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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 10 Nov 1865, p. 4

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..é,. ~'t 1»... .i~fl 4* ~, ~- .. 'YIC~-d~. 1 -J. J lt roue 80)w >Q ev as, am 1q Pe!BI. aeee t Os'i b~pIq ,~wbsittou., Mi'Dg 4a, 1a lWuu seut twelv, or 611... teet sto,. Ite &roundim pwèh cithe body, wnapjedin robtes and ulpilied wih a bug of ted a ia Vart Uds'uflt Itusare wibbhàawt a &ie1 iiaa :B bee ÏR býpy untiag gremeusitis j ad, and Weril lIau& d cown, at iworvem m ot wieil cannet uisturb 14s. 411isklid *djupiçâgud tbe.î&kà, ba ho ay oi vaut for Boai, % E»eID N»8WDIJETLY.' tise!eUecgeti. <d sudefati be t.jvi19 brpoptç $a'm spi~Ip mmn of he outsaaof preducîim ,and tbe wéalib wlieb ber *atcprîaîo bas prooured lbor, w blbec 'mcamore- immense ery , s te d;,ig uhicis suites <hi ifnId4 lhut f es g 0ise etail, tbue ntrepot oc-f lt.écari- Iiual work.d.Englamd, ipa <Word. hv Wk.rh la aw-priuimg aud irels.O tIs e soil, on the. rivers, in lbe bpwçls pf the. eartbièji4it îh-.o.wtw ise.sber populatone, vliicb:lt isardlent sud:tirifte su labour, manifeus i tle qtmuiies for whiieb il' ii distinus heal; sut.l!igPsa" peseer 01 thse pamilà 1 llevers of D ee . r luwar as Weilasain peace...MIeb.l r vaj.r. ». CARTIER AÀT OTTAWA4 > laie Tse INon. grutieman, whl at te .Boai of itihe Govcnaswnî ooklng for a houâ., wru cnter- mtsWjth tancd eta qpublie dinner aetithé Russell hoiu. -;-Hia Worthip teMayor *uinth'oChair., Ilà ,,~ repondi"nt o the, oesSe, m"tiei-gucal cf the *vens.'iii91th I. io. urendoremait reuuarked iu t t. nforme se toe lion. J. A. lac&onald *sud, beciho litte d isad ofhimt when lit, iin be.. D lte va :-dé Hespoke ineul"oqtér m'Oof me ; îe adl entit i; iho inor.tag; eho t4Jj > rm Iwouid mot bise atced *by biin ae jbave doJese. Io do tr ieh te imr-reaa npmmwyc U ,any grea inporttsuoe ith tqr egAdbqqsoif, ,t rmu a *mv Ide sot believe tîw.afhér4uen CoIEUZ nax-m'e aîd usy- _001101119116 t -'(MM W andi tse oppoite parts cf itie Provine-b t bolh, wbo aaWshdorh tcsifa. Joa- o îu seulslotttiito!the voxed Île4 ,stiun .c0f id the th Sea oi (,cvernnlent, w found shat toe 'sJt1 t slWer Grcotua Majesîy, and lisey taineil approaciseal er as. M tarbittator4 'afd 'ah. hai&ioal alecced tht, City e -ÎOtawç-wet Z a amrern ber of ber Gqirernument. in Cana e surrae othat décision, sudAt 1wasa mentce ssets . la-dl IdF . e tuIfilliiz er ié h on. -Mn.,Cartier: waîwent 1ully into.ah:qutmtua el Cô_fedenatioti pat~in -twtIOttawa Weol et o0?b te capital ef Canada but the capita c Cn qi Pa- ftWératae -Aueea. <Lond obeerà.) 1H.à14se 'ripn-- reforréil tau te reat Ship Canaàl, ýto %)en Il >,.n. teresSumeýf 5OI..