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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 8 Dec 1865, p. 1

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V2~¶ ~ ~44,. t¾1tW. -.t -~ 4 r ~ -, - k III -t-- ~#1 A LIDSY FRIPA m- -- % eIfe 1<4W Bî. Ç5 TERMS OF ..4D VER TISINo, Ten lijues alil under .............7cU Atove tenuhî~ fcrit-ilisetiffli. PC;IIl . Er<h u ieun fsertio'......... ....... 2 làîder, $5 per nflrîl 4$31ur 211 ntouUU.Frozn six la,- ten. lives. $8 s p tr &av i. , P:r Aerchats and ,,ltr cn conîract for a certain 3:aCC. witli the ivig o'aigxev mle nserted ti theend î' e ci r--suoîith'; 0E faveurable ternis. 3:ý' lhsplayed Ad ü~îsrCl3tre meanued. by a scale lo<f solaidNoiiport.,il, id charged aCoMàlfgy. ~ Advt I-il, Ut SSu utilhOt ûwrittelu uustrutiOis. însfld ntl bridfrlandi ehargied f*fU Ure. sNo rasual Adverti'.ett1n1V< uesrted, unrleut idt for in advailce. Meclialits wili, c eete lï IopRy quArtcrlv. wrugujîcrv o e ipublisher willt berepoîi bic. rablkihtr and Propiqtor. )01 and '9aTPublie t o Ch.& ýcer7 -- Serlir,'tr file cOntri1anh -u - Oficn aKeenans lllc eut sîreet, L'nasay- Aî>~ 1Xn8twi~. -P. S. MÂ'wrîl'; l tVCrîwfl ttorney, ha-s epenéd a law jWccat. prin-c Ai>rte il, addition to hié Whillby Office. - - WluitlI>yOffice-OPpio'- Prince Aber Oe- sil-e m-is ke Over Nk- Hoa'1 -' I -- Office. ~1AM~RO~k ORDEl, RARRlSTERS,, e AT- V TORNFfl'-ÂT-tAW, Soliciitorsina-Chta- ee'~Notaries an-il'Coli veyf n-cCrli, &. &c.- - L N D SA Y. ~pOFFICE IN Ma.WMr3cON43LtOCK.- - IECTo~R (AMERON,' CH-(rARLES. B. ORDE, A COURSE, Bariister, Attornxey.-~at-L-aw, IBruilngq, Kent street, Linîdsay1.C.W. Sr)t.5--8 .1 14-ti * 'XEt*LER & RÔTflEII, 1arrilster5sud At-. toru ' i-LiSolicitor, in li Yancury, >Totslrip85 ?tilie. (lunve vanei'i,r & c. é&., Liad- dsay. O-fcue hii Keeîian's Block,' KeotStretct. -C. A, XVsLimz,. -GEO. JAS'. W'LL}mR -- indsay, Jan.18.- 3-t C EFORGFl OORMFE1Atct'e-u-- ,Soli- 'U'Ieitor in Ghaniiery a(l luivCiuey, Notiry - 1trbe,&C -Opr'uurtr, un MDiuiSnew 1 - c- llUeck, opposit, 3ogtiî&iasns Lmcsar, Stp 22 1C. ____ 6-f R. IlW.M.K1 'Ml'T1 C.M. Grîcluate of MffGiii 1 1iivr<it ' v- - Mu-liciti Referec b bbhelri- -ta-anis \cNorth :'ril 111u1lMerclntileIsuac Blr'tek Bled1, Liii1zay>. --2-f 01R1lEib 1>,1 Ii-i'Y, tmilr Wî1iirutStruet, L J iuidsay. licrm(ýincis -aie uwp lu.tîte best -Ls-yi, and l i t1re iuiwî5st Uvutg rLt(nýz. AIl ou- doiswill ru elx'e ironluaic ctiulloau a-nil a god rit gautritt-tel, 19l -' G W. IAWKE, îrrrtDen- sitcBilmew'si Dry Gîsci oi't ,ci -Street, ,tmst,- - 20 P I»ANJE, Civil EngtteeraujProvincial ( l,A 1)y,- Civil Euin P' ui ovilcinl1 - j ILand NiiC'i.. ttl" l r, \i. 'îctî.t's- nniui~Kent SreLiw1kuty. (%W. m-t - Ket t t'et, 1, -my--M'mrî-vy hU>ar, ki p 'r t'euit. infî-,--sr1 - m lîrrctî i xiill1rîd ii fl&J rini -t, & .1.rîy-l-:'\ 8'l i-r~bu(l~ Xohîalr4 >iui JAS &. VlIt,'-' xiiu lSflc,- OFFICE :-At iMri. Th(mii '!11 ct.c'1 1aal It ~r4 ~ i [1 l\' V 1:s.. C rnr ~.t ~ îtrMii \~ W nd.~ ~~~~~ ' in:<i<Z < il KXtiiliu'. <mu i-tr~î ~m - '- l'î'Iri- f -mn-h. Gaimi W mî-J;i-m'. iii rX- la-roi- N14iî mli' - i. - - -i - 1< ni " nvt M r. i-~ t i oaa-m - -t Vit-ex. - ~ On- R. S. Wl dli uni' tmri'iu-oU-ui - a umit X mît 'uri t i-~u - tkAî,I()\', Ltt'l~NSI~l) Al'C- iii Imu t imici m-i-V dri-t -irimir !tnliril l"mm 1cm. -lt. J. Il --k. <i lt~t'i-î'tiu' Iacuus (t. *l - WWtm~m~, dii. -. Mu-m-i--m. l'îi t-r-oic nuit ttî--î-mu'. &'mirni-r-mli, ilcSlictrî-m-t & I. hîîr.ristî'îi, 'Ui'roîunic. - 2'iri iî I, O ntar1 i-;- t ;i ni -l li - c m u,", - ' -' - ,i ' :1( 1< - io y 4irl x - "t' 'i?"IT ~'îî ti AMALGALM BELLS, AMALGJAM UELLS, »IALGAM BELLS, AMALGAM BEL.LS, AT prices wftti