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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 22 Dec 1865, p. 3

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The Subsecriber atntieipaling the niany reqirernenIq. 01 oustomue)i-atjs Reasoil, has endeatvoulre by lage puchse. to 4ee their ev-ey want. ftis stock c-on'isîof IALL ITPS DEPARTMENTS. încIùd ing smorn f the..CHOICEST TEAS ever brou~gt te Liday A. Complete Stock of UrOùkery - ALWA-Ys, ONHANà,%D. HurinsCodfihand Bag Salt -for -Sale. - FINNY HADDIE JUST RECEIVED. A fe w 'brs fOaions to disupose of cep ROBERT SPIER, CO) weSiore, LINDSA-Y., GQ> TO TIIE MEDICAL HALL' iyoua Want, CHIE 41pLIP t.A good Hand Lanp for 37ý ens A good Kitchen Lam o 0cns SA good ParIorLûrp for 75 cents. .A' Lamp, Gallon o(f Coul Oil and Canf al for $1.sO. Ifangying n ie up ro 7 ALSO Il ip 1 cf Miller's Celebrate'i SPLEI TiIC~T ROYICR. 1L15T 0F LÎETTLAS. 1> IAINING lxi lte L:ÊDBAT 1Pest Office, 7th Ilkie -Co Keete John Barber Walter Rn ila Brawnp a 3tortan-Joseph 8r- o &lse,, ievYcnnou> Ai -Xeç)onald John- ~onae~ JObn~ Mclermied Colin 0, nA ÀMezmider ogilvie Wi Chddy Johna 'ConnerEdward Douglas Are)>ý- O'Nell -Peber husGeorge. Powleo,. Are Mec riu,tg bftJeeit aretiel! Viu' 'TayorMary oibWMt.Tubîle C harlis fluaie Robert TahrJh IXi Ja aae &ikr Jewu John Caàli.Osptai, Y.t.AlN.PiK FORSA LEI, ToImproved :Farms IET.I W.est hlai Lot, No.- 1.5 ia Ihe 6thct- 1 ces4ion,' contaialng 19)0 acrea' o!fivhicîu 8 la U-nder cul tivatjia, and a gçod t.og Housýee 4 by la, a140o a -stu be ereefed thrreoIi ; also, Lut No. 23 Southt Portage Rond, eolttai-Iing over lU)acre& of' whiit 3U kre ane îli hu A -à. Wind L09 HIouse 24 by 18, agood Iiur ba ra bstikaerotereou, a good wel, kc. The oil sexcellent, snd the ilirni ver' de4irably situetird, haiig 'ouIy-2j miles froui chtkr o! lte' lig 'iig of Kirkfieîd 'and lialsover. Âpluy to COCKBtIRIN kSaN, Prularietors.- oir -GEO. DORMFEKrkq.. Lindsay. No.8,18. 3' Lst Of Ltters R EMAINI NG ite MANILLA Post Ofilce. Dec. 2Utb,1-65 Brown j 'Melunes Catiterit CAM1'kl1 B 2 Mel.ean Neil C.ampabell Alex I-lkLean Ale& D' CoviWes W .MeKilinon m Ijiay Edîrard Newconibe W Rf GO;dfreni J Turbei W. (lortif John - Yiemoej T Persons afliu9<'Ihthaaboyar l. ii' sk for sdvextift e - , plOBeas Pott istreas. L.parties ate' ert->y forlbid pntcbning or anegtiatisg ENof te u&Ed made aysI>le luThonais Shtah, Manvers, or, bearer,'fur « sunt o$8eA. ta inOctober last, and payable la lwelve .niit lrdate au. 1 bar. recelons! Do viaille for WMIÂM RUIILI4 Des. 1,1341. Preh Te 2Si: j Y ONO IYSN>(*IunpowdetrTwankay, Y Suuehotrg, 8Ccm0gou, anid Japau 'réas, for sale eheap byý DOBSON & NIBLOCX. Domestip 1Liquorse OO.