-~, t I I ~tt k '~d1 &Q~J ~. Y, tea, Attorneys, te. Gsod abj "t hdat' d' Ld 09'Novil's Ste.i he 4151er a ways i Stretet, Lindsay.- Ba tud tond"" iFire à Fre Mu bs to fmtilf 'lrs aud Bâta. yNotaq Publie Limdsay, Mavoli 10, 1863.-18- aid to Obhancery]~ ~ ~ m h GiU ckt.Knt Sreet 1~M 0NTON teb o a oriPA t4w iniAabi- ýs-i, e , r di < pgies, UsaI Ile bas .é.aed thea mt srutLia(sa q*ett; and au be bas bail It ttFa6efttniah4h P.S. ed ini lirst style, visitera vill flnd ,evy conveni- o27tf nce Wines, Liqun and Cigar ftiebs e - N, bkirris -114 s andA banci c., Lin treet; WELL 131-tf rvsdluso1t'eiicy,'ota- Fu s Mc>ouritellà ne 2, 164 -2165-tf P1T, C. Ni., C<Iraduiate Of McGili ?>ledical Iefense lt isle Ui- t tili anid 5ercaintite lussora nce jice, in Mr. George Kenpt's Isa y. 2394f :EY, Tailor-, William Street, larinenîs I-aie 111)inthe b.st lojwest living rates. All or- pr-Olnpt a4tenioîs1 and a good 07-i ivil Fr,.iticer and Provincil eyer, tRussell Street. 1 Il-If vil Engincer and Piovinciai rer. OfficQoinlir1. Kemplt's treLindisa.y. C.W. t8t ,Athorney-ah-Ltw, Solihr in anid Insolvuly. 0Oflic -1 , Toî-unto, alisé A4an's 1BiOcS. idsay. Mom'.y to Luan, ah - ,e ta tIle burr-ower proposes. 31(-tf &&:. Om>~s1'.cn'n sBloch, JAS. F. DIS\Mhs'uutN. Su-Thoua, W0acoeur & c LlTrL" D1RUI N. D.,1 Su r,on, tltvsiciau, and S 'ttyiur'eton mîthfle Offce 3ubav~ostC.W. E AI IEuocoronei. tta'I'FXI)IT l>î, No. , i 1-114.241-1- ~TO ME1K GAO0 r, and is ~ ~ ~ ~ o I,{ttt(-isdtoTriri- Ç~ly'1' rehr o I te pi-aio- S. 1111Ittlt hpro-ved ioN 'xîn AC- irsi ~aV ( 1. P'i _ e ; jniù s- £îrrTîroiito. 7 .18,Sienral gentastéLi- n-o-'r, Canubri-ge Srel'issé- itet. tec and '13-r? W-. W1orkisîg plans calerrily vSsi.uéDoorf'ramses usade ýoeier, I - 1. 272-tt i-C i,hauér Agent -ilso Tim-er thse catnadasCeîpafvlor thi ir, Go andarDIurilns. ,oor we-;t Of tîhe Cottîcy Buié- SON, TAILOR, William ;j),Av, thanl<ftl for tle1iberaI sed on hi,,s for tise piat 14 I htleis Stijl prepared to e LA-rvST S'YLES, and at Moa- - 239tfi AS Pisysician, Acuitsate, &c. Coaze, -bac] eili tgton st. - lIeuse, Si-gs ia Glazier, Piiper Ail -réera earel Sbop on 'I ilsi [865. [-A Bar Surgeon ,k of thse La An attentive Ostier alwfylan ttOnd&ne. isLitidsay,-Dec. 16, 1864. 29t '8 t(LATE ItclTRK AUMEIAN - WALTON S TI,POTiP. AT- ROBDE8T gBRRDIE, Pveprile !P1fvoritê. iloel1haviug been Iately oom,,W T .pltl rerovahedi atTends tii. beat of &t cemmosdatiois for ttrellers -'gnd tb*e-Pulie genetal ly. UTsder present- management efforts will b. spared that will l conduco te the eoulfoet of guests ýaw, 13-Thie best of Liquersand Ciçgars. *ck __ 2417_y. 4-tt Re r ou.Se, At- B EAVE RTO N. ery, -- Ind- Titsgbs<'iber-begs to announce thatlh. bas. leased t-h. above heotel, wbich lias been fiirnisb- ýLaR cd and fittcd up tisrqtigtiouh in isëe bsh of style. N Nc è uit: the clioièe.sh Liqoors and Cigitrs wil -b. kept tIntise bar, and iis table will bu furùisis- ali-f -ed witls ahi tise delicacies of lke, season. ar.) i:r Onnful and O;blhigitg Ostiens 'always ini lnw W3.PAL IProprie ton. Beatventoti, Jan. £OUi, 18(5.- 280 S T E V'L; SHT - Late Dohen'S)ý Corner cf ectit ané Willia1 Str:l, Lnsy - joHy S TEELE, -Propricdor. lITA VING lea~~~ýsei tise abueei-toae- .LLtrai -liotel for a hertu 0f years, ainé iav- inlg tilonogliy refitted ,auj nefurn ilsed lte s te pbcrsooritor ' il be giad.ho h aencaI frin -tise t ravdllingg -ublic,. -,-TiseBar ititisîs- ed wbith tlie best -wbtls, liquors'auJ(i cigars: pkenty of tiied roussi ani extensi'establing u n- der tieclch.u.e et'good. HostIes. 278-t (LATE. PLÂTT',s,) Nelson streét, To2!ot, A'bove King. Street. .1111E S,,Irerlbbr bûgi te intim aie to bis, Çiends jand tite public, htia haviug leased tic ah- ove centralI premises'for a trni cf years, Be bits rcfittetd a ifd rc-t'urnîisxd tîot'ou nile wilt libe glad te have n ça Iilothec travelling Cen-' m.uui'y. Lr' Exicellent atnd extensive tbig JMSC[tOGKERt Toreiito, July 1î35t H. N-'R.AYR c¶HOP oppo.