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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 15 Dec 1865, p. 4

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At Il.ok let str..t, Uaàdmy w r? pfiew àtyi* Wafl Paper, suitalule kfclîaiug Rocm, Bed Rooma, ,h vill ho Wod atm amatI s4vace66 ueB; Pp rWisdowBîui r'G1as Plalte; - Pictuire Franrea anti Magg.qe; nto. Jai e el ve Parlote, Halle LooWing GiUE wil niud I'... .JïLi CABS- L -Canes ..' AN-D CA-RlAG-ES- éérers ifike.W<e" it varel; IPhm frèse àJ«»4 Maup*ujwas; < ofge het'i.b £&470. BI'LENID QITÂITYe WIIITEg WISE VINEGAR. ck of Bo*, Bmids, Tattlpg Cetoîtur, Berlin, Woole, Jeweilery, ~>'ç gowa.,%.j$sp~Prfueryand Bair Oili. el 'WeHouse. Ir. oef.trCormpodeuce ho p itiplea Of Englisb Compoui- 2î masai-Telegraph>' and '-'c -- Steel- - Etý 1 - . T11 M -. e, i New Yru~hbf ke insoui thiukth homst old faum o f CfulLiaY. oi sen ai'e youg 1mou, women aud he fod6wi-gqîaiicationa: 1hey mýugatývQtq tbcir wh de atc to~~~~~~n i4e I~ umes u n- tttnc" me 2. 1When-tircyhéar a sçauu4akÀis e- o- me thit port about a eiglbur or saà friend, tbeyý 't -*en WMos R fVL 4fý,i* « d 1ti : chiot ~~S7tê oéety ami ifàrmid of~ PaKnthe Smre. shepher4 3 dro~ eoecsmiia -. uDIeu ie or se.a a person of leisure and to wbat 'n10f'abou wa v, or make about ,st>ven*- ie avéry tees *»n>aaI'sc'h actions. of'tà#Ïe né e a nsd be, ready te xopu ab>out report aiheadquarters the sligtest inti- ,r. iextr 'Tire fcllowing, are iome of the' by-ILaws agi4r mdalUwa of4h esàit od faer LErb OJalI.ckiw ew, about t *rii'i and Gogespplng S6cety..- rso'ok far Thre principal aud ruling oficers shah lI.;e çouredate, &slfir Wa:'One grea at r id ol hey 'wer e ues, ilirre lattfers aud four goSsiPppers, red, baze1 amy -one of wbicir wilJ constitute- quorum, âwed.' and sbah'- hve pgwer bo transact busiess fieds. m10ytltOc Art ,2. If anvyuiesberôf this Society- sbail ire tô'ttid uity of knowing miore than- that of his npglibc'tr, ho shaih be expelled ,Art. 3. A.ny pers«a belongutols soéciety who maires a pracicte of tellifig the tru±b îi!ê or' tirelime, irait ire expelled. w'hia bearixng.- Ar.4. A Dy mesrberwlroý does not re- port rWguIarly wbt 'hi, atighbouirs resid- io within tbree doors cf lii, bave foyr tner every Sundîry, and for tea' every tâne they have couîpany, siali 'be at once eut 09#from thefibt andi privileges of- [tnis society. Ar . .If tty member of iris society shail sec, hear tell of, ýor even suspect that a yqung man has Waitetl on a. lad1y twice, ire mut repor t-hlem already, warried, or te b. marrièd shortl>', or le eh alil be Iuoked upou-Rb no tattlei., asad shall bë fined to the .f'ul extent o4 the laW, for auy such ariste- ineafour. Art 6,.