ýDERRJAM k WOITS Ouldl ye, Toddy ud lin lVb.iskiee, Ciipea Malt, Aid. velUsl Aie, in ýbkis. suid kegs, XX Porter and Aie ia bottles, fur sal - by - DOBSON. kIBLOCK .Coal OC, WhoçieIeand Relt ai DOBSN kNIBLOCE.. List of Letters ,ffc EMAINNS.Hnthe BuavuaronTposI 1flc RDec. ,18. Anderson jolin, Brovua hunes Culdwveli Join, Camneran Afagus Les lie Norman Morrition IL Morison Dunocan- McEvoy H N MeGuiness Alex.' Mc?4ean Iltigh .NieMIillan Donald M c Rae John, Jr. whte David Persas-.Alling for the aboya .,tiIllplease ssk for adveriLsed letters. D. CAMERON, P. M. Exte'nsîv' Land Saàle. To be sold hy PUIBLIG ATJCTION at without reserve,.2000 acr es excellent bard wo.ad Landp sittatte in the Towiuip l)of VEIULAÏY in the County of Victoria, on [SATURIDAY, 3Oth of, DECEMBER, next, being cotuposedof Uic fullowaing: E. E a Es' LOT. 17 tsIt lixtf 21 asîtbaie 19 17 CON. LOT.C 5iWtstibh! 20 7- West ba.f *)0 7. 1Wcstitalf -;- A.ny.p.trties désiroui of p)urch&sirag by prhn'te sale, cWao do scu at.atuy titrie heflore 1 he autiton y applying to the owner IL 'r'. Wickbam- EEsqj., en the premises,-or t.0 lis At oruey, 3lartiu Lund4ord. i'crrns onefourth down, audtheUicbalance, in four equal asiquail iîîstal1meuts, -with six per cen)t iattreât thereon. M. DUNSFORD, Solicitor, &-. Lindsay, Nov.I1, 180~. 2 Couutry èe ants and.'POT NMET otes,ýfid, ~ ,.OF IIOGAN'S FI krrexod vxied sto6ic of Groceri(.S- fiad Liqors fçozn whlch ihey eauàselect lu 4dvan. DOBSON Y ILO. .0 LGIL ]Real* Property lnu te polar VILLAGE 0F* C ANNINGTON, Ii>the CouintY of Outario. At tie reqiiest o! severai influential geatie- meu,bte Stibscriber lias coas.eiîled'te pastpone lus v'aluahie sale, ina ordfr to give the multtituide et é . ampl e lte10Make up their oiinds tea aIl thltrca v of -ibis gulden' ol)>orttaîîity: The W andSultas RaiinsProkwrty wili be. diposed ofon authé tern IK-bre- xuIaI, u :-nd, glqnwîa nfler meutioned, [À Ne*W'Vrolp Ourranîsi, Aimende, Filbe rlaud lrilît-Ls.Aacaovy Pastel Enttlish Picles, fon monda.ys mhjeauaz, 186, Saucs, c., or aie y ~ NIBLC Ieernmeneing aIt 10 o'elock à.oi. 'Tbe property DOBON . ca"ssâo!flhe unid*rnentioned Parels or lots: A large fràme btuilding, kuova by thec name Of the"&I Railuway lloteh'eecnuied by Ur. Henry. -' Tbwu psau, at a rentai of $200 her aniu.- lu ukdllîtîoîi te the Itel are hiro splendid storesah- _____________________________ tàchett, on. eaxnunted 4y Mears. P. àMayiee à Drotbers, as Harnea M*kers etc.,,lb.theier by th. proprietor, Ur. Roand sd xelas a Fumri- - - . tairez Warehowws. Tii. nai of tte» Stores - $75 pc u"'oum.Ther is alsoaslarge 'Ha.1di- oWsly 01er lte.stores, vtiit Ipent ecetu-. Pied by Ilaeler Dadge, Esq , Potographie Jm pêrdLiq ors. Artist, etc. Thé-freutageofo! Iis vainablelot t. II se, coeran ore bar! au acte of> land, 0%LD EBi41s. oitOtbvnn*t'fifrt K4ïtte1s, b het. aueinôre or les., uitbgood substanjl V Jules'Robin <h 1Vý Wi ff 1 Vbèyard pro- stbe, iedu and" ter oubuiags eriota ~as.tçs> ~n'WqGra4 - asPor thu-renia sd >»bouaiful sttppiy of! vueri ée. 8~5l8)> q% ÀAitew Litq*td am ~Le~n s* ~ 4',,Bai d)sg or tIf~g>bi.w E~4 i ",of be! Pb t mnt.W I ' 3 *15, ACRE$ in th Fenebno i Rver, st off-eaiby Aue- i]2 the he TtJWNSfiP OF F'*ELO.4 arectthe ilig Lots: ti! of Lot 21 in the 4th