isPirantà for mu-Mass. 1*1- th.t ithe eW, bue 'wu ction eouttil id th-enîfrs -Comit l.eaouîable hous 'at ght to Prxýt R<iP. b> and ibé ue, s r- mdilg t. itheprouat leevos bei-e at 10.55 1.4 et o tf*'it a ini the. evening,- drus ea getinc heur letter. sMd nighh. A latter Toronto P. 0. on ;a Mon- iy sUer 6 olck, 'contiat ethe folloeiut Taueiday )aurever cannaI b. reesîvd 3 Thursday motel-cg, as by sem maillsreah Toronto uteuRe i clo»erI.. -Iis r#O to show the. test in- the pmeet aragement. 4SÈtUyoirhho e Jfar bel.. s; tii.mails ior- li er. ., . ad leavo again ut Aueeqon, tisas alloving » b. answoast -psoumply W.,. lthe train t 0leave mm inlte mürning-ase it e<igh the great- inconve.. Ir uter li tis 'respect tii. A tra4u I<avipg Linti- MOat I'thoeea our t i Hope woutd suit thre on- business ment and otiieru, to re 'n. uample lime levnansd Western -traies on c:; viierons as xthe crse t iey have to reniairr at P iurs belune they> cau get istioa aUféct iii. 'viole -nrubase il does Ibis- lowe. >te leave Port Hope aitihe te -mail malter mlmld olook or thleeabeuts ie d -the pople aI Feneton ru, Cambra-y, Woeillie, )od, Avgyie, and' vatous rosit! get- lettevr and ut the saine tii.. ve now èasyy, instadcf on te-lob- ýs 10w the. case. e. ai a glana l-t.egiest 'istg e inu hbs repect woehd hoaves aIliterestedt tese opîroeuedy lu laid. Pc- stmamer ev eral Iandi -Ihe RI abotulad hocirculateti CoduitlV, 1rr entinz the et thm-. their in- --The exk pace ot in Our ive that Ltis;fqctory1 *The Pliîr vutunosevss oa x hé e W s "living WU l Patrle&tbat on mâ$ ànàthon' veet out and reiquhd bd@ 'op - pétbon ef elwppiùs. oqti.Sior tï llr -vards Mm .Falîahy-vtotieokn *stick and commuesceti bottns Michael but wus sopp.d by-lier husbfld. After ta -hU thue- e nt anjhAla alu, bouaghiteut tom, and caliletin 1Michael, vite"CAMe, and dmauk il sud wentl ontigain. i abesî 15 mintq4' retqmedoti 'bo lionse, cadgM fi tbtab le-, tremb1èd vi olonîl>' ud tumoe the ti.llov ayiag :b 1#4s. Fuilaby, ', YSu bav ;ofti uhmutened Ie poiosi ae auJ ow'qôùhave doalt 1- saa -ip l 1 «am dj 4ylrgbrins me a priest." Witness uotisetiaamething cf a vhitish up- pea-suice in thie tuinhior,.hofore decea@eti drapk il, and afler hec b.d fal lentiovu eh.e tasted the.- sdimeni asud feen t icaused a -Two otirer witnesseswers ýexauined,, but tboir evidonce.wue not. matavitI, as -theý w ere net in thehpobsi t 1Il (ter the. deceaset laid exjrod.- Dr& .Benson and Ivimmnà mado x igwioesa exauinasiu of th*- body, vith the. excep<in of the. intmraI covering cf the stomacb, boi oade uis.o thelb varicus organes exhibitingn in of fatal diseuse. Dr. Fidiat-loft for Toronto75er-. day moringWit1h Ithe stomaich-oaI deee to have it anstyzed i by ,prof. Cu'ofîi, anti the iriquest bas beau adjourne ti li bis eun. The womuatrjas ,umemritted » a-ll hiiL meiýntiàuW te-'ia*tiit - - e éàll afthe inquest. Th i ady's Freud. The publisie rs cf tuis beautitul maggazne have issueti a reagaifict nuoxhor for, Jan- nary. Tit e edurg steel engraving, IlTenc F'Oit"T(LEANZRs' us a pýerfecét gem of beaul>'. W. do not kriow wlrere h. piblishers of the Lady.a Fri-end: gel suci beautiful d esigne ,for thoîr engravuegs. ,Thon,-vo- bave a gorge-, ous -coored plate, .-I"Tt* Hâàb BÂriruna thei. i sdî,as>' .nagniftcen. Tirs'-largo double -colored te eol FauliroàPlate 1, us -su uperb-weia& <obiuiestsaid unequal-, - e.Mother eugra*ig, called 11Stephen Wh'arton'& Will,» vbichiiluae a finle star>', is ver>' suggestive*. Tien we. have- a -beautiful plate'ofI Cilîdren skating, inteuti- eti Io -illustrate thre',violer styles cf1 children1s cothing;,nwi'hh riumerous otiier plates ilhstrating Hair Nets,WinterDresses, -Borders fori Jackets, iriaus new styles. cl Bonnets, Winter Cafaque3, Paletats,:Jaekets, Embroklery, Chemies,. NigliLDroea An- cient Headi-Dresse, Fate hwoik, &.