and ,EN QOOP* ,ial Notices. lie mesS important Qt modera ries stands the CAIIÂDIAN :ly 'se al c i Wcetl ib is malter, ly, and therefore tboe ,ye!of te- ceîplnints [e may dQpeud tpon edy.. of the Gapadiait Pain iseases foi which itlil ddresscd lu -1111011&LYMýAN, Newcastle, C. W. Bn-itto)n, Kntvl-on -& c-al Hll:I E. A. 11loves, & CamrN, oo4v-ille: [nec, and ail medicino 326. q Eiark9m EMALE PILLS ine is unfailing in lie ai darroas dleases es; ilniireanoves al -oh--i r cause, and a speedy t till, ln a short .hhuî n1iot] with regularity. tion, 1-'atpttatinrtl uf the e ara, hlysteriu, hrck aclie, et-pauijn uis<aetocrasion- r enîcn[l ave filet. ,tire i>mnpiret arortut] each- iuidl be eareftily preservet]. ruiig 5f) -ille, antd encireledi. týIt stnit of ut rerIt Brtie, tete for $1 aud. 6 postage- tlr op & TVfliiiT, Newcastle,* f or tIre. Caaraias. SoIt] ritton krwi. & Gregory, I1 Ril I * .. o Oatk- ',Manaihi; A. Wyatt, Can- J. ( avron, Woodviile ; T. ant] sflnîefiîedeniers. in Ten Miutes. JLINONIC WAFERS. eltre Etrtisrdin 1lT3î,and hjit cri-r introdrcd utîder trotO ~ fer,"iii titis or aaay otliaci' ulaîonic Waters are e4irim' au 1.kareva by 4ui g start.iped on theWaer ldý,Sore Thiorts, Iloarseness If<adPli in tire -C est. k () Ille ' nira tudTonis., ipiaints ilu 'nMiajules.- UONIC WVAERS LiSses aud Colsti-nîaions. NIONlO WAFERS asi -1t]Public Speakers. M 0N 1C -WA FERS rt-t jrieaârttt te the taste. t effect.- lasting cures. lIONIC WA-FERS satisfaefton te every oe be vitliolt a Box of ft)XIC WAFERS. ie hottie.- ie iwitioîtt a sipply o! MlONIC WAFEUS - Spooket. ýver ohjeet tui give for LOIJWAFRRS - .BOI),iMi euwison & Garegory al Hall; E. A. Boves, Oak- bordotn, %Mainillai A Wyatt, ichrist A Caena, Woedville; smee, anad al uther medicine 328 Lt Act of 1864. CA'NADA,- 'In tleeCounty ýCourt of lty of-Vietorlà.. Cr~ ÇtI ATRE an ln-relrent.- th le th 'ic under Offmanifsstgee -gir-es aio- vil et tic saie lime- (or se 1ouw a beleheerd) apît]-> for ils discliarge fronatheit Signee ;andt] tsA is final r inspection aI bis office ln JOHN MATTHIE, L, lis Âttlortêy-. S. C. WOOD, Dteser, tau. »M-8 At rdolflroy'a 0s Thuusdmythe MM .tat PUBLIC >UCTIONý Wi1thout any Roser,, ibateïer- Sali te comamence pteeclly at 1 oiock, Pli. COUSTY 0F VICTOMI.- TowNsrun or SEItILLI. Loi& Il. in the 4th concession, 200 acres. '20, 811 155 Lots3'A4, Tth 400 1 à$t, 111h « 400< i ene partpart ofLos l2, Ji l t 111h' ,,tonoesgaon, 200 acrs. h tIbal! of lot 4l li e -12M co., 100 acres. Lots 6 , in the 2th oncesion 400 Lots 2, 4, 4r 10, in th«IM 131con, 600U Nortih alf of lot, 16, in lie 2nd concession of marîpoma, 100 acrTes, about 73 cheeam!. > COUNTY 0F, ONTARio. Soutb Rist quarter os'lot j1> la ti >st coàcea-, sien Mata, 50 acres Souh hal! of lot 10, la the 'ard concession Broek, 100 acres. South- tatS part of lot,9, lit thie- M hconcession Brok, 12 acres. Part of lots 23 and 24, la he,tic 11hconcession Reaci, la Blocks to suit purebser, -about Vpar Tic tve lots vithîtic CorYeil BOW sit the lon, and à acre. -Privilieeon sait!. lotq sud S acres. ne in th& Villae O!f os, m ai l0e Several Blouses ini do' do Part o lt us 6 a id,17, in tii 5th Concession of Rsci, west of'tic roat! from Prince AIý- bert te Bonusi, about -60: aimot80Y cleared. 