the reach of every Ohurch, ,A h 01, 0eiie$ery, Ractory, or Farm in thè land. Their use lhrongliout the 'United Stateà anidCanadas forthe past six.yeara bas -provea tbeul te o, tbinê uMost valuable quali- tieu. Amnoig whLrJIar6 TOUR, 8TwEXTlH, sôOOR- OOUtnu, and WRIMILIYT DOF VMRATIOlÇ, iequal- led.by.any other iaiuùfàctùre. Sizes from 15 to 5,000 IbB., .Coting #O-THIRD s*EBthan: oiler umet&, 4 ,cets etpouu4d, aï wh.i Pu"o1I wma tïle aéa"mts. 0Sd bell inetal taken in exchaige, or bought for cash.' Send for a cireulp.i to theê manuifacturer, JOHNÇ B. ROINbSON, No. 36 DEy STRET NEw YORKi. LUI of prioes Wigfi*,and.zmL izes of Fari RIotdl, Steaiboat, &hool-o se $hop, <and Fa ctory Bell. Theée :Il1s are .6tte4 wlth Yoke, Staidard's Orank and bolt, <competé for use. .Ve' hi of Bellani iaMeî. Cost of Bell and iLiinigîn. -t-. Jlgiligs . omplete. 15 1hz 7 inoes $3 75 5(). 12M -12 50 76 16 < 18 75 100, fi 18 ci 25 00- 150 "- 20 " 37 50 200' . 2 2 'f 50 00 25m " .24 ci 62-50 List of Academy, &edm&zaat, Fire-damen,, 4. Ukurch Belle, iwitkparticaara as to~ to JVEýiht, Priee ofBe&Ua4 I1«ngings c 225 ilis. 275 450 600 1200 1400 2000 250~o 4. 45 0 ~-56 t0 P 4 00 112 00> 150 0 188 o 250 00> 300 01> 350 00 40()00O 500 00- 25i00 Qi I25 (00: 8 ;-, oo 800D00 ~r ~ t,--io~ ~.. - oe -- s:'s ou)~$ 71 (>0 225 (00 450 00 454 Of) 13 (Q, le, aoc) 18 i0! 122 00 25 001 42 00 45 o-5 5*0 00l ti00' S3 001 3100 01: 12,-,0o0,i: LI»40&,y, iI1ec. 16, 1864.U 29I Wriitioritp Ilote, h-v,- bëeai lat.ly- om- ip1ec~Iyeaovtèda fforisi.,t>hbet -a-c- coemoation afor tratreiléré.-,&ha[ the publie enealllr , nd et pressait nanagemetwtuei e 0 W $ W i i . ~ ~ p a r e d i-t s w I I l c o n d u c e I r t h e , Cofr o èstà o rt aind 5 i2d gars. 241-1y.' -The subsoribeï,Iucgs to tnounce that hé ha-s le& seia the abwve luotel, Whucb bas been ftrnlsh- ed andd itted up îbouaghdUti the best offstyle. Noue but te 1ocest quors'ani Cîgars '9411 ho kept- ln the bar and bis table will lia furnish- cd wîtb ailthe ei'eacies of the. season. SCareful and obiting- O)stlersaw-sl attenda-uce. - W.PAUKMNPropr ietor. Beavertôn, iJan. O, 180-. .280 -S TE L~ UTL Corner of-Kent and WVilliara'Strèects, Lindsa-y., joHN. S1TEE-LýE, 1roprietor.- JIAVING leasel the aboya well-known cen- HtriailItaI-l for a- term of yca-r5, and ha-- ing thorotrghly reflitcd and -reftlrnished te SKrI c, the proîcrietuor w itt glad to have- a cull fit, flict4 travelling public. Theé,Baris furnish-. en -wit the hast wincs, liquors and cigars:* Pîenty-of sîtcd ruumm anad extensive stabling un- der the charge oilg d loters'.. 278tf (LATE PLATV's,) -NeIeoq sotireet, Toionto,: Ahbove Kig. Street.' a nc'tti the nblic iLat hav ing leased lte fnI- refitteiIad trc!iiris~ îrotî%iIioiit, a-nullie Nvill lie glal to have a ca-Il froa te travelling cent- - mnifiy. lir" Excellent anul extensive Stitbling. JAMES C ROCKEýR, The piutrures take I) h Mr. Fratncis, of-1,in1-ý ria,ý ",>)(1 ls Ilia\es~r froin maniv of - . I Wm. MeT>ON'N LL.> 1 enns4der thre phiotograpis f r.Franiie:, aseo nodtla Yas teIS any Ihv vrs rtEngland, and 1I have seen snnte of iflut JAMES B. MUI ."1 lindtsay, April. M, 1865¶. 292 Tic ~umri c-rs- .to inftorm lus frienits arel, ilic p 1 1t tu onintesto0 keep ihe best 1nrwsuatest mriîdninosi ccnfkrlable, on ri gcs mibuggies, eonistrtntly on hit o Terraaexremely Moferaie. ii-WdRKlIAN WBO ýCA1 PAY FOR BUT=IR NOW? The folo*ing exuiilte dittis sungt t the, ai r -ta popular Amnerican wair san g, and is re- ta11.4 aithirty cents a roll.