ir u t 4 w, "'j-, -75 u IS'l @y, lias open-ed- a Law wrt, ini addition t10 big IPrince Alet OfQfice- Over Mr. 1*oldesi'a Office. IIMIRITE &'A-A. AWSeshictors la Chan-. ristei', Attirney-a l-Lsiw, 114-t hIER, Batrristers And At- e"m ers &re, Lingl- '~Bloek, Kent Stréot. - 13 1-tf lF(2 i:l < aieto f Mlv f :snismiercnie btiriiItri- ini Mutr. GeorgeKimt' tl'Ta' ilt', Wiffiutmn Stri ai, fculivIlf'ilSnid uC11)tin the l e tsý r ,W living rateS;. Altl or- I1înîltutnutatt n d a stii t iod - 219--v KIA. uîu:~.'o t r)-n-- -vbt'. h in-k o'pO iani.,d i jtjs- et1Nill o v"-, Vsjj c e irntrn1i' i.the- tsst tr 8,;îs r'< iflL (-IL, andi usl, 'V'toaiîer of t11' Piano'- i. ~ ~ ~ a - l-osc i r.lItrittaît'S, i-. . tilliat.m' -îtaproved. ,0N LIENSI).AUt'- av, usku lurriuuter-;Jaunis O Xtirs1Agrnt.ansiLil- r tl1 110 hr, d tttrrt t t 1 a t A gr i s t u tI i îl $ 4 u all to Ir I11itrsiuur sx' Catsltiiuu'nl'oIirl tI ruer-- -rît i -i-sinlie may L p. iuituSvLr wlrs aI Moi)-f r'st. ---3 4l i. îisp tu i hs u ula rg e . I i ~ui rda4uusifir ilaarding 4î, puaaiih'1by istaluert.s. ttgiv Un. jApply ta [tssrs. MACKAY k&IRAP, 1865 -21 CeeIla Wr t s l te iio tpiS èeGIg r y the bei W74LMý STtEEZ PORT"HOPE~. coynndalltion for Iraî'erns, Ad tibe.Public. -geneiftlly. ITder prenant, maiagenw ut ne efforts witli e gspted thit wiIi- ocailtU>_ thUe *0The ient of Liqueri -and Cigare TitS UbSCrilier begs qti anltiCOtsIh a leaBed thse above hotl, whicuh h< ics i ftirnmsh-ý ett ànd fitled tmp lhroinghmti h the besi <Of style. Noue but, the choicent tiquerî, wmd Cigatrs 'iii lie kept u Inte balr, aind bis tatble will btbjrnith- ed witl li lte deiices <u'tli e eon., - *ý C1 areiul and obigiug,,Oslers ahways ia attendance. Wu.. PARKIN, Proprielor. Beavertofl, Jagn. 6týr, 186>5.-- 28 S T E 'FLà -'-S IH TEL.' Corner ofiKent and William Streefs, Lindsmy. JO-MN .STEELE, 1roprktar., V ING 1 h aoawcl -known - con- itral Hotel for a terra of ycans7, andi hav- ingc t.horautgi refttted ün d, ~r.elrtdslid the saie, lte prooitor %vi-il be glas] 10 havias cati front tlsd rtavelling lsuliè.Tu trBfnîi- r-s with tihe busitviscliquoràsand cigîrs: 1>lent * ofsîrsidraum ans] extensive stabling-un 1c' the charge ai goori ilosîlers. 28t Nelsons s4rcet, To:,out0, A Abuve Kine.- Stréee. 1 '11-SnSibscribr intintate ta his frienris iiisîi thp pub-lic, tlirithavýinigleases] tic ab- u-econtrat jrs'cusiscs. for a teri fycare, he ba reflUtes] îsi utri-htsandlsîi, nié stil l'glasi te have a:cvirIl froînithec travelcling corn- ir21'* Excellent anul cxtcnî,ive St î)lýing. Toroîlo Jît 1 a -3)5-A 1 ITOP opposite thé e arket, Roi Street, L!ud'. wlise',nbre he ms îtrelpîrd te make up Gar- elt)ts and tin'iiiss-.on SAgenît. , IISID~ - -~KentitrbIeet, Lind.ay,. n-0r'deru leIt at the Office cf the Canadian Post wiil rfceive pranî pt attention. , nsy, July13. 18G4. 255-tf D.1 VJSS10TL (Lae MeColi's) CAMBRAY, -C.W. THI E Sffibîcniben bega zta infor-u bis friends almil thie pubhlc tif Victoria Cotînw t hat bc luit s l-î iolstel i-n Caniruinsy lately occi- pi-d I.v Mr. N((,II :slandislas lQluhas- Tat il far- uisheutins irs tylv-soswhil fins]every con- v~'ni'uiî-'. W' ieIuiurvs ansicig arsof. tise -wm. DAvIS, Proprietor. CuîiriSept. i 863.31-l ~17i. 1'AI RI, TauîosîWilliam Street, utus'iu1'1)'sîlegemns] s and Sujua- kilig- capstus u-uP Io O, ClsiIuinrg.elucid nd tiris] surs res- îe etlf;î11 'v Sol i it( (1, lanu(l stsu inguara uteesi. Jl uîy rne , 155.11-tf 1\ 0N EY TO0 LO0A N - AT EIGIIT PEX CENT., PPLY te .DOMR -LanySept, 22, 1 8G3 5t I I - '1>ERO N. rfAPM ". Vwù(I>, (la opposite Mr. A. T.'isîmu.oris s aidstore,) Iitilsufiul for lte ie- ruit~ ~ ~~r 011,u-se eto-s inus hmfor tic pasi 3 1 ùars hu-s'oS ay ibid tlie is stitîs rcpared ta lie fit volsred(, uilise litat .s tyles anuIAtîtle law- est îsnmres MU31-0 Aft» $INîiNlgoi Ifro - Crob e Bady IIAVING rented a- PIANO is désiraug . rf tak'ing- pupils at ber. residence, Russel t:]" Terms MaR(Iekn6own ain.application. Liudsay, May 3, U65. 