~uoe on bV roputation n Mnàrch, 18ethe .ATuerican rocilty %ill corne te an end-and s for ts rt'nemiil, or pyparatiorra rge, will be wtched with sara- ýs for acquirhig possession - ot, 0 North-West territory for settie- dily bl i(e , ansd ts thse Tiii ote Spécisil attention, ats il bas tv2crythiing cocsseced vitl1Iltle 4tiesuiet oet the conýtiitîimal afu so loig. distracted tse lPro- is questions- affecting tise materi*.i ýs country will be tir owni opeu. ill ho-. t) Bassking and -urreney. leaitls and etherwise impnov-. A Navigation eof Illeceuntry. ,the custoums'lrariff foney. t new Tferritory tosettlement. ists te actulsettlers. d Law. ther vitally important cubjtectSe qsionl and Settlem ent ot ail thlese s.oRL sWill, R,; berCtotore, take Ian nd troîn the sources of infrua- inand tof it. <'essictors, iL is net il jS coliiins the earlitst inteili-* nsoAt reliatile information %vill DAULY GLObE - )e rnsaiieàtrois -thse ofice lit ble invssiâbly in advance ; buit regisrly fromIlltie îwel os and towns Ilîrougisout tise WVERKLY GLOBIE- h imîrosed l inth(. yemr 0. m of eisrorrulivs issts e w-lU givse it l.a resmainere An editor li'i becis engas.îged. ty it \V'111 be to couds usse a11i ttert - liîîrni eslc ýiL-tly adapleil for cintry rend- of-es-ch week' s paper wll bce de- icition oeqt ui'interestsssg tile: ansd pices stîrrent iil con- wt-îlîpronptnüsass a curacy. GiLODr will eonti[1îîete lie pli- DOLLARS lier anssst, patyable ncv. Sonse exeptIes L) tise pasymentthavse becis lertîoferc tire lst ofJanloir.ry, 106, ne nt frous- tise office witisomt pre- CYLUB RlAîji S. -,y, %,ilil scn: - carfor .......... )p t' th Whso gels titith luscli, ics oesyear tor.... Q leWmaaa GLeiss lïto tise(- 'ets tip tise clob of Lwonty-tive.- r year fr........ .. -- - 65 (X hie- DAîv<m ii i soc s-asi iwiso getl up tise cdbof - unse scar R ...... ....100 01 aiways ls in msaîe llted(-ilu asy c&1lub ni-table naiss1(1s alIre tied te any r, tisey imu sesnt to tise. 1 rs-on- wljsu înade uptitile sey sent witlsiis sddtisn Ssncb a Iroportioii-of ic fit tise Chus) rate as ig il psy a of ise club. i-be Made te tiscesees n ;cr. -GEORGE UROWN, 8 65* psslislser. R, CI»RR thse IlMedîcal Hall' 800 gai- der, Ib tise gallon on barreLI W. J. THIRKELL. 1865 - -324-tf EEIVED 50 pieces RiNTr at frorn lod 10 'rd, at- 1 t0BERT SPIER'S, Kent st. ,ETE Asýfsrtnent of Pltsweesi FeatF- ts and- IOBERT SPIER'S, Kent Street. For; Pirsi Cha Ceiilcates: For 2m m! E bd 'Clas Certii6ctes.: ITS, 'The RusminatlO ion Mb. bhol Ï*0 Sebool bete% oomaelag at ~o'c1ock.A. M. DS Oakvoc4 ISth Otoher, 186b. 322 T. GOURLEY-. moon Haud fEOS te lufomwnu mmusfrien& d sithe 195of -Bpublic generally, that ho ha removed bio Ph.togrophie FPiotue Iey L. to large and commodions rocms ià t .n o*loon's - and qual e VX flp o fliufrh Prnvfce T , en. ol eu bstak.frtevy lierl ptong betoplat.g don. for the tsr, ' huaer fttodupe a er, eà ownsiecitîer e