imeae#obt lseons ma - 1OS1 ~-~sB~~, Iso nui~prof R!iSa "d. or n« t isensl as h-de- L. 11» l = awb«pof (lichol.s mn wwùq citol menunge)ofi 2.Tht;. ont .f ','cep bev bos. d. fie, by the rate- dc pim ama ieponted as ditributet PhaoI 9.i.ktamg47. T'I*oWoavera. kepisg open- #seoheols-in Upper vu Il usatis ansd 23 dy.Thtis 80lf favourable vith use tarage u rsu&te.For instance, ithé le tte lmart ini Maaahusets wa# 8 brou, in Mials., 4 mus. lansd 20 days ;fra «i. about 9 motsba îPets osyl- ID C moul. aà 1, day; i Ohi,~ aleo ed 1 daý'; iiiMichigan, 6, eeksstheb. I1uè ,auuber 4f Romfan -Catisolio Separate- hoka reporied vas 147-ingtease-27. The wuàt of Separale Sehool grats pport on to Sàparate Salaçolsacoording to avrage eud*nce, ai couijared -vîth the Cuommôn Ssl lu the saine muuicipaliiy> Was $, 1-luéremea $718; tise aàtint, appropon.. ce4 forrthe purlaa.of maps, &c., vas 88--muors.s, $4. Tise:amnoùnt roce.i'aetl an local self-inpo.ed raiée by supportera keparaaesSéfiocs, vas 2,Oinea, $,m. 'hoeasa:oo suWsriptions by_ portera of Separaté Sciscols, and from iè soutces, vas $4,66-iierease,.$982. lIaoi unt receaved frein al sources for o Qsuprt f Separate Schools, 8m2150-,- ires $9,941. Tise ertpendituro WaW as lous:-.ýFqr paymnntcf teacisere,, Y,2 ueae,$5M9 i for nps, &., $673i-in- M , $MI ;for ether puirpoàea, $10,496,. ~eas.,-2,4U .Tise uumberof pupila ru- mnil tiseSepenate Sohools was 17,365-. cruma, -.1,506. *Thse visole om ber cf %ohm emp rtÔd as einployed in the %ep.. ieSob" ws as 190, bcing an. increase Of of wises 83 veau mulides sud 107 fem aes. Ausosgst the cbauge9 'tat are _takiang àm daily in the sci and politicai aImas-, mee of this ý youtag cOnntnyit - Ahoiàd b. dii liaS svétallowas in, th. wéetern'* por of Canada are-rnsking strenunous effortsI te estaliaslocal Danksaor Banks unuder 0150e gesses supevision, but mansnagel loanly by perse* vwih mûre _power anti aathoniîy thaua it is Ms41 te-gir. Ranis agent. nou.v-n-tiys. Thse fact le th. City' cf Mont ceaI almoàt.con- troiels he Ammial systean of Upper Canada, for erg, the few Banks ibat-,bave nominally U*ad elSees in it bv-offices tiser. anal their sopersaises are te- a greai extent gari.ed by it.uleecaniile requiremenîse. Thisi.sunadmitied evil Which it behooves t- agricsuturiai. sud éthers te raedy, and] the altered msate of affaira andt e iraproving. propet. of tb. country unt. in making tiss a favourable opportuit>'for sedoiag. Lons- don lhasalt.ady matie aai gnandl -proposes toe ssblllts a local Bank, vitii te ovo cili- zens a. Directors. Cobouig, Bo.manrille, Nevîjaate and otiser teos,§ araaiius ilseusele.of tiseuania'e t{ ont by tis. Royal Canaduaa Bank, subscribîng for its stock, -ksinlg ils osa locaL fanda anal mais-, ageti b>'its ove resideMaé. -Thisislaapproxi- matiug té lb. oIt country bank ing system of Englaud, visicot asb.eën eue cause cf île greas iineral progrease? tise inti-er country. Tise lovas 6?Lindisay' anti ounty o? Vitoria, âboulai have snob an -inifitotion.. Tise Royal Canadian Bank, vo under- stand, have entrusteà Mr. J. ýHelmes Hop- kiissf Linsay,with tise task cf cnrrying eut- the schemoaat vitis hirn il .pensons desirosu of tukixsg stock sisoulifat onice cotas unicate. M KÎOAD-er- TtoWn ai the prepsent. sadlI> feéls.the vaut of gravel; ronds. ati>'y as -a ceunI>' tova, y u suda y' tri.naît frop bing tise ýterminus.of a »0' w. are bebitsal the age-ve éIliv, in. -y facilit>' ",aitends ta make-Linsaay y mesuisle taounrrici surcunding Iv>' (és ffrè ignov ý a cash market for item ibat a faraup cas-a spae-ve trou heard fincans looeking aften shousitb. e tiesire f ereï influostial in Our-ccaînty As comparatively f. w sou viait' car imaeéit, Is. vIe tlesire )es-of Dry Geode, wiiis lb. pices, ci- t>' mat! or lq-tiseliant cf a friand, vii bu eata armctteto au tisem- ai the Gooda Emprli, tise oniy houa. on- r dry gootis. Mc. GiaWo, tom giving «rdors lthe reatesi care, se fina l eait-of eareful easqasry, - Ïenîl>" reliable te. otus A met brutal sassat vasnmade by a&fol- o manyC nadiaa ohld- lt- ev ume MeKinuon on ýMr. Wm. Gillea- v the door oM a anisée!pie, 0ofIHamilton, on ?Monday lai. Mc- Kuanée 1usd laely-beena kickcd oul. o? the id thàre were.4A25 es- IHamilton police 'force, l Mr. Gillie ppe Cnaa oma - bavlrag, a lious correponde'nt of the er-beieg tan isco.a "*rid,,-ad»Msoe- suiotui'es