10 acres eof tic set easl. part of Lot 16, lt te 6ti concession, Reich. Several Park and Village Lotaisud IouacaIl The. prettises. ln prince AIbert wheretic large grain wu rehouso was buznod e few yearm Tiago. * o o 4 atc8 TieMads Mill PrivilegeonLt1,nth t con. Whîtby, and premises, &but 4 acres, -a captitl s i te for Plai Mil..1. The North 140 acres Lot 4, in the 2nd conCes- Sion Wihy--a spîcudit!fartaiwti goot! féiiccs, houses, orcliard, garilen barnni, .c 10 acres on thi ase Line, 191 4, la thc lst con. Whitby. Thre So)uthi 50 acres lot 2, In 18t con. Wiitby Se-reral Park and. Town Lots l inteTowa of Whithy. Several Village Lposin.0siAwa. TERMS, 0F SALE: On-third cash, or apprnved note et 3moitis,- witi iuterest; balance initwo eqtkel annaa in- staluients, viti interest from '.sale, at.8- per cent pe nnuni. Intercul payablei foulan-. nually. and immediate possession ,te ho given lie pur-. Ft Prtier partieullars ant! conditions Of' Wae-mfybholiad ettic LàwQ fffces-e!Messrs. -J. E. Farewell and -R. XcGee, Oshawa, and at thei lime of sale. Oclawa, Dec. 4, 1865. JUaitN MCtILLà, 327-2 ME ETN -o- TIIE COUNTY COUNCIL, Ô7OP, lis Courmty Voictorig * il.lyàee aI thie L D - LIN .SAY, 0ONV -Wednesday, l3tb. Inst, AT ?&c.Xa.. -By entIer ofb Wart!en. Linu-dsay, 4th Dec., 1865.- S.C WOOD, Clerk. Lamps! ,PS Laips GO TO TUIE c-MEDICAL -HALL' (ifu Waut CHEIP LjAIPSI Agood Hand Lafi) o 7&cns A good -Kilchen Lamp -for 50ce nts. A. -good Parlor Lannp for 75 cet'. A Laý Gallon of Coal OR and Can, ail for$10 Hangina nd Side Lamps from 75. SEP TICKDETROY. -- W. J. .TLIRKELL. Llidsay, Dec 8, 1865.' 316-6m Cautieln.ë ALL parties arc ienebyfobtpncaigr -négoîiating a Note ef Haut! made payable te Thomuas Suea, ave or. bearer, for thie saIn- of< 80, datet] i Octobîr st, .ant] p#ýuabie lu twelrs Mentie afier date as I hayi receiret! ne valine forthIe saine. WILLIAM REHILL, Dee. 1, 1865. 327-4 BIaek8_for W0:. -THE -folIewin-ilaseful Bils eau alvays ho Ifojunt!att le i4xôie . or prligoffice: Landlord'a Warrat, Inventlor ofhe Goeds and Obsileb istrein.d And Magltitw.' BluI. - to the ider .at h WOOD, la A..B p-J Date t ai"u Insal al; the bour of ivoc li purpMof oremeb aidot nimmgt au D*let! ai Maa of the R EMÂINING ila AlilyJ'aines Iliteber * Ce Barkcr Wale Biewn F .11 B78'ou AieX Clark J4o Connors John Cullan Alexander Cutidy John Douglas A.Àrch Blles George Feley Flemming Garnett Wmn Gibb Wm. Harrison Robert Hugai James jewcll Johnt Wt advertinsslett [LE ne Rayf iH.- MIES LEN119AN dguet are notifie thel l.Tovu o!t Ili *rIay,. mber, A.D. 1865, ,the attern oon) for ïents ofbileaffairai ta w-hom hi may eaboe. Act. . lay of Deçeaubei, CON WAY,_ ianfla, in tii ou»ty o! Victoria* tou Margart mer Rdvard ,e VilP f s T. P. .