ýGé;àts. 1 teni.. _ _ _ ITANT DCISmiONT-.ThO CoUrt 01 nu3 k asc ' per -Cana dalsey ed bagge. In tbi ti ime thes. an tavellinsg en an eetumason train, le stoppiag aiut uc of the statioins, ýýret-ctbat for & 1ev rzdteci o'abis op i 31 a saloon 1o ùt4nsone ta-- àb4,ass oi isretoms (oued tiat was iieig. Tbu s tcaa g l4ettterc go lisait lieir ceImm'oe h!ý ylaving prsted upan ecdi ,eolckéth the ee.eit lii t hteyvif *bis. for >ba Uplmme hceS 414.> A ofbis uebs ýIoodsatais i sd wwue dewsit.-be quetion ,»vtsuld ui t te î -lise t j etuhuiný.. 'rT. day arhMiven sud @d dtige' pli but eau. T-7%0 uil,*too& coso sad b.eu FIaged aa-Bd ei eMy entail ýhî moooe id e *b- a Bsnaaparte pli w Seo.nsri retserac4.d Y' ois' ý#leve a ,Io ýtûlî_li hIsîcb, do yots oi 117 JW'oua~p4éslp Rama Cutur.-ae lOYui t' g-i puun our mstmuyp- o« nmengif au em -egbemit 1ieus y~osuelitUéboteuse fer1- dot 164% f l is en4' fèa#7 . m.wepensse at iidq* lita an4l a whtt. 'mon vea us 0l I,. ~îet'~a'go wri1* P' l' Ù nis ta Coupai *MMI %Ib seue ,CH LItE èhP t such Po!cîhs ar. Xe otiur <efro*na kit bpfwftaIp4aftm, heir, desth fgr Ckmpjv ae PasNU« t. e m.uOuai AcltIpfor ibisde 7 ligi5mUaruP0449 iq IifAssurane .a .be o .y :~AMEONa ORDE, Solicirors, & L~ iutr i'ati s iW@ ~.iapi hs tk~nô snthe pulMc gee ralythiaï the ut fashioàýabgsok o! 'aji ai Wnter Good; aVer e1w- rig Departinenth1 bO*ti ikrth$ erseut si,a ~ia~hla" eahiiettho oaa S'ex hcIûâstes LO'I) WH[TJVEYS on band, la-i@e o firs4-clmafas 4BROAD cL.TS ý IID' wUV~L i .* Ver tanyweê,~D, ~1uw~ DcakmsBedfbrd Cord, there. ià no f*ncy Clotitingcsàtablisiv- meantin, Vanada idmbas befuuooe ! anadian Tweeds .-hobas an inla.en»estock, and as 11Vr aie wf 11 knownI for tahimny an% i le)isib, hoe fecis -cou ddentlitas hmthe ru wil h. a grea tde- mati fkr teà.. Iu.tdFaeaaiFtlCot fh.onmt.awy ubuFancy aamia of aldeaedptis*afel v , ai4 sgood asnin tsbUoa8, such as Shirt- _-300Undeoats ....... from$4 Otp$îOU l1 Good OaiadimanTweéd-,uits 100Oto 1500 5m pal Pa¶te.....*oa l00 to6 M> 000lOUShkte and. Drawers from. l(JO te 300 400 Vesto ...........fr 100 bto 350 Hè- bas aiso over 4,4010 os Colar. (aises front 121 to 161), aud'an humense assortmènt f% ýqïiý" $ýdQve., ,ps Sek-H&u-0 racsHandkerchiefl4 tkt; i tacthha Pl1 Ibocu at'lcli them ea) Ltdu 0031?nda-Imtel DO& NIDLOCK, Offersandi Dwaters 4à 91RNERAL Qg QCFZ$lW S,- TEAS, -TOB.AtCCOS, COFFEES, SUGAR,. Wil SBLND4If, RUMS, OLD TOM MKIY HOLLAND ýNS, CHIPPEWA MALT, OLD RYE, AND GOMMON WHISKIES, &0. &Ci The subscribeyjÈ are determined aâi heretofore to supplyy a wants felttlu tiis -Toua, by keepimg onstauty ontband lthe u ùbrends' no )rtd Wlne Liquors, Ale& &4 ]Prte, q et h t* b ~. ~ wos*P~~be Pnes orCsh J1ndamy~VT*tm~¶80r '-~ - -~ f DOBSON & NIBLOCK. LinIea Fooitre-arebuuse, iM ! SI $OCICANS 'tLW'PRICES91 Thé subscnr