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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 29 Dec 1865, p. 1

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:? k 2 q mumbiqm aoi- 00',-l m JOU 29 I8~L5~ caahgtbe mS eqrmÎ ts o u atoebs ithis to ~ig vise d&*0 wmhI lie ivo Pnpmw À ge btte C aforw ea cm ttr ~w Druj-ton. ppio5 C4JLTER & FRENOHST, CLOT "'IG-9<L4 8. 1 lie to iL 100 eaei. r. annxington rieus decrip.t the centre *of Itters, sucli as Lere. Il is 10 fromn-08sha xa, [le-f e oLrd iu tle aional, iii br erected on -lte Ver- ýses on the i. yin quettion. )y tic ticket-hollIers, with il] aittend unthli latformi ia boy sal-at tic saine lime cyliiiders containissg thi. tiat is tesy, flie o Ikaw Ilicimniber ef ecc nil dIraw it forth first, an)d creb ry, or any u>tlieýr persot» iiiiiittee or tixket-hcdlders, - 1w to (-MI it outýfladiio d d tory oi' i nluber the I dralw fronli flic cylindler esz'. aniii Conivey it i1so io sixîtati.cadI il alolld iuud oft' anme; thins continuing ~Î~dof. The ïabove mode iîtreec fi-oia xisderearnor il~rbaor ot anr offiritil -I1é ggaf ie. F L4tier- Saar~ i-c-ou li ie~is, lit ofi t-1î Sà le nfot taki illie roitliril, i axa hfull, Nvith- 1)att ' rYb eaei subscrib- hui-tlt- iidkeîs to lte Trt'asur- P. M Theifore -cth one 1a11--no serupk or dread on ng l nlh- toî c hionoarable ho utb-cralet'gintantees ili itis uatter 1h1iasei.- 7Cfl in 7 days after tic Siale- Zll-d i iaai--..utaue tifle, frec r.wiffio'at aiv aad-itiblt P)o ha l-Vuf akeln pIc(-0on s la i i l' or ( A ,loJ etI L-. a- on or btfurc -lt ouxr t-. <n~cshgfor aliv flirtlior l- ~ave imntl-, cti aie poaxys-pii) Io dile Secrefnry, !conrespolenelie. -Jno. Hopan, y. - -Tprjridor. t.- 24, 1868. Mi)c A L HALL' P El44I for* 37-1 cenfis. IING! The Subscriber's Stock of CLOtmI4G 18now Cô]Iý i i.'~ e TU HUR1 STOCK 1QîLItmYAT and GoIIBtry- Storelceepers wiUf id it -ta tbelr advaita4e togise blor a oall, as he':càu snply tlwm with a nice assortment AT VERY LQW, P-ICURtES!1 [.Avery latrge'uïortmênt of TWEE8,'ILK MXT(IE QLOTHS, OVERCOATINGoe,&!C.y &C. U- Cloth bougbi>t frein tthe Subseriber.w ILl be eut free of charge. £x Garments marde té Order. Nvoollen Varu and Cotton Yari. Full Cloth, sud'Flanuel takesj in Exchange. Lindsay, November 2 lat, 1865.,32 THEPIROBLEM SOLVED. Whre eau you by the'Best and Cheapest Goods1 T THINK I eau 'salvetic prebleni maya the ge oswt.The widest sud best Grcy Cattons j scb as 1 wGuld- have ta psy is anad le id-for in a#y other place, I bougiit for10.ýd;-a pair of iaeavy Blankets sach) asi W asked in anotber bouse $44, I bougbhtor $31 ;.I also Ibeught aremarkàbia e hap lta Lnn;Shirtinsand Prinîs, auIMoCARTHY'Sj sucis ieavySs-pped ShIirtiaigsl M1 AIT iVs luud0ubtediy t le boit place to-get the value of your moncy. TCan SareiY sotro tue riddIle cries à îareîty ýdansel 'Oh such as bean-tiftil striped aud plaid Wfncey Dreixe. worti anywlacr(e cse 1 6s 3d, I bomght- for 128 6d at M'CÂRTHY'S. So Can 1 cries the second Maiden, I bougit a charming Queensland Weol Sbawl, reaily worth Worth $6 Xtor $41 at