mwy 1y!Xoneyt A&imm=e ý AINýàýme rit- - I4~ .~t . rit . . . t- -~ -n. -, - 'D e r apsiai 4 pusen t.i ah~~w ukasaPii mswhat a dewn empo- -n igs de- certain, dîmia- 4~I. 5' A cha8 lime grea or. toI Utf D lived 1 witil ister, whio found his scep oe Sm$uday otieticed,, sudden- g:ving a mian lliit a gel aîoilg a dcce rth listeuiuig te, go fore 1 get comsmen. ,inetliig lîke a fair r5 ora c you.,> JL 110115E. at ean co irible -se0 5-.beautiftul andi oie- table carrnage and th me let succesit, andi-&s» 'ell ilh il liait tiiy alwmtyms in case0 ut emnergency ; il ail tieâ witiI pertecl ,Vdîî fer gouls; ailt he jush inb tiis, 'vien 1 have 1 study il profeuuily. Day &uM ro m. 1I eapnreilàu aie.a.makirmi oàWellilnd cou;%- ýraIe ver>' lurely in gettina out Pest gpisihgSrim niSain'Mer d1 Io s l elteve thut iii.ldiffaer- anies witt, reap a rich reward. One r, çPpçed cf;uhte Ça aipa mbajlacre. àitii. C aihr- h$ aid ha» iM- ýtined fïomu Europe with, Iii.most. d machinlemy for gciîingotiaad ïg t pett fot' miaket, man bis head te mnst vainable iiérmalon. bear- it subjýeri. This finnmq - W roimaýed for their bargaimi. Bidistbe aboe, are lwo or tht.. seAm«jçn n flpu- >paf ing te operate veqy exttsasivuly., .t on tii. price et 1b hsbetin Mt. I ii. net yet lw*K7 years since wotild buy an acre ai place ini the lien tie price fidvailce10 e$3, sub-ý ly ta$7, and now, WO -bp>laeve, ie lg rate is $10 per acre. NoNw pur- are becomnimg atumoeroa, buât when swas 50 cemail wi *ashaïd tu s .a iowswiliing te pay ,the. amourit. Seme parada, have bottaknowa, t e lant sas a gîft. -,If peat tu rums eut a wecuatiemî andi ail is tru ck, li le wul 1ow answt*.-St. -Cam. JoUr. NOVA SCOTIA: LIMSLATfRE. receiveti by telegraph, f rom Halifax, ,ina btici uccit cf -ir e opclmig Parlianier.t ci Nova Spoia, ýwhici ce on Thunida>. * Lieut. Gerernor. ris, in his openiti,; sipeechý from lire congiatulated the membera upon iýthe m al te Provice- iis trade, anti the frum or iet seuices, greéa:Iy exceedt- iPrevilous YeAr. }IHe expresses gr-ati. at he pot condition Qofltme militia ; re- lut 1nîwithsa.mdiiîg mie effurî itibte Nurtît Americamu Clonieq> tlié.Uniied iere'ti tetheir dleýrimiiomî it ab- lie Récecmîciy2lrealy ; is sanguimme Du-per-atiün, f the otier iProviusces h fZetiring careof Emîglàamîd, atici that î1li b. se. direcîect i, ii ew chaiele, fisheries protect .ed -te meet thei emer-. forced upon ris.- e'mnuiions,-as, mthcrme1-or a-railway S'rom -Trure te riîswîek, and irom IWintier'lu -Ani- éhave beeria mai. The, speech, er, is silent upon the quest ion ci ltme erativii. f the ProViines-ýGlobe. CUSIOuIS REVERSiget or Futrus.-Thie lin- ea) 'lacendaal t )OilmotM'Morcuglmt, -the laei Iribh Ki -tg, is now -emgaged wm-akimmg as a etonemauttlî at sasse- biiiluitm-gg ii Tex- 101k Park, Lie 'o'.He is knuow.n bv t'lie IMaMIL ofDoyle- l hé îîmdutîed représemi- lative- of lhe célèbrated Endl of Ultiler, vite flvurished in té reigià of Eiaetmdwi (Tate i1*t monatell a ggond leal tf trouble ini Îrelaild, is l-tow n poliverman inmIihe Liver- g oi iet. The grandsoîi ci orme of fîe mer- m, f Ille lrirLh Puarnie(ifl, who was net ion-ly- dimiinguishecl as an oraînr amnd abeau- antd orppsithun te Ile uiomui à n1w a aà Mati in 1 a ttpirii V.u.It-near thétu Liverpuol. Lx- chan;'e. TAnlKNa CmifANCo.