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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 9 Mar 1866, p. 3

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LIES Imu.v.mt M* .4 tlhaI he bas made au Ass ig=ieut o! bits hitttt tNe %bo* Act o*U,W lb. I are retimu<e*¶ r -fvrnigh me, vîitia t'Wo- efotthhS fro t tiis date, fwit.îs teiehý{lims, Specifylag the secutiît> tht>' iatitng-tbe fae4; :*bhole attestetiunmlter 4ml 'oth, i it 'tic ,oucbera ua support of ticlr tebes frais $2 up b $32oaci, all in aroderti n rr'a4 reapino arrEuings fouis 20. cts. msafros 25 cts. to$3. ,And $6each. 7 tOl . t ec Lapleudid lot of le tbe lme , suob as Clemsag a»t Cloch, Watcliem, Jsvlleuy, tm., ýarhg, wii le darne as leieuec ina at vilis reains nion Md gýtw c bo-r-Signcf the DUTCH IL.40 nl Btmb Weut, LiIlecy. Marck st, lt% ,.$1 1-u 10 o ..4e 0 ...-C00.' ! & 50uG ( 6 oê. C 0.. -00 'a 1 6.. 00 6 t 0 o 0 8 1.00« U0.Gî> or W-hi ic b Wiaama, Gilbert. r tl aIse. vW ip"» a ts 1-L~MflI, * Ivnto Dwelling HGnsie n brick~ sud onefrtai,. Vit g olts Sei4 nt ig ituatked near6b.4%rtet, i. t*er Itrms a most desirable resideuce. *Mso lte Store and Dwellink- on 'Kent Streetl-nov occupied by Ibm anhecriber anti prprietor The purchaser viii be allowedt t t lim.years tima te pay by1nusabeaut wvititevm Fqrfitih u matlon u Aniyplu jo& or by16 tek toteprapuietor, .1< *Or to. ADAM HUDSPETRI TR£YE 1Y-tE 3E R muûre strongly be u oaur remurks in its fa- i-aur, andi riebl- mente Uthe plaudits o! @Il vile are attache tot the Clnîrch of England. and visa appreciate tlrst-ciass literature."ý-Royal Cornwall Gazette. rugaber XXXZVJ;for F .bruarry, 1844) cem. 50 taie 00 CHRI ST CIIURCII DAYS: As OxWronuSTron. oa Ciaphur XVII -The, Iaslo! Donninglon. ,4 XVII. - Cbrist Chuirci Breadad 15 NNOCENTS' DAY, ONE TWOUTSAND) AND 00< SIXTY.FIVE.- Wl", AS .Ivaoi>icvnY 00 Nos-n mv TEE Vr. ARCHD£à COI< Woîas- 'woivi, D.D. .0 NTHE 1"BAÂr.I-,1" ANLD) PH RNICIAN - 14 WORISIUP. Byttie 1ev. Fgz auwx Mxv- 50 RIUe, MA. 50, SKETCHES IN THE DESERT. No .1V. By V' ON; THE DISCREET ýSILENCE -0]? FOLLY. 5013Y FusuCuS Jâoo:t. SC0Y1lNQ LENTEXTIJý »y. !hiev. .. 45 Srx, B.A., WM'inaore THE CHUTRCEIT N NOIuWAY; By tie Rev.- ~ ~ A. R. lVnus,., M. À., VicAr at Chatham. IBISROPIIALL, THE &ErNGLISH SENECA."1 IWith a portrait. BENEFIT SOMM~TES AND VILLAGE Ctr-rs. By tboit-ev. Cosi-murs Wmrmn- f. tM. A, TIE PA RABLE 0F TUE WILLOWS By the hi-Rev. Ricuatîn iWiLTox. MIA. OUR CLERICAL CLUJB.- B>' lhieEDI0o., ElNectie Notes: ýNevton, 'Vinan, CeçiI Scoti, et -Pratt, SmonSies' l'ives o! Bonîhon -and Watt-Mnf. Timbs on Club Llfe Lu o! itituol-Ia rein Life in Egypi-Dean AI-- tuhe ford's- Mdittioxs-Mrll. Stone's Lyra Fi&u- Uclun- Ra wlinson's Arsceul Monarchies. snt -'Ou Clerical Clb "la a capital thing, ahà en 1 - criticiss a number cf the current ta pies. o lie do>' in a Mot piquant suad iutealing wv4. -Wiltshire Istieiendeut, "Na Cluurcman shauM talt o secure a cep> of lte iagazine."