Con., 100 acres. .4 1li' OUi 2<A If*.I of ,"12 bti 100 "21 - tit 200 jj4eu25 dth 100 2n th V m1Wof " 13 *. Bh 100 t4 '1 8th 200 Riier "32 lUi .60 31 Oth go't 200 'gr, loti, 118 .12 lith 126. a part «'26 1 Ith 26 2' 1 lth gov't 126 z 21 'l 14h 200 the aTOWN,ýSUÎIP 0f YERLÂM.. East Lot 26 in lte lst Con. 50 acre,;. -ai! 29 2 nid 1 0) iàIf 16 4th 100 31 4th 200 29 >rd gav't 200 TOWYi'SiiIP Or SPWERVILLE. ini thes 11h Concession "uItvtt 200, '11h wih er200 S praiiege. '200 lf of Lot 14.Soutii ofWellington Street. nrchaiqe mnnty v wi bê takin la ve ýs dwill hear ix per.cc-nt intcrest. rther jiarticfflars apiply to DEN'NISTOUX k 0NT, )r te P. k J.- F. D~NSf Li i4i -av. r It.16..329- td C.OUNTY 'VICTORIA INIYAL ?d'IG. of the Society be hdld att JEWETT'S BOTE L, iday, the 19th of January, the ho4r of il o]cfi~ a Mi. W. J.- TIIRKELL, Secrqtary. pl lî0c . 32a' rHE NEW NUMBER OIF TIM1 'îi01rS 1Mly j A G A ZISNE. SIflTI.t. h jj ONT-iL Y SIPCIJS ýNb D, F A N Io, x THE TP 1l Y E <00 ,Ç ) 1 TI11t W A LL. D.D. 1'WvIrii Tl1lIE 17f ly A, 11 "IL Alt t~ ,~xr~Seu l~v IL4~ h IV. W J l'o "%.1. GJR.With a Po'rtrait. ,%Il PARTY. By tbe lev. Ot- iy.thlloa1 ;Mrs. G. 1B y 1110 r C Co. M 0 'JT PEA L: D Aw mox [ERS ; ipud ,Ail 'uaolc A~L -MIAI, STAGE. y' to Bob caygeou. 'ibeg 'arnaue.ta oi tice ho 'Ill raun a derlystag& be- ve e~i'oue îltre,, eaving t Ib t'n~y a 7 o"'hu)ck a.mn, arrir- ~C11lt12 oýcInck. - Retuarîing atresIlotel, 1414liaygeon at 2 arriving lu Linasay aI 7 'elôck lie rislc o! tîte ownue, uessbýoic. IIRYAN GUNIGALL.. Dcc. l1(. 2f-' ISITTO R Oaa ph- . t ga Ap~plicatlion Il sipplicant oba work. 'T ROINSONf. 'W......... RSiald Bel 1, uder Bron AiaJr.w Grant .........Otk oKai~ D"11 urgeu .........WJacbi8bulisî ..... .... Lapp . ............. 1J rit. uiOa LOIr ....... JhSineluir ..... . james Méfat ..........Jo f MftJt Rederfrk1Leod.......4--i' joliaMneQue ...........oMe1. M*Is.IMcCIme........*:*ýà î Thi mas.?aet....Charles Alkîu#li..~. ~1hDwyer.......William Mtaaghoe... ... J L h # I w y r . . . . . . . . . . d o * . I 4..........Wiii.......oladTh Audrew John bMaievre do.......Patrick Mathows j.. do...... Thomma Maitb6we..... do......... e-Htom....... .... Patrck Saniesnir ... dopatrk k Lenuiha.... JaImes Fitzpatrik ......... P#tdk Luhn James ac lui... . Jrul col.... Jjqs ten re .....Aîîçe Robio........A J.&wieà ba'ee..... Ri 1ONeilt........ ChaJre 1i............... J~une~ r'aee........... rhatI 7 o OhwE. vfry...G .Lenno.... joseph MaLea:......Sam"e! Smwth......... 4 TuWn of Lipdcîuy Hwth orkoeait......... i do .. J »cePDciJM.garF do J Blattkwel»&W B lekweil do Edwvard Mulpby ...; lm. do Wlia .muh.... do JhaLn.......... do John Helnderon..... do ....ohn Waldon........ (Io ,... Thomag Richards....... Dr John Know1oon ~fou lp....... c..,Flç Thomas, Nagent .-.ames Tàadgih...... Trhomats Stingos ee ehn.....T William IIarxRO&.........Wiliam Nrbt....Agi 41 Mari y aud abm, de 1 duety éof ,Vfwt4rla, durng.thé eàuarerý A -*D, SS Mt. of Peo'by 10or DaupI., 1000 050 200 200 10 00 à-os. i . .........lh. ~ :.