w». bave mat insvoa ouu" prirmai igiTlt5". le affe-t b Ind .ney to the o a. s of'whieh cjiSenJ1 bave advi.d ith. r tb acuspt; &ad others, bave bees uotil d» is aI ueti4g. If .lasPme- e or p o nt oûius in Canada ww De ientyaudalower ritaof wilibe akedby aGitenleders. y gos sasser, and thse raiseooflinter- the prins.f oeourila at iXetiraies ne' sh up, sudin view-of tisaI thai g .vo i rlti-sebouda It sihapes, b. advisabhe te oeil nov, as obtain a. mch botter Prie thon swva lise, menthe mo e-til fint in Oa ut reasures repo rt have deaileu e of- tise withs a. sparing hauadtji»syear. tac, as de- tleitg' aitihe 'of tise 134h, ta ner, cin,-dertat el iii vie-w. In- Cameron and Dt. 1 tise townAblp cf l¶îflisou and C,- 1-. tu vilsit tho own- as-fat asam iSte ps leepecti -set>'on. risita, aussi ta i-- iva>' to confter as ey uvili undriake ruadt Beimrton.>' ilurns this veek. extendecl notice ou ladeeti, up tu lIme b.ênvbut little saiti t aspirntst for mu- t feeling tis ealec. of amkertaining thse thero haaebeetise litig i rerirtoecf- m4 in tise varios à,a matonshbave or premeetl Mayor, e again, tiser. ai-e the elusef maie- B>rowne, Esq.i 015! yi if ýr it, v rut i J Co say He for the Cosnisel Fiji 'Jirsgthulu atI ivo accordâmce w115 i t aÈ4o4 uaumber of pressai I have ceag rattîlate you onrs eut preseint -prospecta. Providence ha" bleaset us witis , W11inifu liai-veut, We cuh trot>' s>' we- " av,& peace tandilomty inlf -oàt bordera, kor w-ich vo shoulndtdasfe!eirui ytisatia a 1Iýt ouit>'have -vo' iatà aboutai tifsharveal bt sliwat over>' cormodity we hav udis- peo- tof viliibritsg a murth hiir prie isa bas b.oe realizeti -for years anti mach ex- ,ceeed-bur 5mb tsanguine okpectat»s.ý lns Augos: liti1Ipubtished s Jetterla tise. coluitia-of h' e-CAIAI14Pus: vus refer.. enc e a My trip Nons 10taMindenin acour- pa"y wli tiste Warden cf tise Coainty oft Pîîtérbearo, Robt. Ragers, Esq.: trisati toterI trust plu have ai] reud. Otir ubjectin i giuar itoth was tu purclias tise ritt-ot' -way arounl cern i is un'tise Robeaygears lba1-t-ead-- ,,tg aserbis betweea 14$i, Cauntieà ef Peteîboro- andi Victoians-tise Gouvern'insuasiiaia p el thmseives buta kottistuthéi poîdm vo Pîocurcd lthe right-ot--f'uay. We founi ;iw 1111. auaagthetite vcr y amxiomis b hasve tise ruait imùpreveti -tbbi g' y -naa Places qut@ impassible ; anti wilisout muehi dîftc.-ulty ve i ýstu>.tiitrwy rratngeuaents vuus lthe 0 Ne-obr' othis lade' AsregraTis 'Ibat part ai' tise ;oatl vichlétar lst Ms den vildage vu b ave asot etýti-uly agreed.« Tiser. are-tv-o o asemtiffsparties l.. Mitý,jtis vite have. stent in severat Petit-iosunSs0moti favorf gin-g arouîti -tue vesi siticof a lages - Sut, and tioite i f4yot of takiatg tIhe eai bide. I vîli expiaimiis imwole maltterta trioe Cosmnittse oms Ruade anti Britie, ni eir views vili be rep~Stéd tSte Ie -tuucil. 'I'Thé roakiistanuuw impied firm Bubuaygtion buý the pointl indisýpute-.; 1 receiveti a réquisitiQn. frouttise ratapay- ers of Ubaygusakiii,ý*for a grat ofs 100) tsi repair tlie:1tI!àd b-'ursdarv of Veruiam.. - aiult uf tise lawaspramim ng.fbiatai ts> would naiâoe an equiti annoufit invt'-k 'aiti msaney. Tisilîad ti -i lmt ut ipass«ible; at tis esamnt I did not grt ithe pray'eroft-ltise Pe-ti tiouera - leaviuagil ïtoi-urYau ta doicte. L have a petitioi [1fMmThiso. Rober:s, Leq., - ard oters,atskiaig aid i')irujîrave tise bawstd- ai-y liii roustibetweetai"Feîetoandais!Versaru,Ù avils 'f FetoaslFaits,- wla)iei 1 ihave left fur f>'u t u idl.