fbrrk tot'lbýpihUocf Victoria Ceuni-y the larguai asortmeuit'of Parleur, Dihing .a.ad Bcd -Poom Furnlture, mu varionssls, Wer brougit i ut" Lmids.. Particlar aten don ~Isivlitito bis WÂINUT SOFAS IX MAI11 CLOTR, CASiNôe oà3U i -C d. EnirO h SDiaine Tables,IOKIGa BUREUS-SOFA, OOTAGE & COMIION BEDSTECADS PARLOR, ININQ h i[x itN<OAIRS, DRESSINU TAB3LESte. kc. A U orera carhNf Ka. o ' ulai*p eatyù,c. ~m~AM0NIG ~lJENQIS 01171 VlKENT MTAT LeitfGlas" -ik i-. 4 ~~ ris ~ÂNCYBooOs, J~JAGER'8 ~--v~ eteem f Ltsd. *àtý«ri*y; ppûm piu ir th Bl*MIslIag1to.msCBtdonecuis, B , ~West ol t:he étIo là-v t e lI 4 i iam fo S t. e lare.ai*tue amm à1m F # a n àalot aqjohImgU well. Onish- ¶d, t4 glinge god ur, aai derwy ae- îoO4.ths_ 1,., i taI iw o iry lramem M ou d b a aia e d, 1 ,Tite bs.*i la guararnawéd >!dvansliage at oncm e! pet on p lupitai lavest 11~ , mr yeat. 'gr nad fâr in- i so a oO,, r La "" licso!GasreCi- Ie ry vé lotp 4. 4 I l*"iI ..laoe,no.1 Watches, compdi bé t 'ngtl!sierniLev- crs, 'niu' > open ase u4o. Detached <Jy- .ioLder ýe. , Dex Esea:pement und Ladies' Goli Wheiýe, sd a fiue assrtuient of gold uifrers,'àd patcd Pub Ohq!in., Moika and. Km>s GOàd EAr-!>rpsand Rings,alsud Clocks oferery dscrt ii quellrle0-te 1uire ~,èr.Also, Glît Velve' orerafor na , y fiînubng & oit-; tuwtg ë« ro0,:ueufes aity, jatinuportddl reet freN ew Yo.k est IO L Ta rcsdfigcompetition. Uil frther nô ~icsubscriber ulîl éon- tinuiýîüe carrbn lteWatchimalcing business as here to, .hicitlie basa adde tte beau- .tiful art of.-iegravig. inscriptions upon Ring&.Yai.cbeî, Doorpiates, Coffiluplates. Fork.Q, Siiocs, Signets, Ne«spa-per Outs, or Business Card Stan1.ý .111 hae ecuted te order in su- perior sey'Ie Juatt&Relve a splendid lot of Git Mouldinrg G. a. KEEVE, SEN, Kent, SSi, West. J..idsa, Sp. #ti, 165.25P-6m p'ar meî's Altenltun!! aciSAP IARtiaEuSSS 1 Trtc aitaciber desirea te inform the customerE of- tb. lat i rm o! KcILS &-Loveil, As weIll as the general publié that. hé ia uoW carrying on thc Harneas and Siadlery b'isineît aolel.y on lus own-assount lu the nid stand ad jo*ning théac.o ~:1.jLedl4 e .Willia'm.,Street, Llndsey., whère lieuil ha glatl. lu have a visit fýom evet7oue, ,l tutnîof àany. hin i i 1. Work.ing ciosele at the business hiàmslf, ana mpyintg noue but exprienceçi workmen, a»Ô byigbis alterial foi Cash, hb isla mpared til> offer tbe tfloligprceul feribe cousid"r- ion of iutendlngpurchasers: I Good beavy Short-Tug Harmesa uit heaxy Haïsies. . ... . ., . $18 O6 Long.-Tug do , dé o do: de» 20 O# Book f!atncpà .................. 16 00 Set ýof lighi single fHarem, uitb raised- traces, round Jhues, and, bup-apé, anif yBridle .. ............. le et A good serviceable double set ef coarse- fines, (sittable for s. bugorv or light vonT) vitit cruiper anal bp-straps,. round'linos andi faucy Eddie . 