cas ha.anti âQiera »Il11 er. nalea his rbs cr! ondmic, uniertoak te nevenge 1,4 fâmaes-, ie.!?ia Os s>'a. Mr. -Càiii,, Polic. poresdi. b.e ofOse fol- M4gisWrte, ver>' properly sent.hua te-gal wumi:-hreh 0of fer six oothosud fluet hîm 8106 besides. B. .Ero* Jinte lb. atton ti oncf wb Um ofLimite ay. sud.Victoria Ceuni>' tg ma oeusai,. ais choie ssetm o f Ca ., Batb and Bonnets, trimmeai, çDises Gootis iw inciera naw6euisîs. A quantit>' cf - - ~oi.. Every'dpnmn Il,.. canait Lii te b =s ta th ose w yway àf ettli "-aý IF,- ap'e -ODià5, C.aut Ibo t 4.iw lu- gH. pettmot h004 M WuIuii NSéli PACTLI50.rER O ai l, vWho Calla lus- fDr. HumIer, but keIs" . oEuglisbclip- a, and who is uthssls,"t of poklisaing wra onu te cure eeaatutptieis, bus been M91ht befrcrthe mgstrstpsai Maylebone an ,alleged, oui' w ma lay Who 1vent pousalt i la pfpsioga~aly*d 'wbicà ahè egos vas comîUted ubile'she- vasuder influence ofchoooIrnu. H. denies the rge, ai - 1as' been rpusanded bu very vybail.- Weregret that a mus.aIý ý ccre i'.our] nptice of the fire latwee4. w. lavesl.> beien, inforrned that Mr. Doheny-s premm~és wsnoiver en fire oaly when Mr. Janei' Grocet y-a part of the hotel building-wus disce-vered ini flames, evidetiy' the u'ork of an incenttiary. V*Dal gsîNral &8duA *alug. As la 'wil isPva tlb.N#" asl »M o-mt y giv to.1 periofli atieuding a*uii,5atbUiMêW sfor the Wesfsiona of -eacbW« g can." a eoàsr, tu isit lggî »a jadicons *ailaiusiveY training in ti ay la w" eliabool*9boud b. cepasized amd g.vaago4'asir-valast. i he bs Iuprtint batuciOa No Iu a au pa5 ~ tb * f btis ua d dRoissiresam Sng issud throuh U.'MtW~ alal a5 et Moji SehaIns', lu vbe-b&o sta tais. s uaay clamsa a week, wiuts bing beu Itp;, and ne mam eau be r"=p4pd a ouitetsuper-. intend ths e CaaIs0f ose Centy, wiibhiot ha poms ivataee ofise training afforded by one r!O:inse lathelias No mai Schogl. Anotjier. q«uf«icton remîuma wlsichusuatheclamsaiwîllsUeha, evidoat- ly indipensble--lt, lathse habit et public spq"sfg. sJq donu , tee are ay mon Who posmess eweryqualifleanhut ibis, but waating Ibis Ibeyuai ltb. moal bmoetasi and biiisest qualifleation caUci for. 7IN.«,t. b. al ospeais vitis oaparativé esse, sud ual paosmahle.educatilea ud experkeeee adfor. wotldlb. etne niefcçf;U>e aouisnamesl. But an tise ôther. haudtot lack experiénce in publie apakiar or the ailuityto do se,' would be te lacis. a se hav- aîd ise soi important qùali. ~flatoîstiaIcould bp weatiasae. la voritiss for tisepromdoti-mo f any rcause, no gpester in- ftasetacscan be-brugis to bear, ba ti tiexert-. ecl by public speaking. Now, .lu tise position ins u'hch &anaiswould b. pacéd as %,p«rt- tendent cf SeCls aif ha ad iot become ascu- tomed -to sp'aking Ih public, aàasigbty Influence, -ibat-sniould b . tbrougisi te bear la every Scisooi Scticuo by leelurag, ad whicb vouit b. need- ents cf childreen and create- iith'as thons8a dpep MISMANA<1EMENT Q'TwNHP tic offàprng, wouid b. lest Whso- AFFAIRS IN FÉNELON. evor la çhosen let hlim-poaams-tise iree qualifi- esita ameît. If sueis a one is-appointed woe Ta 1AIRZiditor-o tks- Cas. rà -are sure tie ebsage vilIl hofor tisebotterpro- Ssa-Tser i n iu~ vded .is exel"siveattention b. required snd1 taiPSSltP Upp& i-ve fote ebusiness. I lave ik w Ioc Provinsce vbere se esucitcorcuption lias ex- lisco. casés visn mon n epei nbytichrior. isted as in Fenelon ; and it woulal bui PoS- hv aeacuo .bcp ts upt nd ido-1 sîble te find another people se qarseceni un- îthe work cÔf Coulnty Superintendent as *oil. la der such imposition, -higis taxes and misma.- ùoiîber cae *,as satistactilongiron. I have ne nÉgement, ae tise ratepayera cf thi3 muniai- ojetinin Ibmhe rd Iluaministor.b. ing ap- pality. , its historyfortise lat iglat yea4rs pitd on tho centrary, I uam deckdodly fs;v- basa been one contiu edascene ofnrcklessness - arable te sucliappointinent being made-for siv- and' déception by her publinaene cf of ral1 reàsons, but lot hlm give up tise pulpil and whemn gloricti in his iiquity, and ioped tise give bis undivided attentIon ta theso rs. If a preseait Reeve woulti b. mg sao4Irol man wvisabas occupiod tise pulpît sud requiredt the saine cotinac liebati prctise..Lt4habit cf speaing sud visa possossosexpenx-. The fal a<64<and the eoaly part cf th6eonce 98j' » aceransethîe advantaises cf a wiîîbe ong emebene unNormal Sohool traiasng la 'appolnted, ne deubt , preset ye'thîe inflenc for the advancomesst of .eue coin- this- munîcipnhity, and ffievcasa-a tsieet o W tulinecaa lrouglcut -lise Gounty. reference lot tears ta come. No mani ean wîîî ho groat. Otur County la now;.ma!