%pembr 28 A '4 ýtobu 1 .... .. ... cet' e t De teLbe j aaivela cngua. .. "ëwbèr it B-Law ....Deceber21 . erlyýf Mayoc ..A ~t.ry rndut...obor 21 . Fi** do de do do -bon" Bd le Î LML»9I do do W$.ew LR.Lo ddo du -. doylo dàdo do &o .o(I ddo, dod d doo....o do dû do , . . . 20 00 50. 00, 50, F.,. wbeft pld or te b. paid to mâid Justice TW lwmp rklover by said. If Dot aid, why o?'guel 4 I -~---- I - 80hSepteM ..... 1h t.or 30&dys.in pdi> -16ih Dat. ore4Qdays. Fotlit h Ten dayo ritroo weeks. six days Forthwitli Twenî v-ono days- 'do Fôztbwith 'do do &. do 'de de do do .. do do. do, ..ýjîdays oo ...Fonhtîth 00 .... 10 del* 00 ... Forittiwàk 001 eachi... du OU ech...l do 001 . ..... do 20 ..i do.. 26 . ...I do 00 . . .. 10th (October 50 .... oet yet paid 200 .. Cotmty Treaurer Troamurero! Eldon do' do do dé ào .Co. Tre.uorer. ...County Treisurer ...To. Complaiuant du .Comp lainant Trpa.uer of Lindàa3 .CiunîyiTrasurer .Couaty I*saurer .Trea ,suirer Liindsay .. 40. d .I.... Treasurer Lindsay .Tremurer Lindsay Part paid. Not paid. Not paid. Paid. Paid.. Part paid. iPaïd. ý. iCommisted £0 Assizes for.Trial Dismxi" dwulhcomea - Not yét paid. lNot yet paid. ..!Fie Reaitte '..Not paid. .Pa*id. P4xd.. .. . .Bound oer £0 ke*p the pnb.. .Not yet paid. -' ..Paid int .!Paid in part. Not yet paid. D)trss -sued. Distres& îssued D'istress ,ssued. . . O nus week iinG& 01. Boun d over to keep the peas ...Tr&uurer Lindsay .... Comm itted fir defauit. SCornfitued to Gaol for 14 days. Ditîea arrat isued.25h OOt. ...Nut paid. ...... .....Paid. .Paid, Paid. '.Pald. dreusurer :tDi@tr6Ss wassaut issue 'Not.paîd.' -~ ~~~ à etf httétbove -is a true copy, .of, the. .Returos of Conôlvictions MIadeatte Cort f 0er urtrSesosf b Pea ce, fortis Cuun'ty,',held mja-DecemberAi866, A. LaCOURS'E, Cicr k of the Peac. C, torof in acre atlaaed. Thtis reAde rce is j)ifljt 7THE' CHEAPEST spleni iviirof thée *hole village.'h It.L a n d & reneta- _g '-n v ly opi ouite the residence ot C. C. K~ ,E, Attorney-gat-làw, Solicitor in Claanceuy, eîc'[ The situtation'of tiais lot is a suffixient gu.a rt n ie A R p! its worth, as it is ii Uiececrtte ùf.al l te pub-b seat o > o e n nt ic buildinrs.. sncb. as thae Town 'Hall, Fiee f G v r fjn cià,urch, Scbool Bue eioiiCburehi, I rtîw ery , &c., tlitie rendering thii lot a paradi$e at WIoG DE I O the foirtunateô wirncer. Valuèed at $6u0. ýA Carrdage îlot-se valued at $150. 1I Bnggy 1 AND -AND) GENERAL AGENT. Land .valied at $1-00. i1DemocrSt Waggon vttltd Il Pte àaenot Tle xaie. a t $î3. i Slendid Cutter valited a? $45. 1, Searclies made. Letters Patent for Invention set- of ýSiJver motinted IHsrne4ss valued -,t $40. secitrel. Municipal Funds- and Accounts col- Iiigle set of Brass mounted Harness î-ahlîed lete", at $ 18 iset of Teaim Harnesa shtsirlags] Reference by Permusioa valued att $20. iý Book-cise SecretarY valnaetl R. L Denison, Esq., Dorer Coift, Tetante. att $30. i Bureau valued ai$ 18. 