ýpne'Sof. 1Ius amo ne q uesbad't go and tlîsspeof triso Brîdge-anid, N mini-e-of Alrd i k ho. wvIlicis i - (tii-'ailmcoinisc)àtty with -oe1 rud.ftO t »sotir gcvered witil eedarm'but approac ise la reto. -, I arq-nust intibre - lit of titlig ýfa-ait vitir otls'-r peuple's wark ; anîd it- i.i ver>' u.iap'easuîaat -luIhave ta report air-ar b ri-s - Imnuiîiaythat titis bridge is nl woith hall tuait it eus,!, andîi My. t 1 epnton s tait a hi-iigae u Id Sîve Scout busht lisera for $*4.00 petrudrot. Iluvev.er as ibis matter viti occu1s>' your attentîion before tise. Seain eoer, viisnt go ialo particutars, ati pregentt,'l'ho draw-bnidge ah Cuwaris gave way, owing, ta a dofeet ini thse fotit- -atuats, andi could:nul be b-avellet fui-somue t une, a-itI 1nci!l t tes'nîmmariiy repaireti at a eort fanbu{î$410. -I cau.sed morne repairâ Su -be dote il' lisen-isoi, a n(i aveaieuatritie f sonne allerations lips-the, Court Roosmi, vhicit I tr-ust wiîli muet yuir approvat,. 'l Ihve receiveuià aînusber of pollUons.anti commu.nicatioris, witcsliie Sll'e placeti Se- fore tise pt-oper cure nîittacus, WfrI. COTT.lNrS-IIAN'T s Warden. WuT' E' nNnWS ?-Whaî's ethe'newse lu an evei-y-tiay qimesitiora. In Town or. ccountry, inîtheraii-car, <turing Ille promen- ade,, or- wlilechaittig at tiehea-Fttàle, tlise inquii-y e, ï Wlsat'e tise nes?",Watt, dem' ieaier,hie nova îtitis -week ens-ý prises -sornett&iarg, vwii perhsapa you have -irai yetlrhoard. We fisîva a Ne.w Virur tore~n, mr, lai-- in town an ti l wiihpul au, equal la ther Couii>'for tneainoseanti bea4îy . 'Bel. aide beiiig an exïtensive establisune6nt, it .lao i-eaU>' a predit to use fiourisising ltn andi noble counr-.siîu àted Opposite S. & O. Bigeirws'. (Se. Ativertisemnent.>: s.- ta G-.XUuut Paienlt Medicenes cf muait]>' al Ne kinds Sept conmiantl>'on c isant itise,.Nev We Drug Store. CIt ad ueo tse tai-go assort- mi- met-upposile S. & 0. -Bigeolavs.- Coul- y a -tes' &Chain4~ra, ci. Tus Fg'asaua are havinig a regutar Don-. nybrook r m arogàt lîmevaO3~s the on>' havîsg speagt more 0moue>' tias hie ie ' "pçe ttougisî ho bath-a tistlu;Andi di #oberts a&u een eecletiPresitient.lW bas] of mteaiLO'Mahanys'a inndas tand b>' laits, go tisai there are nov, two Psideî4ita of a- *,ham Repobliol VALsF4914'43AL ESTITM Paoa'ssTréaTo or S4,&-Jay v11uumae.Io out ad vorliiinr co- o- utn issaiwilI osp aoa s *a nmb.r of vetyl nas - itaushi4ehi iuMSe jo tIti.Corail>'anti c-Ontario, viii ho oomd-ior sae en Tsursda>' me nm, 1the 21,1intl it. tO*is;w& vilage. mat P atie.s isunfa <aprefiable invcs3 iment for te >5.1- aey iii boat acrye .iboir i101er- ho by jsttIg in an appeassnice ai thse a&i6. 7*-loJonLaing, tof CobomjIe 1 viiî - q,«vo - Im s. ia. eaada Preas>y' k. IW~.~St ~ iIJl b. disoae Confedterate a ta accede 10 s exedequer, -bu respônsibie foi ms anti ser ledgé bise tigh end sin a ill- vrel%'testro vbisaera huant friaei-tro in anotherlIii cusins, anses nuniber ltat Ithis-e 1I arriyvetin uLài Englandl, anti ti îig hée iAt np lapse nistil Ast .continud'timi tIleta on previ lin tise service' .the rtgiteof uisn -have ho rot 1e, antitisesE tise Amerîcan tis ývessei Lt cruriser of hol Will bise Pi -io Reforsa? «i Tise lusi cisc .Liserai proct' Ye, n Wh'u quentl'- mieau swgr, ati * " 1.1 vas eavo ute d,"- poe il Ibs w MI-sr fait te ue pm et thisJao *ec * y le Myk ofoirt îs nations, I hope ahoulti Canada ,abîUre perlod, ait>'o c anatfit -for vW'Aare canses foi dise vweil av*are; hu rze anti rebe reeti ag thons,14 bsyel-lu Jearn Tise vacanc, ýdeats of ttiaIt i * mem'ston, bas lx ly, vils tise rei lu pelitîca i aa Roturai Bill oi a'e Ouae au limai polamrent. .-T cati-seti a fecîtin vaîde thse blit Passed fi i ii batil- M iag gi wats nane fout policv ils an>' - h me an d abrtu Libenul anti ( ceaeh cihem inin spirit 'ws lual lita of Lord Pai utf pute Saxos rovera whuP sel N1ormlan Wil'ii cessur isabeto cao. das>; aud of seeimg Mr < va are bous.d nmansin stise s .