-The 4Huron Signal -ré- laies Ihat a Sundasy or twe ago, a ne fl ri-, cerso et-ocf lte Ian ge.t icurchiesin Gode- rich were engaged iiî.tak-ing ulp the irrdin 1may collection,.a mari, tdcped '10 cnts 1jute the box, anti qsi41yrrmaged With lis filngers tictil ho founti1 hie chanîge- a flire cemnt pièce -.whieh li e ketectiamid the aiI-slppes- Jaugliter of t Coe.W~ho withesscd t-he ludice- T iizCITY SÂVe.-AlmOst libe. ont iré"Meai- ucal pmessioncf Nertrh atii ,Suùitt %,Vcnt- HeîîIaiton, and Peel 'veye coneentrated ini the cil>' to-day, amti the iteidilulie hécern- inunity mua>' ho pretrmed tio h good. 1Lt- ie aise probablethmit thesui reuîding î antd rural districts have experienceti gi-al rel ief froin the iempnrary absene cofthe practi- 1iener.-Ratnitt#Tie1190mFb To ai: RrM.w£iBEEED.-Reiider, dit! you know *îhat every veiurn c f a nevspoper cotitîs frorn ca en o1 tvmyhousanâti i tincet pieurei'of nmeta h li nisplacng Of atîy eue of whiclh îvLmld t.a u -se a n lér or ty PO- gahca err? Wiih hu cuuùjOs U% tc b C70111ye, don't you wsond er*ai thle gefleral acuray of 1 prs nnin bist ha lhe tact, yen wilI be maie dlsposed, 've hep), tal excuise ihami magniiy e. tors of theý press. A Gon Excusu..A jurer'n iame 't'as ealied by the c!erk. The inuit advamîed - le lihe juttgels tierk anti saitl "Jutige 1 ahould liko"9 "It s auosule'uit!th ug , decim 66n Jud _e, if ynu kne% my reaions. 44 Weil, sr %a re they ?e" iit Wh ir, tho tact l- and th.eitan &4 Well, J-udge, if I muaisa>'sà. il, l'Ye gel -The. Jidge being aey4 edaIe one, tmurn- edta th te cierk anmd said C ierk scratch that mn o ut."- At th. Marylebone Police- Court on Meis- tiay, 'Mr. ilabbae, thie 'céebratedimath.- sm-atwlnm, gol fireinemberaof-the Eatg'aîush liras* Rand fi ned'40s9 each, fo.r playing b.. fore hua houl an ari tirbing bhua studios,eDi Saurday evermimg. j The Indepeudent Oder cfOtlkd FellGiWq eLRsses a capital et'-£2.000,0Q0. During l.hai yar they paid ,for Siekucs£l156,0U, and £50000 for funerals. liy the iiew act oit merchait shlipptng, on and after the lai lunemeil, very .îoam vesgel witvh e reqmired le have a imaster *iîl.ucejîifitate iroma i-he Posai cf Traite, i. aise Itahave a mgne ..mga, l*cor- tuba, fotahe.Buard of Tet" George.Francia Tru.iri is doiag a ively, busines in Chicago.. He w-ont-fieaele ioc- ture on l"ChiCago andi Omali," ftiloi1Wed il' ýu wilIi SU tdIeOatote<timiý,"9and i& sea»Dounceml er a .pm.Oh beforte.. Fe- *i~s 1h . cpacle ip sou *Tempe MtjcVleke.,Pt eaci ai nl a; o>hàiinut,. Toen 4t*. PlaiX Imt*it aud h - DUOJ NB.C. w JEW ~wa19areo goods o! supoel asual. Bilve pute, 1 REPAIEUNG attendrd ta by -No. il, Kiog reeruary I,ý .e ukspa mye ltl end ne=i %mubued te .