-. Sec tbe kine- sol sleek a-nd'hs.iryt Cal mly chewing at their e4dî Pastiares green around thei growîngs And ga-d fies bnzzing in the a'ôod. Tell tlem that y i7d know t1Iefr aaswr, -As y ot qÜestion every coW- - Iooly 1l l me, tell ntrýbj* Who ca-n pây for butter now." CËRB Askn 1tirig Markelt 1i me hi w, luUina-me et aIll tl-t'haru, Who caun pa-y fer butter iow? The farmers teù -us te aur sorrow, Tlxat the eews arc dry this yen?; BILt. wbofo til tiis ca-n cû,itraolirrnw, W hile bn-Item 'sse c xl rerîaely dear? Shouuîd you cfter thacu but.iNwerty, Tbey'd kick up a-preciaus row; Su 1-insist on ieudiy bam ling7- Who eau pay for, butter now ? CuinusAroinithle market I arn nîarcbing,1 Asking 'ivîo will fllti nue how, lInbbc narme of a-l tba-'s dreridful, ýWio ca-pay for bliutter nowv? IEDINBUR!GH. lmROM A: 1 UbMEatN- sÉY B Y ALEXANIIEI> Every truc cîma eiee dibrl hobe,,the, mo-st picturesque City ira the W'otlid .and troly, ta-îding on the Ca-Itou bilh in ezrly mou'uiig, Wlien btceamoke of lires new'- Iy kirîdîed hIaugs iraaz ure- swait's anad vaîls a-liutlte Oui Tov-wbrich fro ilia-t point reOseunlileï a tga lizard, the Ca-ste isle(1 chumeh spires spikes tapon lais acaly back., oe look buI on tlirnoviuig ,rrlfl.01o1(3 i> ibe- ireacîct lupardthe ecntluusiasm o.1 tcoe i rln "bflicrest ýi.ow fr m l t- tieirisobtairred, frein the corner cr' -St Xnic sice, ooig.west. St.raigIit Le- fouie you te Mudcoss~t a e boni- theb ýx4îiI A caîletmy blings ; tycmm! bh- !Saàtle tilts, fi-cm grassy siepes andJ LilP lwotsurnrnrfoi ias weatier-snilîei ;owers tandl f4idtiieibi ouastire Haîf-mnierbat- itory givin& lIme folds of Uts siandardta t Ilce bi-ettat. Liviu:e in Eilîn burgb ler-e abUiie'. abo ve ai1 tligs, a $ehus-14c its beîitity. I1J11.1 -li2 ' rký'Ck, lrou tretch -f1stir ,tîmu- 1nicnreqvrerîîgeofIrle- <)it ourn, tire S.quar-,S, auJl teirrîcus of ti19re rex-tes- iîuiums s~-ei mC'e are ult t tri1Lé forg-tteiu.'Ii i1raiuk lire ef îo-îiay souctmiinr arout,,ii ue mcl- rus of atriuitty, auJ x'el av 1oxxeJ Lyle ,tu St.traitiîurS cf a kicrliem, mn es e- Jeuicc lin _dr h tr ioiumiîpu'erisve ;il t'usitiuurcü. inian>' duc-r Irilisi eîty. t hâve. blue? wiuata truem is bluetP! îincvà.-s i' c-I1 lue pimpjaos cf i u by, rayeiirî beur mo, e tbüut uniits païi'ena, xvile a croýss bhe ravine TLune lubasiet up tIre 01t1 Townru itIge ou idgc, gray bis a aocky ecaMi ,wasi.eJ a-int wruî Lmy thice oaru -of iiuuies-'ý peruketiaud jaggeý,d by gable anti roof; iî- iutctfi-cm busemeiat 1mcoe tl;ihe.%violî srîrmeuured by St. tCilps' .iiry.cu-owu. The New is tîreo ookiug. at IbIte 01tI.. 'fixe Time~s aie lîru-orirt- face te face, anJ are yet epaiated by aioa nt!iusI yeurs.- W'cuLer1ulý cr îute mgîs whien i hvte ully is 1hIed Sonmhbr Ôani d. hue frosty stars, IIraI nîass arnd bîtîx-vark of gluro n uecugai quiverircg wviflîi] r -rim .1ble ligbîs. >'bueru 15 uutriig in' Etur-ojotenma-tchtI iis, 1 îlaink. Coulti 3'nu.but roI1 a rver do'alie vaIIe1 y àt woulII Le- Sublimîe,. Finc:r. stilî, bu place oue's soui nodithe Bouts MoInumnent-ani i ook hoiva-ds. thc Castle.. it is moareý astoriishiag titan arl Easterru diëam. -A cily, ises up) befome y où Paiîîhed, hy:fire, ni nigbb. lighu ira air a brd o f lighils- Ieap the chasyn a few em- eraldi atnp, tuke gioxv-wmnus,'-are mpvir tileiltiy abot lte.raiîway staiuraboltcw ; a soliîary cimseà orie us a rest. -Thal rimigeu anti- chui neyed-. buîk. of bi a-eknéssi, -\it]u splendid burstiii- otnt at1every pure, is the- woniderfui oldti owîî xVhacreSccttish lrlistory maiîy tratusacted. itacr f ; %hi:16 opposite, the: Priacesa s týreel -îi-sblaxiug througtout ils lengh. During-'the daythe (,a>stle, looks do*n>u.POuu the C'ity as if eut of unublicr w'or-ld Stern wibir ah >i,ispoýeeftiiuess.-is garniture cf trocs, i4 rsloôpes of grass. 