mDu.iNeQOWRO Unir.,. GOàe la MID>onald's BukIdin, ove-Mr. Wat. Il 41"o, cSunr Kent sMd Wlism BSIRO. AI. ad Buelpes furniabed grau.<dniy io th poor .vm ery duesday 584 StuîdY m 1.1 a.m. t.o1 P.. *LlDdmiy Poe, 21, 1860.89 (L&TR JZWET"8.> 11 .BYSTON bepr. fora ho n"Lbi- titaof h oq oty >' " itrand eu:- roun - Mi t~à,uhtho Lai op.a.4 ~ Hoo nWiilikm Street, latoly occupied by Jewett, and as ho has.bad il fitt. d U fwah- edîn it stylevist1r11iifiai! etry conveni.. eàçcê. Winès, tiqàgor and Cigâroiof ib bot quâtity. An attentive ostier *1vAYa la atteadagace. Lindsay, Dec. 16. 1864.. ý:' 229-il AT4 p * 1. sur; *I.~ - - (LAT im*sir MiTUL,=ÇM mBlk WAMVtNSTRET, POIITIOPE., 11441 tf WEUI T. URODIE, Propuieter mil At- FHIS t*vorit& flotel bavîng bèeniiiély coin- IIOry, .5.pletely renovated, affords the Lest of ae- Lind- tommodlation for. travellers snd the, public ,et, generuy. Unkler prçeont-management no lizLza R fforts will Le spared that wîill coud ueo tu the 1 -tf comfort of gUestà.' - j- The best of Liquors And Cigars. r'Soli- 4-. rouary joar Rev eTe liowse, BEA VERTON. and Alercntiîtc asurnce lu Mr. George Kep's - 239-tf Tuiler, Koui Street, itits matie np in îhe Lest t living rates. AIl or- pt a ttêntiota, and a gecd - e nd Pro 'nvincial Il Street. lt-tf -r nd uioviucial ce, il Mr.Ro npt's, ailcitor iu )ffîce-64l )% Bllock. "nt, At -. itrn tel) uropoes. -316-tan Surgeon, Pisysician, aud Lîslely Surgeon ini the ice-Buobtaygeon, C.W. LN, 1 îlysician, surgeon iceun-uàte, 4-c. SCol-luge, -acis of thse ~~t;5.' - 144l siei-t, Stargucon anti Ac- tivet'onerWilliam an!i ty oeccupied by Mr, GO. IL - 3,1 LUU5u~ iNO~ C~ t. - - - 241-t te (Orgarist et Trin- reat'ber of te Yilmro- lente atIn. Britton's, Witliam Imprave! 1 C E'ý SED MC- ,W. l>grticuiar ai- ndi otihcr Laud Sales. , li)arrister; Jamies 0. ; Msrs. Paitersen Lnieron, MeMNidissel& roito. 27 4. --f Cent :aIsci-Timber co!mýpaiay ton the OUnS, Sign ann! Ornn- lazieri l'apler liager, orei~rs -carefully l tlld op ou WfliamnStreet. i. '292 0 LOA-N ER CENT. G. DORMER, Solicitor, &c. 1 The subseriber beËs to announce that ho bas leased the abeove hotel, which'huis heen fùrnish- ed and fitteil up tbrough<mut i the Lest of style. None but ibe choipest Liquors Aeîid Cigars wiii Le kept In the bar, and bis table will befurnidh- ed with ail the delicacies of the eaQon. il- Car-fui and Ostiers always in attendante. WM PARI1N Proprietor. Beavorten, Jan. fith, 1865. 280 (L.ATE PLAT'r'S,) .Abo1ve King, Street. T HF, Subscribpr begqte initirnate to his friends an sd the public, tIîat having leased the ah- ove cetral premises for a term of years, hie lias Le glad te have a Cali romn thç travellinrg Cori- miunify. Ue Excellent and extensive Stabling. Toronto, July 1865. 305-tf HENRLY HUGHES,- ITIONEBUR, Ln flouse and commission Kent. Street, Lindsay, 9ýr0rders leftatý the Office o f the Canadicin Pogt wilI recelve proupt attention. Lindsay, Julylth 1864. 255-f VA 13 S'ý -10 T EL, CAMB3RAYI, C.W. T IIE Subscriber Legs ta inforri bis friefida a sudthse p Yico ic tori Cotuny, thatfhe hae openc4 îLh litel in CanIbray làitely ceeu- pied hy NMr. fiil nda e lias Lad .it fir- nishedlin firýti style, visi torswill Ifind every con-. venience. Viujeq, liquore ati igari of fthe bLes-t quaiity. Au attentive Ilufler always*in attendance. Cambray, et 85 316-ly - 1TM 1ARRIS, TAmLai, William Street,8 VV-Lnsy.ilîr nus, Clergy- ili', Goloege 2dIisn Gvsa!So kinigCap)srnii!e Vpl0i rer.