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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 9 Mar 1866, p. 1

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<7h ~z~7l<~ 44-fir4~ '-4½ . ; c. w., -KlgstmC. W.* (14<0 W . . & i'iy) Ofie, iuMeflouaid's Building, oam Mr. Wtt- *o stlore, corner Koul s41 Wlbm Bses Reses«eaJecets Hôelu. Àdvce. andi ReclPes fnruishd grsh*ft oslye the poor e very WIednesday sand Salurday frosu 11 a.m. to1 parn. - LindasDm .21, 1463.- 82 NTON legs le ingorisu le lubabi-, id the Comnlty o victois aod sur- tatis, tIsai le Ifli> opeùed -hle W1m -- -e-, ia1 o~occupied b>' msbe liasbadt i tted udfuruisis- le ii'siori.will 9nd evo.r>'conven-m Liquors and Cig-re of tlb. lest eosiieraiaau.aesdee v- sT7EET; PoliTIIOPE., DRODIE, rpretor Lt'. note] havirtg been late>' cons- enovatesi, affords lIe lest o! sc-ie ,for tnt-selers sud the public lInder îresent management. no. ssred Li-at ul conduce-to the I -1 tl- heseest of Liquors and cigars. Revere247-1y, RevreHouse, BEA VERTON. The vilmserhber les tao.iýnotince ttat lobas tons.ti the abus-c botel, viuelsbsbeen furnisin- e4 aind fitted up tibrougbhout in t-be lest ýof style. None but t-he dboicest Liquors 1sed Cigunrs wili. la kepitsn thle bat, sud lus tbewl efril ed iitîtD'il tlie dAi4cçicýs ftise seaon. IrCaroful and obligitsg Ostlers alwa>'. iu attendance. - - - - WX. IARKIN, PrOprietar. aventon, Jan. 1,itS- 28 y (L&TE; PLATT'S Nelonm treet, Toloënto, .&bove Khng -Street- I'ESubseilcr bega to intimate to' îlis friends THEad thp publie, that havýiùÉ]eased the ah- ove central promises for a tnuof Yéars, lie lbas Srefitted and r.furnisbed througbolut, and le will ',b. gla to have a cati froet the traeelliag c w- 't munifty. tr Ex cellent sud eixtensive Stabling. in -JAMES CROCKER, în-iuJuly 1865. kc. - Pi'isiinSurgeon i iltire, baek.f 1the 305-tf1 MENRY H1UGHESI Houae and Commission Agent. , EK5I)ENCE, Alketit St.reet, Lindsay, lt3Order9 lcft at- the Offipe-of tue Canadiaii Post wil receive prompt attention. Lindsay, Jily 3th.,,1864.'- 255-tf D.fJIS R O TEL, <Late McCoDll's) OAMBRAY, .W. and fh li il'ie ofVic toria Cutntv, that lie lias ~~ "prdflclel Ili'. hr lael3y accU- pied bv NMr. MeColl; tnd as he bas bcd 'i't.fwr, nished in fir~styl, stn iIfind cvery con- Venience, Wines, liquors and, cigars. of, the beat qiialityv.1 An attentive Ifostex always in 5.~ ~ 1t.' ' 34-ly CtmnbrA:y Sept. l1865ý. 36 Pssea, t-garsi--Ac- M t A- RI)'STAiLai, William Sgtreet, sidrme,-CnterWilliam sand w Lmt>.MitryFious iny merty o-eemm*Id ly Mn. G . Il 321 mens, anlee sd Drésdng (lownsud, Smo- --~L ki-rg Caps rmade mmp.ta anrder, - A ~-î, Es Q, ~Cloting ctenned and îîîmned. ' Onders tes- Ai. F 9 NipQOIN 8~ertItillysoliciteti, un aifcion gnsara oteesi. i, P E-utD ' I m sa, Jmne 9, NO,. 38-t 5S94.~~ -0 - 214 b. BoId-&,Bargain. F' I D IElfR,-Mithat new F RAME WLINl*)U, rY) TH1E(MOL, a-nd Ahaîtc1YrtfIýesihy -Mnttliew Bacon -Ytr Strp(-t, in Tirdsv. 1his salarge ctont. --maniins laio;e nnd wehi ada4ed or aih.rding 308tt Hôtis. Prie $400, îsysi y instaimcrmus. - !ameint potesiong ven. Apply tu 1 lit,. (li t-, Or <ntit of -Trio-- Mess.'M ACKAY à Il EA T', ofs-imr !thp Piano- n.