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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Mar 1866, p. 1

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~-~-: ~ ~'w ~ * .** j, g! f ,- P ~ r- If- ~ flÉk 1 M ££ arA i-~. -T I L~a ,~r' . 8,4par md..Satuay*q it 8l*ed " lfeb"a- I r4&= et4vni-( D«c. 16j 1864. asl s~MArWTE X=A=L, WJ.LDN STEE TPOtTROPE. 5ZOMAM' . »ODIE P' Pwi.ter- ¶Wim fvorhtA Jotel haviiig becalatsly Ocer- JL .tly-renovated, affiwda lb.beat oae a.niuAation for* traveUlers- and the public gemoecdy. Under - preséât mîbag fment no0 efru-wM be spared that il od ace b o.the 0, The best of Liquors and Ogm. - Keveire flOUsfe, Tbe suIariber begs to sÉnonnee that ho bas. leaftd -th. above Lotel, wbich bas beentunioh- ed and fitted up;tbroughiout intlkeb betof style. Noue but the choicest Li4uams'and Cigars will h.e keift ln the bar,3 md hbisj table will be fqrniah- ed wth aUl the delicocies of tbe season. 0- Cfu-rful and obliglng, stiers -always in attendance. *WM. PA1RK1N. Proprietor. Eearertorr, Jan. OIb, 18815. 280 (LÂTE PLATT'S,) NI.»m treet, Terue »bove King Street ovqe central preiies fut a terni ofyears, Le Las. relitted and refuùrnished.thiroughoitlani bc mil be glad ta bave a call from the travÏelling coni- eZD- Excellent and extensive S$tabling. JAMES OROOKER, Toronto, JuIy 1865.05t I4ENRYHUHS .TIONEKR, -Land; Houas sud Cemmisaon Aet. URBSIDNCE KnStreet, Lindsay, Lrs Ieft ai the Ofilce oflire camadiaw receiveprmtatni. .y, July .131h.,1864. -- 25t D-. DV 4&'S HO TIEL, <LaIe eColls) OAMBRAY, C.W. fT¶BE Subseiber Legs ta inform'Lis fionda. and tuhle public of Victoria Ceu ntybt Le h ba opeaed the Laid lan Catabra&y ialoly occu- pied by Mu-. }cCol; anti as ht e bc d it fur- nisbed in first style, visitora vii l id erery con- renieuce. Wines,ý-liquiorsanad ci gars of thc Lest qualily. -An attentive fBustier « alwa*ys lu attendanes. Canabrey, Sept. I~ Wl.DAVIS,, ptoprletor. U7M HARTS'TALORI il>amStreet, YY'Lindsay. Mililery Uniforms, lergy- mens', Colleg. and Dressing Qoirns sud smo- king Caps made. up to order. Ctotbig leaned and turned. Order rea- pectfully sollcited, and saitiifeettion guaranteed. Lindsay, June 9, .1865. '301.t« To b. e dABran A LL that new FRAME DWELLIN0 BOUSE lately ocnpied by.K&tthcw Blakely, oit Yorkc Street, iu Linidsay. IAt lu a largen com-' modiotis Louse and mcli adapted for a Boarding Bouse. Price $400, payable. by instahnrents. Immediate. possession given. Apply ta lMessrs. MACKAY à HE-AP souicilos Lindsay, Oct. 25, 1865.:32 PETIER ANDERSO'N. TÀÎLOR, OAKWÔQDi so opposite Mr. A. ral patronage bestowed on- dm for -the past 3 yeare,, hep 10 507 thâtlbLe h .1111 prepe red ta Preuptly execule all orders with irhieh Le May be favoued, in thL. lateastyles eàd.tlb. oIr- talc AND SUNiNOSf NG rentcd ePlANd. la desirous, of kieg pupiIsaet fier residene,, Russeil suais isade bea os 00application. r, as 3, 18«5 -296-iy KENT STREBt. iLINDAT. t, starie ad Durhami. I âeadMd n ,aa-m r es i te Oonty Bu$Md- tira ostier'elirayg in attmndeeconS F res Oadilus tlanad frein heieCars *ad ot. N, TAILOI, William $1. - Ar, thanulflfor the libers!alBi~i *-lveDr d -os hIn for th. paat 14 Lindoay, IieieL 10, 18ù. - - 192.t tuaI bel. s till prepars4to~ Il ardons vithi irM e mb.say' CUij &bvvtscd at Mon-TV u f . 