-'a -<r. * o nuioly , Au. '-i es5171 I fluWvstu~e. Jo- mall the lie west patteof A vide aud narro w. j>oiti, whiefi aW "bd mda *l ,~M.~dbp est, <uli8lt steol sud t OIe4,I A exLUktq [ ei.aNai-4"s wd 1us 'il fw go the0 NUfaplJ3, wUIWh UrIneEU :b .:r.'va.anap &J11JI4N 'Kent Street. NOTICE EX.1«-* 4mber desirest6êeau têtinio f FARMg~,1~ TifS, GARRIAGE rGCON MAKERS& st 1OL4W ' criTJVLCA&TES. ... c 'àé mûô vot 2nd & SdCU ET7CTE:l l bi ! bDAEwik~e sopened eut lu jauini5w,,aar1iàt.awMbe eadmid afior S12 o'olk - u c4ç he ofoers nt roda ced rates tp Cash purchasoers. uo aet &tOf 1804. - COUNA YSTOREc"ÈKERS SUPPIJED1 .4 - ~JOHN BERTRAM. ty court of thé COUnity od victoriai J. 144 aUwf m p 11E E INBUDRH h~~~~~SRE BE>ÂDI9DIMt1ofiCooGahoo under ed wi4l aply >t b 4ugeo lt siAD OFFICE, 22*eÉ0RG TREE, EIBPG. heDsbrsun4rlO.d&t HEAD OFPtCt: tN QANAODA, WELLINGTON ST..ý TORONTO. JO.,THE: EREENE. THE LIFE XASSeRANCE -COýMPÀNY reT41&g ith To'aspo!ýMasioa -EJ JG in thé 0Co f, Victori. Udr fi -t of Poxrlmvtpasao t4 lasi session; are empowered tW issue, te appleanfa, 0, . J. MACKAT, aS Solicitor feso vnti. ~Dsted, 13tJs day ofOctobor, &.D. 1865. 319 ptà0F7tf&. SU N2U ir. 4bé k*e e iser La, su(ad la ftét 4 ë, t~aihe- m&wenid esirable rq -.Mueh 1sd4sau o 1*motpleasant ~~I'.aa Bouse Wadig n ntLôýIoât &rOl i ýstory * 1t - .Yr40i.d ewoy or- :ï tIào4j. .Us4ý ftýM -two story Frame, 1 t4te ic sd »Dwefling> .occupied. ai pre- ,4tîseýireétly opp9sitO Brown'ablock, lnt tt, a good gardow. and bav a Ut&cbed, îltb ev-M onveaience fore e businesman.1 4toi A t orice r)f 16 dt t aphttvesiii, suda Aý~ AM nera e eleast 9 or 10 per'cent. ý4fltion appllo bacribers, ex-11. Rus, ' l 1 1, aPTI, oleÈor WS- ha',' 51111 semalnlwg on liidfreingoode Bld.SIn omfw ar1tol0e staGlassware, cule. wbhihwill.be svld eryhep.adSe WÏ:t-b>a, en*rdnrimEx.iéh Patent L.er-: M* bnting »é obencake de, Detaciexi CY- itiie do. do,,*DpleýEsapement -andLadies' Gol4ýl's>etdsl, aud a ~ meertisofe!g6ldi ilvr sd p~tel o-b Chatnsl Hoke and Keys, md Ting, sd-Ciks cofeve'y, description And prico uitPurobssem - Aise,_ spledidîalin reS ape nd wiu&>w Blinda, Qilt veivol BO dý r ncatly furniahing a sait- tmng mc4m, in.md1oivarêy just imported di- rect frco ew Yor Beot COÂLMA t a price's defyîng competition. Untîtftrler uôtitt, lb.esubseriber 'all cela- as hmo~ofle; -ht. v he has added the beau- tiful art O! Ra gfaring. --Inscriptions upon Speens, Siguots, Newspaper (Juta, or. Business Card Stampsa,vFM behoexecuted to' order ilu8su- JusI eeie a splendid lot of Gi Mouldimg GH. KEEVE Sas, -Kent -St., Wesat. Lindsay> Son. i6thi8i65 299-Gm Fr mesA~eto! The spbseriber desires te infomm the cnstomers afthe late firmmof KeII~ &Loveti, a i c- evasiTHE OMiu-~'n"i ~L~ I~ION Fortic sle ~W~ es and' Cilîdrén; aii Pelciies are a1together fe rs n mvt fur - INSURÂNCE COMPANY$ jà*im ntle pari