-so4detseu Canti>' chron-: LONDON: JAMES --IlOG' A BONS. TO- ,P[RONTO: W. C. IIICWITT & CO. 31ON- nTREAL: DAW$ON BROTRERS-, AsD auL he Corinthia Again!l SpIendid S L"I Clad, Upper cabin Steame r antlinüental te l7th o! M&rdi, for lie, ipotittio'n of'Shippe.-S ohale Amerjcau- 1*. en "P -*it id lover cabinl, anin l ever>' respect s F'or JIreiul, ko., appi>' hte Port flopt, 2nd Mach,186 The. latest Cheraijeal -NoimIty., For.Salè b>' XOLWSON A à andolt11 WONYTo -LouN AT 8 PER CSNT. - IF?0 P cul S. C. WQ0D, ]PARTME]ETNDEBTED. "Il the Émbacriber are hei* Itotifed tha.t i. bu, ookâ, AÂeouaoo &c., ae Dow lu the hands of WM. TAYLGIE*l ODAKWOOD, for Collection;-, nd u RLa ôorêsu te Save f6rîher trouble. it will be neSsmry that they cati at uneadry date a pay the inouenq or balaneý tlieir, indobteduess by note. The subscriber would Aiso intimitte that on tHE - let DAY 4$*F.ARCH NEXToI h. illretrein, fî~rr ifDr. G. 'P. D'GR ASSIS Who Witt conatinue %0 praeiice as fortnerly, a nd ta whom h begs teoin troduce hi, formuer'patients &nd the public generally. Pr ies lidng te comiînicate with th,ý undersigned na~y addruss., r. D'firaaie, 292 iingSi. East, Torot. * . A. W. D'GRÂSSI. NrE Publishers vil glv. one of the Elcgaatly TRound Volumes ofIl Goou Woi101!' Or the "Sr DA MÂAzuu~"or au atiditioal i opy. ta, any ont, who wiilfltrnshs a Bookseller with nvuew Swbscribew Xau for cithor ocibh **SPECIMgCN COPIES FRE~E. "UOO4Wrd# are ssarth stc !and eut 121 cents a. .yonth; $1.50 à year. Beauti- EDITEl) 1W NORMIAN MACLEOD, D.D. Oxul or RBu M.airn'a C»LMB. 15 cents a. soath; $1.75 a year. Profutely Illustrated: ED[TED BY THOMAS GUTBRIE, DD1y .Author of,«"The.Gospel in Ezekiel," e«Speak ing ta the lieat, " c. 15 cents a moâth; $1.7.5 a year. I-lutrateti. T E 1AI<GOST. A agazine for the Freside and - the .1oùuney. Pixblished by ALÎussoNDE STRAiAN ir Go, t 63 Ludgate Ilui, Lositiut, Bgisa; and ot 50 Et. Peter Street, Moare4 For Sale at ait Bock antt News Stores ibrough- fdt ritîsh Northt Amura. "-11ead the. "P~olir!&"Konthly Notices of hePeriodicals. ESTABLSHEU-IIi 1859. (L&rn or' Qtuac,> DEPARTMENTM.L, PARLIAME1NTARY, and Pak« Aig.49 AgemL P ARTIES NATING BUSINESS -TO jr tra-act. vill sare time andi trouble by coniulting Mr. Orwa. Onwu ".-3 doors ttalw Torir, on Sussex Street, in the same btùlding with Mmsrs_.Buck. ley à Scott, Solièltora- Quava. IJan. 5agi1 .Family ero ries,&c CADWtL'S SAXÎ"%E.Y, KEN1' S£TREET,. LLYWSY. Ci ONFECTIONE1RY, Sweefmneats, Fru'îits, ilTeas,.Ciaffle, Coieê?obacco3a, IFancyý Pipes. igars of the best Brand. Calil * G*wOU's! Lindsny,2<tth Octobei, 14.4 ON THfE BUNTWR -ARM FER U- A 5JOITtSTOOC Q011COMPANYYLs nOW Sabout bein qg a.nUtd 'r lte puirpose of sinking a Test WàiI in the neighbaurbooti of the Urnotd enter Tan,. STOC& Tf> COST OF-W30 SHARES OF $10 EÂCH. Tii. follovinrg au*jcts wnu bc cousideneti ah a public suee*ig t'tm Adi at lb. ichool Houe cI Sherira CSims, o« Wedieams tics 14th Mar-eli, 1l611ait the ni !