25 005 And ev!rythîug lun proportion.. Rêeaînusexecuted -neatly, prompity anti cbeaply.' Wbips, Laites, Surcingles, Bridles, fltera, tiruihea, C emba, kc. kc., kept' conatantly n baan ti sol w vry Cbeap. -. Ail, kinda oetCarnage anud Cuiter Trintning douie atthe otrest prices. À 'ÂCal ii eotftdly sollcited i JAMES LOYELL Lindsay, Deceuiber 21, 1864. 2-t 1"kesSimlad Cuciebing. P'BE- Steaýmer EMIL Y M.1 Y keaves Bell 1lEwart svery lawfuul day oh the arrivai ut thes Mail Train - front Toronto. ena calls at Boaverton evéry Münday, Wednesday and Fni- day, u t 3l o'clock, p.m., sad every Ttiesdn v. rTbuayand 4aturday, ai 12 o'clock, noon, returulni tuBell Ewart-iii tinte te onunect ulit the evening tra in for. Toronto or Collîngoda.. Thé ÀPRmîly May. catIs daily ai Jacksou's T'it, Alherley, Orilia, ai. other pltaces, wheneeuauually. stops. At Orilla, passen- gecau take the sieaaaer >uury fer.te Iguska- ka setibementi andi the Severfi -River.. Fares mode ra te. Mealsanti refreshuients on May 5,t> 1865. ISAAC, MAY, *zster. 1.>29" unY'8COMMERCIAL PO.tSel (orry of Brysmi, Stratten àDay,) Kin- street, Tiionto, Firat Daor West of WedeymsS Boo am, qqui ments cf tW bWsneiscomrnunltyfr !North, DESiN-Yungmes tberoughty prepareti for thec dauies O!flte cosing iôe adfor fls B"ukm WCia, Band Book-keepusg. Nomye Breonsw'DBoms coammerciselCacllos e- m«941 awlL , Cgoposerialf C«oq*pud.nCe, (lncIloslp lte pniamlieso<Jgtsi om ou fou>, usiespeasm"ep, T*4"Pk t>anal Pho ograpit>.clpmw - co u i. 4.rqs Mdctrera Ns. DAY i lusslretor la tb*se ý&e ee cf &A. nuerclal.Corieupomdeucta" i ectur on- Busi- Mn.Bm.B TrsChieetepemrla n onretI Tosiepboumpauy's Motfc, Torout% Iltrnc- 1crlishf.gay A. R. Ulato pA~ ou; -J.-- , -on 'Th I t S eer derltionn 1. Z*aaksWelatete LCÂ o 1<JTe T ITI'*LE R PIO Isalik e .bb ads;werfo*aisnperVecrwin O K-EPN t base *.m Nsookt-uSlu, wpitela sonnex or oint tbread, iflo.ti1 coarseat 10te tnest ICO[IRE PONDENCz mumbeL I avin either C EM nor ChC- WHErLL, "ec er&ethat murA ýtkcy .'il a*4iIcst p I.sscfration, ih ruesas smooib = ratc s;lstc ec,.M, as gks, a" le Emph.tiaIly ~ EUSJOB Nchiil IThe coliegiate course of tlisin istituion ini- ht reilaires PTY FECR CENT. leuz power to ciudes everyîhing requisite for à îhorough andi drive k itaïs any other Machine in market., A ratalunes Edacation; Book-hkeeqint girl uf twuIv yte t age ean werk it Stcadily 'epdaeptcd toe^eery kmnd of business, by Single without fatigué or injtlrY to ea and Double Entry; Steaïnbonting, Banking,, At. shremgzkamd wom4erfuI s"iiiciti of cou- FrEig Xcbanke.