of redilers, and ensile persens teo vide wîtb. certaînty atter their death for îu~Iy CuOl~s Ludn,19 CiuuiE ~ Ti. dbbu~ ~Mh 4s Cemantre op*e eoffer unusualfacilitigfer this dc- *y fo ~~~ ~~ & 223 ~~~ ~ érinscf proposai, ansd overy inforation respectiitg Lt ernc a ~hdu yo teCompégny's Offices iu Canala. CalKt hpital -$12,500,000 J-U. COObRO3 ~airmui - DAVID) IGÇINS,Socretu.y. lit~~~Sl tIc *o5!DrMS~$,500 ~ 17DEPOSIT FUND UN CANADA - 41,0 AERN&OD~ olctr,&. weo e her Go rai Aents e.rrCanada - (1) u ùl et the - NORLANP, WATSOIX 4;(Ce. really-T. M iO NILU K ia from Th uadersigned ha-ring *been rippeLuled.N B LCb Agent ef the above firsi clas Englisi Companiyt amnuel oteio uty et Vicetéria, le prepared1ote efibet r--e- in an every descriptiocU01 Pire and Lite Insum-suce at #'eS <WU I< drs$, ýat verr. tie botw.et ate nsstent viiih securlty. Pros- hilarete Pet &-' ., uay ho iad on appuioataon. to. GZEN AL G OC t ES, TE AS, TOBACCOS99-1COFFEES, SI JG AR, >Iarhmp JAES TAP, WIN<ESi: r ItE$, RVMgSl01; -TOg.. >HL&TD sef ~ 315-ly. - Agent, Lln4suy. . OUS 'EHIPPEWA MA Lt 01D RYE, 41 Mirs_______Of_ COMMON WHISKIES,&c&. - SInsolvent" Act.. 164 lvthi inn Ita1/l Matter of NE114 BROWFN, i« lu- i rarn, as sbe. I L I SIT JIEI O FI e fiery - 11E uadersigned has heen - spoiinte sswlg' 1.1E S Sainte nec in thi~m atter and reqîîl.s - cl4nxu W - tuiewer ho filed witbin TW.O MONTIISfron tii date., 'Di-s o!DOA L D BROWN, The suhacribers are determùied as .heretofore - ta supply awanit w teuto - îsiding in the towship eft Maipààa', -feli tuhile Town, by-keeplug èonstea tly oit baud tic best brande o! Imperted Wines and "Tteird in t4 o unty> et VictoriS Liquers, >Alesaund Port-er, ail e wt 'hc ill be--- OTir akwedý P.O., Assiguce. Psil lias its Maripesa, 28ti October, 1865. 322-8BI&a LwetPie fo Csh Cr, thei- .,y umvrsr t-, e tendier 'JWI.UQLIU ,Lnsy s t,10. '-- -.DOBSON & IBLOCK. sbigned, - usLSUE 296-tf ri, doos D--il>r andWeCekly aft OttawaI crek 0epeB sa:d teProprietor l inI SS Fur iu e W r h u e St. ]puilrespect TH 21OT.4CITIZEN bas -ai- rd upo waysbeen ahoad of is cout et .poruries. It l m 4 iiez's corrospondeui. i.ii ail the principle chties in mdeal Canada, and tbe Telegraph le freely used fte Nu OND ! ed uon trasumission of al items of Pelitical, Comumor- ii tea: iut, and Gmaeal iiitraisIIs Etropes-n Cor- The subscyibe-r eli te publie o! Victoria oDunty the laiigest aoimt et fPurlour, Diuing co~trospondenceia imtted 10 b».second te that etaund-Bed ItoMsF"*mire, n varions, stytés, eçver breuglýut ae Ldsay. Priuattentieon C no.n chenwspupet on Iebontient. Its IEdi- eiiitd1 i ,ar "podctm o aliteraisy ieis, -wALIMUT 507XSIN flAIR CLOTH, QAI BTTXClAIRs, - folow- Short-Rand 'ariters. Ibilaieoldoatetablisied "-CHAIRS ~< ~WOOD BIAt Seriptu. sud- ust exteuelvaely ç$tm-1s1.d newsppper lu 14 SIDWe-BOÀRMD8 k Diiag