~t».- : lot, To babril ck. 2nd, To -ppWkbCotttee tu hopecetlbe beaty ud mi let a"lm otopfrtffl. .srd Te appolit Dixicatoe s uore duty -il, sailu Le,10I5UUraul4mUo! thé cou pany. 4ter. TudU«*ffI dyotiejr mat temtôecedIsý.w rrt thleinleesmal of sed comibe- As, the sbave Psettk u. s nti hrongbou dent1y éu1iud 4 t 1h WMbe op"e sI'ubcribel, for, &ad Ibat -heforubcmiag K. c up~ ~1M Nope. puar b rNehiip alpr»leËo C. St, êAmi te Ma l * LLIWUD04 --- -£-------7---m-- âud at the j.e1ics at X& j 1. Aî: iwe.,4ýuOak- M. »achett, Om.uiee, Aitan il twr mewiei. 0Nand aftm oe dm eemu2-ejg nd itUrtber uuTuau ins 11rue m follova: Leve Lndsay i 945 em unl14arrive nt port, NOM atIM1.e m. JOMN ,FOWLER, B. I. KIBALLIMaagr GREAT 'M~YMNSIN Patented i February I4tb, 1860. &derom,53tBlroadway, Ntw York. i liia machine jlacftfstructed 0& an entirely Pew pr1"incip e o ,anism, pousessngmay rare tanxi vaiulle lMProvements, having beta .exztmined by tii. sout pwoouati expertt, anti The foliowizng.arté l. uCiplla objeoioa ù daetiantgewving MChi BI vesive la bothéti.oprator. ~.Liab!lity te gti>out of order. 3 pestrôu, antl Ion !et. MIDWe ptruug. S 4. - lntapaity t10 50w .ery discrlptioa of maietial. 50 Disagsueble nois wbile là operution. Zita ~ d .Opiq&ws Mcf< 'u Il bas asiraight aeds wodicalar se.- tion,malces thu LOCK7'or i ST wbich wiIi NEÎTHR IP -nor R!U ViL, ud- is a like o- -h" aide" »Perfore* iuubtoaelag on every descriptios ot satpii, frosA Leather t0 iii. finestI Naaook Mu1sin, viti, Cott, linon, or sdlk tbread, erom ti4 ccrmuesi te f auti Ueither CAN.àor CQW RL anthe tileas osible friction, it ru»as amoëth as glass,anis drive it han any alier Machine luntairket . A girl of twebre yeara of &up eau wc* .it sleadlly 'withoiit fatigue or unjry to.aht' Istsrength and vonderfol slmplieîty of coni- structionrentier.it lab>cet, imnmlbet.gl 4 Of order, anduis GUARANTEED by theo-- pagy t etistifac-tion. W. espeàictluly invite ail those whomay de- sire ta supply .th"selves vitiiàa supertor arà. de t clAandi examiethia UI J U.LD- MACHINE. Bt lu aLmars special saner do> ire so-it thei atronagece Mer-cAvi aiort Drm Makera, Coach Makera ICbrset akera HoSkirtManufacturert # ati itee ,$kir r-iatsd Boa>m Makera SSedindmr,"ý Vredan -d Famialoos Mkera. ai- ReligîùuonadChaîkabl -e Inatitutim yull b.liberally deai, ith. NO, . 1, F ily Macin., wiîh Hemmer. N 2, Small hMatàfacturing, vith Xxt en- sion Table..........7 00 No. 3, Large "id 8500 Na. 4, Large, for Leathet,......... 