sin bth». 01fue .talh414v buk ebWd il impoilsat it as wI WU Jff* fvm*f , keareq i:, a il, bdsa~ ~ euéeâdsshsi fWesi éeoiion » sd lhila - ffyU 11k11 *ths o 4 vill ii t an ~~ eàtý dqe,1î lut4-Wmmi on f 'a Briiah: -. lg' ligen*aof 'î po %ierfol Empire.-,t VS. "0voraor G ain% . a.wus ta - Leratiom, ad wilti Uitea-, iut Cmmadaloe gie ,imiuetItate ofFct, I1. ronh a a îew. kiistry, Io bdchassaen 6leuse f bathc parties. 1115 betiivdetikuvs e"Ia*will saon 1iow tbouxamaple-ef ?i.wà&rsviîck.ý att Thre Ne unlcadLguare pdl untion, ouly proprWsasim " fiC*Uols e. M Suz A a rP ?e..O tw Oesing ai the r. . C11!wet1 Itii-ébruary, thre cnrgato!fite ,ýLlrit;ï - say Btptist Cimrch CINgampely aurpiie,.i _________ iatherPMtor, te Reri A. 4. Carnerora, A.B.,- by Iaiting possesion oUiris wellirag l ive ~ ~St. Bsane tangible proof of their htàhi esteeri for __________him and appreciction of hie, îàthfîn and. ira-, cii>~ f6.defaigabsIe aborsa amopg tit. The. ladies vory soon ioaâssl severai tables vill eut-ý - abes ;andi veat hose preseni ivere- seateti to partaieft.h! e gaod thingé set before :tec xx.-Ths Sab. IllesSecetatY, an behaîf, o!f schnirend .aIn St&.An. an ex-cailpami adrlressata their Ptr, nt .jri stheir fistpmensrted him with a. purs. of morey and sua ug, . lst, all thirvalnable*, amnounting ta. a corausider- tn al 1.1, iere able suna for the tocality. .:The revetenti I boumitiful ~~* gentleman madie a suitab.rp. Afe f, ths reet tea smO time .. epmdlira socialinter-. g.é lia ev-sual coume- Singirag anti prayerbrotht a very Il hou parte a pleasait svening 'téa-a 0lose. Bachactsoro gee iras clo ~ichristiîan kindraesa antilibérality are v.!1 * l u. à Jdeseviug tof commendation: and imiation oif imaarinag -Lie h -ain addroes MW ri f $70 reran eatresses vere, 'Robent Baurns, D.D.) i. -adi Rot. Mr.- Ret. ýD.McGregor, Tat ti, Putter o! the althongit lange, vas Lâ emouied la lier dsit Éi IîELX SOCJETY g enu Tuesdtay èvena. n, time indefalîgable eresmlingag uddîsson nesea of the Socioîy's he N.Y. lobie, puar- >Huai. T. lian, Ma-' bee a a- friri nby 1 the Fe- t. Dotng- es Woerd of oua' auanti le time k Mr FaIlWheat & bout 2- - W lsrieydo- rj Oats --- ---8 Tursipe s It vas eeided mot tory any <Rex Liis year. On motioàt We.RpetI wu 5d9p1é& the County Reprt vas tanaded in iay Mn. )Cucwlsm, aiuerd ytia Sesrotary, snd On motiona of Mr. Thoe., secon(ieti by Mr. Graham, h. repot4es p.blisho4 ir a aracer columa, was siopted. àt58» WIXATAND15CALY On moton ofMr. Rbiýooonded by Mr.! Thora>., lieSeetsaïy wasinstructit.ta pur- chue. one haaodrsn buaet more af the .Fali Wheat uhicl teSt the Canada-Cama-ý y. pr= a at h~e laut Provinacial Exhibition, eoteb lit day. of Augum, next. ina suffi-. aient qulanlityle ;llow esplasubecriber tva bâshels au their p i "cost and -charges ..u lte Secretar .. jy bez doelirairg*to purchase [vo busb.ts any aI ber ruember shIdib. aliovet I o prçbe twa 1 ormnore shares on the Barrie léiMp. Alkather motIion WU paed ei iastrmctimç the 'S«retaiçy ta pur- chasé a rew b*sitlsel4UsilwmlsssBa"y,* or - soue garni Spring: - aimable for this section a!fLie Cortry, in lime te srow [bis TI ELAT£ 5XÂ5imIER Tii. Sscvètay havisg nsl ified te-meetrag tat lte late Treasirerdeclitied paying the balance due the. Smnsb-y, aay $27, it-was miovetiby Mr. -Litimgow, secoadeti by Mr. Thorne, that, the Prser~tbe instructedt b tae.procsdigs -saastlth, lais . Treasiare* to compel him toipay thre sarne lu[ho Trot- aue fte 8 ociety,ý Gra -motion o!f1Mr. 0.1*,, secondestiby Mr. Thomne ih was-reseived ltai a.Spring Show .baW het ather Mariet Square, Lindsay, on Thurstiay 261b of April niet. j ____VU__________ .MS S,,U If-4 ' 1*C6&LIIR aSWflleu Dy Szaaors St»yilXO 1rài..Womge Mr. Grahami, a vote ot! ibatîka vas tendeoreti Auraa.