MCRR ;also a ery pretîy Clond tfor 3s 94.. IWbat a splendid lot et Woolens eau bebngtcapetM ATIYS '1'be working maxi snys if voit w ant tb buy the best and cicapest ('loths sud Ready-niade Ciothling 1I'eau a ssuirée ou M'CAR.TIY'S is lie spot. î{Ie sells good -Full loti at 4s: ieavy Cauadian T#reedshton 3s 94 ip', andalenid Oi:ercoatinge, doublecwidtb5 fi- 7s6d per yard. *Thc Fat-mer anîd héaid or a faunly adila, ta ail and wh om ivsnay coucxarni- ha il kuoin that iar-ig lf l preiiased nw goodeat M'C ARTiI'jhS I eau afély say tint (or qiality and cieap- nesas god eiinnot lie surpaLssed ia Lindsa , ndie cniy makes but oeeprice.isud selle for cRah, yoii an del gid tapon jtiKtice being done -wiea yen aend yeur cbild ter geoda, -as if. you W(vIIt yosrself. Ry ail tucans if Noua want cheap Dry oGoods And Groceries, go te Knowl on' I3Ic lut Stireet. GOOD VAL UE FOR. AT JAMES LENUHAN'3 vIe liasnow.an iand a conilee so omft taé'w sud seýsunable F f ~APE NOFANGIY IRY GO0O)Â% ebrcing à lar.g« varieîy et Ladies Dress Geeds-- New SUA FI LS, New RIRBONS, --Nets CO QTG9' Nev. MA NTI, ES,.- New FLO WERS, New. WNClAÉS. Ne, - BONNE 7, New< FEA TIER' Net. LELAINE S, New HA T5, - New. GLOVES , Ne PRlN7", Npm CAPS, New. HOSIER Y, New SKIR TINGS Net. CLOUDS, Neto 11001>, NiVet icloriues, Ca,'sadian Týteedsa auj Fuil (Jilia, Broaldc. lotls, Beavers, ansd D.17>m, Blankels, Flannels, Sizeetings, Shirlinga1sý, c., ady tmade Clolking, Wot#, Caps, Tisa,. - Colars, Msufflçerg, 4c., ansd - F R ESU 4.GROCERIES t All at thc Most reasonable prices..............F rCash Only. e-The attention. of cash nnyis hpe ially invi ted. lame. Lenih. 1, East Kent Street, lindsav.. -~~~~~n P.tAh res -re Lirxdsay.Brewery left at tii. store vil receivar promspt attention. Liday, 301heOctober,. 1865. (3MOII L for ý50 ce n si Larnp for -75ceonts. oi, of Coal Oit and: eLamps frora 75C. 'Celebrated Ig t ijob work. ýCKITT ROBjNSO. TO BAcKSIUTH IRONSLECH HOESYRELy U4RDGILF, SfAWILi 3L jean be hiad * t' the Very lowcst Prices for Cash fron JOHN BERTRAM, .KEMIPT'S.BRICË LOC91, LNS - Lndsy 2lhDecese,15 - -- i. sto& c p cns -%Ists 0<Si eer i AMU AUJ TS DEPARTMENTS. C R 0, a- E --E ofêldig lu0<îe CHOIEST TEkS eve r bronght to. Lindsay. wnpi. *~-ACoffipte S'tôcký of Crockey ALWAYS ON- A ND.k -Uerri ngs' C dIsand Bag Sait for Sale, ËFW.NANHIADIE» JUSt RýECEl VED. ýA.jew breW 4«-'0 i s ho dispof-0<cheap. ROBERT SPIER, Coreser Store, LINDSA Y.- 329 * IcrELI X- STEEL. PLOUCH AN D CARIAGE -WO&KS!, KXENT STRIEET, LINDSAY on W y J HMILTON beg7 rscifully ï announce to the inhabitants- -ofLinuaysudsureuusngcnutrylha thy hveopcned a shop in tihemîe fermerlY OCCUPiEd byMi. J. THIRKLL, where they will mnaâctura andkepc- - tantly on hand .utters5, Sleighs, Pleasure Sleighs Timer.&Saw Log Slghs, Dotible'and 8inýgle. Buggtesl, Light -and Heavy Waggons. &e: &c.. r>)- TbeCutter4,Sieigs &c. ore aJI made of the secoisd gtowth saendtimbei. t -- They weuld dlteetprtol titio atheir large trk Qo Steel M-in :dboard If ougàh, Steeél Gang and ubSoil IOloughs,, Horse focs, Cuitivator, Hors. Rakes, Tlarrows, and alLtii. ncwest Palterus Of Agricultural Implements uscd on & rough or h1nproved tfara,. 