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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 22 Dec 1865, p. 4

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s t-- 'Fi --t..- .M~BEU$~ .1< it t - TORE I UOTHIIVG th*i atiumtap tii gir W 6Wle oBi >es . ikppl 1.0W -FIGURES!!11 r ags~aeoeTU u )eJLK ' Nô*X fm1 i àx"iE*d t -Ai- Tme FEWIBLEM SOLVÉDI) a youlbgy the. lest ah*d Çhupet Goodâ,j» *lvo the prçMam ys thse good hu~1e h iest "a beet Grey Cettoné d tht=0 le18and l eraaiyother p e, ott o o i f eOch es 158aukotiln auohth offs$41,,1 boighbt lf>or $3j ; -1aise bo ght p lot of Linone, ShirÜn~gs and?,rnta. at foOÀIlTlfliS.;uch 4heyStrlpjse RtTHY'8 la undo>ttiJy Iheêbest place to get the faltie of yotqmrnouY.:,ý.ý re the ridil, cus a petty danel. Oh snohlb b-atIf1stripat d ,i nli ù * ê W is FM 1bought for 129 d M' OÀItR'Y'8. a-,ecod Maide,, I bouglit a charmng Qureensland Woal Shawl, ireally -worth at X4OÀETRT'5 -aleê a ver, pretty Co1%ud for 39s94. Wbat a aplendid loi of o'a Yeu, i*at, Io buy the béaid. ohoaposiCl*ifl4d Rtdy-àia4s unie you MOMARTITS làthe spo..H e îells gond tull cloth al.4e, hea-vy ft0W 80 9d. up,undsplndid OvreotiaÈs, double width, for 7a 6d pet yard. 1bhed of a hmllgy aM, toalal and wbom i t mayconcern, bis It kuown that hasi my muê t K'c RTnT8Xi cm utel by ha fr quallty and cheap- motb.su =ulntLindsay, a4d b cmy ,Mks but one puce, sudai sella for ,nd upon jw4tic. beinu dom iwbo y ou moud your chili for gonds, sas If i'on pai 41 *" àb s&Î èlmp1Dry Qooda and Grocorlea, go te VALUE'FOIRI.,J cbas now on band a cornpt amotment of aow sud seauh .mbraclug a lare varloty of Ladies Dru God- Nemw- 4URDN8, Neao COBlO iRGS LtsNw LOWERS, New wINO lEsý, N ",Nae PEA TIERS,: Nw LELAI? ES, New GCLO FES, New PRJN7!R, ,' SNew tSIÀ ,Noio$USTINGS CL D)New HJO<>DS, Net. ict.,ites, ýe and Fti Cidf, Jtroadclotb*, Beavera, <id PoDmý, BInk y mIetisgw, sâirtu g, 4c, Recly made Clothïotg, Rata, Càpe, T(ea C.Ltar#,Mu»sjr, 4c., anud FRESH GROUERIS issona ........... . .......... Fo..Oî.y MIon of eadh buyors laoe iolUy aitd. E"t Kent StreotLindsa >r for the Lind1say llrewery le# at the stoe, w v Ivi ereprorn$. attentiot. Iffltber, 1805, 80 .L theo lrgeaI andi g hi ever brougbt ý e s etermn. F ~ion!SaERIFF'S. SALE 0F LANDS.- wiUl find it t o oatv OfYlectorla, i ILL b. e»Id ut the ivalleti stock 2'o vit: * wVV Court Hboeein tlieso figurft h. To" aof Llnduay, on TUESDAY, the Thir- 10 to $241 teenthidal otfEBURT .D> 1864e, athe heur of Noon, au1 lhe right. titie anti lulerest cf to 10 the .undermoullonoti defendgata luandt hle 4 to 8 folowing lands anti teneats, vis:: ti, ah pricera Ite Court of Commuson Plat. Peter MCabo ant-i Hannab oCahe, Ptuîist4Ja Fuir$, Ma grtKeuny, Jaî7'KeDsuey, lizieth Renney ter euaoy, sud lMartin Kenney, tiseyonngor,,by Mithi Ken-o es toustanhly ney, the eider, heiru stins guardian, BROWNE. The Et haitleh um 10To01th. bid - * * - concessIon oethUe Tou'nshlet Opsi i t the Courôo Qum. n.Bea I nna