296-ly KENT STREET, LNDSAY., Good stable and shed atiiaehedy, an d an atten- tivee ostier always in ittendanue. Frce Omnibus ta andfrcsmn thé,Cars and Boats. AGood-.Park- Fo6r Sale. n. .5 s' ,.5* ..~ -'1. -~ i.~ 'n *~~' r~t>v fP-'.'.- n~ ~-~le--"->----~- i7.ii4S~xl0~Y~4J - " V -- - ,.' - s- 'w ~ t. -. - Ns ' & -t> ----s Ii~ IiAREJX JOURNAL T- tb las lIaIs. peevas -aiea. opinas 1.4 ~i fIS A Oit "-TtI4 à(eA wwt~ reftS'b 4w~ quiU. fox, - g4 m~boe uo~ W, hini us, - StolsUs, rs4h* us; >4.. - ~Y1 Whma t,., The"eB Crank *ùnti weijta( 75 ' 100 ' 250G 224. 26u in$6 M .2 3 75 122 450- -36 7 '049 1000 46 1200 48 1400 r)0 1560 j52 18(» 5 20h10 58 250 1160 35 » >1 4-bV0,. 72 1 o 0 CO 00 00 1 00- 1: Sd ,,Wze#'Ùfe r use. 18 75 , 25 00 37 50 50 00 mi, Fire-alarrn, tireUlar, au te R.4 Roeogittga 25 GO 137 O0 30 00,180 .OU0 35lOf225 00 42 00.1 292 -OU 46:0_,-i 345 O0 Lo 00 400 0 ) 5400 l454 00 60 00--510 Co 6z Oo 562 00 72 00169700o 83(00, 833 00 ST D.912O 10-OuIl 00 00 13 001. 1238 .0<> 125 00 1 1375 OÙ, Lsr-r Srze.rieIot ordeî uai 25-cia. per poursd. CtUARANTE.-A l IUs sald at 'the alive -prieurs tvarruusted i-bs îckg by fa i ringiuîg, for twcfre m4sll from limne ôdipur- ehutskng. FShôufldaome fait, a uew bell wil11lie givtu-nty retturning te brikeýn eue. l O'roicrs nmiry lit'sent îhrî-tigh tc lhe iA AnVEuu-îusmxu ÂAmmNcv, 3814- Broadway, New York.- la case a Bell hbreas afmter the expiration .oaf thue Wiurrauttsr, 1 sllcrwu/kaf pi-ire fur tise .oIt- 31 l-lv. 3) uy street, N. Y. Awarded Firsi Prize at the Agrwadturaj Exhibitiont, Lindsay.' BE.GS to inforse his Friends' andd he public. tlt- fo'r the pit:pose ot ena.bling bimself ý ta execute, in the most ipelfecrt manner, all or- 'ders with -wbieh lie maybe fivored-îe bas. Made hlrseU'. thoroughly n.equintîed viîth aul »he late Improvcments in bis art-,; and.being qnlied with the'best mate rialsq, chemicàls, &c., he bopes .to produce lite Carte de Visite in as grent excellence as any mtade'in this province. 'f ie aulryis j~ecms-and favorably.,situiated. i.n regard'to liglit, and is pronounced by judges: ta be.retuarkab4y ellndapted fur thse purpose- Of niak im cUr,'tikelesses. 3LIl>oOtiVely no pictitrcs will be let ont. a( th léGaulvry till pai4If(. *Slsition given in euery case. mO "1We invariîtbly qupply Mr. Fr4nci3 with the pnirest, and hest ceieira18t ha t eau le -htaincd, and believé hitn ta h4thorcàghlycncqeaintcd with hLx beauitifil nart. "I ave KNOWt1SON kGRRGORVY. 69 ae uch pleastire ln eertify'ing toà1fr. Francis's ability iu regard to'his being able ta, Malte good phiotograplia. J. F. GMO. "ttheý pictures taken hy Mfr. F~rancis,.of Lind- nSy-i- s good as I bave sýen froni manly 0a rth bes t Galleries. Wm.. tIYDONNELL." consider lte photograpbs aof1Mr. Francis as gooi sld as trucas anyl have ever seen1 in Enghland, and I have,seec» somne- ofihie finest. JAMES B.. MU]. . Lindsay, Aprfl Itit. 1865. 29 .The subscrriber désires to infoni bis friends and tho .publie that he continues to keep thé- bcsit .hories, ueatest ahnd Most coinfortable ca rriagesail buggies, coustantly on ýha.nd far hire. Terou eatrmelp Moderate. H. WORKMýAN -Pamily Groceries, 4., CADWEILS eIKERY, KENT STREE77,LINDS.4Y,: GON FECTIONRRY, Sweetmeats, Fruits, Teas, Cffi", C o oaecos',,aad Pancl Cigaru of the best Brand. -Ca a t GnlwoU'sj Lindsayl2 ý U Oetdbr, 1664. 14l n he9tL e»iee1 Furitui!