~lesîdnc~ t Msr; îtitton, î,.l<i0<.: "Sîii~ il. S. Wiiamsws' mprovyed- > E Al)R 4 N ________ ff,)RoAKWaO f) ('3110p <ippsite ?Nr. A LNi lgmu f UC- Cnnrr idstorèe, lhi.ilnfsiifor the e lue- ON',f ifFNS~ 1)AUC rat pairnnstge be*towmd e Ali for the îost 40s5v t CW, I.articula-r-nt- 3 rears, legs ta say tisai le is -st.111prepsnred Io 1.î tc;- at nl ier LtiSales. çrm-mj,îly ewst-lletesuitis whbicl li ay ~1aec.s ~ai i1erJtiines lie fi eerei iii thie laînit styles an-d at tihe low- trrTooi2_0 MU si 0AN~D $1 Î01 f. N$,Oleri Agvtnl 1.1d-i iee, Câsmhinge Street, Lind- rst M ;1s-ni. - t5 -rf TA VINO reuntpèda PAOi eiata .11 ikîg plipils aI lbe:residence, Jîmmsetil ~N, Arrti nsd Btmider ict- %~. Woýrkînion hs i et'iîlh1Mr'Teris rmade kua-cu au applic;ation. w' Ssh sol u4Dor fraisn n ndeLindsay, >May 1,'5. 2DO-ly - - L idA ý,oTin r-- KENT STRET, LINDSAY.. (I a~s&n Coli, pniyvfortIsle 4)iitil and1)ýriia. t a-nmd shedi attachetiand su aiten- 'r 4cstJ Ille oliiDî-nissin. d- liv tiller always lu atterdan£e. _________Froc Omnius to and front lie Cars and. BOAtu, ON" TmA1,0R, williamn &vY, tîankînt forIle iibc1al BOARD» i .5 ruaDAY. Il 6nu Iis for tle tast 14 Lt-ns>', Mardli 10, 1861. -12 tluiït s < till1 frepsired ta o _________________________ Il iirdri wil whiec Ms> O N" lt A l htaInT Y S'nvs.mcsr-nd at aiD- G N E LF80 N ZoWu - 1 411 'J? -~ ths r:, Innîe, Sigu n ndOrna. V0T N'1 ofVtCTWOZ.g4A rnrfiîsAîrPaspet flan-get is t> S101) -wl WiIIiiîmg',reet. SIXTEET< B NU -OF.uv1000 r£ACH 1, 185. - 292 j -- -bearing interest lat 1'7 0L NX 1PER c4EOrT.,t ýj tT PEU CENT. - - paysabe half-yearly, snd mtarlut luneiteeý,n ~~ ~~~ yen . ~...,.~.-----eeo oeo ~,~ oliitor, te. - ssldBndeaxso o pum ainig laeoue - -1 y ~Treasurer orîteWad. go Do a~IaBy order of tîle Wardess. I 5.0. W. W.DM Snrveylug le as>' exteni taPerf6rorwst short Prinice Albert 1 S. H. Cocasua, LU. Oont rown &tt The solisciber dwr sud thé public-t b bout bhoss, neatest carlages. and buggies1 hire. Nos. 43 45 IK E,. E. oorsa & Co.) o! Tarontoeho îLe 1t of Huron; île 'Rt. ieî TIr, snbscrber beg~it of Llindsay and astrnonu ha. lately aîened oui a of Chairsa, Bcd Steatis, aller stands,-Loktsî cich ho wîhl sel At n have heretofore been As chaifrs and SofwS lr:- FînealsFurnil ceise prompt atttis4ionm Lindsay, Fehuuary, 180 Procincs o! Ced, ComsrsY Of Vicitons Tu W àT - ln iÉe malter of Alexan jTwentieth do, in -the forenoon (s sel can lie leard) tle ýJudgeoaf the under thec raid ÀAc 1Thse unniersigna sîsoa tuai b. 'will iheneafler ascmu the saiti Judge foi of officia i assigne( open forinpcs Datedat Liidsi j%. D. liG. .ALE-XÂNI by 'ROSP ER -N - His A ?ry, C . ,~ rn bis fdeisd et o ksep'île t omfcrable- -eon baud for Ott.. j, Store, Toronto. Tihe Lord M9slop Tisa Lord- Bishop bLord. Bsbup of rebous! ms tise inhabitants countiry'th4tIr e and varied esock ,us, Dresâing anti ower rates tisais îr CIa*h. Jobbisig will re-i 'M. WRITE,ý rou-n Land Office.