~4X4 4-. j-' -. *-- t. s FIOALMU)FAILIJOURNAL Y, JANUARY 5, jM(jf (Ternis: SiJO, hi Aaymnce TER.MS OF .1D5rgTrISlNG .'Ten lunefs ami undr. ...... Emh be t f:rA SPro<essiwaneIam efBuine m4si£ Ume MW, le ait 8per man tjPMerchsa sihta oa m eot lot a caeau AIu e' d oevey hrf» ouo op as h* nem bI.te*M & JDàgpiayed- Adveu4i4U mil Ildby Of e <olid Namaed. m-d ww ~3. dvena.q~n<~ eoa ~oa ione luxerted gnioj fîrbiddon, a*IuWpf*d ut Un %" 9- -aesmi Adve-eu esg m uted alopanS fr in a mdu ft . M e ej e . peced U) ey' quiinry.. * *Orders f.. dimemimmvnsaei ii . rui b b mud Phiptieor. tmr &mi sur. i .ou*4 il, - m'ai' pueuti- tielu. 1m. m « # bit est &tuCad d ta Chancei Kenit Street. LW, ke , hc. iô Bank.- r)fce hAI Chai tcer, he, Offle-Keenaux's Brie' i.areLindisay', C.W. '114-1 - lROTIM ', Barristerâ andi At m~-a.Solicitors li Chanem -,Covean-eskc. ~Litai Ieeun n'; Bloc-k, Kent tree C. - - Oe. JA. N. WtLir xaeerue anti- IniîIVency, Iottr3 Oprerca, - i %cDinnp.l,,;ne% bo.ite-ltr4ighial Gimsûn's$. - 22, 1964 ' - 25l iedical Rete-rée -Su-the iBni r-'h 1 ailndNilercn ntile lnsitranafu lce in Mr. .,'eorge - Kernptt' ,dsay. 23- Garutent, 111:1e Ii)ii n tuheais ie iawest linz rat-Ct. Al -prollpt attenîttion, ani ai rron< -KE, Sîîrgfeun Den- ma]lifs îdock. îpo ýy Gouals storeKentl Clivil ErQ;iiîcn antI provilnclal -$'evoi-, ltasse4t Street. - -u, ~tI *,-Peuu% lN j'lf5fvorits id batieg beeO late -cnm- -l hitl toytm,*frds tbe-bw ofetne- in Cno damtiôn> fur tri rlers andt hdie pblie Fweffrts "I behosparuri ibahI viii cos uce te the 0- UThe heu d Liqueru aa4I Cîgar. 247-ly' SRievtbreilouse, T- iBEA V 9R7f» lemsesitire aboy.a ol, vhieh basbecs fitru ob- Ied andti Itted. np tbraughtiit a bW eeesile.- N ono bttithee haicei Li q, 1. fs ala OigaW" ill - eh kept au the lm r, anid bis.table -wili be furaisb-- w,f ed with aIl the delicec gu b escan. -k1 I Cam-cfuilanti cblWlgugOutléesaums jattendance. - - ta! - WM. %PàUIN Petrctr t- 1- s 's. il - e v n o , a . G 1 . . - ----- -(LATE PLATMr$, vees streotl, T»ý istes Abuse 1King Set. - rjIIIE Suhsoribi-n begs Su ilinaute Wtebis friends 1aand îh.ptiblit, Ibat havimgleaaed S.he ah. ave centrali preinisesfor a terni otyeŽars, b, bots refitiet~d antuulbdîuo~oî,atllevl be gladte have a caI frein the travelin o- Tomante, Jtuiy 18.3il5ýt i H. XURRAY, SIIQOP opposilethc Market, KentStreet, Lind- . )sayi. whene he is prepared tg nmake up Gar- meal "i the la teal style and ait ,'or>' easa.nabie charges. - ttîng dn-baat nteshort- l etl Itotice Jatîrv M11.,- ..L1pd - ep. 1861.- - 1lbf j ~ -, - - ' -Agent. ~aîsc: jN SR&lYCiil-Engner nn~lP.uwieia - ~.Ke nt Street, Liîidsaiy. 1) L.aiwl Silrvcyor. -fi)lce i iMr.- Kein'i"IQ BiUalng, Kent Szreet, IÀiods1 ,aw. i~~ 3l~eseî-ie offieo the Cîumadicr - - j -- Purt ill ri reive -aonatlî,l alention.- J MFADR'î, Aio-ixv-ai.Lîwa'olmiî'r u -Lindsmy, jtly i3tIî. 1864. -25t lincerv andil.oetv Olc-4 - - - xing Street East, Tüonto, and ilUm's 'ir.ck. . D .,îI ViS'S Il 0TE L, Ke-nt Street, L Xl-ay one>'bta mnt lircet i.ersand prinî ipaltilambiutell(L<îtéMCIS years, at lich ime a theburrower pr, o;n.CM RYCW - ~TEt-î ~fE Suabavier hmgs leinfirnu bie- fienti- - h J.F DENXSTOIN imristsrs amin ai andt he putlll of Vic.toria (Joîîntiy, tînt he i lAýtFiney--at-Law, tS(lçîîit n t.i cciyl"S . aîell*d tlke hOtel in .Ct6uir4 aýy«eloccu-~ Noe-ie Pîtti, e. OffiBcs-.Kenan's lock, j ied Cîby Abm Motî, ;a -nq, as ie inîs hiut ut fur- KentStee, itidss.iilet lu firit style. vi-;iturs wil l inti ever n- - - - - 5.