&Ware ouse!1 10~ saeres of îvicixuulintifiacres, are cicare'Drsmwi lgPfce! ans] 10 acres rcîsdy- ta log.This'fgrmis within T.uiciabgtiîrilm naiat 4j' miles Oai 6omiles from Omemee, Th usrb egtaifrte.nbtns a shrt dsîniee tam lse rmiîwy. goo f Lindsay and sgrrostîding country liaI ýlie leatisr rsad 'ttsS i hut c th.lo. iiselately oendnout a large an'! varie'd stoclç Imui~iae ioseun. Til tl nitalie (,f- Clis fl eMs ,Bwreaus, Dresslug sud Tusuuu.-A lportion ai()fthe mnue.down asud iie ttun sUtg Gaask lî cf tlie balinmec. in >e, .Formfrtiter_ pamftiulari whicb l se1ul- a ih Ic lwer rates liban appsly ta the owsuer John 0,arto bv ~êcaibi4hd1 i-sy Messr. MACKtAY à HEAP, £aUr "n 6yw M liIt e. M2-3m - Soiions, Llund .:- K3 uroia ttriýia&Jobbing 'wM lro- 0ceve proupt S%ý Kr ubis cibe fer iib i qtiu ou ie bW, - . ý ' . ieý. . . .i. - V tJ 1.taholdeprumunion * oeithere ià a union, PTwlxt natuirelshbout sud mine, To profit by afflictioni, buip trnth frora fields oifiction, -GoWmw uer -from conviction,.. Âîmd fufi eath great -design.. Ilire.efor thase Who lave me, ýFor thoee wba know me. truc, For the beAven that smiles abwer me, .:.nd airits miy -spirit, to; For he wronLg Iit aeeds resistsne, For the cautse thftt fàceks assisu&iie, ýFor tise future lun the distance, ]PALSELOVE AND TLAUE. di' There, I*kneNw it miould be.o s! I aila pontiment Itis mcrningt t u enwcultl's'î lot me bè onimfortable. Tint isthe worst ai .yon 'vam 1n;fycOu -are aiwarys plati inz aptî ehging, until auy oesii veurn niglubo4r- h-ans] n tkpin a perpetual -whi*rl. Now (ty ou't e Icirue aloneVI ao Vl .liaru Gandiner panses] andi assunîed a looý .44 But, Wiilie ýdeant," sais]fils siste*r-iiî-lu:I.w, deprecitiîitx!, " ytîare aur-.te litre ir." "6i4. i';!' suisi le. " wIy sien!] I ? 1 tiaVe mî:ade unp my mini! thai I1iwonl. Thenelsure, yau rnay, as %v etl save. yous- breait, Wo îwhersi say Il wail, .I woWLt.' But Iilie, nmeiss, oa anusing.-jusfIle perorà aitfal ctions foraà cnuuîiry'-place."1 "Yen, Incwwhaî y'n %woren cal]. amusi;in il'ha-se mvulstuzules wl-mss4 loesga- frern moruisg tilt night. i coiànîstn wmisrt -'f iîsng, BesaieL; Yeu (But nie lsim't a ratte, Wilie." ", youn par taiiy blinid. 1, h deies noting nff tise srI, and iî's yoîî wllto are talking nousense-1 w'ith hia ruSat, Bessie GarAiiiu'r, wss patisuelbu-J i eld out imutsefly.l lig cousslees]d,,bourmoed oui of ths rouaibans- .uîj-gthe dloor aller erilii a verY decidtil way « 1 That <lay William Gurttuior liincîtl(l sIie. He hasi falncied isai was issîlkiin,ý -with bMrnon. a,1rni,îohsherellealluttins huit ami 't'.ruqsiiy lit fourndul t; istr l19ts id wuald iit' isonte Lifore àulirirefhile uîîil six Cock. - frIi n "Thituk eoinelsq à '.qoe-airâoiM raf quiol, ai aîy rtp -w-as.Iris iiiward cotin- 'Meut, as ,ho.-Jisniisse Ilime maui tI ns] ise. lunicheon, and! rellunne to, bls- books. - £' 1 supsetudy must ho abanslaned airer ta-ý ofy etri1 tirse I 1s(hall havo ta. Jo Jnîy a' -i-ieans] expioriitg parties,muilg ladies have -no, aoncieice,- ai al, Noiv, sf ilovre a conaitry girl wiîo %Vas . emuil &ouidh'î lie se tiresome; lhsey are quis'ten and, bes.-ides, litey doi't rnital aoven thu plisce te hieur a nigittingale or pick a bilcu'- ecap.. But this Mis-, let me sce. \î'1îat is lier nameUpon-mny boueur 1I have ion- gallon, or penhaip4 Be-raie nevt'r taIs] nma she *as. cross, deeidetily cross, wisen stite leit lte rooru, amis] sisuniunes] tie dsin rememober-ibe iting votncusare sofonutsa utsmiig when they gsre angry. Mis Mis-- cear.nue! i1mw V.aisuîi-1 wi rsolect-but, Ihoe9! wîat tîesit s>iruiify- let lier lie Kale, an Rose, lyaciiîîlîa, an Jaquietta, ît's rall.tteesunre tsim82 William Gnistnnax openes] iisbwtk., ansi Ice)kius rellreîively uit tisepigb'fs h.ii. F or <Jvc rminusta:,tho silence lis'l ron m ashagomplsthuit fiaçda pin filleti: yen.u, mltuntces-liiiy have 1lw'uurd it. Tieus XViIiaM, utienoti a suddeut exelamnation of relief. "ý-lMarsdeu-Marzar éti or ra hu'r Maggî'*i Mar'îdtleu-l.iai'a il!" said ihe ; ani u-plu ently vveny muuscis eased at liý i liiscstvia-ry, lie> riow zayve lîiiividitd attirtiors ta bis ba ik.