'lie'rock h ding) ellrigin l color., but-atter a sýhoweî' itu« lichens laughs ont gracnly in.te retunulaI Sun, wlilc tic riainmbow le brimhtcning auonthe Io %emng e9 sicy boar4., low'deepthuo slua- dow which tho Ca-aIle tlrows ai nocin oveý +'h e gardens a- t is feet'wbéeolte clultrexi pla-y How 'grand xvlen giatt.bulk .a-nu towary crowu -blaekea ac iSuaset. Pair, 100, the neix tawn sloping ta Ilue sua. Frotr George streel Iuich, cîoîvîs tinse ridge, lt( cyc is9 led doyu swecitlÉg streels of, a-icI'3 *architectu.re ho, bhut villas a-ad %oods th. il thle lurg re belandof IteFth, shrito smokljig tamùer lor ils c rg sai ; - be yoîid te. the.iabres of File, soft bluea-a- flecketi wiîh .flectig shîatiows lunfthe keei clear ligbt et spring, dark piarple lu the suin mer heat, tarrished gold ta the aulurrn hazeý au-d fulrther awuy etill, jutit distiaiguishable on the pate sky, îthe refft of soure -disana peak, carrying the tlie imaÉrinatioi ntmb tit itimitable world.Rà deiei Edinburgi ià an ediucati.on in. lseif. Its beauty reflue -crie ike behag hn Ilove, It-[s peennial, liît a ptay.-of Shau.kpeare's. Nolhing ca-n stal Itaio ethie COýnty et io %- a-& sur- Ig -Caunties, that he hbas OPmued the iu i Wlia'reet, lateo' cCuPlid b enud as b. ha-$ liad fiÏttda sud ruiih- e&tstyI.N v4itpr-s wiU find a-rery cowveui- Wj' ,Liq ,~ad iCigars Of lb. beot i Ateued y sa-l bos wuo ail-be wth tia-t lie us an admirer of lino horses 'uit k ru«jftr xvhilî ih 1rtse ut ytt ln -, tauuts- tnd nekuams, au ivîn prhy ,ve!l acquairîted with t litequalihie, Ita1îrjk&dl ili t ftr lus k i-ie" -it ad a tautis, znd ncknanesand. ho nprecate ette v.-e,1. licatjIet liuîr bis spirit lbad liecumceleineuat wîe. u>iprcand uJli me" of the best racing rags cf thte îîeu Ili, ht; a-ndi t- was sa-rd by those r. derlies thli hrrible siglçt, she us cohye>edt eounty, whez bu asksyu ad 'v l pre-;rnt teat Irs ae ig4tod uùp imb a suilu Lie police cell, a-nd »vl e rult eoethe ",iiteii" ouy. - a-s thue 'ast beeathu. esuaped .tim, a-ad that th e m g istr le Io m orro r for th e t en tie h * If Y 911-ev er ear a y ou n' cnlieeal, f .5idke lte lr isd grave.graAi m asi hi-h i lItemagstrle u-rorrxv-om itelwetîeh Ifyou avr har - yungma- spak f ?12st -î-tsi-erd : "Wnu't Barnum open his t hme perhaps-ag a 1'drurrk and disorderly,' lifi father anad mother disrespectfuiiy, or o 'Ves x li lie finds 1 have humbugged hin andau dca-lt xîhacodul.Tts stecuepuoildonot encourage his allen- b1V being buriedinla is new hunting dîess 7M -kind. of -life lte Ca nonga-le pre seits tu "day- iofls ho will do -the saine of you, allad in 'lua-tttrei,;s was indeed the slireut in whicl ja contra-st with tîte time when the ta-Il buiîd- ma-ny ways wI nak orhatah e u a nubi.A. ia a i-l- ~ings enoiosed the liglui birth and-beaaaty of a forey 0 i..-o at f"ldGizyAim. -kingdom, anad *tien the sîreets benoath FOLLY o7 ATIlÉsm.-I ba-d ratherbelieve ada ~rani? witlt the horse-hoofs of.a king. - ail the fables of the Legend, the Talma, and A farmuer going !a get his gristgw d9M the Koran, than thiat luis uiiversal [rame is.itorciea-bgooOfisngho O CU'T1ÇG- ON BoTti - s inE,& -Lord -, witlhut a rnid. God nver xron2ht mira- Tule or mni a-n wru k 4 uk'dtndem the water ite who- oporteti a ferocious pair o hses ist ôvc hil, eauelsoîi le3anltebug à ht h'mlan fcaUo C in Mr.flneli Db'nr? works are *11iflieiet Iotcouuvince titem. lue xva-s dcowned. IV entemltco3 h metn- i 5onl uhrlelte ie etîtat a àîlte 'Qhiîosoplav rlncineth hénW a boallî i r e, h xclaimed said î'hen do you 'ean ta place-yaur whis'. meai's minti ta Aîhcism; itt&eplh in phd :ekers ont the peace.eetablishimenî' - ' 4when osophv; bringelhi them back te reliici o -19,0rco1,ht ussthrel o ba le ou place : o~~oclecvi ~'~w whle the Mnd of that ý mari- -bag!u the reloiner. ! L in*lJar*(»tr;b.