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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 22 Dec 1865, p. 1

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j .e,. ~ r - ~ '1t4~3X* I 3L~' ~IftUtJAL ...a..v 't ~. A i.. 2 dome a atha dpnu. i r a-litai b~haa I Rby Tba theli salrQ way 1 76 J;50 ~;~vt;~ izj w: ~ Prapvtotou~ ~sr r ~ w~; ~ 'Wr«gi 290iu 'AN.. a, andl 0.W. No, 8, 241-t aMa - S. Williamas tmproe-sd iai Organs. abl.g "mou I<~ uw4 weP ia pMâ~rei id lnsIthe latest styl aln eÙréaonbl barges.' Cdtlung'don. cheapi-dou it hot ifuq '"b. Agent.Rsruç Oet*ttéoe.f tb. Oaimzt<n (aW iI rsquvpompt attention. Lindsay, July Mb (Lut. Mc<Odil) - OAMBRAY, CW ?PRO 8haecnlhr beç la lufeor: bis frInde ILandllte publie cf ictoria Ooiuiyi taI he haî oped blé hml iniiOmryitl.c 'pied by Mr. NMc6Ob1, ind ase- ie ia bd (itùr- filabealInfiri t yle, visiterseilfal-vr o- veaien.. 'Whaim, lkioné- aRd-igare of.lte best qualiiy. An attentive bQ1ýall laj li atteoanme. -' . Csàbray, sept. 1885. - Biely, -HARRSTidt Woflarâ t SIOu .mns!a, <College adraz ôn an mo king capesmade up ho order-. lt.tdg cloae'is4 tarneil. (Yrdent es-, pectçbly 8s'leitfid, ai4 a ifactloé guàvanateed., UI'ndsay Juas 9, 18C5. 31 To b. Sod-A 'Bargrain.- A L tatne F eD3'LLfI119U8 Rlouse..- Prc-$00 * Mtesers MAOKAY & EAPP,- * solicitors. Lindsay, Oct. 25,1865. 2 -IeER AN1JERSOQN1 TAILO%, OAXWOOb, (ehop opposite ]Er. A. OmuroLas aid. store,) tb&ukful for te lits.- rai patronaebestowed on ui :for. th pai-, a jeurs, hes te ay that itý la smlii prpareal ýo proas$ly'exëecte a Il ondoya vith*wblch hi mau ho avoured, liithe latent stylos *anaut tieIO'I estD.îes PaEtterson 270 "SCADýsnie reet, Ls- ATçirente a ePiANO la desitova cf -13-f* tahing pupils Jut -ber resîdelioo, 1 ithêUe ovu onapplIction 0 ood &t*bio'ad seeat aheal ýn4' mn aen-r ily s ctie r sfrays te attendamée. Fiee Omnibus to and froni lb, Cava andl Bout&. tadmay, K&rch 10, 1888. ih 4 ay .OI5p ~ Id &t MOD- 239-tf ro i-SurgeonTE G 1 ýckof $i JMSLNHAL 314.;y LoU 'r "an c *BE mLD JAPjhe Eait hait ý'>6 1i~i T.90 ~~450 1400 2500- .4500 ~rpemsed, ho abeve b y tati a cf pur. Lt viii b. lu crnea l101 dore wirtb v>4 joie, s~ BIlbG$ipo tnn= ÀD 'wit à of aaitiolý tbn- "W. icvun in W3ls adi!a 1 c"i o ,, f hea Publie W . ht bicmufffl ~a~y judgs pebs oiatp U.. d Fwjiifg le lNt. *Xi 4Ir 1.1 tna y et n bmt bqaos;-ý iat carnag es and bugg -ý-çt c * Lin1 E ~ ~~ý - h is ptarentiv1* RMM4 oteav*« me ag , lu' huile~y * *'(~hi,.but r th unlit ilyo uc lvet seen * ~ mi hëla1'sl iuefl ir blue eyeà eWrywid.ýaind lo*lnûg ýWIiim -fu ite t hé *aeg- emieate, ite nd a -splendi W Baste terbWazéhe brother, uà a tise 0<out mw evoety. ~4 ffl_-4a thoe bpdding, dear," mie .~ssi, s inountas arn ange!, "1 qluite for gt your dialikù te lemon. I t výas very titaghllem. <nie; bet Maçogi. bas mac afacyfor Ibis sort of udding, ýanal h cSudp' oit tltatm*hé vouid Sb, out. Neyer ind anothhrtmae -" wil oalige trio by culling in mn erie-*-ben yoHiahavé auy ,a 'gnemt in, theo bouse wlo nemamn emcor,» interrupled Willianaglav.i '<Et ~u~ehaayoqwooldn's like ta ieb.dittnau ," at re. 'C"Oeleàweetubetweoa bîrother and sis- lt L-Woculda'îtai horaiumer adaurd, Wl!