î Th u-rs passes! swiil>- by-. Absorbedi in lte wonk ioshm, William Ga'-diuser was quite unconscinus aoflime- lapse cf l ime. Has] auy uhougisioai Juner preseules] ilseif, ho' ful at euce have dismisssi- it as pre- mature. - But ne sute- idea dis! prissent , lin any shape cr ierm., ie rueveri' even heard thc soünsofaicstniage whiee!s, or te admit aI a ighli, sil1Vern mugît, suddctî ly trîne-ais à slep neared l andat passed-on. , The' savcuny mmd fri emn ie itnten. wshwas' uini véfar dli sttatsfrom.n bis room, faonas] himt -eUsIyn v l'lie %vas erjoyiù(g ilis aternonun hi$,own firliin Wvîu aven- geance. .1 No-one camet l igthrl i hm Ifi loGked asli te vitle 1Itolsis hd dagrees] te lie an îranquiîi as passible. Even Illse Pa r- ieur-miais], xvbse passiaurs0ie app>als ta huer leSaiier-iad," carnies] thirugi ltuy vaines by sawieiik Iobie v0ice, 1mai rearly distraci- cd hum on hbus laRt ustle.ussb sriî-a4 wns uow perfectly imite, ans] w ita]âim is'se-.f the saI~hdwiîheul gîving Iiii auy - stiinte. - of ispecu lation ta him. He ha-J finisred lte ngeeons] volume cf. hia bock, sand as isn te feici t he third, ýwhb'en ilsuJ!de.nly sinuok itdm ltaI ite hous was unu.'naîýIy qu,1iet tuis afirnon- Tiere Wus scm-lèhiug pecul ian ini tiicircmitaue. wh'ici fnaily awakeu-- os] is#'& ioIty 1e pene'!thlit brairy door,,and'called crie aithe m:aids..- 'di "Mary,",sard-ho, ",what tifli. are 've ta din e ?» ".dWhalover -imfe -Yen 1ke,4wai," Tep-id Mu~r, pamngber ssu] tirauit te lien tuaking al lie bîrds envions hy tire, baauly- ofi un sott. William Gardiner spranz antof betd,-dreas- edý himiseîf hastlîy, and, went dswn siairs. Bessie--wà. sîilil senles] behins] the u rn as hê entered tie bne-akfast-noom. Ife immne- diatly. apaligs-zed lfan beîig sa..laIe. "Pra ,d<n't iTreuhlonit," saisi Bessie. Su)meh ow. wvaqsosmetliing ini Imr toue, and tepatient way.ijus wlie.h nie busieti itenrseif wilh. isstuae;-canps, vvich made Wl itam.fiael as if lie were te idistiarei exi«îPlie; se ho ia*k refuge fremtrema-ýse ini buttîecdtacot ans ilne-,,, and finisites Up With à brailes]leg of chickt'n. "Tic helibrary shahlia ekelît- mcredi tn y6n andi Ilu bonk-4all the tir-e t'u arei ee, sais] fess«ie, as, the po ured- jin ont his lasI cup of t"îm,aud r6i;sfofntmtable. "I 1arn sure ycu wili exclse rme,! di'î 1ike Io leWve you befere, for I kaow lh ie mcah.e to breakfast alone, bul Maggie irunat le getîing Juil with- ounimte." "I uh6uiigamy a young lady of her talent mnî ihave too many res;ources*in hersaiftot feel duil," eaid William with a siles. - ý idOh I-1m' kno*,"- returned Bossai. "Mmggei.a rea raderai, homo,, be. lmsbtto whuu peepie -go St a visit, (Torm.: 5jin Agvane 1I don'tî know about tint," said Bessie, l-ho seeineid ta be in a ves-y indulgenit fuame ?)f multitis everssng. Il fiebas beensi-poil- cd, certaiîuly, but a muant es avec that sert of é(isnceit îvheîsi le. mai ries."9 "I woul be a r-hanie for a fine girl like Mi11s8 Marsaden ta thiraw hersei away an that. COMMON SENSE PROM lYANKEEDO1NM; I- 1is. neall1Y amnusinz to read the headings naw >andi tien ii ise Northeta papers, aif -Fenian'scansâ" in i Engatid ' ert--Fenian. fi-hinîml" iiiCsada. 'Of course thet'e-aiticlei&, -:t.:.-. q-, 'to..rftiofthe cnsnts.nlvr.n a - I 1 -l .......................