ý!tv lIsev ct ctStreet, biné-. i"sa v, wiîre lie ih urepared t» o.iak-e ni)tGarm- nîents'iuntlile lt ttcnt -style ats>1 utve.ry retisouabie chsr's. Cottimgdonc c-ep.tnd on tise sort- c.'t milice. Jalmary .o. 280-tf, HENRY HUGHES, - ~ ~ - Ifonenu arîd, l(IseadCollsîsîjssion Agent. flEslueica:«- - , ~ Kert Street> Liudssî.y, Post iIrci- rop tnin Liiidsay, July 13111. t9i;4.. 5 5 )d-af L).IS'S HO ,'TEL,- CAMBRAY C.W. tfHES.nhsenibeýr -%r t'in uifo0r.rn lit fr!enésý jand thsepublie ofViCtoh (ifits' thattlibu lia q.openuîd tue Ihte:W Catnisay tatety. occu- pieu hy Mr. McColi ; anti us"lS, i s hiluti i sî- nisiscé bt fiteststtyle, îiio-wl utevery: con- venbe'sewe. NWi[lnes, tiquossan(] 'igsuIrs.of bIse beush qIiality, Ani tteutbve Hostter alwa ys is * W>?. DAVIS, Projinietor. Callira v, Sept. 18635. -31 6-ly X~TM IAAI r Ai JlýOllWilliamn.Street' LV-tin.sny. M ttirarY 13niforins, Cîengy- *king~ Cap îý intée "u 11, b rdet. C to Isi lg cienué uidthur nedé. Orécni ne - p)eetflîy solivihedl, ond..s«itisfacinguarautceé. -ju îy Lii1,oe 9,65u. 301-tf MN,N E Y TO-L OA N A T EtOuiT PERCET A PPLY to G. -DORMER, - LnSay, Sept, 22, f1863 -2(35-tf TfAI LO Rt, (OAkqVOOD, (sisop opposite Mn. A. 1 l tr, thankfsîî for tIseluse- mai patronage bustoyWed ou bhinu l'entise hast 3 Years, bega b say tisat She-te etil prelsareé ho ipremîîltly excelnte ait créera witb wiic lie wnsy be fsvtured, in tise lâhest styles andé at.tise lw- MUSIC AD SludINO il VING raedaPIANO ha d esiro" o f taking piapilsat- ber residence, Russell 8treet.- U: -Ter-sm iséekuovu n application. Lindsay, May 3, I8o5. 296-1y ,dra- &Good.FariFor Bale. ýr langeir 0 OBE SOL» D le Px,'tiselEasl baîif cf Lot tlliy fiWld 1',14 si ýtii.9th econcessin fl pa, cota bncId iastreet. 1 (0 -acres o? wici about le) acres ar clearcd 292 and 10,seacres neitdyho loôg.-Tihis fanm ta witbin -4j miles cf LindsMy aud 6 miles froua Omensce, l'gain.a-short. distance frcr tise ra.IIway. A' good leaditig road runsinicipart <Of tise:i , . akeiy., on Tcfts.-.A portion cf thse moneyzdewu; and rge co- the balantce in 4 yeane. Feir furthen -particolars t-Bearding, aPPIY ltiste Ownen Jasa Brtya4e, Opa, en te ,1-3 Solicitors, Lindsay. IITEAP Solcuors. "- ' 1subaibe for thse CÀAsuÂnsx Pose th. begt papo' -av, I i4ns [&MALQ otates ad iedby assy te 5,000 Ibç other m et SI, metai talten 9i »tLLSy evey Obrcs,'. ', -or Fars in ut thse United six pearshai uTloy, tsaoqial-. Sizes frons 15 Mo s, buui tbei0 ind, atis.et, No. Se DEY STREE, NEW Yex.- Liàt of Prices, Weig/tto, iad &zea of Lasr#n,.Hotd1, Seans>wt, &/lool-Aotwe, S/op,,and >'actry Bell, Tis elloia are 111.4d wi Y.oke, Staadards. Cranksud* Doit, comsplet. for isse. -15 Iba * 7 inches $'3 15 20 Il i t. S,Ç6 . ~ 7 '4 16' 18 75 1-0 .18 <' 25 00 150 " 20 " 31 60:. 2a() I-- 22 94 50 00 250 ý 24 «62 50 List of Acaderny, s3e«mbaat, Fire-id.£iÉM te - Vei git ,Prwe of ReUl.4 langiusgs 22) * a e 0 ' 1b Q 71O 225 130-6150 oo ',:30 Oui$10 5 49 18800 -5 00 »87ý00 1000 46 250 Û') 420Z 292 00 1200O 48 300 00> 45 0 345 O0 1400 50 - 35 000 I500 4000 156.0 * 52 4b0O O -)5400 454 0». 1800 55 450 0'.) 6ô w>b01 o510 0 à00< 8iS 500 (01 62 001 56-2 .001 5 0 625 o 72 001 ;697 00. 650 3 750 - O j 00 G>00 69 875 -87 00O 962 00 4000 69 lùt) 0 ý 100 O 1100. 00 4.)00 12 1125 Ut» 11~3 00, 238 00 5000 11735 îýsu o001 125o 1375 '00. Larger Szseî ade Ï10 oider ai 25 cda. per powid.- OUIAiES-h Belis sold at tise above pnieus warraiated against isseakage, by f'air nringing, foir twelee usoiks from tite of îpur- clsasiusg. Sisoul oee lail, a asew bell will b.