1Or Ploýughs are al fitted Withid and narrow points, which arè chillcd land nmade frein tic beaq tý«> hualie tbadfon. We Mwarrant aIl Moûuldbonrds beat Englieh Steel and'tempered. Al li eeral peints su use kcpt on hand.,0:4 iron taken in exciange.. 0:: JOlING and R EPMIRIN done. i n. a Neat and Ssbantial Manner. À Acali je -solicited tram intcading purciasers. Pi J. HAMILTON. 325-lt Lindsay, 241h N.~v4 1865. THE EDINBURCHý LIFE ASSURANCE C'Y UEABD OFFICE, 22 GEORGE STREET, EDIIqBURGHf HEAD OFF17CE IN -CAN 'AA,'WELLINGTrON ., T.»«ORONTrO. THE £,DliNBURGH LIFE, ASSURANC OPN -roder the c &t of Parliament passed. thifflast session- are.ernpowered teisset plcn Fer the"sole benefit o« their Mires a nd Cbldren; such Poleiieg are altogether free fremin ny clairs on the pýart cf.Creditors, sund eàible pers9ons to provide with certainty ifter their death for the maintenance of their amlip T4i 19dinburgh Lite Assurance Company ame prepaied te, offer unusual, facilities for this. de- scription; of Inaurance. Teris of prýoposai, ana cvery informatioxi respecting Life Assurance may be bad at sixy of the Company's Offies in Canada. J., HILLYARD CÂMERON1, Obairman. I DVID RIIGGINS, Secrctary., CAMERON & ORDEI, Solicitors, &C., 1AgttsaiLindsay., LnSay. f'UrniUreWare-house.- IMMENSE S"TOCK ANO LOW PRICEML The ubacriber offera ta thé-publie of Victoria Cunyth area ssrmetetPalir!inn and Bed. Room Furniture, ia varions stylsevr sagt neindsay. Particular attention la invited te bis. WALNUT SOFAS, IN LIAIR CLOTH,- CANE BOTTOM CHAIRS, " CHAIRS " "WOOD SEBAT E SE-OARD)S Dining Tables, ROC'KING ' COR..ERUW 1ATNOTSa WASH STANDS, " IURRUSSOFA, COTTAGE COMMON BEDSTEADS - PARLOR, DINING k KITCHEN CHfAIRS,ý DRESSING TABLES, &o. ho. AU orders Carefutty cUtcnàded te. Ct(o ùns af aU sizea lcept .«satatlp in tek ~> Pctucs rarad. ~> ea Iree iteningPurehauersa licited.. Rlemeuube-ADJONIeTG THE ENGLiSIf CiiuRCEl, KINT STREET. SM7 H. HOLTOIF. A PFLIOA IOI l b. madé to hhe Promi- Mud Exled tise Charter. oftthe Port HopeP Lind- say and BsetuRaw7Qernpany, sud ta amaigansat. the mam-eWiths thi etroeg sud Cheug Laf jke, Bui1ayCompany; sise, fors" g'taS ala thsesaid railway extension sud te sault la epniug» sd ren-. derhtz g able tisalaies ana other water Com.niuiation 1 ii.eCo)ulitof Patenbcro>h aud Victoria; and Ifo her purposes. P. A. L. à B. R.Uail' IsisgagDieeer port Ho a,-MoOT 1.185 MANILA, W. 82 Tise. ubscriber has Just received Uc ag.t u most varied assortmnet et stoves aever=oub into Lladay tise *"of etwiiciiheila detemmi-, At ýAttlikhnid tow PrOces sud parties intendiog te.-purehase wil Sud ilte rw tasdvantage teo inspeot Ms uibfivliIed stock belre alUateiee. Leek at thes figures1 Ooo&imngStovresfroM ..$lýOto $4 BQxS ve8rom.,,~.... Sto 10 PrkpStoes1 o .. 