- D . . lit.f ofUtrs in J* BAIRTON ?Qgt 011l"c Anderson John MeGuinesis Alez. Broya James Moleau Hugh ColdygiliJohn J £)iia onald.. Caineran Anun <la.lx Leslie Normai MeBse John, Jr. Morrisn R. toddart John Moriso Duincan, White Daiîd Persons calling for tel above will please ask for advertised letters. NoteSto en, CJT.OLEN from the saubsorlber on tlic atternoon i~of-tlic- 2th November,. a. Note. of Hand made >y. Thornas Keehan,, Esq., for the sum of F orty-seven Dollars and ftirty-six centà,anxd pv.. able in February itext. JOHN, WAY» Lindsay, 22ut1 Nov., 1865. j35-3 O.HANMCERY SALSE VIrLL-AGme PEOPERTY MÂTTHEW COWAN, Plaintif,' Alexander K an d John Sproul <by bill)suami 7.tuei HingÂston and JofibuitJohnaitoni, rnad,.' parlies lit *the Mseter's'Ûffice, Defenrda nts. 1N -Pursui.nce of a Decree made in this cause, bearing date te Seventeenth àday of May, lu th year of our Lord 1865, and of aSfnal order for Sale madei beiSin, bearing date, the'third dayv of November, in the year of our Lord .18a5, THIERE WILL BE SOLD BY- Public 41.c-tioýn, Master o! Ibis Court, at Lind]say, by- 'THOMAS H. WALISIE, Auctioneer, -AT- ICANNINGTON, ON IMONDAY, TE ýEigteentlt of «OMWrnext, 186,5p ai EUUeuss e t.f0esoo tic foliowing Storeis anpre mseî in thre Village of Uaniduu, being, .eopsed of part of Lut No 2U inuth? -ltconcession of lie Toin- siip e! BROOK, c6uiiig by admneasurenîcul oncqnatwrofaaaeo! Laid. The propenty w-lu le put up lu 1w-o pàase parcels, uamely,; Parcel 1,5a valuabl. dweliug lieuse with eue eighti of au actef land. Paroel 2, -a uev ]?nae .Store w fl M ubth etan acre of landi. Tic~ ~ ou -twlighg abose mentionet! taonî antI sT =l htrieRuI.Il by 32, v ithlaatone foua- dation, a kutebe i Ubtid S21by 22P uhere ilaa goot! c us ndeath, andla vol adaptet! fore astore-and twellrng. Thie stotre aber. -tentieued li w-s$tieu. i'gIa18 by 3asut!d lu erery vay fitted.up tea r s lrlass store. The. abore preinlaes ame--siuaat lla-hemcii- uai- nesa part o! the Village.- - -Tie purchaser or îurobasers shaU &aI tirase Ô! sale pay dova a& de inluProportion o! £10 for every £10 4< lprhase .Money. tu tii Vendoror hàStolerand &mliipmy*the ba lance o! the pohap woney vitRi 'ilerest thereon from bhÂey l *&e son the Tw-etieh day aftthe iduijof".- Ea-cb of tihe Mus il! b. put up at, au upset price.o.! 1teot reajictu etai ex- cept as above u»*edthle ondittins fale are lithe ssaing mdisiue Offthie Court e! Thie .càtliom of<ial. si&urtbsr parttcuiers may b.e tlid et t, Olambof he! -. sit! Master, at Lins~ay,à4 et lIe 1ev osfie*off (iaiaCos.slbsp ;wOaulagton.. Datet! et Llsêsty, ta 18th day of Novsem- ber, A D. 1M4.. êJ. IMAClÂT, Mastuet aI igma. it uue-f a Cambi*y, FOR SL ?.ýbe Sou ait ofLot 13àlw *h. Eighthcon- COUNTY 0F ONTARIO) One Hùndred Acr es!', e ws.thé KLOGFR. A *Mr valuibe pro9erty 'with-good buiings. ÂPPIY t or. to l.3DUnSFRD, DORMIR, selküit cI Llisa y. 