Tablai, OCfl4. heded, the Oti-aadistrict, sud b&' oemquoutly tt l' - CORNR-WATNOTS, *.S5lSTNl, best cilliUto adrtrtfSRgpatrt»ige. . Ottawa s-u olir'OTG OMO ESED WAË ow the Sea lICH Cii.R, la-N teutilea ofthe ProVittr to rmoder lie paper pÂItLOI, pM1WNG à; HN ktDRSIN A~~, e. c *wortîy the position [t bas sttailled of a metroa- - olit an J4.Wuai, M lui tsu:d sueruègs in. th Au orde scal~JU i~e 4CoTis /i agkpiooéatysso tr~ete'>îare a guara ntee fer lia fuu»...pictuwea trà. 4,b. ai rorinedm purqhaffsres ~i oti ' 7 fjrtfSmr=qeofare8«ýwM 1JO NNQ.TUE E2XGLISHIJBCU 09. KENT &TRERt. - Tz DÀ.ux PASa- ~SlOh5 F er Two Vo I......... îoù . 17, ý IL-; - -. m that - Qatr................ a unfur. "HlYcr.......... O 4- ' i.........- - Mustard payaible-triotly lu udranco x 'vie ard and Tus iKTPPJ-RU 5J 54ftI Dr cause if talledii amthe offce i DO ere's a Maled te subseribuirsl in MI I S  E ' n a w('11 - -tic countryifpai trict- ofat. lu adune ....... 10 Vê,&ftU5Block9ill y$ tired of* lsiW8 . ... 50 * ___ ___ taviersa-J 47~ of io VewsetW.M Vlu, maIb Mf. Vi>jmw aa.dm, Bétee.. bey can Ail sslvrtismêuf s are-tttgtd for the flMtH$oi %siI"il1 be îèid aas su4*& U arc but îpFa im' Wu&twbIincd ath and insertio»la it D erYats thetefEght Loci and G1s"g- GUO pfigte ;pboý" fumes *d MI-th igramuts. oyhrCent & Uneadin wiàWeekIy,,Ten ents a lov r tne raasuedîy ll mni s; au or C HI A B S ~<>4UA.4 fvtune, misa ý Ctsubaelnt tôeWonin-the-DAiL7 LgIls aw Dg Sticks, caui, ~ - --* __.,. al i ne dovinouth 'fetoesafr-mé.5 lino. Node--m.g- a-m-. O ~*~ v~T8 Ggar O!th.best 4* ?ORÂ4 v.«4fl aliuor~ *da" Of OMIu. UPHUgWàOl Jew*fey s weR ai týe.,genoral public, that -he la now ,aryiflg on tbe Hamnessa-and Saddlery busiües aoiely on bis c'ait ssount., in the old stand adJ u ninagv the store'et fTW B1 Mlitchell 4 Ce lUiam BStrelLiadsuy, 'abeoho 'aill hoglad! ohsve:ea risit troua eleryene iin vant et sny- tbing in bis Une. Working clos'ely at the business bimacîlf, an* empluying noue but expëriencetd worknîen, andI buying bis material for cash, b lai,5 Luared te offeir the, fcllowing price list for the considlera- tion o! intending purchasers: iGood iewavy Short-Tug Hlarness -with, hayHumes ........... ..... .S Long-Tug do do .> do du 20..00 eook Blamness............. .......1 Q Set of lightaingle Ilarnacs, witb raised tracesrouindliUnos, and- Inp-strapi «nd fanc y fiale...............180 à~ good se 'rvicoable double set et con mse-' wor) hticmupper atmd hpsmvs -rouadîlues and fîncy Bridlfe ... 25 001 &nd ererything in proportion. Bepairing ctecutedl neatly, pronmptly anal 1 lhesply. WhisLasos SrciglsBridîrlinte BrushePs, Combs, &c. ckept oonstaitly oin h and andI seld verY cieap AI] kinds et Carnage and Cutter Trimnming ,dome ai tie io'west prices.- L'Aca-il us respecttully solîcited l - JAMES. LOVELL. Lindsay, Decomiber 2.1, 1864. 