4to -- :'&U *hmlwrrtlees, wteauuor tedtPrim. Tise bigee ie Popald la OSi for- [Toeu.s: SUE>, hi Avmao. I -TTrr-------------------------------~----------- lrushT.a& V'OUNG RYBON~, Guap.wder~ Twsukay, ss~ie ,Oesgo», sud lapa. T~ss, for DOEBQJI~ h NIBLOCE. D ODR AX h WORTff 1114 Bye, Toddy sudP1auWhi*iss, Chippeva Ma ltAd- weWs Aie, in bris, snd kegi, X tP«era su ai bettiés, frasiby DOBSON k IBLOO culOili DOBSONa& NIBLOOK. CouutryKehalad othes H vo VNOoccaim on e'sert upe " v inSd a lagesd varied stock.et Groçerieand Liquers rei wieithey eau select te -advsu- tage at DOBSON kNIBLOCR. New, Frut, &C.- > suae4ad- SultiasRaisiis, VilyelIýlropCurrants, Aimvuds, FiIbertsand Brmilnuta, Âuehovy.Paste, English Pickles, Sauces, te., for s.le by DOBSON à NIBLOCK. Imported Liiuors OL D Brandies ot hast brands, via:ý Martels, Jules Robin & Co., United Yiieyardl Pro- prittors, Po.Martin's Sherries,- Grahams PorI, (for medicinal- purposes) Du Yupre's Holland Gin, laiea, Rui, Irish> and Scot&ch iskic , London sud Dubun Porter, English"Ais,&c., Insolvent AU± PROVINCE OP CANAD)A Ceuuty et Victoria. of1864 In thé Connty ÇCourt of the County of Victoria. « la the Mfalter of JOHN MATTRJIE, aitlemaol vet. O N heNieteeli dy etFebruary uezt. tise nsintwill apply te tthe jueettemiCorfo a disciarge _under Tise underfigned Officiai Ass'ignee. gives no- lice aise that he viil at thie saine Urne (or se so on ther.after as Ceunsel can be heard) spply le tise said Judge for his discisarge frein the office ot Official Assig nec; sud th.at is -final aceount ilopen .for inspection ah Mbs office su. the Townof Lindsay.JON ATE, Per J.&MES HEÂP,.hie Attoruey,- SC. WOOD, S.HERIFF'S SALE,0F LANDS. Ceuuty oVlctorig, WIIILL be seld at the To wt: VV.-Court House, in the. Town of Lindaav, ou TUESDÂY, the Thir- teenth de y oetFEBRX7ARY, A. D. 1866, a tthe, hour et Pqoon, ail tii. rght. title sud inter6stf~o the undermentiioued defendants in s"ud te feollowing laudsand tenements,. viz,: -hg thse coew tof ComusosPkea. Peter Mfle > u anua h.MCabe, Plaift , maare xuyM enney, Elizabeth aen1 v PeterKeanuyasd Martini eny, ti ouebyMartin Ken-. ueY, thé. eldo eir sti guardise, lueEst haitoetlot îiuber Tes in uthe third ês>ncssion of the, TOWuhp ef OP&. la mie C'wrt of Qumo n es John O'Lesr.......a Paaj Fr"ua(>'leary........efuat Tie Seutih hait of 'lot nomber Boeenlu tseý nmint concession ofthtie Township of ff8. -&EIL XCDOUGALLI, Shadft ffic% n.,Lindsy, 6tii Nov., 185.e"2 K~n.yt LflU. huwê astrm.06t*m as dat% e a aia t»M« Urmdy nslm T E ANNULAL MEETING cf the, SIety wili be held at JEWETT'S IIOTEL, On-Priday, the. 9h of January, 1866, at the heur of 11 'rclock la ù. W.- J. TIIIRKELL, Secreiary. Liudsay i8t1h Dec, 186L. 329 FOR SALIE! Two0 -Imp'roved Par àâ IN ELDON, DEIG %Weit haif Lot N-o.-15 in the 6th con- .B. cessioni, cuntaining 100 acres, of which 8 ie under cultivation, au~d a.good Log House 24 by 18, also a stabýle erected theren also, Lot No. 23 South P ort4ge Road, -eontaining over 100 acres or whýjih35a-re, under qCultiva- tion, an4, a good Log Ilouse 24 by 18, a- good .new barn, stables erected thercon, a good well, &c. The'soii is excellent.andt he-lrrn very deairab!x, situated, bcing oniy 2j miles trom ,ither ofthéi rising villages of Kirkfield and Baltover.