teSe aUUOGy oCps. i wbich tt-iW. &a ChiIsinaas !Dq mat aa tuaosefflê we bar " havel w awmeb bI~ XW DRMtbêoiYnv L'i .TOT T& MIN ENTLUENt' -URAATMNT fect hamis r. eeiyu lur . >y d teut), vas oi. Esl.0fen -U amt inope-, ~ IUs ~ mmStI~.>w at ain-al, Norvil, 9sii. Woaihcr,"M- ifu l " *6is Tbe, bo niegbon, Bam W i Wbut et al ake- <llbr.u~abfalw4 Y t in, with m"ut.7 e.i"ar,àoo and soseon &Montw o Cta o res "wm0*d nthsh ranch pI~(i**,p~piia l<>$~of inatymuet, b, u ag« rnd everythiug séwugespo,8,SL ~.tosepromiises tibatthe er itstw*mof fiae will - ~ È~~08?vo- t wo ua m à( ybost li kir- ~ ~i1 ~ OhaU". eh inl1teeauiutv spt Mohaa~ mltae o AIorjei, ilu»Wboylmg up the. fiai aboi 7$fll.-êaUug a a ndi ..ai mth W~â~oa oh uit th fibre- '"id &W h*vik »frm4iLThe atesi tNt, Of 82- ,a ruuf UJ 4.0pe uabet ait ~ ~ .. .. a'- . w«itboa'* U"*Ma~ euy il pwurds - ZOS.'isirasggraluhated on the ~a~uoswhiob oui Ru' îî eppêst4qi as Mte ne mmg *~~~~~ 5j~1~g ,f;l, Shooet heiipo..ktffl.te aboisheti, f. pr.bl brarles eotià; ia hnldadri t.9 omlteAg I 7MA0 roI- entee argely inai Vrpu>vug. Tht mi' t4 n* totalsatihtu(h ohool Wmd .-inn operatioiand iatïti of oouutraohion, blie libratmin lUlppor Caada W.. wvî i isure a bus.i à"o for ahiltaI ma ~r49~ U; oauaÊltg 98 of5b.raù à I ti bgttuse fài @orne -.ierese,6,7L . it atkluawh1 lb. anul.uruiof te- madmd end gs.v.uss emebês, inotci ity say *gag iujmriouIy,.a hargor bqn maud iWt reiritid: frais yjid i l * fabe iafaet*.d and con- "Oed or uir-t-meahtrfum4. sumat i an Cmiti wtIXbe a imIanat. thm Sdi.4hft*euômg 84 o i ls!~f.*t~iy ~hta.- hala ~um~ tIng,! 1# huebht*{iq «e thereva bbâs um au vs(gmtl"Mite r.; 4pen eof utIl4n1srpvIke amour ova < ob silbasrin,1%4 vagse68CUutit>' eottt fur *Wd toMsart t leapi a a ~v.mg,1teke : .rzW as mill for« ' we,.e .bosu. Wot u ï» Thet alleamoto *th o f Ibtiauaerstaai o»rW£o,*bWuhei4rom -ment »*W #**etbos ednùt heftd *uX experiénéted MIut4-eiaooffiaithal th"-t tq..kII JIcI *V t j à 4i,18are aftéifit e ho çi -of Victoria p - à a cS*lkçqia Upper ÇCa- cuéliaiy aitaptaci to tIo gmwth o f &anti of îeirjiueahp~u bto as17upr Can ~ar urnîaaheP. W. have re.try b.a iintat.d u hat amt cesi 10_ th ppimqo o p- *4 eut lovunten *a bout tlocmmtnre.the tbwwt, tv.n*wgs. and.so16 Oecion or a tt1ll, I- itn tht hlimils -af a ,91; 10 tut, es.424,585.le it oporaî aio afi *attuebiï h b, case the *nbr of.Graitmar séhooli as vo est ntiàthat il woîrid uuol oly b., in IV iltvu 95. la 1864, tht 'a remineraire esustwtsing tuthi. anufzc- f pü4 ateadiug «the Grammar lterr, bat- alse-s (têarbom e t héproducer; ff 429t;andI1864, il vas 5,589. la short th. Town ansu umoadîiW country ho suambrof CosarteaSCIoGIS vawu ould b. - gm îy#-ben* âtW by ach 'an1 1964, etvas 4,9n.77. la 1854, iiii. eute'prl:e., IProa-SahoIareportai, vW»1)117;.