é given by retunning tise ireken une., .Orders may b. senitbro;ngh tise AXEft1AN- AbUvenUx uAouEd, 384 JBroadway, New York. tI cast a Iell breaks after tise expiration of thte Warrantee, I allow &rIf price f6r tise oWd nichai.. 31'-ly 1;SuD ey Stre1i !.Y. Awarded First Prize 4< lthe Agricylturai Exhibiti n kdgay. DEfSte inform is u Friends and tise.Public thdat-for thse pîti pose of enabting biseif te execute, i n tise most perfect manner, ati or- ders witb wilsi he nsay be fa-vored-ise bas iadei2 iself tisorr>ughly acquainted with"'al the late ituprovements in bis art;-, and being supplicd with thse best ftteift1!1 chéxn4eals,&C.,' h. bopes te produice? the Ciprte de Fs-tfe 14s as, 1 effVAIIVt owcxlO e sfinv mfl'C, in tAis to juinepA..,i TIONL, ND FAMII Y,' ~t1t«totr#. - ~N E et wuas sgtuide,- iha pride., rer age 'd'thse sage. élate one niglt, vourite, Rier cried, I onot rmellect a warmer.-efthtnRiaât. thaPrfoao Lydn.Wh en ho spoke ho se.odle ~>qo ai eiir worldi 7 circnm-.. stances, aJI other subj'eçts, save the prie-en- grossit]- topiq n hih e -~engaged Ris oyes, widely dilaied, »W fnoobjeet sa ve tite bright ioeigwy- created. by bis fertile braiti. Hia voico was impassioneèd. Hi& very pulimi béat i ig. he proteisor atthe timce 1 @Pekof,. wm .;nt two-and-îhirly, and, rankedhiuisoelf as .tie very leader of Gall. and Spurzh.iuzs-,estrgtic disciples. On tii. ubj#emtofphronologyho waeiisoursingy whew 1 ontèred t. editnqgroons of the. Baron Hartmann. It wasa fine summer evenlng. Stfaw- berri.. and other frits decorated the. board.. coolet) Laflue steood temptingly o a t able, around, which sat about adozen yeung mnen, tegothèr wi th the wrorthy baron and the pùe- feasor. It appeared that, in t.e height ofl his en- thuâiasm, Leydeu had, to. PteaSe the cern pany, exansined their heads, and with mrany wièse -!ooks Pressed the binmps, which he dWe7rd.tô e b.tii erri g i idicatiis o( the htmn hracter and passon0. Sm n fortunato lwighit.in théecoi'npany, however, had eviîýeendyV shS ked ;t e. exam iner bya denioniÎtration of wiekedtpropeünsitîes, for he 4rnudsy ofsed *ori îhie occaion toipro- nounce tupon thée several org ndcariug] hý irighit be wrong," " fliindeed, it freigikt. appeaLr tuii s" nShort, afier rriakirtg à everal rimiiar'excuses, the -professeor sat down iun meditative silenee; nor èoild he agiain be 4brought tu speak, save aud except. upon -tii. genéral 01rtsolthe systetu, a sul ject oit which hié neyer fiilèd bu en large. It is a curiotta fact tlisatIl tie ver.iii:my lile heard-the subject of pli retielog7ybroactied witheui a lamgh beiirsg raiecd ut î is expense, iwhioh very inatwualiy annoysbte fsuppoitersý of dits thery,, and briugs on> the -warmest argument. It was a discusesion Of ibis kind thai, pro1bably, hiad 'rid thé- lire which .1l51hd- lhe chteek of Leyden on ilite evet.ing of wfiiiî 1spéak.ý Tihe cou versation had now taken a new- charnel. A idreadruinl murer bail been com- mitd iii tise nigbylbourhood of, the Bl:aek Forest. A yonuig gil had eloped from. her parettssone weeks be."Ore. The, counpan- ion ofrher.ýflighî vas s-uposed te b.. a young' mant Who had, been'sîa)yitigin. the neigh- benrhood; he had disappeared, About -the MMn. tirnté. Stie had: joat bten fàund sav- GEMBEII 1, 8654 I'Iî Gallery isspacious andlivorably sit uated ageiymrdrdw-îetiespsed partiorh ol eue i hi.T in regard te ligbit, sud la pronouted ity jssdgt-s!of ber gu iS i badt nappeared, audi declared sat palei; vbe htcui oé bc rernarkably weilIadapteti or thse purjiose tisat ieb wt.ifiùt* iaoý üle OdHamrwsàýù os of mukiiugcorr*ect Iik-çucsses. '- s sdwtîJfiuiyecpt rn ie Ot aîai a b>tt p er 1>sitiyely no pictures viii bé let eut of isards of banditti, vJso. isad,.without aya-grtetrsh iemnwotu the Gallery till paid for. -prn ovs ieci ant imnpisou.edhim. ledbsftroni-aw weî jýj Satisfaction gi'oe.m in eses-y cae. . d!:3Tà Prove titis hQ showed. sevesaâl severe. 