- Apply to - Nov. 8, 1868. Kirkfieldi. GEO. DORMER, Fsq.., -Solicitorke., Lîndsay., 323 - THE CHEAPrsim Land & General -Agency Seat t AT TI Governinent! LrA ND AND GENERAL AiGE"T. Land jjPatents taken out. Tillexarnined.- Searcies mbade-. Lct fers Patent for Invention secured., Municipal Fundesud- Acceunts col- lected. - Rejerine. by Permxssiou: P. L.* DenisontEsq., Dover Cou'rt, Toronto. Hon. John Rosz,M. La. C., Toronto. .1 T. G. Street, E sq, MP.P., Ciiippewsl. John F. Taylor, Esq., Qmebec. Hloq. William 3(çasler, 3M.Lj.C., Trmite. Hon. Geo>rge Aian M.L.C., Toi-ente. Finiling that there exiaf s at. lhe Sent t fGev- ermeîent-the necessity for a Cher, Reliabie sud ExrpeditiesAgency, Ibrenigistic, mediumi ef which parties living at a distance, sud isvsng business with any efthlIe Publie Deparlintu, may b. saved the "exnsesd incenveulence et a jeuruey, 1-am aiu#ed té epenan office iunlise sanie building and just aboe ist oethtie, City Registrar, on the erner ef Meteait' sud Sparks etreets.- Desiring that.my servioes shah be made available te that clam ofet prss who are un- asto psy lrg étes, I ýhàc dctermined te iIke.an exceeingly .niederate charge for any bausiesthat! sy4b. tvoured vitJ$ 0 se it il inay b. wilhin-tisepower et everyoete bave a reliable Agent st the- Capital. (Aàl lctteI5 10 r Buanki fW Bankc l it pOyee LN-y.rland maturngi eightsem dfflkbofa tprcliaaing ee or mm Of e cal on a de go by appyxng tg the COUR- tjTressa,. or the. Warceu. My erdçr a- the Warden, S.ý,. WOOD, Libdn, Nor.si*S, 181. 382.&U.. MOCTION, SALE 3,9400 ACRES et cho6o Wood Land [n the veil suitd for Settlement, aso a £ aIule WA11MR-PRIVILEGE on Bunit Rkver, j the~ Township of Somerville, and the.* Lemaehold interest in the welt-knowàn ;riilge o -Sheouth aide of Feuelon River, et on. 12 uaoave.poepey wîI lb.e o&red by Âne- - tion, et. noon, on Thursday, the First day of P!ebruany next, at lu the TOWNSIP Q F FENEi£LN are the -following LoA.. Bust hait of Lot 21 in the.4th Côn., 100 acres. - 16 5th M0 West half of" n 5th 100- «'f 18 6t 20 1.il21 .6th 200 Westbalf of." 25 6th 10Ô fi 26 6th 200' Esuhalf of «S 13 th 100 1Urp1oeW pt. 24 8thb 80 to 9Ô 31 *qth 200 -Wutetiir 't' 32 M(1 60 14 31 othgc6VIt 200 il loth 130 26 lOth 118 "12 Ilth 126 Broken partU 26 llth 26 "22 » lthgov't 126 21 lItb 200 In the TOWNSHIP OF VERELAMf South Es st j Lot 26 in the -1stý Con. 50 actes. Est haif 29 2hd 100 West blf . 16, 4 th 100 31- 4th .200 28 3rd gov't200 TOWFSIIP 0F SOIMERVILLE.: Lot 9 in tlie7th Cocesion '~te 0 10 ah w "irte 20 9 8th ~priviege. 200 12 in the Front Range, 14 in the Front Range. I ' the TOWNSHI1P 0F BEXLEY., Lots. an sd 34 North West Bay. in the TOWN 0F LIND>SAY. North haif of Lot 14 Sou'th of Wellington StreéL . The purchase vmoney wiIl - be taken la five payments and *will bear six per cent ixterest. For farthâr partieulars apply to DENNISTOUN &SON, Peterborough. or to i~. & J )I X DENNSTOUN, Lindsiy. December I 2th. 1865. 3 294d COUINTY VICTORIA AgriculturaI Society-

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