t w s i W. ' t'0'mA lu lUti qteu ut icicin as r~î-t. J j- trial * .~> -.-,. fi~!it-0~.~~ ... - - - - - t t""î ":1~o' - - - o~-5 tut :10W ~ - - - :~- '1 Tr "TFm' F AEDVER77 lum ral t...;....... t AIx>ve tes unes, frst inseTrtiio17llle l..... Escli subeequent imsrijo . ... ..... prao<esial and BusIness Catdmaih- tlei snd $&W 4 aimrusomi $08>wsix moatho4 YqR six tui ten liies. $8 per a»nu ta. I letchgalisd ethers ccon .irset 40 sa oruln 4.é a b. pl!g d e'malwàerted Ç~Vdtvery ihreern tolths os ai'euPsfr eou h â l é o f s t P < n j w r i i , a i u i c b r e a i u td h a ansertednutiltý#luide, an4rmçtR<mtii. 1**No cammsit e, -1au 11 tlimm d Unse* paid for in adyuulce. Merctian»w *111b.exjuectu4- iu pay ~ aor rtrmenn rn, h. Y . main,tRbis , Y-ulis.elwe and rnturietor. -a-t-Law, n'a Brick 114-il. andi At- tancery,, - 239-lt <tliig rites. AUl tr- taitentin, an'1agond iugeon Dn is storeKent r.ierandi Provincial Russell Street.- ginecr.and i Pacincial Office in Mr. Kempt's ~neya t-aw~SoPc',itor in nsaiveney-. Office-G-4 ritai, and Adan's -Bloak, lhioney te Loan at dà îmiiiîal wilhimutlln lise bentomer propose-s. -316-If rgont, At'otou Thom>aus ¶Vtlia LIThlTLt r. Sut' s. a Or t -t Ut-i-N. -' S, - îîr, &c. ROBERT DRLODIes, Proprieter ¶>lfavnihb i-olel baring licou lateî 1y cen- TjpIletel>' reiovated, u - tdu he best cf tc- cmmu oatilon far trarellers andti the piallie generali..tTnder jîresenî mangement na efforts mili!be spared ti lita allconduce te lte comforl of gitests U- Tile beal cf Liquors sud Cigaàre. - 247-ly BEA VERMTN. lcased the abeve bolel, Whicb bas heen furnisit- cd aud fittèti up Il-irouîghoul inIlhe bqt af style. -Nene but lthe ebicest Liqutorq and rfigars miii ýbe kepl llnte bar, andi his tible xu'HI ie fcrnislu ccl trtit ail the delica cies of lime seasaî. 1l~CaeŽful and obliging Oshi ers always ini attendance.- M, PARRIN, Proprietxor Bearmuton, Jan. 6tlî, 18h5. -280, Nelson street* Tëeooto, - Abat-e King Street. fin nthëIm ublic, Cthbaviuagleoîsed lte ub- tire centtra-l Ireniis far a terni ofycuirs, lie lit retiîîttu rufurtuauiuedtluou ui, ktillî l tue gladt t have a CuIll frei lte travellingi- anonit>'. - - Ex Bcellentt antiextensiveStaUling. -Teronto, Jul>' 1865. 305-hif HENR-YHUES f ICSNSED AUC- -ouse anti Commiissicon Agent...Ricsuoucc -i. - Kent Street, Lindisuay. ICiOrd-ens letft Ithéc Offie of the Oanadieii Post wiil ree-eive promîpt attention. Linisa>', JuiIy 131h. 18641. - 255-tf (Lutte MtCoi's). - AMB.RAY, 0W THE I Siubscribcr begs ta lurorin luhs friniot jandîbhe publie af Victoria Caîîinlttiat lie h as opeuetd te lIatel lu cuîntra>- lutel5' accut- - jivd b>' Mr. NMcCal.; anti uà. lic. bas had i t fur- itishin ufirst style. visitoilà ili flitietrd cn Veieince. .Wiffeq, liqiots .anti cifrirs tif lutI -huit qtulit>. An attentive ilostieer i sii gean. Pliysicti.n, nattiattentlu'tne.- atelv 8urýe-orn i.i the WA. DAVI9,, Propuictar. -]Jobca>gcecn, W. Cambra>', sept. io.3IC-1>' Fa-j ~ ~7. ARtRIS,, TAuLon, Williatm Street, - ROM ~ VV Lindsay. lNilitairy Unifotmns, Cicrgj-- ROOMY No. 81 niens', Colege andi DesingGôwus anîd Smou- t tre king Ciias inuulo upooarder. 