&.Th literary mcater le excellent. Amiong the ar-, ticles, w note"f.Stephen Wtliron'a Wil" Il Mvi. Tvuuk," b>' Frances _Le.;- "4PaulsI Stor>, or Frenchx Lessonm," "Charice," b-y August Bell; Thée T%*aNightin aes, "Steries of (Mv Village," b> Beatruce Col- onas; ~l I Ilnes," b>' yFlorence-)Porcy -; Rachel: Dans'* Legacy,"l ýb> H. A. . le>'- don; Arthur'a Wife," "4LovingMary," Etittols Depurtunenit, The Fashions, Hanse-, hoiti Ilceipts, e. rice.,02.50 a jear; copies $400; 8 cpies (anntieegra*ia $16. Nôw is the lime 7te et.up clubs for, 1866. Smieimèen umteis r a o apurpose SvWiflb. se-rt for 15.cents.. «Wbeelev & Wilsan's cel- ebrateti Sewiurg Machines aïe firtisheti as Premiunui ucertain caucs; tu. Prospectull - of this mnagazine for next. jear emibatues a - splentiid liat af coctributors. Atitreus Des- con & Pet.vsoa, 319 Walnut SfveétPhisa- 'phia. Tu£u ATLA)iTIC moàTau.v fo- Jnuar- Ticknov & Fildis, publishers, Boston, Masis.. This agaýie-the inotsti, yet enter- tairhiog. a-nd instructive moutly> issueti là tire Staes-bar> won Éor itseli urive rsal fa- vdvour whereveî- il has matie- ils 'va>, anti'-n by eoiny respect il h voi-rtby cf h. prai se il re-ý un ceives.' The. prsent issue aouturirtu sarne Dial veri-nteresing Art-les, amoqget vbicirve 105 ~ ~ ~ tb ung.eme*h llowg r-Passges ka ftem-awthttWaNcttS-W5k-Beat>' anti Ou' the>Usai-Tii. Wildei-sam-tbe Rui Zdo Ire ofD cember->octor3o1uie. xi Ti ing- b' (lomn<Ceming- Gri OithGmnt-Revi ewis and, that Litery Notices, &z. Th&. pio-iîe At- MIl acnde ite ci>'25 carat. Cagîd",umec.>, or naS $3 Perannum. T e.hc- atMr-i. uîw's Miosiuay Sermon Cut Yowou *r Jay.ý-Icknov ,o.nexion Methodist &Iicldo, Beon, m ssipablisiiers. W. u SwAada draw4ba. Watention oft.pweats, gauai-dians,, &c. olclook, b>'y. Uc-v. te thii .peiiodiagI i . çbout magaz ine ta an oft he Dw$.t. on gpv..>y Ibildués. .i hontujkp ot evening, a Mission. by s. 1.hs som f * uqedm'gol iar writers- place, when stivea.. cf telb , amoeg vhrom - avemvs.Havi by thIt2e. Meus. lIOoIitc tW Vow, BarW Td ayti, api.Mae stater1 andi Dr. NichoL. Reid, anuidis eagîlorof "The Lampligite." - A fine steel portitit >1brs.SoWe eppears bv lrovp it b is ieat ikhe present neMber. Pce15 cCa-. ecutive Couneil bas-& da -*oney, or $1.75 per sunum. At Eacaileney lthe Ad- lt oB00ek Store. GimuLwit Patent Mallcines of otya Ms Of Wiudew Glass kinuu1ept otstatly m h at stboNe* or rqu,!Wo. Patty. Dir tov. catil -4,"é -"suort-, uwêit.d.i*Lm..S ut-- site S> - 0. Bigoiowes. Coul- dli e(do"tb but t er & ch Xl ii to e b.he -Tire Adèoc£ Mv.L. esijola Mot Yecmi M4ayora-ihy it- as s ureti be w lerests of tb>, to aul fesiut Cathe Officm Iad of thé POU' wta t becaue isi practice, lie* tre daionsof t b>' ser-ve the.liu- ag due attention' ith tie office. Hoa ma~inoth Slie. On the 8tWJasnuv f (ide admisimett M;. Hogau'. mamoeoth sale of real :Pro- pelty .wiIl eooe off; aldT we are afflred' that the affair promisaes to pas8 off very suc- - cgs.fully-.u I'rg umber of tickets hve ben dispoed of. The. real estate is aitliat- ed in o»e of tihe finest sectione of counitil in - the Pro vince, and the. winners-,whoever th ey iniy b- will be fortunate mon. The ho rse, gies, lousehold furniture,. &c.p are. ilo firit-clasaansd in ~lat