- Clothing cleauedasidturedi. Orders nes- peruf'iily solicite!, and sa tisfaction gltarat ntee .d. Liutdsuy, Jtuuo Ri 1865.1.301-tf To be Sold+A hBrgain. ALL tht new FR-AME IYWELLIN;G OUSE lateIy occrapiel by NMatrisew Blakely, on Yenk Street, lu Lindsay. Ih le a06largécocna * rodieus bouse- aud vol!adapred for Fa..l6ardiau Ilouise. Pnieu $400, payable by lustalmenis.- - lriumcdiate possession given. App]y te - Meurs. MACKAÀY k , -Solcitmrs. ý Lindsay, Oct. 25,1865. 321 R,0A XWDOO», (shap opposite Mn. A. l Cameron's ai! store, ),thànkfal for the libe- rai patronage bestaNre! an bina for-the past 3 years, begs te say -tiai ie is sttl propane! ta i promptly executea Il orders vus visicla bu may i lue fîsvottred, in the la test styles and ai tii. 1ev- est pnîices. MUýsIC ANDSIOIO . Mns. (rosbie Prady AVTNG rente! a PIANO lu desrous et taking parpilsatah ber reideuce, Rusuil Street. !'Terms made kuevown application. Lindsay, May 3, 186b. 296-ly KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable'and shed attaebed, and an.atten- tieostier alwayg inîe~ane Fret Omnibus te and from the Cars and Boa ta. BOARD $1. 50 pe~u >aT. Lindsay, March 10, 18r3. ,1924t uuh, Jî I thé have SiXTEEft BONDS 0F $1000-EACH bearing iteren t payable hialt-lean1y, aind matunig lu ,eightcen Parties desirous-ofptirébasing eeor more ef ad Bonuds eau do so by applying to the Coun- t7 Treasurer or the Wardeu. * By eider ofthtéi.Wsris t I AN»F1 'AULT fRNAL 04Y, IWAIU4I 2~L I866~ IL D. LUIN PrinceAU and, the lest -hor ,cardaes a Nos. 43 & over È. Haortu ef Tomet.; tix et Hluron ; the1 00u e' n'rc~ Lau 16in 3, IPe TtY, CW. W. M 4mmouw tinfteuto keep the Moest comfiferable ýtUty on lii! t oil VOte. Street West -ug tr, aat r. The Lord Bishot The. Lord Bisisep te Lord Biàhop of - 31 uriture Yarehouue! Von.u tmgqh Pri ce i « The auboorlbbo butesiafoarp the ubabitants of Lindmay and surroui4ding country that ho bas Iatelyopened >out alare and varied stock of Chairs, Bei! Steads, hireaus, PDressing and other stands, LoQUet <RGaÉses, kaçil Heo whickhéb. vilIisel at h éi wer rates-thau have heretofore been aaked in Lindsay.* Chairsanad Sofa. s i mur Cltk. Pt FiWrmIo Purniabo. .Jobbing viii re- rcerre prompt, attention. WM. WRIIT, Opposite Crowu Lauid Office. Lindsyeuy,860u. 829 Insolvent Act 6f 180 Province Of Caada,> la the. Coanty Court- vo4w o Victoria,> jofthe CouutyetVe To WIr toria. In1the uatter of Alexander XeLeanj 0 T 04, l heebygiven, that on the, NTwentiethdayof'pri1 wext, u-teTit o'clock in thé foreneon (or-awt&mon tbereafteit,*oa coun. sel eau buhe4rd) lbç madersignçd will apply te the' Jui!ge of th uuIldCourt-furý a diacharge under the said Act. The updersltueoMeW il auu4imuegisesnotiea aise that ho viii Aftb.asusmm*tift*(or «a. son :thereafter as counsee au be beard) apply te the said Juilg.for is dscare, rea lb. office of officialiassignee.,sAnd.uat bis final accont is. "jen for inspection at bis'office ini the Tovu of Lindsay. Dated at Lindsay, the Iffui day of January, ALEIANDgR MCLEAN, by7 PROSPER ARUSTRO31G IJRD, Bis Attorney._ à.34-8in S. C. WOOD, A ýGoodS Farm For Saàle,.ý F'l- E SOLD CHXAP,théE ast h&f of Loti 4 in l the. Bih concession of 0Opa, contaiiued 1,00 acres of which about 10 acres atre clos red and 10 acres roady t. log. This fatrm la wi'hin 4j mileS -Of Lindlsay And! t; Miles fromn Omemée, a short distanbce rom ,tbo rilway. 4 good leading rohd runs in part of the lot. Imméediate possý,ession. Title indigputable. Titms.