eu awarsneJohn OLeer..........Plitf The. Southh aIt etf1.1 nulubor Seviéullbo snUst concessilon ofthé lei hwnblpo eu. sterlfe office, Lidsay, -asf lf th Nov., 186465J eFt, IsrinltiNeele,18. DIrAi POST prlutin.g elice: andi ChiattljDistraluoti, Provlni Steel WihAQ eIgtsat ~SawILog ,Iëp$rt m 6 ail madeor, u *. ow #"& dtmbr.. ~ ~ef Gng end Pougb Hbse ~~~f wrovm d &anthe isenvl attrsi guo1aImpImenUfa edi euth vi d ni nrrow1Pntà, '.4alh ameeIe~i au mie fromthélb wo wWrat ail oMose d ô*Egih1e1 t ese AU kEPMItNG dob* v u$ - SM à4da t<atMane. lti 4to in.dlns purclaoe -à JI. Lladssy, 44 -'i ~ HAILTON. - 1 - 1~.. IDW Li '1. ubwrribei, tesires teqAi.thet on o FAMIS, BLACKSM Tn& QE FAMECSMTHCARRIAÇE & ONMAKERS, CÂEARPflR% , BUIL»EUS, CA&BINTr MAIERg, SHOE * *UXER9e, MILL ONR A DLUMLReÈ tê~oW tçk oet1HRDWARE wbieh b. bu %*pa.4ont in o'NII.el tad Krpt'sBok ",a. lhleh ho olhrm .At idxs aa ecs ucae ]Paix4fji, 011. 4Ç IOU WMss &c, aways on.,. nd JOHN BERTRM Lindsay, 2b Octots;'.isit. 320 THSE. EDINlUC ii E ýASSUR [ANCE COM'Y, EEAD OFFICE, 22 GZORGE ýST8£ET, EDMiUROIH, 44 EAD OFFICEIN 0 OAW"&DA, WELLiNt4crON 9T..- -ORONTO. THRE YJINBUR.GH1 LIFE ASSURANCE -COMPÀNY Under iseAct ofFidhment puisedtidtlislaut msesin reowred eIuetapian For he olebe4 pftbevWjea sd Chhlen;mac Po<~j~s re, aitogether f'ree frorn any cliu'~tbepare? reditors, and enablo persane to provide with eertiinti îfter their death for the. mihtnaao<4.f aiiis T"e gdinbergh- fe Ati*aneCrn0 n are preparedta t offer usual facilities for: this de- scrptio f 1nseumne Tormseo 04 preopsa, andi evei rnformaàtion respectipg iOMAsuce may be bad ut auy of hecoipan'sOfficelanCan&.1a. J.HLLYÂRD OAEIENCbairmAn. t DAVID HIOGINS, Seeretary, CAMERON & ORtIE, Solicitors, &c., 4 genia ut Linday (519) ýDOBSONI &'NBLUK GENERAL GROCERIES, TEASI, TOBACCOS, COFÉEES, SUGARC 'WINE$S5 'B MN»ES, 1WMS, OL]) TOM -AND) HOLLAND GNCM!PPÊWA MÏAIT, OL]) RYE, AN]) commON WHISKIES,&.8c The gubsoribers are determined a# heretofore to supply a' want no0w letlu= is ITe:: by keeping 'con ta Uty on baud; the best brands of lmpertcd-- Winea and Ài hAes at Porteral ùf wbich wîhl b. Sold at Lowest Possible ies for Cash DOBSON à& NIBLOCK. - Liuýdmey'Furniture Wareh.ouse. The subscriber otrsto tbe piqbie Or VictoriA Caty the largestassortment et Parleur, Dining audi &ti Room pu,.ite1, in varint- ustyles, ever- broughf into Lindsay. Particular attention le invitedt tebis ,WALNUT 80P48- I IMXI OOTH, CANE BOTTOX CHAIRS, og-ïsu du< 44 WOO D SEAT ci ' SlDe4ê&RP8 kà Dinimig Tables, ROCKING s CORNU~W 1!ýATN0T8. WASH STANDS, BUE*W0~ OFA, COTTAGE & COMMON BEDSTEADS PAIlLON, DIMNÇJQa KITBI CHAMIS, DRESSING TABLES, ho. &c. AU or*n rs ejiu1Iyattem*d4to. CJn f ea xnkept contantl4* fn stock.. 0. pic8w" $)ri À Wl tram inîeudin Il 1 , 1rs sci-ed. fReu e -,ADJOIIKG THE ENGLiSII CRU.iLOR, KBNT STREET. - ILHOILTOUP Tii. South Xouley t on O vaI idividul*to lv0gtafie, '~ kt aTM# xÂo. rte 'ud" Lliduy, id November, li.