ondition; and as, bouides.tii..., there are 100 other prizes. to b. dravm, e*ery oue shindea agnd hanc of.euig»mthiug in te forthe. ut- lay. The. wbole aflfair isin he han4s of ros ponsibte gentlemen, so that nao eue need b. afraid of aiiy underhaed or dishunourabte course being parsueti. A-4: Auction Sale of'vtal wood land in the townships of Verulo, Fenelon, Bexley,. Somoevti, and ithe town of Lindsay, wilI take pace et Jpwets Ilotol, !Lind#4ayi on, the let of February next, to whichihe ,atten-. linof alil d.flrous of a safe and p:o1!iîable lin- vesalment for thir mowîey is directîed. Me$Mv.' R. . J. F. Dennistoun, Baristeirs, of this towvn, will b happy o giye flit particularsa concerning'the land, terins, &c4, la intend- iig purohasers.- See advertisement. Do«,&rott Pà]kT .-Aboet tWenrty lediei ana genteinet belonrglrg to St. Andrew'i- Church -fovmed. a'onation party, and on Friday evening last, beaded b) Mr. Sheriff McDougall, waited upea ithe Boy. Mt. Mair, their pestar, t. giteliiu a nnamber of articles most suitable fur the. hotidays. lit preeent.- inihin M Dougu4I naid tlwy vwere a, sm atitoken of the.steem which th.ýo.ngre-- galion had for Mr. Mnir ; nor was this al, it was -with pleasurê b. had to infunu him thait onP ridhay evening first, the. 29th mat., the ladies would presesaI lm with a pulpit gown in the Church. Mr. Muir,, ièaccept-_ ing the. articles, made a- suitable veply, and said lie woukt b. glad to Ireceive the. pulpit gown fiorn the ladies eUh.h congregation. ST. AxousRW's Cu nrtc -LECrvUU. -Thé Rey. J.B. Muir, A, B, -will (D. -V.) deliver a lectuSie e i.abov chturch -on Sabbath, evening liraiýthe i.31s, Decereber aai 6.30. Subject TÂe Lord's Siupper, ils s6bjects, mode and meaning-. Dr. lNGERSO1Ë.-As vil be accu by a, nard in our advertisîng colums, ibis gentlet. manl hati settled in Lixdua>' for thi. practie of hiR professioni.- lie brîogs wifh hlm soinew very.higPh testimoniale of bis ablliîys,and we wdudrecomn.nd hum 1teiie, patronage of ail neoding lthe service& of a pbymician, Tuax Rev. Mr.. Carnevu's louter will ap. pe ar next .wek. «-Mariposa's" letter next week. T*Wn GC<nmil Proce ad*ns Saturday, Dec. 16th, 1865. *Present-the Mayor, and Messrs. Bell, BRrowne, Doheny, Grace, ýSteviison'.and. SpraUt. Absent-Meffli& Dean.. Moioney and Mitchell. Minute$ of former m~eting read, md ap- By-law No. 106 was read a firut, "second, and third tirne. and passed. eoved by Mr. Girc, s.conded by Mr. Doh eny, 1That the - Cterk h. ilnstracted lo write 'ta the 'B. A. lasurance Co. ireqiuesling then t accept $ 1,000 on accoupt ;f theat. due debenitures. of Ibis Mun icipality e by thrnn, and a8kïng themr for an extension of, tirne,,unitil ithe lt Jan. 1867, for the pay-. ment of the bdlance-Carridt. The following bills were ordered ta b. pnid: . Blntsot $39.97; J. Spratt, $6; ,eorge t.phensoa, $17.55, and A Kleus% Browli ai Lier pose O] econdot by Mr. e Tovu BHall ho byteonus Charcli ry,'for the ~n- goîme.-Caruted. malaed ete ii. not b- 'stotdingthra muas thme *uYè bave fallait behivdgufl' ami., uo fl I~r M t. My7bearty apprvl- 1d 1 î . i yoeslnbesnibove receive4 t"j week Ûbe btd conoableorde Hàa, an. oppouwnt of cor- or îbiruo*a!.-fo# it, 1 6nd -no fanit with. ïvp ai the dusciarge, Tli.e ave ai y oeogageti in teaching, NEW DRESGOO)S, hieThis 1Vraciows man whqr Miklb 1iw widcanotseocessfiilly antL Mr, 1ick. -'Tii tue I ereditabl y ustW neesoavy examinations. I NEW MANTLES ANI) s acte of tbis, individul No oe would woeaasend the.selection. of, ______________ Ldividgal or any. of bis oe of theee, Ibh e 'uigt ini a sensé pou- uue 10doubt. my egate- si 'Duere ê tat i nie lt *follow that MANTLE CLOTIS, nt* w ap lto theproper source,, one shonli net be appoînted, whose success Bugle Trimmings, Buttons and Oremnt,. and heyt oossary itîf«màtior.'