Ped . arileuhnie Ptogrsitphr, an ts tesiubiic ing tlanes anud scd o nueite Phviaea., 1 gea. Llnd rE Xcv.p17, 1865. *on3th hard Il alttu b.Povmon pertly fo 1ae o J GON 0F -UEO J.b Kna O'N. the ATTili NOR TH MERICAN 1H0 TFL, PORT -HlOPE,, Dec. 2nd, 1885- a Noon. UnIrpower ot sale conta.ined in a.11 rtgage, frosu THOMAS TURR suitýad svife, te the ab- ove Company. *Parto! Lot number One, la tise Third Con- cessjion of ths ohpetofMenughan, contain-. îng 41 acrs, more osr lesse- ý. very deiirbic piece otland, nearly ail clertred sud cnUtvated,' with g0od RougI-east D*elling, erch ant's * nder pow-er et sale contaliied in a Mlorîgage M, trom ii IRT 110(jG and wife, te thse abuse-e Ii Tise Souths Tbree-qtiarters of Lot iuinber Six, il, tise- Seveuth Concession of tise Towvnship etfo Hiamilton, conssising 150 acres, maore or leua A valîsalle clenred Fkarm,with good Log Dwelling-, Frsinse laro, &c.- Undeor power et sale Côaie l aMrîgg frein JOhIN KEand ivifss to the abaes Coin- *Tise Northiliait of Lot ssamher Twenty-o ne, in tiese Sventish os ofic tthe Township et Clarke, containing, 100 acres, more or less. S Thse aliove isý a Véry ~ltll ae svn à1t st80 or 8ý5 acres cl1earédl anid.fenced, inia h)igis state oftcultivaticfl anti well walered. TieCc buildlings consist of a sew Fraîne. boise, svitli back kitohen and good .stone (clar, poodl reg- t] flousse, tVvo Fr-anscEUBas,- Drivîîg-hessse, sud t stahling.. * Tivcre ie on ise farm afn orcisard et 100 cheice ti -grattetl fruit trees., wlich euiir-i piestifuliy. Tise fl Ftrni is situated ini a liesi'tliy loèality, surropi- tkd by respectable, settlers snd tdose to -a good scho<l.IV *Under power cs ae ctie n a Mlortgagc trom IIENRIY IL. MARMION toe thé aboie Companty. -Tie Èàst iIflet fLot oumbelr iglît, in tie. Tiird Conicession- et ftise.'Tuwshsip of Cavan, -coataining abouît 994 acres, muore or les s, aboutt lialitiasacre of abous-Lot baving.been reserveti4 for sekIOOl tspss **This is anl excellent weil cieaefred -Fisuns, wi th *good Log Dwvellsssg, Pýrunes Birsîs, &c. TERMIS, LI1BERUA L.. - Ten pier cent. of.thtie, urcisuse money te lie. I Ipaid dowss uLthLie ine tof sale, sand eresfor tise 0ba-lanc&'Ilithm e m ienade kn ywn. Deedsm bsract et ofTile iassd Mortgagps, can. p lace "'Il * urtiher ,nformation cas Le o ltained on -ep- pl cdiation t) tis1e ComieinanTsstsd Roa (lotiiilîisiy cf Idiper CndK-ington ; NMesqr4., ))MACDONA LDi, IATTON & MtcACHAJ, Bll--j citers, Kinsgston ; or toille undersignedl. FRANCISi MURPHY, - Auctioncer, Port Hopr. )o 'Kingston, Oct. 28, 1865. 324-3J a- Stoves!Stes Tise smbcriben Sas jÙ'st reeive& the langeet and Most varied assortinent of uteves ever>brieigt lit Lindsay, tise visaisof whicis le làdeteras la- ed, te SsIi At AstonisbingyLw Pie àwnd parties initending te plondus.. will fltud iL to thein a.drantage te -inspect fluis nnivalled stoct beflIre callbag elseeisere. Look Ikt these figuresl Cooking Stoves lrom ...