefI edti - rknt.t g ro.e a i l mirte , ti nit ma -" %vs, Thtoi. i 00 e insobvelae y urbeciof Chte ut a> h t 'ouasarlonsi m ta-oie n a s ig'e : n-n.ardpult ' lr y hsl m uist b a- ai upai o e , %vherj wd ebordr- rakwt N.0 llura nom his marne Lioas en inte gravi; e nwanexailciy>hers. izhe docs lInvalu. set-vaut xviii a-uni out tua- The, mIna te vou - -- ri. 00 fte! he'snmiia a' x1 ilm. Chircie'»4 th e a thrf e;.' l ases.eil a it ind i t.ltev i w ih aotlyp lt aittsp rsn i ii osaewd 'orc i,-ly 5ok aed 0er' lccîhiWe-l«d be i evatst en t eea i a (l t-min here fanadune e îiapnalg a nl. la.a-rtine -otlm-rv-îla cé térn es ai1 i ni n b ib - l n oh r ieW a tt -b x g e ae . u e i l .1- d _- i r at' y@d i l iy I il g; ti 2.0 Aiis » Wheiî y wls aiit ?ary.it aot t he boasis tuttiealoe.nr hhus ei ietiso or boomit ia J)F, u a ke. f eî. a OI- l O t haeas îofuppnÀ ar" elx - mnvenn tionth 5 «vDg larin' mptelo .nt. a lytrntlsoriu a, y or i aph aer t henu 'ai:e il ii Orvitîoa ny ali bhrem- l ah d s Ilai - snleînra ;av otwiirair1um - - Ashe swilerlaterer lkehafina al, me otd&i atilu maire t Perchi eatimi e- vrillera, a as 0ba ti na vhahe i~iiien, ami Ie thebeýùtfti -.tit hir -mlk ou tai s .orm s d lJam, e s W felcia Iýia Ii 6 ei f lli tae Sih e prgo na-tbelis dreded eneail terctk w' d ritaulrslaln f sparatlt iant y ca Ilroi- minf reent turat~~~rK a riemeop nio omnyi is eyo m in rete.itig -haa-ars!Ju t'ornesfv apeanaIoxle 1,it'e le ia c rO s il for Iits iat rae "[y s sun mnmlte- <eme-vtu f h i.aîo caieil pon lu x- xviî i' ia-n nale.atncta ireîoubthe grain h dawi~ id ic sdinem-enu t,--ihe bis md ab, al U oitarecei WH SH Uas NOiBlA TSB ND f ier Wc le,-k!y -er- When Brin mastsadû,n'aliail asueus oncmeoccsionofe admtted lnto ha atrie-roona off - liasesli v iîh r ll baîacerousstnl example i te. retr tetheshuiug a msie verv01love-opart ain Oati.. aeùir abouliei ;Ia Duin a- aulimte baserm erbguei amimg gîryî pad: e ia sed P eniter oU p a r e iimap la a rtirf am e- ie renzars lai mi a id, rarî ie t iafrd oe. l .k a-at r being gee fteteinf Qitr ei'luoutsa oth ntauto Ualcnslln ~fin tt e cnciaalhrsmeev sa 1e-e ioinb:tt- r '-n eeI T eforu ilt Waths l.n i ttn l-i i phyify er strisaths Tlis enteaenail aéve houa - 1ia anl e oi.eitanlnmat- i ltkeilitre h aot orneutcraitmue 5 m00arems'h biampa e iaim i mpatid e enta hfei im tu ice bertflre, nI sm fina hl( elpr ilsiii e a il ay PoInier aai s letl ae a uar in aS W h il, . art t f e i s p r âtcam n uail te jq.h C ..bble ti t fla natur of a r fl e a utin i d l ivio %an îî ae-lo iera i - di n à des -- i vac. Wid e torllet alrmdî tzialAte x%-btn? am eiiofadhorl,4lm eaa-t te me neaio-a thog frtetuan asbckuo oena' i e o tht-s-c-'a niltîeîa siet Whalm ttc gosia umthv, o m ;the Te- o let gv ay rer l a ay, thermfie-eiVille P4 l it pîcasan ireal toiatlvoire l acua ion f ,. h thea .aon. rV-rltn- o~! ~mîgs si.a aei an' is onfgusion.,li - --0 fararttew ciuleîy ' -p-i aroe W e vrtaa~ gteian' uvmsimu t vt ~ee -ty. etI sahneva toi Ate .l lcanir n.a-uiati, nndsceksIgm l:" aesa liI i-oniine anat brata sa.iagmhcDM 8 t elle icllvildeaifer:f preitslalnaiile memory hole bhareseat aItub far W-y - e o ýlabyb w aeil, my ramate. iew wi teuoi as t ra aa eia i o hriaaooe $-alpoo" n1 thitep et o t es~Ia.a: t an WiI lthebailtn' ttal r biugbc ay cci zinrnovegnn da S bfi-ilîrn t oleps go on el ? Is à i t the atcfa cn iss >nWt-:lIai x n~tt t- epi de a gttyu i - it ho îo k t eith r i il r and tee t irn e 'ach ,nn im Içae pi-rîtion? toe>tlroa