îipo f d h iyscauijî Tsrari-eanone -the intellsgeuse grefat liglt at Airer bi& es3ay r1ru-d <roa tl hsa&ti en raise Iast alpea ranci andi Heenan t one of thesaea Sitveri career ib of luchve ficaied, vis., b> gaiued his inPo renoacticon- becamne a huero sud flattered. almoSI blinidei brava 11111e Su knock-dowsibM defeat--tiso da bea ai-ai l hbi bPotdl7 eut vit] lis b.eatue 1 vin ; andtI ee tise close of th(> tise topes b>'l ken - nt, and ciLa ipion'ïi bel on-hi$cvol-oi lu tie.dreati ce Wa'S cais ump dissip;ationlia( grava. laInpii encd a ooti s isoîourabia cc pleuiing rame Sayera.- Tise-ravatge cf' tie moet le- nîy Isat-ettfer, oui- stock ila -be ilad lu les aidin-g. Price .mnar-ket ashows an virulent ad thtisaIIwas fee -country' wosls , fth bcdistu-ster 15 anaeoftheiso teo sipek of in elderâble -tinse, is olti prices. p m to vit v affaia etbapi 'oar Ân'ri<çaa w adianatover us, bleidyuesi. Wbile on that the 8b.saladoah w dsys apo Captais reI to thse batids 0 ýrtc Bart Russel, gla-: the Confe&erte col b. hsamediaely 'dis- aise, laving cagrt.led ring hg vas emgagei 'vieS peaeed ail i. WaitdelI sud is on a»on»ditIosstp- docks c4ubit a <rouI ad& iocklag lt aiiilth y Wi taesrd a* MueS. , sud« sof 1'bricir 0rg' quse uola oh v« momebers o ou- àt. «Won 49&fu"ion. ia:,.à-îtl Nob.- jsOed, diasve too n md w ere st4ki- lIatuesaia1perlons of cossapticll>' Hodgtn ise.s W m Wumted simd1h MW. -wi tiste bilOt-- $la"bas, lp totbl* kPet ~forber cv" Jaratiotto .ttal. Iupý. tobsim', but t'government etýightau pinion rogtiened roitise comssitted,- but bas' 'A s, therafore, Ire- Pfflant. ve are look- à Anries, w-ho sein' r'sspaat. For tise Ling belweou tise Ivu ales viii dû tiir best plans visicis the dis- Ly have lmati;anti ene of action at'&Dy tishers prove tise loy- have aver holieveti ht in you., Tisai mai>' rail isn-Irtdàud,J1 arn <ition, puiy. conspi- a basl rnethod of->cet- à youcorespondent Inastry causeti by tise tliauim, Lord Pal- HxarI Russell. Sure- h is gros t expeience the giest behsitits laIS s lise people at large" Lord Russelt'.e sp- of Lurd Palmenrston:. tl- mouing lu perz- %en lte brta thi b.d mîgh i ntellect tisait tion, wns $t'il, thera 1P andi deusounce lls Tite 5ress,,bath a' 'i>îte"ta bis ménoI-y. e jotirn&le iet, i vi mour te tise dopai-tedl 'ng Sound#s uf lai-t> 'ote lte records of. lit Thse nsoble lord vwas lae aestois lrig -eed, goiden Sai-ad -li'e-t aensurime before Tisat a verts>' suc- UarI Ru&W.nelo cue tissu>' eto in févour, t bise Ieutof 0<auirs,] vledzd' tisaittise igi t ter beio-nul morFia' Tomn Se.yers la deati t rerneaser, wht'n 'ttu was heard,,tise b sorne fliv.yearsas go. C. Béeàaoit, Sayèrts ia annut>' visi.ci Tsnaiserirbiona. Die le igist betueumi KinTý t,. 186s', vison ho vas iia former antagoniat. 'cabtis over a pe-. he-wvas oui>' once de- ,Bis man>' viciories nit aft ttisait orîI- -il i th, 1860j Tom fed, peled'cOurted- Q gladior *ho hLat rfUl antfgoutt-t ho ,ho rose freint a damen flused tu acliamuvletie iapies vis oà lest bi ouu lh, sud silîl strnck, ;heman tisai iatidune, tise-daiy, Tom did't Dot classa bise ICtur>'. 1 ayera enstiained at .vin g hie neck heiti on ed th. ring te-ha hi-a-ý titi s ot a rry oiff tise ev yea rs Sayers resieti i,anmid tison itcuitbeti )tt. Biiseotplainl it isesad tekaow that cor Sayers.tban eà rly bcoud fot.be cousit!- s Englisis coureagnsd ise ring -are tise muet vo have ef poor Tom. ,tte plague bave been ej a ndi,as.I statet inl thit lias ýbeen doue ta st kindê; but yen- vil epiderixsl-ov sub- -rinage undertakings viii ho a9.great boon, teanilt. i ts rpoauaâ,ru our p oieyio, w iues niversary germarse viii aie s - Lndon.; anid thîs, bogaîber with thliavoc aur i<t îlt 120aslcOs uue>.Whe Sna> iitsaaoS metropôlitark ralways are nîaking am.-augeî flisc Obusrver" je agsiEit vriiiîg oanFene onpraiel01nxD ORS \>IJ. M -cray olti rookeries visic in lamany places disfi- usaters, lie wiii oblige, y iaiforming tise Citurehmes, tise Bei. W.. H.. Scisofielti, B.