'NOTICE. EXAMIMATION 0F TEACHERS for the vil! b. e it!as follo*a:, For First. Clasa Certificates For 41d aid.3rd* Clasi ýCeirtificates: Frriday, sth Dec. ext. The Exaln"tlon. viii be held, in the school herle,'comtànciug,,i10 ocelock A. M., IL F.:WHItESIDES, Clia.irman. Oakwood, 2thOctober, 1865. 2 RE3MOVA.j Knolso's rick lok. J T. 601f LEY I B EG GS binfor sn ia imrons friendsandut!the publiceerally? lah b atsremnoved his Photogt'apii Picture Gallery te lage and comniodious rooms, in Knowlson's Brick Bock, specially fitted up for tic purpose, 'lu" equal f6r accommodation: to any ia theC T. e. vouit! retura hie thanks for the very liberal patronage bestovet] upon hian for -the- past number of years,.and be is now betteýr pre- paru4th-a -ime*rto. suit thc vants of the publie in tie ;icture lino, la thelatest aind t les- ing styles and second to noue in, the Prov înCe. Free exhibitions of views .of ,ail Parts or. thc Goît! and! Silver Eleetroplating donc on lhe the shortest notice. 'I:have fltt.ed up the above-rooms specittlly for T. Gounley. Phbotographer, and parties 4esiring. piclires w,àuld do well toe give im a caîl.' -..J. KNQWLSON.ý Lipdlsay, Noy. 171 1865. 324 OOUTY BONDS.' l'b Comty Council ocf the COUi-NT'Y of VICTrORIAj have SIXTEEN BONDS Of $1000 EACH biearing intereat at pay able half-yeaily, and maturing ia cigliteen, years. Parties desirouq of purchasîng one or more of sait] ýBonds cea do so by applying te lte Ciun- Vy TreAsurer or the Wanilen. By order of tic Wardeu, S.C. WOOD, County Treasurer. Lind!say, No'v. 2lst, 1865. 325-tf. ISSUER 0F MARRIACE.. UC CES1. MANILL A, C., W. 322 J UST. RECEIVED 50 pieces .~ Darkt PRINT at from lOd té l M S. per yardat ROBERT PSPIER'S,. Ken; ,Sî FORSALE!1 Two mproe4 armùs » ~IN KDN flIOWest baïf Lot No. 15ia tii. 6th cou-, j> cession,,cortaining 100 a çVes, ot which 8 ia Under cultivaîiou, and a good Log iouso 24 by 1% aîso a stable enected tbereon.; ablo Lot No.- 23 South Portage RMnd, contÎining over 100 acres of which 35 a ô ade cliva tion, aBd A' goot!-Log Bouse 24< by* 18, a. goodý nov bÂti, -stables erected thereont , a uod well, desirably altuate!,. being Only 2j_ miles from eltieotf ià*: villages of Kirkfld asud liaisover, Applté OOCOKBU1 I SN, Proprietors, Kirkifld. oe GEODORMIR, Esq.", obltor, h.. S ber abouta weekmic A IRMX A&N!>WRIH= O giving mmlk, about 5 years oi. ler left bora lbrokeln off and druops dovua. Auly person givig iînklrratlou ibet i ii lesdt t-ber rfto*- eryvii b rmnai*td for hi. trouble.- Loi Noé. 1, <lb (Ion. Emiy, Nov. 3011,,1865, Just recefred th lb e jea«l RTU,, 8M0 ai kmulu Sm weet 014ev, bi tlb. allC r. biL W.I.TRIRWLL UflwUWr- STORE! ýM SSIUl OULTIER& HAMBERS Oo.pIu a snfilyulecd soc~ofpniu Drua, heucal, ?tent edicints, 1)ye Stub Of ti> O uSIZ=eOfal= M c"f W=nov lusBttlry, te., ho Sfck very lu"ge Md vil b. o CHEAP! 'CHEAF!!s CUHÉip ! CHEAP!!! oe&es fo I nOontDruflstff ama h of k Sper, *ii b. potly ittended té and 'pldai lb.lmw'et pie.PyIinpeuscriptions and. Fiml'y R 1e.iptdvireeeire the parosa atea.