>y soc- - louk bnck ons the actoisa ,riods tiensvii ..oraniced l ime to corne, wite1 withotfindiu-natiols, or redect ou lb. dicp--maya o sîrugghing., teýa respectable X-w lion that oharacterized is leàdirsg inaiî bistnc aeLîteihv esaprtîdecee out regret ansoarrow. - Wisther veWlok ai - a conripetent personi andi witi s gpod oi da- 1 he abùrtîve efforts ta pusat au oinoxicus nnd tien vo'- may confidontly, predici s creditable impracicab'e messinre, or tb.eiiawarnatable future:-&s Wte ti, ader sections tlb.y <rould exerrise cof j ud icial muiiserity b>' Ivo c f Hecr doive as mucl.beaefit at least -front the super- *Maesy's. J. P.'18, tise conclusions farces iýsèîf' intendence of a Conty Soperiilendent as froua -upon tise mmnd, liant it was net patriotism u nr tss o okn l oniavsr philan 1.hropy tsal actuated triseemren un t4eir th.y a- re.. Thon lot a respectab.te salary *b. dubids n rerpriw, but a strung desîre ,for aguIvea..- Thé e wrk ould i b. comparstively restoration of that poputarity tise>'lad su ig- ld tis eauty ing wb larg*e, iei«inthe nonînuuuosîy "k Towships. e i het ar fr tse Indepeucleut cf thes4arile and anitrnosty- year .îy $1000 ait least. A good part, of ibis tt wer,tceiedercd diaing their pieregri- smtaopid dsreya angvubis nations *Ïdvocaiag thé 21>nkiia Bit 1, tit<nr nndi-rind attention ta tishe rkwveau arà il in.%ane proeeature *lias brou« t opresin î i is ýtrain, _au the shape of-lugh .taxes tà cep le- -.Yburs, ho., niait an cxhaugted fceasurv. Over $100,--A.~ * vas-spent ini ccttstuatilag t1dm miguùidea Liadsayi Nov. 28, 1865. notions. Over $200 wàsleýsttaothe towngliipý = îl n c-eollectionf of licenses; $ 150 as- -BU N SS E U A I . Oiràw in la 1a its4, &c. ; and vînt - wns tise moat mtisisrous of, ail, thb cruel Oralueiaciitostaamuf-th persecution l>y Mesmr. Naylôr anal Dick of ad oSuve mn reo a n ofe s thégi a vo lo-nely widlcw.'r, vitevere tryiisg to eke, bÏussseduataion.. It lu emential te aIl, ta thc cuon a misenab!e exi-stence by keepis -g a house merchîait, tic ýprôAfeaoalmai, tise wecisaalc, cpbienetertainmeat, while tisey left ail ind.titeéfarmer. Tise sdvauIagas ai' a sotiad- ibe able-botlied tavem4ebepers atone.- businessoducation are recoguizeti on*s-II ides, Tiébse o.. f power, *s:weil as thse aun andttie possessor cf l, ich, aitatse sarno lime, deriqg cf-publicemeutes, have bee-nked la benest, induatrious and perse vering, eSanot featurés dnriug tise yeurs inuenioned abàve. failte succeod in shatevor occupation lie may No Sonner had thé lleenses ex pi rea for 1864, secfi t ta engage. The business roquirtinata than-tle rminions of theRe gentlemen more c ieprgnoayaesobtsI n ug Mna sent-tounli Io vailh the bouses cf tIcs. sorcooxoîteseusS mepnille posiinu a Weotneua, ,anal tba.'v ere sumniaîaed loe,-losk h b -ag . S lmsharbenedi taculties, knowledge adat. Tt. [is of importance, tiacir orships.. atsed liketwopedagogfues. iherefore. tisai every yonng mati vis coateni- ln tise pléniitude of tiseir poveria, lisey*ipe- plates. ombarking la -businsess lit-suad 'bat cousily nsked thisus uat tise> had t t- say là occupiation in civilized lifatis ter.thal bis not the charge of violating the lmv. Ng.tale cf is some sert of eleenet ao businessluisould F, enury, gr van-t, fvoithte.'lefemhales cli- have 1a tý borougis and- satiafactor>' traininag, in soflen lIeu' Isard andi stony isearts; ite rtonahe prmaciples of aecuutntasiip, as voit -as b. that 1rickleal dora tise furmoweul;.cbeeks ie conversant vus niaoy cf,.tIc practical- avk no i contipsi.oion in théir bdannis; detailscf business. Yong mon deairbsg ta ob. anal-i inmagisterialt rtéa ieyfiniedt îem properly qWaiWtùet discharge thee mlles cf twe nty. dollars eacli anti 'cela. Tis.a laaisi su!tsîe f, an res.dily acquire tise uedfulin1-' andl cruel condlaci wcîiid have crusled i boa. formation at instituionsa pecaflv organised for oJecîs of sympatlty raller lisais vengeance, tisat parposi . la t r. Cuonectio oention bad net a godSamnaritît hastened ta their tepuunssscsoet br Dy- ardeû- o nssiataf ec, andi adri-wtentesteappeal t on bscl frtiroyaapsjuo