- Of 1%864."Me s8 ceun'y court se Count>' o! vi- A. re, tIrAti on the ýx' a t Teooclàck. Seafter as.con-m gied vil! aPply ta tfora disclarge ivee gis. noticîs e t-ino (c&tai 8001) e boardj apply to go- train lie office is final aýccourt is e iu il e o n of d day of JAnUaryp, :ISTROXG IIIRD, 33-4-Sius OfciIAssignoe. s7toves Stoves! The ii.sérberbu ustrecetsedthe largeai and nitost ariee asortmeut of stoaes ever Irouglit lonto Lindsay, tle- wholeujof c eis dc.tern- ed toêsel At, Astoffi hingly Low Prices$!, and' parties intendiîng le parchisfw'il iInd hio 11cmr advàa - ae tu inspeçcIiris -unrivàllied stock-, before cmling elseivhtre. Loo~k ai tisese.6gunes! Coking Stveq trom .. i O b$t4 Box Stov" frcim,.'... 3 io 10 Parlour Stovesfro.... 4 to 8 Ail other articles, mot eumesrated, at pre..s whîicl yll astanisis-the buyer. Tise liglest prico paid in Cash for A Il kinds 6f SA«ppng Furas, ShÊeep-kins <snd 0ev-Bidês. Ail descrip.tions of Shant>' Ketties coniautIy on baud. Llndsay, Nov. 14,1~65. -324 A.Good Farm For ýSàle. TJO 9E SOLI) CITEAP- the Eastl ifof Le t -1 in flie Ptheo-ncesntlo f Ops, contained 100 Arres af whîch abolIt 10 àereR- are c leared and 10 ateren cdy to log. i'is fnrm lawithin 4j miles, of lindsay and 6 milles from Omerme, aI short dietýnée froun the rniiway. A good leaiiig road rubs ini part of the lot. limrnedisi te possesiocn.- Title indisputable. Tteum...-.A portion of thse soney down-; and the hait nee in 4 vears. For f'îrther particularsa app.ly tothe owner John Bryans, 0ps,- or ta Messr8..MACKAY & UEAP, 31 83m Soticitors, Lindgayý IRIMOV AILe Knowlou'sBrick BElock. TGou R public gene*ally, tba be bas reiuo'rd bis -Pho0tographio PPleue allery tlarge an' comsuodfous onoms in Kno*lson's 1 i k oc, apocally fittup for the purpose, ,ad. equal for accommtodation. to an>-lau-the Province.- Tr. G. wotild retuvm bis tbanks fbwe the vcry lilieratl. patronage bostowed' upon but for the pasï nwnber of yevm, and le l noW, btter pro.- pated thin ever Io suit thse waitot fîe.piblie in, the lrictiire lino, ln thse iStest and1 mospleas- îng styles and seces tWa nme in thePevn. F re exhibitiosof views of ail parts of tii. world- Go14 and 8ikver E1,éstr4fêiag don* on the the obort.st nétigs. 111 have fittednup thefiuIo. yOds. aq Ialy fo T.Goîsrley, Pbotograpbwr a4 a rtl DIIg pictur.es would do wen t. gNe e .aI. J. KNOWLBON. Lindsay, Nov. 17, 1865. a Lm.ndlord's Wermat, inventoy f lb. *4,as ObaîteisDb&b. 10,e al Aitiepu.g a i" .- .1 ot foraer bei4g rmmb:,. -ny*îd caws rOMMuu thîe co.mien towsrdi izs lon.ly sabla of Mix. 'He. atiiil Terry la liok é eunt du lhé? th' fîu.etiiactor vindinstivel>'.-t Iiim.ilL, -6i11n1a forget lIa4, sud l'fi bas rev '0e u int for il, if le stsys long il DWundri,. Afr11.. 111ie blui vali b. apt b Perie1lios i*wnbl tise mitai. of hotenant@ r- 1mi way initiab.<allen ou te gsit iti hlm. Ià vSeod oh . Hargneue, auts, i. blé noe. A oucln.y paisa or someihint ifabat lied, I suppose. I dd i t c ok -qut. s îaurager te mabut vb it in hé r.wiâlm 1 oan't reotuleet. But il bitsb.wa.-.-aoob'BmY nevryet pnui est s bsrssloss oy.' A. l.faor- ftzwhd this sHIiquI r 4est i.o lpueon doset Mik'sca0. .A oùs Us.forer oomesou, as.nov, Mle vu 'aloft, aud »4 îuielly smuliog*bcho isr Ij & t t, - .)j ~ :4. 'r .4 4 t' bFÂIILY thriCthe pumise iI o . eph Pubnbçel a14 P.