~m « r. . haaberWho muaDrog8w o f abiluty and experienc,*a ee rej4ce toad leasîmoiniis froru cament phy8ielans eau testifr.- Kr Cash paid for T-umothy Soet, Lard and FI« Séedt. COULTER & CHAMBERS. Dindàày, Noeembe!r 1, 1865. 322 FRENCH GITORE! CLO T IING! LTIG nU lie boaibWeSt&ok Of CLOTHING lànow COMPLETE. h it TU RHAYMS-T STOf9KIN-.LM,3SAY,' sud~~ Con trkeer vil fiat! it to -their advantag te give hi a a cii, as he'jean- snpply t-w vLl a nice asrtmeat ATVEIRY LOW FICURES!11 [A very large *assortment of. TWEEDS, SILK MIXTURES, L-OTHB, OVERCOATINGS, &c., &CO ~1Cloth bougrht from the Subseriber wil ho e t free o! charge.,. Garmïents maade to Oilr. Woollen Yara and Cottoa Yara. Pul CIoth and I anne; takenin, Elcne Lindsay, Noveinher 21st4 1865,;32 THE P.ROBILEM ýSOL VED.- Where con Yeu buy the lest and Chea e-st ýGoods! JiJUT JECEIVED cf.lot ERRINGS -~fi catch--at ROBERT &PIER$ ,Se Kent Street., Lindsay, lSth« Nov. 1865. FOR SALE, PA- F116 ACRES, atout 75 oiwhich arSe'cleared and seedcd do'en ln Clover and Tàmotby, beig lot- No. 29, Cou. le TOWN$WPOF'OPI. AIso, for sale la the Town of Llndisa Lots No. 4 anid 5 Smith oflUidoubt street, being the site of Jewett's former Hotel, consisting of two-tifthsof an acre. Lots 20 and 22, north of Gienelg Street, cou.- sisting of one quarter acre ecd. Park lots T 1 and C 2, Lindsay East, cousist- ing of b and a haif acres each. Six haif acre lots on lot 15 West of Adelaide street., facing on-A delafde- ad CQlbourne Sta.> For particulars apply to- 3[ACXAY kIIEAP., Barristers. Lindsay, No*v..?, 1865. 32r Exten sÎve Lanfd Mae. To be sold by PUBLIC .AJC TION at Je E n T Irs il 4O T EFI I., vîthout reserve, 200 0 acres excellent hart] Wood Land, situate in the Township of VERULAM, in the Colinty of Victoria, on SATURDAY, 3Oth o DECEMBER, nezt, being conposedl of the followinig tOT. CONi. LOT. .CO N. 19 5 W-7est hlàIf 20 7 là 5 West ba'f. 13 *9 17 514 6 East.half 20 '5 - 1 6 East half' 21 511 Easthalf 19 4 19 . -17 .7 Wcst !ialf 20 6 la 1 Westhalf 2 Any parties desirour of purchasing byprivate sa1é- c n*ào so at axny tume bcfore the a urtion by appiyinîg Io thé owner 11. T, WiCkham. Esq., on the premises, or to bis -Attorney, Martin Diinsford. Ternis one-fourth down, antl the balance in four equal annÉal instalfntents*î*t' sxw e cn ites t t::eon. DNFRsxprcn M. DNSFRDSoliior, 4.c. Lnsy-Nv1,1865.32 1866. PROSPECTUS 11866.. The Glob(31 e.wisphlper. - - The ffpulislîer of Tri o m in s to announce tbtvery greai iiî>'ternnts ini the Publication TTHINK I c&asolve lhe probleni says tic good liotsewife. Theiridest and] bcst Grev CottOns of îliLs journtal will bce mad4e in tlire.coîriný Yenr I sucb as 1 vould, have t10 pay 1s and hs id for in any uitler placeI1 bouiglit fur lINd; a pair A new foirait of beautifill tSpe, cuit spèclally for of heavy Blankets. uch as1 vas asked -in. anohehcrouse $E4î1 , Tb<-iht f&r el.; 1 