10000O CABliqETS.1IN EVÉRY VARIITY. .We vAut Agents for ail lovastla i.tTnited States, Canada, Cua eue entrâl sudý1 SouuhAneriea, viiere Ageeciet, sue uot already1 establiahti, te hLon a liberal discozut vill bc given, but we make no conaigaMeuts. 0Ors m nay hé mcmiithrough 1h e r-rcu « .4dwriung .Eg«cy" 3" Broadlway.. NevS' ok. JT.MARTHR J &CO.., b36 Brostwiva>. cYirký U3 Amsog titiMost impoeat et modemu Medical discoveries stands ii CA14ADUAS P lIN DESTROYER. F.As a FaniI >Medicine, il is *ve» andi favor- Fahi>' known, reliering uhousande frais pains iii the side, Baci and Head, Ooughs, Colds, Soie Chioiera ilobit, ysentry, Bo'wel Complsxata, Burns, Scoise, Frost-bi1es, . e. The. Canadian Pain Destroyer lia nom' been before.the public foara lngbof tise, and i-irr. evrusedjs 'roi! ithuti, neyer failgLa ina ile instancetOgive. prmanesi relef: vben timely sent, and e bave nUeye r knovu asiagli qats et tisatisfactien, viiere the drctosbave bc 1e froi 'yfolloedibut on the o"vaIl aredliihtdWitit.. Operationa, sud seak ,in thie bighét ma e so!, ls Vimud 54Magical effieots. We speak front eprience in bssetr -havlng tested. il tboroughly, anti t4ioe" wie arc s&.ipg-frm.aysof t hecoraplMàto, wo m'i.kàLe lrecoasumadetimyledao il being e6Sovereffga Remety. Theastcnishing-u,flaY o! thcCanadian PaIn BeStryer, ia eis iim he dusiesfogwohIt la daing th e trias Paaluof- bRl*ua.as, igh I n t l. t Of uciedieq for tisse rm. plit.Ordemunae comi 09 Ji frois Nad»u De l m*.inapartso< i4 06ounry'for*fuer c&me.,adralàttdfyng as te li* a vwmsl keep 4. Poelam ider em«sei uls Io giv i4wWMa ielst - AIL er cW*e g*06 "s*t aise, l ior- be favore-be s a upAjatetieh i bis art; and butta w1m~wwper une(M rae tMI u as ect w#lu a& *nny uade in ibio province. T h. ~fle pkm oacutifavorably ui*alted laur4 qhii ap a raoa by jutiges be - laArbyeladeeorUcpurpose i~oati 00 n piolures viii b. let out of. 0, &di~acIioi isenusre ry c. . (IW.Onvà m~spply.mr. lianes vihe plisI nt d tbeitIals it osa h bta"ipe, andi 4>hse o aromifiy ac mbteti léIl Wlua.iArt. "ave mucli ple ure la certifying !0 Un. Pitswei âmla lu gard le bis being able-to~ TTbe picues Wak0hyMu. Francis, of LMs! say, ai goti sI ae from M4àyo0; .~. -Wm. MeDO' UELL.e r'çouUer lté pbotograp6s of Mn. Francis ase *r.d "w astrn as amy 1have ever sec-a- la Enli4, sud 1 have ceez some of the. finest. JAMES B. MIUR." *L!Èday, Apuil '11h, 1865.29 TO 8BHO-EMAKERS,. 1 »b'baso baud a compicte SROE INDINGS!e CRAMPSPEGS, BAfBOUWS 811E THREAD IIUNARIAN NAILS, SRISTLES9, EYELETS,ý ZINC.