. l eaching hau eeo -,a teppiûg -atone ta a. CoucitBooThisui ait, n, b Susse volunteeris ta îeach more lucrative.'and desirable Position, Who HOOP SKIRTS, Counel Rom, F ôn Fille rneby giug a 15e Corniy Councîl. min-,i bau, not, found it necessary becaîueé of unfit- Dec. 151th, Iffl. poa~l.e iirpdpg sF netces, but deirable on aceount of better ,ve- NUBIAS, &C. ç6unil mlet, pamIsut t jiete>- = M uu&e9as~. oe ars badkr. I'am'n ineration, toa bandon th. profession af P*set-hh.Rooi. sW4 à» t'uta*bens of 'Won aats oe Ut l(pz-o 1.gratteeîi antien"ae uother pursuits;no Uetdae A Sal ios tii. Council.~is r o5 f sotlwes, tleir outepris. and en-; do 1iintîrat ta W .even thauglih Minutes ot previ . w o1us1w i M.oigtsaduidct- ergy làtnug dcvii the, bush andi cuitivat-' shoulti b. practically en-aged in teachng GETLEMEN'S DEPARTMVENT fimed. M. >iuq the fields 1 but 1I wouid açk, b'as the when ràuei appuiritment might ho madie AWY OPE MVO4 by n rvvmet Of Ouwr .ads anti bridg~es kept' would irsinule éObeetuouis against thea- Mr. Durnet, Tuut asEy-saï bi. resa a Des-puce ititthe <encrai pri>-ression ý 1 au- pointaient off Bach s one.. The faet is, I hos. sed, duviding Schb" Sestiga, Né. 2> 51 1h. aver o; èthe i môney ttsoI have- engaÉedin l common, school teaching are not rrspo tleeced side-iine between lots 20 ssd 21, si, forci-bec oxpowloii hv that prpose, or vedoeing nrai ,erunçatet as îey shouiti b.; f GLIS&L N AII ing a new. Section, ta e bklnowvu se . 9 of taxes, las P asqsd àd way in those henâce einch as sceed and try- Io improv-> Feoalo., vaid new sSoIo b e"i fSor yeau.- -et*isy, illegally rb -epble -tiietuselves sa ta ment ativancement, sel-' Wst-shp. Ilti?l.<Block.> sari aie-lio N 10 >0) et e!,,W .neglect$ wliichwould havegravelleti effec- dorniremaiuiil h, ecause ai their initefise ntt.Iida, ta bcadvy f Lîon,& tSta coOei- I tuily -ene foad hbalf. way ta Fnelon Falls., love for ia, but accept of any positio îeui Linidsay, December 29, 1865. in.ii, and froua between lots,24 anti 2M N. lI ~v~ ikely this -wili be calleti a fa1Sle- ]y hônourabl ati more lucrativ e, that . nay Baisai Lû.; 'i the 4ti Conceaeîn-Car- k e.vssrtion; but 1- challenge substan-! beopen tatheai. Many lhave'ari>âen framIs le t A t o 84 ri" yMv odn at eoue ,,liai ceatradietien teatthe foilowirlg dsure-. beiug commun achool téachers Io the more __ Moe k r odn;adOmne y é masonud Jaw suite which have taken! advanced and lucrative positions heid out 1 ete tarofJH cCEo Mr'. Bornot, That the Coulwii go loto Com,- place ainder the ans pices of- Dick ini former' the hopes of the, indusîrious ard persevering muce nIso et nittoo 'of thée whoie on .,h. Report- of the liimes, Waylor aud »ownier, with thé acqut-1 by aur Grammar Schools andi C.lleges, «-Ail rdtrcfhenointaeniid Çpomittee appoiutoti ta examine the ass55ess-enàce -cf Jardineà ýud a reference* ta ttîa; naàve col doue sa. Would it ualthIien be r1*IlI Cra meetingf ttetl.e Creditorsrefur li meu cfict 23ant 24la ii.101 Co.