alsoboeîgtTa LBlsbeniîordfrnae.ce- a remankable. chenp lot of Linens, Shîirtings andl Prints, at McCARTTHY'S; suehbeicavyrStrippet] ljrtcd Scottish foud oMier& iha, Shirtlngts1"'M'C.ARTIIY'S ilu udoubtedly Itic best place ta get CI value ofyvour mortes. Ein rg.Ti uaiY of tille '&ilr seha I- canàurely moslire eniddle crics a rethy daimsel, Oh suici a beautf&istripet! and! plaid prinlig ic ,joe ura li)- f te auc spe ior to Wiaacey Dresu, vertk anYwiere 16s 3d,1I bonglit for 128,6d at Ml'CA RTHYS. tl:at î,ercîtoure emphwe4yd. Arranger-nts arc .oSo eau I1 cries tic, second Maiden,, 1 bougit a charaingQucensiand, Waal Shawl, really wortiî now bcing made forgetyicesuTlga wot $6- for $4iitaICLARTHY'S; also a very.Vi:-tty Cloud for 3-9d, Wi'ata splendidlot of pi e .lit ea; and i crs Wriîrae- Woolena eau be-beuglit cieap aI I1'OA RTHY'S. porters and Cornespondcnts, Nviii be s trengthen-- Tic werking maas . irsilyou. ant ta buy tie bcàt and cheapest ClofIh4andtuilleadr.made e] nrac fotvi eptfrhl vr Clothing 1 ean assure ynMCRHYSl i spot. Hie selle goot] Full lia4'hev depanamenit to render Titu GLOSE More îvorthy- Canedian Twe.dà frein3se 9d up, eand spIendid overcoatings,-double'.widthj, for 7a,6d per yard.' than et-en before of the immense circulation il Thie Ftariner and beat] of a famiiy adds, t0ail and viom it mayr conccrn, hbe il known tît bas for se many years enjoyet] thîrouigiout havrinil lately purchascd my goods ai M'CJARTHY'r' I 1can safeiy say.tiat for qutalit! and! chep-BithAnec.- aies lais gooda connot le>surpasset in Lindsay, and he-only makes but o<meprice, sud seils for - The year ISC65 iâ iikcly ho be a Pios-t eventful cash,=n a depint! upon justice beinag donc, wlien yen sentI your chut! for gooda, as if you period. la the- history of tCanhada-a year 'in Went yur.! Byall maeansif yen vant chcap Dry Goodes ad Groceries., gote wihitIhe- current evetits of the day wilile of thre deepuu. iutcreft, toecvcry iniiaiblint ofthei Tic ncw Pariiamentarv Buildings eill, early - - I[owlao 's lek, I£euut Street. in tie couîing spning, bli (pened for Ilirs _________________________________________________________________ time c't Ottawa. The Go' ernmerit i. ildv- to pres-ent t,,Par liament, at tihe openiut- ofthrie Ss- ui(n; eier a O 0 z - V A L U E .F O RIUBi1ll1for ceornpjletirg rthe Uorîf.ui.'ratiou -of all laU- - ~~~~~~tisli Ameient, or a B ie a l .rgarc e] - eral constitution for tiiad clone, based on tie 2~ U& WA~ J.~'W ~ pninciple of Rbyr ttn Pjlrulationi iii thc polinlar-braueh. ATOn lie 1i l:h Marci 1iOi;,thc Anierican- Treaty of flecifrorrti wîli camne to an end-and tic negotiatioins for ts rnw li reîanet.iona te mee ge, - l . tclred with cra- J A M S I.E N IH. A N ta - et the crangwlle - Arranoecnents for ncqrairing possession Of, W-ho bas novion baud aconaplele assortment o! uev and scasonabie -and opening titeNnrth-Wesf territorv foi setie- nient, wiil si1-vedily bc mmdc, tand] to thé5e Tîîtî GLOBE Il dt-OO