- _ wus 3,459. la 1854, the numbor JtI Itiâing the. ComsmutSchooe wvau- i 1864, ih vas 851,8 'I lm 54 By thé. anavat .f, * cw" maIs1vo ai lit prèvîdWA ansi uxpenmdei-for Coin. hlteCam .Ms onapdec p uruos, vas $75430; -m,1864 J sendèýd.Mr- 1juh Strks-is fornauly it vwu $1,2m,31& -gazetteti a& Ç ________________ ofJamazea, Pm ITas a>p àAet, Pnedd ýlng the lus tain.eaqairiee 0f Pu*liapot, aoe ibrton ù,1 and Raroorderc fiyofmw86&ê Itewma'tbmfix-masmeber a ing of ast.ssp upailnotésunldr 10s en thé 2lýat, f#lovs .-inel vas fm 5 25 and iiu1...........l1cent He was setenct $Wasa" oe bau 2... s -itit. Q'<onm 11-00 3 r5<>and afteorhiq ~,The reveue thdne obtiain.d ilii oubtiesi 'earli.s ope th 14t fotup a- gondi round #msuisdring_ 1thé year, Change of pisa thoug, tbs bmua[.othe-aot -viii bo.a pitod_ lt l as murce o0f mnmat. mmy.- f rrment îeai -- . tratAirtisat>' Tiit amzd Fa bashmjuat entertd in Inn.nexti. « -!'a' Canada Frsrmwv on itls soooti ea of pubIhi-u. ltyeirnsh rfarmerwinb.the ricS Ooughî bu subseîribo bey, -anid imn Iforit. erfiu?*in ftttto-* IDr. Ryoomn Chief auPiitemd.t of! kddi-' baak raes ue - atio? a>u <rp.esbt ehoka a'vieil laeach- in orer Ioholdy Cou*.-ëolCn- esy aft-aurn raots0f ilacoolo~otantiote frienis Thas.Nugent, m ofgeasralsdscai ut vho may hink prepete îbe uùfiamee - at.mteétiTht Csuaretlosfwr ibis ny the finas, v w 'i- *11155ho in Liatia.>, on Tutod lyýa>',-tii. re ou- thom i&3h of Y.bruary. at 7O'loouit evening . progresett. liül, ththoua. EL*ÔIIOLThe furaiir v The acupiliélections in thëýTo dipbuildmunghvas è rO omeuurville tornimnalsalus f>iIUint l'rWmlNo t-Jiasam olus> a auyitry, t I *'2~-oknYl.cau»dby a dl '4-JaMU eOrne st wa&e -' * <lad bu mtin u &Mr. Fou, ite on, vo bavr 20vu~ o.emtad tj 49tovsahiâ#p lithe Of diCompan 1-Ci y" lef Witiu's.o ha -g ît. l o t t . b F WnR M t. m p ub cu vhîol vuptda r0~J fltaa.b and'1tiI fl uniOli4 ______________va___ verbe mieham >' has given p ,o to a UILVu.mdk7O 4.us0 (iiîw <ý"Magtswl Iï- 4gm ay be eW 1 ýÏ,ï . 4 itral andi Gore mu 0 probeontiot I et uSili Gurey, I.. a, consented W,10 4 tt V de*wood OCn iftr*aaon andi f.Iy. ayéars' penah sen eu qqtiaut spect wed, exprsssod ut. 9voalt Icb.an:-ex- ire hies-selenc. ex- that the Fiencit Go-- uhuusv from tht ex- gland, vhich expire revoit of Circamati lsat Mouel,, Tut" Were hat. conol but thte besineme ai a cluite af' a hoiday md fuir dimui i ýPas tua ouoko the resilenet of Mr. set%'vat dimyeoreo msal promipiiinde,; ina short tlime the tayed, no,, bovevar. I tfmen the flamI.j Iby removvl.. The The origiai or lb. fit. p.od to har, bos a G. Wqivraa tram Wuaamu. Id.gU( liii. -.7 foe M10k PM*$, -Ur.