-Cr-officîaI county antiTwnship books' will- saferitaseletsperson for so pilhiesponntisic.te ns1 alena1r h rieti. pro .position as that of, CounWl- 'Superintendlit, - iung of file affitirs tof the eta t' gvieralhv Couciwnt b omites fiewh te year '63 1fr. Dick paid $250, and- Irom those who have tatuglt aùJ ariSen10 wiite 1pîaee atinyoficgi'()fnSat.urday idu Mfr. eleiidennenilb. hîths. l 6e on r,'tM. Dcks dictation, higher positions., that ta. sélect fram. ný4tw.Dwe, rt tiose Thirteeiith (là, cIJanuarv,. i'Q'J., at 49 o1ck Committe. vase and reporteti the report - 450O ut a1i tuwrîship rni y whic w who have failed ta do saj- codnc~iî"nov~ r j vithent ameadment., *etot credit in th. Cony Treasure's books ureeence ta the iuecessilyfor a Normal uVec1. Report adopteti. for an illegal' survey of thre botindary ilin . Shoolzlrainîiig,*W. O. IL. says yery little, ' sý .c. W'O<>D, MAovetiby Mv. lendeanea, sud beiwoen Ops.iind Fenelon. About 4 years -taking itlfor granted that bis remarks upon iofficial Assignee. by Mv. Buruet, That à By-iawr be pîow reati ago the. Coilector becerne a defauter ta the' MY first pooiio îlaPçlY witti. equatl~ dnle.2th 85 anîd passét iwpinîing Retarinitg Offies,% amo<iah of $200, andi although Wmtn. Dîck's force la thie. .Tlat thre aimple fact, tlbata ________________ anti phices, for hel4isa elect* ini. the di&- bidtothe M6 hJune laut that pcp al a t attefided ire -Normal Scirool is ferent:wadu itis ;funicpaiîtY-Carrîod. intieesot would be paid, it'has nal been doue, fot enough tu direct the choice of a persan Moved by Mv. Jordan, oocoudod b Xv. and tii.aepaesaetae ii-yarl ta superixiténd commari achools5, Ne admt-q Ciendeanen, T5 tlv olt .i.-v onvbsbe wice ordereti by as also the fact thatmnrr iufiieî N l NV- Y I AI'S grantedintu sd of thvse destitute chidrellU it thiepresent Couneil -to «et tbe Money; but-, teacliers have attetideti that institution. Blut d -r hhi c of a John Miuea, sa d thaiW- rnoaioýn bas beeuî taken by- tis officiai -ci- vo w i wsh ta ask, W. Q. H., whether as a T T ' Jordan b. authotised loe spond the-ssmor- th ler. Dluing Mv. Dick7a'sie bec three whole 1 Ncrmal Sehool teacherg are.not mr X L ET . tbeir beeitit-Carvied. wiewv sut n cpicplat ods uc).u ht thers, and w leilier there are R E SN, Mv.Clsdecuen,asud secodoti meni andt Iis cmsewent ta. Quarter Sesions' ntrnn veyiiefficient teacirerswho have by v.Buue, ha M. rienbêiliWd -~-Jackeop vs. the. Corporation of Fenelon. fo teîdt h .Sehool. ÙY01'WI-The Snbscriber is pireparti lu la ala tn puy tho.anisunt cof bis ;lialbilit>" oto Iis Tite deenco set up on'the two appeal cases, here would nat abiolutel>' exc.lude ieachers' srevc Touwnéhip, in roai work, in-.Wads % andi 4, ai tire widows, payiug bos of limne by lhe; Who have attendeti the besiitîaîxîîrîgchools ant tht aIik aretut b ket buk tem RefDve, witnetises,8&p, andi-th e peie au f ie ad courntry ; stili we t In l F suid warda, in next yoav:s-appreprîsuatio a siv ueo, and Mr. Naylor knows,,that $180sunitabre mari Who ha-s received bis education FAN C Y CO Q e;wDSS that MessiDowaer anti Jovdan 10 anîhor- i yl ixotgo«farlin aw. 1hbese are thé, men, 1anti fraiuing here -couitilx- futnd h. shoulti sîîitable for Christrnas îrescntF, anoî'wliich izei~~~~~~~~ .eblhmajb-arei aîi .ths is the way the peoplei ai-e suffered hethpeferenee. nvefon- Couagil then adjourneti rs. Asttilie necessity of abiitaniratc W. FIELDING, Clevk. This oracle tienies liaI $4200 was lost ta in public speaking W%. Q_. 11. adritis that Ladies' Gi Steel, and Jet luicei ti.twsip hy 1h.é non-collecîioli of taxes, they are dsm bu bt Ioku pîbsqai Ladies' n1'k & Col' Bellins, FINANCIAL STATEMENT.« andt tit I'ought ta know more about, the fication as comparaively iion-esseiitial., ticens law.I beg tinfarm e'N"hat, Now, hîis remarks upon this part of t.he work -Lde'Wt'faiPn To de. .Martof the.