-Weregrt laJohn Kiowisota, £sq.,, for hie vsry eble. anti leara it a-mua Meti Cla 1e reàiddng an l1aathy report. lire Townaship o! M'don, nul far from tas Vil- Thme meeting thon adjourmueti. lage of Kirkfilk, - wesniataely,,if nttfa-" ntPOJ AUA EO ially, slairbeti hast M onday ,tsraimg, by one heoforso it oa Seciili wh neitis oa tie ajoi-iig l T h e Ituri is ofety - 17.1ofVictoria Au- Scahllwhorendesen îhéýadoiýig lt. ieuturaiSocetyrespectfraily subtniithItir On tihe day roiilowisrî, Constable Beiftèy- ap- Repari for tir set year, suabraeing a litt-ai prelieudeti Scaiili, anti brongitt hint b.!foro tieir maebers -aInd te amoaunt of -subecrip.. A~ P CoithruEsq, Rsio! idoa, ntitien coriiibued by eacim, legether witir a stalement howinirglte -premniums Avardera another magis[rate, whera hiwmax commilteti ite-.S'ptnand a it ~ exhi bitioný, as al , te juaI o t ke hlm -trial aite "ànext Quarter a siatemeait in detail of al receipia anid dis- -Sessions. Dr. Ciariefa!Woodtiiîe 15 et- Ireemerts for thé yéar., oiru- Ttc officeme have l>èèn frdttiega- -îendiug Lb.emvouiîtied na, wolies i iatna eng le e anrdea-ul-ae tier vcr prçaruosulue (om . dep ul ira tIafoilow feriera, as WeiliWeilias ibe ather baclr and (rom-.nurnerous bruises. clasees o! thé cômmrnmty, on ii. martriat- - biessirags which a a inad Providence has da- S. 0.Bigelo's r'Goos ae god -rig lime paut year showered umpon us un lime - S & . Bgelw'eDryGoois re ootabundéaîoe oi ourfarm productions 4of ueaily anti cheap. ov.ry tdescriptiona hhromghoutthL irth anti BAPTI? S0~max,.Tbis-gaîering lact bretiît a oui- Coumty ; ttfose productions, se BAPis- . ômr.--ýTisUalerigliscesa- nec*prsatvy Le hsieeaarce imati bave, las- Tueeday eveining, was i o« uces enbouinîous beymad ay previonu se 1asonm -fut aflair. Thre hall csWeil. -filIeti. -W. -not cn!y cama v speak orfte.quantity, but é raig, isq., ayr f port 'Hope, occupiet hd nuIl ! dsrpinwsmu - taplatiorni use ntioqd t f -iealarge portion of avirei va St-ori \cDougàll, Ille 1ev.ý Mr. Dom psey, inièctet with up. - -of Part lHope, th 1ev. Mr., Henienson, of Our Sprimg Shuowfor lbe exhtibition ai Paris, andthie Ra. A.ý A.- Ca meron, B. A., HIorsea - ani Buila vas helt in irnmdsay, on PasêroJ li Sulale il lte 2ithof &pril- and: vwas su canplete-a. Patg f li oungregation. Sri(bé a llureit, hat. w.are inletilta the opinion dresses vote <Iclitreti by ite.-clairmnaav that thai iL vonltibel atvisable ira future. te ard Moitqrs. Dempeey 1ant i entierson.- tdispetîse -with à Shiow et ltai season i f1he l'ite ladies aiflte coagngaion porîonrmerîd a1neev idiluce etrttni lheýr ahare oftho wark in, a niost.admirable T.he-FulilShow unes ai," held iun Lindsay mnanner; anti thiedelicaciesviit wbic Lthe- on i[ho l7th andti Shi f Octaber', and.ltLe. nrnotas tables vwero- loadei bore îostimomy quamaullies o!lime various k inde a! cereals, - aitela hei tale nt cinisianlibnulty.- aase, recta, gardon avegelableft &c.,.exceeti- _____t_______________ isie-I Iliealit. tose of iauy prçvious titbîinhe - show ai o garden Pioducticns was parficulaniy GIEZAÂL AaîwCY.-lt is %-l pleasure credilable. - woe direct attention to,,ié card ai oUr friandi, Tl'le show of 8tock was eqtal io, if ulta Mn. J C. MMull-ra, ite bas pene i ttle ,bettlen [ban vs- havé had belorb. pr INr. J. C. oltutli wragbu ff. Udand Gencral Ageracy Ofiice, ut OriIllia, lac nlanly iiiietlai lepbtin-thiff. ig Corrnty id Simacoe.Fet aln and- intirnate Tbïe1Imtter mand C'Apcae depantffinrt laardiy. a nquaiusataioês wiîb frMi . , vo e %,' arne up la the prnaious year and rather> - camlidrtty a!bis bulty, onesy, nti on- îÉsjjiled oarexpectaiomas; LiaI oi butter caifdetl o h& bày hulst; ndge-iraparnicular; ~pia am4aa as we diti eral qualifications. 7 Parties entrnuling 1Iim -ltn agrqamiyhd~oImatéinra64 -viti t heir business raay -rely at avingr Of DoneglwCloihs aad aliter wôoîîeii al respoplratte oadibrc bies tire wam somoinpreverrient over ordre romli aletuetila ani isrc-formner yoare, being g eeraIvlof a better îiotalaihfuly crnid on. -q1iaîity, andi we are convinceclil voualti aur! tnucia ta thei prosperity of the cmuaîtry if more ý P£TRCLgt(ar.