- portion of the rncney do*n; and- tbeobalance ln 4 years. -For further particulars apply te tdie. ovuier John Bryans, Opsj or te Mesurs. MACKAY& HKAP, 318-3mSolicitors, Lindsay Knowlsoen's -Brick Block. TGOURLEY ICStolforu> hisatinerous rien!. and th. public geuers.IJy, Ihat ho bas removed bis te 4 ihcgsM Piotuw GaIery tlarge and commodon.,rooma in Kuowlmoa'ss Brkýk Block, specially liii.! up for thé purpose, and equal for accomm6dAtion te any l the Province. T, G. vont!d retura bis thunks for the vry liberal, patronage bestovoil upon hlm for the pas t nuilber of years, and he ih nov better pro- .Pàredthan ever to suit thé va uts of the publie in tise îéiituro ie, inthe. lateet and most pleas- ing styles-and second to none in tUe Pro0vite.w FPece eliibltions o ew ov a t*1parts ofth world. GoId and! Silvor lctoqlating dont on thé the shortest notice. îT have fitted up t.h bovezrooms "pciall1y for T.Gourley, Photograiphr, and parties dcsg pictures vould, do vs! to give hlm acsWL.' il. KNOWLBON. Lindsay, Novy. 17, 18US. *324 Blal for-Se.e. PII f %9foiieviaignseulEN luaiks oana aivaj Le .Lnd ait te OA.xarU 1POST priting office.- inveniory cf tbe GOu d il littels Distuined BailiffsSale,- And magislrsteBIo*ks. (DONALD Men~NNIN PI(PRIETOR.) Licensed tc, seU Wl,. and Spirite, ott wl4cb tihe stbrAnM eofiy will.baikpI. Argyleg, ti xýarcb, 1em. DePARMENTM,, PAILIAMNT.ARyî. and Patent lA4ge. pA TIS AVII JBINNSB 8ýTO JL.tra nsset, wI5 an tb** ad troabiaby Opr:-B, dom 1.1mw !ort, on emx Stroot, lute" tii.UàiIg *îth uIsg B. loy à; Sott, &IIçtoç*. y 3.- s- ad- - TJII MOV4asiJ- *t4D Cittle i E. oNu sbommerdd emr(ma vapnit al me w* 'He ostai along en <glance te i ueit a& viieh ibe t..adiepar., ar oSr'aauM. '»uYs bayou' reilaM.10hi rgad! 1uk i-i a anyhow,*' ho adit rk=sefa 1t é a dam uin'ier enlile settied ci bis ai-Esv.ow oo« leauoe, '-AMdOU th, tiVo dores b*ute bwsuùaing ià np i. marry r i ralier hi4 hm~<fr ti lah-agerne vili b. luette vt. l a Mr %voll, bul1 arv ela iuumhhyondoai Skuaow auiyhing ationt. aou ltisak le heu es lu quit.e in -yonr né >you Y-eue are -ne match foi. Jacobt OBrad3. Ounr. soit teunaae hasgut round the adil'y ginf an! if I baelu i beon following YOD hike yenl iaoiby thge. povors' , u. ~ight bayg manage eser h golden priie. Yeu'l tel! itma about vite jeu are, yul yQti Oh y-eu;1[dans ayy uvroul! make opa nice sto ',an!dpa selt off Womîagresl rran a ybo e 1yoii o av è. tli t . rouble . WIu t's tis ? A bos's oot tepu. H ha ë coine t ai atison, and nebîben too early.ner àtee -laie.' - The týacton divaeîl e vthowo!, and cross- ing it, cameé te tha'e. egeof lte hughwsy. Atalimeti. ibtatce t l itngit, a horseman f vas comiug mbowly op trle ascent, ant O'I3rady, peing îhrough lte.tqiades eft îit gstheniug twiîig1hî, Made. ouitisai il wvu .Maiviia -Blantire. Se b. seate! iimnsoîf cou ilue tetace an! aÏwa .iîed his&appreacis. Couo l nigi, Squire,' hé remarked, wvhite the. rider vas, ,nearly oppoite. 1'Yon'rs lakiug - t'very.ieiiurei- y. Oua lewouid think là,u kne vùen ere a day behira! mat ket.' Ho1! O'Bî-dy, i.-tisat yen? Wltat are ye oiti ttaee atieistou cîhe even' ing?', ai! MA1aivninas ho puuied- reins. ' iLeeXing .alter yenm interests-and nMy 'O ,e as the repl1y. Ais, ioe.!stili seuspicious et lIat p'urg artist fellowP ' 6Faix and I sm rmore tharf auspicibus rieplie! the. (acter. -, Didu'ît 1toIt y-on pue were a, day buuiiud lb. mnakèt.' - ' lîaî -do yen meùan V demande! Mai_ -'Jual. thua, squire, that nnt hait-an*hour a_«O Haigreave amt-ko! Mary Keudal te. mamry Uîai nd uèa.pre' s! qMaigi of ae tauteaoiiâed dispiane 'Xeflfar ad nor <imutuk. .Witenite quite tîtven ient i al ways mean what 19113', an! uay. vitl1Imean.; So 1 ropeat tutu Mary KRatdat lias betteihèd lerself 'Ia Han- grieave, islook can'.oebîacker yon te no nliodel'rate exltit. 