&Any mnan oer womau, who shall negleet tirir own businýes--tote a e the trouble to.crcilate àround towit sca-ndai- ous reports whicb they -know te bè false, should b. deemed hy ail ecal e cio ens as- Coinmander-in-chiet of said saeitr and &hall bl.ooked-uponas such by ail itsý WHAT W-Fo:AU TO HAVE NEXT A M.ntwsl journal.hie ha, broukht toge-c etî~ t4htàilou questions that ,ee, agitato ,0 oivilized world next year. Tho, liaI, hich îs afollows ie a..forwjdable oee!- lui.L1vey~ sru~I çeicorungthe statue. thre coloured race in tue States. 2ud. Insurrection and rn6gacrfflin IIay-. aud Sabrait-a. 3rd. War bet.wcen Brazil and Paraguny. thl.- War b.tween Spain and Chili. 511 Civil war lu ?eru, nud generail>l i anish Southr Anioricta., 61h . Civil wa«r8"ltu he-kuife on both sidles Mexieo3 cornpiicate tr.relationi wih. su"ean sert tireIted Staées. 7th, 'lhe 1Alabama" and «"Shenadàai" uîtroversy between tir. United States and,. rita. 8&h. The complications*- in Germany ,tw.ou;Auetria, Prussia, lIe Diei, Frank- t andi Sýh]eBwig oaefin. 9th. The RomiaftQue-stion. IMli. Thre Vènotitanquestion. il. Fexianism. 12t1r. TheChoera. 13th.> Tire Rinderpeat. StTyoCX OIL rN BÀTON.-We are to-day forned Pb oeeoff 1h.Directoire that ou- ai.genumà 61 liel>- has been et. oh -in île irton Companys welI, four miles se. idi of is ciry. ' The depth attaineti la 770 feet.- he,6 scrikell iras mrideon Situe4'ay, -eluce hbich lime a conidoàe lquanàtily of ait lias rp.,coring up wvith lire iater which -en- tntly ffuws fî'or11 iùWçL. Thore ha& al ong beéri any amo 1unt eof-g as, which basl on cor4siderti a faveurable iOasictio.- prny'et etatuitration trîli tbe i' ndi- el>' made, to, decide, ulefher the pros- e sanwd uni becu«htupaundobl antsjtp et ir il>' treasr.llml wi 7t "i.- ,, and'kiled tweu- about tiventy Min- à trifiing m Istake logi t partial to slî.ep. uîslied' andobiert- sentL to IA>V lied 114- disteiuper- .Ot. lt was Ut epeLing Of ta- ear. Dries. Thus' iibs. As a. said: ie 50100 gt885 rer>' swet ;e .Arold dowin in thé liii-- IlAnrd en ksiows lay. -ýu Lfue thlng. ito assist s go round once' :ytbe irito the E. Perirmns. 1 il bis sr t reaoori in!ed iriti peaisau's profanily.1 bail twce eseape-t legs. The fatlhcr 'IjA Cuban ustu ieti e .GarciaOtobol 't'," 1 was uiurdered near Cty Pàrk, Brooklyn, on 'oW"d Wedneeday nigi, aui vobbed of $8000 -or, s10,000 w4io1 he lt4pan-hispeMon. Se Io me waý4 Prpietôo f ~ra ië m arvana. lie .rdred an'wu berribly mùtiated the se. Tie au 4wotàn, over hie riît tee Sodme nfiîdrfhabW instrument, aud lia à ibcd- ôtherwise Isoertlod with a raue found2 -'lsin îheusçiity.