esîeC-l akti'na ha. ~Y P E A ~FA N% c VI RY 1OO c to cvrvtiiuîg ,conineciet] withae embracing a large variety of Ladies Dres Goods"- Wi.h tic scttlirreirt et tIre con-ittcia New SU IILS NewRBBONS - Nes COBVRGSquestion tîratliras so long dît-tra tedtheic-Po NetsMÂNTI4k:St New FLOWE1?S, Nw »1NC [S. vne nrîrrr rt cts .nrr h n:tra -et 1BO . IT, , New FLA THERS,: NewLEL-IJN Ps, pnogress of luis crrrnrrr' will bc- thrown open. -New IRA7TS, New GLÛVES, News PRLINS. AogtrsexiiL- New CAPS, eu ROSIERI, - Nt SIT S Tihe suhîcet of BCir~nit]irrenrv. New CLOUDS, New RlOODS, Nw îcorne, Crý!À oIotlenviýo ituprov. -, i n-'-he nieit r-rral Navrigriori i f aIe- countri-. Canadiari Tweeds ,antd Fuit Clotlns, Broadclotlxa, -Bea iers7 and D.oexkins, B1<zizkehe, l'edtiîrll of Ille'Tri' Flanizels, SlLet.i-s, Sirings, 4,c.. Rea.dy tiaâde Clolting, Rats, Caps, Ties, ltornstMounet. Collacs, Maujrs, 4ee.,and,- Opeilniupuî T- fiorv tie ieecnt. -FIRESH G 1tO0-C E PIES -I r;J aiv.~~srjcs Ail at tic most resona'blel pica...............F r Cash, only. Aitrn tie ial -lu. led t uo.1iileleet fail tiese mat.tirs,,TutE GLOBE will, as ieretèfbre, take an STic attention of cash buyers is speeial1 ivihied!. ~L u.a . active patrt ,,,atnd froui]-thc sources of informa- lâme ten hi&n liton at thec naann of its condit-etors,,it, is not - - astKen StretLinsay doubtedt] tit in is columuos tic cearliest ititelli- geieantitie iSt relieble informationi xiill, P. S.-Ail -or iers for the Linds .av Brewe r'1loet I t le storevilireccive prompt attenîtion. continue tu ho fouint] - Lindsay, 3Q)th Octo)er, 18G5. [3201 J l.TIE DAILY GLOBE wiii corntinure to be pmulet] froin a*1ire office at $5G pe. nnn iabloinvut]ably in atlance: but -St oves! St oves! cp éroirà- a-liýiilfomte nw-e Province. -Theic sa beiir bas jusi. reccivetlite lorgest and! . THE WEEKLY GLOBE mosI vanicd assorîment>o! stovres*eyen irougtît ail isiL nrr mved in the i-car 186. lie Lindsay, tic vbole of wiich he is deternain- The pprîîýr w-i lle of supkerior qrrrîity, and the. SHERIFFS SALE 0F LANDS. edt]hoself new Scottisi ty;pe wiii kivc it au greatly imrpnw -- AtAstomisha*lyLow Prices 1 et] appearanee. An editor lias been engage, Coaanty ofVictoia, XXILL ho soid t! t-be andparte ncd e prcas iSd il tae viose, tbcimadtit i ti ire 1 ondenuse cnt To6 vit: W V Court Ilouso, is tîti d lae1 tspc i nnle!sock a-ne i nttrfrttseiioet eslý lie Townaoet'Lindsay, on TUESDAY, tic Tlair- bfre callingelserhe-. Look ut thcac fgures itehiaîc smaili iipîî teeniti day of FEBRUA RY, 'A. D. 1866, e ticens. Apriùo ahwe' ae iiL e bur et' Noon, ail tie igit. tie anad interestof Cook ing Stoves trom -4... $1 10 o-2!votet te c utblieation of sorne interesting taie; 4We udermeationît] defendants luntandt! o tie Box Stoves ..... ..... . o 1 u i akt u]prices current avilI con- f Il hada sd tneanats viz PalourSioes foua... 4 0 Stitne teobcgiven avtîr pronrptaaess asud accurecv. eolowrngladan eeetvz-P Io i-e rm.t 8 THE WEEKLY ÔLOtE lwill, CenititaU u e L n In the Court of Cammon Pleas. Ail othen articles, pet enuimeratet!, nt pnicea lislied. ut TWO DOLLARS per ainaturr, Payable Peter licCabe andI Baninai McCabe, Plai»tîjs, wlich viRii stonisi lte btryer. -- stricti>- in adt-arwe_- ome c e.