ôr i 'WeU, vhsl ý ee y'P.hssIth latter retursii *09I'ei<kcusl in.a loue of cki oày. se gqlJull tîqa4st nd boy ea u . y yv ,pudqo 'iatm. nu ar',i éci ooe laianeffort te gel thiaïPour vic-, tins frein mdè.yow cissthid«*a not giseyeni ilt k mal. perSomal IremarIrs ut aïk poIsonu1 questions. Shw us oi dlairr un Mr. Cushàle.n, sW, if juat, I vili mo it)' '0db,-long.11f. te ycourhnotir<s loueur,' oried Miohîel, hie outoac beaming yul joy.- ' S.ue sud il*s sshazied I 1amn of yourn&i asUsai'aakiTotry,' but t-be oulia>doessl>î mve MaaterO'Bratiy sa farih.i#m., I'sait île olimer vay, flor semybcdiy.ai Duidam kuova isai'y fatier vsrbe. 'f nudens-tanti vhatyou men,' ltirupted* iùîerrupied Hanreéave. 4tOf tisat il is ual ilecesaarynom, lu speal. 'Tour da i ,Ir' lie stdeti, tuursg l O'Brady The facbor haindtirma paper whiel tle youîtt- lauced ai. 'Tht.,17ho obiserveti, msrely purports te. b. a necempt floai you foi-.île suiinaéeti, but it gises ne -partictilars of the débi, ho-c Mn. Cushaleu corns-tuo ce y&D tlii. aum' :' S ure and.-be-kuca bhîsett,' saki O'Bta- dy impalieutly. 4'Ho fei bocklil.therécit anthe îl ock il, tle fan mdidn't mal. upIthe arrears.' 'Gb, tihsnh. d oeau'î o-e Ibis tu you, but h' ppreo,-.,Dunitaira,' semarketi VyWoil,.it's aIl thse sais. I'm factor on tl. enntute. -Eserything, la under my min- 'îe I nderatautI,' returnedi Hargreate graseiy ,' But unis roceipt, tllbe a p noper. une, miuet le signeti b> you fer the lanti Sd.' i'Bah ! vo d on'îbotler vithin mch things bore'- pou-lsd O'Brady. - 'oo new-fang- le Englisl uotiosns sut go, down lun-Ire- 'Mr. OBrade.,' relurnoti Hangroaveè, fmn- ly, ' in Ibis instance yen lave - tâdea- citI one cho lnews char your pl r as a fao- t-or are . -You,.lia, îlte libert',ihwauhd a.p- pear,- lu oppreas .tis e lsauls, but lu cortaimn thiriga lisene is a law for, you as Weil as fon iheiii; sud Mr.. Cushaleeti la nt t boundti t tale isai ort o oueit àfrngyu. ov yuss cbooe lu maIeîuis rgu at ement- il bore receiptedti, ill psy yen- otiserebe yen ivill t.im-lie -paiti , andi1 shallame tisai yuu, dou't lsy a linger ou îthe furnitune of Ibis cl(ýtagé.'I 'WIho arelyou ?' asloti O'Brady.9 consiti- eesbly-ast-eîshed. 1, eeN irmisaI Who, I, arn.,as thé ans-ver., 'Do as 1 say anti recels. tise mon.y,, ur tale yourw Ccourse sund vanitiL'i B yjbtsdi aking eut the account wilI ng urne ash, ['11 mn Up sud do il. Lsrry, yo dum't go. outi.o' t-lis. Maybà ils a dotige la shut the huse, gainsi us,_ but mind yon dau't budgre 1111 I retursi.'1 -Larny gave-a. mink aimd a. noti, as rnmol as lu m'a>lbe-ca. vide swule, -anti kieWî what, lie vas about.. Findiug Iris official assistant se tbo~'rongisly aiet> is u>,ls faler-anis aquick.exit, i.and ok. bis way up ths vi!lage tossard7si rsidtence. ý lu,àb abu n out lie neturnPet vit hie se- e6lit madie outinlufùll, anti H agreave beiag poc> satiSfiedti -cil* il, paiti the rnoiiey intu O'Bnsdy's bonds,. -7'Tie greeti>ingera o!ti Jaîxer.closetieagenly "'ver l, ant iéequieily cbucîlet aven île greenetsaanti siîupli îty. aie Ireontlide7meit theru, of tle watiderni artist. 'Now, dut,' nid. the yout,, 'îhis reboases thio olti mn froi ycu"r-vindictiss tyranny. He. le at.yast, Safs frimIl ,your imalice. 