- Th imbIoy aer wse îrajèd- and ýto aa*tTUi1O8 dPuliicior urhdbha# bear-> restti uzle is aloq ii custdy. û tany ollrs have ien pubiel> a nd theue aieetaifl nversl more Lindaay, tUU ýb au u.d. of the second gpowth nm.onoedtimber. C vmid détwarueuw **üUs. ta th* laJrg o* i rd Ploab teI Gan"a r ~~wue amd ,arWr pib1, wbleb are âdIand mude *f ls Sbo Amt&R lMoMbarwds best 'Eng1W telmdfm 84.A çabaLQ4 , iron takenin ezcange. a -W.aI dud hasîa hm ai i. saMils e tmigprhes. lu s,& J. H A MI TO N IÀftJJ WAR 'r -- The S*ibecriber desires to ceau the attendi' of FARMERS, BLACK$MITHS , CARRIAGE & WAGGON MA 9ERSe, CARPENflERS 3UILDERS, CABINET MA KERS., SHO E, MÀ&ERSý MILL OWNErRS AND LUMBERMEN - iioMgsoket' HARDWAR»E whch hi las oipeaed euh lu O'1~litsoI ta d entsBI ock, &na wÉich;to off'.rs'at rodued- ratés ho ta sh purchases. - U COUN TIF Y$TORE-KiEPERS BUPPIJED. ..g Lna>,2211 October, 1865-. JOHN BERTRA.M. 320 THE EDINURH LEVJ ASIJURANCE -COV HEADOFFICE, 22,GEORGE STREET, EDINBURIGR, HEAID OFFIQEIN* CANA0,A,ý WELLIN<UTON .STr., IrORONTO.' TUE £DIKBURGII LIFE ASSURANCE 'COMPANY Uader the Act of Pazliaent Paased this last session; are empowered te, issue toapplicantS, For thé sole benelit or hheir WlvsndCulrn sc Plies are altogether frteeram. any cialn on the pat (if Creditors, and enable persons to provide with erta.inty afier their death for the maintece oc*,tbeir Families. the Editiburgh Life Assurance Conipany are prepared $o offer unusual facilities for this. de- scription of Insuraioe. Termis of proposal, and every information regpecting Lifa Assurance may be had st Any qf the, Company's 0ces in Cana 1la. J. HILLYARD CAMERON, Cbairnian. DVIHGYSecery CAMERON ,& ODSlctr,&. Agents ai Liday (319) - DOIJ8ON 7NBLCK GENERAL GROCERIES, TEAS, TOI3ACCOSý, COFFEES, SUGAR, WINES, BRANDIES, RUMS, OLD TOM AND» HOLIAND GINS, CHIPPEWA MALT, ýOL»ýRYE, AND COMMO.N WH1ISKIES, &c. -&e. ýThe subseribc'iý are deterrnin d -as hrejofôre t0supplyà-want-now t'elt la this Townu, b> keeping cousIs u'ly oan sd .he beet branýdeet' irnported.Wines anid Liqtiots, Aies and Porter, ail of which 1il bo - Bol& atlýowest Possble races for Cash. DOBSON & NIBLOCK. ~sG-tf Lindsay', May 4th, 1865 Lindsay Fur-nit ur e. :Warhue IMM2 SSTOCK ..ANI LOW' ýPRKSS The subscriber o4!rS 1to te publice of Victoria Couàty .the largest ftssortmient ofParlor Dining9 and Bed Room u ruiture, in variouaSstyles, over bronghîta Lindsay. Prt1cul@kr.attention- is învited to hiie -WALNTTSOFAS IX JIR OLOTHI, -" CÂIRîS I- SID E-BQARDS & Diuhng Tables, ~s CORYER WIIÂTNOTS, BUREAUS, P ARLOR, DINUIIG àK-ffCITEN CHARS, CANE BOTrTOMCIRS *OOD BZAT f SOPÀA, COTTAGE à COMMON BEDSTRADS DRICSSI.NO TXBLRS, k&c. &o. Rtaf of Teach araand Ledusrera. e'.,0A4u. I uetor tu, Ibo S*nCe 6of Ac- çO«9ý Cýomm«eil Galeulitttous, sud C un- om 0'repoemu sdLetrron BSIiel mg, 2uwwM.., Barriater, Lecturer on M(r. Bimw. B.Tovu, GIlet'operator la 3Montres! Telegrapir ocmpacuy's Oee, Toronto, lustruc- 10vr in Tegmiphr., lit.W. B. 1'uoxèisos, lastructor in Phono- Xv. DAY h* mâch pleasore in referring tb tui follèiàggeulurB:e . H.J. Grasset Ai, .tMis-ra'1 .