ý Forwardiug and Cômmis- #tMe" aî w "bt tm »" to etsg-îout iorý"UusInessi Manufacîuripg,, Xining, a"t oode,', semis lA AMTI--by14. coin- ehnginbg 8Intin toDouble Etry. paasw tu give entire satisfaction. ~ Pricepf Schola.nhips, lime unlimited, -W. petfully Invite all thosn ubo may de- Twenty- fiv,, doilirs swt s py e 'selve# . viit t a superior arti f 1-k n NICITE t luaà more spec ial ma nner do The actual Bualness Depariment is turnusi,- cOlt:e4àicitLth Patonag ofcd writh two Banks with a capital of Si,8009o uck ocWfi arng uT codacted. on the saine -principle ait our'fayur Merci.~st Tulera, ~ ~ U M irite.Banking 11<uses. A31ercbiaft's Emporîuma 1coachi. MkeaCorsetMakers, or Wbolesaie, Estitb1igImeintî containing-sain- Hootp8kirmilnufeeltrera f iier Fitfer#, pies ofailkinds of.MerclîwjdiseReal Es.ite,&c, Skwti aftL Bosco. M&kér1 f Sorldnders, from whicb the students, ent*ering tiis, epart. V7eui a iado Makers. , rMent make their flrst purchases. The Books, 1?r Rel-ilàus ad -haritable Institutions kept in the Emporium, by the Stiidents,sre will bejiberaiiydealt with.- eight in ninber, fivee f wbich are, Booiks et P VRICE 0F IiAcIIINES,. COMPLXTE. Original En ry, and ýthe7a re conduacted on the No. 1. Fanmily- Xachine, with Hemuier plan of the principal WhoIeFale Housesr in the eompîete.1......... -........ $60 00 city. Thtis dellartuient is under the charge "tfa Noý. 2,Smal Mnufgct.adng, ulit Exten- Teacher wbo has a uieprec nbtl Sion, Table..... .......... 75 00 ness à sufficient guiarantet of ils practical No.it Large « 85 on worAingt.- Seod for spetimenof writing land N,4 Large,.fo Leather........ 100 oo0ciretiakr contaiuing full information. Aditres CABI'NETS IN EVERY VARIETY. 2i8 )MU1GROVEk WRFGHT, PÏropriteo-ru. Ve wantagets for alitowua intie United __________________ States, Géta1ld&, Cuba, Mexico. Central aLd X u y e e !N u y South Americ, whbereAgencies are tici aiready establiéthed, to whom a iuerai discount Viti bc gisesk,-buit uc nake.-no consignmePts. 'HE undersigned bas a'lvices f.o11n Cis cor- Orders- mal ha sent- îbrough ale resp)-ent*ao 4dwrtwggeq,3«9 Itroadway, Ne- York. IL&RGIE SUWIS CF MOrUlT J. T McATHURk CO, aaitîg investiment on Choice, .lmproved 5~36 Broàdway, New York. Farins, in the u& sT.a~u. v. ~OLO seTrTLEO T«O-WNSFNIPS 'r. ofthis and the oidjoining'Colintics. As part ô? Aksnit FacaReroJ PhOI9graPhiw A1uterial, uic monlies bèléng to- private-indîifdtalà, lans WIIKoÉiLE AND Ato ETAIL can ha uegotiated lin 501 *BROADW AY,*N. N. FROM -TEÇ-TO FIFTEEN D-AYS IN addition te cuir main bdurine.s of Photo- ersn>hic Naterils,. ve are ileatiqu&rters for thé Wo}owing, riz. -Stereoacçes and, Stereoscopie viewsg. 0fthese we have an inmers e assortinent, -iii- chuiing War IS#wneq,. American and- Fortigu Cilles anti LatiLscapes, Groups, Statuairy, kc, .