$10 1 $24 Box Stoves froin..... to .10 Parlour StOveSfr m... jm*-«a 4 to 8 AUl othen articles, flot euuMerated,uat pices -wiicb viii aitonis tise buyer. ,ý Tise ighest pices pai lCash for - AI1-k of Ppn~ ura Sbseêp-Bkins and Coiw-Ilides. AiU descriptions etfBsa nty billes constantly on baud. AYDBROW4E- Lindsay, Nov. 14, 1885. 2 ofb mof éTh TOR- A.- are lemd aCe Tsmethy, beistk A1ao, for Lots No. 4 and 5 South the site ef Jewett's foren two-fifths et an acre, Lots -24 and 22, norti asitng of one quarter ac .Park ,lotaT 1and C 2 ing cf 6 and à a h acre- Sil hait*acre lois on strjee4, tcing. on Adelaid For pwttiàlaârâ app1y Li ndgayy Nov. 7, 1865. oe~ tua 8.bseibe, opropety, psy D. ALL#im re it by proving m of bi ad- ,SUs Cou. Ope. E. tout 75 of whleb ut in Clover and 9, Cork. 7? OP&. thbt street, beiuag 1consiting cf elg Streetcon- ky East, cons it- ,est et Adelâiîde" ,oIbouruie StÉ. kBEAPi Barristers4.. 322. TO LUMBEIRMEIN Settiers andd etiers, 1 200 Acres of Good Land luJ BE SOL» Iii TUE Townabip of nezlOyÇ Thr i oise eellent Timber on thse Lands well wor-thy tlie attention ot lumbernen. Parties reqtirislg lands* for tkrting 'purposes wouid do weli te examtine thesse lands. Thcy willlic sold cheap Titin tusexceptioiis'blë. For turiher particulars etiquire et - W. J. T~i 1RKELL,à KentStreet Liùdýny. Novemnber, G, 1865. * 325 List. of letters pEANNG ln the MÂILL& POSt Office, -No ~6tËC5. Avery John By-rne MNichtel Casspili lector Cssmpheli Alexcander Cuningliatin Jarnes 3 C-armichaei Dissi f)avy George Harrison John. Jssdson NMissý ilrse-Jamles McFadyenIf igssAna, MeKinnon Neil leDcuald Miss Ana. MeLean, Iliugi Moore W1V Moriu<nToi Main Thosss Norton lirs Il Osborne James Smaith J L Thcunpson Miss A Tt>msanJoli" *Treemeer Thés. eLea nJohn *Wilson ire ary çKinnon IlHector Wood tsQa Persons caliing for thseaboye will-pleaseaâk- )r advenîised letterem - M. DOUGLAS, -Post NMistress. -- --*-*--- 3HERIFF'S SALE 0F LANDS. lounty of Victoriai, X ILL be sold at lise 1.To wit. -'- W Court Iloisse, is i aie Tôevuof Lissdsty, on TUESDA Y, the Tihir- eenih day of FEBRUA RY, A,. D. 1866 at tihe tour of NOMs, all the rigisi. title and intereet cf the undermenticilsetldefendants in and te tic oiiowin' lands and tencmtns5viz: in the.Court f Cormos Pleas.. Peter licCabe andliansab MleGube, ianiffs_ Ç14 c ook *2EBadait mliasmb Pmso csliagfor tbs abov. vini peaa.ask for advUtWd lett«S D. CÂMIRON, P. M.. FORSALE- &m* boulf af cfLot, 2,2 lu the Eighth con- oaof thte la the COUNTY OF ONTAR 1, one H undred: Acres! Kanw . as th ' "KELIOFARM."f A very vaiuabe property ýw!th good buiings. * &PPIy tO or te .DNSOD Reistry office. Lind 32 j ARGE LOT olg1 y nd white' .A . BLANKETS fo slecbeap, at ROBERT SPfER'S, Kent Street, £xtensîve LanidSale. to be-sold hy PUBLIC ATJCTON at- withiout reserve, 2000 acresexcellent bard wood Land, situate ini the Towinslijl t