~lr ~I lathe ei un?410 i.,, kiuolvut Act of 18"4 pRQVmiN op OCÀAIDA- 4 t the Cptltly Court Of t h coémny ofVictoria. r laAcMote f JOINMAT)E (yi tho Nlatemth -day 'of February norI, tee iidsrslîmsd Inwav ilii ppiy tt- the J tie e saiti Court for a discharge undor uT iermiafed 00caiAssigne. iseano- Ul»tbale m i e mrn im ota#0 aneathetAfeas peol ciubhead pl ~jt FAt~'~ a~u~.jpsp. fer InapsoIksn ai 1h - buS~. f ~ - » - . ~ ~oU MATYRTE, - I -~ =-.. ~ 4si.eir. r '-----~~ -~ ~ 5J~..4X MhiJ.dwig - * ~t a Lindsay, Ila-y 41k, 1865. Mon tborongbly Preparea f6wé t"k et lb. ebutimg bousé anti for in euto mbra...mllicaà- > iRe Beok4tkeQla& Baud Book-keeping, MNouey kBro ok -Oo l 1 oaleuqoe,-Cosu- mercis1 fLauw,17Commerc ial Coruondeuace, tiqu etiem lmq»uiptTelegraphy and Mu. lUT, I.tunoUur la lefuce of Aci> i~r1a 'ortéieuenteutLect ifrer oS Bisa- Ut a.B. Tovu, Obief operater-lu Motreaïl 9ue abOupa y's Offce,. Tornto, Instuuc- Mv W B a0iàw Inatructor ln Phonlo- Mr. ,. Yas"tach csure, lu reterriug ho thé foilou'iig gentleme:-Rev. Hi.,J. Grasset AXer. Iiurray, Esq., of Mqffatt Murray k Ceo., A. R. NcMa.ter, Esq., et McMaistet & Broîher; 'Georg Niebie &k Go., Davidi Buchan, Esq., Bur- zar U!nivcruty; J'.,Lesslie, Esqi,'- Pastmasterý W. ltc, sqofe flamwand & Fitch; Adasý roeEsq., Q.MAL.D; L. W. Smith, Esq. Barrister, D6L., 'oento; Hon. 1IoLasse BRuchanon, M.P.P.; R. JuBon,REsq., Adam- b*Owl 4 Hq, Riton u çDmcau Bell,Es. XMnreal; *. Treut, h-qB Ne.mmuket;-1ler; Dr. Oen Walion %unre, COhaimmn, f Coùnty Board. et Public Instruction, Haiton. For terme atdres poot-paiti (euelesing letter shamp. - . 1280 Pua cical Accouut om arnte, P oulneuly of Landon, Engl anti NON MATOLOAU AT 8 PER CENT. 4O particulars apply to Linday, ~, 864 Solicitors, Lindsay. Lladayà'iu 13 164,234-tf Thé Livarpo1l&. Lon<Ioù Dally Incarne of the. Company, $ 12,000. Th iePremiumnË recciîved b~y this Crn- pan Juingthe yr183 excced ihose of any oth1 erel 0e ny lu Great Britain by £200,000 Sterlirg. .Insurances on every description of property effected at the. lowegt xenunerative. rate. Losses paid ,mmediately on proof. J.AMÉE I'AP O0ffice in Kernp's. Brick Block., T. GOURLEY' * GSta inform is nunerous friendB and the V public. generally, that lie as renoved bis ,Photographio. Pioture Gallery to large and coinmodious rooms'lu KnowlIson's Brick elock, specially fitted up for thè purpose, andi equal for, accommiodation to any îu the Province . T. G. would return bis tbanks for thc very, liberal patronage bestowed upou him for the past number of'years,-and lie is now bettcr pre- pared than ever-ta suit the wants-of the-publi1c in - the picture Ue, in the latest, and most pleaà- ing styles and second te noue ini the Proince. Pree exhiias of views of all parts of the worid. Gold and Silver Eleçctroplàting donc on the the ehortteet notice., «I have fitted up the a.bove rons speeially fur T. Gnrley, Photographer, anid parties desiripg pcturs ould do welIto give him a cali.' J. KNOWLSON. LidsyNo.17, 1865. 