1 *as ly ing -aruoua the bulies .atîd saiin a rdeverytiiig. By the. pWors,. bu3 'l1is lima tisis we menu tl,crie! Mïaîvnin, se lus corntonuince biackiie! vititpassion. 'l 11me-k bbc tel- low e -ut and, vrirag hisneck, and -that mn> touacialîin iitisedanger cf 4a srîeakiaag Engliali. mati,-.tir.a-begg(,arly <SeçI-.for: fLdontiuai vital t e is, coming te poaci u [iismaua. - Faitit,, tbere'm n.doubi tbaî wotaldteach iat iel etfectnally, tisai las if you couil!d d il; Lut tliis k-law, 1ev as h. la, la net a r oarse, vulgar aàdrenturen. lie eau put on -airs ftis te nicist bquire. in -théa. Ian!, aigî! besides tisai lie0 bu nbug fulti-riva frI- 1ev, %ho d!ùesr.'t luek like a 'cuverd. I' vont! a! vise .tisait we deal secretly vils lim-gel Lim carne! off letisehémouniains 1111 achitlie as yen bave -Mary Keuudusi matfely aura!surely lodet aiB!anîire-Casile. Thon ite may W a set adrift, for you'l nol nlee! Io cane a fig. fur hm. 1'Well1; 1 dan.. aay Ibat mnay b. thse-Lest priî,' saiti malvin carelessly.'iOnlyits taskiug s deai etf trouble wvus the folow. How le hé o e . kidnatppe! sud wbv.e*e con- .Voyod 2' VIl tit yen,' iahime1 O'Brady, nisiuug ai;! e.ormne agClose latUte mide, of lthanhose. Tey. are ta rneito-merrowrnîgit attse en4:e etuDanarrPark. Sqnire Keudal must 1Sck thé young girl *op, an! as foirthe yonng. sparkttsi onrocndsps-tha u lm' sthtian51 iii te man"Y ïme.. What a row.thold eqnuire WiIkic-k up lie flns n!Ôt, iiibis damijlbWh"a1 talon-la. loveiiha7i-oùe"m mdciautiur- ýhé, lte, prou' bed. 7 th-l ons.of et 9cial. ihat, vol. ont moi bar. k 4utemulustd {w *Wu connu. 1I hhlnk W be ý ARt ta oid -for, a ppeuoen te inxstapa pts4 sarqlite iihouer 'et O1 -aay-~ ddn.brt Blauuinn. Oy t.aObUne lah uotr~im gv fAite ater unthe ii.lasi oe-,0 aai le bouiti.tnemhs sea aonithe fonce, mi -looke! viidlly ixeitinbte the vood. 'The reportf ta gui quit. noçanruma!. hi. gu*ly guusqaker with ,frigl.ît end ho W" me4i' taisg .tIeoprepriety oftàkink te -bis iteeina viton a wsaandd* bar. iiaPc4atolt <t alinosathiâ hafeet, gave a - fewca* aer etrq5efs, umnd (oh deail. -- batosnt iti ipsuoxy nagbt entité- ly,'hsi i* wt, Cbuale, a hrmie ha...a1 dassifpssso aigpsme! j n rtw.g,.oerwu. the puuîîisur wiautt w w ' L50,lisAÈvgoe. <~" -cç l.kt olms 'Vol, VU -WhoI. No.~ yen my dimilnti.eXpresuec sentiments. ates ~ ntl ovtisaitIi. hanorof the-house sceautied, ara! la *inuloeily tlo%,É amoug Ha! be dons so, both of un voul! .have iseen cf kudiwas- seriiual nce ylastc a rass ait'lisa masteu's ltd. save'tise pin e t tiis.interview, Ilhave to augier's condct c~al l Ihè iron compoisition lîargreave's ihaughs vere cisarmctcised noea y hak onttoboturiple ~a bs aur u!viicmeauouniept! vquiet àratificat'ioti and hepefuInet;. His your propomal, but.muat respe'tfti.lly deianeetcCs. - prospeets were briglàt- an! pr msu.Bt' eaienaian i.'- ary'a quiclc mass! uud#jetsîooail, au-b as a stea-Jy aud .wc-l-spent youtbh. l ad built MalvniWe obrçi*w lover.s, and ho bit Lh. ashe thurouhl 'e 1is thome sentimenuarp for hiausjelf an isotiotrabia ch*aeter- up. Yensurpisome, iss eutll,'hiii were hon tatberli,étcr0. ,her seul ne- hehoua! cultivated Lis viiote aature--di- said - 1 nid uoÏ expert le meet witis a re-- volte! ai il, and alto nesIire! to e n iMAUiv p! leget aaiis inhm fusai. Yem tn noi,- Seniously decline thse thilidefti née oflier viowesott rtt. - ade tise nmst-of, hie epleta!ddO*pponwîi.