Žc~ A bitler ofMr. JeffersonDiis4m ar th ( c ul si St el r t t .1 IL - tsk~3 J~II?~8J 'Lcrge-r Szsmaule 1toordc?î4e! 25 c11S. lierïpu l GVtr -ÀNrz.-ýAlI tells sold a t the abuve rinpging, for tuvdlve 1îmoiihsfrom biflurocf udr-1 chasing. Sheould ane fail, a tiexv beA ll 'i e -given iuy retîmng lthe hrok-1 Ilcie. (h-tIersutma-y-beasent, ti-( iuglu the mncrçx )Cork. In e cas ai lUbreak- afiuî i'tu .(urai ilc tIhe Waryucntec, 1a-IIow Lmlf t >- ifori' tii . JOHN 'B. ItOitISON, 1 -1 ~-3ýt Dey 'Ste fl GS lu irfoim hi> Frinils nltIhe Pribîm , mt~-fîcr - lIe î p crfn ru lîuru I b ex"critelu lire m s 1;î'e te tîrini,laito ill em . ittt \i li l tl ie î- ,-il- - --- 1living' m îmilelituf lre ctcurimttm,L ctm-l", &c~ lue hotilî t (, io 1duc'ýý1 ie -. i nu ri ut,- gre"It ecllneas anY t'd"itpdlroice. 'ThIe (tcleur-y k s pa-clo11s tîfi a'y ali ti iin r-nilbtliglit, ntIi iS primlmitti y(cicgm ti t I i m-ctrîuI 'kuîhlv j 1 YUIlut 1ilt jJitto lc-ililei tii-ù aitter'vttill pîid for, Ii7' iutva-rlabiy saipjcy Mi%. Ft'aucis xvith hic îcureist iauJ bt-st ~cucmsti aiIecitcuei mud believe huit to lue tborcuutýy .1 qîcntiîeb ii Iis beruntifui 'art. -K\OWLSON & GIIIECtORY."ý Lc lita-r- iii1ie nuateiniracertiting t 11rM. - Fr-r rili a-biiîy lui regard tbuàIris bcg aicetir. Toronto, JuîIY 1865. Qi110? opposite Ire Mikiel, Kent Sreettnl-rd ,nerIl fi LuIlý-elatest rtle e nl uiat-mry easoiia-ll- changes2. CQtt-il-nu lltme il mtîuJ utIre shuort- - - HENRY. HUGHES, TCIfENSEI) AUC- E'tMi-Or e fI it - IlithéOttice cf- hue Cmliai;ij l'esi 'viiireceive irnît atterution. Lùidsay, Juy-ty 11' s)l1. 23t -) d.! VI'S' S-.10 T£ L, CAM BRAY,,C. T ~l~ $îbc'r'riîr- leu tiicr'r: iis fri,--il J rîr.d li&îîitlmie f t',ria Crîîî'Y, hi lt-c Ias opuLi'îl le lotît ic 'in mli, ati'um 1i- 1'y M11-"ml ri i tir limul lb fii-- L u \\ir' W îru, hrutumis arrul ce-rs of,-m ut l lk iaie t aby. Aix -atlm-iuive lmirr I llxsic - iT~C iiiiili ci i r l--l - lll n - - i-rr'rng iia ut-l uultcicl. Oiesrs v, n-lel îli'Tcranl-mtsaiougi-uuicl T 0 lâTo OAN - -AT EtOIGIT Pî:R dENT. linclray tîb 2, 13 - 2;3.-tf Cii-rUmumr's 0IA Stîc if îlîfi~t'il fur ltelihe-, raI la t im.mgo mi.bu -c otIii tfr thie part 3 t 1)",:;les b sy hit la' b -is I repftreul Uc ltruhitI u-xec'nte nu eirs u.-ibiuwlielc lue lia-) 1wL fa t'etru d. ilru tIrlu.t,;et st k-s a i i lIrelohe Mrs. Crosbie. Brady AVî1N (è renlcd a- INOkdesimocîseof ;J[ IkiughintisIlerr-szidence, IRussel rï3- Tprums nîfïm-leknowri on application;'- hlindsiay, Ma-y 3, 18e) - 26.> .JM1NS'ON, TftII Wliu Il ,'ErsnTI fcim*a A -'~ii ii xuu-'t' a- -- rtmrtMu; co tmdaudsiculaia'îel anlCADWEIX 3 SBA1hERY, V >ii- ai m -1 -I--, vit W itti mu'iiitan at Iten- ____________________-FrotC)iOmnibus lu au d -&om tle Cars and IBoat s. C0OFEC TION RSçtetFruits, 111.1 bl~tN. Pi_ -,mmmSci1gcritTlis, CoIteca-, Choice Tobaccus, a-nd Fane>' t I d iikii',~ -litAnu $1 .5Ô t'sn DAYý. 'Cigtrs-of Ihieet Brand. - 'iir tîne hme1 'îr.g1-b-t u tt mI~~~~~~ tMcil.Wiirrtît -Lti~-' ad 0 803. 10-t-11aU t adwell'gsl. W - - ours-1A Good Farmu Foir Sl, $"l'uy20bOema, 64 itA ~uicilr (l- , l>mî tci,e r I;it1g'0 ~OBE SOID, Cln\ P, IeEnlia-If et Lot -______re oue 'l a iue r- [ i ( p I l i pi 9 1tu1 1 ue ru u o f 0 1o f , _ _ _ _ _ td i ate1 At il-, I29ýt upo e oif if)mi--ti a-tri-it, ,co t ed -D ouw iith H igli P rice !! ,~tli Aîrut, leIl. - 1iiraii10 a'siavrz-tuI elog. This f.mi 1 itun The subsoriber begs t-a afuranthîe ithabitanaU Sold-'--A. Bargain. -l niu-s 1f lhinàl-ty anti Z miles tuent uicurtrre, of Liu'lsa-ysad sirrouaidiug euntre>thtiér Sold-A