324 Insolvent,.Act of 1864. À PROVINCE 0F CANADA, *County et Victoria. * la the County Cortof the County of Victoriýa. la the Malter of HLTGIIBER T1 JAMES. * St17FN, an Isuolvent. O N the Nineteeuth. day of Februaty next, the MYundersigned Insolvent .wilt apply te. the *judge-o<lhe eaid Court for a discharge under the mid Adc. The undersigneiOfficiai &ssignee gives no-. lic. e, Ia ho viliat. he. mme Une (or 5 soo.tbergpafler as Counsel can b. beard> apply "th twe nidJndge for his discharge frim the. m.ofe*Officiai Asslguee ; and that bis final acceunt le op« efr Inspection aIt bis office lu the Town of Lluday. HUGHBERT JAMES SUJTTOIN, Per JAMBe liA?, bis atterney. . -. WOOD, Datod at Liudsay, 6th December, 1965.. 32 7-8 THE COMMERCIAL UNION: Cm, rrcsLondon, 19- Coruhili, B. C. Montreat,221 22à St. Paull St. capital---------$12,500,000 DEPOSBIT'FUND-IN CAN&AA-.-$5,00 General Agents for Canada, NORltLAND, WATSON k Co.. Tho undereigneti havig, been appointed Aient of lhe above fluet clà;e Englisi (Company feu lb. Oouaty ofVictosi%-,4eprepared ta effect every descrption o!f P#qanti Lite Insurance at lb. loveat rates Qonsitawitji secariîy. Pros- pecums, o. iay be hast ou application tg, 3I5-Iy.Agent, Lindsay-. QOUNTY ONDS. Tb# CoUVty Ouncil of the. .coUnTiT of VICTOrI>A SiXTEEN -BONDS 'OF $1000 EACK bearing intereel t payale alfyonlyandi maturig lneigbto.n Sa(e.oo*, 56 Bpbawy, yKwYork. eThiffMachine la eona*latd 0* teillrely 1w principleOet m»ethâmis, Pousulktg May rare anti valuible iniprovements, h*ving been xamned by 1tbemot, prcibwwieffertsand, prooncei e . vep6iansd prfctin cois- ounaed t e.*9 ef - The tollowing are tee principal 0ob Jectione re4agaluet Sewing M*ehies- 1.Ecessive llabor te thê ppeutor. 2. Liabilftt.to *èt oit of otis 1. E e - t ro ble 0nt'la"e i e - t. tap e oso e y deription of eterai. * 5 Dlagresabls nOW eiriSe luopeatlou. 17eEmpimre SWing Machioe <a Exen&pt frm aul these obefiona.ý Il bas a traight needle, predicular me- tionwakesthbeLOCKor SIWTLEs TITc~H wvib ietli 1%ETHER MIP »r luVEL,,aud. le allie on, both aides- perforai perfect sewing ou every description à maleriai trous Leather ta lhe inest Nansook Mwaiiuf mi cotten, linen, or ilk thread, frorn the Çaarsedt te the finest itumber. - 1aviug ileitherCA)M»Or COG-WEEL, ant te least possible friction, il us assinootîs as gass, and is Egmphatically a Ngolmale. Machne 1 r It ruires FIFTY PEU CENT. leu power ta drv il Ian auy other Machine lu market. A girl eft welve years ef age can work it steadily r mthout fati gue o r inj ury te healtb. Xte atrer.gth anti wonderfui siiplicity of con- struction render il aimait Impossible te Ilut eut of order, sud la GUARANTEE*D by the con- pany te give entire satisfaction. We respecttul'ly invite ail thiose who may de- sire te supply themeelves with a superlor arti-. cle, te cati and examine tue 1UIRIV.I~LED NI CHINE.' But lu a more speciai manner 'do me solicit thse patronage et Mermuffnt Tilera, 1 DreasMakera., C7oachs Malera Corsaetlers, jlocpfkrlMantufacturers, Gaïter Fitters, ShAirt andi Bosom Maltera îShoe.gindiers, Vetamd.Pantalonmmakéers. K Religious sud Charitable Institutions witl be liberallv deaIt with. PRICE O}È MACHINES; COMPLETE. No. il Famuly Machine, wîith Bemner, complete-...............