~ Abu o mi o s e r. WsP« Walms, lia por...el..S SProfesaonal MWdBusiness Carde, six lines md mde, 1 pr aunm $9 f u ulh.Fr- m auto et* n t&obeqtearras.f 0* Oniora for dW~ontiniin,4 sdvertisemt;niz iflutbd WtUhg,,tuo4~cpba"er wil;4ai e rz4poüsi- bi" ti. i rpito Ili 1 mi il lai 4Mlro ep l~~ pied bl âirswieA lW k.rheed éuikl wlthe Z hki: « don;* fom whfleea faint "M~és~y" ho cl ey ; iia-t>l e o un çompomting eveiîy,'that (16" all ibis tnttan? Cormê ba4 diteçth~d tell-me, wlîy-1 aïà trÏasWd l is o etiotaiman- lier Il" M -yrappetred, wipidg lber .oyesa, 'whc $ow, Maé, ry," »Ie th~ mte un tb. - * airèit11, "MXplim iy ourself2 yugmai el lé 1 a, air, what am 1 Io eex- paim 1?Xe yo are to erpîaîn âv- 1 wu net enfoui at t4eprop4r lime, rn..-iead-of bulià g alawed te keop- th. Jadies waitislg a fui heur for W "et 1,-goeou; lter. lsa areason for i tis, d o .a't k n o w a ny hin ab out il-, s ir, x - ce talinizsu!esaidl, Mn1.-William wus buay ai is books, and wasri'to' abu dietjrb-ý' ed an, no. acoult.' Sic îAllis cot k was to keep i cnne aiu- hot,, and wilen rau w. nted it you wouldCoule anti.. say sa.. llie tld us, lue, ta be vert: quiet, because you p Corilîlssl't bear .ta lear womnrtalkiliz about, .1ie hi use when you was, busy wiîn veur reuding. Arid sol air, cf course we dis] as here Matry stopîtecl anti wiped lier eyes aIl Over faan, as if thiî were ait operain wlPich lad oî.ly suogested iee aaman of ne 15eV. -Iefa en '&"-Oh il s'eé," sais]d liaiia mortified. touie" brsîg ri>' diîuner sîtto lte libtary,"1 aslihe luriies an lis lice! atîs] disaprearus. C kmikil] Irad kepitIshe vianda Ihot witlî- ont Spoilîng- Illëm ;but, sornellawflaI day, William *Gardiîier's appel ito was rurme oaitise *ba--,t.. ,H. cfuit tisaIBesse bhas! utwiîîed huru, afidi tisa, lai, willh hue- 'Wapons h li isil bias]Iorzod auJ put ista lier baiids. lic was- % vai piimedi asîs atnusyed. C ok's viaus were rulme îegiasiôdfoei- tiiir slelicioug liavour, bat tiuey did flt uit %vil-_ liait; fiardiise fr's liate la-itigisi, lor bu Setilu joliy, witm lii< . itInttsul of chierry tari. atis] Maydajes] îlot, for fle lfe oat lier, ýsngge.t . -And aIl thsialime Ilssle neyer Cênie near i Iten (lie ha cmiii u s-vaisli'.ilier taice fbut %V11011 -hoe volitup stairslutaiheiso n sr>neuii-laëul loi let biiftrc lie uitlit ie ladies ai Ifis tea-table, uc hîcard a, leliciau.Iu-r. t-n, risarrmoiîsy thîill.tlsrougiL the hIous-aVOM.i's aolig, %vlhiclsi -m tu t; litne lté. very sweetest ntes a rsîgliul-ale co>uls] give. 'fissre wa.s no movutisru1niser tisai "t li stpll is irlIe olle.swiuiow zsîd iteies] us tenîîýively. At -tir-ithte Sonz kas law ans] plainuti ve, seerning e uh out .on thte alili surnuer air,- as if il iycre dyîiz :ollv Iway ailionnjStihe loues ; illucît il Sutiieily swc mled -n mba louis]bîîts.i ts jliîtîm.-tuirnoloit, a laatit aI victot y, îtellinz rte blessedncesaiolte deas] who die in th'é -Loi-i. Wila' .srsiier coli fs'ei hi-s lhoît24ut. .ruts-ringr - $wrl ili îeusicotii -e0 'uIMItS vsiiee. îlà liad i instise c<uitixltr i il \v 1l' l il y)re -srii s.. a -in fr a t 1it %V1,4 Iîups'is>V 's-s 1aititraiIL ls] y t* fela itasiiiaia xo- At lei*lýti Ile gous] cead, a-ndI lis es e1 haslily, and wveiit swîs stis. - le fanids l1e dinawinpg-rosin u eseried, and l isard i tri j Mary tisat su ans] tile yausîg lady isatl taikeisa cup cf tea antdlmoale ouitlior u wai.k. Sitati 'f bririg ytsu aijè, ton, Air.?" adutle I MNary, in a ton -nppréeinsive'y (leferential. -Wîlliaîn's sole anisWer'was. ais ex(,lama-. lion viliieiis inn-)e cosumtnén isatipli. relié âtiht p bis liaIand %vent osfui) u- vidltilf-.W-slts at o, fusiusjpae. . wtteu ite réeturne 1, Bossie Svss siitgalorse lnu lb' durawnc-roorr., ith a anok iii hon liaîýit. that ic has g n bei," wasBes.tic*s ne- mnark. a:-S Will jains -ietttd I iisCi f iuýOutliî , dm5! ýlbegrai- tu play wuth is %s walel.uaiti. Hle was 1tan-prou.