* ROE1eT DFNNISTO'N - veiencc. W'iiuei, liqumes nd utigiirs of the- 1 4tx- quîmît:lity. -An mtteL-.tvC iluiter slweys il 3171fJAS.F. DENST(>US. icdaîe R. J. AV , Y- i)II--A S1)R 1WW M.%vIS, ProPnietorî.. IFsutrgton, Actoîtcheiîr, -&c. -- Omîbray, Sept. 1865«- 3ixly OFFICE :-ýAt Mr. Thomna aicès LITTL. tl'N.j- -M. lAPRSTno.WilliaM CS;treet, -- --jiLind&say. MNý_itafy Unifonuis, Clergy- )-C.FAIR, M. D., Surgeon n.fisihî,atd ml e,.Cota ni-IDreîsaiag (bu-rs and S$mu- il.Accouicheîtr. laýtelv Surgeon in île 1 kaaug Caps mate up to orîler. Anierieau Atm>'. 6fcr-lb nyk. c.w IC!)llthg clu--a iei and ina-neti.>Oiesms - - F pchfuly Slidlid. ndsulsftîongarauîteed. - Lin Udsay, June f9, lltx5.- - 1t 110$O. 13E .1 LL. ES Y., C'oru-ne 1 301__ 1. ivFirvan-ttte IR A IN&iROO ui, R, KFNNSBLtIeK, lent Streot. 24. To be S d- Barga Lindnu.'. At- 1S4. - - -s~ L itat nev FIZA11E DIELY,..NG IOUSii -~latcly occii;îitI)y'.Nlattieiv lakely. on . r F 11) >L E R 9 Yo'rk itet n Ljldsiîy. I t la a la rge Corn ,SURGEON 7Y) THE GAOL, andmd itdi msais h'usand-Ivt Illada;uxed fon i"htaanîing flouse. 1Pa'ice S14'M'Ïîaiî ylîsamns 9D1-ZC C U N EI, 1 - linnuediate po.sioagten..lippit-o 1 JAMlES Il IKNlIT, (bilt->r-a ('l' i-Trui- Lirndsay, Oct. 2.% 1865. 321 rs it> [t'-(hîrch, (selt,) Tu. îdmi.-n of ti tte - forte r eielokan bî t tiu .tMr. Brttons, P~xnxN 'i 1S) - ktu AgrtetnLtad> -R.-S. j 'AII.Ol1, OAKWOOD,(shop oipposit Mmr. A. U eaeon ainitor i iillFmtmrve J- inea'on's <titi slre,) thla nkl o.th -e libe- Melaleut -ral Vet-nmiOrgîaii - rat piatronage bestîWo n iii laafor -t-be fliet 13 eatrs, b4g1 te say thtlelas-i reamdS jANIÂMES GALLONT LiCE\ýCS El- AU ;rouhilvexetteilods îhlalihmy t t i N l E Fi R , i'-n t.n . n lie l irn t 1 .ale s. th *Iîuriae Ms Rprn-r-. J.1i, i n ,4thrr istnl Jue ________________________ Ile-i), do.; 4G. J. IW elle4iti dt- i Psr a ler-ion - Belattyl>, atnd- Messrs. I a..tna'o, M4-Mic-taîtî &j.-IJ 3C A U S GI'f Fiîzgei-aul, iurAND-'Xu-îto 70u~ JOH I3UGL~,General Aguent ant i- Lb' 's. roso Brad sav e t rs îacf i tm ed. 1t imbrlge sreet, l'iria- f [ VI G ren td a PIANO f l us d sirous eto est. ~lrdisssuti.itcd1 5-rfj ret takîng ililse týi ur eitence, Russell. -1N 8011E Bî1YAN;, Arriituec andi Buiiiuir, Terma me-deknout> onD application. C-JLindsay, C IV. W onkuripla -is, caleftul[y Lindsay', May'3 85.26 preptinet. Winduw Seah and t>ur frtîe.s nie-de ___ _____________ -Ce-nidat Comativ for the. à, Ontario atl Dîtailîe-m. r rit of lte Ceunît>' i3tild- mN, TA;. OR. Wifiam. Av, thankidu for the liberal d on hinm for te past 14 te-t he is stili preplaredt t I entiers- wiîh uhicit le mayî -ÂTES1 $TYI'E, Iati at M- - - 239-tf MIAN' li ! ie u rrget-n lu Cotae -hck of the, Wellin-gton st. iStiS.314-1>' ts, Houise, Sigu and Otrna- , Giazier, P'etr il tingea Ahi entiers cmtefally flid Sh ip On Willianîstreet. ysiciatni-. Surgeon -s d Ac.. lence-Corner Wilii.mn and elyoecupied by Mi. G. Il . 