>A.,Cusbui aslt'- l'-t-- tavIsn-,rtpyrA pnwaI- -asi or law siàofficiatiinoe lu tue.' 'ius'tX , sul asu gare Our Cil>' wili serve in irne l nk sg aeaes pn lSuiut mdayC rh c'--oîîtus'ed«ilis a ss/ t- :~ la d*scapW afar différetace buvisat it is :were tia 11rovu aaa--I1aime dny Mr-. -';'1,_____É!_ now' - Niyiurhiavying iatîyting 10tado %with visai Tax death e;istence pa"sed o n aîia F NER G! IN, ' "t5: Nelbave ireiied msuclà neslabtel>'un tise "Obsu-rver" 1.cafitstise atanstreuis persecu- thse Jast as@iz-ýs bas beers coumuie ti u t15 Tiiiare ta ' i.s: iii- , ego rvoIt lu Jasuaica. Tise at -rocisiee coin- tlioncut bit Io .idowàs?' anti defy hi-ta l'ro piomn nts eie*ir o 4yas. OIi ;ansvs '- siteib tise blàék.pets of Exeter Hall, andj prove i t; antd i s for aamy J. -P. evrer asîkîna" the srlmmary.esngeanca iufiicted on tisenti, bv twC safoati uîcpiî l~a sv S. &0. BsGELOW have bbclareetanîd - 't\ ,A-s:v beticsneae o bacoîiscrbe xîu iydouteunder suny consideratiun. -1 tSoc fr ooul ridsay. thebb peuple antipi-esc. Tisa Emanciiusbion Socs- - ln coniclusion, -Mr. Ejiîor, 1 beg 1 sy r- - ety bée- endes vour ta liard excuses farteta h aéaeào àlm ei ejn.At!11fE biacks, andi are, iaxing us vitS unduse eiyt ëi bse l 1,pynndels oqun titoe G sav' LriySfu lne tustifor e ais. "I'ITiit'\i 4o i ~'t .i ta tise insurcloiteaie rý, andr.'s rias loien tîe\utu1. -- ,sretOit.-TeSceyvtýtémente antiexceeditsgty positive assertionssr>, at ibiifiuiîtrs o ielde. F iEPoni us. o -E r case> in -a lotal>' différeut iii t o ih&a't hý u eyets~eîîîain,~Nov id bise tinn la subscri .for tishe si ii .,nvt generfly 5, "Oh'ed'atmi'lgtY - ruuntiusg his-magnificesil semtences.- tise Atlantic. -rss-s:ttv. -r Tîi u:SniDAT M&o.ziNs.-Loidol:Stra- Tus eîecfit' ait mmaCtxàA.-Ti Csiw a360 miles as auç --n-s1us-.a: hass & C . $ 1 5 p t. a nui .. W ha e F. eîo , 6î D e , inN. lu enghth, an ti tie toits co ile etet uîpo n il fr FU LL SIZ h tPA r L'iJ . l j)L'Ni tN $17 e eeà6hPc 16.186 L amxountedti 10 ver three million dîulai-,. E.M J-Lu.~ N0, titis -mber*- vis p-wielsisneari>' double bise amont collected ln Also, fHousbistl u ur -oar = eàlod Whië,bicih"asalieady atiaîneti A CORRECTION. ast>'previctns year ; anti vhite oui- neighbouurs J> ýJtsu 1il 'V411- u:n tu-.'- tIse eaorusotaa circulation of over on. han-have sa mach re&» a bttele pleasedat tis requitPri o'e.td-u-:lX 'S îhouaod opie uurllh Durng To >~<, -il la gratifying ta kno bisaitish* sales of tise 4usd a Duingtise e tsePSI"G dian Pain Destiêyer,"- ýfoir- tie,*cure of Tgetsrihast"t -t nt -t--- comissg Y.rar ie . fouowing imqort séiaui i,tt SIt. Ancrwis Iinner in ts, cugiscIe p* s r~se reûaim ant Novtltimes,«1.0 Iub; uu.s..suI .t - 1tw.MrWo'od atateti that neari>' ail of ou r fi-ot-iclilbsîains, kt., ai-e iaereasoing mucs1 llustraied, sud Ille M -"': t1(a -'ut-.-: -vorks will appear, virz.: 0utFather'sbusi- jj-ie hveoeil importe troan Bruttni.- fade:Sl > i e.iieLa-sa 5 ts ini u, anS ins t t -t-s i Snesu; or inventives tu do gond, by Tuomast -This isentirely, incorrect ;,on lise vontrar>', per bottie. htiS.yi' o-in u -I-t" '--ti Gthi, .D Joraof-a, tour tIbugisitise>'are neari>' ail- Caratians. Tise laie - A Duct. 1-A qtuari-cil hbveesEnsign Stb- close of ,s "sr lm) Iýerao Jnuties iiHasrrrmna, Burnrs, Macaulay, La-:- binsandmîth ie Lieutenaot ott4 eTbanderorm la- Yi Paletig) b Wilian Bsan iD ontaine, Badgleyi anti >cLean, vere -"na- vineiblasý, lait falt, termina.tet in a broadsword YPamryS-3 00 Ensh «svun- 1 nai cfs uie ~egibauisedb>'tis Vcar ne, andtIte setrianor ba" a"- yulias nome 6gb-ibetween 'these tweo ffleers -AfIer cuitntai sg Two, .!x ri Tie. -healîhy toue of ail tise art*1inlis uaothere nov miepartéd visse namea i cainnot $ut.'at asucis ther itidestaeration for bwenty-ive-Pîetas- l tiutItk t M86utie- hoüi iakeit-a *lcoÙëvisiterJi eeent ,r'cail. Tise !aie - Cliief Justaice 'milsteewitisuat tiing aacb uther any boidly aernsidi, as.t PreS'b't1l'S "rtec ât tomneý.f Cà*din freildes a ' >< Rbinon-vas bôni in' ,L-,wer Canada, istiîm, bise -Lieutenant vantie ta - have a luttle 50' Tia-e 1UtY.