[ tleainor t1.ofli treateniussieho isad re ei r d. Penflups .h'ý knew iliai lie deie-rved il ,ai art' rats'.. Il ie lioîu, --liaui- oul a persuut ;t-î0 'L1i luraîsed- asquite able to takeo lier owi. .pat, ns inhIhave fracs] ili iti uta a li- canitalsonofailbs errors, befores-hî' toud i' r.>It hlm ifs Ier egutinl ie h-. zifl's:t. 'Ss Wilia tecdeklatsdi:ce %u'as l -u course, àlid mrolyde lhvi e.l lhi ouuf <iau lew cancle.a,.coin trivsplace u-un-rk-r lîîie iît Iriî;3carîdle, -ati pejare u as taIve lime l Mhat trme voulid Vonit ike a rtku Y. to-î,ro~vm-snuirî fi iiquit-es Bess'lie, jUo- as lie, opeiteth ie- door. the cem;as1Themue* -7heoV Tos.hoMàke L a. dan ýÀ tiboi , and'- expatWaé p.>tl>eîr boatieseas it-they wem. ail tNu* exauç, 'oiubi be' ise bouïdi, M 'itw.reàit $0 nasce. ', ii me of -thos brnighrti !d&ys f -My own, 'vien -MY ideaAd.trand- *Platmed ms e " a tinoe- deb-I, *a Inn, 'Owis girl, thinking .the grast, beaueifel be- * cause it was green, ansd seeine sornethine té admire in the tintest sprat' , t tii omPlest, wWld flcwer. Anid yet, penhaïps, f lsrdly, }otdthon.0 thinga 80 much fer thèi es for fiwe.Me as with rm4îben àauJ *vervhrnz .ieemed *right and beautiful.. 1 Thie Yotng 'Widcw sighed,; and-a' large 1ýtoar felt on Ite bo!som c, f her blackt dros. Thre sort hapy years toher and, thon "bdeahsparied two of ths mosrt tende heauis the prai*eworthy-îàyWa y -h 'iioliBe !.liait toughî againsî lier trouble; but they krto% noihing uf. the tler weariness., of heart con- rcealed heneatit lier cheerful, cnergetic mani- lier, and îhey uhoug7ht her already esred or ba grief wvhick lasted ber steadily ltrougis a whale liletime. Pgerbaps William ýhad bêen one Ofthie short-sighteuî peeoptewho judcged so hasîily from a'uîard -appearances, for lie] looked sutrprise&, as iwatt as.affected, by tis s.uddeîî display of féeei-:.g. ".1l thougit you were quite reti.zncd,"i he saidjusi l' sake of îlaying sneliz " Reigne l 0 I rn, sepiedBesie. %with a véry gentlle'sînile; "but peuple may bu tisat, aied yet féel.1" "1Rut, iîaviîîg Miss. Marsden with- you, tuust.clieer.yenu p., IlYes-dear magrgis no one cari be (l]1 wVhere she is. But J arn keeping yen tr.oam your studies., Don't trouble- yours lf about our houis, Willie; this i@Liberty Hall, you kîîow; besides,youriïeading is of lIse first .consequence." But 1 dou't wiqh bteinterfere: witl you.r arraiigeiîuenî-." said lWilliatm. "ILasi nîglit I 'Vass' Pray dluîî'î Mention il," intenrupted Be.sý,ie. " I uxke every allowance, and w) loes Mag.îe Site paiticularly saisi tisa ifi slite Ilituriîed vou. iii art î way, shte ,vouild anidr: iitý!y ýve. Anî P~ut, Bsi, interru'pîed William, a litle irm patie iitî[ý, "Ilvour Itîirs suit m e per- ' fec 't.y we;Ll. Isli6u s have: been, ready aI disuertîm yeueray, il a-ny eu oe had teld 01O it), itoiuees], Is ) haeallOwed you lu be disîurbed Ii t hut %way," eaid Des- sic. " iow lieeessearyil isftirai Von s!sniuld lieive -perteet :(lUisý:.i.M.îggiÎe and] 1 irc.guingg ont iii tié posiy-carnagetltis mur- nsntz,, and prObably wie shiahl.unch ai lise Neivomes so Itai yoîî will haye a. lon,, r;anqui! day te o .rsecfit' Goldbye uiïtil îzjilnnier-tie,'ý.Site added, as sie vent out îldiig and smi:ing. W as her amile lte leastdegree-mischiev- nu11s? William du flot feel sure on the. p duti. But ut(Ifele liiighe -was to!crably cuivi inced-lerewva.s surme hlidden inean iii itiBi'salti. Site iad net Lidîown risis ei é rrd lbr Iis 1studes an lii la-ït i'isit. Quiho tise coîsîratry. N o cinU!d have been l1ii more geiieraiI reqnesi than lie isad been - Si Ilit Iwî!sa.1sioni.: kwas- Wifilieseeand th rie i ; thîe CIsri'trnas garlands were ail la be aarrangecd byiiti n; -ans]di-presence astuîlte evergréens and lhoily liad been- as ii,,orou-,ly siaced as if nothing ii thè %vvot decnr.