ulgta higer our, wserjusic veltibe raneal -perioti bas bossa activel>' engaged ia prepariag hi-hrcortwher jutic wold bgrnte, !yoîsng mon torccomuseccial pursuita, sud bas wliîh vs daîedtheunthuats.;ana u 1derioyed alarge mëasure cf stuulib ie de- thé able management of <eo. Doeroi Eq., Iatan feuain oSuieaucsa the.,decision cf thèse- J.P.', vas qaqheal. I itisRosera. BryantniSrattôn su&dmlae i In ordinary ieauriieées,andti vtb meo fcarryi nbusinos-n bis ounacscoui.. e. rizhtPt inciplea, tisi reveneal of Ibis tyran ni-. Day beîng a practical bookkeepea, and possess- jcal - interpretation ef tise lnw veulti hare ing a business expérience of Iveoty yyns, le calleuX forth an apclogy to thse people w as oniinlenfly fitteal te prepace youug-men toy huai., this dune? Nny,.ta'uty, instead of flint, at uesaspurants 5dv have tuil pleasiare lan ile nexi meetLing oif tise Towzship Council,> recommen diag ii.ntltot tsaPatronage these gentilemn apyeared as miendicanîs, of yonng mea.-'rwnto. Globe. implorsng tînt bod"-for th'eir fee# as magis- traies, andt tat for adjudiseating illeg-ally.1 Ratepayera cf Feaselkm f iow long -il i yuHO$àSA' submit te be iafipo.ed upon ? Hou long- The lives eft tlousandà cf 'hotte# have beeu' Wili yon continue to sendmiton t ta Couin- sareti duriag ts<star, sud tisé oredit l ci! Bordvise aetually endcrsa pa t dcl DlysAannHieRomedy ýand, preeaicorupio. 'v.ef is prsnt Condition Medicino"'1 This proparelion is hi- Counicil lave be as ssuervienîtcts er f foc- ing exteively'used- anti exacts.froua àa1l tise nier Reeves, andth ie- present Reeve bas ha- highest pralse. Notilg af tise Snd ha. ever trayet tise trust eo. sun 11mnb>' noglocting b iebeca hall-uauccosaful or given sucS te. enferce pmymett othe defau ltcr's money. n-tuiversai satisfaction.; il cainnai-hoe equalied.1 anal asking an illegal appropratioun tab. ex- W» eau ecafidentl>' recemusontIt", snd iould pendad inl anoailer mtaiecipality, but vu de- ad*ise ail 'sheovn hbacs.ta Ieep a.;suppi> of: féated b>' Mesans. Rurcugi, )oKenzie and' on band-îbqway b. -the meana cf ssvmtg your, Codnng. You will'teon b. ae oas 1. toeercise your franchise. - Letit ptil Rememnber.tîle name, saudse tiit the signa- sa lit tilb ceusine' élection tisît yen rturned tur kH.rd C.# 1 1sca .acsao nie uw-rhyo orr'eAred'p o 4,h, 1Lyàaae, Novcast.ie5 C. W., Pro- monorafo theorili>' o ya8n&et;hl dâoe or vis wciuld listun tote ino4tatiiesof snprineipîed iofotse0nas. odbyalM ice men., Forn w-#reaq'y.s llsrov w a>lýyycnir --_____ vote,e-withunt -consiéeration, -you are tise- .means of mmpoing higtaxlat and-perpe- S*l> &cc'scTs.-At about filee olook on .ttat1ng miqmaus*emff.hst.-- P ida vening, a man narneti bahut Eeq- Yeurs pppeofll, Ors,-o1 . i 14 s éitog tàon airustisaias - - -0 VE1R. hckaRpatieLu àsattion, Pet Uope, Fenelon, .Nov. 27,-I18M. - ia~li l nIl.aces-s the tracSl jbotta ef bis kr alylnq on mof ttihe rails, Tise ca w opasasi loverithe lapabOIvaSU 4i4ekmse aut&akiaaq ei svo agibus at tise saMe li= "ii.bcdy'va w ugl t 1 the car sud deubled is nomb a*v> ate break Iebout. Tise usafortuatteImmsaWu, damais ai thei" hol. vastissa seeallin-la juui h ia ai*li %iebutcausuihW t Y0 hi. R o m y wrsawmsgtopsioror if dr14ar WA n 14 1&O x «g4t -WaitkusluseeriniWtieaiGse ,vs, Ho, th~t i bussé bsle às as Au£ CAN.. pqK.lasd i; indbted te au A"eican Lludy Mu,ay-for her krowleige of tbe Womïîbat ehoi h. ga« thei.etsai ireatiso ad ntain f sk4 g a dwingtis n- IàskJbauage Bu"ed, i hd adt du Améeric"s Grmasar! For aooh i reslly wa& Thegteuteut loi c thrsl. c be evor mm 8 ers eorcester and *iîissbulwer. Why, why-isit ia hi ~asve snd perfect dictionarien should lb. 1h. asiionaserenti'stli orsiustait? l loth. anmcf man'sbhighest intellect ual attriute, li ski il ne t turne that vo fiing ogl' vhs inier veeds ouvoru, *rad standl b" e ihe-worit jin onr own national ubor- redepmoetEnglisis! fersoth ! One M lb e4 literary me ofM Eglal)d to-dayl ha. . lnO oncption of wisal is coireet lagg-Charles Dickenss, the. man who. ha. arger haý rom hebis literar Ilibootsa-ittis country than in bis owa- Chartes Dickase, ith.feted and, feated libell- ore ofAme ripa sadAmraa-C rs Diekeus, tise sthor, wvin i1 'Nicholas Nick- leby,' s.:àfrorgal the.-local colcurilog cf hie sbory', that h. employs cee cof th. wretehed pupilsa aiDo-tise- boys Hall, 'ýweeditig ihe gaÏderi' viser. b.e has jus1 dropped . sever al' P.eidpth cf sn(t.w and Lth dbris -of a laie ingng violer !