-T«eae. Nu ni01111 i wil M »I %4dm s (17 ld t&8hUj p h007IQE er Jeff Davis, .41 .. u. .ad~rntin~èwt1h; T HE FENIAN FEUDW. - , .1 1 phublâm Xe.df'. d i oom1u a9 geYý, The Fenian. Conirenunwhc .ç. e4vho- a. itir4 * Its" bshud -'o à il Wgu111 11111d wih tbOoli Wglaîuîi i ethî iy-next Tueiday, PmOim i e éb. of- of die. a.1S.SC p& W~ae~l~ ~~o uw*a i.hr.pto"More Importnwce h~IIU1 as ut &QI suppoèted. 84~ ~ 4 autIbopan of ailn. eY, flg uglutn for.eg, rani dumgiî.dw4b 1h. , h.i arfmy nuitii raIuoof$2aJi 1>a 0 1'clck on ueztTnes- tiwhin I4ba4@iued w itl. therrisinilia1it dy îuumg Pot i ara eavttet __________________________ lztf.oe tifid, Ib h th. Comdtov. They 1,Upý%-rd ni 800 deerates will be prellint. "wâ*.Im Io" T*theU.WAfY' la*d.,the etsresi iquadcs of trorn. Oîa-teîiîh 1i.m'mhr of each of the 40- _0ûuy..milmwg atite*top 1<mitlir voicex 1U'Mabnny.)-solpotng Fenian Circies af ibis. bi',g. .. il -uh.as hsry tiud *verh<eard. oiay wi 1 1ho deailèd fur ithe porpsée etpro- Thq b SerVn~ oder drht;lte a*sioo,. bît*iOCou- a spoelà vha.h wu .weil vsoeived b>' th.e . -,b~ ila yu* !laisit muathat M!rw oo«esqîuWèWffa.ailîriwlpioud Wwnu' tîant chcl- veui. S-b-if lie Seilor'ilpait! under- Faewio etO COl4.ifh oa )îîip-*u dio4 tcm Iof fime i se.Te~ ii ike 10 make a d~wmne hr iIpo 10 'i wo<4w fl10 % Idr ui~ ~ ie ~ at owr iewî~ ai ie dy'ta Du.îîyr m it. ro antie > fe<nr h là*d% le, er4 .11 e nas iotr. leg « tcIisýlff th @m oj uld~~t hecvnin i hai of thé toitship of, Maripo-'& tairkl Ur lu _________ el, j1dress imç will dimcussu tb.oorïin aand gîowth JonFowItv lou" . oftlgDvotw 01171idui, I twrhanidi Mami .àI'W "Y AN EXPECTlD- CONVERSION OF t4îiîe- dîfen1ýiolI r-whicti nwconulse the a. . I. a. i. , 1dUpO1 haradif coel8kCot %veld belle Lp.lilel .t ii -ilefi'wls~sto achre the ï6suig. Ne:agpin reviewed iamcpaia hon r'ilEGLN.wrth ca,îess, r-mAate les Wiliitnwa: hi pau a. ns.i. oil. aîwa l pasmore lisait i aotl *ubu'cribett by A.bhpM .CrInl1i-abi thltiberisinit of- tie' CLW&veti.il shetw but 1cdo thêîtk, M "utu, ht a M ram Boaeru~ . ivp tht wm1attefnjmrag 0nttould b.end i. Bearker semîr.> lakt-* ,a homp 1u1 vie'v uf wmtrr~ a ~ ?ee itp~s~i i.deAmy il galue b. dirnt aeet ;aud e.siy wil ~I aîttuvn1mtii t~ll~tkE.. iaiki1î,sotcuutCi, l l l; a uv ig-it l ai.: MttlrD'ahuîyrw. conoldait hy fxrets.ug hi ple.tarout phie.