- of !MoftMurray k Ce.;- 'A.I ?Icastr, Esq., of Mcbater k. Brother; I George ihil êCo., David Buchan, Esq., Bur-I ma 'iierulty'; J. Leesile, Esq,' Pestwaster;I W. 4iioEq, ' f Rowad A Fitch; Adami ôOoosq.i ..MA L.L.D. ; L. W. 5.11th, .IEsq. -Barritr, , Toronto; Hau. Isaac Buchaunan, M.P.P.;. R. Jauson, Esq., Adamn BrowaloIq.,: Hamilton, Duncan ue!,. Baq., Mowwel-~W.Trent, Esq., Newmaket; Rev.- Dr.. Green, Wellington Squqare, Cliairtnau et' Ciobàty Beard et Public Instruction, Ilalton. ?por'term aadrsa poet7paid (ee lasiàg letter stamp. jamies E. Bay, Practical.Accountant, Taronte, .Farmeçrly oet'London, Englasud XO[NEy ýTO..LOAN AT 9 PER CENT. F OR particulars appl LÂCioUùRSE & DORMER, Soblicitors, Lindsay. Lindsay, Jan 21,1864 234-tf T EAS, SIUGARS anidother Go ceries to-be had at the Iowvest. ROBERT SPIER'S, Kent Street. Thè. Livroàl & London Invested FPunds, - - $I5OOOOO. Daily Incarne of thé Cornpany, $12,000. The Pire. Premiums receivrd by Ibis. Coin- pany during the -yeer>,1863.exceed those of àn Y other Coàrýnpay'-in Great Britain hy £2,00,0m4) Stert' g. .Ins-naxîes on evere' description of Properîy effected at tlit lowest reinunerative rates. Lusses liaid irnrndiatély on proof. JAMES HEAP, Agent fo)r L.indsay. O-ffice in Kempt's Brick Block. ,H USE.KE!'ý'PERS. would find it bth leir advaniage -in wPee! thet Facttory, 'ewhite Shirting and. check do., at ROBERT SPIR'S, Kni SI re t. NOTICE To Scho-1 Toachers.. THE*SEMl-AýNUAL EXAMNATION 0F. TEACHERS for the Linds ay District, ivili 15e held (D.V.) w FOR .18t CLASS CERTIFICATES: Thuiraday, the 2ist December Fot .2nd & Srd 'cLASS .CERT11FICATES: Priday, 22nd December. The Examination wilI ho held in VnionScbool House, and no candidates will be.admitted aftte i2 o'clock.', JOUXVCAsA.. Chairman-of Boar Lindsay, Octobeër 1ltîh, 65. 2 InsolventAt of 1864 PROVINCE 0F CANADA,? COU NTY 0F VlCTORIA: . In Ille C ot>f iyCut of t'he Counfy, of Victoria. I the Mlalter (f; John Breene a*nd .Tosevi, Breene, Insol-vents. NOTICE is herehy igiven that on FRIDAN' thé TWENTY-SECO)-ND DALY ofDECE.Ni BER, .A.D. .8tt5, at 10 of the Clc.k tathé fare nooni or ab soon as Counsel- ena he bea rd. thi idersigned ýwill appt>' te the Jud ge uf' thc saiç Court for a Discliarge under.the siid Act. JOHN BRUENE. JOSEPH BREENE. residing in the Township of Maripos in the Count>' of Victoria. O. J' MACKÂY,« * Solicitor fo.r nsolrett. flated, 13ti dayofOctober, A.D. 1865. 31 TUHP COMMERCIAL UNION OnZEr OmcEsÇ London, 1i9 Carnliil, E. C. SMontreal,22 I 223 St. Paul SI Capital-------- $12,500,000 DEPOSIT FUNlqD IN CANAÀDA 0- Oo -General Ageztsfor Canadat NORLAND', WATSON & Co responsible 6cr.parctîs or bargPage unless book- rc:.rc.ctc, rllc1-'ii, ed and paid for. c-nid f-c c : .. ....