Baraî a. tlis'tnioîutrls-' 13Urmtiiway. A good bas latel>' opened e ut aluirge-a-nul varicd stocku 1 ka t umwrt\I lWEb0iHf E ti-iu ea o i rw' oftie ofutCh'iirsi 1-ed Steads, Buraiuis, Dressing antd tcI oc.rtîcsi y Muumewllbtltty ~ naieuimie iôsin. ruinlîd'quntable. other stands, Lookiîag Clagses, e. ail of -eyclt ini.1.it ir - im on nrxr.A portion cf lte molle)- dowa-nnrd, wluich b l-it seiat muneh ower ratés Ibar reetus inul elt i ad i ittrlithe bâlano i lt4ycars. - Fr fumîhen' paritulars hate ezoorb ak-ed * intdsry Ptîce $IO~, paya-ts' >' iaslmthureums. aî~~y ca-u r'liarveie - etr<4a-atut Soa - i n- I<' Saylf/ . ite'1),;es m g Pvi. AVi i't1 ~ss iitc',Liuluu. Fumerais -?umuslied. Jelibing will re r t 1. - -- . - 1 - rN. . 1 . 1.1 - - , 11, - --- - ti e t lie mot interesting part Of Edinburg; and DEATÉS 0F PUBLICTU oMEIAL ISON he, great street runnaing from, Holyroodtte t the sel-tfvyar aeltt Tire Montreal Gatzette understands IJiat ý,tle-if variotIs poiions of itta letigi.h cati- him vhomr1. mut tname as the. Mosti lu-ddsjLchthae en yei dfom t1irii i - and ~~erlGovernment, coidal rncrî~ ýthe Lawnmarket, the High street adbte trinus in his poiion arnd his offioe, the belo- pra conceed betWeen tire ý ýaflOlgte-_-itithé mo-st interesting jiartof voit hurbatn-Jof Our.uen-e oemmnt, meiativrent oiiaigwt hold town. In that street the. bouses 'peredlve1bya'tlsssoftIllclGoen e ts(rIlatiýflg vtr erv thir ncenîaî'earac ~ iie - and one vhose departture -from in his mottai Wf)repeirg t~oeigopo r clmba us infiicted ou the sovereigo so deuAr wîth the es.1ThendigenotemandCetltral p heaVenward-, story upoti story, wih .0ont- teo- hers a Io" thut ne v<>erAmeica Sî;es. he intlmonfpp111W àide -st-airs h- nd woode ipanellings, ail thegrave cn ea rpaired'. 1pa ro.the ntismsonwlgoaelw-hfulp - tr~g~t pekedandgal - 1 .h 1rfleCnsr t nthr~ers ftom the Bîitisli Govérirnüent tu negociate stragelypea Wit th Price onsel l anohernatme, wideyin- deéd, separated fromhIim inisociel rallibutiu e o tebnfto heeclriz qxcetio of>theitihbitntswhoexis. a - 1.t1thé nanlie of ler Majety .to make the e a- xceptîon of the iuîhabitants, WhO exlst ~ yet a name which k; great at thismo:nrt ri~ s~ oî ~horat it? qis eqaon uh n vi stnells-un- the csteem of he, courtry, and nwhiceh wilt at.e e Jeriably- ýmodemn, everythl1 thing jrri be for, ever great in sannaIs-I mean the clnç i h cthdebtBai n~ 4t r orte nd 'na mne of lcardC obd n-t al iacter perlaps other States. They are expectd te aipltitqe s.baeanîsai t roin .ugiand on their rmîssiox> in lb.' penctrato the narrow wynds tliat. run aitic Il ehuke h~v~> ' crl y rart cf the neixt 1ontht, a rd.to C0112 rn1îglit. RI-a h ke .ô% oasoit him -, clude their mirkian in the end -of Marh or ngefrmit, yousée traces of ancierit gar- self at. iheir very root %-.il f the deep itcrésts. aivpato lens. Occasionally the, original names arc of the comnmunity in which: lie lived, and to- -pi.M.Mcagtl sa -etind, ui :îeytoichth ~~i~ whomn il was gIven to acliieve îthrough flic tle head of thie commission, and the. other force r Hot a net')r aetielon. Thomnas Ryan, M. ti setVittmo 1ral afeas.on aipersuasion î&uuruer- 11._.,c Notéi - and M~r.. . . unsý ally, like hset of long withered flowers. eus triumphs iluat have ma-de hua n rantei m- ,wîoh )ld ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~t amiaberg my ttbeticdmta.ItifIIk 0the rnsoofca bi , c<ilis been for many years Col- r ilks!cte of Cri ià cin fC.toms alte port, of- Quebec, ibove the doorways. Two centuries a-go lfprl-si ra aseae u 'pie l îQ ineXpQiipac i though we kno-w État Our losses have boen ,e xtcrv ce acquIredithtcpcy fai, ees .!oald-(6%*n Lo! yide-li