'T.ierr.y,' .e adtied, turnng tu, tise yun Inrisisman, 'ilf Mr. 0O'Brady 4094n t leave tbis lieuse in losàtisais twumâin.utes, 1 would atiiae you lu kick hit oui,.' ',Faix,,ati i's juel myseif that, woul.d 1< mitihty -glat l do it,' exclaisti Terry leap- Yg lismoleut upett n nter,' roared: 0% 2..While Andrew -wae thls .eagitating, t 'aihes iaIld o 4ea f l Andeti. ie Toms.easan replied 7Terry, ' for one waul iî;rftehanc'e 'Atthrlii,'ai Irreeasa- three mon- enttisiuedi theïr wonl, basing du# eddât ett te i1u heiai e h h t lhe -large enougis for liseîr purpose. tiey<~~jbtts legad istltts te iuegie u nilpi iesa ~ arlulydeostèi lu bs oxsù buoe corneas far aDutidarra-' - dcc beh.ndthe thaler issu. l aelui&sadositéd thnre th u-lie boe in h e Boxes ?'repeaied Andirew, in4uiringly. 'Na, îhit's a fatter man,' ro.turneti ..n.. d ibm, îread turweld inuthwith àer ovt 'e ies o m tiei lileti wîh gold irev. ,'Whist, they are s peakitfg.' id ketn , te osn i eihl di i.et threa ti Her'e t4ey are. ail tsre of ileri, eil Lo. aiid.brijjZi'Th ov r ' thednettlesend lali -regTffy by Mike, atrliC Iited .np Lie-boxes. Vlil tale ~ ra lm giew near. île atmSe i- wqanti Y ou'Il tai-e onP.' ti Ée jabots-, sud ilssafe eàotih lierm, any- ,M n alivo o'9ti enm, cut AntI Wisere is ns> share 7' nid a (deop to hoc,' rrtuanketi one, wchouthe wrw anss er.'Tr. don t-rc he.box'edvie-tise fi,,,re in the ssa.dow l ai à; finisheti. 1 .-1 a**bite?' I r, 'rrali, and tiialesef tista'.os thse Mme ciet An-owagal labndai- amUiut ôvanîng of opinion,'sii anutshor. 'It nay lie hure lhaes.exi @me I&h.e -t - Bell ens gakve oa nttcald .u il tise day o' jutigmeut wihout suy oeecomi' 'h muInb idrdcav,'pecatbcsad Paid Terry, lso ig hait Tsai i. O'Brady,$,' exclaimed I argnreave. gpesTe . 1M udblackguard Ilisoîf,' Mutleoed r, ' Brri' orslve.' bsovei lse hîr, Tell sue, coSt eycwhie wnddeu box- Terri. se et whiskth iey ai làî anhd, udwaikiug t *e,' repenteti Andrew, cils uuslatod uite- 1 Isay wliere i.s, n roam?'repeat he r- 04, leaving lb. piL ta ité Canai aserdTry - ad.si»g hînuseméL.if î Mîl6 Trs.e esyterseau ive* makl' ierryoe Trtssdthyvrif 1-1 'lI a y Y How d dyosi ManIAe02c0er1 '~Bt ut W msee o .coue, y. Villaine ; >y'enh ura ' hste nre, i'Toe osaine waytisak you caffe,'an- as deed o' blust io 11nov qtdeu. ~ittinig hui&liuld on Terrys tmaidda1* -eesiOaly.'Idoggdyorfoltee i- thIaik. - Ma certie, y. 11111e lenned t nAmsmg .'<* a i- Il _f baiagao q bngçi à isdasts drew Donaldos a keinLthuiratus'a,' l2 riai, Iîh tisees ea,wola 4 iE catbsutseu oes3emme 1' hui. Eut wu rn kkneg& m fy ub ,T .At13*IP - '4 - v-',- 4 -4 v i 4. i. r B h. mbbs hasland ~ ahh.whitv. athe ii.liberty te thikt yrmgt a. 'u-&Id ie 4>010 elu Dmgi mue" la~Pie .qM 1% alùhy pbilmd*cretw"yaa- d ay whieh eu'e u<to s&thethenvq Il.L&qii ite dsvtahii Yow'an i ote AI t~Weihaeof*kW hawi -b.d wTaess- qi eitnobt ed ha'r b!I tt.i if woWf avteloh1 fa VO~Sibe Id. ark gyos1f», hH 1<osowbhsd tffi< Nar7 me gelkl W P* We hi of res ud tlinebS ev Odbl 1oi ws iifitF Iuthlou d-îheo -a,* . h .ied mer . ~anl aflireai rtii >"'1<4> 'you».nd, uaofous.4 o* . W hmnhvof*a, toWi het Af iaiéee attnSbt&010. ýba!1 td ty.hi e'ftve a.themsy Ilu a nh ~ nssan-os hsisemt wth 1n gi.mty ed, Alu4ie m« * plu..ofane.alee.