-Tho Camnbray -OilCoin-gods i s desicraptifia vere imatie, ebetit- -pany's veU la -uu cw n voto-lb. de pt aiof-r by fermnersat aieo4 rby araextension a 500 (oct. W. do*not her ltatfuither mark- ooenfcmis <.!4rcala Ipl- etiinicaios o te pene. ! eînieammencs anti. Labor 8.suîu, Machines, thme ed'idictio3 oftLepreërî6'ý f:Ptroeümcompetitiaam was ery lrifiiîginteeft. havte ben- diacovereti. 'Tii wark ha pro- TicAieLdie. ki>rrtmeucanieti off lteé greshmg irMot Iavorably. In a aordancepalm, l'or aithough thle mamber cf a rticlest & hamsluinpsst t-h eea cei-exhiite don former occasions have ben - groater, -yet, amongatthoseo hièb gracoti, rnghel [vovces uo, eockroldrt a-Oaur Floral Hlall tis sas,titae-v as cioamty motus yl be calicd upon t le tiiedi- a.mraknti indication of improving tante aund at. paymeut. - -etil. There wvoua a (u beautifai aei - rmens erfect gerns, o! Enbroidéry, iBeat- BrLUARDS. -By neicrence-lotonr advenUs- %Virloer,&o, eacl cf- wbich could fing columansjt wi b.seen thuat efirt-clas ol aelcnaoaptee b-ul etïcond haut! Bilard UahIe'la affireti for .q 6' etrse m b uefnstiet iuce ftl-delicate fiuigtr3of uur Lado saie ýarx ierely a noaminal pries. To aay une Payr."e Ina sseA andati ereivas saie- tvsig hotapurchasoe agacal-table a better articlesa wlicmce tiaini veine %vom[lyëope. uppotunt? ouîJ rut ffe, a vetray t a * notice. -Thre Vegatable Fiowera' anti Lnnbz.udery exhnrbiteal by Mrs. - Balle t- the article offeredi jaï-n soiet.order andita at eneatltLO is s oe au - inms e . hI -tful B ead iWorstuidW Wok Ly Mrs&Lea-, ________________ iun ;ela dinmg ly Mr& .. 1D1. Stniliu; Wouk- Twc Deuveas Ar-.-The.Pont HOMe Guidèe eti Slipesby Ma'. Keipt ; Lamabal' Wol* By-Liv rpealsîgSocks by.Mrmm . I Sntil.andi Biantretî b> eeys ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,1 1 a-l.voeottrSM.Tustata. lhen thIere tire mucha aad-. tire Temperuno. By-4w i RopOs, teunOn mire-t Crayon Dlrawhatgs by Mrs. Mlaôula, lte 2Ot Febnîaery, rciii.d ia a-imaority and. the IBerlin, W.I Work of Mr&s.C forreecymB*ranville iras aisearepealeti Robinison sud Ifesm Norudt, besid muny teB -Law, vwhile Darlitran baù:s, a à-in ther maI h 1th~; neti s y t âsM6aie Mes t.gratifiig o vitom Ch an îaim ai rit by a vote of 43ta 12.-o Jisty oor ct, ady i- uEssexRecrd states. that el Seuil >te thalle skill. e lam*kwJsatylitiagtb yeki, I.ilge Prince met vitit an tocident ~ nii ebjs blîe îib iberuaing b u %, 4tsing Ï, e ix clm e!t si «" Mmi. - loiso ofuu,,» of. ak sf m rt' aiss <f u -ifumfflis, v#ot vs go fat have bko!j, saes hrough sgnveu fhWu re. ptd e etwfarmers that the ?ro.pects ame Dot safficientIï, fiat- us ~ ~ thair exepetrn toýjmfuy the hop thaït Iis or any te hg e as-Othnw~e ~ jt entere4t bat- U b. . of ýÊtJ"iA&45bbt, %' w auxïl*ry apa~smb teir t 8.sif vwe 01 1vil the il-are te rnimmor tiemmsUî îou riesnt I *oitWior whhp4e United Stale r MMM li t t p uce bene- ta bu ehanged and twhich change te saine out- ~rteV ltut ~en igslebaï1nessof thé e, ~coivlvy aud.con.equeully -muet nieemqwi!y e *b -deiàred Ibhat e*rwchannels. T' esowfirg fWta M Ml waer 9w- iebeo nach an egtabli.hed int4ilàtioi et, tracts h i. un- that lia every other fiked.ihabit. it requires, su L * èm. shou k a atonger re -solution la break it off thqu, un- oculthat lghiq aum t as capable, of' fortunaaely, Wur iareare able le sumrmon, eoo.qlglnd ytepaiathuh arepot fno heir landi is be- ýtî1aë$andhé 4rité instrume-nrtal in commsi xhaustei from improper Itrec moving sur f4U"ýhafÏad .te ngrroiv cir- Whâle apeakiug cf Wiseat-,we mnay te- oie ira which fb.y have bbito beeu con- maribithterupof failiwIhee«t, as Prelvious- fined, will .Iiit eefco.hI enind.was nnnîsal1ý largciihe prie ms em Somwhag limiiiating for. usaluaseM6sori ud tiat a great quailîity %%-.ubrc>uglt ~da..Ih# < a.met ou we aemru to have ta, markteLbefore the'close ofi i.-vigntionn,al- 1*~aý àfri t esiap IMo"- al, agri- Ihougltai a general rule il did not.coimma,.iil .chstléalprois k this cOnnIyý i. îhrugh the. top prioe's Doiný Io' large pori iol"is of it 41el~otsuu o. sme '~tbooag-boP'beiîng smutty and littIp or noneao* the -pure] faixers, vwîîh sufflieilt aàmotinýt r capital 1whità varieiesi, other wite co:àsiderab!y mure 1à,1on faradugoit a .maio scale. moneî .votukt have beeni realiztpd for the, ?A feV0 f ;uuh - l qmu conh i ndbpbte<Bv . qmuaaty sold. Suchb a thing as srnut had. 