- "icThere are certain'couùrtesies -" ho gân Wil.iamn, an'a- thon' h. stoppeId. 1 !hope.1 have Étfailed ln politenesi ta yn I"mi Be=sir'witb digaity. «"I1mhoarld bevery, ve~~~rygieved if Ihv ds e But' yen tld -me se %ricuily that Miss Marsea~ 'veilvusd4ùtagroeembie' u> js, mgo 1 îried ho keempber eut, of you r W&y au auch a. <osblo. And shé, - dear girli vîzeai 1 tolpr lierutqh, asi vas nattaly obiged l 1dfrfa of appeurng .rude, mid, s -nié.ly, "À#oh -I quit. andrsuad,-Mir ar dîmer ieading 3hrd, îinvW.w o mqn i cur ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r Joglnus hudb ui la ieway. ýbsOeof mo asaou wll ; an riiidthAt, ofher, WilJe?" - ~f 4om4se tui tk .aosiytIo e- peut ny nenesée," mid Wiliam; "il vas f, Corne, Wilhep Ihal wes't do," nidRom- e!< baingber headi ("Youý1ver e î.int oeaetatut lie timtt."e hThen I muaI have benau rtba<vo ie mid William.- * Ne "i--Daîî't lishfor cqrplement," mid Res- ae iaughinran sd vrasîng rom theo-table.. Thon Wfingu p- tee , and stôoeleinl-. lte lte ,guidon. letoturt sud annojoal at esi' niein . ,ýWbuî s Geti misa Moea, -inat tbjnk hlm -1Not limat il aigui- &i4 ýwhat Miss Marsaen theugb,.Oxily -anï-d bore William eouic! find no msaîfacbory ex.- *faihnl ,aud bhçnec! Off tita other. qUee.' t lien.Bu a aote miue had re- turaied aan ,to Ni"e Marmiton, and vasc ?on .taquing the argumnent withinicreused unx-. oudbis ovu olhiaacter toa a egree. iht ilof .*fprm;outîe ii _othpoes,, sd thon' bé ¶ianeduail4l, au"jmui,1 Whiat muai she îjhsnk(i cime " vlina (here W-ââs ne dabint tii.- eriht Ihat mis Maraden v on Id bave. tiiu#uht 0< sncb an aaugttcdo eiirealroIf1 Beuw b.d b... viekod enéimgh le bri#gber i ùtn W tat *vi th hp. , - ýt l'us't U hoOgi t 16thaitpoint àla isrevenuef, vwbere he .d ttrmodaoier a nov loaf vith E 'ue rapdîy tai "tb. irgutulMge ~aadtiteva ~emlhiiýb esond. c! as 2oont ot4 s aeeleet litilolaveKsing that a ent èsa~ho Bd, Beei~nd the a ~wg're~t~'ndw odalleal hi m té lea- ý'WillY8" my, e 4ftiff cape4 6 aid justice le bm!h. - Th.n lie ho gardua te dres,~ evor agate. un as bsmahifql. The anoqu 4' ~ '1 ~'i-i '.3 UCI O ~~1~. ais? .~l ah Irot dmat h is w<' or. Jas Io~ i S . N ow, W r. il si.tb mf ecii% but a yong man bé- - , g- bemides fe mw Wsh ouoruin y"'a 1<fru~~m*yn w. il him " a dé', J:Id Z(iii 31 oad d l, . dànfr n i eu, au- ""t je"lese iwbvoe husband at the. moment, tat ltheUile -widow'seurt vsnne* iwmrdshim in- a wsq itid neyer - beloe -aud wqeai are Ae çonstituted 4u Wh"n iheuhearts warm towards ypu, the Jike t0e embrabe you if they can- flnd an decn excuse. RE-CEIPTS. *Douèzi S,-T*kQ onu. pizqt of warm ~ utlt one-fôur44,-cf ra Pound of .bwQt«r font .gza well, bq&1Uw;.zone pound 1 4M si Wfof bflwrL a # %jthe sugur iao$hegg;grale bifýiq~g dd the slnd oI~.l mgrtedii.! MU-4ese aIl 10- gedwr rowJ.; ubikec ba Mtpagood sou b.~rwith sfo lu ~ t h' qwelli dien 1add a wjae glm bIaffl ff'Xpod. breyer1» yeasl Wh.nqtiite light, have reua1y some t M o Wb~i* WJui, ud 4gpini the, dougli nuls.. Fryanrkelig4t brovri, put.theminu- t0 a colander, while bot ta draàlt ;hen 5ih sugir over them. CoRNME4AL, lMurr.