1tus.baud, Leyderi quiétiy added, voutiwisich h. isad receive( f.itiseuts.-, iw Z4%e invaralysihdly'1r.Frtitsvi ie ucsflarugeh a is b"h -fhtise Tise baron, in hi-seagern.ess te de plirst and b st chienicals tisat oaanbu ohhai'ed, gaînl. iietideavour le iberato hînself. proie, a ne wted e.Is aud believe bht fe hothorougbly acquainhed Tis shony, isowever, ajpeared se irspreba- tiseganuff-box e o b tbe.1' nitis bis bea utiful- art. -blé tisat .nebelle? vas atîacised t, te il, ud ltimnau noeiiacar muc~ GREGRY2'tseYoung-manwas hurriedileprisant ie.i: okîc aP ~ue ha Fwýssability in regard ta bis being able toe bbex, whicisthecher isad ur maske goe ooé - - - Tuis stony sad been repeateti vith painful allowed hum hto draw fenils. pistoraps.J. F'. GIMSON!.>' minuteries. by Catl Hollenouta hartisono e oesstsr a »lTise pictunes taken by Msf. Francis, of>Lird- youùg man, who hati laîely &nived at Baders, teatis-hie, pause. Tise panty secrm siay, are as good as 1 have-seen from raary et the beet Galerles. - iloenjt u geriimuan y mannrei ad- fieri, wisile -thse treasbliisg Carl se Wsn MceDONNRLL.2> nireadywon fer humtise golden..opinion o? eîrug ir i elig.A e «.eT'consider tise photographs cf Mr.n. rris all tise soiety ýassermbed- théer..Neo uesu0eiy ake iug h taltiu air goud and as trise as any 1 have even seen wsmr iu Englard aud I have seensoueeof IlefIrest. esti' ii u ha ie oboererstiy procîounced. « JAMES B. MUIR." bal" . It'wvaie even- boiieod that- hé ranked. "Tse baud cf Goti sàon -me! Lindsay, Apil'ltb, 1865. - 292' se iig i listieg6o od ati s pinion; tisai. but cannot fly isjutîgment.: Prof.â -it vas rfmouned hoisati proposied and vas don speake tise bruts. I ana, nobb! ýe 1 actuslt.yaccepted, by CiaaHartmnann vilS inrderer!*Under tisenaineof Crau Tise subscrîber desires ho infern uhis fansts ul acinc hrlale.sd von bthé peasatit maid of n, and. the public tisat hé cônti -nues te keep the e . narnator, few couiti excel him. His spokejustnrew. Invàsadries I espo' beal bonses, neatest and- moat conifortable vsvid descriptionis lenàt.1f.-te hie sstories ; Tireti, isovevet. in a few short day carriages and buggies, consahatly on haud for andi visn ho chose (as or tise preont occa- inge tied fer. life te-one uneditcated hire.ext em4yMode-at. - - sien,> ho coulti hatnow vup-ise nenves ef eveis nuheni t Clams Hartmannsn1 Trestise Mst apaîisetui,-by dopictibkg hoarors i.u nuoia(ldtiweaiîis, knowing tisai - R' WRKMNhii oàat giarisg e nt appalling laode .se. reseritetian obstacle to Famil (*roe Oe buret ef inigrnatieon as ho concluded ding Ibis fair beiness, 1 slew hon-ai AT 6~~f 1 bespoke hey ta i> b i:at intenested bis au- ly slew ber, and-caueed ber lever tc diI»ry. A thisat84l execrationis veto ieapeti ed-to tura tise finger of suspicion CADW LpI'I AIC RY, upon thse iead <of tiseuuisppy yeutb, wviohlm. Hati li ualfledto h-mrrow1 KEN SRET- UNSI. ppearod plainiY, tinestrovertmibly, frintise have-hioen iiled. -As9 fere neblex ONFETIO~IR> Swetmats .F detaili% given b1Y Carl, to b. tise perpetralor otsiysay, I haveIong-ieadetia 6teas, Coffeus, Ciseice Tobaç.cost ansd F:ncy oft:he blioody deod. * tcto hom even now 11'il rot betray Cigare cf thse best Brand. Pli9 g ff i ,otol nsyael'. 