& MlON SIIOE NAILS,. EYELET PLIERS, PINCERS, PUNCHES,ý LASTING TACESP AW1LS, SIZE TACES, PrkGFLOATS, N'F.EL ýBALLS, JOIN BERTRA FISPÙMi JVhod.ae 4' Relail Hardwvare MWer-càatt, XEMPTIS BLOCK LINDSAY. Licd#ay, Fi8b, le, 1864, T1EE &'Ove Institution, now ha a fliunishl- 'Ln e"nition, opeud'is Winter Terta with preparýet. do thoroiagt anti-effiient vork in' aII tb. branhuof a comrmn d higiter Edu- cationi. Students prepaned for teacbing andi *Ime -for znatuiceuia in suy Canadian Univer- *WX. TA YLO.R, DAV1D KING, 338-lia Chair. &'. >(J 3. W. voulti uesectfully intimaI. liaI CODITON POWDERS, WORM MEDI- ICNES, CASTOR OILS, GAR- .GLUNG QILS, ESSEUNCES, PERFlJMERY. LAMPS. WICKS, CHVJMNE YS, e., e. Cas b. obtîamet for "trices" that wiii com- pare favorabi>'vit> those" of Mautreai or Toronto, at the N ÀW- D R U9GS TORE .OPPOSITE S. A. O. BIGELOWIS STORE. 1:'Pleaeeau, inspet Stock, -and ascertain "Priées» 331-tf COULTERi CHAMBErbî. bmmovent Act -Of 1804. ai tA. inciter- of JOHN BISHO0P CARY o Midiajy, a ino.'o<,st. The. Cretitore -o! lte insoîrent are notifiedi thalIe buasate an Asigument o!, is Estae> "ud Effecta, irder lihe abute AOct, tome, the underelgnet iisignee,anud tbey anr rquirt-ltiot firnIsia me, wîthin tira monutis frein this date wItà their cdaimsi, mpecifyhng the .Securit>' lie> boit. if! any,,and the vallueof it; sund if noue, mtaing lb. fMet; thé wioe attested under unhh, vith voachera Ia support oa! mch cdaims. - S. CI WM'D, LIST OF LETTEES Be TMIN inG l ýau.Lz». xPçostOfic, tl Av" , jasmi Nanbo.,Michael À= .os Maria Huttoni, David BroyaNeIl uttbn, John Bueu 'Pissas ullesThomuas B 'PhâIip Eay, Marg i Wmn K..!., Thos. Ga - i john Latex, Richard J .7 . -Ca ïM.at Meeban, Elizabeth Coss!!, udgt MahewThomas 0 slr'V .oejae *1 I I I a 9 T 4j'vr a: i ~ 2~iCI WJ OIOP b inflqso.sut tha e yboit imber vii n e , a"da au mu .<..Y 7.11 VU a IIq MhhOUi1in »oý ALL WOEK WÂA TD. Ta~~~ ~~ uaà i noZ rt do.. Wukmwa.and a&U kiads or Tb.g m tà espulring wil veeM a ow t aAut. U3Tb. e *.< êý bois e lai r sad tht Ii " Etabluluu.at I wpIisg met.ibffl U"r Sbomr i, -C"',titiCanada. L iday lth Jan"ry 186. s rTHIE EDINB3URCI4. LIJmmE« KUSI1 aANUqyqetECOMIT M4EADOÈMFIE I AAAWELLINGTON 8T... TORONt(t. THE EDliXNBTRGHI- LIFE ASSVRANCE- COMî>A1j Uuier tm. At of Parlàamut iauiethis Iast ses&on; arurp owered ta iue ta a ppllc*n4, For ii.~ badi oftheir Wiveg»4 d Cbadreii; such Polciies sue altog9ether free. fioin axiy daim on the. pat of Creditoes "Id enable perlons-tu provide w.Ih ecrtaifty after tàeir dcath fur the maintensnce Of tlietr amilies. Tb-. zdinbirgh LIreAssaurae Company are prepmzd ta offèr nmumsi fâclities for Ibis, d*- Terms c opt i su o e ir imtipecting Life Atsurance* may be. had at aiy of the Company's Offices ini Cana la. J.ILLYÂRD CAMERON, C1airmati. J DAtTU IMGGTXS, Sece~ igeut LiadaY,. 1(M1). SPECIAÀL N*OTICpE ToCUTRY MfttC]9.NTSf wishing te menoct Up vwit)> Nediines, vill flnd a large' stock allihe Medical Hall, conuutiag o! CASTOR OIL, by the dazeù, - ESSNCJES, ; CONDITION POWDERS, WORM LOZENCEnS BRIGG.S BLACK OIL, "MÂGIC RELIEF. The abe .Me4icines val b.