-, ree -cupeof rcoru-meal, onesliait Cul efoifted wheat foeur, tbaseg wL. ae~i~lrge spoonfals of~~Îtr ad0D tespo fulofsoda dise- sorod in one pint of butterumil k, and a littie L*lsait. Beut these well togtt4er,.pour mbt zmin>m adbah a nice brown ini the oven. -RtiCmx.-Thioo cups ohzyç-mea1,tltree ofcorn-meal, a liile,salt,; flo*=l tea- spoonful cf soda dissolved ini a çup of mzlk, a teaspoonful of grated nutmueg and gpmnd cinnamon, mixed ; then add as mwach milk as will make a Ibim baller; b4e0ce the girdie. Serve hot. Pazavo CAlta -Boit four poWoes, skiai ýaýpplthem, mash ;mopthly,-an"béat ja asponfl 9 gad, w~s lrd - à*' upour £very litt!. sali, and 49 much .ûapr.as will i nake 1*tiheconiisteney of ufia.-Offs la teodrop ftomn the spoota then a#i4 wo large %sonfùls oaf yeast Set ilt tovise1 Bake in: .riop in ithe ves. Serve hot. CORN, CARES. --.Two pounds of sifted meut;- pour on ibis one pintQf'acr milk. ot crearu; cul up -a ponful >of good, butter ; beut thre. egs, snd s*ir_ in a little salt,-*ith one tea- spoonful of soda dissolved in a little.mnilk.- Tut. mus b. vèry lightly beaten; then pour, itgs tmdbah. quiekly. BIIUMIKMUFIuSS. - .Stir mb aone quart of buttermilk one teaspoo*nMu of sodh, and'intoono quart of. flour 0o1eteaspoonful Of <éeam of tartar; udd them, and beat iheni well toMohér,and pour in,10 the muoffin ring.S, and bakte on a girdie. Serve hot, A REVOLTING ExilII31 IOB A Ch*wago papersy:-In a small wvag. gon, drawo by two dogs, diî a mniaii I sol; dier'a a&ttire, a wournan. and- a-lirtje -girl. Titi womas deliherately unhooks ber dres .ini froiit, sud there the wonder seekers e toiled up in lber -bosoi a rattiesmake about four feet iaiiegth. The reptile shoots ut' Wi« li* -MMncalhlm Z1Fl8Up 6 pas*ed. -hlm, botî a igb mu~atg oie ha m ow ea eed r te tara toatual M wl h Îbail a ntlview. of o» a tie ~ ~ ér lovolosà fceù eormea( a~ ~~~bi m6hi0<hao bo t e hd, aid ber blui syeo, v icie, pen sud thalf mcrdhid r l.vj, laderJigit heriIike tue dei U -oftar. -William vwas fg4iinits y te uiiy of lier beauty. It might have teen t.moonllh iilîch -gave It thia oef- foot,; bit ameii u e ec i W,43IP 9iha l ai ditallia xewonld s ~~ ~ il . 4, ln erit*g owi m ~bMlu ..a but lie bock cmr e~< eM.o ue té* tal hobd seen Fandle aIà her baudil. Yowalkm g by rnoonIit e Qi eiting mSay# _yoýIa ere la te M711%Te -cfl'te iliu for .hë MW yon , sd vas a-ýIhtle ,frigihtee ttfirt#L .Ww. Y«eu lkngfor gto-wormo? b sef .,41fsBo, t WkIbO he4go woold I ovrtbough abo-ut ~o-om, lim saMi ien' , tl*y; «hôw can you mc cb eildish,,RassMt "Ing eycnrt. Bt beg yolpW=aro," muid Bessie, look- mg vry cntrie. "ut J4di't kncw 4I~t else yen-- Waiithi ontcal er âshortha 'f'reeziaig gocd-nigit, and took :hîs candi. 'un Igh-ý tcan o« Wbee4 c~. ilsecold st Usowver, o i n thoearlypart af thé. nigfif. 14e vu hantedby imevision or a lieb- hairsdwo-*maýn vifit a whte, mélenlit lace, vie s.eaed lto gaze aut bintuntil ber vety seul mnelted mb ba6. .Everywber.ofho me- yod, tues. calin, -lear oye; followed, bina. The tady gl ncenvey Wuvered or tank. T wr as neglo o!cotou on the round whito cek lbg t o ensation of shmite moveJber <rom her*aleady, unceas- ing scrutiuy. Sh. miglit have bèën an an- elf iber porlty anld uhemànscusnse..