-optiollsbtir te vs. - ~Tie highesl pice paid la Cash, for meo!eVauean nîit aebc îrtf Margaret e y Mary Kenney, ElizabethAiknd mad-but friit tie st of ýanuary, 1866, ne Kenney, -Pcter Kenney, andi Martin AUknd f Sh:pp;nqg Fur$, papier viilbq sent from- the office witlioutplre- Kenney. lie:you.ngr, bY Mani e- SeP -Ski ne and! Co w-Hidp 6 pilynent. ueyi the ,lded, ibeir actng guardian, Defeadania. The EBut balf of. lot mukhber Ten in th. third concession cf the, Township cf Ope. lit ite Court of QueW#' Benc. John O'Lear Yi .. .... ........Puft Francdafl'Leiry..........-Dfeiat TIe Souti bal! of lot numbor Seven-ia the, nmti concession, of the Township o! Eniily. NEIL MCDOUG.*LL, 8heriffs Office, Lindsay, Ier [int insertion 10 th November, 1865.] TM 8 Aiberiens haove instructions front pri- 1vato Indviduala to imîvest a few tiousand dollars, ai a regsonable rsp cf, later"ean lmn- PrVe4 faro perty. Bp.rristers, ho. l4sdmay, 3rd November, 188. 323-4 ÂLARGE.LOT'oi.grey and- whiti. BLANKETS, f*ale cheap at ROBERT SPIERS, lent Stm»t.. 'Aldescript .ions of Slîanty Ketties cinsl&nti>- DAVID BIROWNE. Linday>, Nov. 14, 1865. 324 NOTICE. Notice to.8ail peçsons requling TAVERN OR SALOON( LICENSES inIrle TO WN 0F, LINDSA Y fer tIc year 1866, are requetedt! t sent] lu ticir ý.P E-T 1T.ION 8! on or w fore tie - TWEN TIE T_9Day cf DECEMBER, next, saI acuLiceuses nov lu nforce vil ter- minale on the 361 eember18. -J. B. KNXOWWSON, T. C. ClrksOficNov. 21.1,186. 25-td. ACOMPLETE -Asurt ment of t.Ribbons, Plowers, Feaë- u'tsand - Tramrrnngs, Lt, - - ROromsuit. CLUB ltA I tt. During 18(;6 w-e wyl sent]:- six copies one ycar for......... ..... $10 0 Ten *. . . . .15 O0 Fificue ' - . .....>.... 22 5() sud an extra copYo! tIre WEEK .Lî çGr.ona ho tlhe persoa vIte gels. up th*e club of fitteen.- Twc nit-flve cnPles one vear for.....3 0 and! e col.. Of tfireWEEKLY CGLOBE b otlie person W-ho g't.s tnp the club of wnt-te FifI>- copies one year for ... .... ...... 65. Co ant] a cuapy o!fie DAtLY Gaoî'n ee var >b o ire ierson vie gets uptîre club of fifty. Eighty copies oee ycar for.. .........10 0 0 andt a eopy cf the LJÂtY. Payment muse c aiwgys lu- drance. Eraci palier ile nddressed separately. Alt tIc pepers includet! in Ray club must bo matilet! te eue Post-office. IVieuaadditionay-naines arm auluedte aB. uelul during te jear, lie>- must ho sent t te jGtous Office by tic- person w-ho zmade up tho Club; anuthti monoy' sent viti sch additio- ai names muet ho inch a propo0rtioà o! the year's subscriptioti at'tUic 0mb rate as viii psy up~~~~ le teexraitOthe club. No ecepion u-b made tu lIes. tales on an- Sgount] viaever OEORGE GLosa Orrici, Torento, 1.1 Nov. 1865. BROWN, F. 1 i 1