2414-1 ituigce neti ati trpeti!Orlers res-- L -E R ,Liuusu ne 9't 1865 IEljOL, antTob SodAB ga. 308-f XLLtluat new ,FRi.AME DWEtLLiNG BOUS - lit t('10-,oceuzijieti b>' Muttitea>Biakely', ou te(u~uiof'a Trtl- VoYurk Strce*e uihials t ii.luàalarge rani- itee oifu tif Ui lio- tu-maWms i îc ianue-il îiîed fsor a Baardiig- coure am Mr. Bu'îtîorj's,lits. rc 4,pabelu'nsamu. - liirii.d'ute pseso gict p tût W ol mia ttprteuiMu-sceMACKAY ê& IIEAP, -gait - -Sollitors. .1tb\SlaD AU- Lnt1a~y ct,27), 1865.32 .1V l>>ctcbt a- ET VU11A N 1R S' N ai) ctier Laînd SaIes. td R(iAK woOD, (siiop cmpeô1site ýMi. A. , Barrister; laiS (lXuuuierou's aid store,) ttnkfih foc the lihe-ý Peua.ttei'st-iuirut] patronage bestoïwýd on bin fac Ibe jnt 11t1,uai, Mt>MclIuaO I& 3 vears, liegs- to say tliaI' l i ltîli Trepareti to an1tu. 20îmrpleeut alorders witb whiblilerita>- erutI agndmILi b f1uîo, i n lie lateàt styles anti uithbie low-+ iibriolge S,-t-ceC, Linol-et rca.____- ,hiîteeî ad utitier iplu ans 'IIlfXr. Crosbi e Brady IdÎrfrtuines uudeTAVN enteti a PIANO A3 desiroi of - .2 2-lbt taking pupilsait ber residence, Russeli. sîtreelt. I Agaîl;utacaTmLur f Teryns madie kuemu oen aiplie5 tien. 296-1 dt Company Xfor th, idoy ia' ,85 )fthie Couny Builti- -Ž - KENT STIREET7, LINDSAY. MAN, Pî>iiaarge( utCottaiz, hock cf t Wellingtcn St. - l8tro.314- ýS, lieuse, Sign a nd Orsi 1'- Gi-saer, Paper liattg Ail ordtirraearefudiy filJj Siltp on WIlliarmstre jysicin ait urgeon andtiAo lae--ý-C ornteta Williaa Ley occupied by Mr. G am Gooti stable anti shted t.Iîdciiet,ý andi an allten- ral tiveaster aimars lu attendance. 14 teFree Omnibus la and froi-theiCars anti Boatsý. OD- Lindisay', Mrcb o, uSos. 192-t -an thîe CSUR OF -mAmàRRACE liCENCES, ýYM A NI LL A, . . 322 La- cd et. Le- ntl H. 121 G. DORMER, Soleicirk APPLICATIO-N wl ib. umade le the provi n- andi Exlendth Ie Charter of Ibe PprI IRape, Lind- sa y andi Benvertan Rj.al-aï a>'- î nud ta amlagamait thc sainé.iîv Lè etnertti ,.and Chetnong Latke RtUlway,(Iesapwnyi alsû fr*, pra-ril oh'Lsnd in aid oS ltssaid- raiiway extension andtai l ist-ill opening up and reu- derng navigatlille lIkeîi-s a ýti lier - ater Comunuîication ilu lhe Conuties of Pcterbor.ouagi aud Victoria;~ anti for alteir' jnrpioea. a', -- jeu.- IELLS; BIy Ckarclt, tri lrlut la -~ V1uited - ~ »raars bas ,etereL s- -a- - cuit~~~ StetLltsf' 'X M. BO-YNTON begs le iufe'm lte in.ai P. M.IAllit'N tanlthe 0 lb.O ocf Victoria and sur- 237 -f. rounding Sieunlies, t-t lias ejuened lte B.1flariterCattH el ounWilliam u treet, la tsi>'oecupled by bas opened aL 'je re5tt and ufit a isiI ked u unsu in addition tais edin iIr8t ~sty-le-, visitons will tlnd aveu'>' cone enoO Wia, Liquoe 6 qd Ciga.racf the beat, rice Albert Offic-q.ty Ovef Mr'. Hb8o;es An attentive astier nlways lu attendance. Ofie. - Lindsay, Dec. 16,. 1804. - 229..îf ýRRSTERS & -T- * t ~ ~ S Solictoin C han- (LATE-iNoRTE A MICAN) unCrS,&ç.kc. WALTONSTBET, -PORT HOPE. Doss wn w*goiePricuIl The's bscriber tpiL) tnfùz-fit *t6 t 1tit of Lindaa' and s et t4b g- eonti'y that i linus latel>' openetd ont a large and it4r(ed j. of Chairâr, %dIteti S-Oa-dt esus, Dresuin'g id thrstands, booking 4Ma-aimes, &.aI whicWh le wili selen.t inach - Ibwé rat« -4Jlwut have herelafort bm ukein.ê, LioA»%yý t Chairs anm8~4 d rai Jr C". 