-Dickeos, vite pokes fni at-bis Uriali I[[o.pfor the ,éSkneyisru cf dis- oadn ieaspirate when lbe remaks: 4'We. ar o'mle ;-ikes iecharlatan-auJ bliiderhoead e par e.xcellence ' cf the venrd of lttera: uho, in hie wisdorm, wNould pro- bubly read the bWautifuIl une of Thomas Moore: 'Tise 'art that is Humble might 'ope for à l'ere ;-Diekens, wbose ignorance . ci -priutlicatianisonly equalled by.Russoil'a adDelain'a ignorance. of geograplay and truth ;-bho is the. gentie jîxni per-bud whc, seeringly commenta' on lime lamentable ig. nane andi vulg-ar*idiomesa'cf the Amfent- :014L INTELLIGENCE. lievortk et -the Ham 'ilton, and LiaMUi- aMt C..-eil ha& been steadîtlyprgein untîl about a wecis since. Their drill bas -carne faut, and the wouttesa roda wefe -broken off near tb . Jower juint. So fan theyhave boos nuable te njaise theirdrul., Tie7 were 48 e f j ia te Ao,. which haR Ibema ver~ liad or uelast 100 feet-except the lart 20 whiiès was sofi. They were making rapid progress, and, wculd have comnpltei.tiue ëotltrat-500fet-u orIi î,naoukeil-for accideurt. The Hamiilton 'al Selkirk ýCe have nuit ben ut vork for sonne. rime, and &W atill Waitina, for ieiders, or, watching the prog'ess cf those that àre,àaI werk, probabîy waiiting for a relapse of the prevalent disedse. Tlhe Weil ai Jarvis tg cdown, betveeti 450. snd 500_feet,.anal il l is iat îhey Lave ritruck s large velu of cil, andi ntenal îesîing il vith a pump before- drilliuig any deeper. lit ià reporteal- that capitalists are ptirelaa.iti ail the stock from the snîailer stockhualders. We trust the reports may prolve true. - A.rein cf ail his been stiuck aut Charsal Iler's voil, n ear Tilsonburg,, ai 48 feait in thea rock. -, Sevecal pails fu]it f (il 'Vere saved before the Iflow ceaseal. Thu drill, whicl had been fast un the velI beieongizagla the Joinùt Stock Comnpanyý, for soeaitine pauit bas beets taisaisoût. 'Tho Ce. infenal tù wiork ni-hi andl day hereafter. A geololgiW -visehas ben ma ingeamination la the neigihbourtaocf Tilsonburg,- cuînsiderfi thé indications se favourab!e tha' parties from- tise United States 'are ' about puttii*g'dOwî figue in icon-sequenCe. -SOUTHERN LADIES STILL DEFIANT -~-d» * 7-Y - P &PhM. ,At iin.s'u 0" Edo Md bheStars mdý Imm e ,ýdMPw in alBu b0 ployed over gg- tais mrmsstuga'Im suamdh.m tb. 11ag ooacebale&d. On tisswueILfo shal (il b tie Eagie an&d b.Hu Tuer. asan .14 préoýerb te the effei-1 throMued people live10 ,which lb. jehe T yin-d boterstic e hein u Tbo -hd eft sÙüktoth'ïrnoeies bedkinel, snd leaie tis, use of M#»redc eauato e b- dlaseed by their màai b. mors Mcfs~ysd um deaith ih-.tra ruep. CôasnuLTojOU Ô; miCavacu -07TazI- I StwvLciat -,&T JEEu5aLE.xx.OtiIrem 1 vrîll b. am muclx surprised> to hear as Jwere to.sec, uPon goîng te the terr house-top early ta the mornîing afier oui riyali that there us a gaï . ini the dom th. chuirch of the Holy epulehe. hM square yards-of lead.were wantiig,,the1 bars. were.visible; and whenever il raii the water nmust' bae- eapped the "ale, yet ihere were dwelliiug in Jérursalem di taries of ail the clînrebes, wha vere sqi bling, writing, andi almost cux'rsnL oe e ther, an culer te gel a footing Wau iisselhs building, which %bey naturally conslid, 1 the. Most saered of any. W. were tohi >France wished to epair it; A ' uia mwli 90rpi t End' nwas -of course,il feren; but the Sultan was anxious to1 a fisîger in the pie,- and the Christian Po uere*unwilliag,- that the iidel sbould P cipate, ýa.d thus« have -a. furher lie n upor oscr ed edifice; su between the th,.. it sallowed to fafl intbo à tate- cf dilapidf >which, if it occurred in a public baiudui Englaad, would exrcite'ithe laterferenc that desipotia power, the police, unde, B ýuilding Adt. -Iuilder. Ta&rÂVLEISs touid always ie. provid a box of Br$ani's Pulmenie Wi7afers at Ibis Isoa ut the yecar, Tbey relieve couglis, c sure tiroa ts, andhbonrs-eness, in ten -min-ut ter u1se, auid effect a :apid cure. Sec Adve: men. et ea e -A corresponde ait % rit iug from, C h-uitanoôg-a Bays hî. is thie Sçnthern vemen tiuereabout bhavre undergone no chnage eci heart appar- ont>'. Ou. of [irem, îvith visomn I eutereal -jute a conversation at.a hutel,said, "1Yen veetiAn nut-rueg Yankees don't uaiukrstanul tise people. if yen tlink -they are àsubjaîgatea,. andt hat tise>' vii sulmit te tyraiiany like a polepop1 licking the handalthaat smites l 0e q. Ot incatteasaîre tîsese thiaiga up, anal wîon Oppartuaîity offers'îheyîwiLl %Vupe eut tis tain of wounded'henour witlî bloual. 