321 TO LO-AN Tr PER CENT.f G. ORMER, Oud KENT STREET, LiN)SAY. Godstable antil sheti aticlted, Aýnti antatten- tive OuStî kmt ïin1 .tsa-tidance. -.Frep.Omnibtus to and Item théecarsmu n tiIs. Lindsay, Mateh 1id, la3 192-t MUSIER OFMRfIC UEPCS AfAN11à1A, C. W. 322 - NOTILE \ PLICATION wîli lue smide th e Prosiu- I~-cie-t Parliaimens atitw uexî siting ta Aiueud anti Extenti the Charter etfte '1Hope> Lîied- se-y and Beavresîc tuayCompas"Y. and tu aznalzamate the sanie with the -Peterborough e-nd Che1ncing iakeiileyoma>;s, for a prant of Lain i al t h.Mmii ra&1»0'- extension mni t S sit lupn iu u0nt" dcmnpg nivigable thé Iakesae . o -ze n.a~ comnuntication in the CoiiosofPebeouu sisal Victoria; iàad for ethie.pnpss JOINFULUI P.A. L.k 3. Rail-ay-Ofa"e. ,Port Hope, SusV. 301b, 1865. î LùoPl Thm eBella-are Crckan ut, Mt 354. M , i 9 5 dit zoo, 24 , 6 5 ,, >1 ficWara aile 225 Ibo,26 I,$ ô6 0 $ 00$ 71C.0 275 2 69 40 1Q 8 00' 8.0 -75 34 00!f 16 on e iI~ 22 OOj116( 600 36 11-0 8 00! 137 0 7M0 49 188 0- Z5 01 2250O 1000 40 250 00 42 00 19J 0( '1200 « 48 30Q(W 480.)j 3450O IS5iJo 52 4 00. 54 00)ý4540o 1@w0 55 450 06. .10001 s51(G mo 59 150o oo 62oo 5820 25 0 .60 6 54>01 712 (W , 6910 00 3m l 5 3 00, '835'0 35>0- 166 875 0 l 87 00 ' 9$2 - 4.«0 f69 1000 00 100 0 1 l00 00 4500 '71 1125 &i 113 00 1338 w 5000 73 1250 1:15 00û 13T5i00 1-10 22j t )A * 10M BEL] Wh f eVqy chui tl*5or. Fart mwul t te luta me outhi. 01 w bknngt for- t, and, qSitt al &shl-kom SYoke, Sad ut: aie. <r-$75 8 75 u) 125 18 75 250 -370 La-rger Sizes i ssa u, ordéials25 àrisPetpu, GnrÂàpqs.-AI -eils 18014 aIt t4 abe, Princes .warra/t,4 augaias-. breoaktge by' fa ringaîîg, fIar Lirefre auiths frùm time.tpil citasitîg. s'hQaId ione fa il. a r- bell vii1 ýgaven.b>' reltmning the bniukeu-une. (Irders, ma>' ho sent: thnu.ughthe Axmttmci tantrk,.Gr.sc, - 389 oa e N In case a Bell breaks e-fter the expiration thte Watre-intee, I alla-w lihe prici fur the aý JOHN B.R SNSN, Award-u Pirg? Prfze al the Agri*caturq E.-Aibition, Lind§ay.- In. 1. FRANCO[e I EGS te infornn.bis Friend4 anthél Publi tt- rLt epui pose of end bli-ug.hi msel te execnute, in. the mess perfecIt naniier, ail on items, %vita wbiclli e-me-y be fàvOned-hu 1mit me-de ltimsmrlf rhonun;gbiy.-acqnsintcal 1wit ai lthe late1iM-pïîweents l i be-rt; and-ti-inl .11a'plilied with thé e best maturriatis, cimaùc ite hottes te iirodtce t4e Carte de. Fnl/ lu aý great exepllenct i aeny madie ln Ibis . povince IheGnler laaraciusanti tevorabIy iua tet in regard te light, antd is-prôuounced by jîidgei to be remaîrkkibly- ell aifapted for thepurpos. nI nîiirg cra-ntlikenesses. -ý l~Pcîly nu piettnes viiolot eiont oc lite lteInv tilI pain] far. - "W#,-inviraly snppl>' Mr. Fmancis witit thi itrest ant bcýt cherniîcals that'cine ohitaitied. a nd helieve han to e isllrctighly acquaiuten wilu hi. bea;utiftîI amt. KN'OWLSON. & GRBGORY! "Tha ve ranch plie-tare in certii'ying te lMe .ra riciàu b's e-hinluregard-to biâ-beiug aletu nake geeti Photogmapha. "The pictaren taken hy )Mr. Frantis,'uf Limad- saiy, are as guoti-as 1 have seePi-tram main> ol the béat Galleese. ~ MD NL. 1 cOns;Idet tue Pbotograpi's of Mr. Fran ci mis gooci sud as bruie as]'an>'riee uer.secs lu Engle-ndt,-e-"d l'bave ceensmre ofthe fineut. JAMES B. MIR.'t Lindsay>, Apnil Tth, 1865. 2 The sunbserber derires to infort msie inis and te, pushlilthat ire continues.ta lceep the. bosS hures, neatest andi slmntcomfterlable carnaoges anti buggies, -estaiatly, on hanti foi bire. - Trast .tremely M*da#. * . ~ 11*WORXIIAN paly Orocries, &C., CADW SREET SAfY, Cig&r».d but mnd. CmiatCm vIa -furitur, wsro. Thre subsei4be1ig8 t 3 fAithe tsbibUate of Lîuday sd aurrêôsuiiàlo*dffanIaet be bas latelioMne Outa. 1*msaind'mtrisio of Chaire, Ié%ds~4, IurM*t, Dro»i.g aa4 other as1eS4 Looeltiag lasses, &c., *Il-of- vilicbh hovills '.11At mft lavr Mteé s* have b etofbixè bwe(*i4& Linusay. mrer ornantion. soli e.le ton b,ï beo-- p-tte -w1. li_ s -i _-e - tiur. w.rcsr 'rt oîi.as . s.