$6. 0 No. 2, Smaill aUufaecturing, witb Exten- sien Table................ 750O0 No.9, Large " ' " 85 00 No. 4, Large, for Leather ............. 100 00 CABI.NETS IN EVERY VARIETY. we want agents for ait tous lu the TUnited States; Canada, Cuba,. Mexico, Central and South America, where Agenciez are'notuilready established, ta whom a liberal dis.count *iI IeQ given, but wc make ne consignments. 1Orders may be sent threngh lb. .rrican .ddcertsing .,genicy, 399 Broadway, New, York. J. T. McARTHUJR & CO., 536 Broadway, New York. Ma ufacfssrers-oa hto MpAcMteil WIIOLESALE AND. RETAIL 50I BROADWAy, N. Y. IN Naddition te eut main, business etf Photo- <ru phicMtras we are Headquarters -for the fotiowing, viz. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopie vieWS. 0f tiiese w-have an. immense assqrîment, in- cliving War Scenes, Amerizan aud Foreign Cilles snd Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, c, te. Arse, Revelving Stereos.copes, for publie or privazte exhibition. Our Cetalogue wiiî be sent te any addtcss on receipt et s-tanlp. PH-OTOOGRA'PHTOAL.BUMS.* -W. ere thse rst ta introdiee thése intj the United 111 atos, and' we Manufacture limenase quantities in great 'variety, ranging in prive 'from 50 cents te, $50 ecd. Ou,,ALBuNs lave the reputation et being superir in, beauty And duruhitity te any qtberi.. The3vill be sent by mail, free , an ueceipt eof prie.. Fine Albsum@ Made to Order, CA RD PRO TOURAPHS. Otîr Catatogute uow emibraces otrerjlre tlaoî- iond differcnt subjecîs (te wbicls additions are eontiually being made) of Portraits of F mi- Dnt Americans, &C., viz.: ïab)out 100 3Major-Generaýls, 200 Ri.Geeas275f Colenels, 100 Lieut.-Colones, 250, Otber Ofilcerg;, 7>.Navy Office-u, 550 Sta tesmen, 130,.DDivines, 12- Authorqs, 40 Artists, 125 Stage, 50 Pr ominent Womeni 150 Promi- Dnlt Fore1gu Portrait.. US 006pies of Works of art, including reproductions et the most celebrated Engravings, Paintings, Statues, kc. Ca ta- logues sent on receitît of Stamip: An order f r One -Deien Pictures fron t iCatalogue wili be $le&ou tisereceipt ot $L.80 and sent by mail free. - Phetagiruphers an.) alliera ordering goods C. &. D. wiii please remît twenty-five per cent. of the amount wltli their order. E.ý & Il. T. AXTII 0S r-& COIl Manufsscturers ûf.Phot.o,-rftj)ki,, iateritilq, 501 i 3noiowàv, NEW Var. b3 Tise prlees sud'qualiry of eut goods van- net failtotesa tisfy. 