îtioutnsuld! ne mnaaqad ith-ý Ount iirn. Inleed, so far lIad BeSýàe carrnes îlsi* systeiti tisat cule sitowy day, wlteuî lie rctrcates] to th(elibi-arqy with> the intentiont of di vi utg deep itito h:s favourite autiser, lie fotîtil ailli hi books gone, auds a 1ilnge- bunch 'o til mustilussla tise oft îuîda afire. o'.îîseqsu'enlce that thý e sarvanîts 'are not eveir alluwedt ceal!luias taoiuîeals. -William w"a sluer- puzzled, auhale piquetl, aujiItgreatiV. irtewrestes hy' thse new ou-Ler 01 lhilg IF rath ar lomueis interces], 'periilaps, ljtet t,(UnutIiis tliu:ts !tà lîLgoaiheru, ta lte si.cinsiîtn o(i s studles. t ?.i 'alilata azgle Mar'silen, I vers]) iiv'1'lie srtd ai la-t. IJe %Vas Iioidtiz .4risiolle i iii l lis wfion lie give iveij lo tsiiii.l haïe iii c,'Inînon widi tiie ±rueal -y- îl A e wc tta lo.s ta ciecive. .l1aiutpes- îs;p~ ~iîam îie osiv hatille caujnVe-ý :uîild lie L I i tlyjusi t) a d islant Lible w!(i-:' I liesat nu isiîug 1s kuces u i ttis- Finail iii,» hall, a il dl puîî~îu ' b.sdck itile iO t i tve u Ci.lo a iîî.iute, and aster ai uiiusuatlly eatliclut ho eccîirled tlalioi 1i~ u' r l , su. lie13 f. - L Bi'.i1isn :aas. - Tis1 Brluito.. 1......... ...gur..........s Oa kvt Me ... Picta ..............î sandwiciu..... Chippewa ........7 Colbarne ...... Ehsra ...........Ri Pug ...........5 m4a uas........... 9 ReMirerr..... Stewasvile.-........9F ..ara..........S TAXATION BE.WW 5 CENTS IX, TIE DOLLAIt. Goderich ......... 2 j 0ir-ille ........ 4 A rln iur.... -. . - Pi rI lafi'îi. . . Bau.. ».............41 $nits's Falt ..5 Enbro ..... ...... 2 Suthiampton . 41. Fort Pen...... >... 2 Wuîtes'noa ......... 2 (iuîiuanoline ........1h Wellington... ..j New lnnsurg .4j Yorkville. ... MFXsCa-J7Te Boston Posite~nt it as la sinua rmar fas4 tht. sîlineigu t alIli.Uted paoi'i nrelaîd ts ilite sigi-tft f s iuevilable f Stîttes cavairy have been ordenos] te report Aiuieican "1 colontel," or the proe-nos of a jta-Gen. âheriian an the Blo (-raîtde. correspondenut cf 1ihat blo&itî@ty journal, the New Yuork* Tribune, a'e en np fur I-CSMNAL -rEAuY'leOntario home o aumption, te maki)ltepapon seil. Bn-aetéC fMnra $5113, for arrost hseir Messeuger with isîg ia.îorrèr aitise prosont. deuionatratioua $î,>ý or> ane lime sgo>. - V ainst its pouce.ans] security in ,vory absurd.:aRbrshs eevdte ltte ho ti i qualiîy ilseBrillit nation pOS- asalO Rhrs a eevdlt e noMes in Ue1h. hiest. degree, i jg plupk." nibil nosîiaýtiPulafr Mayor.of New. W. av»r, kgww éo f hatrAc f i~c."~.- hearted isianders who would refuse, on a tfiuting occasion, Io 1ig1ft. Power of endur- tance and doggied derwiai r th physi- 0cal atren!gih. Io bak ltent xK the Eeg- P ish nation. ý Their,. is -no effétearistocracy, cradled l lthe Jap of luu ty #M1gf "i li1e. We doubt if, iu the w1tole êold, a ', ner body f ren-, pl.ysically -auJ mentally, can. 1be 7aond itam -îlWe iiobi lity of, Great Brillaiii. >Certairtlythey biave held th#eir owvn -111 se- ence, ïa the leamred Rrofessiofls, in. periI4 by flood -anJ field, wih the- hariliest comSon- erg, and have.aa &il oceamiorîs sustained their country%'s fâme suitcliallet;nged'th e d- nitrai ion of the mcml radical Demoi(c;at. And hence, whien.W.e- see alîniçî iii play-bill capîtals the heading "GREATFsrxiA qScAREc in EngJand Il we cannel but. enjo 1 the fun that thone omical, quizzical auj îalented gimtlemen whfl~mn 'le the New Yprk prem aSlr4 h~i.