1 tiey vil1 alsi.hat me vitis sein,. o~u a.t(Iad .li'! ould enjoy thse death. torture' f fi irst, leari how fèoishly 1 f.llilo 1 Linrdsay,2 Otb 8ctober, 166-4. iohll," inignutiy exoiainsed i4ePrince aisnet t s stan. laid o uat of Oiàebach; . *.Young Rnaia, aislie îook a fool for net havsug powaen te reesat tel V PlncsO<f siu asdh4id tehi. exinigs ha rseti box wa fan toc bnilliarl 1F rnftnresrehaue bç~is iesqiessdid boit, - muhais dzz.dthe spelil- lrked bil viswicis drew m- - >00%10<1 w ithHgh Psicu!! ey* Ith ue rchile. of Ile diamouda encireforce 1 cou là not stand agansat., ai -Thse suisacriber begs tu iform tise iisiabiante -inif t.' If -guehi wretcis.iseionm e rh ai once upon tMy mn cfLiday idsnsoashs .ussh tat~ e. aw,'ai bpvahim rce. in emoralize. fLet monka go] has latély <potiel oui trAntd varid stock Ad -tî1 éodw cf Chairs,lied Ste",s> Bseaus, Dmossigig ai andwoulhýie umeei; lol' i<ilte for me.; et comusosi felbon euesi attadu', Look1ag Olaqsa, &c., al of -beeuted, eil'nui1eiqP ted it 0an tei. lk, it in too mean a deatis .idsh!o téili BeUTllit sebi- ower-Tato is t" $Malr h. be' jisluMsed l lu se old tà Thaus Ilaugis eh Fate-I'm neye have fierehofore been aakod inLindsuy. - v~>~ .4 C~.al rdbfn ig e ran 1c Chais aand S.1 a.>in> Rair-Clotk. - -FumPinerais Fuahused- ,obbing wMU r -~~ t~u',mdl..dbu,"ia opeeihm ohs ~ioe reoive prompt atteahiss. lésaylagtoô, nuch. It lé iiele, the mmm de- touts of, asmnill piiaitvisich 'a 4~. WffMBi sre a ath#~nibwt butyqp eed1ha. been filued with pru - - . ~*116 mi yoc; u w gndsn vices lait, 1spprwfh iif 'he latter it meas -ak us 1no lad- iin- fiwaving "Se.arcb lfersd hie med iately âe wontity lu ititely dreadf uni, qet petni-. semeti to. ghi, as il ?, andtini- IWoulM isor Loey- 'ber anti a tY 1 wooed lsiber. Ys 'f b.m 1ani low posseset My ruetie o mny.ed- iye, cruel- bi li seiz- i tovards hoe -voul.sl r, I car bold baud, 'aitheugs tise bell- i ça]! me emptatien. It. $Oin' le wils a and made but, vhy. pnay, il ià is suffer on for me. unprepan- ouId moe 1tise con- affervards aseacid. A 'W - -~ ,villages ail about wils, embnacinrgvoods be- yond-are. siiownrin rtise souble clearness o? a con ibieti nap anti laiidscape -view. Af-_ ter gazir; euurtlliiupon tiesecoueefrein eur amry hteiglýit, we irforra our attendant aera-, naut tisat -wee ready te descendt ; ho blows a ihili whis de tise borse comnmences bis ciriing journey aroundth ie drurs, -andi vu are diawut quite rapidly down lu tise surface- 'of tis ecarisi agair. TIse- tesceut oecpies about five minutes theis ascent a littale- lesa. Tise visote îninglà adminably managei, .auJ rotl.ang could be more agreeable ansd satisfachory ievéry respect. Mn. L.owe in- forma s isat 'oelatiies titan n.ershemen have improved tisis exîraerdina>y c.pps rtniry homkashort aenial jIournr-y.-&cienlflc Amerîcan. AN IMITATION, 0F DICKENS; In tise Orchestra, a musicai weekly pub- lished tr uiLondon, is a feWUsieenin visicis cocre titis doylene1 imitation oTa popular En- Lt vas semoeu enontwenty years after tise. ime of ous-rlittie malter how. many. Tiseetoker kuew how miany, peniaps, and sa did tise eoriine-driver, fortîiey were, mid- dle-aged mou-ahi men, yen .wouid say, i experience cf Flue. --Anti how tise flue stuck btisons rianti aboutt15cm ! Flue un tise en-- .gilte, and tihebs veels> anthie coasi; flue ors tise track,; fis. on tise topso? th. carnages. Fiue on thse engîine-driver's cap; f-in uentis. stokër's faCe; flue>i2tiste essgiue'driven'a sud tise steken'sf pooketa., Flue preceeduaîg eut 'o? tisefunrel <of tle rIcc0motve 1np tise lino; flue pnoeeeing eut of tise ftirusel.o? le- consolive dov tise. line. In .ts faîtIjfui fonin, -anti shapes, being ofevery Wfnran ad 'shape of hideounîesa viichIdint osa asstie, itmeld as weird'mcsemlblance on tise face's o-fe tise badworking tme.n, te the stain cf sonaow and sin on tise faces of tisepoor. -Thon.e, t06, i cung vse tecer it iýgistedi. Jnst, WY Lords and -Getieinon, anti Ionoulrible >ti iJ sigwhero the. inust touclsing a' d mosîproftursd e< al, for. wilîihwe sîould se archl invaint itrougi al tise pages-cf tise classics,-1i mean ttî. history cf tise humnan, seul- iii iis -Telai-ns withs its- Maker; lb. listory uf. is sin, amt. erief, aud deuils, and cf tise way of V.ov cry ho hope and 1f, and téeneduning joy,., For tise exercise cf sîrengli and shill, for the acisievements and for tise7 encltanimenîs of ifi, of eleqiuence, cf genius, fer thei. imperial games- of iolitics abd, ar, leîtUs seek themn on tise sisoies cf Greeco But if the ilst àa1nongibe problerns cf life be lsow te calais- lisi thse peace andi nestore lise balance cof our iiiward beiîg-; if thé, highest cf all condi- loîts lun tise e.