-Cànra P oust - aithôugh rmy lcnowledge eof jurisprudence ias that wouid fail ilon lha appointee are so BreakfatShawl",Sntg d $sr,-liviog intimaied le tire ratepayers very limiteti, il %vas ait thie. very law I based. weak thiat we shall1,merely aive tirenta IolSrs assemblei at-the nomination on Montiay thé. my stteen. ir Cunv ïrctrysas a.sngnoic. ecnrugwudb.a ar 18th irat., tirai I interitedta te ubiish a state-' Fe-ielon 1bas. a popu lationi of 2, 500, wiih of the wvork ta be doue, and a most rînjiorlaiiti eandrJs1io tTeo'; montof ire oveFinances, 1 iiereby anuex represents 10 ta-verns, or .250 lu every 1i-, part, lioweéver muili %. 0. i.. may iieplreel-.,T ~î~oi~ tii. folowing1sstcmectceoure. Tesaut asthe arn;'uiiî shall, aie Ile Miliexces emàlatlîîg frontthie plat-D.THO AS menthn 2, oe hais*o, hm, and if suei an appoititnment î ils ruade, By-av~ uou uAîLTms. ~ .8andi the Council has tire'power ta. re'gula te ail riunst admit that a ptersou shod ci hc-- thre mxm or ininimura* amount accord-s wh ol ltoI oaprjnc i ut* n She .6arsiident ing ta locality. Taking tire nilîin-rin airi- work but the whiole o! il. mtpyas nut andt en taverns, *eo*-ht tu hrwe $s250 af~t os will conclode tirat cm00" cî2.4 ou al ?atepayeru. a eeutua'nlig str iecs;mîirsters wiio have l'een suceesztinl teacliers I T 8000 " 2ct" ' " aut if the. Counecil cf las't year did fl-cul-' andi have irad a few years experienice fi] pub &P..i.B Ra. Dilw v3 *18000Totl ebetur det~ lectîhis. amaurît, threy are re..poihe>îl-ie lcsPeakauasxeIh ieexpericn' gîi - ~~~~~~~ralepayers fir derilection oi' dîîty. This ereti trorm visitifig different sciioci i vari ON 'u 1 'di rTirIc R o 1t SikigFutifvB-awav9 ~~ gentleman's garbîcti extracda are ini keeping où$ parts of thre countîry would ilot 1be soI ) bnjd illitil farther iïoticc, Tiains will mun, joeéto o i- with his denial of facts. 1I nover said mn,- read y l in g iemsIiiîîîrupis fulltw 2. Inldoeutionido.. q ao. doi840- 3 OuutatingBons. hltiby rrîrh 1trou peseetion, but cruel, ý&c. I neyer uponti te publie iii au iînupresve inaiier. LeaveLi asi a .5ý3 aî i a vea Âm~iacIncace o. 170saidt hbe JLP.b askedtihie Couicil lfor haw, and woult ualbe so-thoroiglily acqniainteà Port ThOPe alI .10 P.m Co Atyreia nuaneC..170cost-uts 1 staed hey wr i.leIob.'-wîth i raizto n éermn.j-Returi'i iit i leave Port flutpe 3.30 ati- -tk' tt eelelath . s e gaIa-tienanti oerufmetul QIayat-. 0 ar 5 Due the Towlnbip of- Ope, say . IWO 100garîsas m « fees; andt hree of the mem- scirools wl i s i% e.mdoin parî- arrive a insyat710pm 6 Saaris...............150bers. compo&ing lihe Courîcil are ready ta iîng instruction we canuiot se. thonbW.O JOHNF(WEI 7 -it.sudWatr...........~ovouch tani>' smaternent. IL. miay see it -Mostc al>.Sot-e cviio B. R. KI{MBAL.L, Maî'. 8-îr StsanBdge 250 ]Repayers of Feneloni!,my expasure 'of' have been appoinîed have. given and are Vel supreinteiîdent. 9 Prîtrog as>'.............100 thea ai 0 re'riousCotnueils la fountae0-1ongivin ai4ctn n eblee i. -- 1<> Inciena -........ fà>lcIs.- Anl ?rave ut ypur hands is ai' ~oiino W. 0. IL ta lteé contrary Ixot-,D .I C R O L il onîngecie, U>',. .............25 patia ivestia'ation, and if min allegation3s withistatiduî in a 1.appointimeul cff inis- .-I Cittsuranc,. y..'..............50 t vit P lo' 't1 an ' ' i i scli riitinti-4 uiýzimp p... (rra.di faauo=» uM ar .....dos iantirer. Butl1I-tliro-w edowr tire' I 1 ave now 'diuîo wiîhr the remnarks cf W. Xingston, C. 