iL11was Cominiscioner of 'ai eesioke cow frm orde wi1d~ leavy. w%ýilen.I sty, that MrY own- reroflectionCe-' slufr e dty,îvirnerhim a nowi l osession of ad('ronkea QOystermari. supplies nme wiîh the uresc 10uc tii is tragie story; every crumrbling Wall could Iaàt-five-year.s whose duty and privîicgegt I.fc -~,epliste as f r us lîis been tb advise tiie Sovereign 11 ne "m -COISrerrnu rothcoltrsit iinfol!d its tale. The Canongate is SçoLîzsh 'bers of the Govemnment of tiis conrItry.AsQ:ýa1beë. If 110 unseeuiffclt ocerte histry f)Êsiize-. ' liat-hoss ofkinandwiil bulziiess is expectedto be clSipleted, ~isoryfosilied.Wtat hoss o kigs ndto the tast of thesette distingo-ished nmanIj~ irj±ainwhhi ahrlb h -lueens walk thera! >What strifes of siteel Who se oss at thîs mo ment -the who er-cuit the ib-rli * before _gthe uftr y the elad nobles!' What wretches borne, along uiyl vr ]s adi vr onr< the îîc~av treaties ini foite, in g00d lime thesihtofpeole wniowstot Lite land deeply and sicrtydp e~~retsrxe' 'afes ,hiofpep1d wintoiý, e hegrim have, thiit consolation, that .il it ad pleaseti ________ ettbraee of the ' maiden!' W hat hurryinîg te CnYLty te alo ADAMS.nth au of bîîrgesc 0mntect iteapo courage, xliieh ecarried hiim toý a ripe old age -ODAAS af~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~i thtoîro la aottosoe he acti-ve service of bis> couJntry. If has$ arun nbs"h~b~ fb nl not been sowith:ail. . Itl fits biîen iim lotIo 3lr hs114ibgofteWtd5 lisaîrosbatle ays J , 7 oule up titis follu uth rv seviera .1 of. î'c~iu tel ti liii anecdoüte of Old Adams, or "lGrizzl, street on fis waybu Flodderi.. Mýontrose was g i-lhed men who fiave beýen calle 1 aw'vAtt. ehnt" uaed-ri hither on a mrian roe rom the sierie of thîeir biornorabte labour, .jtst W uî~ t.ngî leit New York, w itli d ilai ri foî1glauce, tris foës gathered to- fo ae miifo'e-tirt'Ž' , fl l a'ur' ~ucs lna ; e o;-l.iveI -t> foi aiitv lmlithene ut leem au-I Coiii elc f leconi.ry, but st aeo~b-vr ki1,iiar1 h n .1etîer. on the ibaîeony. -Jetruney Geddes at a erît lwbcîî the mirii uJei-tamis i iAlarru-, haVI wrn. This 1 intended longlier stool atthepriest in bIllechurclioftheir feu 'ýw cutvnuwr oil j ifrhuDisab i- nmlîmr yordcr. John Knox. came up lierll ohs uo h Io gi c vrbvîyrigt yt-\~ îg e r le sbu l ie op l e do rous aftr bs ' erviw wth Mry tîîy achieve for fli! publie - nil. Twi' of your AJ.rms \Yheirevrlebtidbcmpld own eounrvmen-Lo)rd Elgin and Lord Dat-.1to gîvc rUP. Adauten, on startngtrm e roomý--grimunud stem,.and untnelte-1 by the hosie-udCnir o- hebrS Vok 1j el cnthîis, uewvdress ta teaursof bueQuerI. lu later days« the Pue- (George Cornewall Lewis,antd tIre Dule cf l:rite eru m ioc- u axl e la ai etedr rode do.\u bbc Caniongate, luis e3es - Newcastle, by sout ri;îlrdsen'îeue ywîue hiad a 1raèIy niierie fo hi lazzle by îtt &itu'r c hisPit-ît"s criu, rarivîïa1 been swept a'.vay un ic owilc wîuîcîa- s Ll.sild :Iaz*heeirbyla ofIlie sbouru croin l 1i;ni* r-O auJlioi, ~\jl arded bim his ~ile batzp)ipe-s skirled aronndtiI i aeobile early stage, fmddelt-a bodx'uf nuen, i -'lie-Tn1arkeJ . ideswib -hlekrot n her nm, irogenoligit of thems-elves uri t althe rlil M.I. .pn. o acgigt.give, oekd exn -rou ' ainri~'of NVJSJWIi and of knowed Lu0iepuîr;i n-t:sn». 'rtii' dës tiebaioh the oinlftywîîîî,ows aniri and of e&oqUenCe 1 îeuiptcbret "lio"re p, 1got.î.for your: ili 1eaifyofile CYo igAscaniti n d i o 1,w, \7 - ie er iur vciiow bui.Dowil b-crecf ai eveninig fore. my Lordt ~hNVI iookbk uor ie 'ir 'Lt.i' VO.l a la"enepossible use [ide D)r. Johnrson and -B st'Il uJmmmlv irsît :h-ave pas':u, IL-toli iey kave fir ïti i.