ê airîhr nhai1 -a* flort*listane, tuil let a dé iumi tte ivere nlngd 4tice J tensî t11 aua~IIi oviin Sact1&IýbjPxmoinghi pessoue t--ptiW fchiîtliflnithé te-utpe11ing iu uiaoCfloleClur whicl, amondet 1w C<>iittttoli, Was "'î4iïff. f1k.. ed," lu uailonFailis 4uchn iexprai ssîolte hIWe ilicai lti- ýnmig , &o mau.y J.i arakpyaet the 9 sy eieonai, Wa....e.hm . h. leAoehi;-IiauF;tsaid 1 uu. ttepe.soi0 Canfa k abiive tto Falle thonce ilia H lv diruhtk o l t unch Itie.westera int of<1Bi-'lt lt utw tnCfff>eri i ghtmr Il auhe;e iiaatii. hae i tr épe« -i Sm akýeth, pfuie ad Nar -W0 are col>e #o place asinIu10ii befure 4nü lo)Ahible>', eafitîqcof o.ïi ai Bavîut paaiuîu tyue ii î'ftt'hie Sonte, iiilste meabilime, aedevatirg Tus ouî wat I eunnamzd i a tptltlitli vmelry aive lauj 'ppotmeit, bu,1their be eieg is awima rew leeu etirsad@rê . FièW's Pftq.MaI, but viii du liq8Tis soto reitd oli.t- ir eïwl a lînt< k'At » r.-:t-3te oanl idettngrdeeu and,-n : Ihen fufronttîî.î imeawl hai-à-f au ithe Cours of -a 4 Wo. sip f ieeotSwwrvile, Bux!ey,-Eliidu, wlsdiie.:IhmfrVefrLfne uiýeo r Thttuetig ui ho4ghîioa oo~.byCaronTbraha i Mtra 'b, esi t imluiy. Fur thy lissd tlver be-ti. ýwiil pert.h-tnpon their statndard.'- cheetafor Ur. F#wW id ui 1hQpasn. wiud i bv@,1ItW lV*nage,, diiat ,î__ 1 aw iiy 1.pidth of otue moil a Tmur r.Tl twnsijmon t841 Ille t -Runmut r terria ~ n ML'.e-1hî,tu - onicompare die due.-1NEW Y')"HRAO.-Ihave ofit le,î tg C*~4 i~4 »it@p1t oa s Weil .as aseii.the b. eKtle-ment aiofiatrine-Is iu. Luty CatIîuic it' Rtàu&an o1s!1îiîg wu e Cn.umatr Toîabicr ~w~udIaitt-<' r. oii in thaideoi u. Cbtticli w itihtht eprsrt*owh:h. the ir rellxmlnîîIt ofihie w York aeadis. ba ar n.ld1 nM eam -, Ior.tîamitg"aty op, Mi'. Efito.w q tâîm~.uts ant i'iveteaoriexiimade> [hei utiW~ ceît an n us od>;fra Esq., etrongOt4 theforl.Iolowing :r-if mî0*b. weil,1or ounr R.eve tmecal a reçaîi tab-h bçlieved in ied aiday dit it glis.li- a maler ai course, ie. musi be vell knoMn. "Aith de. lb Plloi Tesdyub aiVoeltu ais nd nvîeMr.FTue mes) woid t'a-à.t a-sie theirt oid îrerjudiceiý Lie i nu ess a pe onagat than hMr., J, At' hewinvs t.tsi ut:- ,aiddr osi, it.s afd.l- sure Mr. Fwler ii<.aa tiu #hviLj h.a'i., uî.Doyle, formrnay a repoh'rfor the. Harailtoi followins w&îqý *oiwiili lesu-re bdyli Fair ab. *. .siii(iea.. lvruiit fte- ïEcniag Tinues. 'heM.r. Gray owned Françsis MeEktoy 87 aWi by theIi.-ee ve <> h îuîm-am eaco rul rie',o la ats, bDoyle watt senu wTutonlo' tedo 1£ieharI FIfDOfBM. ...88 Tru.îtinag mle ew remnatrm w*iI ctaitforft ichat itien t-ee.amdlm iuniîon o<f ils Parli.mînetitarycrepneos e Juinea Ta ler.- .....8.... . vesu ale Wtpyr a m Ai aeilir co>umtîty, ftin the palace ut il.. iLegî2;J.i fail& t.. oirie up to the mark, mai as sen Patiiak M tfi 1 i, uni ai Public- meeing i. called, ' taure and ofi'ils Quteat, ýlowrltao-W hume adil:t. 