ý the1gnht vOs awubia '"h. sMM' to.sud about unider the, teudy gaze of thase salit eyes. But just aut hé dawn broko m»e elopt pouuadly, and the vision fadet away labo the daylight, and pç longer.roUvbled his drouans . vt as senlabo wrheu William deséended -tu the breakfast rocin, thml ho vas ual t xrprised te fisc! even Beesip.gen&. So lie peured out b>is own ti, and grlimbw dtoiaimself whist ho ate, pretendLa te .feel very iit-us'il thut Resae and h ber Frînd hall sot wàited-forý louat igit tüe opeet auchalîention. Indeel, il was unreasonabloto titinkoftheir sacrifie- in- lb. hrigbt, tovely mèýnin-e becaumseli hupeed t10 hé làzy 'and ouiof- sorts. il, adjumt isus rom- table when Rossi. came, "Yen semed sehurt oslerday ut uet ho- ing îoid cf out plans>"" she muid, aller having wied him good moaiigý "lthat U thoqgit 1 vould give -ou- eady iy novo! ontrday's prcediuflm. Maggié wate have a good long tim ho h is, mû 1 proposed our etaatinc atence and taking smrnlunch'witir us . W. shall ceranly b. hoiame eby six, se tht yco woît hfave to dine, alone»." il, But sbouldn't 1 b. umeful tlu caïrry the luncneort basket Il" s'a gestàd William., a. thîsg, 1" èeluimed. Boulie,,.mphatioally. "What! take. yen a wb.ole day from yonr books M Btamn I ne ver l e have a. holiday lik.' éther le t"sinquired- William, wiîh a 11111e e en ed air. "Oh, yen Jr-nov, deai, if yen hik.e te coma [I saI! b. only boa gind," repiied Resale, îrying, thbide lthe imité bhqt quivered round be atdlaps.," it a S eolely on yonr me- celant that .I1objoctel. -But are you cquite wire that you are net doing hua ont cf po ite- ,.nets orly?1-Msggiewouiklbe tedispleased, ifi1 a]lloWod y,69 1 louve ybar. bocks oua any sach in.duçoment; and we really cau, do <ithout jeu tolerably weli."1 "RcoBt you couIc! do .botter with me, I hopeyp "Don't b. vain, Wilil,"said bis sister- in-la.* "but fetch jour but, if you moan le. w1Lufor we întenal starting aimoSi 1"1 uhl boe dyaat4scfoo Y eu are") exclaimeal William hxod' '- e4 sprung up âtlàfu blut'Csttepe at a timte, Rraspèd- hold of a'*ahw uticbi aaàe lady mins amid becume hid»~àwak- sbly weiland vas stapdiw -on 1h. làwn. aiý 'Xieu -îmey ê«rtidu1ssl ae b fil 4r o I t'-. ~1 - Jaes, MWu m- q4 UISO ct f th Wu và8no u gglif f mhlg b m.M lsa", , iurb>. Ifài nît; tmurmer, adwbilt lbe hpgured Sabout the spo, b'ig ehear morée hoco i tg~ do~ ardeny penui Md- tiMagge r cm" e.She Stto4d'wben eShOrsewimuad I coured- vauleatly up ta e ao-h 3temples.. î MW ,fooki qpaa0<elly, :ny=. sdM4. 1speaking wUîh. videait catr4ieL ý jt -e Yo tari home. u oncle ?-fti s 10 ay y~ ng hems9. I1 w9îqd ferfi1è I roturnallhgo atraight te ay ewn rqoni hVen> blieMpîha ~wî9Jd t lotyo run t1i leasî rqkfdor the =ld ~a old * Williawwai paxquécl bi heu'. transarn eefforts tp et rijl f»tm ied 'op b e païnaoahip diiringthe waik Ihome, end h bOwedto ber withgetclns n ure awaY. i h eaitetskt .h"art,- L.or (Q 'ber reputatoul- t: Il wa a trage speech bo make: the speech of an insolent beàauty who kneçw ber ..power, and nover ti:fihlt i psxiblesitecould-sme.wiîev conquei ng. Hoe was much ébgedto-t ber foX lier cure, but how it coid i iy -té es lie was ut a lbsa te o nm ,ceive O Blt ai wa