ýpaý uttndm intohie Vhîie hjuse Dtv'l hme hatibeen joyflriyears Ii iinaIyIVCl-spcl2fs, bcauth de N~,1. r ntei oefrIwn aîis dwelilrrg in thi sircet, andt tod ils pave- Ment et' titis ýourtrV bsearnieeI fresli ;ruuIl - 1 lO"VWcr tr îhîî:r. teorix vnative llg. cucus, tect redhaiftirrg on ihie.lvars of lte '0 niororiuis h heagere crmeu- '1JJ.r--t t'neirpoor old maaany- ImRû:;s artd flié Parliamt^etlt, ani île ftles e of àf ls Citizeiis ; tlrev -ru a:s o;ntaili n iUZ i'ltret.rup'C - Eîg~shsoe ~rs.(h-ed:v Li oypiu~î-ilatI ttu u i l -:u-ý 1 c i uut~- .. X;,-an Ix . tt-ii the die.ss; fgnes of lli, ' deal,i Ife hrttr A Ix 1i - o 0m? - mali fou.rsliire, hSxvarîllry features i-m a 'l\ ýhiriltî, uuener-e 1 lx'r~uai-Ve dorme -xv-uh it," he re- ,lUd xx'ndîertiti biac'k -euŽr, eImt t. u'r br avupo i l \% r piie i : ~ xIitîr uVmirmî .uk:dcf îrium-ph. w iî î us uJ fer li ;r rî' erm m î i »V 'liet Lit 'cp m.tl - tiru1»~:~ ~ - ~ ~eîî~u. -~ w ~ TIE rFTN. .*T' ift' e zei -l hm,,or ali)ovl thbret on lfîielrnîtemi salilt'e e;e t 1 on bo hr ~a ar -r-x;' -t ~:~' r -uîeou e- boy.Waier eot by uare, e~itmJiuîufi;- 0 pue, O lveh, surefnedlImi Sie -. ~ P i'W-ii V-'tr.x-~ uadea ;od, ver 0ietl y-is anChri'.re a nr-rdsbmymnîa intaitt n.-~ ' ,t~. "'- nrxeuaJ5 ~r;te siiaes, Oi'i iedsIm' u','Fi reia Ue ecrd&'rtrl u'her'ur Jrtîisxx-rm w, et ae dunri e rôcnasii!-wa ) iQstrplic'oler-paed ntcri s -i w'rie e' vis a ri -a iia e yia ... ... .. xit1 t-s >-rl anI dmwrate oito îiil ont cf sii vcr r heÇat-tn s oml rearI hefi r teaIn . ' ï~ r seî vtr sa. p aemntleretli Bt- t nC:nuoa 1rc-nrh: y br-in frn ln '- - ý- ,I.l )-:bi r-il iseril.W g'î Irsfrlet -m t ii~î -ni' uiiii n' e yi n lii atrpatu'wbc iv ' î d - vrt uN ptseg t,a ritiîlue itit. o xi-pl ar-~'iî~ i-e~-î~tiriîab- r '<~u w'h"'aisl i~ yIvea tg ah u r lm birsutîru1 Hr iii u oceo iu bd i »acr.Lt 'ace-u nîlcouu ii-chave.e a-' - ni -1 c- n - r',it-re pWitteia-o tuid \Ve l rat-n:l.e eiil.!r ' o t i xxIle 1-'id; onnui U;Jla n llu-îuu-r-s cy;A li ittel-.' xx. n i ' n.tb e ui bc .List ic r-te. ntarv' i a ;Qi'abuttie "tri:ernn f deahor..froineuii-' u * s tJ he auoulcrnn runutirs îcf bbc ~~~~~~~~~w ari .Fera1lu' fcin11e- s, or- iLiti!npihave; lait len bii uni v- 'xt'i jl---<:iit cÎatwthtems wi nks.c isare r-ci u out of îarr oi rtauk r caus 1 ier tiîinu reovairide zv dua i rn -x "i<TIC irqur-e e ehv mlieters soîdi r mitt z. en e chiXiedunl a fei.ays ïý0. vîut"t vea:-i ý,-Il -eavePu wrechus h wîoî deil er i;o nale yr rd car the lneger' hi-erpcct -,t-alu e9le, a n tia- na c vs ialyobaind a ilrai the tliei~rx ~'î- 'e rqt-ls-udb en iler olvl . h-r 1,'111-0 a.Ar. -a araiola aitmjauu trr ' ~ leOC xok i .i Y- è- -<~m"n -teN eponlic ha-lt .1 aeîory nerve, - t s 1 aou1listeas.bu pi'lftar.De-doi hs yrl he1rîeî,îe.î svrte r ie e1a rrr nicavri to Jo ih e angd artsI itces il~st~I, nd peuds be ay wintaucj oy asoni, Jbatifiu0"gl luai Ife î'tv-eutilarJ-n. " I ohav eda-t ilt ni gsonqgbe.rilur ecm abokuluate eae-vrrcn 'aýe' uuaîi:keer ny onay n sorre sc-0ittlfi~ i wrS nip-amohrd. lolte il W- e ho cond paorsuf-roiletoptihep-sci dr 1:1, thesocal t aoAtulwîin tre ,uuc.l'nieir ie ps t ite ocky Wbàl liait' yallelu lnarr. iui hdanoiia o c u IImn.!n' r bu whal0Nu preahe te une1 irîg f.î oýIIs anti tire larnp1,sf a--rleue lU, -4tir tr anoun a-n -siiiu latrbof ti crowui ai euple, auJ. ,an fl Ms plicemfte.- nrrrida'ba-rr-ow 1it 1 a okal- bu1 iv u he tciî~, rtJl ien, tiugrirte Isfr aile a:r-hor<eyt ii te bulier tSnhve r ido s ab ut be f ace e r auds qi i ng rth ikln- f use li -(fi([ Irave , livi-Iola yo t uoi it ,si 1t-le thr i~~~~~~~~~r p4ettnagircilhave. ilt wtm ures ,ao5-tf 1 I- t' at st r d mI

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