'Suhseq tufy e gôi control of th-@ John Soott fraye e o tter ié othots îdrenmt atieiag fep-Kir Muail Ii ithesl..ast îCtàriwaliFreedoldr, bui.it vhaaniae- Sotmon, Thosapeon.ANRT 55. hmil wi h igit oflthe tatly failli, and Ivarmds turteti up iiils It;ersolI.,wh.rI h o Robrt Irwm .............Si he hu'contsolatioul t heir only religion- nmaiw fr cOe lim.T.ec o et James Knlgh4.........49 FnlnFls a.9 86.ailte re,d lto ltepim ~tanmd the eotnuxu- trlait, amîti b ho cuming atiuehed talte Ad- <eo.»deit«.... ... . . titan ofthe Umiver.-ai îhutei thruugat Ile vrtisr here, he wruîe qtyktc freely agaitiit J.ohn crysia........5SMTHX Ol BOT f cId. *M'at waei. kw daeain of he collier- rBrttisik uâtituioits. Whtm the Souîlîern ar The. five firo #tiassae thé Coaneillors COUNrlY ROADS. sien of Erglanti." . broke out, lie mPaniagedti obtain a comuiait- OW4 or 166.Ail om i C«eà*lbe-way uror nîer lie suceeded inhigeting co« 0oe excèpti atg Mr. Taylor, il* hots hieEàro ol HEMNO <<TILnecea dwiii hie New York Herld, maaSfi- seat forue firat rne. Sîx-As ltequsiio of improvinw the A- îairv Leiame ils Callaidiatacurspuht EÀs,îVexitmgfore nlrutheîl uhic-ui i..reeiet !adn mat..li urCAinyqteattg t meetiing fa.been belti a? Cooper T ~ituîain vaaWA'vvaav.-e ai-305 'inossi ehpsou r t»ap le. ~~Pl ak hop~e' harst ' itr~igittaîî aln pa-tr o hisset 1vit doîlis lefiu s rntîb er bs E g--sîL~e,-inoalri pssbe,.a..l bia51n ra 9t it rle10ioe of F i e 0 x- k~ citteali.Duvid ur i. rim ya s i bes maise tfi sunts aI of fii elpnusital, i pg, Toas aîli oco. p eimfrIe, l '~îiErîut a fpowers iii (bis attmit-s aiutit it eîpt headis.JLryiUon #o jle< iiIa.1r possiblagel anti sluîl u itr uîn jrte lai.IiletVTRA Hu.ihr Iaasn o advrtas net. - te ayrreIl.tng:ions oUa ub ic tuttI iay adn atir ite MotiGra. B rit t i -iltteP" Miî'u liésh weea-eils ag uffia de liat itt ai>t I tihmia> ai aêct tti r "ua0 tittli t 'lt e y.,peswl r-etr A*xiv ima n.Tu ac as iho n> uliim ansi lasot V iaat-lesfilewiirco puros o(îouri e reuiaiig"1h. sb- -l i igi pua.. h teiomei i'e lmim Amr- i haei'.S> uiîwtagtIhCatcltr- tiare a Cun:mniuee a~ponmfted -u co-operat iute.twe~i My ,ire atiaî.taeÎ ier but iit1asut iufo.Mr egsuiBii Il seatt got epon abth hst, ueutiffe *ùu 1»IO îlerautowsî,p iilserCajie 1 >, re anduit taidta iètsl waaimil einpi laî i tila andy pi R. Jon $it. ,o(Bowmafi ii -. eo aui*essîêmgthe pu0'. afhiPmlert utît'hiîik Ila Peudeîthsot iCr. LeaicdrigM.IDugi~be WU- sn~~t lu 1e, re list mg im #e ratepubrliu rm Mxc.l eeaedtîiIic îil m raa e L - a Mr. Ciifor Tati o. whoh a mot -sceesful ffaî, 10k feling W..ît.