-oic ,eu lawer than =deto oriz.. men., J Young Street. - -I ' j SHERIFF'S SALE OF L ANDS.. C otcf Victoria, I~~JLL be nota at tbe, t e -wt %O f1Id , court flose,, la the ôwn otLinsayoun TUMSflA Y, t4u Sizîbh dayý of MA RCHl, «&. D. 18M, at the heur of Nootrin, nier and by virtue.o sertiraI-write of Voaditini Expouauail the igbt, tite and lu- t6et.I f the îîmserseatiued defendaonlaud te thi fallowng lands and tenemenits, triz: In 1he Court *ef Cim4ao.Pleçs., peterMcCabe and ilanablIcCabe., Margare t Kennie>, Mary Kenne>', Elisabeth Kenney, Peter lemey, andi Martin, Xenntyi the. younger, > Martin Ken-, ne>', le elder, titeir acting guardian, The Enaxt hait ef Lot-nuu 'n Tes in Ith"d, concession fl the Towiqulip of Ops. In the Court-of Que, r's BeanM, John O'eary,................... Paint ff. IFS. Franis OLe.r............. fsat The-Soutbh)Ai f fLot nuumher SerenWhle natI' concession othe Tuwashnp of Emil>'. - .NEIL McDOUGALL, 14th Februar>', 1866. 337 AMALGAM BELLS, AMALGAM- BELLS, AMALGAM BELLS, AMALGAM BELL,, T p ic.wtbla the rpaçh of every Church, C&oen;::ry FieorY, or Farm taW the land. Their use- tbrougilout thé. United .Staes* nd Cnada furthe pas-t six i-ears lias proveli them to combine most raiu bie q' li ,ies.. Arning Whhare T.015, STIE1X(.TH i_505CR- ocs.irss, aad DnRABssvT OF VIBRATON, uneqial- 1v41 by any otier mnanutÂleure. Sizes frel"inra t10 45,000 -b4., COting TID-TlHuIMS aLEU than- uther untal, or 2-5 ceuts per pouuxd, at, Iwhicli price iwarran, thern twelWe montbis. old -bell nîctal -taken in ecaaig, or bomiglit foùr cash.. Scnd for ai circuùla-r to the manuffacturer, JOfIN & ROBINSON, NO. 36 DEV STREET, NËW otOUr. *List ofP 1ca eigkte, and Siz-e# of F Rm oiel, Steaïîbow, S&hoel-Aouse, Shap, an~d Eaciory e. These Bells are fItud with Yoke, Standa-rd'a Craùkand iBoit, c41I-pfrte fur uzse. W-eiht If BeIland 1Diametelr f Cni off 3e1alli kiangins. i I Iaupgwgs cO>mplete. 15 fI a 7 iiches 3$Is 2o081- 4.5 0o0 3à5." 10tg 8 75 * 56 1 2 " 12 50 75 " 16, ' 18 75 100 " . 18 " 20 150 -~ 20 4 3 0- 200 < 22 - 00 250 " 24 62 5m Liai of Academ-b --Ù -rh -Be -75 45) 6(00 St) 4G 17q (O> 49 1400 5u 1800 55 25'0 Iù GO 3030 63 3530 t66 4 100 69 450W 72 Larger Size' maa prices wrrant. ringitig, -fur ttoell chasing. Sheuld Oýre nuy -C Anvsiti- AG York. -ia Casesa Bell 1 the Warranlei, I inetal. - JO] APPLI( ciel Pl eten( Bea u amla aindieliotem fôr a iL.a uîbaat, Fire-alarm, ~Particulars as10, - I1.4.Hiàii . ý m 0 $15 00$70 0. 18 00 11800 D 22 0o- 116 00, 25 W i î3700 30 OOý - 180:00 35 c 2-5 00 >-42 00'i 292-00) D 45 0 }34500 D -go000 40000 0 54 001t-454 O0 Go 60 6 51ô ( 0 62 400.562 (0-. 0 -72 <00) 697 00 D 83 0j 833500 87Bi00{ 9620 0 100 01)>I1on004 61 113 (9)11238.00 0 125 130 5 O le a ot2 c98. per poun.d. [le sold ut the aboe. nît breakage *b>' tair 'h8 frm, . ime cf pu-, 117 -a ncw bell- viii b. ýr<kea cone.