1 Bureau il* u'JonR~s .. , oet. valued iit 10. I* Louge Yalued M, $8. 1 T. G. Street, Esq., M.P.P., Chippewa. Ceutie Table valtied at $8. 1 Joh.n F.-Tavlor, Esq., Québec.-_ P.S.--Forthe further iînducement of Parties I Wlia Mi;iterMLCTrno ohtain tickets, th e Proîarieic'r will lent in 100 ll<ia Ge(rgcAlkeTrno priAe.s more, varying front $5 îo 50ceseaù AlaMLC Ton. Finding that there exists at the Seat Of Gor.- Th Ral stae i siuaîd i tletaids tf'n runient the necemity for a Checap, Reliable and Te RalL'at i stuti-ftth iiistcfanEx-Agen cy, throiugh the mediumi o! old settled and rich et gricaalîuuirl district, ori tlie -lelprisl ga itne n ai leading ro d hbrougli île Cwliiaprte lvn ata itac, n hvn is vil eppli~d iah .liis o var<.us<Iecrt--. ' be aity of the Public Departuuelt3, tion, ,*. Sffic itîo~a' itis ue cevb-' sa eil eXpense and inconveniente of tue~~~~~~~~~~~ Co;1,aa IlTarsapaaîe. . Jkt.rttv, fita ninduced lu openan ciice.in the Divsio Corts et., ite blt.i *ere. 1 .l t li, :: b:Ld t1 u.juit aborcîthat of the City* m'ilcs froîn. Bearertotu, 36 inilès front (),ha.Wzk liegizitrar, c.û the corner of des-calF and Sparks 37 nuiles front Whhbyh, axid21)ilezs f'. i v i tht vterics hut e ad say,- the present te'rminus of tihe Port Iio1ç Lc'rigta m evce hh tt nd Lindav kBeav rhailwav. Tic'r r' In dtb t ht!at'eas cf persons who are un- flue~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~1 prpsdGeriuIv aa u u i ip~' ay large fées, I'have determined. to imaedite eigborood4)ýt le Zake ucevdingly nioderate charge for Loy inuuedatenegbbrluod f luealtve rt~et,~ u a tls i tIr , f1a voured .with, go that- thrs rendering it vcry vailutlie. Tiac pta te l isiewflh uerwr !cenoetah prpryis etreyau.w,and in gt" ;tr-tai Aet t hiCpia. AUlttrst The above wili be disitosed of _lay ticie ts Il r -2l Aet tfi aptl.(lZ>tesh etecli, nt.xnbering froxu 1,t) 2,1l7". Tthe :,-1' 'iM i reîai. take place on the premiises aand wM~ be at'1"r the W.H. G. DENISON, u-ngxwt O! a coulwiùee appoi2ted laî tLe Ottawa. (>flDE OT' S LE: MODEL PARLOL'R MGAZENZ û? Two Cyliîuders ivill be erecteîcain 'i lac Ver- ' andah on the premises on tl.tiklday iv question. T their arms bure, shall atten.d on the pli%rm, i iDMRSS ONHY'AAIE Unirauiy watlî lite Secreýîar', Tmzre'uer. andi Combines and prescrits thé mmis interestng, Cotmuttçe. Eaeh boyshali at thue sitn,:e tiiac wefltl. anad attractive array of popular features- ptt l.a is ad l intecyl intlers couîîaining .the Cver -offered ina a geaù, ilnidint. pries arad:nuinîbers. fat is to Say, the b- LARGER k& MORE.