&c. AIse, i'volving Stereoscopes, -for plblic or privai.e ehibition. Our Càtaloguïte will be sent te any atidresaon reeeipt of stamp. PHOTr.OGRAPHIC ALBUIS'. W. uwér. the frai te introdauce these ictheii Uniteti Suites, aud, ve manufactuîre i'ýnmenae qn it n, l greai variety, rnnging in _price froin W cents te $50 eaet. Our ALiatrMé'tarei lte reputation of being sulierior in beauty and 1 darability te any otherq. TIîeý viii te sent by niail, fret, u receipt of prîce. Flue Album* Made te Order, CARDI PH.0TOGRAPJIS. our.Catalogue nov embraces everfve $hou- sand difrerent aubjects (lb vhich . additions are coctÎuîualby beiugmde> o? Portraits of Emi- neut*Amnencanis, kc., via.: about 100 Major-General9, 2#)U Big -Generals, 275 Colonels, 100 Lieut -Colonels, M 0Other Officers, 75 Yavy Officers, 550 Sta tesmeni 130 Diirines, 12à Authoirs, 40. Artistsi, 125. Stare, 150 Prominent Women, I15U Promu- Dent Foreign Portra>its. 3,0 opies <f Worki .f art , . incluuding reproductions o? the miost celeb rate d Engraviligs, paintings, Statuesi, &c. Cata- logues sent on receii of Stamp. An, order f. 'r Onue Dovii Pictumelm* ollr Catalogue vili be filled en tut. recelipi cf $1.80 andi sent by miuil free., Phetograpluers anti citera ordering goods C. O. D. vili please remit twenty-five lier cent. of the amount wiitut their order. E.&H. T. ANTHONY k co., Manufatlurera of Photogra phie .Miteriàl.e, 13Thé priesa ud qualiry oour gootis can- not fait 10 sataldy. 9 y.i UMSAY ANO .MANILLA TA&Luni [JN T I L, FUÙRTIIER NOTICE A STAIGE vili leave Fourniers ebi. Liidsay,every :awfl monuiung ai G oecloek, reacluing Manibla: in timie te connect with the stage for Oshtawa.. .Whitby- and Beaverton.: Returning-lea ves Fenten's Hotel, Manilla, atter tte arrivai o? the Stages froînt'Oshawa, Wliitby aud. Beaverton, arnieÏi tl WayaiSceioek it he evenhig. Fares réasonable. The- prorieton viilnôt b. responsible for parcels or baggage unteas book- cd and paid for. -Lintisy, A pril 1, GZORIhE RANDELL, 186. 43-tf PORT IHOPE &PETERBORO' gN anti afierte 12»d of MAY, ibe peterboro' jTrains will rué as folova,: MXAIL. Leavi Part Home ai..........s9M &'m., Amve ai Pc -erbtrougi t ai...... .12,15 P.mn L.eave Peterborotugh ta........ .3.30 p.m. ArnýicaS* Port Hope ai .......5.55pr. Arrive ai Port Hoea.....81 .. LeayamPor lopeat... ....Opa. Arrive at Petarborque ....... ...&opm Té. bel'3Egan Ti. Sout h alf o! LoI N. a tb coacessieof o! anipoa, emiaiMag 100 aCres, of witiê*boui 0 arsatm&e cIqg arc id Bu- Iien itionim l la yWul&Oedb bas a good logÀ ai lso a Frm wllog bouew sud a stnll» -and stable thmrcea; ihe lisai-j waym a- égoti spply o!fspuing vater ou 1th. lot. iTisse .11 be given fo)r 1h. greal part o!fit purcitemoney. Tilla luaipetable. Fer -Panc*èsiS.jb t t tUsai, qqdpy o iepel i. ithe Prepncir, i Ulft flCETVID a h i., t- after -the a pplica tions are made, provideldti th Titîca are not ùnusualiy cornplicated. 