- offair. Coneùpuitwkb yourfaitiser, sud I wil T hi sî.eà-a--n-tetdrj e-ai ii fn . reluti -mmvBaaingu oibtaiiyouur con Ti slda u nxe!rvi- thoîa e-d wic-ooêsnog boal sent'es ito,' ssid teh qxo 1e Ng ,sil rçUregttigas srnt îhr ajadcirus educïiion - ' vii e toiaaauaveedMat. Ill ler for serne momefits, itapartit- To erown ara! -ývûmpIeétô bis ns- in air off 11 i«iaw»ua. 'I 1arn 'puocirde! -ý Xeaoi bvelearne! ils,-air,, inte eu-y turcs,-tisefountain of m. deep true love had ft~t cesidnin lie soiala! .vowrït' vity,, front tise very woe bbtlatce,:-.tildbeeti opene! li b en, i!i owjoia'b whiiAutynroer by lte aI-impnriaîut ladi î f a feraie rs mi@roPreScutatiuf an! un- jed ites- veetmast i pts auot my. affections. are ne way incline! towards :îrnh,' reî.uued MarY; ln aloie tisai neither 1etf lis life, le La!found. a ataire suwt yen.- Myfixe belot i titi nemariazoee a oot r altere ; for love 'an! ce'nscieus- tla is ow-u-a barti whieh love! hlm 'foa can b. igist and proper tInt is net base! n 1u ogi ai hmsnu udvl-liusl-n ntî ft!ua letyo tise regarda uit he heani.' - ont.opoitin lre Ailoi lMe te siay ltai hsare.the ideas ' bait ui.t>itties. 'Frne, ary" tati.,à fvoar of aromantie imuagination, sud lie-y vii oon andi yet you coniesso!te.- tIi. horrible nôt i Pou£sssia 0 a c o htvud manaa<r t. p u id. T e'psud &llnin c Ir q e u l 1eau-e fai a vrin t buLe purne! fro a Kerdal -l -le a tebe odequýdlanc ent oc nuIy te the- fada ts -Ioving Camitle ; atid lvs he net, ibis ti- bleMate e t'0beuj de nlie v Hrumv, n ariuèg pmeaid to a rovelatïen te 1Mary which vm!Cams -iors!0 flowbs iiis ary l ia,'repli.! >tar!,. er tath r te woleniu~ebia iiaIuaa- 1'r'luir.,Uti ai9 ar, raiàg yn >j4 ,5flt utleeybn? Oeeat faction. ""Oitt. o ou~t ') t > III a4WS w4bIhIspoach fovcê me tobe_ 14519 antl. pninte 1 i yl 'No. The. man that wns bote but nJivi the, gt es. bs.ooeoalid tUh oe r crlc e yef- i.îamy aero mista- landered Mr. Hargrosvo'es c'arUlê-,ili- &i 4îïê (e, b,*vi.w, A"dit w» *mut tilt ithek« wvishea, h s.Wimpoisibtiasi I s, hould, lied hlm as a 1ev, schoining, adv..tuw.r l*oro~n i~ foetoIi hotIt vr as evur 1marryyou. and upiJahmiwaïd .otivmetn eoe&on qtbs4u.ffl e f abmnbig Ynpsiie ire'a !malirin, .whi.h ho lsautterly incApab4eý."A.noble lurviid l aagÎ à-n!unabie te make aus a.dark ispot of as~satdo a ro.mid or tmuer hesi d"oilie.' eout vWhoit vu I&o>lààm b. deepening lvi- 'M7ot poeitii'ey and fiiaalty,' awe! è'Answer me ti id,'sathe osuiestting h7 J C I O -M.hW istel ht 11'4.ho,;s ho lota Mme- ~~hsduri r t kow the meafiizig ofthIis,' rnztered lou a wnderr-a-spsiute,fl. 14i o ny i OB t. . heyouîlî, -as h0 raqga large ..hand-bellI '0f hie social position 1lam iyet taes peut 'Wélies lutmo fr fromtl. rmk,' vwhicl, stood on lii table. Whbonthe sMr- exteut ignorant,' uhe auaw-emtd,1 but ho ha. refasse! Mil, vith a low Iaugh. :And. vaut appeared le ordere!. hlm te requeët 1tles promi, ed ta expiais tat faiily to-morrow -g what--might Mn. O'Brady b.doiiit her . atmaster te jQob em. Mary then turned l 0eoveuîg; after viob" ho -inaaîae* .ing 10 Ibhis lime o' aigli t ail, etait te 'inquire! beavéte ii rembut Malvria steppe! between yen, and said he had nodoubt but he 'W, Milie, as ho louai' on h musa.6f tAile ber and!lihe door.