13 Fanerait Fumi*oI. Yuhbitig wil re- 501TC LIF. iL - i crleâ, o - ~uu.pa.aUied lte -1l'0Ibo; *,*,s li as. athée. ase4.3 eu peu Pa"d pric I prrat U~ ~r'y<~loJ~.Oid be4l u1ta.ni.aeaaa.,. ~o*Wor cash. &end for a circula-nie the manuifacturer, -JOHN B. £OIN8I< Lat' of Prices, J7eights, aund %zes of shop, and >'ocory Bell. These Bells-are fitteil with.Yoke, Standard's Cranl< and Boit, comlete fer use. ,Weig4bî of Belltautd Buémeter Cfflt.ofBeil aasn 15 lbg -7 in<*eg s7 20 A'- 8j t'5< 75 a ' 18 75- 100 '41 18 !e 25 04> 150 '< 20 3 7 s5 200 " 22 "5 1 250 " 24"62 50,- Lia cf -A caderny Ste4nsbaat, Pire-arn- SLh/urch. Belle, seitii air4ars as Io ta Wfeiglt,P1-jce f e 1s.* lBan-gi*gs 225 ibi26 in $ 56 1) 1 .75 .1 69 no )8 OHO ý8$700 375 .14 a4 00,- 22 00: 116 00 15 > 1J2 üO 25 0 13700Oô éloo 3î. 10 0O 3o0OU *.18o) da 1000 4( 3 25 00 ~42 00 -2920> 1200 4tI q. 3U 0 45 0 >-.j 3450Oô 1400 '5) 35<O () ZE0 <0 400 0 156Q 3 52 40(f.00 t-4 O 454 ûêi 1-004M) nIt .60 Gob 510 <i1 20~) 5. iG>00 6 0~5 10 2,5 -0 (!60' 25 40 1 >2 U'l, 697 10 3->u O 63 7501 1101 83 001 835 (0 ast i] 875 0(>01 81 (4)0 9t32 0 4A" or,! vo po .0l 0<>11 1 O 00- 4> 72 1125 Oli- 113 00. 1238 (10 5000 7ýà i 5q 0ý 123 10- 1375 ai) '.. .-r te'.' na>re Do ortie, ai25 ris. per pouftli. (;1-AAYTSE-AiIRelis solti atite sib(oi- -,-ice-s, u'aurante'J aga-inst breakaue by.fui u-ýiging, fiir tweive uaot, frt m ime ef pur- ehàsing. .Shesutd one fail, a.aew bell"*willbî' given by reitîrniag tbe broken one. ,ýýOrders, may bc sute thrcugh the AM£itvÂw Au vFi is tixG "- Aoî.icy, 389 .Broadway, New -In ýcaqe ia Bell breéaks afler the eiainof the- Warrattee, 1 alle-w lfpricer for the aid - JOUXNB. IIOBINSON, 3ll.-Iy.- -3(;Dey Street,N.Y.. .ardiedFirsfPrize aithe AgrieUltral £Xkibitio, Linddmy. EGOS to inforinbis Friends andlte- Publ ic thIat-for lte put poeo ena1iîng Iiffseif to cxceuac, in tiese etL perfect ma nnler, ail or- ders with whieli he ùa~y be favored-be -bas mnade lunself lhoroghly acqutaintedwith :al biue biteimprovemenïgsinlà iiýWrt; and bcin g supplied withhthe best aerias,ieias,&. bhe hopes ho produ'ece the CVarie de Vulte in as great excélience as ay made in titis proivince. T'h. Gallery is spaèioas andi favorably situated in regard to iigbtý utdis jropouneed by juidfes ta be rcrnarkably well adapted for the puirpose f making cort'ýccVikeneses.- lI~Po.itvey e pctx.sw~iVbe let euto-f tite, Gallery tli iPl id for.- Q4-Satqfoe(ongîuet. in esery case. *Tewt1nonta1fi. 41%We iivariab1y auppiy NMir. Francis 'witbth cit .)xtrest atid best chemicait that cari 1be ebtinýeti, atnd :helie-e-liim to bbe Ihorcügh.1y. WeqUaintted RNOWTLSOI; & GReGORY."ý 111 have rach lehsuire in certifying ta Mr. Fruaniss ailîyin regard Ïo bis beîng ablu lu ruake gpoilphotographs.- J. F. -OflSO." "The lictures haken b>' Mr. Fr 'anuda, of Llnd- say; are as goad as 1 bav-e accu frein nîany ai hebest llre. - -.-Wm. MIcDON;NELL."1 1 consider the pistographa of Ur. Fran clï, Ats good .and as true as any 1 'have ever scee i nEnglauîd, and iI bave seeu some, cf the-fiuest. - JAMES 1.MI. dotai etiWbmi -J tndvi til me tmp"esbl Ihat thii*pooýr .oarred fac idould 6~ ~ j q emo iape tii h rdoai.taka~~I 5£Ad te1tflOi pk71U ~qfI IQe. ~1 jeff r1em im* ~a e k 1 g"sas4ma . said-: '*We. storuw the fortp to-maorrow; Sing whiie we nia ôther day Wi îrn efb bfsbrrow rTitey lîy aiong the batte ry'saide, Belio*. the amoeTiig catnnon' Brave beê,toa, *oom. &vern sudt.i