'wit <mr natlan.riy go4 s.aie> colivaIe te rarely beea seen in IhetCoaitîy duriiîgthe 'th *lvanlag. te relve",anti even if plrenIonseah rte er nid.frorn this» W :s.or, fou0 lieafedti ëW saatOwln-tact wo îareled ta anfer that the gémeraiîy of asn;?ë mnd atteruta io ers fimes l&flad becomne careies,% ir,,preparinrg impouMnents mighî ,o nul exethersei~ihutbesep speet ta ee ra itecouse i a1evyeas; ntiand thé past season ini ail ivrotabi litbëirlg 1u.the ' til.jàagoobd field frsb Ira mure faveurable thon utsua ior the prodine- colin ty thierse ail l. but.an0 > pinn aetn cdf.smut,,the relieaiinfection w s the hrsare plenty, of farms for sale a gtàlo. cor.sequellce. - Ve aeghdta be aNe ta re-.. = Ptî . icelle , .port that lthe depredatimas of the YMidre -were lluiiitin asiliswé re 'ha.vd ~t~1I he yield, of Spr;tg, Wheat was: found [o -fêes [bat vwshave a great liock -f >si.Ièbmoch belqv the -avea, rdino cal. farinera Wit.hin'tbe limite of iur somie- seo, rmta a ro!i~Îavg e r( ln r Iy.; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b- ilwut .tehiga fo ala.ualiy degenierat.jng for the 1.>7 few ye)ýarS# .lion te be enableil tu Witaesaa real agrio -ul- that tiot much tiependence can ha placei an, tural intelligec, gen.t, stabil-ky,_ il" pleu *îiveuess, aitîough there ertainiy amr, temperawmel and al! those qualities' were several fleids iatcer1ain, localities which *hach go 16.make up a thoaroù u1gli gricul- s hw ec a prom ising. yieid, anîd we cannot loriot. Mariposa ars.tElon.are lime -best d1. eît urseivesouftantion[ltonera cultvattt twnsipe ii he Ctiny.eau- -of deteri' iowing [o its being -ay Ouront vort farinera, ne duoubt pr onear afier ye.%r upon the- me soil enb1de themselves thatAthey tracy ail that. hoirever, ve are birengly imnpre.izsed vith thé là neefsry ta b. kno'wn, and dol ail that idea t thi it wonid'h.tve beeci wkm poliey o1t le MM 0,ay b. dione, in o.rder ta insaire.the pârt of the Governimenî to have importeti prflabe arinbut weO are CanVineti somete larietia-.. c.f spring- wheat as weli they ltave. nao daim ta any maÙch protew. as that of Riga flax eedt. Atmn. The lfolly ëf.-their pracbee wý tu the crops o! Barley. Qats, Petas, andi {ay reemtly anti general sly yo t afford were ail mt couitil bu desireti, the yield ha- os. a (Mo hoe f sar eeing a réformation. iner a fait average. r ainsaCej tecuet happoeed Owinug ta the qu'antity of reasZrown many tu bu, blessod- with a- most abubaint crop of 'auf ers iwere ettaabled té feed their uf Fait Wheat'[he. past seasan, .they lit piga wival, and a fair qluantity of P&rk bas 'inca jurmp Iu [he' conclusionI tiat the- best been s<d,' tho quality of which has far ex- thing tiaey clina-doe ls t w as mach fali ceded that ofany furmcr year, antifur%,vich wrheat again as possible, and Du oon aler theain bas -been a steay marktal aI ery have tbey secéuret their crôép i'the barn, high rateu- andi Wî1ich mtrs havo proyxed lieathsy commence Io sowi every av4i la-. very remnunerative 4o the ,prucür. bi. lacis -on ihei flarm,g whetber atiapted : Thle quantity of Botter has surnewhat ex- ta ils grwh orianot, even iýnciuùding ait- ceeeti 1that of any former season andti he >their îwheat itubble., as. wieli au the stubý- qaiygênerally better, andi the prices op bles ofohe ereals, consPquently thiere, is to the end ai Derember were extre-neiy now the greateet breatt of flitwheat ira the high, but have since tieclineil te a more 1rea- ground [bhat bas ever ben in the Cornity in sonable figure. - Every succedîng year cou- one seasoni,.. Itl i esiiateld that the 0uan-- vincè [bat [he Dariry às wortliy of more Lily- o!fs4s n- thirty-fve thousandi attentioti reeives. The article of beshels, aintifroua the description Of a large butter, aet well as a large nummber of horned portion of the l.andsàsown, wre thinit we may. cattle and borses, asitisa every description tenture, ta'prédicta failuriin one half uf l: ifwl eereadily buh n frth andi ehould -thèse fears be realized ve can- Uniîed States market at uiausuaiy high ilib.' blint A thé great -ksm which wiil prices. Thée a-h tiusrealïzeti, in -additaon have beera sostaine i n tlhe quantiti -oi seedti î.