- atisfy yolu fülly.. adMvin lntr >" ~~~ ~o empyjn.' i Iil eam a vtoait the retnu of your mot made titis -abnupt PM U~s. Nipouma- h- atn for ye4'replie! O'UnadY. fto, o bev! tien et the malter, yen votÏ! av very i* 'Oê,ptalùg.' As ye chaos.,'telle Codly replied, sud "soon fbeen imade acqu%4w edwith àil to 1<! ' tuth * the -iitmoment Mn.. Koudal entered the tise proper quarter' lt.4hon il yen nethis reene, yer mighw apartmnent. . 'iorrible-horibl!' gsPodib heenorsged initrnate wid him,' obrerve! Mike, Il i y. ' What,' Le gai!)!' ezeiaimed,- 'have yenu qurre. 'My daughîeir proinise! te marry a Y krew te vasà for me at a'*place viiere 1 seutle! thee business se sean?lPm glati cf ruan whodmsbekio*a rothing bout i. te didn'lî kno.w t1wss cominutaomyseif.' i. Corne here, Mary, my darling, and ]et 'Ho saved Muy litafa I 4 'Is ail a bit o' Juok) 1that'a ail, Mike,'>rme givejyau my -blessing.' 'And is that any reamson why- yoi should 10 rtuned he oher 'Ivant! t sp a o * Be lier wait tltii you know the restait,' à ar him ? If ho *iohedl remuneat ims Y« you abount a little bit oe business, and ye've geted Malyrnin. 'isKjdtlisrjoe or tisaiI. as ready ne psy bim.' nt tirmed up eonve1lielkt.'r m ypropodai.' * '1He ould have oeoied* sncb au off- r. %fsiueis,' repented Mike dubieusiy. : 1Whua! rejocte!' cried- the Squire, bis or.'> ju 'WeIJ, 1 boe t'il tmm out -bottertitan ihle face aumting .ani expression: fut aren dis- ,.' Oh,'. es. Nothiig wauld content bîm ho -at ny~. *~au eNnuenue. [t le saine anistake. Lut Our whole fort une.' 'Tee.nol ýmistake or hunbug thie -ary, my dear, eomect yourselfMr. B Ian- 1 e bas net Lad eue thought ef my for- lu time,' said O>Brady. ' Have yen senthe tire bas misnîîdersioocî you.' &ce tune, replie! Matry; tlas only uuch men young fo-low thatcsils himselllargreave, '1e-bas not misùnderstoed me, faîher,' as Maivrin Blantire, who are- infltuence! by that lodgés with-Michael Cuehaleen P mai! Mary.. 'I1.have.oîuly toi! hiniwhist 1 such ecisilraions.' n 'Troîli sud I1bave.' ai! Mike ; 4'Pre already ltitl you --îhaî Icannet hohie vîfe. ' 'Peace h4usey!' révreil thése quire. !e met him in. the ceruron and:,linthse voods 'Wlhatis the rmearing oethti. -cried 14x, 1'Mal vrin Blantire lu a gentlomnan-the head more, than once or tvice eil r. Kendal, uow fai lv angry. of ati honorable-Irish tamily, aud is net ta b. ~ Well, he has had the imlIudence. ta try 1'i eu youi,' said laivrin, .with a named with "a Leggarly advenîturer lik. Ibis a te onXaivrin Blantire out of-Miss Mary sneer. 'Sse lias formed an acquaiiitance Hargreave."-.. Kt Kendal.' yul ha low advenureï Vrho bas gaine! mach 'Were.Maivrin Blautine teu limnes bioher 'Roda!., but t1atsne ne-vs te me,' sa! such, an aseudanry 0,cr lier, tsai sitelis tian ho-r lui point of m1.tion, he >s nnvthy SMukç. 1'HaviC I smen them walking wid promise! tu marry hifm.' te be pince! by thee side et 'Mr. Hargreaive, Seach aotlor in, the w~oods as 8sWeet. ns houey, --4'Heaveai antd ea4rt acned i.aie-a aani rauk vith an acagl'sl sud 'aetisera ti.tinder glaruces coriin' utterly urruazed Tit is lfalse, Biantirtu. liMary, her, bosoru heavin- viii haeoe ont i y. boiht iiem eye.' i5s atlander. Speak, Mary, and, repudiale scern. 6'Exactly, and ai% long il& thé felloîv in iii sucit a char!,e.' AstInisiment as well as rage ke$ tthe ri the way shael1 net msrry fluemani ber faille Seaa ep eerm si Ba-sq'ure si!int as- Mafry uttered these Ïbei! and wants. Now, have yen -any objection. te de tire, i but I well kne>w t4ai [ arn coî letiy rôn'tirneritq. Their very audmcty Mmd ea bit o'>etvice-fo6r Maîvritu1' -.iufrmd. vl heterodexy took thée breath trm hum, ~ Ne objection b in.teé von!,_ if I'm pasU '*Sir,' gaie! Mary, iliawini_,,liersiell',,p, 'if arn! it was smre moments ae lie tregaied for itl answeredtMie readify. 