9-y -UNDSAY AND MANILL STAGE UNE, U NT LFURiTIIER- NOTICE 'A STA.GE will leave Fruiiers ilotel. Lindsart,everv iawful mnorning at 0 ' clock, reacbing Manilla la lime te conucet wilîl ficstage for Osiîaws, WVhitby sud -eaverton- Returning-leaveS eto'.Hotel, MIanillà,, atter the arrivai et tb. Stages itemn Oshawva, Whitby anti Beaverten, auriving ah ,Lindsay at 8 e'ciock n tlb. e-ening. Fatesreaseniable. TF--2 preprieter wilt net be respousable for ia rcels or baggage unles boek- cd and) paid for. Lindsay, A prit 1, Pro prietor 1864.143-tf ;nsolvent -Act of- 1864. la the -rsaater oJNEIL'BRÙOIPN, an ln- THIC underslgueti bas been .appoigted Assig- nes iu this inatter and requires Claims, ta ,l>e fled eithin TWC> M014T HS *fre in date. DONALD BROWN, reaidag lu the. towiiship cf Mariposa, lu the CouDty of Victoria, Oakw'iod P.O.,.Assignes. M(ariposa, 28thOctober, 1865. . 322-8 FOR -SALE. A AL 0FJ IlSACRES, about '15 ofwhich are ceanti udaeeded dovulu (Jiover and 'TWNSSUlP OF OP&O Ai 9. 1 leiin lde- .Tow1k of iâmdsay, Lots Na. 4 anti Boulh et Rdoubt.sret, b.ing tii. site tefle'etfi>rMer Hote4,consletiug -of omo f ih tanace Lots 2ô ai 22, uorth of Glonolg Street, cou- Park lots T 1 sud-C 2,4I.il AU Eatconaaeh- ofg et and a hait acteÏ e&dL sâ 4Hçê1amoJtelots « 11#o*t ofAdelalde Barrîsters LWMIudeyN«v..?, 18U, -3e2 Pw* ntslrWMt uchsn ororae e àdd Sonokou'. a tn. the (Joun oý> o Ey wépt*s~arieÉ,i Jeteikveti ah tbe't IFei i ur 8Mo gai- 8.C. WOOD, i apfn me toîtier, îuîy*;emi~ Lldmj o.21 T Irm-< m'reç- .L IIKEL Uiuav Nv.14105 PENMANSHl,, TELEGRAPHING,. PIIONOGRA PHY, BOOK-KEEPING, ARITHMETIC, CORSPONDNE 44TeacIs your Sons ht uittJirk they sité practice wken tltey become Men." T:e ccllegiste course of thig Institxtion in,- cludes everything reqitisite for a thoroiigh asol practical Business Education; -Book-ËeP1ing adated to every kind of business, -by Single ant Double Entry; SteambûIting, liank-iný Foreign Exchange, Forwarding and (orn,' Sion Business, Minuu4t-uring,, Mihing, an" ehanging Single ta, Double Entry. flPrice of Scholarshipe, ti.me unimiite, Twenty-flvre dollars.. U-Books and Stationery fur full colurse $il. T'he. actuat: Business Delpartinent is iturnish. cd with two Banks witlià capital of SnXr conducted on the same princiffle as our fav ite Banking H uses. A Mturchant's Emî.orillm or Wholeeale Establisbment oontaibing Zà.. pies ofalkinde oferchandise, Reëal&-afc from whieh the students, e ntering tisdat ment make their flrst purcha"es. The Book.-, iepns the Emporlutn, -by the -Sttlttam eight in number, live of whith are loý çfi Original Entry, and they are conducted on ¶hA plan of the principal Wbolesile Ilonses lnu tbe city. This department is under the charge df a Teacher.who lias lad a long experiencelaui. ness& a suflicieut guarantee of is pr.ac'tsl -working. Sénd fo>r sp)ecinen- of writing à, circular, conta inin gfuit inÇrniation. Adirtz 218 MUSGROVE à WRIGHIT, Propriûtors. Xéney -1IXoney! Xoney! 1 '1UF undersigned luas advices fioni bis ée r- ýLARGE SUIVS 0F MOIY awaiting invesimnt on Chlicei mprov. Ci }'arnîs, in the OLD SETTLED TOWNSHIPS of this and the ndjuiàing Counties. -As 1,ar the maonies bèlong te private indiv.îiual, 4ln!, can be'negotiated lu FROM TEN TO FIFTEEX PAYS after the applications rrénmade, provided îL!