Clyde, Ant fr<ss the, batiks of Shapnon. They sang of love, audnfot of fame;- Zach heftrt reeaàlled a dilferent natti, But ail sa ng "Annie. Lawie." Voice .after volce ca.ught up the sang,, ilntil its tender piassion. )Rose like afnÀantheim, ricob sud strong- Theïr bate-ev.e cqnfesi0n. Dear girl, lierr nnme lie cdared not alpeak,' But, ias the. sin g gréw 1londer, Somnet ing upî>n tie. soldi, r4s cIàek Washed 09 tlite tains of Pawder; fleyond the dark'en!ng ocean burned,, The bloady. lsugee.ent hers, And one agitt a fire of liell ý:Rainet où. the Russian quarters, ivtih scleuîra uf gliet, ii nd b'tirst of elil, Ant b1Un'iu~ 0fthe mortars! Aid Trl ôaseyes are dim 1 Far a siger, diuub an.d grvr; Aud E-'ngtli M ~ary ournsfmehu WVho sang ofe Anüie Laurie." *Sléep, soldiersI stili ln, honûreil rest .Yotir trutJi aund 'nor wearli ig rTe brit vost are the teîîderett- PALSE LOVE &AND TRJE. rmIat ame In r'î~ alue i-c¾ i'r Mag iu l 1I- ut lier .ilpiitiLr wast'd iîi keOPîn1 bV4. eegonIlme fi uiu)r. well ie, 'wntvuI Ileraised bis eyes- ; tead iakeuli, l'ou are alor . e %, l. w 'l catini) ta. pleasedl her fat. more than any fltte ouhi lave.(dune.It1 But if yo-i du ;lot re_ý lite lotus cf yOur bIeaut, îît) 1.furcy 3y friendus w'iII set you the exampie.., They fiad à.liong, pleasant talk -togeth, And Bessie,_creepîng in a an bour later wi aer very red eyes3, foutid te biind tlrtwni and notiiing blut a musiiuncurti ew maggîe- and the full Sunîimer ight. C-la your rettira meant: as-a bint'ror me go01 inquired William, ririncr Wit-i: Ovide reluctance. 'I an araii1Tmlust plend rtiity,l -replit Bessie. 'Maggie hasï been talkiiig quý 'W h, v.e.oiy been her .e ten Minutes nYu mean one heur and ten minutes said Bes8ie, laugyhinr t aulrht.. 1 mil have that bit.nd downà agai n ; leyaUreyes a loteàkeayet Io bear ail the .sunshine.' ti h~si ;héd, but she Jdtiot lresi sed'NMaggie'a hand wîh-a letdern1etus-il made- beremile andib-fusb at thk- anme timi anatiwas tesiWoicail1y dismnisseti by Bessi 1 'gieleknug very much as if site sboul hae iktitareverse the dec'ree if àshe da.ro The nexti day StanIey Neweomne called1 mWqUire after Misa Mftfdei.' Maggie,-wF saw imi co-iing upithe, gravel path, begge ber friend ta have hbîm ushered iioa he dram ine rpin, ias if by mistake. B siC Ie tô, MaggýiÉ's -persuasions, ai:boungh é eIl net like t1leïe. exPelrmentàs, behîev2ntf i they gave maggie unueeasary pain.. 'Co sequottiy Sîanféý, was broligbt Unexpeéie, 1- ii bis divliiy'spresence; and whýat iiniy n o w , w iib lier c rre d face ali il re eyelids, âai nxrably tisilayod as stube lranceul lémet bîMwitîh an edd liale asi tou lier lips! t Slaîiiey kept _retrûating, hlus mo tia "'i oéen,,àand an expression of' lud;erous disrîn bdùkiig', Ma4"ie purspiing, and Staiile>' agoïly of duaa%'PPorImtrent at lier appearagic rud cowrîliy fear of iifecti(i, drüve ii nieariy des;peraîe.- lie made a starid ai las wyavinglitemr away. But Alagurie preteîtde not te .wmcdëtlrtd him, and stiflfield out li haîtd. 