-a.'aîl,. .liaaî.- ira IaI . A.. ~ . usStanl.j halîever hati tt his (~-bentp hcuedfrmr ia aeek ei basbasei e o ~ h. Wn l t o . B ei ntano at-s lie irt i etne " e n e 'cock." ijl-*elîîag anti w mnatig to les- li e f O t a i t t u s y s o m ' n e r l a s n e m l, t ab auny v o l u . n e k f e a1 h ,c A s h e r i m e a p p o iîn r e a l I a r r i v e ti a i t M"y- o , g i e m y u e u , a t - l i beroun a ce. Bt iMaugi ' idae i frtiet'. bouse, for -I pumponely came e*ani>'pti nauc atrpae m~oa.bîtm*% bieEslti; lesi~. Ii îd h urei eej> lelx-ord tie beblei.te acruimntze the compati>'. ln a, moment, in rapmure, I eoheaed, ie d-uttllk*ha~ea pal.Iy, buhte- M lie m e o i t ta e cre ol i m m if, j u t o s t n u e -e a u v aîe.a eeto u !: A na ho r e mt e n at et, 1 a u .4t re m a rk h a t 1 a n dit k in g tny b a n d , sie e lt >, v « rr g n l ; wéieu's a gie ab ie to tber, u-sg h. *a alnî h cuxht - yn ît; antl 'd i . 4 e ey taken' vilath e 4 , N ..rw egian T m jd u ct ' a d l a y o 4 . , t beip~~- 167, 1 . R V . k h t n e - e r e l iî e B r a. ul u et f r ladies, qeopuicaîiy te y aung aîietu.!e B sa , m gj N ul fbur n t ia alaug li t ht's n ing a n r - snedtiana.tiin e.. ati- esgan ber ÙÎW éÎncSreIty. lu mu-us b. a grat ltSîbyvi batfl;etEghh t>Now. Tim, 1 haven'îttl-hies i- flsud ait euu.wqld W;ha4* ý-blow *mbtnev meirno hîruiel, *A - tere suBput-ihinatean muiersl1repe t of.119&Ubu OadyjiksyoùWà a hAte.Desit 36picfm as o emce Moarsd fotitt sucit a terrible mise bobs. Butofn liefi rlaceI ne îisoibtyu îtt > ik! o ueo m lid esiwWîee, w a9shu basvi olet oye' i r ets ho lert t . h f o s, i l! ondeavour S. gise a true. Ibough Yau 'but Simti, il mustn'l -go -amy aitber. seamed itviclimoninbt sanmd the .aft [xr o ooaifoec:tos eaniy att t .a.~aili, olse toui ui~~ ~a ~ outtane of ber- profil, quise de" J I~ thhi -r reoih u-ivi.o *agh i" berI 1u ob , * otbr va psile hat uj outa' r aboutît viit appropriai. e adt1-resrseu aI La1 s! L iii xu! W e. w u d r s e su i~* ~. - ~ i. Deuil. did net -katav ler frlend jes. hiexpenoive dms inu the vbele Tf. «CL-Eau de Cologite, -Fidants Waler, af uie mn L ti e*se uiA J)or4, ei*..ua frit .day M a IiIv s a v&el te gait up f* 15h15 girls" I1 oM liliqài18.d. o e î~~~s oê - u. ,~~~~ ll ~ ag5t -pt y ly te le aîlo ed se mï1 ure w hist St v eulat. couSm sieumt. u urn Omis fori a e , o ô n se . S c e s P m d s e tlai, ve 01t iie.ai.u.woo*b.1t, lie? "iil#MoWis(oueROOlCosnEphcpuFaw m ope, Nailand ett*. bA bésu' *ghMhoi,~ ~ ~ ~ .iu-it 96tr4,lirle soIee of o p-icitpuel Pm, .digBut- ffpolnquplerlistehe eeut lio egh ieee van. direo e h.aom'so î Sr a To. beoiales lite otuliy e dis okim-m 49be Îsm-e* , . 1 g * 5#.tN*1 %ttgtoug mesngthoa a~injus ve; mti oull nt i [ ad <n.i dra 1h terriblevici«siîudeQu. wi'l d (o with Iier. hen thodamingbigins? ~ umoeunsb ici anv f di, n4uc iaehei ouio. 1, Wbaniet if MëS. ewcom- vouli thinîk ueflotpt:hmoHowever, afier TIIÇ~~1W 8ÂÂRIA~ A lus is ovras gveup hecas l tu a carring vouIng persoilDOWfi'ha igpaiti their reiipecîs ta the hS i lhey dupusii, and f hoee w ir fais. cuits playv,- S" tau-,hed, a-ti sisrhed a bu!. e o and. Proceeèdei carefuily te place thora Ù1 out-cf- TS* h.,e t .,*w w.. rmùa u t fauy, decared ihat the shôuki tend S&anfey oootinu&lethur