1Does he yen knoeW 11e better yeu %would -be aware that the pover of speech. want this Jiangreave pnt under the turf ?' ,I1weuld ul do tisai which i ara siaired -te '3 _ni s il a daughter ôf -mine whoa vova il e only carnie! odut of the way til ils confes%.,' nd that I .wôtildhnet e uiean o. sud, lieretical doctuines,' u ape.'o e marriage id. oves'. You. and the bey-s coul!t wicked. exaugli.ta lodeay tvhat le trite.- Yes, f-ou reprobate, youÏtraitor, you-youp;oh, cmanage te convey himn te- the meunnians- fat lcr, I haxe,even this very nighlprmi-but l'il put au etid tu tinis. Lirten ta me, Io tise leaâ-.q=rriers-of C'aptain Jack.' ed te Le lite %vilà of thée nia-rtI love.' your marriage with Maivrin Blantire sehah e 'Wlui slit, apake. o musid Mike hurried-_ trie squire stgg-eied back several. paces, take place irnmedliately.3. Iyas h li iked.rotind. andti hîsface becarue White and livid. 'Neyer, ftuler-I r4eat uever, 1 bave 'Don't b. piarrnl eed, nebody iliin 'Mary Kendai-,'-hLe gaspe , do yen pro- fledged a>i reiLi -tae semati vie lmaswon reaig'added thse facter. édaim-iinyour fathet er'crs yournvi<j. . is- y haband, t! ite i 1ru[villb.etrue sud faith.- 'An! there hacin't neec 1,1- nejowed Mike.- zrace?. Wlat friglhtfit tale arn I'doamned te fui.' IVWeil. what say, yen? WiI yedohaSakiagrlnrekowhiI You defy me, then,' hisse! the:equire;' it't wor,î at onee.', 'yen set yoursell up ini openl rebellion against 'Maybes 1 might,' answered hIe other. ' Faher,' replie! Màry, Il il is no sharne, your father.' a "hen sit !ownliere, anti wait a' bit tili ne diegrace, te Ic ve a -godaid-ilbonourabi .e 'I rb'e] ,enly 'against lis inustice," M.aîvrin ccmes. He's. up at Kendal Casîle, man.,an'u!swvered Mary. 'Yoai *ve's1d- fdice me te but l1expeci him every m Ornent. Ye'll éwn n xcj, ue rortwed a man flot anl I do aove, but wsom make mure by waiîiug on hum than yon %vil 1 tic Sq norexc Ivute, rui . WLo i, m ire ýhate, loallhp, despîse; who is in evory rvwitifte'agn, by a igluty freai deai" tia - t *iei 1 o iao nsense vile snd tdis;oior'ablè. Oh; laitier, Mike crosse!i he diteis, and tecit his seat se vile and unvortîîy.j cu:iac beware, set you-r better nature free.Re bun tii- fenuce beside Jaeob O'Brady4 ieuelgitnyno itpen, ne-tjulat 10 yourself an! genenous te your da%4ther i Thé*'soft beauty. of a stili suminer u.lit posed IMaîvrin ; the feîîow ije awardering -i,_1wheolias ever love-t. aud'obeyed YOU.' nov reste! ou the sient Ian dscaipe,*antli itrartist cailel -Ha-treave, visa rendèred some '4Obstiatate and pertidiois girl, 1 have tbld stars looke! eiweetly down upon tise darke--mlseri bct is eîawhnse syou that your marriage with Ma!vrin shahl e! eanth.s. fri--hteaaed t'y a bula!lrnag no daibî 'takeae idti îmediatîcly, du!t deubt iol but I thse lady's posg.ition, le pro -rine! onu Lca salkeep ry wverd.' CHIAPTE!R X[i.itodcintoueli aida6g o uebaI Th ugh 1I @hai! brea.rmnae,' sai! Mary, sest purose.