ofVFRULAM, SATURDJAY, 3Othbof DE.CEMBER, next, beinig composcd Of the füllowirig: Lor. CON.1 LOT. X, 10 l9 5 1Wst balf 20: 1 18: 5 West half 13 .9. East ha if 20 17 East half 21 .1 *8 East half 19 4 19 .6 17 7 ethl 20 6 18 7 '-West 1mW f 21 6 Ayparties desiroiiz of piirchaqlntÈ iy private, salé, can doso asyý ti me béeié h auction by applying. to thie:owncr il. T. Wickhiam. Esq., oný the> preinises, or tbis: Attoriiey, Martin Duntsford. .Ternis one-sourth dwn at4 thealance in four equal linuta1 inst4alhýeints, with six per cent ineetthercon. M. DUINSF011) S'Uco, L!iidsaty, Nov. 3,TSà. 22 DA1LY JOURNALS for.196c, At 'Hay'sý Bock Store.j (j le- sol 1-i Liii fo r. axsy:Ma gazinie rïN e w )jsa pri. n-. YNOW i.; th nise t( 0 sl) c D~ e Inilime to Comsmenice witl Jais. Nù. as! sllustrated l ihe, contaýi,.iiimg os-er 9îl At .&iYS 10K STOIIi I EM AIINOlite L-NDSAY Post Office,21 C tYf Pe te r *M issI oey Dll John lMruItslisîli t, li (ti tita Thos. -M<(1- ic k lPat Il raIsiins J>lin oci ratlî Tci-retime ilaniiltorn El xs-rI MchleniIais Kenîtis liosgan Narlin Puiî Toiiî JaesS uils lri(ý L . ndmv Wn V Iker frs*A STEELPLOUCH ANDl KENT STREET, LINDBSAY, '0 W. &J. HAMILTON beg res 1eetfuly 10 announce to the i ahabitants of Lindsay aa"urrugouu n t4 ry ha8h.aveopeneda o athe peie fborra.rly ccupied by Mr. J. bHREL weetey vili anufacture sud keepcn etanity 0nh1 Cutte rs, Sleigbhs, Pleasure Sleighs, Timber& Saw LogSeg Doubleand Single Buggies, Light and Heavy Waggons. &c. &., C> The Cutters, Sleigha, &c. aré ail made of the second- growth. seascned timber. -CO~ They wtuld direct panticular attention te their litre stock of Steel Moüldbord* Ploughs, See Gngand> Sub-SoiI Ploughs, H rse .H ùés, Cultirators,-Horse Rakes, -ffarrows, and al tbé newest patterns et Agriculturai Implensents uged on a rough or improved taim. Oupt'Pl-olghs are ail fitted with-wide.andýnanrow. points, which. are chilled and tonde from the lbestqualities of bard iron. We warrant ail Mouldboards best English Steel âmud tempered. Al the generai points in use kepton hand. 0diontaken inexhange. !QJB BI.VCj and REPAlRING doàe in a Neat aszd tSubtantiutl- anner., n- A calla sol-lcited front intendiùg purehasers. 35 -tf Lindsay,: 24th, Nov., 1865.. FRENCH STORE!I CLOTHIlNG! 4JLOTHING The Subecriber's Stock of CLOTHING ia now COMPLETE. It.is, TH=w uLulAV MK"F' TO(9K.IN LUNI1AY. and Country Storekeepers wiil find iLte their advantsage te give him a cali, as lecn sup~ply te thanice assortment AT.. VERY LO*êï FIGURES! A very larga assori-ment of TtI SILK MIXTUJRES, CLQTHS, OVERCOATIEZ4GSi&c.,&C. n-~ Clot hb0ought from the Suiscriber will ie -cut free of charge. ;.- .G-.rmientsnmade to Order. Woo6llen-Yara n ,d Cotton Yara. Full Clobli and Flannel takein xli .iii-C.ge Liridsna - November 2 lst, .1865.