'Md , ail Stanley, dri>Veniuea ner Iiterali3'y n te:aàphvtsiral S, " I ai ,stônifiled al your-wauti *feeling aund goà Il~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~e 1i&llnbctsdi uieatbC-l us~i1titngie por iet it the*calm'aregolarot, and the gattant lYoncain - ýa- itît cotnpiete .sucross, gesimraîly, attectlug u omg cienec f-cîtuteu alelit oiiineuît ttu eou r ot ad t lit'cireiiia fer <a>'.it s th ittit andîiau fethe à odarting loto te ligitandl Mrewitueir ihird, mb orui antddestructionh 15 t~ihektawnà, and iimuay lite giv;cn iwîth -per- likei3e4vepol, lie scatteredlati,çantilte galle- about seven minuites smoe, the armv Watt 4y fect S%*tl-yat'ail tiie5, ant i ducs nt r4ujuire » .iu1 '>lc it in.evýU1ilig. till al a pîue doute,; 14 Euliagli faliing cri with bayoiîei tà htW.lha orse tic- kept front mark.- ,- J bIèssfoa rllac'miat, ke Iihaui-uwt'the elaymore;"frc te, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ývnng ,enrie l~-tct.adsctsI11 vmuu isa reýpree, aiou )e re;j util puht-atit, route tatal --and Qtee aà'dà(an- Iud ttre 0 e r-I 4' Cà., is on ea eli pýackag'-. brdIsdawjllieiufa Liril ada as firishr..Tis'e hing is yet uveil knoov cd - r'rp&Lnnt emtte ;Wl-ýsraigiti ihroatitit h14z lin. 1,() éery Fniiisiais ; anti tow 0% o1lfjin.- Fer pietars fàt.tlio Canadas. Sold by ail Médléiàe ' berscie;tiserilàtg is filedWietiwliisel!'de u l usbatftda . - - . ' - men agai ;theTeI hé eéahîert (ck - S ,u1usriamur<iiaS*rna-andt hecarcatus us îos-sedafcim'. The vie4rr' - - -Noone <111à-icî~wixtieî -îe~daobluud plumes,;are fahded, andi lie is carr.ici J s l a a 4 o S C u ý wi ta I S . b r i g t e * u 'e e a fs h k.., - r t n e î s - h l n a t l a ' l t e m e u h b ~ l t h e ,b o s o r s O h ;I u i s a t r t i ti t i ..t h î ! l m. t s I W e w G u l d l r s e t U i 9< Au aig thîlU i044 1114)51 iiil tpr pit q. I <i k>Jjl$ tîha .brîs utîaéîmtPruieyff idff, Farina"à it--lmIae -% i'i: iotuired 'li et inlki be~iri~hiiea ts vuenbu .a oaue jâ i Water, Lâvondir fkima. Vtgre, S& zgu-ealer , a li te- lera - .- Iae, cn'îsWIr.Saîctets, Pomaties, ig po" cantird e"_ulueà f rs .'.A1. 9W futl Swih batti260-, Auo:, Ccsunfdli ,fancy Seapt- ait anIt I'I ~ tà%éý Poiiaic« dr tthe heal îli cf eour cituzeus. Ilwr, re cr e ati eLncitiie mitI 'Fuie? brutubi'O, rei t-PUîm>sî-ledi~B - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wrps liý1nès nit->sie 'diog~i~»4- ~-a~p ~ l1êr4-M i, hu. -tîmalmiiv u mrIur thlLh*F e tj&..esIuies h otqtlt'IeIii ,,.qae&ia.inuisl Ase ( hr feIcnsat> j5s b i!4 a iteN.ô 1 j, àn, Vit te' lr u rt -nal mn tan riee '"OCdOI~ NTIKIWRY ne.mr scn'uaud the victair cf ihe tiraI sig. - blte .wbt ilimnt---"r omniw"éliw ai4 -isrival again. -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~wi adtaaise srcfaom.fir'br--Cm, al.r.or," .'-Uquit They stand hitri-brave sava-ge !-ýagîaist whc r Wq rel,the thoqght(heifirist- 'the Breadwavy side," aendmt3wlIay W* f. pa utoai 1ltird aatwriîst, and a feurtb, g4ilued »antd tiar toi e-b' Ofotda ilor tko altet sOPcttd petai lere entérèf ani red jqeig ic rtiait lfe, ho-Malleslitsi - -Màgie' - éttW.ue-;and Bslèts httueth ie undis'oovet6d itdeTrr et Burdéeliadjbiltgtuttobiog oi ynut "eemnedvery quiet, alei tb- h îbmot 'duU.pi-. iepl1ee liOîft4îu market, teba 4i ithaiesr tsppiutg aI Sute*enfi ften tesff ellr. Mys woias viré, wljeithe,$4sters af Chariîy-opeito bii&ieart. itow a childiessa wbidOtv, ber daug' e i u btiÉtî theidaors ln ierrar, 'WearyaMa~t- For îhe.fl,hinof men excuses have been A ied>-whiiat Bsibds c tui i liI8* *d-i*s6fiseiret udgvn;lm o aman's pratetor, and soea be w~lons,; ilat 'aleabugv uma fhi t hI ,bW -ised uI Ihnn-tlîink it ivel to train iit,> ta do batt1e-. But bier IbG are th. utiaew.p.