î o~k ~Ov.u -- ab 4m ii a sk1, whih owspt1U II i.£gr .'he Tien Oa'îa wlu koow therc e i iveiêî5p4Nge » wa. ~~- ' .SO onr tu. huu (lbcre ieahtifotfinwipr dAdew, naknauantie aki w hi& one, u "'I ihd eomethin eIfd bas viir 'tere shuld lie n se 4scaefrit imireey- roled fnm lii ooCC~or hîerar S logtesn p-ter.. n ce hae ahI,, iuohe flor ui v .'P ol, pols OU 8fi u olig s, ai Y*,bu-ofw3.tllsvot.W~ u t1 resoam-wi - lo - -gl - r ie- .AnT'rtre Ade ofy fshaci ha I.,' tre Weila -iuMl. teDhave, ef hod he Iimslt tL i. rsIuc COlely4béye ad, l ad the iehoe 0'rayMabe yilI1.1 e e er i îletcornge Mo101ebof bd bén u,îedmN e kwiug hcornmer, f i, ihy a sa1 e o'Coîl, dhlpti e eys u e ooeh a uffndew. îiiecmpnidf udrilo on tade, anti Oz t. nlad nhu!y Mge'.wagwt' ihoredwa teo inh dcedat deesulihdldwhm note nlo sontudbe-f< I fii ESII terie, sad tn. faer, 'I be n d ubed bu akig, a giane. tm dig wiîh gàdra aanit oecethg eahiei il. &tr- adid'îcol oumoe.sce fret of tisrdee r oe r led>US1dwood, and saethn hteal'eli h btwen caîl acroas tise mnateatwas uwntbuhe if'wasneniht isleadfmonbmoiiht;Ade in dwadc gotid forytheolcewhalth. te'oxe 'i ÀttmAkndrewancoelie t boliepon il potgrea uiîe ited itlrebxeee . 'Havid f>1ii bruiMietwasbut a dreacf dand. 1h. oth f t- en, ndlad de o segiu. Cér 9*à -atke epetedMik. Dd ýye iefheatiabot see riot, i. dbHeis iets,' bt bxe-! pcand 1 1Tor thry. èOh 'shai her O'ubor,' ndm M- aihrw"gmitf kle.tg.pm h the osbol ',d mur "hêre'i se do 'tht'.,iS n dow~ hi pie sd cown hi les, d'y. dredsua liant Yhbspt cer.hrie bdy drew, wigosi cOmpSIl thisîl Mi e as.fet l ol me oug te gie io b re til he odoosa edn' 'u A tihc cU thào psilancolie. thewap ICohoianid* pnda cers lisand mebroch sejust e fht '. huee, thaowee c oue aid anre tev1 tel@and 11bega té une l. Bad agif ax-vyoronon l' i epe ae it vadendiabootathé utau'.aedmed -ha. n Torhse t1ea take It a aninlt, érsd stU i i i ayditurbllexpocibutim a. gltise eiAnrth , reo a s ecorgneUy- is.rd Jacob Oeu'hrayte gandnw a st isaI l i1.1.s od, by ettohM W O ns beu tro nia ndtolh at lad trfan sd.nthe preicus was oue.h wa char -Ilsa Mie metit ie urdeed u.rt Ohdose I i s e ngltte dal.,pese han ýani tisealuha nd mrîifiou-bwere hindeeiLbt-hil dn utalsand he vgbonsa fei nferle.pncaal atdy cita nkel ark. 4îe IîhLsatgoit ni o ,s nechal whitmet ya, wîela h ther waauoîng or i but totkYe oe l hteaveAndeaat fited on thirs pint whlen whoopfori eny's anedaey e voa watt icrbs entha ho mo ld tyet mae h ht1wnu wsnlita'. ead fst se ta caon roh ; dre rent osUr,and 11w 01 Mgodi O'r affet epntofbs esld. la-ter reîved look û 1rusaeupninn hth emlgeats i,6n themoslifteta dfmair HaeYe o aî,tey. aiMie? Zot a feliofdien ht h hdsen th- 'Wha'sadadt o,'onèthèe Adrwii CHI' VII ig-f1h. midau= gél luinerian&; au4,ii - lsd, slymÙ't'm Sur sdrew a tat wccu me o ade thisus hi'sueb ihaqIà ' xsye ado eMyasititlO WBICH EGIIS~ylTI ADftW 11<TROUBe outi fotou ensgoi btaimse oop6hbut boxer,' sDad Terry hn ieino ra MAsher£NBdS WIH TEaid -MiklUC ber Main okelevefound thesaddt coimu- talune cae dmolia 10 310An- Thug Adrw ad re bjctonl es bmand itw ofthe mspot. 