1 arn a verse *secessiuii!st. thaza eVer, andl fur lhi juniua Southern cause." 'Anoîher .litile virage sueeringly remalteal "on .Yaekeos feel veny prdusti cir your. victories, even by tiirty Daitchsuanalrish hIielingsanad. tiegroes, and your officera ride ihrougla our çeuntirn.lasperciaI truians. I1Isope ocae ..ut Ithcw vIli rue off tle track on. cf îhe-sedays aud senti corie cf you tlu 1.11, viere yen engisitob." Anctlien said se coualIdsaneIl .a greasy machine -frie tise Nor.tisaem'osa fle. roont,.anda nkearite wht;ther 1 îwas a black - saîith orsa briok-mnason. et WQI , then, l'111 bot my' lite that you are n ,specu latoir, quack docteraton ewspapcn reporter.", Dr. John Rne writea ta, the Londonn le- graph viths réference te -he letter recerarly reccîvetd frein Mr. Hall,,the Actic voyager, suaid publiabeal, saying thnt -lbthît aRe1î)ulse anti PeIly Bay& thse Esquimaux, tia.1854, vieýn Se vasthore, - imtia t they- krsewcf:nevisité mait . iving amuîigtlimra andat at -ail ticevisites (ofthtés laist Frankslin exhibition) lad tiied ;four yenra previeiasly. 'To ait tem*ptaiouls andl bribes afftretl te pro-. c ure inforation, thse-repented- answen vas liai îissy knatuf aie white mn uamoiîîg, 1 .c, nalDr. Ras considerealtIhe Esq- SaWz7ýteàeralIy truthful, althougli -tise>' has net tis eut. ea oIa f dates.- He. adids, refer-' ring ta Capt.I.lJakll'lelter : 1 " 'e fight thai Crozier is sait ta e had isaiil-e 1'ludh- ans,','mIsait,' must'le a fable. AUltise IndiausM he coalal pos»ihi>' meet with on h, souibva;d jounne> are friendly, anal vouila lare.beena oftl>'tac happyif tlaey lma lad su epportooaly te bring bi safely to lhe Yerei ïdonsBa ompany',s establish-. ment, se as te recei v tise large revard proe- mise t tiscifor aidiu.ganuy whit mai t ey migli mee.. Besides, if CroSzier hui t lsa -far South s sa0tameut la-aînues, i lanotlikely la. voulti bave ge'ne back londreda eof.miles -te.the firîls uigin. In offerirag tîtese, ne-' inSîki, l-de net wish ta detîat un tlisé light- eut dogmes from tise great enorgy, persever- and sutpieac own- by Mn. Hall, vIe. usa>, 1 trust, b. able te aoompliais ail, anti more tisaal,.bis letton proiises ; but his difficulties vers.ouI>' about te begini, for =hisno e ad been- amongsemi-civitlizeti sqasiauax. To thc noertî-%,eat cf RepaIse Bay ho viii net finaid em se agreeabie te iravelamag, itboug!i pechap net inimical.' Ant o ibakSrapta gazasted lateiy las Londoy éas s ia. Wiltishdeecribet as a- la.. -de§aler sud court milliner, cf Groseno .r Squsare, viih liabîlities aihsuntîn taui ehâmiamu dollars, A forma er tioeu huit be diasmast nthse grountl that sat.lait caittette.. uSassee anis e retier n h«e utiemesst. 8cm. ouricaift>' as exciiel,. sud, ilS tsat tise sames qf ber t1ebtors are p rin- tO4,vfis liot tlbem tsaof Quee Vie- ton,*S eldeet ighter, tihe Priaoems cf Pruse- sia muid aumeroîsa aeabers cf thee snstoc- tac>'.: Tbeiss romnts tiy ove ai. 0sonspara- tiret>'ssawll but àôm~bi;ed have been suffi-, cient looruss h a bard-vorkint tradosvoman Tiis i a prou>' 1'exp or etasnî vim smiboh usu ila usis Tuz iiifflîlo b.rokers are ranning ag'iinst oacI oîher Ca nadiau money *witius nov quoteal a t*tone cent. premiùm uilat tle rua is- noîhang couîîared %vith that after theic 4C-auta dian-Pala Letrye:," which the p)eopre hav-e folid eut te ho the very lest thingfor the cure of colds, rkeumnaii-m sure tîroat, bowel cern- plaints, &c Suit by all medicine deniers at A Detroit'paper mentioas-s tîhe deatia of a mau in. Aun Arbor frora eatitig lurnaito caisup, that hart beeau prepareal in« a, .opper boiler, anal poiý,oaaoa by'diacelate o f oppor air coin - mnnVIril r.-; .1 i-..onnnn.n ui,ns fonle obyrtthirvery O l r ê " g t a t s u e d .f o r b y t h é wla e s dia O P O Mth departanent, as usuel, .,fl be. BIII- found-to surpaus aytbing lieor. brought te lo- 5t"pI, otwltbatmnding th-- great adrvance Iad S uroeffaamarkets, will. b. tQInd- t Cl A large stock of Boots& Shoca receéive il week. - S la [ Groceijes ail the leading artiéles. C>- Best Valuefor Read4 Moey. «.