- TW~ IROBLIE.M. SLVE-D. Where eau you bu h est. and Oheapest Goods 1 fl ilviaeripol u &GLèbe ItIsIRAItCE COMPAWY Investe& Funds, i-p5OOOO Daily Income of the CcmpanY, $12,"0.. The Fire Preminims rece ired lsY this CoI.. payduring the year 1863 exceed theseef any oerCompany ini Great Brit4.in b.T £2000 Sterli- g. Insurances on every description ef prOptl effected at the lowesL rcmunerative ratés. tosses paid xmned;,ie1y on proof. JAMES IIEAP, pgnt for Lindsay. Office in Kempt's Brictk>Block. [j OtJS£KE!ý,PERS 'would lind it to their advantgae to inspeot the Factory, white Sllirti ng -and check do., at ROBERT SPIER'S, Kent Street. NOTICE To -Sehool Toachers. THE'SEM. '0%AL EXAMINAIION (F TEACHERS, for the Lindsay Diîrt;,-wil1libe held. (t.V.) aa foliows: yOR t1 CLASS CERT1FICATE5 Thunday, the 21st Decemnber., FOR 2ad & 3rd CLASS GERIFicATE5 Friday,.22nd December. The Exaîninatie)n willhe lield in UnionS9ehool 1fcn-e. apnd ro candi'tatezý will lie admitted atter 12 'cuc. JOHIN VICARS y A.Xý, Chairman of Board., Linday, Octoher 1 îth, 1 q5.320 Insolveùt > Act of i8gue- PROVINCE 0f CANADA, COUNTY OF VCORA n the Court- ty Court of the Coulnty of Victoria. In the Matter (f John Breene and Jose-pk- Breene, Insolreiets. l 7OTtCE is hereliy gis-un t1iiat wn FIIDAY, il.- \VITY-:CN DYtl)EM B3ER, A.D. lt:,at 10 of tîle Clz (1Zin t1w fore-. nn.. ra s üotn aýzCounse1 cn e i ard.tii. undlerigued- l iiapl e otfie .Judg,- cf the said Court fr a DiStharie urler the saidA. JOSEPIIL REENE. residing in the Townslip cf Mariposa in the Caunty of Victoria., 0. J. MACIKly, Solicitor for Inso1vents. Dated, 13'h lday.of Octoher, A. D. 1 Si35.- 319 TUIE COMMNERCIAL. UNION 1NSURA1NCE COXPÂNT. CIH 0FFIESLondoîQ. IV.Corniill, E. C. _NMontreal,221 & 22etlW. Paul St. 1>M<EDFI D9f, $1.565,000. DEPCSIT FUND IN CANAD)x - $50~,000 General A gents for Catiade;WASO * - I The si (mrsged 1U ing been appointed f ' TI\î NK T e a )suii-the pîoblem saysthe good hosssewite. Thse widest and hest Grey Cotions gn ttea>v irteaiEgihopn si~ieiaz have tû pay- is nud is Id for iv any other.place, 1 bouglit for 1 ;-apair zrteCsns fiîora rîrdbefc utf lieave 1olkt.ts sclsas I1ivasasked ins another heisse S4', I botigit for S, i1 lo gh~ esr-crs- shscripiîun f Pire and Life In surance at a reinark abe h ea li. lot ofLitiens, Shirtinge and Prints. t McCART1IY S , ul lm sy t t h ie, fouest rates consistent witl sE es itv. Pros- ca ired.sVt'tihe riddie criesa1its tase hse .ls-iislssiped anti plaid pectuses. &è.,rnsav be lütd on application te Wîsss ress, worth anvwhere cîha lî;s 3(17 1 hought for I 2ý. 61 ut M'CAIITIIS. JAMES TIEAP, So cil n 1i- tlise secto.î)d Maiden. 