ý istence cf ise, creature be ii. asp)et ct oards the God te orho e wes- hii beinfr, and in Nvhose great baud Ite stands; t1hen let us .usake eut seancis elsewhere. »AI tise. wndena of tise Greek civîi iaiion iseaped. togeîber are.- lessvouideioul tisais bbhe single BouS cf Psaltns. Palestine was weak and despised, aivsys obscure, ofientirnes -arnd long trodtten down beneati tise feet of irn-, perlons masters. Greèce for a thousar-d years, Confident frein'foneigru purpome,' repel!eti eveny invaden frem.ber shsores, end t'estéring hor etnength lu tise keen air cf lfree- dons, she d etled, anti at- le",gth. oveithrows the mig iset of empires'; sandvIsenase fin- ai ty feilt tise nesistiess'gnasp cf tise masters of all tise wend, thons, lo;at tisé veryrmoment of subjugaties, ase subtinedto tereniterature lanrgiaàe, ants, andi marnera. Palestine,iln a word, isad.ne siare of tish re o<f or ra ce ; they blaze on'every page cf tise hire-. tory o? Greffee ilsan overpowering spleai- dur.- Greece isat valor, polscy, YCDOwfl5 genisawsdm., wjî--sise had ail, in a werd, that thia voriti could. gi ve -b«,» but tise fiowers cf pâise viicis blo thiniys .blcSaourd jin Palestnre loe Creland Quadroon gitl iq en bueem WWi'en sud imothers eit. ao. et tW4#lV6- serne even eariier i Tie-asa&qbmwna4ion applias te tise Spanisis Ameniciai C o<f Mexico and -Soutis Aer. Iled inT I "TuO- ) 1 p w»mwmNmwmmý bote carry yen tue far." And tise oid ue- b . ooDd-rsatured!Y Patted Carl On the ar m. Tr ariôùs' subjects -were discussed ansd 1rueibut during tise whole ovenieg Leyde4 spoke net a word.- At hast tise heur foi bseaking. up arrîved; and accorfingte. etiqseas, tise p rince. moved firat. En. h. .did, so, ho requeed tise -roborn cfý hi. Snuif box...,IThi pers"t te wisem h. hahis t, déclared tisat ho had passed it -te tis neît who'in hisi mm adersed. al know- ledge -of it, as did thse rost of tise uMpanY.ý Every1 one had'seen il, eveny eue had haadW dit, -Wt muse oould ow produce it. OS&010 ieuE xîseued, th. servante iha& .ot even entered tise apartruent, tise door had noever. been uiciosed, notne had stitred fairn tise table. Trie affair began te wear a seri- eus aspect. Thse ol'l baron fiait hs houer woitnded, but stil hoped. it m igist prove te bo an ill-timed pleasantry. Under tuis im- pression ho. rose. "Gentleman, sorne person amengst yen doubtleas concealed thse box, interding.tisere - by tegiye aur'illustnit us find a fn3 lit, and' in good faith h. deseérves-it fer thus caretes- "Y forgetftig te look after a tinket said tel b. wvonth 50,00W florins,: but as.ise seoins really; Aeesy about il, I Muust beg; the person wso bas taken it, instantly te reîorn, it, and con- fea tise jolie." A.d tisenoble affecîed te laugs. Non.e, hewever, nesj-onded, ard Hartinan saw wîtb irtcreased uneasiness that b. rMust now take uplie jattèr more se iusly "ýMy friendae you çantiet fée offended when 1, offer. mnysielf as ltse fluat person Io u ndergo tise erdeai, au vndeal 1 aimost bis te, say we muat'ail suismit tn. We musi be seac-/ed! Noue'but the guiiîy cars filel an-- nPoyedti hthis proposa."1 Prol'emsenLeydon'starteti up. i"Byhiea- vers ! I'd, seener -die," he exclaim.ed. Anetiser was of