-COSILY STEEL wbose duty il is-to tiraw the number of catcliNRAIU namtaered ticket. ali draw it forth fit-st. ili.AlThia nare fairaîshed. in Loy. other.' crvey ilt_ tte Seeretary, or ânyothQr î:ersotI ORIGiNAL SToatîs aise Poo r aTIEM OSr chosea by the Comnnîjtee or tirket-lioldtr- METAvos whttee duty it-qhall be t>o cuil il Ont aioud andta then mnake an inventery o!. imid n'arler;- the Ne mst ouaNI) 'ALUABerMsS. othée boy shall theti draw fro, in tMe clinder B h otpplrcmoe, -contaitàisg tie Prize3;, &c., fit vey it also ARCHITECTURE AND MOD>EL.COTTAGES ta the SeccetAsry, trîto shah cul,* it aloud: and With Diagrni. ,mtéeau imventoýry o .v thus c ont inuing > FiNE POnRRAITS OF ENT erPzsoxa. aixi» te wbolea iý-S sisd of. The abore mode . THIE FASHIOMS, rentiers, the trasr! fee from mxisienteancer In every department o! Ladies' and Chidren'a on Lhe part of the 3jObehiluer car of any' ofliciaI Dress, splendidly illuîstreated *ith îanriyalled conaectetl vit ibliis gilz4nlie sale. Fu lter- and model Ftabon Pl1ates, ani çnr unasa. -more, alter the Tieasurer. receives ail montesa, FUJLL SIZE PATTERNS, BPRAID!À.N &-c th,1 ai the leveeni of the Sale tinot taking M OIE . pla;e, ail moniei wý*.l be reluira d ina full,, wiflt-'t oîi,îm dduitin watver bycaît ulcri>-Alec, llousehojd. Matters and Reesipts, whh Set, preseninit bis oâ.the jr ticketa tli llae Treàusur- Jennie JuWes TAlks on Womau'a Topies; er, C. Gibits, Es., P. . Therefore ea ch one, Pazû.Oorrespondenes; Etc., Etc.,- and alil agetits n.-ed hav e»scrujile or dread A'n Together Witit a constant sutcusi.. o! BriHl. their mindî ccacerninir the aboyée hostourable a t X aIi &l ta 1'. finely and ristbaaly tMii&cLýioD. N. . -The Suhasriber guarantees iliustratedj and thé .Magaii» toha rintid o Ss il expeames in iiis maltez il SI. the Ounest paier, sud in.Wastyle-for bindinoto -POmusaln will bu given in 7 dAys afler the SA le a hanagome volumie for lte. Sntre..able at the will, a full,. clear, aid indisputable-titI.. free close-o!f ie ar fi-r ali ineumbrance, withbout, ayadditional- eoat iihatc'ver. - Tearly, $3 00,' -wt) a set of 'jvc beautifut Tickets a b. ptocured tbroughout lte COU ahY Parlor &eel E2ngrarjpps, or- a Package con- la Villa ges and Towns, f6im lte varicns Ag- taining Two Dollars Wbrth o! Extra Fndil-siz exils uo lictthe Subscriber bas appointed. Patterns, e -a Prenaium t t el-ubribér. As the swle vus go have t&ken pilace oa' ist Eftc)-à ddItional Subsoriber, Vhs, sentin club#, Nov. Iat,*ttieiel wil ueessailyIan4a.e *2 54; TbreCopies fer $7 50,* ?ire Copire ibat day, but wilberaiâdferthbe 8thof Jau. >$z etOçisIrS;wUi ish ary, t ec sbOe.e dde .Ail r.oaiesand Un"od ticktpteunsbereturu- W. IJE5ub5oeibr. Addres t4 o lte Treasur« « on of je.tENINS ElaE on i rýçipt o! esc)>communication, he vii 3&<êL p ovYom aokitledgeh, with au euclosed recelpî of-!théSbngie' Copie s maied fre. o.nsl@fpe. 5IUit~. Ba,* Nufbers as spe0hmea, 0Out P.S. 41.417 P«101sing tefr any -forther- inoratonoutie boe ate au have th Spé ndd eioe*5 areeriN 0ubo.- 5SMc~7 W1iIn (wst~u*)te ,.be cretar>', sx âao<God es aglUmsbsri bit cote" i- '-w lod Me office- eC Clerk of the Peace, LindsayDemb20 85 * -I t 4 1 00 204 '1200 1 25 400U 500 1000U 0 25 0 25. 200 i ()o .20() 2,00 2.00 2 00 500 300 0 10 ------------ 02 10c Io lot -0 Q< 10 10j - A

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