stedy.exafmîuatiou. .. hie way iCornera whjlé others who 'dm1 fnt, 0,rt, sloand 0o f the girls-in A day or ivo t4 sole àf 'y uos. s.emsdruidul 'i fsaesupsmv dnig êitheirg in baud 14 07 lta f'»ý'OnWidowe fickereti and Mi"sMars lon h4d got over lher oliduracy. mi- fo tereseter fth le os hebu geai d.w. sioffiug, l in e yak. . When th.y %veto out keeptag ber face averted to bide lier tears. ro eetrw open sud suppor wal ait- 1 lits et oamht, inreê Polthit tjÉey ah:)îuld h l 1witye wa4-oaîlly i hil suc Iracils- fliuncbiI. [mtbe M.ghfarei Lea00ryMayas. nit o ad olepir lvi tocoet ta ain ohrqurea Atither turpriie for m.What! Supper Iua. he a ~ rl4.101t s -a , 'Né,'.sMidi Nagg 1, Ihave quit. deided pawebeauly asone irrev ocahly.aak-a..îlai! leint p!all -ton, 1 m incli:-d ita thirîk. al 15 m- i o.eiIi h-9P.l b1 -. .1,1 gantaff bi-a han . - ta.cs te, .1g' but a te uita liail oqùit e a -hapru . ppr wu&ail ele-au ar, 14 1- - t h , 4 -sai Ne. in..ttol t.1 t'ithaeal a eeru standiug ow, as isuntversaly he case A1w , oa. . came a passive apecla c. 1J obsereethlt Dit, c * àè ý il tho gotit terrien, as onas f#bey liait hendeti aniboiit b eiho hretwosnn Ite pol» ie qy uta ui soye heir pannrera' in, loft îhem ta iuhfîfor lherrn- oint. A girl, or $udlgI b~eo ms h.o rilil b.perfetlywill carilor withou W tikimeàd hli~ aeigerr el wel f~'i le ihey ioe fe N.i u fieasenkuovebow miicmes o- auj ritiktoyain. la any c4oe tell yauanal ber tear, Mau.j " aehirititlii p ,lite de-ir creaîurep*seened quite tuseti la mucl o f Gaa.wing ber finger sher11151,yu a.w angmie nymettepugnt urot le lc ronîY îhî he ftreaînnei:. There woe r io) weets on the e, Te Ring ber legs la the now - ielices,I shah 0.5yer iramtyou out of my a brair. vornati. biit siohsihah.I such -a loittable; ail the dasheâ *Ore eavery dirghes. "d'~Thov pasai mmmureg, wstedau& stuleal ant be. hi cofvee as ait vumen feel. Biltibie aboie away aad (Bvt e aRse<anpentu semetivery vani*e ui leratni fo afeascûîtsani he* ppular.) But ini anuiher finie om e Go d, hn »7agl si re ;bu Bmsid diii liberily, keen ai. te uberined -i ~ud ngeraîïaîe adout ire&. jellie., creams, calles. i¶anked- ad ne W t huiii b outbrs, aurions gnard oser lier frieti lt the fuîit Bibie, wiîh agen l aenî amb-.eow. fb îrbne' ote feapin.T~ »WeaY te 4e Tby vUIt .daohe alc eie. Willam That le esi onsteil the doctor ldies h:îd the firiitentre. rniî 5h. (bamber --GtMainer, under varlous prelexts,, fnequenieti privmtely, anid returaaed *(o Maggie'ai room Of 8Sweets, and t was net tilt they turneti out 'Tu-as a:bard, bard ta*kfor tbit workowau îhe.r isaumg-room ecaicvey adhe. ac. - vth the ijoyfiil neyathat lie be1iereýtit al- ilat we tuniied in. Ta ep-î1Y aati seul -ogether, . .çoempan ieci hir, ï la tîbir. walkts. Maugaîè mailcertain ltai, alter a tlue, zhe-W<ou Id The batidanor began to.jrjke up in the Te la cen for tb. hunîer-Oen,.g alrcasga -u h gnlmnt d lui slii <oiu ho ftin w-ablir. aSfnot stilent nov. Sunays î- e i etiirely recover ber. beauty.- Maggî,e re- blrjii iniltiegnlmnt d An'sers se hébiig «b« ry îluil and tire 1, but o oa er ae oeivedd siîcr ainw t ra rnuî y junnthither. A m~îueut.