tise same opinion, and- ob-. j'ected te unde-go sucis an openatiou, wlijcli at tise vry leasi, implied a doubt., Poor Hanrnman booked lise a gist. lie gacdappeaiingly tewands Le> den,- wis Ilow rose. "Let tise doon b. hokei," he said in a grave. voice; let it b. weil secured." ,ThIsI vas *tbone. "Now gentlemietil , enmust either ack nowiedge.lthe côrrectnessý of t'ise measure I adopt, or 1, tise disciple cf ajug gling etîe CpeIsi "and ho drew Irmm ii peeket a smail pistol. "11Nay, stant net My. fieuds, -against myseIf ahofee1 mean te use iis weapenanti that uniy in- case 1. wrnfiyaccuse an individual nov praeet. You nnay neýmember before drtier 1 pirerio- iogically exarnetl yoe ail. There wasbut littiet t ay abou t you gneally; but there was eiue arneng you, ln svhom I coùid net be mitakeù-one .wison 1I wishied rot ho have narned, wisose presence even sirice lias made megisudder. I saw te ggntlemnan te wisom i lude alîeady turm paie. Nay, aI- tempt -net ho arnile. I 1arn either a 'viliain for allowin«g a, fais. tieo ry teeIlrnisleud me, on you, Cari .Heffénîsos, re be.h a rebber, and arnurderer!", A -thunderboit wouid hiave c aused les. consternation. Tise'baron sîarted Up in a rage and agéôisy.Tise prince believed the professer had, snddenly -one mad ; witile. ttse-ethersiooked with seauciig glances al-. ternaieiy at Leyden *ansd Car]. Thse former [ý 1 Ten liâes and unidèr ... ..... -T MW7 F-ach aubsequent ilnertio............... 2 -4q Professional andi Business Cards. six jies and - ux~.$5 per aunflu, $3 fer six utndIths. 'Froat W. Iea,4à e e 1tim v 4ueý% wiitri ndce othavàdg itCw flam0i«ired 0:7'Dvise-,nI er ~îtiîhounts ae îîsuesjona. M6 o Csual AdveneaemeWdsaîgcTtcd onesa p.id for ii aivanCe. Mer -hall s wilI bu expecteto 0pay quarter- iy JO IJ RN A. 0 . ýW* e"fo ontnuin" adventisempepis musa ha the%,ie iePutiisher wjlnot bu ÎCJ.pouim- [Temi S.5, n ~~ C.. . laketRblihrand Postr te, be th 0 saneé, whôé, under thse alm t. lights, up and dowvn the e ne ofiiman if.- na nemeý f Sand," ,had filedth é counitry lbWas a dsufg nrnn.Evrbd with terrer, died in tortures tee horrible te de- itt tfonti ur iue.aîsa- 1scribei. .MTie" accusod (but innocent) youth tion, whera lie had affably accepted Mr. was liberated frein the. gaol, acid. i three PockfeçthwacL-y"t3 fbirpence for a glass of monthà. Clara H1artrann -bec-arne iii.e bride beer, te, Mr. Pock lethwacky himself airily of the profesmor,,Whùeelove of phrenolog nsald i n ;yseodclassa cariage, hall thus led tothe disevyery of guit, the Puffing a windy cigar, and wtsisîling thse manifestation ef innocence, and.,theacquisi- IlBotinylottse o' Airlie."M.Pok:tî tien of the prettiest girl ini Gerrnany. wacky admitted the morniitg. was mu'~y ______________in. tact lbe siated so veluinîanily. 4"A muggy UP IN. A BALLOON. mnting, s," Said Mr., Pocklehwacky.te bis opposite tseighbour, a beni.ficent, round- AtM ti.ejunction.et Sixîh avenue'and FAfY- faced rmait, wt i i hsets ail round ainth utriset, in titi. eiiy-jo4 ýby thse seuls- hi chin. ern boundary ef the Cenitral Park-thée. 1 The whisker-rirnmed manlooked np re> a acazit.lot, which has -been rented te the a book he was reading,. Mr. Pocklethwacky weil-knôwn oronaut, T. F. -C. Lowe,9 forilhe castilig a glance at the vol-urne the otber purpose of givîuig anyperson whe may de- Leld, saw Vil was Thse Boo k, opeti at the, sire il, a ballocin ascent te thee height et' a Proverbs of King Solemer. thousand feet.Tise.lot is enelosed by a déDampneslq Co "tthw htie autumn board feLice, and.twenty-five cents 1cis harg- nîerniuig.as thse dews>fRy duwinward;- and ed for admission, thse suin.of five d .ollari be-sufcetfriedai.heelteeo" îng cisangedforý each ascent; thse baloon si iewikrrme ai carr3inr up two at.a lime, beside thse orcn-. "lYour reiiark, si(, is, what- I may cail, aut,,who accompanies themr-thus making rgnnwîhtuisadM.Pket- the.chargé twoand a hait dollars for eachwak."ergwih oieato-n person. -Thse bal loon is held by a nope an mmtd, sir, I.sbould syynwsiilnd1 inchs iiidianiéter, and 1,200 fuet in.heti, phioophiziuu buro <f Q£ d. wbich i's passed tinder a pulloy 9lsd, wound 1antePoeilPioopeni around. a large dru m, sixteen feet in iarne- my words -ire -the worde of wido r3 e-, ter. 