ça M1I7 GILLIES &LANCASHIRE, u'il Kent Si., Lindsay. ÎtVFLindsay, Noveruber 24r 18.65.1 - *Relief iu Ten lXiute¶. MRAXIS PULIMONIC WAFEI1S. Thé, original ,medicine Estalished in 11#3,and firat article of thic kind ever. introduce-d under the nane et Il Pulmionie W.afers," i bi or any other countryv; ail other Puhnoic W af'ers are connterfeits: The genuine cau lie known -by the nane BRYAN being stampe.d on the W ie BRtAN'S ?UL3IONI.C WAFERS Rfulieve Couglis, Côlds,Sore Thi oats, Hoarsonesi BRYAN'S>PULIIOMC WAFEIS Relieve- Spitting of Blood, IPains in tbe Cbest. -R.YAN'S PUL.MONI.C %WAFERS Relleve Irritation of thée Uvula und, Tais BRYAN'S PULMONLO WA--\FERS Relieve the ;bove Coinplaits ilu Ten Minutes. BRYAN'S PU LMONIC WAFER S. Are a blessing toail Classes and Constflutioas. BRYANS PULMNLCSIeWA FERS Are adapted for Vocalists anud Publie Speakers. IPYAN*S PULMONTU WAFEItS Are -in W sim~ple form aud pl.'asa nt te tIe taste. BRYANYS PULMON'IC WAFERS. Not only relieve, -but. elThct Iasting cures. BRYA'N'S.PLMON1IC W _FEiS Are wîrranted ta giçve.satî.'fàction ta every ont ~No Family slold be wiî',nt a Iox of BRYON"S PLOI.W AVERS. Ia the hotu e No Traveller ahould hb. withiont a siuppiv ut BRY OX'S PULIONI(4 VAMEIS in luis pocket No person-, will es-ý: o1jet tie gire for BRYONS i>ULMONI, W AFEPRS Twveiiv-hive cenrts. JOB MOSErS, Sote Pro j'<etor, Rodtegler. For sale by Northrop 'unil I i nanewa'e C. W., Gt jieral Avents f 1U4tlutUuunuidas $old l'in Litids.uiy hy C lrC- h4îiSu egory I and at the Medieal Ilai -JE. A.Buwtrý, Ua1,- wood; *Ada.m (ordot Muîilî A IWyatt, ..Cann'inglton, Gilchrst .î Canierou', 'odvl {T. M4tciett, On1enuce, ad luîiler eei dealers,. 36 -a airi:%; he*useufan c,1 r uiinâî coo- THIE GEAT E tLs E'EV C. ~SIr Jamïe- CIark5's- Yora AlilioiNTME\T B . S 1BRE< C02FIRM l D._ CELEBDRA TE"D, FEINAL E«.PlLIS Suci misives a-' now atl the tasbion, ove r the 'eerraldu wires;, and te reg1 îestosre This invaluable ncdicie Cis lunf.xilitgin lle andlai ues t oters Fo eu bo ofBryn1 cure Of aIl thuse paiifil, and dangerous dl,,ea-ýeî ànd ad rewsto, ther. Fr on bwý0f ryanS ,inucidelnt l0 hie teiai1e cotislltiIIi. 1ulm.oic Wafers you pay 25 cents. They cure Itmdaesa xse udrnosal.u a culd, hoarieness, sure thruat, croup, cts., in 'a srclnfu ht~r asadase f~w hours.cuire nmy 4b relied o.u. The St. Catharines i ji lsays i t he 1110mAI RlnED LDE intention c f iàhop Lyucti. I-, Toronto, to ut as pecl' iiY vSuitLel.. Il w;.u i short liane niake -Str Catearines his future resieaence. riguflconh vi ISjArclrî. - -These PilUs sould no1 ho taken 1-y femalei M A I U I E D s h t n a e pr eg u a nt t , i d a r i u g t ý i l I U T H E R 'At Hiawatha, (lo'nty Siwicoe, C.W., hy thie f MONTHS4, as îhev are sitie taau oi Mi."uur- Rey. S. B. Ardagli, A.M., NIr. JAmF;sNMOPHER- rialge: but -at every -othter lime,aund ini everv so.N, (if Toronto, tu CÀTIE,as;aFEINE7 MEtIt[-v, other chse, Ieaeî'rct sat1e- third daiughter of D. Buriisidre, FElS In all rass of >tNervoitsa n ml Spiiaa1 lLç No cards. Pitiu la thé lhaek aiut intîsIrxv invýs, F- on sih xrin>l'utli 41e)r COafliflCYCI~IJ. Whites, and tihr s a-l'i:r o au- a sa de i umu, !' I'ý iii- vm- i«ë1-: LINDSAY-MARKETS. a c ireweu aIl utlicr uauu-li a-ihui. Ttiiradiiy, Noveraber 30,S165. 'Full directmons in ti. flan' ýtltr,î i uul vaeh Fail ýVh"a-.t,.........$1 25 to $1 40 paekagre. w Lii, -c-b! 'r 1.11v î'r rN !. Sprug hei......... .13."1i'25 *A Lotl 'i.: u.v " . Il ou Oats, lier blist..<*...........O020 "0O25 w it,.i lie1 e z. o. ~( Cl t z Petsie, per buish............O09)" 0 O au Le skmit 'a St -t ct">rS i Il'olataies, lper buish.......... 0001) *O2.55staauaî-. larley, lier bliA. ............. (). r " O 55.j'oz- sai by Nrtr> & LYmn' fi. Nuivre-stle, Tirnoîltlier ton .......... 6)0 7 50 C '.W. KeriA'0st L tIlS Clover, per ton .............5 50 f;01i 0)Ilu i ahavL a.lti.u.Ku"rnlaeg"ry Flour, per *bri... ..........6 0 )" 7 00 andà,miat lic M 'Ulj.l .i L\ u ak- Fresli l'atter, per lb.. .......0 19 "023 Wood GCaiA )&'îv!aa Muý AL,.:. wyai alz- Eggs, per doz...........O0 00'"-f)10 ninglo n ; .i.c' rt-týc taza".iWoolvilc :T. BecS, per 100 Ibes............4:5 " oou-Maceî-Oaucaiali zedicrne dealer-,. Ve.iU :uer l. per qtr..... llitn per11). ................ 'rallauwî, lper lb......... thce .....d................ .TurlSys, oeci........ 0 085 0 25 î 0 40 lfnce,7-"m 'brl i -" - -- ---.. . -*-.,a t g - o * 0 141 0 35 o R L7s! Lzt cJTR.iYEI).frtmu fo "ra;i * ;r '~îuuS. kber al) it ai -cin S) '~' -. . RED AND WHiITE 00W, -- ~~ga-ang nîilk, about 5 î-c-urý (i. WUr ~f u r-r-anoasg fthcmost impjortanut of ml n oru1$ iokeiiu off P nuldoua-l . nereri n1 Mei'iiicvres stands, tile éC.A.'DI A- givingnfin naîia wluai -il a,1 I-rr PAINi>SIXYR. -eryv iii bca'easuneiaîr-df-r 1:',-ralc ysaFni) Medicine, il is weIIadfao.- iilEL abty known, reiieviîag iliuasanis front pains in] l½tOfi -rý'!a-zia;z tise S14e, liack.aîad Ileutt, Coitglis,. Coluis, Sorie Lot No. 1, Cflla Couu. Euaiilv . -2 )t1i, 1S5, Cliolersa>rsLyenrBaawei onu-llnas Burnus, se'~ a Is, Fro;st-bites. &c? &c. C -The Cauîadian I>aiîm lDestr'oyer bas now been K EXNT 'S'11E ET, LI N1ISA Y. beforethe pusblie forza length (if tiaeand vlier-f cicr iseal izs vetiiketi, never f;tiiiîn a asingle - instzinee te giî'e permnanenat relief ivîier tillseîyia oued stable analdic«mlal.' 1 m -an atic.- used, and weave.s uevazr kazown a -single case ieote 1uaa.'a-atftali c f dissatistbctioii, uvlere tlictdirections liaave been iroîerly followeti, but on tlie conraury ail Froc Omnibuas ta aî',., fioz flic Czars aut Bainoas. are deti.gileal illa ils coperations, anad :Iitank lan flec bigliest lernis ef ils irtues .a u d la gi cal j - fo.ten $1._10) aen a . effees. - Linadsay, 3Mareili , 1SG3. 02 We- sqpcak front oxperieace -in liii,- uîîtter, __________ Saving tesied ilthoreuels ly, and, Ilenet-re tîmosea ai eig4Sovereige Remedy. EAN n a i BE.tva-î'rOX Pos4 IC Theastonislîiug ebicacyeof the Canaulian Pain RF0.luth,- 18G5. Destroyer, lai curing flc disea4es for vlaich il 15 Burns Rer N HICaagIenry, Mara recqmuiendeti, anti its vonderftul succesa lu sai- I Cenrigan James %IcDouiald,.Mr,èathe'riiie duing flic terturing pains of Rheurasnis, and Camplbell Colin McEactlienuu Mrs- Cath, in reiieving Nervoits Affections, enltCe il lto5i Campbell Mrs A on D akE% oy Il N 2 high rankin.tathe list oe, reanedies for tiiese cuoas-4 Gohbett lira. J. Eclutosla Jola plaints.,. Orders are coming in fnom Medicinej Grahami James Mâluiîis John Dealers, ia ail parts oethîe country foc' f.ither (;iraaiCrsohrEMhîdDrgi supplies,ad eaeh lesifylag as tte île universalg raî oad2s o MKasryla- satisfaction il gives., GiIiies Arcis imcRate John, Mars, Tlie Caniadiani Pain Destnoyen never fa ils te Harrison George - MePiàt>e John give ianmediuite relief. Ail Medicine -lealers Marsh Frank 2 Ritchings F koepý it. -Physiciaua rder snd use ih and, 10 orton Ro ern Roberta bara faîsiti>' viiibe vitiut after once Inying il. [14 cea i Brci 2 Randili MIrs Sarah 2 -Prices cl>' 25 cents per bottle. Mno Aiit SapMsAa AIl order& sloasld b. addressed to- NORTHOP- LY~A, Persans calling for the abov i-, sutPleaseaak :NRHO- Y N for advertised lettens. NleweasîleC.W ' D. CAMERO, P. M. Soia -in Lindsay by C. -Brittonf Knowlson& Greoriy, and at the Medical Hail ; E. A. Bowes, Oýakwood; Geo. Dolxglass, MAilla; A-. Wyatt, Cannington.; Gîlchriat & Cam»ron, Wbodvitle; Thomas Matchett,QOmeosee, tnd &Il medicine dealers. à26 A Good arm For Salùe. (l'O BI SOL» CHRAP, the East half of Lot 114 in the 9th Concession of Opa contained _190 acres cf. whicliabout 10 Àces are cleared and, 10 acres ready to lot. TIsis (arri lawithin 4î miles of Lindsay andd68smiles trou Orniemee, a short distance frouA. tI. rilu'ay. A good leadiùg road ruas in part of the lot. limediate posseslices. ttll iudisputable., Tmaxs.- -portion of thse Mcey do*ua; and the balane in 4 yecm. . For furtber particulars apply to the mur John ss ran% Opaor to messrs MUA EP ~18-3mBolicitors, Lindsay. 1-- àuluoribe ton tb is Âsu.uxaxPbutb1i UNDERTAKIKtGe. J ANDEIRSON, CABINETMA.KER and ,> TURNER, begs to announce that lie ha§ la stock a cuuqpleteasoortment of COFFINS aâi bis Warerooms, Çàmhridge street, -Llndsayi, little North of tbeé Market Sq uare. .1. A. keeps a Itearse,*aud trusts by moderatO charges and strict attention -te menit> a shareonf patronaire. .24 JUST RECEl VEI afine selected stock cf UC IELECTRO-PLATED.WAREI W. WH4RIN'St gwy,- 544 Sa- 'ta,. $7,- usôra ver tho. prec£edring year )alance en hand ait th La9,~9 n Scbool population, ai- us follva: 'The achoul ial rlgbt cf aiteodieg tise rëna -betuten thse ageM of e Veans, altiuougb an oit legal relturasof sehool le cul>' chiltineu Wees sabla- f boy& -1 1-1