278-ti Lak es Simcoe 'aud Couchichîing f HE Steamr EXILy A y louleves Bell f . Ewtrt*every lunfùl qday j-où the anýivai of the Mail Trai. fromu Toronto, end calls. a Beaverton every Monday, Wcdnesday, and Fr1- dY, t 3 olock, p., and every Tucýday, aThursday, and SattarcLy, at 12 o'CIqCk,, noor4 retttruiflg to Bell Ewart.la time- to conneetwitl the cvening train for Toronto or Collingwoon. The Ernd'i i Wy ICftII5 daily ut Jackson's PoIn,.herlèy, Orillia, anxd other plIIcîe' where she ustiilly stops. At Orillia, passcr- gescntake the stcagner FkHry ;for the Musko- 9Irsetttiement, and the Severn River. Fasmoderato. Meàîs and refreshmentsor Dou. - ktaySth, 1865. 2-a6 DAY'S COMMERCIAL COLLE 01 (Itormerly et Bryant, Stratten &Day,) îKW4 ~stréet, Toronto, Pirat Doo)r. Wea of Welean Hook RSn C QNDUCTED according to .British Practïiv vJ-ith sucli modificationis suited te lierg quirqmnents of tic businessa cemjnpity ef Nort Meir utg.t 4. Iucapsdl tf' l useverY *u.ýPtiOR- Of 5Digree le noisewbile inla tOD -frowî oUheMMobjectie. it has a stralglt n Md e, poredieular 80- tion,m4*â,rs theIex, or 8 TLE S2ITCH a ~ ~ ~ ~ é aueo ht it otmieprcçbwn ta e*ery -description of unaterial, frein Loather te te iése tI1Naaio*.Xulin, 'aith Cotten, linon, iÀr sbý bk tirdfei euoarsest ote fea aumber. Having noiUaer _BM ur COG-WIIEEL, asud the least posible friction, it mts asamoh as glass, and-il Il requîmes FiPTY PER CENT legs pqwur te etiv hiau ey other lMachine iii markei.  girl of twelve:yeams o eet 1 go awork 1h sleadity without fatigue. or inhuto ta lh. lItustronigth aad wonlloxfai simplitity of con- struction render it alme.et impossible to get eut a! order, and is GUÂANTERI> by the cooe- pany te give entiro satiatàctiL #v epectfuBly iavitsaU thos o w myde- îg" tg siupply»temielves with &ain peFriorarti- cle, te call andý examine this UTNRIV.LED MAlCHN4~ But in a, pore specal manxner do MectnTailorM Dre# Makers, Coa* Maker# ostMk s HoopSirtMrnifature SkSGaitenFders, V7est and Paustaioo Malcers. ~Z'Religiousns sd Charittable Iiàtitution PRICIR Qir MACHIINE, "COMPLETE. -Ne 2, Smali.Manntaeturin , 'aiti Exten-- sion. Table................ 7 o, No. 3, Large " -et " 85 0 Nô. 4, Large, for Leather............ 100 .0 CABINETS IX EVERYVAIRIETY. We want'agents for ail towns la the Unite States, canada, Cu.ba, Mexico, *Central 'an Souîth Ainerica, w",ere.Agencies are net almead es-tablish ed, te whom a libemal discount will 1 giv-en, but we niake ne consigname.nts.' .Orders mnay be sent tbrougli the A.r-rien .Uvertsitg Agenry, 3-'e Broadway,,New Yorl aJ.