-.î-s > r-t t o may~be cli.dCanaibar 0f restas he felIt oibewhai fstigued but sot 't are pleasot i te sn tia ilis ircstii6n àla a-pes-îUp Canada benoît Jusîjeee Vaut- vsissng tise Ensig aboutdko ,h at o ~2 usGie '.' pii> ieu.$n rath.prvviînoe. For sale kouhmet; Mo*at, -Ri6hardA, antiMrio, aeavr>ai ugh csbglut Wtacalssuscmtar tS tm s S s: is>".îo* t.,,- - re Cndgnoutii ietake soi Vic-trouble sî; im otte i e ta putsa few .J'NSISPt '- Clsaticel loi Sfi-geaisa. C t u i oDr-cf Brirn'e Puhuonie Wafers lanta>' moubb, tisey F: x utt5.Ns .t. -- -t ~per ji ans i au, Iesr.John aeteoi'bm i a vame relief, anti I Single Copies msuled o i-e s.ce.. i 1~~.jg .a fl.~~5 I*L..> and, always carry tbem lin u'montin lacase0 e îckN.mes sesehu:-I etàIS. 85 w ,-aaai f Plugh, Ma-rae, Aam ism w~ehmn aîi Mr..Hagantv cossit'. Ouly 25 cents a hor.. - ae«.a Farroig Implemen4 gaS - givea sa, Irishs-tho onty for f itBnlti* ieth s.A'LL ilndprmfrG;_1 ër aTalisc CUIaIK»s's r'ia LOVE A&sNhLAIsIW oli peddpenums are v*i:l f( t- t ou f8X ch1,8ey viiLss.respect- Sseulg of G tItiPeu-, A..b:uîrs ý1 - u.-3 ià xu iti'w b AU ol ur Àu o km '-« . boat t15 A Nh~~0R ie m jtî>' o~ o 'lti at isI Soz dot, ]Faraia'. Eau ions le tis e hat 1Maga«hhuivs, iW.- mai>'foraplyitgCII Our bmcouats>'." SICIII dmp Ove. %ou, erumrFasaey Soap0, flair, 1IJictionary' ~îe-îu5r 's,.INail : R oail , er npp ILtïes -.u& -, fat m h. A v o v d s e.iySura ne I -' a. -in# 0" Ibotalamaeul .114àas lb dina .i . T11liBi4ssand B"a:ap ,lodeons, Sewuing Macisies, l':isu-, c.. -' mani ebjt D. ( vieil ~-Fsu~éU, ard y.. two 1.1km m-Yeree.oduA. B. m in ~ h$m * vow, ueby qwmig eowfflmsa#iM 0 l of d ek rmenions îhm insertyse "mos: b. c.m- àw 0 SAMPLES TO CO S ,,Mt v i~ â wil cotioUn sl, fla*tÉlfIand 11010 5e ho vaync he .appoiÎtrment uf f u M" 1011'e çrp #~n om, o, irua" e.v b quftOd ini thismattioe.ýf4Rsdwy E-.tuwou'upiwdoto mât"M f iý T is 'SpSimon; and- 1consider ijîthe begm s ofspeain IgIof<umy o hos, d ~O( aJ> I~y ~ l ialh ANADL4Ne 1".'Oum. Indispensle h quali:i ~- . j ahihoww")YI. ly o-nu friheuid FOR ONE WEEK. th rpellwo= thumelvswet«-se. Tours truly, meof the CwaXy Cooncil. The firsî je in y ~ ~ "f t o m ~ yo JOfLN FOWLER. Ibm î>foi* wod the persotsappoint- Ci* ~ îau &bot lem M the .Erà- e hud .a e1.in eahr" 191e î. .oj ~ w~4 aiis., ,ti on iyo.wl gre. wilàhhim; . ist Prize Arneric*ai Cu' béto a 4sdprg. wGuld .he readetg ofbu,. rîiril ayb. shown Ihat A. .de an o ,9 0 I t. Ia W tla tana hlir. go.far enouqbforheproceedato iga1naIum8..-p1aiofla, t» y.. sBua - s, r<>. i, 4 bo limaho woulst b. uatisfied if -the pe . ter IutmlghtklaMOOtor.0mow aby Nirn3, uappoit.Wd dbeen a teacher ueGILLIES& A C SIR: e. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i . 1.fe yaiiu h olwa SS onFweEq _. ime previous to hie a ineýnt. -Now ne ios/ d.jî' NÇ excellent reoeip~1t .make us elons ruwbleat, pp- esfoo oo ourlute eersoept 8wilrea'dpKUI, the cold; fortziglifs fros; dmsix fas of snuw, t41 iefol oi etri h ee.ms esn ilrgdi sind.