'W., I3haiî............... gauntlet; let an>' ai le ccused take it up. O0. Il. and v.411 oniy say thàt we hope ire $35Yours, &-.,couil -ty Cotincil for Ixext yt'ar, wili make ant (Laie Surgeon LT. S Arin-y.) - US STS. -OBSERVR. apoinîmnt ofi tus kind, andi give tie .n L,,s a z a. 1 ;cipie a îhbrougli trial. No doubt tiiere are on..; corte Kent rd 'ig,'nv ree zt- Cash for, sale af non-resitient lande lu hanir s Fenelon, Dec.21, 1865. - peî'sonia- ii o ntiorrs that Nvioîî d pr-ompt, 01 ttr.cre tetai Yiaî rtt County Treasuirer, -- 120sorne irn lu ab ject tu a of 'proKeee irne Rc.dn h-etso-. Aai't loe oroceiveti from Gav'l 0n16* "SCHOOL NMATIERS." I wlàîcyhtirongir eviLbeeiy rizlit- would 'take Advie amI nilItuit sfi' acci of Lintia> Bridge, - 400- froîi ilen lthe prero.. tive CI-f.fivorin-, frietîds h oreu~ U Ž ~ ~ Licoases l Sy,---------720 !.To ýthe Editor of/ilie C(Jaari; 'v itt)ro;nIcu!ip u Id 1(11 ittIla 1.biPut 3 Market Hoa87eveue, - --329 Rents froua Queen'a Square, 12 SIR-' aerai ihsm nîrs eanil cir cfon sid utoî~ilh boî aie Ln-t e~ i1" Fva sl a onrsiet atisa 2o yaur correspaonuent 14A. h."l )m j t rn 1uproîeil'dtesire ta do uaI tY,1 NA1SA E Fsclîôosaleltof, anti a-ls tirat of i j y .r112Wj% ouidintit4ikti14' hoprt>tttoive of lire O L MA S G. $401 1,rrl th rt.His rcpi1y.I çonsider higlly icause of .eduîcation, those *hohaIavte il in, id a o o cv è n istsactai>' as fat as il ges, but dictre is une lhLIt"r owr îiil net cuiieetiously and'i $38point MiiA. BVs -comnmiunication whriicil per- wisehy fii- lteinia-ler. ru"S-.rcrhg ttiniit.Ittrl Boit ~~ ~ ~ i fr16,ay 4-002cl nS11la il-vould ho vo Il ta erside r troreati ttr epeîul' n-lc oie ireWîliiialt tg i. f arther ab !u'e N-fi i t tla s!aktvin1 i pfl frId-uc. $54-00 0 2c nSw - n-env c 17rgyhand containetFiinit iér oling - tti hne ~isr I7tl- ra must admilt tiraItirio has -bèeon ligh 1j lce, as far uas ius coîîcerned, the cause ta ieayuihtri aroaedrigteps for tire t1evyas ausetiin part b>' 1wbieh*he has pttached biruseifby ie Mo t hop)les tbuy willixot t'urget bIsiituitire year lare epenutue c ti. ouncils forilh*se 'saleron vaws, _then I say A. B. sildhol od ;'>Bj -;s re set-rîinled todo al Nithmn r Sj .years, and ii islo%,Iiiafinfvwv o*i in part b>' makiu up Sitikinghi up to pblic contemrt. h îo;-' i r~n1 uy egîe aisfic-- l l el* rî:d red A lecré s Fandi that the Coanni shave allowedt te b Iarirloni'sivigtirat, asloug as Iiealth andi -agie - OILS ugeti'for etirer purpoe.Sinking Funti -wiii luprmitl, 1() attupen sîtsrictî alird aie ai! matie up. tathe:pr-ésente i otan Yuç1ii cceîydvotedi., tebise bîsiîesu nd un this c&aision Known 'as the "ELG FR . intereut. H. -ivislrcs a.11 his friends (an i cîrm'rs, if lie bas A very vainalte jmpc«iv iffi gootilatai Apobgising for occupying bo xnuoh seaue 3 a-) 'a.lia ppy New Year, aird tl.nity ai' Cash. ln your vaiuaahh<i paper, I rerrisin ]ElyvotiflWfor ]Lacour"* 1-.he lins jusI received Ithe ver% vbest. - Apply la l'us, ce. j eu help to, put- threrig.- na u le i-îWtIL ePennsyh'ania Coai Oit CCI hAI! BOW E. place. rduedPrics or a1;LNFR, .Sht- ic THE -EX-REEVE$ OFFENELO2N AGAIN TW tAc Ediior of thre Cbadian Poil.: StI i inet bave contiesceqdidtta notice the strlctuares.ois Outrevs *%&Mlenteby' yov .erropomdoim N is yu, iaseo the . 