~iitpdmai rrierne¶. *Yew iefl ~h hvetedthé itrroîepast ane hundred years,* will'beTieve in 1 ihese inlagiL-> nary, 8eares and Parties arnoin the ~gib The English -inliîsy have neyver hati their superior, and itlis amusing ta see thîe knighisà a1 the quil lain"he tîmons chy oQf Côtharn tellîig stories'oa i mw the Fesianiq are nak- inig thse chihiren of the men whti held -nuii#u monit, tl itsenmcwho repù 1etl the rflght aI- iack at Inkerman, tremble. The Eti,,Iisti Iiav,, .becrsrî ffen c".iX'd' "a nation (of slt'e'pr,"w v as" tegetNap)olteoln wh't* first riprn-ly trialdeh. resîîark.. But, -like'tui -Piàýafi bourgeois at Valmy, thîe> li-ht ruinalrkbly %tel]. Thev are a commàercial pei.pie àand dIo fot go ta war unléssït iS ýi,-hirsi _ttree_;. and Eîigland neyer came out of a iwar, cx- cet kititliber Anerican'UColoti «eq, lMe toser.- aVe l« 1S 41 'a silroll"îpcr îl'PIII, in s9pite of surhs spread-eaglie producetions as lWillards hislory of the United States," anmd innumerable arnplified iticiïdenîsq relatedi ta u8 by garrulaus old relative.%, abo,tti. w-'I of 1812-,tisaithe universi Yankeeeira-, Con tvas raisîher wirsîed ti that ittie 1 shiu- ly," and Ithat had flot JohnBiill lurd otlher nid pes-'ng eu!a~Aentssu Erojpe, aiti-.e limnie, iuciu haïe, inih le end, eree ivin- calied hiîn out. !Nor du we bIarre ligand for aict*uig oa fliLarîituive of sel- in Ieî t is the mnain sýprin2 of imosi lit- man actions, more espev.iallv d(oe.sil éovèrn tuie coîîrsc of nations. Bt.aliioLh owi cti- ous of ente: ing ar, a %var for a mere oint,' thloliLhï :hey lsive prorit..dby Ihe cdy~x perietice of t4e' adininisîratifin of thet brilli- ant par.liamentarv leader, .-b~îut ifortuniate Ptatesnian, MNr. Ptit, stiii letthé eEtîglishî n'a-. tion believe lar an. instant ihat their hionoai ss seriious,-ly touelred, and that "nation->of, .shop.keepers" ii v) ynarms aq one man. .Fotr tihe îésu!i we must look te history. Iler ei,,isih iîuudumen-ipf-w«irber enormous foua iu, er vasî t sc-mrces of.mnuiionR, ý;o g-eatly added Io aauJ improved eince 18.56p, aiÀ last, but nolt east, her isûimense Morley- ed wealth, reuder ht:r, with the exception of Fiance, the nasst foriidable power in the %vorld. The Unied States slîoulid be caui- tiaus of etiteriiug on a conlest wih 1his'great powver, for it %yould be a far, differen t Imatter trùm ruîming izover îwo or ihreti-huridred inideî of a a .;j' SerVI:. 1)a lithai. xas enlisted aaiuî-îhOwni. %%"orath!_ r opi!ie t liai a Fenjian expo'dsîrn.ioi rîh.d '. * relahdý, wouil inmett ih pîerîy u- n;iolb tIsamne ftie as Gea. Ilumlbel t's.- Ricl isnond(;"a,). MýlUNlICIPAL TAXATION IN CANAIDA, A late blue book furnishes sgouie interest- ing5 statistics af Mie r;-tq 'ei!t taxationi in tha respect é gq-uive cite ,towin- and lvilla. , -i Iîer Canada. From tFe taPe %vwhich We giçe belo'v it will be se en.1hait isa heavie,-: taxes placed in Canada is Dunidas, in -%wlsi-h thse, rate %vas '27 cents iiu the doihar. TI) érnost moderato taxation is in Arnprio)r,, xviîich only pays three quarters ut a cent in the dollar., Te faylfoisîg iIs thse table Terc(ta TAXATION 20CENTS IN M11E DOLLAR AND UPWAi VS. flaniuiton.....1 tc~........o2 D'orrîntîr........t. S. 'L .jt ......21 i.~su.......... .l'1mh........2 r9jî1. 1 ' i . ' Pari........2.. .... Straîfdd...... > ~~ ~........... Kin4r......I l.nd- t..........17 Dublin............1 :n........ .u Pcterboroitgh...11 Part fHope ........12 -st. MNar.Y's ........t Barrie...........ý itellevitle. . ....., ltowmnriil é. .14 Vs-l itrockville ........'>ý Chuathtant........ .14 Gltelplu .......... 1 2 .Nlulthrîî...........111 â tPresct..........1 Sarut.........12 Piuvlle .........11 ('lîstul..........±2 Ihieu'-ll . ......... 11 .iesiit'it'r.. .......lIl Mrhi.......... 13 i'u-uît........13 Whi-ouîd..........ilE- TA XATIONa T~NAI0CNTSIN.TiIIE