îspensably soinetjig utg thgm biesptr a libc toa Rei Iail.y ou aire ready to, e- nece&aary shat the.persen acteCted tiould 10 LndaDceue , 85 interruption in the sgqply of water; a slight! t IRüilway froth Lindsay te Beaverton Practically engaged lu teaching at the Limne rise ý i. coul; aàstait ammen& Of skoLbug on es suais as the, municipalities ihrough whicho hea]o mut7iore hat, having' pons s anis aa aJul.cogeled mua. il -would 1ras. wiltaxe. an interest, in III, kOpt up tothe irapiti etrides ot itproement AN ENGLISIEMAN IN BIU MX if snob a terrible trial es tafa awaitir us-and, aint Cive *biass"sance ther cah. As a' in education, h. m.ay be enabled ta givoe the eehsa upr ia ir the aake ofouri »s*eiloas, mY Unt- re.ient of the towilship of 'borah.I -feei latel and- best adg~Ioneis.bte teaclere I h veiiitsupr lento one it h lbuý.if 1 ie.et nyfiniBotçoàden thau this municipality wiII give any oerwonce mybp'ct.'arei nltaste .of whiat 1ivawaloenclitl:i.air x',» hie wiii teil ,l bs: wit ,.a remarkbly brdjreasonable assistance itbat may bc requireti -deparuineut of science sichmoenu- I~~laes lruhTai~.aî, 'ainter, -ir III or my ftimi Smith, who bas a aniIcno ewyàymncpl: eosipovements are discoveredtU san: that deep inirnical feeling wlîic~ v i-7ý t. spoftlng turn,-declare îhait 9"adeviih clin-ta- hwàgh.hich a railway woulti pase, aboudith t heory and practiéci >otlachillg, and emanating from Vit-nri catis 10Miii i ker ai rBurIy iude sU~ rCimsane5 ~not giveaome assistance. Ifltie townehipig hence one wbo has fnot kept pace with thsegary. My ilîquiries gadiîes i 1t tbese, we muet m4iy iove degea.r*ted -ince faioa n rc -i inl sit ipoennt& .vouki certainly be utfiu te bu tleman ai tableez shoived thetinl itat 1 the day. 0ofIlion imarkablo foWaftbers 0o f urs,,wouid sggaest.to Y? uthe idea <of rn-ing a mnutlort:b as Um, diretor of 'our taîr.stranger; .îafi. r 1errgîIn u the nls Biob** r Rstagy-saostell a great irctln.f Imln wl evro gî;Icredri rdseebyneceslsary jSaid lit an miated tore, "ltwtt ~' faléehood wbe h sssnsthem, as be'n iret'ie rmbn: t-évro yAan- oedri ni3inal I ulh , r.nrkble ,éb*hrdloor an0., and w vay of Woodiville m in o yIhs o t thtie persn ap .pointeti shoulti have beeii, 1core here for? there is notiiiiiltt see iii- génerali 10d rence tlu adverse ietecological you voulti ahorten, thé . distance,, at lenst and bc eait the tiiùe Of his appoinaimentî, aàsc-i id.W tdoyucr10kwati obevlos tremls nt e etrrot hnb 9*fUtahr .B. appareutly corssi'îersabout us, half cti lized huaif blai ; au Duyu iss aIierry retIf se$,I ca n't t theokI wàmy throngh Mairiposa andi Brok.- lut nio Ia b hosets 0ne asuniiv ae"'Teuhimc l ,i do ettt taa.reommndyen toi read Charies. You W*nùld have many adfran té 0gain be eiecd but lht) ebouki net overlook Ytttretfg,"Ir lu,"ulaJai Miockenls' ae W oris, "Our Mutual Friend."bythe Woodville roule,, yjig. ihsee îjjsthei faut t tis sreeprecdlaieshv epaes;ai ne b a buli .îî it Those wbohbave undergone tire inteiesting lt&ru less distancea ciseaper rýht of way, cheaip- b~dndbcpueso fîahna-d"h tgihas~ n tiim~iia casa of s=W.trangulation: over that Pair Of in- e or mraforormaibulnn, ni get îhi COtgltlu t tts rpîyencon&eqiieiîe~ca~e O l u i uLt ~ comparables, thtr Welters, Tony and Sam, or municipal 'iy of Eldeolu asi. please of their-hàviflg (lLïcOýVtfed theîr uiifitîîeàs for ~iS& rgt"at u uIiulu. have enjoyed. numberless burs of ýcatinatîon jwrite to me as early as possible respecting. the Profeâsion'.1i'du Ilot ieau .. ilnp.y tisat ~oemne .iwla i witb lise gounne humour of Mark Tapley, the road, anti1 will cal on tbhe publie meun A. B. would rcmiei teapoCIii u u ahou ne hestat iDinvetiig tttlT~Iola 1 of Tlîornh, Eldun and Mara, andi diseuse euch a onue, but tu ehuw bhite îuessiiy <f eetgrl ietat -Oùr lutual FPriend." -Certain parties -havelua'tIlecutry1wsgteg*LIziî -bee c~mplini~ ltel Ibt tse ew asIwnrsUBrne plan by whicis the municipal1ities n-- iteeug tisaithe appoisitee b. asuccessful, 0lieCu5yIwa:,u{> of England'à greal bumourist hav e laclce tildt terested, wid neusist in theenîerpruse. as weIl as aus e.zperenced teachier. i or e-. Idof js itduuix.u ;j it- 1-t ct1 extraordinary interest