- ýbc-gi theiiiAx'zic*s 399 ltreadway, Newr fter tlicexpirationofi a1! price.fur thre' els 36 Dey Streal N. Y. mdeth the Prorlu-. sit aitlimagte à id ho Port Repe, .ind- ý' COcPUpan; alo leIs , suderbeingh -an c-. .. e WLER, I',O mwr H VING <easioný to "tort op" ý n Liqurs romwhich thêy cati soe-lôeav 1$ DOBSON NIBLOOIL >luiscati, snd sultaas laiies, JXewô rop Crat, lodFilbert.sand Saucesl &C.,for sae b>' - .DOBSO.N hàNIBLOCK. OLD Brandies cf best brandi, vii: Martels, O t&le Robin & Vo., United Vlneyard Pro- prieters, Pe Martin'# Sherries, Grâhàin'isPo!t, (fur uedilcinal' purpose) -Du Ynpre'slZolIaà Gin, Jamaica Rum, rà ndSoc Whiskie, London and Dublin Porter, .Eaglish-Ales, h. fer sis byDOSOIt à NTBLOCK. Insovelnt let.Of .18649 Priweo~ Cnada, in the CounY Court (.b.nlyof Vion,> of the County cf Vie- To WIT. toria. la l'e zéatter et Aîcuander McLean, Ja lnsolentl. N OTICE is hereby .giveai, th at on the Twentieth day of April' 1ocxt, at.Ten o'loe-k, in the furennoon(or aM &non thereafter as cotin- sel cati be lîcard) the undersigined will apply ýto thé Judîge cf the said Court for discharge under the said Art. *. . S The undersigned official assigree gives notica ,tlée that lie 'viii at lbth sanie time (or as.9oon thereafler as counsel -can be.,heard)apply le the ilaid Judge fer biâ diseharge frein the office cOf olieiaêl assignee, andd bt'ahi& final accouantis openi for inspection ai bis office in 'the Town of Lidsaur. Daîcd-aI .Lindsay, tho .22nd day cf Janugry, ýALEX 4NDERMLEN b$ PROISPER ARMSTROUG BURDi 334-Siri Officiai Assigne.. The subseriber bai .iust receiveti the large&t end 'Most varied azsor tmient of stoese ever breught inte Lindsay, the 'twhole of whjcbheW is deteýrmini- At AstoRlshitngly L w Prie.. and parties intending le purchase will Snd ilte their adirtntag.e.te inspeet, bis unri*alled'steck before callinig.elsewhere. Look at these figures' Cooeking Stoves lrôm ..$l0oto$4 .'BoxSioves from...... 3 to, 10 ParourStoesfromu re. 4 to Alil othe',articeles, pot entemer*téd, aI prices wdich i ii astonish the buyer. - Thic higbest.price paid, in Cash for M kiIda o! le ppiagFur, Al descriptiofetStaanty Ketties constat!> on haad. L-indoi>, Nov. 14, 1865. $ 24 - - Oncs 01.,TIM SICauUT Or vaz 'CAPITAL --- 300 A .GENERAL MEEiTIrNG of the Stoekheid. cet obte above Company wIAIb. held on Wodnmomday, the oRist ]Fe ,b,9 At bm eure M oco . , in die. CAMBRAY SCHOOL JIQUSEP For titi purpose cof eonsidering liii propriet>' of »"athe i Capital Stnýck cf the saîi.Company'.. :A caJority e!ftthe Stockbeldersi arete be pres- Secretary. camubra>' 1 aury 16..336-2kin J IT REGIVERDaI ie IEDIC AL UALLi afw * W. J. TRIRKILL. Lsdsay, 3M 7mb. 1864. 36t NOTICE. o! Lidsy, l)m Agent GWUUL bn tig&4~ eqcf.enstolmi ij -IN AUJ ITS gP rEI#*4, IncIdID pone f !4é CHOICESlP TEAS ever broughtle lidoay. "A CompleteSi. ck of Crokery ALWAYA- ON HBAND. H~rn~ o-iql, ànd Bag Salt for Sale. ~~'HADD~ JUST RECEIVED. A. 1~w 1Oris offl ons Kodiaqpose of cheap., 1ROBIERT SiqpI ER, 899Corner Store, -LINDSA, Y., 440D. VAUEFOR JAE ENII4A N yS viehas neow on hand a complete asserîrnent of aew andi seasonable ~TAPLBANII AN~YDR Y OO5 embtacing a large iariety cof Ladies Dress Good- Net SHA If LS, New RIIIBO-NS, Newo POBO UIGS, New 0MANrPt-ES,. New FLO Il ER& CwWILIES. New - BONNL ÏtSt Atw FEA7' BERS, New LELA INES, New: HA 7!Sý,Pe' LIE. ePRIN7S. New CAPSNew H,%IEJR 1N"SITJG A-Jo CLOUS e JOD,-New vicforine±u 12asadian -Tweeds n FuClif As, BotdiolBeIarýer8, and Dmeski ns, fiankets, Flùuntîela, Stieetinga, Ski rlings, tic., Readj, ,ucde Ctothing, -Hais, Caps, lTacs, - Colla rs, Me!Jjfers, erc., aind FRESH GR0CEIIES! 