139-If -- ____ ____ ___ ____ _ a ty , mi~iIo!the, 18, PIou",Siju and oirne. coluxwTY # orIQU er, GIlazicu', aer ager bave All orders careffilv1lt LsIaep on il 1> SDITEN BONDS QF $0011,AC 1805. OSi eurisnta et~ta TO LOÂN SIX JP-BER E ST PUS CmNT. - pyable Iefy ansd>aauli l lll saIuI »«Masc» sedo1&og 1 ILScou&.. _________________ty?*euur or OhbWaibsu. r. Ey auder if llit,4as, ~I i <à. àoOhil ureun, ~ t 139-SOI. 'f PN~7U, ~< ~,I,, Ç.W. W. ~.-Oeow~si SM md tâb bout lis 7m hd Ovnt E. oeèw lot Nare; tlb of Lindsay of C.ars oliier sani vhich Le * ý'Éwq S*or, Toraot he c Lo!d Bishoi ev The. Lord Biahor The Lord B£Iahop eb Iforu the inhbltanIlà ilog euntsy Ibat bu Ursen, Drewsng a"d Ilaesebc.; ail01 dli lover maes lies e in L;àidsy.' - . I.-Jobblrig vWi ir.. W. WITE, Op"oite Croira Land Offic. Liaday, Feliruary, l84E 82 InuIv~tAct 0 84 PyrieuofY.ýusd.1> aheb.Cotuty court Coudy o1flcto,* #[ofaithéCounty of vie. To:Wrv: tonia. ln:«the malter of Alexander McLeanIý An ImaoZwt. IZOTIO E h éreliy giver, that.o h LNTwentictb day of April next, at Tem o>clock i the forenoon (ore&s soon thert-after. as, couli. sel can Le heard> the undersigued wil apply to tbe Judge of the said Court for a diac.harge under thé said Act. Thé undersigned official assigne. gives notice -also that Le 'wil et. die nniolime(or as oon thereafler as coiue a4 ce béihead) apply:to the ma d .Udge for big diaubarge from the ýofice ,of official assigte, *nad Ibat bis final aceomnt il o= . orInspection et bis omo. lin tbe Town of Dated et Lindsay, the. 22ni1 day of- January, ALEXAND>ER 3NLEAIt, by PROSPPER AIUI8TROMG HURD, Bis Attorney._ 8344im - t~. 1>. WOQU, - Officiai Assignee. A Ood Tam For Sale. T XSOLD CREAP,thbs East bAirof Lot 160acrs'o whch bou 10acres are elcared And M0acres ready to log. 17his-f»errais irithin- 44 miles of Lindsay and 6 utiles from Omemee,, a short dista nce from e i raily. A good leeding road rangin h part of lhe lot. Immediate possession. Title indiàputable. Tz"àI.-A portionoflihenoey*dowm; and tLe balance in 4 years. Foi further particulars Apply t the owner Johie Jryans, Opi, or-ta 318-1u . Solicitorsi Lindsay T.GOURLEYx7ý r DEGS ýta infomu bis nuiuer<»is friends 'and the, D.public generally, liat b. Las removred Lis Photographic Pi.tu'e Qabry la large and commsodious roonsin Knowlsou's Bick U1*k, apcâaly ftted up for 1Lb.purposei and equal for accommiodation téa any in: the Province. T..G. would retum bis ti*nlcs for the. very liberal patronage. bestoved upon