'Durhrrg thse asent the revolutions ofjpedb lie-imed-a."ido the. drin areè feld lit check by two men with sitteth- at.tiie streeî.coruers and trieth te lithe ie vers acting as brak-es. Tn èe bal loon .i spserb.Iisweîl ceneagJy drawn dewn>v. after air ascent by turne; tie ini th, black beetle, and me- e tIan beasuty in drum,-a lherse being at present, employed thé bulîeîiy."1 for'tissservice, tisouirs hibis debigned Io u se "Mai.golyPrnsr a steainengàine. As a measure of caution, srneuigotiugbtPveia a-second nope is atîacised t tise balloon, and .pîjî'oîî. Cai hew Iskrrrmdm tiei is lek eut and draw,ýn in by hiand. Tise. iied" balloon is abotforîy feet in -diameter. and iCf~C r okkh %yack , iscoct.rtcd. Are you going.fan ,hoid4 twenty-ive thousand feet et gas.. Jis ray . ai - bouyanî poyrer is estimaied at about fifteen 1,1,e cnd (of a junyi l etnto hun dred puuinds, thoughil iis 1thé practice to and t.cc .n uboneymat isgss i ti îer take up only two pensons aila turne beside thse iaon iarginlunbsnhwer aeronaut.. tise liberality of genial -affluence .hàth provi- In tise stili, bright forenoon of1 September ddahm o ieSnl hlspe; 20fli, two of I usP took our seats ini the Las- balti lite wlisker-rirnmed aran.: ket ; some-bags -ni sand were.lîftëed out;.te Tise train sped onward. miru~ us ètout rope that fastered the balloon'to tise Ia-nd ridgts or undulating land; ' niw earh ws nh w ed th wQ1 d "IzAll riglit !*I Iyîstg tracts of tdesolate irnansh ,Ilby water ..nî . p boe, iewod-courses and lanîd courses; above-sltittgle svas given, antd we were'lifted eaýsi1y and aund r'l ud Iesie f i~iztws suiftly up jîtto tise air. In acceuntls cf bal- The.flue gaIt .'rei -aaud -iucreased- >al té bon ascensions h s issualiy stated- tiat, the sedas t viIat itu eMfo senato 1n ls ha th bllon erain.âat in-béar it dove. No iso"le,trvy'Lords and senstio istua tie bllon rrnans taton-G'ýtit!er-nert and flonourable Boafde3, cauth ie ary whiie-tbue arth L siuks away beneabis il.; l wl1iiland elater y akre, in thse boasifut but bisat is flot tlhé way ini Ibis ki 1d <'f attacis- assertions of your ordSuer, bear down the tiint edascen. Tte 'art.r>euisté.tan aswiliuchfetters îlutýprogresa <f tisepoor. ed acen. Tse aït sems e. tan as The train fliem fast. Fast, your M;t4jesty. lrm -as ever, while %ve are tite moyable Fsm od u etee. F.î CDinS :a ee0usevsmôegently Up-_, R.,ghî J? evereisds ausd lrn Reverends of ward, lu a -fiihî mn te air compared withi every kIg-ree. Fasýt, 'CoiMon mer ant» we- whic th C!tnbtig. of Tiniy.C ej e, wiutiî sorrow 'and lhoman-rycnpathy-li îvhch iseclmbi; o Trniy Curc SPtOyour lhearts. Arsd Iliing ihsus around us or Bunker Hill Monument, i. contemsptible. every day;. fisougis btis extremel.y sensitive i itis re--_________ spect., ne giddineas was experienced,-tire REE&P ESI . stout rope îtettitg aroutsd tise basket nsakin.g a tumble out. manifestly imposeible. We Mr. Gladstoee iaS delivered a. valedictory werte, therefore, ableto, enjuy -tbe novel ex- address as Rector of tbe Unsiversity of Edin-. perienc.e with usafloyed a.alfa-indJ bur-h. Tite suhiect chosen by Itini was pleasure.f the place of atîcient Greere in tise proeviden- There is, perbapa nu spo»t on earth better1 liai order ef tihe orld. We quote thse fol- , 1