wbicis tieir dàiùingished I an, sir, youroedetsevntii efnt fîdslîdio yasfctin u855 there. i't wassîs>Fort-IIbiui t preecssrssutanei.Certain parties shoulti (Signeti.), DONALD C M~N ~ tsatIl"tse persoîs appoit s iould, pUR- 'redyo eigig 'o ieLi R M.e"the advanta.'es or a Nt al \Ohdcr, prbmtie old b.engwisissti. TieraiaP. M.trainisng." -W iat1 ave ju:ýt urged pies aaney, by whicii tire id v.u;uî a wind su reatas t be shamd busîoo buBeaverton. with equal furco te10 Ii ragitiuti axiuns. Ilatit, Sie. itad oti!y .iQno!It.:e read Diekensiller are a»Y tesimple "as si t -"or faeiniay fohaeieueior 'M'i. . comrebnt. Ppa nent be afraid te give Normal Seisool wwhu are very inaitiieleit mt,'~i tu lo sIu" aI -. ; bi dugte avoisine of tise bnmourist's, for l C# FRPi. eauhérs. Ilai tiis cat3e*al:io the chioce inuit w&I5 mailactilve Ju::u.I tre are nue of the-itbeunrditiesiiteeia.MngîgDrco' Ofcb ietdb h slhes-uS isn ur- ite tîun gumieni! litse ' I .:a u.: are iam crr t ayfo.n in tise wtr-9of Port Hope, ec.3, 86. 555 5 eachutig, rainer S[hallsby* cunisîdeii, iteu ettsî. teïtj.s.tnL m y otiser authors.. TisereAMareno. Iseres osf a vDER iwlîellier hoe lais sperat a s6eleius ai tIle N or- .s:segîutm:Wd,"h'w.ta>I bigher tamp tlisaJohnisWestiock or Walter MyDsuRSiiai School. Agassu, many . fis- er os-Yo)U Ksisu*i a*a d..l isail(!ai: luLi-q Gay nu heroines ailier tsu Wtf lam t gnle 1 receiveti yours of th. 301h uit., andtin tis rattwith tu ystein lucre ,puràuei Who 1 l u oast.s~ ,ua~. 'l Ruth Pinchi, or wininug, ptiesil Florence aruaver, 1 amnglati te infoiru you ihuit ài 8hsve sauver, attenldastdosîs auîy aboutUtt~.tt~.- t hei-greaîeist destre of titis Comrpany 10) gelt1 eachers have S.,eeus bred ta use prufée-4iu.a u1 be ank rateof Discont s lteaà t iserond ýexted ta lBeaverton, andi wili 1îeaciîmr aof Ille hsi raîsrgants bcaà JOlIJi'-iit me0 the liegl igre of'sevenL-per cent. te- und1meet ,hepartieâs iértei in thé dmfl'erema et iatltgetîus i0i- alcWat for mouey la Véry great; and thse bll Di.colin- mullicipaSsîie, aiB Ri.eavertoîî any limne' Yùu 1lisese, 1 prebuintc, A. B. wùufd exeuite. mua and pers-au u:p;i a tlm are getting afine ercentagefrthi ls-~ aeppoii, tu advise- and adopt lie bd 'ieSit îmî'jasb u.st, itg.Il a ~x~- rsy...pops t ie ostryqusto, l I neailseta carry outlIlle project. Aller 3'U u i Ut--estimations ut 'A. 1$. là ile * u- 1- of 'ISxsule uc-'~'jt y t- .'a; Corfedaerate Lois la: still qsUlcd. 1It basseenihav'e seeta Slîe-p.mrtiez you I)e;tkof,. itnd aid- :publice életiiiii- 'fuii, ,lae 'yi ieî.' îu .~t taventy mmi.d itty-gix asud seven are th ije ý visutd wtlli thein, iet une ku1w or tuierls tirile t-.d s-' e iiree-rejîregenting is pTtn vle.hweui imtftip â u.. a-u diwn wîha' ris sifer Atlanla; came dùwn v . OuC iS c'mutnaic .iîgarjci '.. ait a1 ti .i a vit-lt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J a ms feWtrigo rn oe f. W. 'aiie" Witiitus. Port - Yil a àfI coîenti iaiieX / W10f .>tIe br -..t- .e uIlotis te r d teut ils W >, 0V luc' bd ' V j- .- z. t r trCsleton andi Savannah; maeti ,bol i, E uy ts tttî~dîi ~lb ~ ani ovlokesulîney.ini-1isins-.e ml as lth.. charter e-Auaîr7àcsgtise vmisu, ~istlgVIa 5l5t. -, si'-h ae. ter Richmond, i(4~ an o-okssb.mIý r a.. 'w a4eius tt!itei*>, t > 1 mificîtui t seven lier cent. ptesilxiY piviuu e iork r n> au qa îut - yr«tîO l b. e . 1- Wilh Novernber fo)ga rnakiàcag.theInseires a tunaie a t se>iwiI.at hî lid aib.frhr.,iuser ilIait inileuîucsi.g E 0 EZ - 9'it. \\, miliar vitis unr lung,,and overci)àte u-in eaIlLise t:haîier 0 e cwe mi I taveî truble tuij)e>)i)l itie ta rted iprovetase'ils wîuaI ~ ~ ~ Uî'- d mumeîti ieernaouI of ;>l Se Su hls;-;!tsILsg revîved tigrain. 1 t:- uk y-n UsIiou1I amI u puisaîl tplusgs uc.