'There's nae« occasnd o n,' rl teturned Androue niir a te onlyrun f tsdaraCeti Al isI aybi midwa fhltiwih is 'y afnetesanwuu as e le- paneo bsasternid ,ten g . eli tv biswht le usft if rismstr Hal<ue l teboer sîutinoberterasîag o&"oril iTd i bson àéb"ety would b. i-the >hl d off te Dbinaoe alih ho was, jsis aieth ua te curp nolihperited bydicing ot tis ertm, and, le excaied anTerry i'Ois, utalf eap sw&hi'*0co(t) flotib, the eatwedotitla ie pcmater befr 1h. athorritie. w.b t pu yn o ont.e rsme r.da eli hne alktryeeuet ta ue dAf ierht. Mb thee oudl angte lll aon - isai crawBa ow o eboe Jaco d rals sud nw t ber , hald, erfet..del, Ir eli apose aes: bt ia an, lngrtile'Branprdy, n te suap %va dete.. f wl. IQar hit sud st on ursd rd nablyOda 1pon h 1 theit- fagteai xiiua h hfre bangainthee mane ail ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ prlmte aie v o,éani hm --' ere bivn hifo lewr. tu Vive wondnôaed fth ee potsence range aayfie lngnis eep e lace.-at ionder. -fbe sinosan the ie oten tandi ths ogtssfe reis.hee ary aisolain d wrwcmel hecnluinibthTwudhve a.geital îs'1t. knova wa.'le -YOu uthe plwae, sdtbe wefordimybticism w'ùhi sa- Ashndwwa atiL. fie n hais gapitse al- oesopflrir thsnk- -wedîgtetlYe'srme huuig oves île deto ast le wuld mak ont Onemnt -irei.ouo h mmdai îlsamTe te caper rundteelsureantmf cie tainy hav e pouetiou aiepersilti aitter ld hve bon an im en se rlef; ut troublet iiit Ueseth iîy; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~iy utAuewsa nuocoonpsIbl eieig tuhoat' e and en ng tigsem ey ay 1ia55 sens, god la ne ean ! an humis 'àin 'opirthe! i nighde ne en an , inturboti l hot- nes o te p I, heetoecaisVihi1lt111. ws ran s sfel.fasieatoha t he e pt nds a r ot eu. Sups es u WunS EaineS, sd a.Mn. anDreaveN ROBhL opuld e, fean li eye wentixed as lein at he oi whomin the eu aoifilisths. AND soENboSWT wheneiîhto.Lè fiueter a seli po tefaaoner. âtOdinceat m ve wrh e aa s. p lime, h.sa indr wmase-floet i 1on tesagré a- wi ight forethe b i l.isoot. grew 'Bcd ad. bt ta&G9et v u1dbeane ti m aT hloelnfinntof the asfle as ie Àlthugt dyh satv ida sihe flatintheMdeatesanis anctha*ri n ai re h ,y ssetattis e a- 'herbe,antha' ta penî ton,' o ideta ddxvn fo..)u .rr i nesu rigfi - le nh bis maudernew drIflti.u tnh hme aora sht idr coeptis mer ine. l e i tlze b.,xeà -:.'ii1i4iti .1t îo4reîie l mse Tai ar, hav eita isview rube i ys n'Odagibt-i~ ieîr fe. e tîîrs îhiL frredawe ia o! îule wl adaae maipr'in65>lized wa gsone îanf. Ue f:st ad itlie uxsdt ,iuo n isie cohei se rrutie ongu. fa- ta aeTat ebadib elnkk-'i sîr«ueyai bur ti 0. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ è' .o lop-sle..cs e t.h nt irlir uon-. a..dor cihiwa id -ise, laie erry rva WI %ilZ 1 wak b it t se dis-p lie was is iie o suin . Thein e was sý:peilldtiat bi master ht e l iel luin ,liee less P_ U~ts ;oey anotserboaphol at iseoppoiteaidecf iseAiewhtated nie abouae t nn i e ap1ruti-b _. f edigu,sad îeitcs th ine f chrlier; buyt evse from tisageado h)heli -m h utseg~îimt-tseitie ftemi. i andvel'i ed imîn etsi ts aaîl eclore .i he rmationde b>I lwg is at i e rîokiicei dropainad-hienouu, i'4h wn olau de whle ruinet beîs Prbabt 1 hai ben iseImiîteay e; butir a momentheator e ne-I le it a e ho wnicàtha. e