-.~y~eflu1Wo'i~itod- falt'eiufîrn esy bis oc awatchîng sht ead Maggic aeJteucixtlled i ai ned noiaers..ouI lte hlws -~ ieiiv&y haicléers, ithat divide ttire day - untiring energry. t~ aui, - feelaqa le llwavtttheow-e w ro ién~haui itSC i ité @ün ikdeca used' sati <o cone Alitige; uàwt: 1lY, grizz!ygeuymntr -cageot lhu',wstd, sîm -utIle st brutal every morniutg ait six o'Cluac>-atd read'tele giilw d seemn; nearly haif-a-u- -1antit inex4t»nhlciý Mary,- whit1 Itidieti up Iha' pLact- beW-'e SautI .eudz,sits int a' bas iw pubar millier- i -Wecamex way, as if vre had seen se many - sartint bwork. AI-m orgr sdt ngy~neigsîesap.lebloais rIeat mariers.- ladk for bn aa ,yewoîd eiv.lik-e atit sihmatic porter, wti asgrekat - When -miss was taken iii herseif. Mary hgtsatl iaeti feuîbe'neati- a deai la-i 'ritted sae Uiit, the daebor said stie spoilt all ble; andia buthe4âi *Lw.e5 f i3fuh- BCKWHF AKS-As h uk his ýmedicitues, an J ibat she itu1l (lie. nB,, ed foueltead yoa mîay lay yeux fist a;td, feel wileate uhas set in >again. and griddte- ut semei sadredfu, astub wasaiwavs*~ < bjng :uuulii Hiesu~enuer.s ave caL-es are stili in favor, plrit- i l pu :îtliiiti of:me, fôi lber ita bave it ueduwl) iti ttitlyulee*ve île5 revetes cumpLabîltaositch a beautiful, kuid3-lIl a pmdrtsarm-e letî Wiil -us v mvirl'!bainImuc s A1ioî to - ady, and may be taken llier 1 Y. ..a> an Ii he baie, b 'uwîu îaili% ýavaauui itet.lei uu:r u >m ti uc ha 's xi-t li as Iormale fi deli eve if dilt<iduu't kilt le,.'gure ta iescentrai figuire a shaglitysavuige- us-~ sjus ~es e mttei But NIrg. M-%ynQ,I saId Bssie, înx0Uusly, lness, aslite rfl1he ,tiily stariajie n -Ii$9acv ttf-buck-viueal Ilour as Ilu p-ite'ciua r-M.4ius arsderu dii ot tue ipaor Mary fer great palits. *uV u fitl>y, stidjen, ýg-tta - somne lime bufare site diel ?"lee lrtg om mney, Zeff'VI says 'ubotin-tionw i.aif tht pedple cal hyonî lor, blessyou,unaar.sIlMr. ye, Mr. Zoon. -plia, Jco uks citri-ten "bt.i.kwlieat ite wasliere a re-îding~r Iiy poor girl t IFue-olar l or I1w4 burnj .aýi (il fitoirs the vcry mornuuug she w.<, -loki.furever~~ says Ithe riant. * - tOcks lierseif. Ste-sudta say slie gni!oîlnb-t Saholehvsagri1atlua, while ffk i aestI~e eua alivay <if uiayI!tts, tue lue gn'lt up eamiy. arwe a1il tual-iu, andi whiilie d!-aweo1 dsnsb-iý f).( c-ancacde rtutitu>rsami ,- - as geuaerally lie botoe ii :il hl >ac yeP u, Mr. Z,)Oil tept.i.i"a t r, autua a kg of btckiwlwt mei ai. six o'cluu'k. 1 ~MC h omue tu iipet-s lut- it lit'crock, fue a qutart(If w-it,- 'Mrs. ~ sai ~ v.,~. ~ Tîie~&s u prtie'.?eok.p u ttairs in wîh alosoat i! aI ii -r yuuu shu.tld ui-l,,(luave.iiiudl udS~<Mr-eVrya s~è" ays 1%1t. Z-sOn tleus-ilbulitedi,- ei.Sti- in itacal,gradudtly sif;ing deu lumor Itu îîs. Ioiu-utpt-vodoiila- uud . -il îrogtuo le finceis as un rne ngInflian you knuw, uiai su'I - iul-urse oitptps uu t le proP* leter meanwiie losamiablei r -stf fi l uiglul bot avoid'l.' asi a cauibtilalhMIty min lulî-g. .... n g a-Il ieta sîvu Poor wiolovw, bt1111 ssait it 'vas jh-'r u'î*raspé'îefally. , tu'.r' f) a bat' of bu'eari carer lte anud Wuuiu'î buà sLe eol Pqa.u tutu'Nobot3- "Gro-- "-j uu' c;--,lai' s outte WtuOen dlii ever %Vils 5ore t-C srY titan 1 s uiva uî -lIthtu YOUuuu.a supt 8! tuailethe itand of* Mr. Zain a bIH lîC à'ifI >et il b'lnîr]the e lakeep lady w>' t1î- H itiu reu 1u i -il tiluab il » ie uu>irt Itcî)(.Z->" Ilat i virrmi. IfIlle <rot-k us pt'epard liuh f j iudi ( i t l wunlui bc> as tirnuu t roublet il tnfot. 