~m hoa lltIld-lias hve bemirîlst y smfi&M1 ual tae( dyf or i Yorkt c(aîàd.M pla. u b.Tsrg' 1*1.Nuuaous abes t qÎf iest»î. ur P'W't'tuy ai » a Mo ieMx.nMphi 1 i iy Wi.iîgib'i r a > M. -u F~~~ru dai rons ndrîl a>nîn fie idirala t e Cuu-y'tci ikli *rohale Th7ohe t, ltmtlct,êrr.1g rtd ub.ee IUcfue iv r anetiagliai itoe eperetmednu ilf- ~ei~hi.r1lit', siiiIi.alclek. isiîîAmer-.pri god bigsprrzedbylie adesofth utuy iîu obuinag îuy. a th. peeil uaI -thet very gond autlo:ity- ut il i'fl .hér, lmni.ofiary' iervim-'s ion ecto tmli.s CWl lg e'rvrsaiqZeonlaryWa. Mepeatin h.e evron ideir Cuîi upse iWrosnbe .Uil tu siffle lèiqtedv àtitiisileUUO , hvebli - Th îe.MrFrg fh Caauli b. ivicioaàt arcuharize; l"e ~5a Cuiita le aipeeWtttu, beiir ii. 6e à 1.1ïAue'a iiîvmalie îmaupt otl'a Gze.1 oo lus eLcl) o fiiika - tLin- Wih - e Gme1<. Mhaniiat ak- eIle. CsTdf, l lY ace oft.-HlàAir Br &le 'nIaihierefeu btas m a)us o df tht reaesî redlo, ahi1h.Jades itorstel ru; to deairti mproemoilt beytmt a resursils sies obisge. 4s1).wrf-Z ad î -utîeut omyia.isvle s na 1m w hl no at a.fhR. , wewiasi intoi ite Coatt èI pihi i l ej h pi s mdb ieaîieri tur..l wasre Y# Pl-g~~sur to tird fi db euul ad irelLcutly k asbei tsrael oM.Hmiî' n*.pe .116 utlasliecf hetu'suii aw le Tandie anl* wder *Ir Smhhuuisf9i do - lii popse iliàt rneCostttil u aiena i an:k.atl er uoffi-vic eurrigialr.,N bumglît fui 50 aI hoosofua i.J.11 Kngh pesateti he alu nt iluoon stl ~alî.pim1 FsIy~' at.ui :tipre i -ti if t*' îîunATeR ainDlr w ra NATEIt."-OlîTilt> tu tpi &i uttveeo dut, ot it valy o cmp1 t budt-adtUi ai maIsis ut d.,Uto a o, scis NwYa' ai htmnkuJ.ta-* igknhyuma- mu uotnatîehl r itsid 'miaîiaA, uuau ea v4ea ut hiie u:riy ilms tii --.1 htiuîel itr tiirak.oigay.l etifo ti.ocaaofb~AifedWîgliI'q. epo.aeutilei vimirchîîn~¶u.rdths utheui iae oa.ai ig Ile eu.N t Ml .*i. r. tan- dtwrkuia a, juitr aiaure ob who.» tet çmte an etr»" tuoîî mw h ni-t.tgîA r itime irao uha eittet de- litta. iiîîri-ln ur-f.aotsîtt :el u asmtor idinfoua. Beia g foo W,"b-ti otlis kiiboMot- tutet i-faetundb. r thtl eethe frineal as-s te tIse m.îata(mi m,t'it aiui.ti ta, ay 'oritNew Yuti a fe plei a h close aout W h Nome ui c a i it eyaralmtableskebutlmuufoarth einn ie iasaie isute it tu:amaaaif h~vmi-a artheimebatily. r. unaieoai psin-oraia rts uîImaoftka a aise -ste taaiileAmI fexenrida-i ioni unuate. iittia-tra>.j iuet visalitt ui le ctpearaL- h - - Lt ouli b vil ut iieu a> uît~iAt itat kmuwso ulinvr ti a ut l It u t tmil: r au-uur n t1 ife Ilaiiî.e le u c goilliht apSvi ytes. O i.ld,-ini lf ihé c aii bti-' oh lliteai " pjNeliof ate . eb liiau aght, iulih ,lyicirs.iî-ii acCire.-int. - h a ere vas a ams -msKPaieRSIl'ks S&ine su.