-tbe hleh- prices received for ail other [hua *astti, in additiont Lu l oisailabou-r .Idescriptions uf prottuce, -bas enabled aur *Ilieh.,was expendein raputting il ara, a-ntifarmera tu mb cff!mnaiod scores. wviçclalabour' nvight, vs canceive, _-have IA considéerable amotint.aifceuh vas te- beea betier employet inir jreparingte: landi aliieti by saine tarmers for Wool, tho prie for varions aspung orops. . being good, antF ive- wotild strongly rcconm- AgiAe have'ara amaîl numberof fariîra.I menti Our farmers lategive -more attentior crs hs ri oion s en l .bae a sheep 1 arhming thaîr [bey have bitherto tapon anyîhan-g but accurate-principles-; for de.feigsr btîey wouid flut il or.e.yeav we ile thein wita more stock of Proiale. eve.rytisripion thar-Athey cati provitle a-T -clop. OfPot atees was ahnindaaf as sufficiency of provender for, andi su allow avi as [buse-àf Roots and Vegemtables. lhoitor 0starve andidie thratagh. OfQ Fruit, our Cou umy casino: boast of hav- te inclemeaoy ci the winter: a-ad thon thee gpodct nyqaamywr arnin, nei yer mrala he ppoit exrem, atibut We have rCcenI11« beàn glatoi witness, scareely have a hoof ai ail ; su thiat in a very a mw),e ina theiaigtt drectionî, ina the planting great nlumber ei.caseitheyar led by these af fruit trees anti even iai grape viane, anti sort o! spasmodic imipulses, rallier thara, by we trust, wvida propîer attention andi care, the. more nainal and calm reflection :, batithey, re r ii itecus favr e as *e believe tbey ought ta have dune.;duiyyeas ean n mo-a. i~jni every - osideted [baht last seaeqana abrindant crop homesteati,.atil in place of beli-v imlporters. waà attributable, tnder _Providence, ina a of fruit, ve shah l Eve la se adur Farrners anti great measuire to&tbe extremely' favourabie . gardeners deriving a profit frn its sale. easOn ru roim e limne the seeti vas put inito, Apples andi plums ;Wi apropter Culture anti the ygroààd rp, ta the [ime.uf ednring il in cane, vu are con vincetl %vîil] ueeeti, anti tha barn;: ami thon calteti ta .indâ thti un. [we have great fà,ith in the bel ici tlîafgrapes tlted. aanoîagt us forii2-lard 8 .eas but jiicaav en n udr il-usage, atit w*isaout any narketi sceas; whilz LS for ti' gnowth ina -tim seetions ai the Province t .ftr iet~ rsdîvi etioniy whe.M tté,fariners are nul îa,-gartis ira their. a4eIahà sn eh rpr i. <i ar jt of 1 prf i heshown a aiahisîae.orv.retitris, a til htlib tepiiia be~a profssio, hs îiîe -r n disusîtoraeviery goond fariner, andi so-coîîtunue lu par- tua ae ai @cute. severe toutil t[bey cao dcaim ta sarythat laegge aailn culure. e-is t/aeir tvocationa; for ail experi-_ W., are avare that âpcre are about firty o ~nce teacîaeslthat Ihose farmiers alone'are scutlrig mls ia eeruior in he estrn Uecessiul who pur.sue tha even toîmor o! their. 'Section of te Province,- 4gittes laýrgelinonWva ,y; by keeping alooffomohe 0 oeî maiafactoraea, aIl ef which are provarag pro anti putrsuits foreigraIt hein calling. fitbleiraesîxtral afues lmetire hve We shouldilike te seeenîcouragement been repeateil-y-brougbt ander te-notic iàefe1Wn tathe manufacture of draining litles. our Aýgricalteriàis titrough t le.medinitioa the wîtin the. Cormnty ; iratiet e bvr ad réason. local presias as Ir as. havitig been discusmei t eiv htsmt.n oi aebe at Agielmu etngscwirzag aihe b decloe ira Iis direction before..nov, iromLtae ,saine: lime thut Wvo lia e 4largetracts of landi antie iahilun:aoWrnpoist adimirably adaptei ta te gowih ot fiax, alid ta-ig lnoefb rcie ilthe Counîy 'thatýparties wululd be, arhoomisig., th puir- C-rnci nçi d the Agéricuiturai Society, yeî chue. and.ereor îb.neeeary rnaiiimlery fut vo er,, @not heard that aiîy, motion ir e- 1 rouehra~&s.,if lte -artmea ibuld engage ference ta ilt vais evermrade ;, ith the 