1 l il i a -hmiig Qiiéenîsland Wool Shaswl, n slt -worth 3 y gnLin-dsav. wortli fs lr $.O. at MATY;aIso .;l ery liretty Cloud for 3i 9a. Wlult a spleudid lot ef Wons i cssl lie Issuglit ceap nt iM'CAIITIIY'S. 1U - l0&7q T heWskO as rif yos want te lisp the liest andsI ciiest (luth- andl Pecat1s osade t< 11ALiîig I cati assure s-cii M 'C X IIT iIY S S i li ;te 10. Ils e 1i guisi Fil! 4IF <'lo ýeLe ývctis l 4 iu i U '~ r ~ ii e t S g iii-it pur- 4 s ittai Twedsfous 3.;>9d lis' and spsh-sdil Os srcoatings, dolibluo wîdth, fur s C6 lie-r ". rd.l The F.1rmer and head ot a tamîly aids, to aliland wlltssif înt al. concerîs, e il k-nown Lba Iît T_ tis .P~~liJ\ O~ Isa ssg utlyîsî~las.l sygods t Icailti * v sy -tat for qiaity and chec'p- draNvi n iv wils fa\i' t t Frauncis Ciwý-il.<lat- nvsz -h s gonds canneS utIW sur1sasscd i, yyi%ùd lie oîly usak es but oe Irice , ad sllm for ci t. rl i e 1srss t J a1 y1 sud mu ea cashl, yss0 eau de1end oison justice Lein dleswlsen Vol' Se dcl- clI o eoia fyujfies-S' 5 t.sor ~~;$ u svulB alosan ? o wutdiepDr iooos ansd Gracerie-, go tu list Jnoary, ls7$50e, (due 1Ut January,-1868, w i t y o u rsclf. B - e s: f y u w U . yas , a v e n > crr m ccci; d a Ls- v a lue foi aa id ROI3ERT CO0W AN. Lno01fie'~ lc. e tSrc. Cri Ociober 2'(11, 183. 32236 Insolvent Act of 1864. In(llOOal o~VLIE F R ~ f \LIL BROU lN, an- n (WOOD' VALUE -FO- Ë l s- i.T \V 0 10 N H nrîi this 7iTate, A .:rs 5,Di INALD ROWN, rt--t- --.i iie f - ris.- ** Masrgaret KenneY, Marny Keuney, Elizabeth Littleitsthla i , oll(1 tra Kesey cbrKenyas Mrin 1cs'oiclting fotLie above wjilI pleasQ ask1'.0 ~ Kene, tis e s ner, a dVefor ns c:.t~î.w- ,siss ' yLie iger sîry Martin Jýen- fiadveriiscd T. R A Un S V iA ---------u:5Cos-utVtui The Eagil haFof lot nimber Tenin thse thinil Iwho lias nov onlslit cmîOee ssrtnea e nw tl n n concessiesi of-the Townsip of opa. L.- I JîAdIUUN Uit~n In lihe Court of <jreen'e Beist. Joail4'y anX ~O t~ LR ~ (Ofl~~ -ee a yaitîsa,%%n John ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L O'cay,*. . .. iusn f-I csbra cing a large vaniety of 'Ladies DesGos al ilVcd tOti Fracis>~estYiaifenisTse- A 'mak f ii.ng N ele - -f Nei NeNW L >IX S'N- a nïnth concessionof1te 'Éonsii N. Néw Gi3OVEi, NewL-I '1týv. NewiGLOsraS1 r Alarge P isîsof ia t o -rssssLI - LM oé,I n SitesLanj -,Tht e-tanîd îrn[ -s5Ie5. I Sheriff's Ofice, TLinsay, - escrctý tliitiîisss tNewu thacay st Novi e1n nsaý 2Clirs B fer; hc, Hars, d - 1t1eikcs, iîîî1 u-- sts1t it vt di dtas inetatw toss t u1i ea t esy. o l s i n lc- a.slo tuNili-s Io bu ll ýé:- - co o li-ai (J: p b bertes.hSvil insetrueritsnsLind ny Brev ryPletiattise tore wil receve prom t attenion. wotliV the Most-sisîî it isa!antd:iind et s iscîro pro ei fâr ý op rty r U T h itt ent on of ri h yer i s eci ll i vit d .th ps4k a lsu ýr l . l- ct srs as î stchei b Lindsay, 3rd November, 1865. 3234 tlii0uifr4 l'jstsses. 11er'Il S A Lq Alov!erAorîs Tqniysaet Aorcrv lligiseha(itarn.lA(ifininetro cf te slcleretieryusidian etItheWiN I -T/se 7rrs.s cf SuIm.scijd ionar I j Tisa DAIs-s- a l ural.i 1, erl-'-5il uce iteetsi fo days lsilsly eecismcusdd fo tin, a gulieu f or 1s1- ft re... . . . $ 1 O IiRo E ruiss at ser:silciA n ýipp TwoIm roedFams tel i ilYe 1ilr...DALY.............3O -IN ELDON, ALSO a, topt- MiIlis Celebrated- 4Qmisrn-r-------- 50 EING West halêf L No.15 in tihe- Glu on- SIEiSP T1C i N ETROYER. ¶ . AJE1%0mF- .5 cession contaisslag 100 acres, eif-wlicli 8 -I-Pas1e5îit-iiad.sc 10 under cumtitvat.ldui, andi a good Le-g Huse 24 Kedical .iiaUý, by-1, algo a stable ere ttiereon ; siso, -W : J. - IRI - Ts'q&W lier 'Ls- P Itie-.