111 &at the mcml reasonable prîees ....C........ IM Tàýatetinofc.h --es strtal iame Lenhan East Kent Street, Lindsay- P..AIorlers #.or the Lindisay' 'rewcry left at the, store 'viii receive prompt attention. Lindia>, 301h Octeber, 1865. [320] . a EXTENSION O0F TUE RLMIWT M.rORE NEW COODS'0 Ou WILLIAM STREET, The Subscriber haring now co cned'a Generl Grecer#-, Crockery 6'Provisio*t store lia KrowLmons .Nu.' BrLk Bl Dock, in-teé:Toien of Lindsay, ispeared te ciTr every article in the Iradle .tt tFe 1;owcsî Casli price, lis rnc4ýto being "sm a 1 P'ro tsand Quick Itetnns.' A share tif publie patronage isresjcîfuily solicitcd. N. TCs aid-.for every cldescription ef Famning Produce. Lindsay, Jan. eth, 1866. SEL LIN G 332-tf 0UT* la order to close up bis business un Litndsay by the finI of .url WILL INOW OF GREATER BA RGAINS THAN EVERO Tii Geodse nt anti &hall be aeld ai whslever the>' bring. Doni'îmiss tiis, chance of byn CIIEJP GOODf~. GOOD BLANKETS, for t3.- SfrAwLS, ai!: WoeI, fitom $2 up. COBOURGS, for liq., par yard. FLANNEL S, 1 yard %vide, for lu. 41dh. PRINTS, fut 9doa rot u. up. CLOUDS, fine ircol, nîîly 2s. 6d. PRETVY DEI.AINES, for 10&. ITWEEDS, ail wvoal, flîn 3s. &I. IIEAVY CC>ATINGS, doubla 'i tI. jotly 69. 3d,- A laxge lot 9of CAPES and HAXeS, to b. shoWe off at anvp'e Ait Immense Pile -of other Goods tbcbersold 4Ûaitotts COME IN, TimE BEFORrE Trir..sTOcîK 15cu LED- 0V t N. B.-Ail l ose imithbteti by-note or b..ok accuttt wili pteasae alland -setile imumediý t1l Jauay 311,186 Liu-s For uiue Wrehuse IMENS AND.:M LOW PMIV11eS Thuabscriber oflens te the public of Vîcterma CeunIthle largesi assormenî Of Parleur, Dining aniBetoosa Funullure, in. vanieus stylestirver. brought lute, Liuay. Pafflcuiar attention t. tvitedt,6tIi is- WAIQR OAIN " C *1 WOOD SEAT *" Farms, in the patt of ~~ap Iki~ee ~)ndeproid.d he Lindsay, April 26, i865. 295-.tL Tob. Solda -Pargain. The coutbhàhaItf Lot No. 18, in the 1Sth Concession of ?4aipos, eontainiuîg 100 acre, cf wibich about 70 acres, are eleared and wuný dr culiiation; it is 'vell feuced, ha$ a good log sd aise, & Fraxne Dwelling hoîîe, and & amall Barn and SEtable thereon; theie is ai- wVays e goedsupply of spring watr on Ifhe lot. Tim e wvil be gien foàr the greater part f th. purchase me-eY. Titie indisputable. For particulars ind t. treat, apply on the premfises te the Proprietor, GEORGE LAKE, or to, gcsm. ACKAY a IIEAP, VALUMICFAR M F011SALEW On Libers! Termu., IThe South' ,.If -of Lo C nth _Eighth cea- in Ille COUNTY 0OF ONTAR JO. One.Htiuid red Acies mouE oit1.535. Known as the ",KELLG FARM.." A very valuabe property with good b*dilrge. Apply to GEO. 4RIR or 10 H.;DUN-,FOR), soiiciiljr. c, Regîst-Y office. L 1indsay. October 20th, 1865. ROYAL MIAIL STAGE. Lindsay to Bocaygen. 71IIE Suîbscrîherlbcgsto anruounce Ihat întii firther.