ý T. MCARTHUR & Co., 536 Broadway, Ne* Yenl PENMÂNSHIPY TE.LEGRAPHING, PHONOGRAPHVY, BOOK-KEE'ING, ARITU METIC, CORRESPONIENCE. "Teacl your Sons tkat whick t/lei tcit prac;ice w/ien they becom Mè." The colegiate course et this institution i- cludes everyt.hing rquisite for a therough and practiSla Business Education ; Book-keeping adapted te every kind of business, by Single- and Double Entry,. Stamiroaing, Banking," Foreign Exchange. Fomwarding and "Commnis-- iea Business, Maufacuiîîg, Minig, and' ehangiug iSingle te Double Entry. D3- Price ef Scloarships, lime. xdimited,ý Twenty.five dollars D3-Books and Stationer for full course$î8. The atual Business Department la ftrnish- cd witli two Ranks wîth a capital 6e l;OOOo conduvitedon thet salue prineciple as our fa -veur- ihe Baakiug 1M<uses, A Merchant's Emaporium or Wboleale Establisbment cointaining sain. pies fall kinds f Merchandise, Real Estate,&c, ifrom w hicli the studeatsf entering, this depa-rtm ment make their tist purchases. ' The Boek, skept in the Empomiin, by tInt Students, are eight in aumhcm, five ef which are'Books. of Original Entry,.aad-tbiev are conductedon the plan et the BoeîirWoesl iuses inthie, Scity. This depamtment is under the charge 6f a Teacberwho lias hâd a long experience la busi- Snes a suficient gua rantee of ius Imucteal. oworking. Seud for specîmen of writilîg ahd 0 circular coîîfaining fa al iintdrnîatîon. Addr&ss. 218 MUSGROVE WRIGHT, Preprieters. No 19ney! Money! .Euney! Te RUE undersigned bas advices faom bis cor- respondents, et k.LARGE SUMS Ol' MONUT awaiting investment on Cheice, Improved Fami, in t#e B. &B. T AN RGiY& of et ts and the adjioining Counties. As part of Iýlanufacturcrs of Phgoographic Materiat1, tic moniies belong tolprivate individuals, buans WIIOLESÀLE ANýD fETAILcabenîxitdu- 011RADWAY, N. Y. - FROM TE N TO. FI ETEE-N DAYS, after the applications arc'made, provîded flic TNaddition teî our main business of Photo- Tidles are fLot uisual1y cent jaicated. gaîp/ric Materials, -wc are Hcadquarters for Appîly, if by letter jr-faite tice follIowing, riz:-- G. M. ROICHE. St eescopes <md SereosaioicViewa. Lindsay, April 2G, 18G5- 295-tf. Of these ire bave au immense assortment, in- cluding War' Scenes, Auerican and Frèg Citieannd Landscapes, Groups, Statuary-, k, Stearnîo-at Notice. &c. AIse, Pevolving Stereoscopos, for' public or pivitte exhibition.. Our Cataloguýe-wiri be sent to any addmm.,s on receipt of stamJp. PIIO0TOGRAPIIIC ALBUMS. -Thre Steamer We wcrc 'the first tu introduce tîmese !nt-) the T7,iî'IStte, ndwe Man àufacture i-iense ~ ~ 3 quantitiCa in great vrlmety, rangin g ini price wi onpmC errgair-ia nM dv front 50 cents te -$50eacb, ..Oâr A.nrxs 'anfiûlfrrvefirirls nAi ily the reptation et being superior un heautya&nd l5th MavIIS1J5, 1', iiidenorth on P- (11rabilitv te any others. M w'ail o s2nt by dyWrr a-.y 1 rd3su 0am mui fra r, oitreceiflit efprice.. tîîmning w ili leave 1id-von Ted~s.'l 1 urs- Fln Alum@Mae t orer days and 'ýawîrt1.ts at 915A. caliUne at FInS AIIumsMaui teOrçir, oicaygvecn ana Feoîeha, -O- ~~~~~The sta-C wilIi --'v0 X.