ý so a à loy as, 'cat be purchaset in.aTorontaonrMotreal. * atitig been appo.inted osle- agent for the sale of Briggs's Méditines for t1his Cdo-inty, aMerchanta and aller. requiing the= meu pur- chase aI the, Medieci Hall.. Clover & Timothy Seed J1ust receiveti a soppi>' of flrst. clate Clarer and Ti.nahhy Seeda. W. J..TJIRKELL. Lindsav, VTlth iu auryi86334 ira=K FoR SALIR* F0P_ SALE CPEAP, andi upon LIMZ1AL TERMS, the SOUTH HALF of Lot No. 13,« on*lie 3rd Conessioù o!f01>5, *!th about 30 Acres leare. TheLand islof a PRIME QU- .t in ta egood nigibounhoot, aud vithin 3 MACKENZIE &PATERSON, t.arristeiSs xi -Attoruseygff SOLICITORS IN CHANCERVI &o., X. MActENEimZ., Q.C. C. W. PàTEUsOr, B.C.L; Tôron to. Jan. 1866. 31! -.,PPLICATION iai bermatie 10 the Legas- lature -el lte neil iession ofPala nt for An Act to incurporate a, Company>, ta cou- mtr a Raitua>' fuominte Towu et Litîdsay to Beaîvérton, mand fron t lencele sanie Point en Laue Con-ehi-cing, and froni thence to Frencli River, and. for a .g rant-o! tic Waste Lande of the. Crona-f in aid of the saine. port Doe, ,Janu4ry 25th, 18Cd.* 33i-tf ,Wbitby Chroà'cle sud Lindsay .Mvoeut. v*ili NOTICE is hcreby gie,, tbat dUpersns ESTATE 0F,1-ME LAIE .JAMES -80OT,F an. requeste t a enaiin Ibm sa.te ta ith nter- signed, !..ýr ccttknient, antiaIl perzons indebted tg, the seid Estate, Iby Zotc, lBook Aceçou.nt, on o theriise. are roqutiredti lamatéi.immediate 'païmenltta the unilersigneti. THOMÀS 11"", xeculous. JAMEFS MIGUT, Milbnook, Fe)>. 3, 18W. > 337t4f- mid put upat lte MedicIl Hall,,vu- For thc permanent cnre ot Dyqefmai, Irailget- ion, -Hearîbun,and Liver Ccuipknt, 1 For flouses unI (ÇattW1e -very best iu use. .TII S.Ila ATI LTIU For, t1le permanent cure of- Feara (rIteli) :l ýalf an hounr. On. oIte suffiSient for tva, or t hme psouotl7 25 cents pubotule. 'e= eiciges are vauraniet, ifpur- perltsd. Gvt-bem trial. per>' set Q-e W. J a. TIIREL 'fflt* joaspi - APLICÂTION viii be saolttlogs- Rat, 1m ait latfre ai t" D eul Sopiseof P*as.t, U> tu-for an.Act la ingouporate la Oempssylo cmn- ROM, iaUb &trca wcy!ouii.VUmwi Uuro;&Mes tcwaîbiýise d TI4ici ab«WMata Wkueki. Jathe Muakeka River, s"d "f.ias -to woe t one v» pies. .uh v,,fu df"à8*à o - 4' mà~ .~i. Tb* WI* UN CHAOE R:Y . . ............ Mo dyIe Egktenh Day of December, in litetwenty-iuintk year of lte 1Rin of lier Majesty Qucenidoïtria, ausd in the year of «ur Lord 1865e The. Trust a& ni s*C"oràpany of 1tpoiV Canada, Ale» .nder McLesti' ÂÀrchibaII4 in, &id Hectoèr McLsan, ~ - Defewduna., liT PON the application of lb. Plintif, San tl %U appearing b! a&ffidavi1thuaiafer due dili- gence, Uiheraid Defezutant,- Hector lMeLeam. cantbc found te he servcd vith an oftice copy of tfie LBil li is cause; Il la ordereti that- the iaaid I>ctn',int Ilector 3lcLean'do, ou or .befer-è lhe Twer iieth day cf Marc)> next, answer .or drnur ta the. sait Bil; And it n oérdereti, thiat a copy o!I this Oûrder, togetiier with the Notice requircd by the general orders of this Couft be publhshed inte Canadhlr. Post nus- paper, pb in u 1wtoi,rencf Liind.