-notice lie Wuill mn a di3S ebe- tween the'alhoe nientiiùned llaces, Ileaving îLe Jewett Ilouse; Linds.av, at ï o'chyck a.n.. arrn'- iî.g nt Iobenygeor)n t 1*2- 6lork. Returuing %vill leave Crabtrees Ilotl. llubcaygeon at 2 o*&ck pTi., an,-iv ng iii Lind.say ai 7. o'ciuck P. M., 'Flre rcrý ReaonabI. -. Parels a t .he risk of the owner, u nlest book- ed and paid for. BRY-AX GUNIGALL. Lindsay, '>Ist Dec. 1065. 215 THE CJJEAPEST Ln.& Genueral. AgeneyD LT TIUE Seat Of G-overMrncît! W.G. D!NISON, LAND1) AND GENERAL AGENT. Lan.d P.a te ts takcn ut. Titles Fanîined - Searches made.. Letters. Patent for I~uiu ecured., MuuiciparFunds and Accounts co!- I. L.,Dtîson, Esq., Do.ver ÇCoutm, Toront., Ho. John 1los, MA.t. C., Tcontt,. T. G. Sreet, Esq , 3.. Chippew . John F. Taylr EsqQuler. lin.William MeMster, MLC.Toront.- lion G 6ïrge Ailan, , Toronto. Findiog iit aI iîre exîstîai tîle Set C'fGoy- erunüient'Fie ieeesiiv for a UGi. eliable an-i Eý-1,ediio is A ge , ilrouli-l tht u:ýedi11m (ef wltich pfartislvt' Iadsane îdhaving rb uisiness 'vitt ai%- of Ille bli c t>cpajý.rtumne nta. ntay be saved tht; expense and (-cençç f ajotineîv, I1anm indtîced-te open an ollice ile sti nie bu ilding and jîlst ahove tixat ofi ie îr lRegistrar,. on the cocher of 3Sitcalf and Spanks strcets. -Desiting that mv services sh l e made aailabie t Oint claiss cf utrsons who are n- able.ioe îay large fées, I hav'e. dernîicd tp make an xceediigly mrlte cherge for air bu-mness tha t I i n 4y b fit V.,red c-ah, su 1it it 'niav be w.itbin thee oiver of- er n e teu iii,, a reliabe Agent aut te Capital. , (à Il etters te be pre-paid.)WM .DNS , LINDSAY ANDO19ANILLA STAGE UNE, U N T IL F17RTIIER NOTICE A STA GR wiil ]eave Fournier's Ilote. Lindsay,every _:aa-rul rnorning at 6 o'clock-, reacliîîtg 3lnilla in tineto conect 'ith *he stage for Oshawm, %Viîby anîd Ieaverton. R-eturning-letves Fenotis Ilotel,, Sanill, attr the arriiai of îe Stages freinOsliawa, ýVitbv and Bvenoni, arrving ait Iindsay ,at 8 o'ciock in, the eeiiing. Fuires reîsônabke. The.proîbrietor wili roi ho responsibe fr parcels or bà tnesi bWôk- ed and Imid for. GEORGE, CRANDELI, Lindsay, April 1 1864. '43 rii THE COMMERCIAL, UNION ENS1IRANCE COMPANY. Cauur OrrxcEs .nolCrli .C Nlonteal,22 Z3 Si. Paul St. capital-------- $25C.0 vi 1VSyza rs U s, $1-'56510W0. DEPCSIT P'NDLbNCANADA - -$50e-0C0 Generai Agents for Canada. NORLNDWATS a-&Co. Thet ndersigned -haing been appointe5 "Agentocf lime above llrst eiass En g.lisii C ent pany fer lhe Cont>' of Victoria, is prepuarctl to ufc eveîiy dç-scriptiofl of Fire anîd life Insitance fit the Iowest rates consistent Trith sectinity. Pros- pectuses, &c., ma>' ho bad'onappllication te JAMES EA 31 5-1y. Agent, luindsar. P.~ I H.L W.Riway. 6Nansi after Thuursauy, Deceniber 2-1;t, 18654 Jand until furihernotice, Traies 'viii run a foiiews: Leave Lindsay ah 9.55 amn. and arrive ai Port Hope atI 1.0 pm. Reîurming willi louve -Port, Hope 3.30 &Mld . arrive aI Lindiuy'ah 7.10,p.m. JOHNFOW[.-ER, B I1P8-JBUAJLV à inming Table,%iuusRO'tI B . IBGTManager, IAS nNS Supreiinlendénît - " UREA S, fOR , CTTAG E a 001E 0W REDsTEADS PÂRLOR, 1IMING 4hKITCIEN CHIAIRS, O1ËSÉWIG:TABLn eS,. hM. i5lu V RflbW-DOINING TREI JOmLbsu OHURCE4, RUT ? STE. . M i 1 iý lu Ille.01 -à - MIlq""Rvý -------------- 332-it VVe 1