nevs pravoe *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n grathllptieletebt w tca n-tlcedtsa got uidgir and ide aspl so xCU4a."h MeYots thetAon.r tcaneludereisi lwould be iii reàîaii n. t sanu crawl g b . o rrd arthe Tcyand LOn 11oe inda dgtit aflerètbeat ilknu agnae ari15raisti uthe -a tIn ts pe ther aod-t-ts om a erAndr ayhal- hnler st abo a rteprical ise kndckciausgl ilta terjs.i5Ol sslep n isecociswhcl e ad onîrul d thebîablwer cutimthverawat w i evri nd. îsvcaeatikp le eignorahnseof, e alarueead b@ m buti o e dorascatinp>oune4l. t1th ao4gih drVlaterii -ai lid' i by l mre iiste r -te ho ie a tis e lyhi4p- su slow ar d el -i Lxh ta-eed-Irar boîv D serve.d fa i -i e a copaed te ewgondhuman aicea., - - r ealnand depwhîie er w sonA- btie sn,- tlié, h-aV0.tue u ui Ina pr thous-wadataring enoh, ranyi ti 9drew cmhenI he canke uiôane que-ien twl Shave a.ghet n imi, tokn &mfotdlr.%yte Y u - ut once macf rom -aboutli antIf piea had gil then faée. boxes, nd i ta .ank.*.mi g t a h seoe of te lupise andhth okeÏi ti m leenl- Noaelifg, usweedAdrwvt rihl 3-lhe i l)undnrr. sure ive bisse jualm"ed tio e, wfoPti e -st ter aparet uceofr. 'is hin k Iaw.sthe ai f F t o rlera sit a slf t sav'do"ntiîo c esid nertfio]sl whad adirectionu. The a liefbtt1'6Waeil h e i vio.bta egl age y-I ou have ig, n heliasnoandcsi 'O l tatai.onan alaisIsuperstintionsi wreduke at f011îsî -ialseofnisato f er ail tise na, and tis&t eaatoictis ha. a e lcere rae IthUe . spyTn.wî~ tr lst eu aiy ut Aiiosenderswuiealhman ofcomm dalpossileI ofhth tlO. - r 'e tud wer ns-y g.sn in a cvrer î bxesha>ontis ~runI b.id îlem ~ igh> adyenloour' aghe Tni~. ...a 1 i oa whofthe be @- Asidrew ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i !a ott h ptwîslo-'u tsm~efwotn aebosor im tlyn1ieb Senstanhdt shad o nsofgan hifi ing lus ittol if e mlader tan t istu nedrconcsae at en eenn hs nigitcapalou wits - nti ureatino -1 c untrv sde kîsow<tiuat Ha* e ar. un-u slene auandetl tit's '1 a-- grn usory lu sa> wes bnàig oiltediyNgsîe o n'r h mu ,nhoneýSÜPPOfvin . Puiet L me of grae ptise>are o,ins-e d maun fortie Nra,'sif argneiase lunrtoewiafier-1anv'it leadfl hs i b. in tis boxes. a us antveeprous, île ttr and birefasetie our, as b 4alluwtd poens buýt îe'Uleten stb o 0 tle' 'ttihébtre arslebin a s telu ýilte c la orer.e Onc-te al ><> h mioiiin.ih&lueanhs. bits oM boe p h otkts, heoi, obeuis aa-rusrloso csi tiewb istacmpno. eane triekOn sieasaIitumir.o wA nur er i aremg t i'm gnitr oe-ti la ear 'cit. rettimewtiéAu- tla be t n Wtht o tIseiohiet j tsetral fok. J'e f~.~ an totiX . le~ 'I wj~I~ sor.tiin a ottsiave !ts scen. T e grll cwas îth e iessaT edw'-atgls o tit rongèo ilcanernîs er vry le ls ben eouite nabeîei iýoîepnos Th nehig clscdfirts dofthe iî wtr e rulibét o aN a ifo tii sriaz. ' i-r ihe a tR~ osde. been s i e' othe urigsimpersin- q- 'tis a.ve.i. atiAde nacueis Teun w '1cm,and ineed an tsan tâi tis ul d so' se vct therla tle eiçG. 'Dîtithe tabera reak lulie o yen rewvl . btu ns ere ahreeaor. w ubedbi eesan lo -d u - tMbitii o eflree. k nte rtsu a. fh i 1up luisa ouîao'îhs-vayplrtioe.' y hazs elle. i t-- - 4 -à

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