1"1h let., lad:it ýnet beau atethins unaruipubous induvidual, in hbis oager.doszr e. vWim> 1 thie cuinevous clients ý,ieprbbi buasef, ires peéeti the queutimo f. drtnMoub y a letter aerihiasdy t otf W. aiDick's peeveuletom of IUehinluha-.The du- pliat>' viick o#uquvtrised ti. e e ornes ontii ïhotti reliefin « Jr Ibo iali-edu-- tien of-extraneus subects, ga-bleti extrao,' sàd ~ts hyin wbst , .ki*vete bhér, omsWlhyle inud thà o apyeus et Faute-,. Ionr, s"d hall lem leits forgelfutuses o peut initiait>, 19.eider tO 9iÉ ulîerior> bjecte. Tue iti idodgce t tfitis gecîbeeau tati-y facq, y tefingthio «ýha»e a bitter anti-. pestoroita, for thore Wto livingboing i& t munkcipaiuty, or v ilstha t er-- ~ut~*test a a;bt tire- disho maie* public mon, wîaa,. - &eCsa à.1- COUNTY SUPr4ERINTENDENT 0F gI dassortmcut of - .-..-. 165 SCHOOLS. RGOM .Pr'uRs, BotirDEsSAwD i 1)0W BLI14DS on handj very e ieap.C DER To the Editor.o! tMie <Jamadian ot A sp1endid lot of .unecie tieMdta al ît ml Sua-In jour line of l-ast week, 1. , .a CaIIL Tj[O JL ji NG' S Ions fine -Sweet Ci-r, 1)r lteégAlion orqsUTûl. cornrruaca:sa fein . O H. eferîogex- i difernt sizes. Chichis,.Silv er and Gold . W .Tl IEL clusivel>, ' le - l e ngestians Iina-de inI a- Watehes, Citains sud Finger 1Rings; Gold and Lindsay, Nov. 14, 103. fori-m, umber, as te tirecondition ou viic.h Plateti Barrings, Broociisat i lhn; -, tire appointaient of a Cuil'Superinteirteut p izas(oesmke)Pct ies - F0R A L . for Victoria voulti prove salfactor>'. Scesars SRgeriat ketI Tablet nti tesFOR Your orrespodent fanda no fatrît with lhe Spons, Loaking Glasses &c. &-c., always on cPWs*sie f W , W MtorS prticularly tu hand - FARM (0F 116 À ACHES,abt .afh -ag it, md ure, vri., hai thr oua y Al wok in thre ne, sucb as Ok"aing and r i .1.nd1. e e à nC o eraa Couuu eaprta utble persan for s id Repairing Clochis, Watcires, Jeweiie, cr , 1 re ieared ani seedelot o 2. Choyer s7, position wouhd bu te tako a step in the rugit anti Engraviiigt. viii ie donuese vetofore in a ft 'direction. 1 amn glati I haye us ,concurrence dne it iirti cso nigi-ve entîre OF r vi vru in duis, tbonklie odilfers *fruru me as t i. sati.sfaxction- - quatification. the- rppiitee shoulti pomîesa -Remenber-Sig'n cf the IUTCH FLIC, 1 Also, for-sale in the lu or-tier - ta ho able, sueýcessfuhi>' ta fillire1 Kent Street West, Lin'dsay.-I ofieallutiet io. ---Town of Lun qy,. ~ si-t ~ ~N' ~H. ~ve.s rnuter N tice. 1TLots No 4and6 South-of Rd btIde.b~ viii me and! assures me everyboti>'else.viii, u & àr.N h st fJwtsÈr* ocnitn ) bat says. Idont1ofu-ecui.Nv bs T SALE, if a central part of thre two-flfths of an acre. sua>' b., but virileiB 1arn viihing toatidopt lie t own1, tva I>welling Bouses, one !~IILt 0 u 2 ot IRgStret, con- improvmeet ho suggeâs,. that -tire person lunck andi-oue framie with'g.omd iota ta iasaln-f n qater acre eacir. shouli nét l bhoexpefieuced, but succees- ça ch; snd being situated cear tIe Mai-btel , -- aklt ni ,Lau> al Ott fuû, 1 thiâk lie go. s u ch tue fa-r, as I may lier forta a mail destrableresudece. Also gof5adaW*rsec bave come short, un iegarding iit ispenqa- liteStore andi D*efing on Kent Street nov igcf5ar tisaonaltcrsci. 1 et f-dead blyaeesai- trait-a prsuab. pactc>' occîîpfed b>'thre aberiber anti proprietor. The. Six iralf acrdlotonbour s iie ald lischser viii be alloweti tva fotee Fr sr eùgped in teacung aI lite lime of bis S' t1 - op> y ntFmeoiivtrineet. - -eparticulars 5pply t'o paneut. pin esl>ame steotteirî v- Fur tier information appi>'in. person r' aiues énemm-be)5-,thm5t tke ,appointe ou>ld e- - t te ropreto, G. . urasVE. *MÂCKAY kNOV.HEA , asv naoth, lu lb.marn"se tehhat ex *ù ()rt t ADN U W-H yem t e boo ueatw cttieéorfu - te DbHeSRH U M.,' 5 830Soicitor. VOTE FOR, UUeWSI. et w. . H. th t wO e bb"r.MMcsonM onId i sori Y E 1 t 4