( and1 tbeefei tly give yod a ~i&yie fcèSt edîg ni > es-nsaî ila re te lepersoua appikisî viie: Wt the ise jEcuy»îS îul 1 :. ncs mîetei itsit. Thsebrilliant jockzey,* àwq veîlail itrîi.E m ia Mr, t SI sribîiyo gnîa>uba srari bttlee '.'su s-t t:>- Gerg Frdîî, i gan It s the id ut hi& tIéý,lns uiniicpalitSel,.vvii b ha raelv tliefl slb saxiayse-s.rsl u iit ~it-I. n- itt ' lame, vitis 144 accessful inounts foir tise sellsOn ted by ihis rn, if %ve iîtlilt e route. yomu du'tes. IL Witi t be WmilaitlSid;tfieuic>~ . \-i. uf'6~~~. I surest, whieh 1 thiaîk i.s very likty w A B. is.uilsfui- a pardons wîîo în.slY u-titt'. Manv of my readers wili rernomber tise naine. shahl, if we mOot wiîh the, support thai t hv itsvr nre CsbifC ujUCts :.>- .of Robgon.- rendere untoiasabolit tonI eanb vese ao l conecio viis xtesiv foge-nuvtria-y by expeci frurn heseIflisaci- spcakt Ilia.dr t he peipLeut 1 iu uu~îut- :..j - ie,$.- After- runining a, course <fIs'le'i n ubis ' .nsCOtZ SXlai naitesvîi h e C/tSu a- j joymeht for - cousideraible imne, Robsons use y ouriq truly, liei VIorotiguhy cinversauît. AI . Il sCellaf u i 5 ,, t ofutse pupesaûtographi vas broihî bul (Signti OH OWE, 0think ltai trisoappotrisieib- Of a iislu-retru- its -,.2 r-- - light. Trinspor ation for tweîsty yearà VWasS tSter WuIJ:ho destiable,,,bncueleh p alep'ntt bis geritence, snd ve were tunder*tisoimpression M.tîg Drco: inI le ihabiof adtiroeiig -publie asàem ies, W.;, i, t--ul- s \V , liaI the grect forger -waa etil S dohuig pe nance litIre. onald Camern -q' îx xipdes. Tise Divorce Court liseservc'd, -- ro, .l, bt selt pfeàpi iiséird obtion liu ise a-- î'tsutit-iuvta'o' "t -- h.,wever, b t. étus Ittoa alitile business conaec- . picmnutofasititra. ley21 s r~ Olo, u,.î .tu ted i . .1..la tire case of Robîo IIBaeton. lyn'S t' utielu4 tIsai lis kisuvietge uf sis-i -ë wt ansd their requireineaits is <ul t-iu goot ats isaRi'! ts-pt---titu- t s'oit tise.forzers vite songh.t far a seliaration OU ________ - ,Wttittut-i were(i tise grOundof tise biganous ruïnarriusg"e-of W.r :ofuthtéseper~s îaliclin gae ssteacîsu 1asisiit wuua.I . ' s'il1'r"- h,~m .Tise I)roeedixsgs befére i J.-. P. FENELON iM-A'TERS AuAIN.-. ig adlmrfrnuc tayblo aa-tse WII -u. t' WVitda gava ns a .lutitt tisi mb itthe maniage-ilice li brIii-1ng £.rward î-he Most t t - dot.-Hu Tsi. ste-nt uf great'cilminaiýs., Sent ou-t 6f tiseecossn-. To the Editor o! I.V Cumsadii Post .- mît tupaus. tryi ils'1856 for tweiity years, Mr, Itobson retur- Sr-I1rei. iiy-Wise s s0Jt I il S sow place before four readers ttsree - neihme a>ain la189.hr i ngenduredi con- - aI-ir 6dd"Muiial - Iqhalificaiosswhich 1 couaàtder higirly (le- 13SLS'f - finementý for the perioti 'cs)f three years, for tis e uî.aîMsaiirab!te,an of far gruatuir imuportanace thass- crime of apprupriating thousands out1lousids te-aeei uI<," tiî' O O thoe sui'tseti b>yA. B.' l. Let the i'r- Th u'toîu.- .-i, --- TI i own use andi bentetit. TLUs brings e b My lia-ledrtrng f fheioos tousbeirrrît an experieauàtei tie tr,~ d sctn'---- ind an 'nid adtage vhich. usys bisai Latw ls not ta eatt. -Obsei-rver eeti ave a bittîcu- n-ee în t h t ivways Jusilce. lan-.tb!e.-cas fibo,îalkti~îpaîsy to thse iiiiasbitaasi tFeiseloria - p-ratesdly eîag>gedL e t eao ti sm)w jndnM " ttri i ceIl t1amai sa brui-bm. - , oi', iitsa .'I'e an1ry-i fîousru1865 vis nîul te-.piilet rrl o tb isw s~\--' .S t -t:: f'ur & ittl hieldifL a n'cordintebu is Iiking;bt ormt, t1sat he liats béei a suîcoesfil teaciser. 3rd. ýl > . oternint cn erailydam tisaIcof beilri cuinlmketoterise -ltook veyLai lsim b. oixseof the îeaciee'scf tAe O»ybfr --~rt etue.e,' A n eek i uli cain iowt s I oula luet aearil at rait eetti hr foierwise qaiit.Ihv iesê.sui i' t .s-t sonne Urne uie lis b v a. butter-ais ihanif otr ise vaifmer ofhuave i7inte- 'csr t r 1