1)res ta -graw - i e ethailU th"-s. iutoenieats lia-ne ut Other basiaess, we, su pposie iL escapati his been id resaîts; raaory. indeeti fret ilm ctonsthat been i A suljecîhavira eferenceta [lhe estab- madie fo6r iwvoducrag the culture Oififax, ýwe latmn oeMt arni etrai1prt mnay eisll ýa* a urselves thé qtaetma : "8 oh tthe Couanty, bas boa-once discusset by- tire Conaty' of, Victomi ta remnaidn an, ex- meataharofci arSociety, anti we are favnra- ceplioii teoeery ofter Coatyira -lime" c- bly immpressed iz4 h iadvantag-ea whieh Vic fI -leabel oaniala aitgaidw eiv nb arainstitutionwcîidcwie Whide otasais, mmcl sefiavourables *tutetd*as if naeans were fôrtirooming fer procnmfing [ho ta "f ndhetdf oilii.s &o4,are îêaking ~~WSIIOI~ meeasamy quantity of iend,&e., and seatiiîg TtC ud515 ilStaI ermator7' Scbool ira connexion vila it, à spot of ô», of oui'Branoh Sk,,eties il, for lte eçeplionof lteéindigent and va- meit futnised 1. emadi, "tat fiai vas out l- ouiprnio il<car y<mth., might b. warked livated with eure succeseby i nu br cf witlh iasaut" d"oaes tq>t. Tof- surfamemagyia ra.>lTis >tiMent 'vs ward împrovepaerts of! Ibis nature, anta- t are Cfi*tuOd ieaav, i e b a aiistaké ;- wardî increulla he -nrorai preasprity, f«, we are clooêineeid ihi Mlbêmneoal o rne leimae y vs canceive witbill the Iqt,.uad thmsoWhogiv, thsaraMetl10cs pher o!tih.County Couneil, anti shoald- ji«Jaratot,m. l ha. belon sisti, for W. b. wiîh Mtm a paramount olbjectet aIl liMs,. ~~ge ~ 41a ap t éhm whsb x vas grova sudthe ArîcicotualSociety sloulId ne foail tnwfttoo & W. jlà c-oper ateI lehoetei tit eai a MIR l àMiftwhath.r thaVM 96 asmetMas el1hî 1lewi ;aicly *setit bat as îiZratsa u mY expect ho ome more Bad acsisoMganzedi in te toar tawnsitips there is- rom for a large additionai numberofa- elrs, .amcl w. trust f~phin unie, ws hieb may b ~I~' suàer. ie Coua4'vill re- otie fai!!$ o'f1h. ames wusemah need, vmz., practmtca ff-eýichrà4 Md othr ain O slai4u 1 me rry t6 have-to srny that expeutienace bas taagbt ns limai [here is . but tie pospects of tir beîig ale to ira- etee ov-Puoesa~aIksghhaimg long tiftlyboa"mimail. W. irai thet naes *0 st3e f eah sbaecriber neanly afî qiu lent for hissbsreripliou af Omme-Dullar, subher ira claver ortlurnip ser!, or a.onethng e le, out mrembers %wuuld ha very -few in'!eed, andit the sanxio remra- applies ta ail our Brandi Socieies ; however, mie are hap!iY leo have it iii ou r power ta ereoram pleas'- ing f -attire -ira a recent resolve un the pati ut [le (>psBrandi Society, wlrich us iie fr of -lu ha11g decidet i pora ftrnishîîîg caeh ai their FnerraUérs with a c'py ofi-lihe Caimcrd<r Fariner, ira pIace of givin; ite Oyen NO TIC E. - ?Jas.parties î& Teumiand- Contry, vitra n«v fo yst foumnd il convenienttolu ui antd Imaytb.w atQfeItedeee ut are bereby a'eq*esussl la attend t thre ame at ouqe, andi save S uis GILLIES & LAkiCASHIRE.* mait8,16. COUEPO DENOE. ~obcaygandami oktby. bouta of relaxation. 25 ceaie. ensillnutally plying beiveen i Àiidssyaria,: We r6 ùde>td, oý heettCo. o Tû Bceioageton. îowi.uiarulmea-, cnvoyiog pas- W. a te reidethned ta Ci Agnts jCa, f6rto. s3 rsand. freiglat &c. There l is a janetir BiLlitAmricn rerLs fa ti5daily mail* by - lant con voyance tbeholeoi FebrnenyNumber of London- Saceey, The yeer roundt whici la gr eat. bonelit 10 the conïtents are excSedrgty veried, anth ie lettér village. pros. le iatemsporsed il !timte cimetillustra- But as I mai at msae .fature lime.rotrn lionàs. For sale by ahi Bookueltera. [o the.subjeot, achou nas Iosabýserîbe îny- self-A Rr.awaxv. & OBigelow's >y QOOdee«M SudIt &&0.,Bk<lwM's Dry: G" &*ré g&W anti chsaP. al ichamp. seed . Krowling-, as we-do, that farming ils 'c M ) .te cliief -stay of nain couninry, vo shailen titane ta hopetat all %diu ti-sire ts 1ai>oseedfunlm rerprî calfteandvit byitei inluece n<lex-anti sketches - of vannüsý sections tif el tire ample, (ina wiateter spi.Ortt aithe lgiu-hae ir" n jour fývnJuable. cultural f;trily they niay- be mnoving, fr olu siIh1ha lhi>huo h ni1r tlin Miraister oai-Agricultur. e dêvnit. j 'thé ou i mrnubce trst l't2r- t'umbiest tiller oiflime soul,) cara aid ira brin)V 'b , "ed elr. ing about a more l&povt ystem tîtn Iem wahe a shu3ppr kîhmgat i, no gmîrai pevil, mii uL al a vie cib ig1i r.d-y isittg vilia.