t Jatartieztflh <>1 ialy i 0 --"' tire hand fu- busbanild ta loungetheway cien- WIfel t ovd Moîer Curi" , ! k. at nd aigle ,the ase br ofai ertmn o fitic e ee ha o f hin eventian a ite hv ig bo- -* carnébehiddiugaanrappaa'ee itiotaerag? quaotavaofdIet iaNed, ryuthe- poker th a m ntied aueil ger' sern 4t oe attaniut d ho. mauay J)11 Ou"thé tha f naaaou wat s tme île rsponi- iiy E or-dîy u. yu ainlat ut i lb. fthun -$*0! it -the tt.ilirIsreanelatlbt bsen a ha t tnLltyeUa aml m o"cnro b-r i i aqanfl syilan we>ai-41e. oat.. ono ýpt1 os beto thaecani- titaa ; ite ueithbarhmore- a-en," nal hi nnte"a d f a-rftl a h i l p thadearasfar.npaIrtsis oe o in - a-, DR ." Ob(liSnme eesrut itergbs out ci it tai fur Iln u. cnued a o wi !e cane-att ain mu r îl y fala- te îsaaad c oe ig ea<tin t hor -et cm la icne front W t Waîr. w ste? uelamth «ver was , cau , ! TI n '. oal neg ntem n" aulh ; i bsaeat ribappe d % b e ditui ooby (elfy A ihe rn n ' .o. l L, t - c av ro Ta rra uif .p" Ib excdaéofterarrv, au t lac i vey cnisa bsW liîon-îuto- ta e-aaléînt gra obr lo ,t dunal; pac shiteertcnain lt-ha i hiliteh dciea atae lasta-m nacalat- te.admmh moti u nuna taba.mieis-uh f-r ouf. ait' ubsare'. aa, wmrarewiahem fa-au Iaoaame. beyu I r int- Fo yr iriin eprss t it drtshea-inÉoras lè s era-y t eri s hedUc-r. tu i tli e îos atb oanmls ttai aiib aapull mna sa-l - Anoî nuirtii n ioAgbwie ,-e gmhsaion. m xeritiétto ersXh ninîira ma1k- perlileih. l isi hbi.adècaftonc e hv- ani ' s :i s-nvyu g« 1th. ,Cir ie ati -42enthe.- lnytes.laa -i-i s dthte ock l ies 1h, or per Myblarne a nt v l il utt il hievo l.o heci'-eiv ýrt Ldt)k-alied! ti.ereg a bacn hundea- on noi-l th-téman ht--aa.inite or wo. 1> 1a iitebisn itune;-oht tbe -<rairned e-re three,<t-h-rome a< rancis vain, fi a,;lime ite.wac>itii aharv« narlrne' ee fans ho mibi mi e short:ms ~ uing vO ali cre so,,"f-- a--i ki hed re ritn - For t.ii l'hisdk ptsi,% o-commegWititaI yer fdr.ea otl. lai outOi' app e1-. na h akmni orde am. Le r ," s, iie-y011 know i t r ihu nabei oa a -asnl ira ;%n 'i lrte u Aste çithii tro ie« u er toatforfateseipera xna n wite ie~n o- i-i o.,ietr, alA tea. omld1 ibm. rlsboau's mîberl f remetsbilin My<rom uaîy gmaleman raîînd omy olatieriec ; a loigean meiallbure toa-o o .1i< snf- i go - - - L lie lui:ejnii b y naigidrbe inite atiio a nu rus laaiy)rre uotnal.tt Uk aa c o- 'porii!ta- inaîroea-eul epim er~b 0~'6 bsX ar. a lr"wif bebrsten l aa rcavusenrie Ipssa a n e stic - i reyî v I rm- 0,- the fr -- thtPrsertli unws b e ie 4I, .e e.et "Shw1h. gn tema a oîjgexh-aaiinlbu-e Ukei __ irlabi OLDE TIMES - la"presnshetouseakd hie nctng ta ire tUnieu P blie , Wre hcwyýhie aswteheae acatinntaneIhad dfls oeyt htes, ans wi Ie rirtng FAMFS O titel T h erns ro ntl Afarge la lite n ema t. Asnom b i essîtiyofreo rdkngertimchfia-s ie ey eaenaneatiîgiubn ai Ar- bî.rhani dt l '*wois enIcal la eihl, edre ld theaperac e euîty emîemn -e '! aiylimnnet a sa miietae vhnen h. Ce-tsains fph re an î ttn force ,0 bas bn ldAr bh i r bnow sl uphia sip;ach uDa-i l e vikan asw l. reeofpad, butts ierelas n a- m rii nl eibs teaati luc-anî-.il!ni ,re flont rei r edmra- rnle aliaaigO -ity ualbuililas iiae o M antZin. e outdpont)easfur il efinuto abl umar lii na-j I-nfie er diràpd h orsd l oatiis e:a at a ren>ft' m t P :e n erl, r o - a turs~ the hs -,new, ar re laops.> avine hys etns abou-gthis ati hicêeh.oiy - t ohraantd e vycnlya*crta 'ui ~ . . . . ~tttNfl i neca idsay alvei ), an loete rim e Wba - a fi