- I tbsti LtNo. 23 South Portage Roa& icontîning'LintisayOc, 2218C5. - 3l1c NIES 1 SS COULTE R & .CH AM B 13E S le Yiulsie ty 10.s..s..ibcrs-a ose-en100 vires of! vicis 5 are 1ne utv-I !c!Ii t l< f:eICo dion, and a poil Log flouse 2.)41by 18, a gooti~i. WL P MîIdto silsberiter- hil Inw aa tbies ereeted thercn, a goodwell, ' ,t -eý~~fhif irss:nytes trict- &ce. The tuB l sexcellet and tise tsmnis s-ry -- fÏIT sIViuive.......... i 1 â esirably ,itw ebîngol1mi les fenI J1L vi slase... -1 situer oe- the iing villa-g~et ofKirkfield ansd S T M EAIU.S~3t Bagvr Ai yta -ON- KENT ST'REET, o14oste.S. 4-O..Bigelow's,) . - RATiS ci' ADVîsîvuSIse: BalUos-er. PY GOCKBURN- -~ - - *Ail ads-crtîsenientss are clredo is s - k SON, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cmprising-s csrcfu ily se lected stock oftgenusne -Dnsi, C Semci, 'an sesie v tif isrinbstn Sisple its aec l - Krkled.- f tise best qui tytù,I.uts,'Oile, ai sîzes et Wsndow Glass, Stâtionerm k C.,&c. Stock - -tp ('c-Kits a lune, anis i iiIleWec-kiy, Ters Centsa ~-E.pO yR s., flT 1 ufl.large and wili be sold - Ilse) mcasiscdly odmsins-v 6 Solicittmr,-&c, -. ehlssubsesltîct insýertion - iu tise Dsily -Two jLindsay., CHEAP ! - GIJEAP!U C'HEup !J!i OHEAP !!! Cents a lisse, and bn tise weekly, Fouîr Cents os.8, 1865. - -33 SHERIFF'S SALE 0F LANDS Orders frons Physicians, Gouatry, Drtiggists and Sbop keepens vil!l be promptly attenided to. andl lins. Na devistîon i fisat iu;itllse rates fur - - ~~~~~sueiilied aithtie lovest pnices. Pyian'pncption and Faiiy bcceipts wiIl eceive tie merleencilai advcrtisbng; Lut a lbnldso ______________________________FOR TAXES -pes-ot!atention e n . h Irs, w'iris iasDruggiet cf abity and experiene-, as refenence us-Il be ailowc-d te tiose - igagse pc é - ate sud tesimonalforeTin ein et Pisardcan ca teef. for a* îzngth oetlime, or ads-ertissng by thse peur, -AI---- OUIOA ~LL 'Lots e miig unsold on thse 3ist dtp L Cas î.abd on imetr Sed, ard ud ha 1ee 138111OFWMAMRIACE LCNE, .i< leoedtnsl OUL'rER &CHAMBERS. A b fontiint ofthIb, Maririe usd M~NLIJ~ C W. 322Tueday - ove ber~,DmnidsàyNoveinlien 1-185322 Deatsie cbarged at tise rateo! cetfec blNLA DRW.24T " Weù e.,i e 'ýhere tisenotice et Deat is-accocflefd vith Rus~tl an intimutc of thse- day cf fuineral, au aýdditioL. A1 wlee- a ae sie l60) cents le reqsiredStO bpaid TINOPh pskiasa, SurgadonusidesAc-axdourpasd.e- - IDconcbersr. Resideuce-Consser NWilliam a<d lr -e io h (I't.,fr-htenre'dr- n cio RselStreets, tbrsurly occupied by ir. G..- 321MoOQAL the AjvzCrtiser, $8 a yetir . - Lue.31 Lindaay, Novr. Ir4i 1160.1.1T L1- t 1