ýe4 tf Bob- new eneali preai6i 1-illnetfài to-vivecaygeon anti Rokeby. Tan- at va-, ieaiac- the, subjecî that a-enuion ils importance"de-e. kiitahérv*e cvitun tamuemumory oi lit i wltn ul un-- maridï,,a:itl sa coradmce [o the general velfafe dividuai "11lte OiIosîinitabitatlt," thm -But- of the Provinîce.'o Ail whieb is tes peCtully submitteti. caygeoai cOuasietinia s.~i nîî,at latier stili, of roniy two or tite e .Bt WM. COTTNGHAM%,- v[i vitnn r wili rîw be rastotiisLed w inti President. a place of conr.iterable Impnortanc-e at;d pre- W. J. THinxÉLL, Secretav. tensions-om bure are several Ilotels ai the- Linadsay,. I1.9lr Feb., 1866. Ibest description, luniaishuti andt titîtllnpoira. l a canfortahle muiner, enîtaikrtii every accommodationî for traveilers -andi he Ipu[lie The pniceofaicriai is tiealining ira Novwleneraity. lij addition tao wjj lîilere are York. -nîne stores for the sale of dry _-otk aîi ic- MINISTERIAL DINNER ATCOR N. stnps. Wiil eir hnaueus ina fu!U t a- -everal agn-akrjoinil,% îoît WALL H maker.q, &z. While- oti ttie nu: of î.~a the canal standq an excellenît satw miii, On Thnnsday, the 14 irst., the. Canîa- wîc arwfîning iLît antIda. atiî- dit'an Alinisîry mycre omterîamnedi ta a Polit- 1 pregelttutrning cnt -sothoi 40>0WJ let cf icaài di-iater art Cornwval, vîîich -appeairs ta splendid savra. lumber inilte twen1V.fonr bhave passed ot iwiit e greales posIl10heur:-. Ont the sat bank ira a c;apital gi îst tcicit. Tire proceediagsai rehétay cam- rrall-, ulicit hi always in full vork. ani un- menced by aar ineongraritlîtion ha- tderlte able managemnert of a gooti anilier i ng paeseauted bty lte Mayor of Cornwall,1 has earneti a ide reputation. ]Roîla-Of thejs* la which thmelHon. J. A. iNacddoraald espond- 1 mills are the. praîîerty oi that excellent andi eti ira a brief speech.- The attdress cofcorf- iento>rprîsîng getitlernari,,- Nossom lloyd, ortulaîion eierredtia lte efforts of lte min- 1Es-q. The obse-vitn- visiter xviii aise olte :stryý initie cause of ecoiîietIerativn, andt star- illaut her. are sçime of the privaie reâýideîîces ted-,tha-t thte demonilnaîion- given- by their huhcrin lay cdaim ta nnuch th-it is suti- tnièis ira Sornmoît, Duaidas antid e rrv. -itiat . 1%fîiu. r. Lte)yd'. mari- was inteiidedt a mari.[lie approyal vi -e" î,a h ~ o large dlimceroi.s, formeti effotnain behati of [bat ineaste. Hon. .A. ni stonc ait! I r:ck, ati-CIaloirethitotf a ïi IMacdionaldi thankati thé mayor and c 1h'- Uat onue"-un-ida t eîspec.t ta f.jnin tir i; for lheir cortdial invitation anti marna r -'pa îrt ai the eliin try. Mr. iiobt. Huî.zton'st t ion, expressiiîg a hope, of andi belief ia, tt.c o()tage trie ofaivery prepossessing appear- -early adoptiorî(ot Coaifederation. a- .Thera il% aI"o a lange irame dwe1llng The praceediniga[rato place a94lte Town houa., ovnied anîd occupieti by Mn. Sa'n1 .I all. On Iba dlais, besities the tiîjaistens;- MeCle1hcu. Tbe village scitool hnuse is Mesm. . . Mactiona- - anHowlanti, iow a commodions airy buiing, ttav- McëGee anti Cartîem-wene the Hon. Mr. Fer- lately bec»- enlargeti, ant ila rae- apable cf ier, the -Hom. Mr. Carling, bit. Béil, (of Rus_. accomnmodatimg the large nurmber 'iichildner, -sil) Mr. Rosa '(o f Duridas>, - Mn. M<mirns, iwbo are in dîlIy atteridance therc. >'Anid- 1t M.P.P.,Ain. Ault; M.P.P.,> Mr. McGiverin, aiily are the educationaf 'ierdcfteh- M.P.P., Mn. Matticu, Mn. Brytiges., JudgeLItera 1ooketi aller, but ut. religicus weiare. Jamvis, Stariff Mýclnty)re, lite ]lon. C. L. jo! the vîliagers ant inihabibant .7ftile vi- Vankoughne;t, Hon.ý Mr. Panel, anti Mr.