ý - i wlllicaid gavity. TiHE BEGINNING OF' TRIALS. set uapoe. *'Y A deep. quiet juy filied the lheait of Mary 'fp i', gse teaure los sr rurio bn ivas vIf e le! oantat yn- Kenital -wisen-, alluer parîiîig Irorr lier lover.,e ..siaîeia~,'awîdrnb~~t o idug fts elwdiel n sLe ettre! lte ruansioa.'Ilier father mat grya~euue.Us hhg --i'~ nyyu 'slf i!mast iec alone iitise, parlour, ii tise deep~îsiîf 'He Saved I ny life, . eii-d Mary, cagLing J àtaler, lii1 ben to me,' said Mary,, as beld- lighiahavuunaiet îbe -nbreuglît in. Su fisliuîug ,Iances of udguîtntovards -,\,laiyni rnorely le in upon hum when lue talkikodvriaî. But for. irI iioualhave perished; ey e 1r mairyMlvrihe s tuc bfreham. will akw pleassuut verd tte-lier, tiien tri pped iup a511 heý is flottiel, unwortliy- beiuig Wh'c ar aviuBatra!liib te er wn uen, -ur iseloge!lu e aenea san hre (boreautie0 îie"11 îsic)truc anad constan.t tu Mr. Harretave.* Tiai, r ta er On maiie fr i5e Ioned t be aone sladerer(her atiIheteitieie, ea.ias 1my dutyis iüan!ly, a pou p reron 1Tisosea vas 'wllo tt-in a Siteruce!' thundored lier faîlaer. 'Let eiýP! «inorant;,girl,' Qaid*ber father, as lcenceive. lien witole aiter-luistory haun", on tunhtear no-m1ore nomatilideash Vei aO fa diul gust of passion aimait bie tramne, >tle aventbtai bas jir8t haken place, -an! lier toi! me ta liad saved pour life, yott dti ttyud u nwteetute aie -bpes of happii-ssb -g -î n!fi let me kn6ov Ii -at ieesuglît te enlïYit . pwe.Go te your hamnbcr. Tis refie- bevwnyuug gusijiug heari, iter whloe '4Iuew beg Io take my leave.' sai! Mal- 1tili of thue night may cast these %vi!d * beiugý is iîhrowaî itîto a siate utf delicious ex- vrin, as lue imoe. tow'ards ltedeor. 1 11 tilou.,,htts eut of your mind. Go, and *lien citene-ni wliîh craves, nay, deiuauats furiLs issah eonlsl*ier tise niegoiarîoa stil lpeiiding. you ~aire peuitacau an! ebedient 1I v.iii bles enjovmntpnivacy oie entire sclusioii. -for'tI caînùt!oôubt tlisai your antioritysir, lvou as 1 va-s vont.'- lho tids t detalier deiiglktful arnsings, and the exercise of. jacious ressort. -will 1 6 Fatier-dear f4ttier,' !sIe pieademi. Mary' wvas disturbedlby aservant, wlie caine bî-iig Miss Keitltoaprollerstate of mitad'.' t Go,' he sternlv repeated. te suimifofiter le tué paileur, wliere lier icentaln!y),-certainl%,' answeretl Ir. Ken- lier firinness returne!l,- an Itaking up, a faiea-esre!isr peseire. e ers5urPri-se dal. ' 'hui aregenierong and hreaightlîgsise %vent her owu rop.m. mise~ ~ ~ o ou!ieW- Otalotie, ati ie su ri rise být dOulat not f-liins wvii crn al rigîa. Mc fts i!t h a wk iio bechiue excessive untjoa;sue, -m heu Slae il fia 1ve ny promise, anti thatynti> siatxostaghtteru!ofwic perceived ltaot 1he.visiter vvas Maîvnrai Blan- depend on i, shah net Leé brokea.' v1as usai she vas more thaiî *ver resoeved' tire.. She:retunrùed bis sainte wilî coi! fur- 'flu Squire -accoinpa:tied lain in bit rube true ta llargr-eatve. As for Mtaivrir. mality.- - tihe hall,. Blarîlire, kad hter lîeart ever beèn free,.WclIda lier falhie rose tise moment &lie matie ber '0f e are .yon'll lake. menus ta p revend wesuid nol have tempte! her Io bfoue tise appearance. <ient meeting ' whisprdleatr îeo uinmn 'My deàr,' le renianked, 'Blantire- lias 'ikue îseyitve- mtiean assignation for Li uthiîeuigscs pa!wbeu corne for tise purpose of nsaking- a epecial lo-mnorrav aight, tbut -yon'lîlto a!loi Mary 'she aweke se teu! ido vas n prîsorier. conîmtutcéatiutute Vou. 'lH- han infurmeti te go.' -Tise door was locke! an! ise key galle. me of ils tnature, and il meets my sirougesi-tploebrup t!ep watch over *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j viits.-11venodub yn ii eciv e s li,,te qir e il ra u IATRXI ilasbcôe alayetti.has aKndlogy -B altieboese .n acetrs TAGRAE *SEZE ?< ARaS OPi J st l