aeypossible on- consideaion, thaï e migbtbA xsed lîir le are ind on accart of ber reltiônahip with ber kae bnsbaand-. Stick suothors idih. lqin w",h he bye,thut A fpoor tadent ceuld flot &swell ber triumph., For BRouie'. euh. ah. b.d doublesa.pràràioditiè*William ahould ber kept as mach asý posea-blèr out of danger. LIt vaws very kind cf tbem biith tatak. cure of hlm, lbuti ho as ù« afraic, Poit in the toast. And WiliîAnx lutghd aload, as if .ith. memo idea* w"r ridiçulons luz the extreme. "ftivi ose, 1 r *Mugg aon9ywhere !?" the golen. I Miffld lier, at ivelve oe- clko,Wcase hstî l à 6M ince. I bffop o i b - li mi et ler a lutIle 'whule -,go ,I" j w as th e rep&y, And &ho gaVe J"eaamessage for yen.1 .Skiewas going foa alon walk, and woaild 1ke ta bave a cp f tinlaber rom vien e come home." ci 1109ratrangePe r udBoulathonbt fally. 14Whut tan ahle meoniBût wheoe' did om meet ber 7" .di W"s close, by the commen. 'Sho came ont; of Widcw M«ayne1e cottage.» Beumega;ve a littie ahriek 'of diamay.- ,".Mary Mayne bas theéana&Hpr " h. said, ïud' rew White as ai apoe. *diOh Wiliè wht shaH ve d(OI "8h. vas*esinging tlou, poor girl;"mut-o tered William tb him'oelf1 lu a soIf-re 1oah- fui toneIl and 1 culled ber scornioL. and vain,- when she wus enry té' king 0!thmi- fection for Resiaund rnyseif,, and trylug te keep us fite ber fisk. I s1hah l.nover for- givo myseli" "Nor i eiher,"I ad Rassie, catching di,- tinctly the end of hlm soiiloquy. Il ught to have kepi a guard'on ber. 1 knew how rush @he.wa*, a. ilthàI 1.dall eexcuse. 'She wil1 catqIlîthé WtlI-pox, and ilen 1I shahl never have another happy moen2 "But Bouil" muid William, speiking mote hopéfahly.than ho <oit, ohémlnay not catch it afier.ail.- She does net séerntu' have any four."J "She, dos not know wýhut fou i@s tauî' th. tvoret of itl" replied Besse, moarufuill. $<h. will ho gloing uguin, I know m*0 wil -Bessie:- was working hersof lite a paiàînl degreo xitement sud self repromch.- Ou. nýinùteshe vus-for trunning te the cot- tage afier, Maggîe, althoh William hald toit! ber repeatediy thut- ber frierad- was ne vong 'ansd seutch for ber on tbehuil. Thsshmo aiso William pereuaded ber te abmudbn'by rerreuotang>is ter flaility.- Wih dificulty. Besaap Vas persu«d.dto . "nu quiety -et borae, but sho wvandesd restlesslylà and -eut iii. houe. l iteeven- tmtafter adn. .'iaok hhey -board a stop on the path outside-* svtome soptanxioua- 1 disauutel, liie ley ie well. -She- mmaoutI , .d, a uglopened the door, eài, <.11 istberhotriend"'illarmé. 4' h M ieiMY darling, my drlig e i ýuisei obbing. "hthv "Mydtylope,"è waa the quiet reply.- But illim, s li p~esedforvrd-to bah? if a' I hç etIvive &* wbhown herm ste keep a iîupply *of MS h.d-l1 aMY b. the meausof avlug your bues' liws Romn" the . mr, sm e tiraithesigu- Northrop lLynaM4 xmtatl,) - -W.,Pro- p re to rs fo r th e C n a a . oI y a u Me de u WUA'San -uw1-bu'mt 1e nova la au ev.ry-day questioé. -la Tovu or odît iii!Or.White O a tb e .*Stho j1pquirJis. j% WIIPL'4 ts mnv?" Weil - roaer taq pva ibs ww cou pa~5 ~sq$IP#~IUP jJ~t-à"hiv et 4pnl W ~ai.NoRçgicw 4- 212.111 ..... ....... 'u

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