-.b, ~ ~ . ould le.full ofanimaioasi ad archaiess, de. but prePienîly turtaud aniaske 1si i , Yod daince,"' said my hoat. Iton- bhat heard oftb. w*o w . smite; hti4Ibothb er compaoLionis ybehr briu- eara.ety,'1 Will you do mue a.great faveur ?lf "11. Thun btet u a hearttitatinlook auimoved alautit saIlles, an-i garu11er1ngcepyen t liaer tbîwerlin -Z 4& lhundre i f )-au like, PMl-giïo,' aile n- Come tih>n, l'Il nrodu i yu ohat Ca irit dooeway, ai on thâailugbti anal fi;liiglier skitis vith alaiàes anbutt aler- piieti. girl in pitik ; she is dyiug tu dance wilh an ÇücPI4, after th., maùneroa shilti Whu le 'helà please don't speak ofrMy beauty igbhfaluacmotygr, tem ul for apleasani holiday. aslikely ta b. nesîcireti. Sy altersl1Sitle'm.'n u"cr Mn rharmaing -il O Thlln held ahteforth ber transpa reut paila m mv<ore amdatmore faucirîaIcîl am,and do not hold oui any hcpeofa ae . Illte O lt fapa-,tîr in t.îe LoffoîtuIse, With her bard-eanad penny fee, and eouetiine4 every day. -He began t t i[have, mind lt ueo anardraly hjauj ut ucier been in Chriiaia belo.e.. I~~~~~~~~~ -mipesu-poQdonykoshinis mow that Ma igie'& beauty .was the friendt;, or nather loyers.' ier.oc± i h ieo atk.Iîa ~ Ba tho vatesimoretha me. - oam o hr flrm. came ta worship *Betteie ihought the -experiment a painful ftu' allY tt"1tith ime mtit ihy,ai tis vas i bo in a bîmalway, viaicli ma l ie ha abs. e, but she let Ma-raluie veber way, antd! lhe firsi lime site had eèver been in s town. -Mechaiically took the starving girl Ne Ii tfi kh a lnelaay o ir - Fruou the b!eesd slsber.haudely a save., but if the n. ticed i irinfasu- ftarm fiti lle &onuheiiedtrapidly. After M i ft h aipeî oyfrbr The mal copor d -tha.fiigh:tch ationt eenover, by word or look, pertaittîed tivee weeks illneqs &ho came 'lovu, stairs a-'aim Iell'; ci;uld talk English very w.!!, ithough »e The initiopprmcatcha thl teusetht iedii e t eal li nd a -nb aknelro, wiih lier pour ,ho liait itever Ieard il ipokém by am En- o Yr go-l d j~ wîbh .isterly trankaest4 accepted ailibis offe,-* ..oarred face' turned ira ti tfanlioeîîtu.hraibfoe n asiîruhl et o Te, di .o Chrstia Imi. u sevice, wiîh 1elitils uiseoiciousnea,, and'William nhall e tg a bbe ailowedtis uco~ne in .ii .liîer;îUre. nn- a 0umnéhspxtotfLratsmtee l!r( 0mei o Ofjoyed a o Jor itbrrnight new life teata eslà frime, agnn& i asin o.fisrply by lagiat. Maggie bad go reailily - con.aented, Iîee u~cds uh o Thcusrh honly purchased a rol; - #luiiing iias existence., ihat Bessie liait'no excuse for denyin , hi.q 8VerItttgsommeuil asIk1 d t thù eveni Ig. My i> Anti it brouglit s greàter blessini (han-thst, Anu o eday pansedon. Sanley New- request. Site led him hIo the duoir, give fhomiiiùina StiorthminiEurope. 1 iiiquiteainipos- )à New 4ope:te a stîarsing seul. * corne haillome again. anti ta t*i yeti 5su qchiart infinite nu.uiberofttiîecricns h.7* S1be Io he p ikang thé Young laiei. They o ~~~~~~~~long.- pliyiing Maigie such inarked atteinrion, naust*behave aseasnot teielt naiaesmiuueevd tvrainlwI )è Bèérw-ite lipè- mosel, bat ilever a Word, ltat Wiflam v ith difflkulty helti barkekion tLtI him iag si- th«peaaîe ernis lf nmeîi.ait Uticoqiieuish. O Mer à aword 1upoke h:Irn ni 1 labletIer anwîhmr tegealcan ii t pe i a ite'alcsani Dancing vas kept up wilh spirit tilI o0 (eh w0marn, as thou toe 1h>'neiglbour deoa't hast, titan, ceremoi .As il vas,. hégave' larteti avay ia-ier-silly, tenderlia tiweive, witemnaiolien eti iinoh sqpper on a o Wll ed ealunt thel ent ta bis teelinga-in se malîy repetitionss oh Beile. I nitiorcaie made iii appearanîce. o Aan.ay H. BÈLDwtNw. confatunidei pupp 'iat halt Stanley biset * T be Coninud * .. - l';pi ahsorbeb lie must iaevitably have beert o irotight taunîlerstand ~iwha alow est*ax Tir£ O1.1) Sco-rcîîMÀ-I eYrrink a ,> F LELOVE 31A"»TRUE. tolion-uwas fieldi hy',ote members of thTe CS 0 JK.CDP tof lWdter twil!tis,Àthi1tîiBIiu of an Cid î0c.