-a>',not less than eighat we'mks hrfarc the Twentieth dey of Mai cli néxt, and to b. continti once in acc week until the ,aid day. ' And il le furtiier ordereti, that nu office copy of the Plaintiff 'a Bi3il ,anti a copy of this Order, bei îired upon ?drs. McLcan, tàe mother- of tii. aid Defenti. su. Xetr>cLean. (Signcl.) Entered .. (Sge) A. GRANIT. flegistrar: liceter MoLe-an, taI& not!ce, that if- von clo not answer or demur ,to he ril, pursuant ta the altoe Order, lbe. .la;nfiff mr.y otain an ordr f take the Bill rs conféesed against you, and.the Cour t u'av grnut t *LoPIaiitiffs such relief as ther may 1l'ecn*titked to on their nwn showing, fand yd'u wili not rcv m-fùrther, notice efthlie futiure proceedirgs in, the cause. 33341t A eGOQO FARicM FOR SALE. T u esold cbesp,> the north part of Lot No. "i u he 8th Cneso Tt>wnLshp of Cardait, CONTAIN1NG 100 AICRES, of irbicl about 40 acres ar cIélareil andi n a * good irtate of culiétiâto, and a gond Lvg Dveilitag 1 ouse ereéteti there-on, vithi a neyt failitig stream of sprint 'rater--otieo! the hut in f' .e ca-uniry-onvenienî ta the . l. Then Farrn le surrouunded iriti g-otiroas , niw vithin 2 j miles of the. risinK Village of Kirk- field, w.bre ré'Steamn %w Miliin f ul.l vonk. * nd vitiiin 3 milles o! tlue Victoria Road, and about 28 xnilcs frosi Lindisay'. Tcrin to bc nmade L-nvu o n application to the rropîrietor, Charles !Martin. 'Itmediate po35vSei0 1 ilgi-c n-titI, indLgputable. For friter partiéulars. apply 10 the %c.Yir- £~&dPostOffice, Carden, Febraary r t, " .t37tf WM 9URt4ETTi SUIGUN OM ~ST, ("Tua o0 ;. Y.ELoAN!l j-W. ELLIOT'* orri(aa Ol>) tinCorin the i auiansof Lindsay 1,. and *ta u~i~t1mt lie hp.s epued aw offict Over Knowlsoli & Gnegory's Dnig Store, corner.or Kc-ut a-id Willam streete, L'iadsay. Teetà Iinserteti on Golti Pitte,,',lver Pîkf-ý, or Vulcanhsed>Ruliber.. Teh ifllet vi&h Qoid, Silu-er, rf Campbeil*s Amaiui. .-Teeth ex.- tratt*éd andi reguld. Lte Perfect saifion atguarantW in aeveuy T'ne Liverpool &Lio & Globe fil- I11 Di)aiy Inme o!flte CDOQSo, $1 2,00. TheFl eumtl receiveti Iy ttis Oo,- F aydurW h hoe i "1863 ex.n»d thoeofssy other ConspMtY an reat itihy £0,o Isstrafees Vt eI-description"if Pe~ 'eabted ah. tic larmetemnamatlve ratea MLY OPPOSIT. 35 os 27 50 25r I........... ......... ..... r qb. ........... .... air... *1 COI'P EM dr FOR NtoSp£ RflUKSTI -Y On THI4RS DAY, the 8th lmt., I.- 1 .1,

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