'Apply, if by letter pre-paid,.te Lindtýay, April 2G, 1865. 295-tf. 1865 ~1865 The Steamer u illctommence ber. regu la r trips ou Mon day, 15tit Mdy, 1865, leaving Bridgcunortb on 'lion- days, Wednesdays amA Fridays aI 10 *.Mn., re- turn»ng wlil leave Lindsay ou Tuesdays,Thurs- datys and 'ýaturdajys ai 9.15 a.m., calling at Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Faits. The stage will leave Peterboro.eaeh morning et 9 a.m. puuctually. For furtiter particulars as to, Freightý &c., apply on board. 199-tfJAS. WÂLLIS FOR SALE* TR 'E SUBSCRTPBER offers for Sale Lot No. 9 inu. the lst Con. ofthtie TOWNS',HIP 0F MARA, CO. ONTARUI Situated in the rentre of a good seulement,' and within 3 miles of rIIEESA iILL "D A GRIST 2M!LL. The Property isailleroached.li.good Rrasde, 1 ad is illin 1 of a mile of the IL NTRE-RoAO'À .. The Laid, ha of the BEST QUA LIT Y, and th-. Application maty.be made tÔ, DVNCAN McRAE" , Eq.*, Eldon Millt, Ralsovef P. UJ or to the proprieter on the prenuimzes, DONALU bMcRAF., Talbot River, 1aa Mara, June 2). 186425f STEAMBOAT IOIE Daily ( < om".u!iration WITH ROCHESTER. The ncw and.niagnifiçent steel-Plaiei UPPER CABIN.S'rEAMER, Leaves North Shore porta for C treottewry day (Sundays exceptedi) as fu4lows. (JOLRORNE, a-t 12-4b, p.m. COBiJURG.-,at 2 P* PORT IIOî'E, at 3,3M p.m. RETUS'IN.-LevesCharlotte for Yorth .Shore ports, every moi ning,($undaysexcepted> ai 8..30) Pa the arrivai of? sperualî train front Rochester, Passengers in Canada from ail points East Weat sudi Nothl, by Rail or ' oat, ceonec witt titis Steamer Ai PDrt Hope and Cobourg, aud. an- rive in Rocheâter iuntinte for express trainas Esi Wfft aud Souitt.ý 1Passengers ln- lte United States, iia Roches- ter, conneet by special trains witi t tis steamer ai Charlotte; arnriug iati Port. Hope. afier s swift andi pleasant ride oser Lake, Ontario, in ,ime fer specimi trains te Liuduty anti Peterboro, [anti expeesa trains E1m iandi Westeon the.Grad Trunk sRailway, atidae,fS eRoyal Mail ListeOf steamers. -Titis svift sui anaguificeul steamer bas been aqeeiUa.y fitteti np fer ibis route, aith a 'Il tutu imodern appliances, ud bersalace &ad utate- mocis are elegantly furnisheal. Ttc Table asti Bar alwsys supplieti viti th*i very bet. . Fame-$i 50--,Dec,$2 00OO Baqae ainetOf overa, unie»a bed tima For -ut ie uomathea apply te cCaptali ,»A boad, or. t 0K eca .,85 . N. rtuwi,: shols01 . t" INXDEITARINg 0 fiE1 , J# TURNER, hep le announe iti ot là sl& ehacoup!*afOrlcut o ahWaros1aipotui hdB usuel atoi~~ Rot X: 1- . - 1 ý. - Il 1 -----------------

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