'u rpif rwttw-rs. --! 1,.1u: i il,- 6ina.k Ilit- vean i , il ulotg %aiiw> ul iiettrý i mit-innî Çro ~- rad e tste Mwa"'Up ur, r drîv i tti 'lt n Axoultol bave bo.it litilicu Iltfor SIrs. àaieu î-r zuue 1'ry larii the renre irtect a <lii -o' , ~ îr, o t~ueoii ak i î - -lu-re e-t.tuiMV.1i1' l, tuuu ol"'.1.1, 2~ u tuu-.,brokut îîy t-uc aotînd Wl u- h at ait miitit~ r i n iî îl i f nt of i.elýv sIo*uite i li av- u - h~pit 'uy fw~ i :uli 'e -' utp-o'u l %o-i..,s'.i V 'l I l et ttr, o ; lt of -à eu-al ut. - to tviît tuie~ hu tt tltde itu i*r. Iu uIeuto, ti oui elu4I o ifien notuts uts-n-o ctlrIf 1!j1<otv-Itmr-r*' '.vO o-lut- l'or lier Uli holitai io lotit iidt) hoank * tx l.îîu it uvunu.b u. kuitl s i- reh.a tt rea ui!ietelb'1 lu ',i fOL> titon-ultïfti -. -a e kU ~4it.tIit ~ue l-uv shooîettd. a-~i ti p io -*> ii il ilCuli si tai Ii e j cr i> ieeîe tlttr t .aktiuu tîou -Id dnt. -l. l'n- l' 0 a auk ~ ~ be aa03 etaî ln' ualvula il afi suesene rs nrdl'.îtie t te ,nhîcklîtcke.I'e iloudb Uuu-~ tot Vog i . u iii lik. i'inm muaesi m icoe eagi uite if, wbeo h Ik, ois a lfîadtul->' li aI thrce lei iitithi ittAniliecmesancm thazessite a>etre g -jetare leAti bittiantthenieiÀbi-%ir'.î tttc h nu 11IY ShuirarqlurIe cireit-g uouud ler eai anI tnde, sfi ve.~ta shrtstutec, bile-he-11titnrvluo- ssideut net.,o oubllv lease 'ou liet as carl>' asip hi edul ia1yau >1hose. Ite'Wh r ne cockwhener h-etaroesas uie aii- g ua s > cae ovre w: ianuîs- icliooî - lue cou. Titis enîieuran takesa- chairut tue cdIidwatut Oto:d Ilid ya liecudla~uera ii tierug u sieseal- - ,iUr bee anet!chéatn Besyie-!ei tiwhe ibe pa7irs lca inml li tte tn ta crwd( dry. Tiir irer> Fld bdc mre bac bele sgin. tiein.ofTfue bir ulnu'stats aen! AatalVasi h r!ýk a i gae h-r ietrisîmas pa vr;, aton dîn t ite cadi t. dit iss ekuiii jlgtea iiof, ars iresi t f liewiù b ittaste aecou;t o u f a un: l' e prgrme. auJ s I %e>' Newcoie cýaine, c1Mliael t eerci priati is adu, iess aidt te are fQuitc, is I ]bae ufiontîb ndfî;vot ae liearbs kiee befrre, Maggi;i l te corva- tliard and e l rge aesai eg loet h lbeGeat :"-" 'tbio 1 lQer.,oe, niglut !' et. li'e tiîn e e eatu caeto pcr esade hcratîdm- pred tcef like tsu'are calsfadbeilne >' sfiruar fl~S.Lîrtc a wy e >s-oieftat o âtibea atuoelcf oeltaéy.a aiet sriar lngsitr>spar f bigti abe dnrjetrei-i g eaing on. voefonia il, iuerli liai1 fre ilineen ieturiCaugh-tlimel -'tinais lembr tefeis sug ttÛicj ienl ecudn nrf ld n Qh Iie iîeu1, MTd itilhortbgoeuen t.