- Me- cinity Weil ttende t a. Trhe Cliorcla af G illivray, eMGilivray., Belween fit, anti Englanil people anti Baptiste have publie si Xh bundreti guests verepr Le .Thre may- 'Services every other Sabbath, maiting and, or, Dr. Allen, preçidetl,- - - - tfetnoon - whi1eltse Presbyteiâiaîs hr Alier diaîîîam the ustual loyal anti parin- puplie wr'?si!ip- every Sabbath aflemîcon, tic tats venu giron anti reqpodeti toviten ndtihlie lesieyara Meth.odi-,sshave îlîeir the toast "O tan Gueàss-Her Majesty's Ca- ulcsrv ices on the SabbuthMornin-',ant nadiar Mrastrs"was ira an 'cloquent 1evelning, ho hheir ovu elurcb, wiitch, by -the. speech by lite chairman, td whiçh [th li. wav,. is a large fraie buildag. capable 01 J. A.Maoaalti respoatdtud inishort but nia- sealing some 300-pçnsons. The Presbyt>rian I thsa-ie peeh. he lion.lT.,Gali, Hon., botiy are Puîîing up a !subfta:itial framre %tIr. Cartier andthie Hon. hMn. Hbwt'and, aisoj building te wonahip ina, which is rpreîcite respondedt. Iopena sonna ime turinge the yerar. - The .1 Cich ai Englauti body eontemplâte put- ReatiMn. . Il Keev's nw at ~e itng upa citurcb as soon as funtfls will adt- Rea Mr G.jl Kevel newà!,;rt;e-mit. There is a Uirin Sabbaat SÉbhal LeMt mont. Iira tho scitooi bouse every af:,ernw attend- e d by sorte eighîy ehiidnen, Who ane tave'i Book Noticees. I harýe af by itirel vemaIe aiitifernale tîh ers. a sviuteatent aseeettvanti i- Ti ATLANTîC oçHY Bostonî: Tickrior ba iaP i, a, atrea>Urer-4lil(if whoa'iî are Fielis. 3 pe aunnt.mernbers cf tdifférent reliions bodlies, vez uîiiiit)- armonie sy in ýcar.-.-n oa he Wc inViite special attention ita9, Ie .Atlalntic wvork falbtseehuol isriii ncon- MonttlyforMatc. l eqtains a Iligh i ira nection ithlie selicol is a lîbrarv of Vain- teres ing. article entitîctd "An AmmzohaniimPic-aible bcoks la the rinnnber ai 3.50« rolumnes, rate." It is [he first cf a seiosnti1 is w rittený ail cf viaich, have been .paîreiasetI by the jvoluntanv roit tibtiair-s ofl'teteachens, by Mrs. Agassiz, who acconîpanicd Prof. Atgus- ahasaniriîts Ttuha uett siz on bis scientilie expedition to',Brazit. antd is -[i ilg aiglttanîrayfriw iii - fait syîmptîhýv with bis wise enthu:ziatsmn..lessnese &c -, yet, Iarn-glati tosait a-et Suc r,ires a graphieo sketch Qf rte Sccrenv c f change* tas corne amer lite place tot.* lie bel- iteé Amazon, lte luxuriant regetatian, thae lier. - The tiewnspeapie are of the quiet, lam,- brilira phmaet biti, tc imsicoînues jabiding class. The streets-may be pareet a in a t ofi thadav or n ightvilthout fear spcc-ies cf tishes, before Unknown te ýse-èicce, of moliâaiion. Thons ;s mtch cause f .or but now assaaiing rapiilv their lu-apen scîco--.jcmlmnsnig tho fact ihat titane ie til -e t tii. ati marnei ruiler lte s'ilful touei t. Ota residunt magieti-atet-he e tieesl ima- o~1af. -- ~anoi descrihe tC3 1Cnliaýbitan[g i gîrate be:aîg Mr. Gedorge Bickt Whia i andth îeir motie of lite. The frcýhncss'cf the least same [brun Miles frorn [le villnge WSn that witoee-armaryr liu e esrvicesc saijee, te g~atintnes ataetin~ta he X- ustice ni the Peace, tas ail that distanîce tl rpartition, and the cherar, picttirc"qî.e style ofth le travel, anti ati o risk ta[ocof his tînlt l eiig a& writen, give tO th isartîic ataia.attractietas. homne. 'Ihere ia also arnotter wa:ît mu-ch Ue wisli also [ ta r tttifyn ta thie are felt, a-ti Ibat id 1Itteeçîlon cf a 'J'o-trn la!l excllece f Carts Rndes sony "Gfflliandi Lock-upî, -la [bu case cf a idisturbanco Gaut,' whch îosesss 1 vigù 1r a& vva rt ere ira no place ta sirut a cnîpril np in. atid Garnt., whih psseses vigon ati vvaeth le conîstiable is uite c ecussily nof rak- that tankauong, ie best serials of *[ho day.tighi 0toero oLdalte County lits satire is genialy andî i l pemaeaded- by a- Towin, a dirt.anîe ciat least 122 mile»s.- lîeat!î [ac cfitoeinues ant god-wll. Sîîely the Council ougit Fli isn bt tiis mal- The stniking pas-sages frein liawthorme s ters.a xeictanre fra Note-Bocks; teé story a!ofDr. Joitra, une cf ne- kintis e'otîneT ais fnitai a inzî& mnark-able fide[ity te nature andcharnùirg g-a ce artiiieeitlier grrowu or rnîuicured. k.: ai style; anti Mr. StoiWs sugge:siive.C limi- can fini a. reedy suie, aittiat 100 oat a Pl-r