~... 80 GEORGE CRANDELL, A gouc sci rc'r-I'lc.ci c'r trI are- Pr6prh'tor o "' Lind8a>',. Apnil 1, 1864.- 143-tf wu" -cril ralc8Vo iu nd rccr~ ~JlriieSr.... 5 M LInsolvent At of :1834. ~pop: Savn- . a- S.ccgls Bu1e 1c .(,r Ilcrc cirl'-nerv &r C-,eaîc. olst nec in titis inrtter andi requires ciaims te 11Ai kinils (et' <ri î.gp atirCurtter Tr'ncuir-g ;t efied within TWO MNi 18 frour thiis date. It 1 tileio' 1 - DOôNAL.D. B 110%V , c- isresp-ceîfcrivoiicicl - residing lanlihe township of MaiposajXî:.LV-fL lu the Cout> t' fVictoria, JES Od OakwoodP.O.. ~ 1 Lindcsay', Deceniber 21, 1864. "ondP.. simne c.. Tho - Undersigned.>having been appi ntedl Aent of the abeve finreasa Eljgliqh Company fer.thç Ccîînty et' Victoria, is mre rred te effer't oey description eof Pire sud Life Inqiuranceat thl iowett rtes consistent with see.nily. Pros- pectu4es, &c., iay bcho ad on applicaiitiot 315-1>'. AgInt, Lindsay. COIJNTY BONDS. Tii. Oounty Cosîncil of the COUNTYof VCOI bave SIXTEEN BONDS 9-F $1000 EACH bearing intereet at payaile al-y ansd maturiug in eîghtwen pats deirou cf purchaaing one or more of said Bauds eau do mo by Applying ta, the Conn- ty Treamiser ou the Wasdeu. lyoe of the Wu4e% &WK. WOOD, Variporc;, 28th October, 18t15. 322-8 FïO.R SALE.à SFARM 0F.1 16 ACRES, about 75 cf fhich are cleared sud seedod down l C lover and Tuaothy, heiuîg lot No. 29, Cori. 7, ýTO NSIIPOF' OP$@ Aliea, for sale in the Towa of Lindaay, Lots No. 4 and 5 Sol.th of RidJoubt street, being the site eof Jewett's formner liotel, consisting of two-ififths of an asure. Lots, 20 and 22, north of' Glenelg Stieet, con- sistiang of one quarter acre each. Park lots T 1 and C 2, Lindsay EassIcansist- ing of 5 and a hait' acres, each. 9Six hait' acre lots on -lot 15 west of- Adelaide stjee¾t facing on Adelaide aad Colbourne Ste. For particulars aPpîly ho MACKAY -k BEAP, B arriaters. LIudsay, Nov. ,18. Justrecceived st he "médicalN'en ' 800 ga- lons fine Sycet idr, by tbe gallon or barre!. W. J, TEIEKU PORT HOPE. &PETERÉBOPRO(' ]iL AI 1 W A Y -ON and afrer 4he -22t t' MAY, tIhe PeeriS * JTains will rua as fklliows M A1L. Leave Port HIpe at...............» Arrive at Pe erborougli at ....... .12.15 j i. Leave, Peterborough at ............;330 p.i Arrive rt.PDort Ilole at........... », Leave Peterhoroi,çyl at......1'a . Arrive at lport loce ut ............12'ý i Leite Port llope at.............. 3-00I" Arrive at Peterlwoouglt...........t B. R. KIMBIALL, . JOIIM FOýW-1,ER. Tobe SoId a Bargain. The soiitt> bal£îf e'Lot Nu. î8, in ille Vth conce*sion of Nlarii)osa, coitai-iioi) 00 , of wh ich about 70 acres are cleared and lin der citivatien ; it is w.ell fWned, bas a glOd jolg and alsù a Prame Divell , .oî l ad amali Bara and Stable tbereon; tiere 18 aI ways a good suppi>' of spring 'Watcr on the lot. Time wiII ho giyen for Il 'e. greatrptoft purchase rnoney. .Title indisputable. For particulars -and, to trt-it, appt>' on the premises to the proprieto>r, GEORGE LAKE, or té Meurs. MÂCK&Ay à;kBAP, 88Lhtd" hâve so-ne lu C-0 'bai - ent Dýt! But ycuJ >4-places with rresicJnation lit Alodrs oa e aU-tteraôed ta. b- Cqffii» oaU iia eskep 1 iniljs stock. ]Reg»U*ei-ADJOINIXG TEEENGLISII I*HuRcE, gENT STREET.' 317 -. ,H LO F Sew wpu<m là as pomslug many Tbe.foetog ffl.Pth1e principal objctions 2. Llability iorgeZ e(Mtoordr. 3. Expeuse, trouNan sd lemd ilut iu re- pairiug 4.* à ~14aaity ~ O r7 _*scription cf 7%&e Empire 8.mgM -AcWisse iù E.einpt It.hios atraigbt »ed prpedicriar ac~ tior4,make theLO 6H ~UTTLE 871er, l TTc P AIl A PliI wbich wili NEITIffl RIP cor Lé VEL, aud, j E. A IN ' je alike ou botb aides; perfonne perfect sewng PJ! 1< )NOGE, A PIH1Y, on evejr> description of material, from Leather IBO)OK-KEEIlNG, ta tý-e fluest NansooI Muelir., wth colton, linen, ar silhibreàdkui lIe ecarsee te" tie finest 'A U'EIIC Haviug neither C.OI cor COG-WHEE, CRL~O DNE audhe eas posibe fictoniL ira asnioth Teach your 11ons that whick theywI -a glass, and le .ti Emphatiesily aNieleos Xuhine ! - ractice ulien they -bao-ôre Mel." Itrequiires FIFTY PZRCENT. e spower to drie i thn a>' sIe Mahin sumarce -À' The colbgce courseý of this Instituition in. girl cf tkelve jears of age'eau -worki:4. teadil>' ejudes ee)ri~ ûurr for a-thoriuugh.sud witboùt fatigue or -injury taoheaitl 1.î-actrcal Bsns daco:Book--keepingq Ità sîrei tadodruslpiiyo o-adapted lu aven- kinil 'of business, ySni n8th nd Double F.uty; Stcrmhoatiîofcon-kinge struction rendeï il almoàt imirceaiblie 10 fret ountdFereible orwSt-aing ud Comînc 'o order, and 1a GUARANTEEDbT th Foer eign îEïîîc, atie.Ferf ting a 1ii inng,.r-r Pa pny' ta give *enlire satisfractionl. eh«ingS!iîgl tkc uri-v.Mnn ad W. respeIetfully invite al thoso wheniay* de- ea,-in- ta1(iil tEime nlmied sire ta supply, thetnselves with a aiperior arti- 5~Pr icfcoa-hpg neulm i cié, te ataIand' exa-mine thie UNRI-V.JLED 1wît'îvdlas Md CHNe. -Butin a more speciallmanner do 5 bk u ttcnr o utcue$o we solicit the patronage of Teata'!uI~Dpîn.n.l cri MeèinTailors, IDcvMakerscdw îth two 1)ala îrks w a rta1f' 9c,<' Ooach .Tfcakers ' I 'QfsCtkIflCrg, coudcted uic thre aie ric;h.ruclaur HoopSkirtAanufadurera fIlGailer Fiuers, rire Pli k inulit îe.es. A drlau 1"'-r Srt and Rosom 3fakera f Shoe irders, or Wlc'cd'Eý1a ll-i sc'reîcc. afi" Vest and PautaoMo àker. --îisî,Hkrr. f~eAachc elJ ' "7,RéElginus and--Charitable Institutions rutil which itPe sideriert'-, t nté'if ié N hs ' çr. will bc libera!lv deaitw'itb. ren thertk iroiri jcuie. col 'r ei PICE OËF* MACHINESý,,COMPLETE.