îom li aular renbct te.l mar, i vesliiiisc rtesiî.lh plte ta lr ie ihssin Ie in. ltad i formeri> eiad tandtôeruot erival,' hr, eutdfbuafit ing îaked ness ,-l10 tuere nia dtuleofîbe ciln en ue la adst le Neco williatmdedolve i ld Ime b2'tifeatthi§arfiklea cranl, btlie il, if faut ivii lticn estrise a ttesisub- hot tais loly pstecuelut oirt u mal re sie came ket-'aarich0 e ek ueaasd lierdin--. I-ientr e ret fhcneced came.in nulre t.honyti flhawer tds lit-ho m :Tu w,-iteanad nk-tie, cir litecckTthe ih itlo atuil ad. at- it- lt el e ar b>'ford, andrn, oite-du d1 ie'fae e!' reà 6.cmb 10iiitand-eas la h-uve al]ctn i esngi--in ue¶cw i cult sauey ti.ue h at Blieiri o!eaa.it e r hepréan:la i-enof the tan etu sminsrugltroietiwduvdecnS ihi hr iu i&very itine re Uic-, telBs 4it -le na a! n The 'ord i nul us exclntacoa> m iaeap ioau.huse ue tb aîive Wof luisiumble aiitita, Sd2ta ).tilroseaved qilleoow's. te - , ficit an otte Teafli Iz-.11tîu lîl ipplu etint f inTa- ut- rl ompi - ety.cand qird auuyIcreni u cae, t roit iee pari (if itsbav pe7tattat ovalebe s t uP- îiî ' the.aun cli voandb t>t daat-t c te uervt Tfýhr-elf 1b ao xi o' iônal rthtej late tib> hle ternai siaý_'ofc.r:. 'tots,o-' (ulus pof pled, art 't 1isekith ra etié Sagie ine thcam e icI uî- litrd inl'err-p-a c gape i ,iaog- lie iraste theard Ici te lcu e,rne paofae_ clti foc eéarcnetatsin, asnoilsre beatit. ig fitacea.-vetara*.owus rini iQhhsbtaot G e te in aili ct-turiutat la uote rs ia. tlheroni lttr s i o uld -ita e ind t i- beuvofftuiken9 uan evrybotis'fai;epsbi s o tîîuf IlleS at.cuawrtic ft r a. lu axo-e~e és tie ih (j!tay ut oer s te-rane tra mtt eau uiuatuttus t s recealng hes p-kes, aiottigsiihi.taleadntatuatii an; eulhuo.îaWolf e rc L t Malgie a butilul attî iieijliting . uueliteoiolabniusus, u inl uvay, ailuvere "a h, thooisi e alu e' o bi ýtebernIlaa l eo dei figu thé.s tleei o lie pontervaorybaniupr feprocŽsiiibà c wiukicsh ho ionas .l d-sife %rel[ trlhy ùiAt ar." i 'i taout a-e, arum. Bbc>i hatibe are ha nrrg Aahctamtriemeualiilay l-ita 'd ag i -omnsas w ey (as lie afierma d celec S. liaughU etr i aparecois.-pteluoing man, wiîlaa sonrt 5dm enht 1crscueitgt.t, e'yeeu ut. deiitfrmi en> ni ieynî1oul r ttrti tîigedpi au tiken.ssatu lasraeonumiains'deof i-t cit, ldtbcsta nei ta- San etle domiieiprn o' hme a Ited a- t-uesoftibatc h e -ir ai l or ! bu s>th ' riigitîg Ul.A itantherprsai b>'t u 'bt ur lingo bt c ttl _-, tlie muet ards. uit ie, a Tuèae crr ld ktis baothe tiers Frehéerick îa bthîuttoit i et anmatlont-e lie a! sax by mWsali ier ut aCc ace-3ttof ibc.ýnci'Ougn ;a idpr>Qrane ieraya ilpatsbcMnclm, but refreihs- ailthirnev luipies luberesoabe fi-ual n the rid ng; i'th-n trr rko f7etlesiyiug a ho ver-eady. Miniti'deseai frs- t bef hios lu irleum t. - îtaiy oe ailr ie aso' bdw > ie guI-ro ouil direaht t Illeirpe ~ouslle T fil timpltey, (7nqeed nd res lile ader otebund flgtw eig' tlieeraernd (ta sas ient> !"saliflue bythe: 1-ydat lîo hPcne-aoy ITe, alwo - vc, hortlanterlngb3; ri-t.etie'eiiig h. ijeis poie lu hi Appoe unI :i"k TIDE ON) ThsE.y i. eics iooe-r hed ihir ads arh pbaiîuiykIui ugeî t - 'Fb. birds arel heardg Ile creahalimtlli e wascf bi aries Hs ner sa- me1aI f lorsei a tiilna lx lide-anô! -ui . b,t a f;the>' oe r ilovis fgalt n eilicir adiu siàrpsiltaoeru, preiii - otr Idiears; us. ftkin il not lip undherliuk ic iessure <4 ,)bbc tit nd Ier sad ve itedy ks.uylu and tue battlcis, v-il lpock n ie prsI.d! oul Illt4ant.i ticks a4 i i asgtit, l ich1Oi>-foltlit a îh, ilkssand piondiut ordr aioen iifanm yo'hi. itie shtrvlL l. netig Mawie- hand gauif-ioanho.hen î lcutlty 1 rmni abo'em ati u;'- iereitte Abi, voleaig te atri'iouth Eto-a gMel ne taa odtotecies rcî- odctjîîio wmiugelea4~l wy si fIuruit rseto oefui rn rii ~o pot "ce - 1 1 . 1