îndrveat o th9uifcaibua pt hlmt ochtnatn xvlio, w'ien wî ta boy lith 'rire nexi mn iii Slnnlewent -off fullyperuddlta a al Our, Caledonia Correspondent furnishes us ofetNewYrciIasptefr h a. Tenx onn itiiNwoedornleegu litetlu lie hadbciw ùk èeaspoerfrie over wilh lasr trail upon Mie- Mâr-taa oadinpnesign-n tupoî ail, and More- h tiloiaag. iadro liaeu: imai i lihIwsegg -il . . dent. Mn'. Neveorine vaia goual pucuiesusrhad oaiy l0aà4 Miss go ea b~ erygoi nirmaii T'o occurrence mutlimé .bea rypi.Fothnft tir yf coîîr al.Sevsfsan li ùi rai1 -y 'aawpe.. ia a> lc son 0rI etsuo ~ uî-tve or ,seventy yeari;oi, ho vas ent- hnd i. rani noion t mer .wn », Tat v-ou-g be ire.tniede aS îgî~bernô. toutt ti-re mne several ln this paetofte foe be poraint L an nerp in of %egt")Woàn T.il tue oe nîw , hro reut tîoî >a rvic 'cmCî.bigtiewîrecoltectdaYmilter tday in daggia'a bis lijtle ;11 filenpe Iviibtw, 1)ékng ot 4iitt ai rovncefro Catbýrdieani-ew-cariclletiÎ o aladatn(.lie hadhenvyh.W bv- rdeden %eqîtençe, wsibis ail4rrt -.eu As< people, îi..êiibted.fier cbmÏgi.i (Isaenta- ieni-frit. -AA s'uemTn stitIsa sutet i aagvitenfnsanlplc iii vrthern,,vded andislony pavemrni. la ewtao y and ttis figït lay uselat-fler dber ih-tapdtiBe-îiau v n, company with-a gentiernan bhithe ýnanne wit pure -waîen and ireatmnyaie Of ýGracloIs Mjes-ty the, Qiten. - . iw andtho he I islfî -d ber beautiful eyesit ACCUa4 fmo hiii~nejs-It urit,0r hie ul.ut ie 1lf"nati)uldcomi lu Ad As a role, 1%ura..- Newcorne hliehQopiio l'ea.liay Île IVWlia aa5s tface, anti blusbged b ashVit iieaycacLsneso li < mm 'Wenî tua had liited lte cup lho of pteîty girle (aiîl h6r otvt .caugliers îvere liiait ler.glamîce uît e cdi îne, ald. roiunnieîîpoelat toke iW1 Ijyth vultk f i aîmçp n hl r opleîsy îljî>;but witesî site hailtitrard .ahpiuiuaeinterest.- h ivaa but i luitl t ufwdt V eea ieR~ ruals iastin g-v locks 1ld oveiit ls foheatt, Yeftat tiiA iroduqi wollA avu.btr h tmet h g IsomkitCl'-own Hîi a itcCmsig-j!it u bsace inh-czudeesfr u- an utienctkrnbeiet ine.ome cf fiflueut limidro va-. saý.iei lu bs.breaih fut a. touder Av, ïsbire, iriuu alrejiin u vnefoa,<uty ereniattaspect antd insite-nt it-viar ddîreet Jyste came oaI.age, 5110e i'anaigr t[ iniglîl. lu a fev mimnues the Iwhen s very Simple basl bînesi ouutiry di . rver, andtihten crisk. No nater what *piselhi-r raoahru4 adinirmiot i fMa Pgie PPeord,lev*ite rt )u2hithemnselveg cd Rec e r aeat it io.M rinfhi hastie, or -who obseraed; ho alwnays Ilitthe mn~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ - a eyadbeaie l>lIbssaiguier Ili -îr, antdtpr4~- 4iîdoit i e merry anidi gul han so he Lie- ;'e Sic ia lasIC!>-V.o ii . My itia Mrs Qar ine , hle sai. 'wd h at 1:11 n beiiaisied kfit.eà for itirir very lite. laý:n b1ai t ha o w î ii B u ii n & Yaan. 1 I have d nunk frosu te îcy o l a caiîaîg- yîsig prso !:.eoloyaly 8tiff rhelli fiie dcl(,k on. the rnaifflepiece urnck 'leoks'beQyia nrio (nimistjtiisat i g:enon ltei surfac cf tire glaciers ~arsrucraiic-lookitig I Yeu know liuîv duRtiiff * verditiy c Or lte runt asso quiet. 'wbihiit1 tel î)at ha i l1io tisz.