ý Titles are flot unusul-' comphlie-tttud App1)y, if by- letter pre-paid, to G. M. ROCHE. Lindsay, April 26, 18d5.- 295-f. IROYED FARI FFOR SALE, S'11E su. nSCRIE ER offers for Sale*Lot No. in the ist Con. of the TOWNSHIP OQ A-A ;CO., ONTARIO~ Situates inluthe centre ot a.good Settiemeutari. m within 3 mites of TURESA MILLS AND A GRIS' MIl. -'tie Property is appros ched b ' V-od lie ad'ý and is within I1 of a mile (;f tIth CE T aRE-R o A D. TheLand is of the E-SY QUAV-LITr, n the Tille iisitptable. Application may becmde te - Eilc MiisB aI.scvPrP. (1 or ta flhe propriecr on the. premises, DONALD Me-RAF, Talbot RveMata. Mata, June 2. 1864',2>uf Farmers Attent.ioti!. The subseriber desires to inforîn the MtrC of the lite On fir f as, weli as tlhe gencral p-ublie that lie isr carryiîng an the- Harness and Saddl" iery lt~- solely on bis own ;sSount7 iu thse aid stalnd i. ýoining the store uf IV. àHI Mitchell C William -Street, L.indsay-, where hie wilil be e1u te have a visit froin everycue in- want Lcf mev- thin knbis une. Working ctoseviý a the business hinizW, s'nqu employing noue biit experienced workniep., ït, buving his material1 for caish, lie is prre i' efferte ti.following priee ist lfor the cdr- tien ef intending pure-hasers- Gcodý heavy Shojrt-Tug IlarÉne4s wuiîle ,-heovylHaines.. ............ .. Long-Tru-g - d ddo -'do dO '20 lleok Harness. i........ ...........1tI Set et lighit single Rarness, itis raised, traces, round lines,, anîd bîp-strap, a nd fancy briffle.4.............. CS A goodý servicpabhle double Set of cÔarse- fines, (suitalylc âSar a buggy or liglt wo.-k) with criipper end hip-straps, round lines and faucy Bridie .. And everything in proportion. riepairing execurted ,neatty, prompilviy SO1 Cheaply.ý Whips, Lashes,. Surcingles, BridleF. Eîîa:er! Brîîshcs, Combs, arc. &c.,kept cùnsi:IIaC.i19 baud sud'sol.) very, cheasV. Ail kinde et Carniage a-ad Cutter TrimI 31 dane a t the tewest prives. 17 A eaule i respectfuily soiicited! Liudsay, December L864 PORT HOPE & PETERBORL11 O~ ~ ~~2J No U- le he2nie AY,, the Pctetbor3 Trains viii rau as foiiows; Leave Peut Hope jah............. m Arrive at Petrborough ut... ..1,ý l'- Leuve Peterboroughi at..........P . Arrive.at Port Hope at ........... MIXED. »*. Leayé Peterborough ah. ... e........* Arrive ah Port Hope at........ Leuve Port Hope ut........0pl Arrive al Peterborough. *- .0 .l B. R. KIMBALL, »0111 FOWLER, To b. Solda argain' rThse seuIlsh aIt - et LoI Ne. 18, in the 15thi concesioni et ariposa, coùitainiliK 100 aCres, of visici about 70 acres are .clested 15nd- i91" det cultivation; -, lewelt fernced? bhs & go ,log and " aisearaime Dwelling bouse, 8.11 SI ameali Bara anti Stable -the reen; there ý'3slot u'5J' a goid supply et springwatet on ut. Tins. milbe giren for thtimgreaer PArt 0 purchase meney. .erpa W !,se j «or t6 Mor. NGA N~, * e.. .. ., "I 1 ,

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