-r ,taminn C 1 : D PH -O APH at9 n.m. 1u tinI;ý1liy. Or C-.fi eno-w enihraces e -ve I M tou- Fer funîlm. er p rîc. r a o FrihL & . sauud dî t u bjec.ts (to which additionsare apî n artiu s-oFrilt _coutinrd.y beînar made) ot Portmaite. cf Emi- JAS. W ALLIS nent 4An'uî.can3s &., viz.: about lOI aju i (RimeraIs, 200 llrig -Gýenerals, 2'é5 Cnue-10Lieut -Colonels 25a Other IDIPRQV PEC F ARI 0iîce ý avy Otilcers, 550 Statesmeî F O 1RZS A Li PA 130 Dii nes, 12 Atîthors, -40 Artiats, 12â *Stage, 50 Promincat Women, 150 Promi- SBSTFP efsfoSaeLto:i fontFarîgu ortait-. I in te l: Con of taC . 3,000 Copies * f Works- of art, - TOWNSIP 0I F M AR X (CO. -NTA!R 0 jncluding reproductions.o e icmest ceebrated Situatedin uic Ca-I1eî'a oa--t:ý,ltni 1 ~ Engraviiîgs, lI'aintiiîgs, StatueîQ, &e. (Juta- î -îî i - - rf .iaguîcsseit. on receipt of Stànip. ,An order far T'RHIE SMW-MIL4 M ) \A 3 11 ILL- One flaianIictures frecin mmm Catalo-tic ivil]l be Tic PropertJ 1_ u I- aI kd ~ tiied on tie receipt cf $1.SO0 a ui seil by nmail ait] v b 1' a i a P i ar!iti > Photo gr.9pluers and ethers nraleriag goods C. TIh e Landl iý rf i 7' -- "j. -~i'V. nul t1 .0 O . .w il l 'a; m nit tw tilvJ.vr percent. of T -l the aîntout witli udir rarlar. ApplIication :' i- ir3"The prices a nal tuaity o f ûcar ooils.ca n- Da NAIithe-!1.\E, Fy net fail to satisfy. 9-y a-OUiu -t- Ma ri June 2" »'-_M1 L1NDSAY AND MANILLA STAGE UNE, ' - U NTI 1 71'TIiIIOTICr. A STAýGE S T E A _N11. )ýAT NOTIC.' aFo~ mi. 7 -ily-1nru- izatioil finie te cî,unect wiî;-lî the stage for Ozhawa, II OIITR Wlîitby and Beavetton. . retuirnînog-lcAres Ml Fento-îVsIotel, MQll.nfe CilearrivaI -eth te Tcnew aannnîva telpted-- Staics fein ~haw, WlithyandI Bea--erton,uP>E c.î iN S0EAMEi r.umivitag a-t Lialaa ut 8-o'clock un tbgeyenig. Fares-re.mittnable. The lîropr!cter will no e a -s~ -resîaoîsible for parcels or bag-gage utîles hok cd and paid fur. - ~ ~ G O G - Cti( R iAIN-DL LT e, e, e- tIi DRSIGN-Yeung Inen thoroughlY Prepared for the duties of the counting bouse and for general businea. Tii..course of instruction embraces Mertan- elle Boék-koeeping, Band Boek-keeping, Money BrrsBiooki ,O.ommercial (Jalculations, Com- mercial" Law, Commercial. Correspondence,, (jneludt.ng tfhe prineiples of Englieh Composir *Wo), Busifieis Pennmnahlp, Telegraphy and, î94 f r.ef adLecturers. M.DÂY, Instructor in thea Science. of Xc- couUts, Comme -miel Calculsitions, and Com- mercial iDorrtapondence, and Lecturer où Bitai- lije" (3tomo. "Mr. Baàî-B. tovu, Ohief operator in, Montreal. Telegraph Compaay>s Office, Toronto, Instruc. tortia TelegtLphy'. ,I;.L1 Mfr. W. B. 'TaumrsoN, letructor In Ph»on- Xv. bAY lbas imucii çlessuro hW veferring t» th.Ailiêwing gentlm 4 &.I. ~Grse Iex. -urray, ES., e Off at Muray k Gow;; Âý R.