-nliianîd riî anthe buniq splen- cutIan te lauJ yetî1i suaire veu 1I Then gessie sîopealforwart. la look inSu is Itooketi stick iaood hte ra otntons of' Veauviua', in h16 ovwn -o~nand lhikbe a er earmiî vunî prmn.Ma«rgii8 a's e. . - . - - .ei uatcte' le: caiviun ati e ttc orTny sea, but very rrnci, wilh- S tani ey- appeani q un oesmiten withli er. -'Are you ready fer bei!?'4 Corne. you 'imite ni the distanceotni me wbemI' recul- -îot iiig ny M hIeani in gratitude tao Goa.. fau il. n noiced it f .1tieclie he ab-. 'azy chljt,1I see yau bave been a&beep al- leei ibe quer face cf disgusi the, frmier pti1 One iis ig s emakablo; ,canriot drink ~ oueyravila!about lier hait ana eeu;reoyn <i. WeiI,-ar iater[ o<u, fasa tt on il My lhai oit. Theéwitte tecks of the. @iaitAïihe girlAs smy thftiy r aluat t itek Have 11?' id.Maygie,aopening ber My <>'frienat- ihe tepu 1-cçtîaiel lke the o>1d1MaiseeuntL)- shakoe treve bre, rof *Mi"sMarsdéit ;but itil;isonlyteir joke. anîguiti eyes, andît- re:rdin them bot wih wil ni ibaywunikatlropfau - easi l u adinonisit me of * bir eore Il(rtloi;i "they voulda't b. sa vulgaxi as ta twistlàl carnetteuts; '11 ti'îk l-ossie!' 7 n ri ia reey h oawu and ithis meek eye te Us liftimng itàoIf Io Al tpaki ern.l.er beaut fihtaifell back ou ithe chair %ve onsitler ltai they owned ne-trly i>'theî ;oijtutoplead- Illti1 may -nel torget Ste g Foirguteting that site had oesrmui.Witl a dut!, leavy sounît,* anti ber. slenale. ude ulchne--wseinnos ~ tr Spuia1iins 1upoma ler daoghter's veracit>'.tilagerî becamn echehst lv erdî ilaaeta £0 0 êeln Wtieh Besnie, kitowing tiem suoWeollmiîhi 'A glass cilrater,, aUnectly,II saidtRessie, Fragia no er left.-wu~ CCO~~A OD! jbu itivliitjd ta eîusMr.uwoesliak -peakilig wiîli. oulvanîl ceotiess, >wi!sLttber oi ayofhiral-ihrreshuws f ier talisecuris, auti sidiedt ovardu M lg', teart saunt wiihit o hor I lraa ia a alway.4 uppermoat in itlemituuhil.T le chair., il1eII rum aver-faliaue.' aIst Ili ne'mA tracutît iras litai nu aclitmn Wits 'M y dea Mis ~ ~ helai , ' au W illiam .larted àwiiy, anti in a m in.ute he buoughl antd a verdiîct )btiiiiea I agai i h m f A y ni m ala neit t o r iewas )f mttsIconne suit spend a long day with u.reluraî,suI wit, ihfiewaîor ij lut hanti. anti a O£000 hil opee y eti hiî n, i 1 onsiu t îiecssv ot my girle- are tlying ta, kaow moire a of . bougle Of ccgü o tt tîîleiof e-e' It-i fèpid£Oi Ist*îilynsfue adgeutmsw s .deîmaak-th ani Seiata -sauimo me tire.sery lai-ut irinz. Nu!ttatlte. Fan-ra fiaitl hour Matiie remnalaet ai.t-le gios u histo-mr el, rueu u edt a kîowXleJet te li I tthe Matna, midyou makre Miss Marsia tinsensible, thon te *sîtdmeulv periet ieo; pirit;atidpenî-ioaer amnnghsnisat.ifimW'g-a.W leelint ete promise -te corne Su us, anti dcn't bs1eaisieriYe uti ltem hloth.ani siiieti. rte 1ni3 si-ory .n!y i ta w Iowes la 0yltlsonwr nuall ste b s a paineal a îay, iît 1h0! - ' e o u b ît rli'q a d Bessi î iîne u tighb-s îns even w iîto ut m ai- 1 w.~tý d i o i ec îte widow .yeiiterday 0 !!) ni'- 1n4 ie) .a1 stegave me diti- ~ s;ilktwiheei'hglcl ii-elnai lîsy it) r. Iw-..ýîat dj ni ralier early in the Mari-. Sa ipoîsre. i îoîîî knw.'she epleti 'I hîrk I _____ _____111-- :is we taîkFet ami-t laugteit, andt chaied, Nu iîlta îin h, impulsive",Selina 'nt bsvn iet I ylmeache moi -NOA FUSS. 1' . rui aon, aile'was go.uig o)nt anal lnoc- ,acuTIyl.abxdslît Se br mthe was t w ( ierniblyi, and.ny liteailth:robs au if it wou litàiaiay a dnue a edw fst 141 lUi, , ~<