* e;cîu P nîc-ar srP t No. 1. Fanrily Machine, with Hemmer ii.c îrauiilyaroccc'c coîîee............. .....6 ' No. 2, SuisiManrîfacturing, with Exten- 111 iL fle 1r al' M~c sotTable............... .. 7oo00 Fcitt Thsiri'-dtrljlýiiircc'utc l(,u'C-c ýr- ca a, No.3,Large 85 00 1 No. 4, Large, lfor L eather... .. . .. 0 nuvascfiSrr'ýc. : i,cr ' '-r t î e.. 1 CABINETS 1iN EVERY VA 'RIETY. ciuli '.ccc.g1.i'r,-uc A We want agents for ail tewns la thé United States, Canatda, Cuba, Mexico, Central anrd &8MS;I\Ee t1tiTlcrci.5. South Anienlea, where Agencies -are not alrecady estabiil t. u wlom a liieral di"ec'înt mwill i Xo e!bun -! è e ' given. bit we uca1ke >10cousigumeits. 1IonÎ_! sny_ !Y- . ey 0rde'rs may pc sent through theI li ic .ddvertsiag .dg e ry, 3M9 1 Broad, .,New Yurk e.cu!u- J. T. McARTHUR & CO., LA G 2 Z CFM IJ: 536 Broadway ,New York.ic(,u c ' c t' rt Malcnujheclùrers of Pltolograpic MAaierlil, iO LD SET TLED0 TO W NSH IPS MIiOLESALE AND ItETAIL 'I ~ ~c, ~ 501 BROADWAY, N.,Y. 2, i- F R 0M lTEN 'lO F1"IF'F1, N 1).\A I addition teorîur. main business: of Photo- grcîkh1(il rials, we are llendquni9rters for ;cfccr '! rlE tr i ~' . rhe feclowigi 9 * ic 1i fsnc ' iv t ; îdl tn-c- c: , Siereoscopes anid Sereoscopic view's. ~ i ~ " r- G. M :1 Ot' tIre-ce xre have au îuuîuer-se assoitneirt, in- -Lnl-rAci c -c elictding War Scnes, Arnerican and, Fot,îgn, C ities a nd La tcdcap.ies. G roulis, 'Staturi'y&e ke. AI-e, Ievuîving Stereoscoles, for publie or Private exhiibition. Our Catalegue 'il i I P O E TcLý seinte any.aldre.ss an rectipt of stauîp. F 0 il s A ij.E. PIIOTOGRAPHJO ALBUM S. 'wv ç':. ..-c .r . t We were rIre first to rurrodiice thee ù.iiîi e fci.c' qîiîcnie l g~'ct ai'c'vrangiig i rit', ccci ! i'c~' ' ..r from MI et~to$50 eneli. OrrAtir'>rc cave Src ,c. thre rep1icatîýi c .etciîýsuperior ln beau'tyr'l'd THRE iAW VYq11 , ; SîTc' ! diiricîlilit'vte niny orliers., Tle3 witt be seut IPv fTf 'c'-- - 'cc. : m;si i Ic , i U 1"'t il priceC. turc;ii Fine AIhùrni% Made te Order, N, i R E - 1 AcD. Th"Ie Lini j :1F '-..... CA RD PJIO TO RAPHS.'r Our ('tt rtb gue uoiv enibrirces over /Ire' tho - A 11cr Iui- I1i - c. ' srisi1 lilf-ëi tibrc'cc r.cîchjc o uwbieh additions are l " t r".1' Ceentiuîî;îIy bt'ueg niuîdle) of Pe)rtràits ut'f':î-i- î : - . nevirt .A nie-icî uns,& c., vis. cabolit o It ! c '.' c"' "':' Mc'.Najor-l'ener ls, .21M 0,Bnig -General 8, 275 t 1,c\ 1, ' 'Y <"bîcînels, 100 Liecnt -Colonels', 250 Other ' 'ii lLiverr, M-arc. (>tlieers,- 75 Navy Oficers, 550 eSitsîrer, M.nfc, 1' 130 Di'hes 12 AuIrons. 40 -Artis, c_________________________ 1 1

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