ýNcMaéte, 99q., of -iloMeter k&Brotber; er Uàiv.traty J. Leustic, ýEsqi .Petuastor;, W. JIChEaqyof~B~m& Fit'ch; Adam q4L L-D.;1 L. W. Smith, Esq. t" avi L f ' âUaç; ion. tne ,Buth&wmxri, J.P.P.; R.Juson, BEsq., Adami 0zwsI .fsutu uen81,Eq U'<bNevnak.tRev. Dr. Gn.mek:W l Bi 4,Chairau of 0unaty BouordogfPrbtre =tucton, Halton. J 4 Lindsay, Aipril11,' 13a34. - 143-Ir PORT HOPE & P ETERBORG'l R A I L4 W A Y% \Nand after tbe 22nd of MAY, the Peterboro', JTrains Éi ril n as follows:. 'MAIL. Arrive at Pe:.erboroughi at ........ 12.15 p.m Leave Peterborouîgh at... ...... ..3.0 u. Arrive at Port Hlope a t....... 55 XIXED. Leave Peterborough at. ...... 6.10 a.m. Ariçe at Port Hope at......... 8.15 alu. Leave Pert-Hope tit........3.00 pain. Arrilve.a torooul..... . ..pM. BR.KIMBALt, JoHm FOWLE., - Superntendfit. auaging Directre. Tbe BoldaObJargain. The' south half of Lot Nô. 18, in the iSth Concession of Mariposa, contaiaîng 100 acres, of which about YO acres are cleared. and n- der cultivatiou;, i well feneode bas a good log and aise a Fraine Dwoflisg bôuse, and a smnalA Barn and Stab.le thoreon; -lie is al- ways agood supply tf.spring mateon estt.lot. Turnewill bho-g1v". unthe $M payrt of the purchase Moioy- ýTiti. indIàpnt&ble. Fer- p&eWiaand* te trat, apply en the prolnmstelthe Proprietor, GigoRGI LAKE, or toMsrs. MACKÂY k RAP, 80-tf LindsaX im BÉEBIYRa fine aseocM stock of tie stowest deeas lu fi* t CIIRYSLER, MSEI Leaves North Shore ports for Charlotte, everj - day(S daccetd>af1lis- COLBOItNE, At 1*2-45, p.1 POIZT 1OtPa',3.31 ]dl RETUXINth-Lcrç.s('lairht'fio r N'r'h Shore ports, every i i ing.~n.. xe at 8.30 on tlhtarrivât -ut' c ia. raii in Rochester. Passengcrs in Canada front ail points Eost. 'West-sud North, b1w Rail or Boat, cnnt iiwh titis Steanier att Port lIOîw and CollonIrtr.-Ind '1- rive. in Roche.ter lin titue foTr jiress trains Faslt, ,West insiSouth. .Pessengers i the United Stat-es, via ROc1Xe5 ter,, connect bw speciail traÏins with this ŽtfarnC at Charlotte; arriviiig at Port Flope. fert swift and pleasant ride ovr Lake tnâi.i time for slpeciix1t raine, to Lindstav nai wtel and cxpees.3 trains Enst and W(- nti' ,d, -Trunik lailway, andaLof), -for lIoyt nI Ma.ý! Iiiuti of Steamers.. This swit and magtnifi enyt safamer haS been, especially fittcd nup for titis route, witt alil the modemn appliane, ,an~d î,î'î* sîî,,î1aud tateý rons are'elegantly fiimniished. The Table and_Èar always sapplied with thO very beat. Fare.-$Z 50;-,Deek, 2 00. Bagg ago at rik eow'nn'iniegl~s boked and p.id for. For further information appiy to the Cart&S1 on board, or to A.M. BROWN. General Agent, T ADERSON41 CABINEýTMM S j >. T ItN EýR, bée ate announCèe'that fie 3 là"toc a comlplete assortment 0 OFN8 ýàsatoesu 1 a itan SMý tu ,anr 1and &bin n whom tII4 .M. deo Saturtlay ?ei eti to bédthe St. Pattl's is»Thisa a bliinderc rword n MunIaaeu~anêl1 OIepShl!ith a& vv vÉnruiLipir. A .1 1 lit 1 --,7ý!.77 -" -- -