-Oone uf yhehave alo1. heýfier il ueviyoe d by -eir r. upe'> ul iîY Pu î ueirtaighonro..ut Sîa- isreltiî0rlaf i e rii, azll Mr.Ca eratss0nid y er.Mr S i odeoà, mimqisti. i at y e t e@ eloe th'g ;aeimticiairmani aRmlioi, sîîa.- ijo ixgofMin.h béal î b làav.Jh ch-air ti guai urtgma>thtvearatîicarut urse1,i Mxim.miliat ~tdMît îîtuîli exl. C ,mimUtsTLphumy(t,Ààmr.A i reeuy.firn 1h. ohairman " w e.areaas, . A Uiote çouaiti» -teestm sc i ii4 tariat mue iaLI1aO1-'m- isiiî c rhoi f. rur s ri t het tht4 wRer. Mr. My .aeti amwe haliiogtvtt uur r imethenhlem-a tome-, atirlyreîamoreasvu isit mti.cfur tu lxeb t lashmu pule tatgtehst la seca. _ -a . pesu yacore ra lm uuigisii >t ttta-a u am.m auCsat.ad efo r l-H u, i I- at. sehe- ingti i lê" rIiir . - .et jItce té,, hat mis evlel îîtul u im u-are. estrar wmie ntfileri l itl ad tw «d u---- y'- t avo>,sltfa:ut maal Iaradrîu pastu t -t iein ta-alre:searelm t: i has put-pose, sit s quihe auut iv~dr, aua~L1, ,s ond, MirtligAa, VotuiMa DitiL. -Catplaints are amincistu v.s,îîi le mv uUeviaueIrtli ikytmituhasbtîac nil ae tkcia,.,4tttwlah uamilslima hn- ýtaisn tcoiooeanoî el Ithir 4lisbeeti critantilbeio etite>- cusîdoî-naisi ia ;beeta usedi. We eau vol junaîina ite astan- 'shini, s*atuig caps, an.. Cuebuvrt îw lAims aid are ~peU~I~n niiî ni at> îia hî uIli.ae coaiehment of the ignltmuaut a te o opeml, ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~ingthekrdrAM. la Ai 'a-b lis 00 ba8,134jai ult bave saiti aho 'al 'oa isha]wî>mîîy xa.lieiîirs ni uua utîs.lchoa aItll e on _ y the prop'er aàh iis a ihtad l,'ar otEuiglimil Jaina- it'? Iof ail class .e,4. 1làiPuis andl Londion a par- 5rt . Uaatit a*1ao h. ufrugfrmaSi Gi-a Era, 'r.rofNeark ilmasfucelfuror elcisis ir.ais novetty. QmVilIEFlOtO* ibeoMUraapIi7 àbItSni.o sa id,' i4ih ad i Oa1 ba(ti anay SurehjA giniia papermlutaiBu.agor.iound a -- -chelit, or cmmp talt.9 toamb lte ttCa.eslipu .voimte îegav a heon irupei oU3 dam n'ao dia Pan esao~iwRvé iIsctatrelmrr nr b it e.' I lnit.h0fobidt W littual ftus, ' ~ "Solby -il pimScentsie r eu~îîaîî lwîi ~.aj~tag ît. rtpikt tt&4"ýCf Sm brt» o*nA W0y bridge, Vi., farmner, Vrhu ref;lseti frIb.To*n f Ai ita pwdîUhf t'~ani!Drriion 0 ~Y"'irisdtii atiC(ets fit aiupprc.sitti a $10 0Mlotu a meni buck, hl d tbe iair Lied@"ho Sisâ ofTe h ebohiou, pmmis tur .lâlaiîd Of uf aeaing a hock die a fit vdays ait-t i-ds. :.-NoqUt PAU, $.W.aq., "M,éÏ,dy ai leEyre,, it pet ian F0911 Ew ;, Hom, itlW nL eroua,,Aepatam ub] a Waerbý orryco iffl à-o :-orh s 17u ulr aaifo fte u erays, ho Penes Ii Wod týW ro -40 leui., "smuIuaSyauatd n aept a t -tgior Aunrian wrteaWa.â àtwe4 L O w al h* at yPu 'f d outâtei A , as hoi<sn a atiOery onflemmay.kW .. o basaf.. trrrati*nyiet mm P96r.