him for.lhe pust umber of yermn, adhe. is now better pro. padthan ever to suit the veule of the public, letepicture line, inuthe la test and mort pleae- iqg styles and sec~ond tbD'oeu n he b.Province., Fiee exhibitions of views of al -parla of the world. Gold ,aud Silver Jlectreplagtigdo". on lhe the.sboatest notice. qI haes 111.4up liaboye room s peeialyfor T. Gourley, Photographe,1 and parties desirnng pictures would do wel tu, giv. hlm a Ca».' Lindsay, Nov. 17, 1965. 324 following useflMans uka nalways ýb. Ifound-at thb. OiàiAetàPour pnlnng offie Laudiords Warrant, in:entory Of the Ooodu and Obttelq Distraleed zwlr ae, bndfagisruteeBlno. (DQNAU MeUNIN PROfltETÔOR.> il1 AS beea lately rembul ed nd mîurnlsbed, ilwith.the View of uiakins It acosnfortible Country Inn. SLioeiised t. »U inWIs»d spirile, of wbioh lis best breei 517 vil lis hept. EBTÂBLIBPD INr 18. (LArU or Qumua.,> DEPARTMJWTAL., ?ARLIÂMENTAIY, 0.4 Pg 4*gUApWgs. reesuet, M vi ae "e e "àtroNhis ecsilhsg Ê. G -0m« -.-3 hoSs 1.W OW ek on gMusZ tmet, là.tIbmmnsbuftding ithIgMan.. luck- l a Scot, ullos -i f Note bit-dit. ni yom'l1eti ele-"1cO I d .~e er aedci-1 pistai.Wbeht gueil wSi-usy merde igbla 1gd a4l laeinia te y ?'c sure poiSllswoPIa$ , po 'l'il ~~ssebAe*, ~,. eloe. eeniy have pre.uised h L iir, tutilo Wugçt, &e bin jme, b w tvi i n eb.~~*Àr - IlbaI.* 1iI. AI vo4~wboie.%~bm, J~~l5OI5B auLlqsad f~u~ it l MOI), F'FduuiIe bsfsbeo Mdioct4 sséuO, su T . T M8KUW5 i~~8¶LL .1i ulde"lia *. . h.. vus yMNI di srt e a? w mmr" 8@61,- tw ý efflb.thelader,-vl at1 aecupim d ahtêluq u~st ugttoi a pause ot -. nseug Ikô~ ýUn' km -e vu e~h. tite la Y« ie daiti dai. m .hvlat.usrabd.aaamesueh a 'ot adoutit aviit.' temrkd tha oder- plnwho momed ta think lier. vs o "zou W:M~anâY Part Of thé, malter dhcrML and Am. iat .ssld p.&he IEIù Of cobrus,l remarked tie jouth, 'Le ,'ËI f OBmy *é "Ot bcsguw f -bit asy. ertain price lilb.te mie.. j opseswi. ldtpeSkibe, t4v a iae it,, sudlilgeyeti double te set - vus bêpuqo10110s0»À me lue..' brmsidtsid 'ie. Tii. ~Ss, t-i d <A, ue, y. venart to corne overuso, heas, v1ta4lauemsn O.l. .ary, mi i. îu ean'incrodoienatouàe.i whoW b. o afeîel lulI < wt jheIf vaild t iâtes1 . 'av a waudorMg rages Ïf a- mnalr,. if imot ve *mase. n labpultoi-hav.anoeney eouh t.oey 0~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~f But l L.csshervs iusapotebotser lien a bould-heated Irish -.quire erfl otve Te v"tta - s mbue Il tdouin't mattiesu'vitl1arn,' saad Rat-1 vsgiu ptoslip hdy îe lhé ib og<ave. 'Pothip. youare ail mistaken in P a. eran om érse, rndormi l-uuassive tb- me. At ailéeils 1 aie meney enoegh noxiuoto a hfée" cSA À7pýBu bela ' a, l loraetîing me fte*.. f~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a >ol -1owi* bv d s or 'BsJadtien its me laisssorry *for the ev' surgedt«ot *quie!otwosnity or. sane,' saud the leader,. in a regrétful tome. made ffb. uuigbbthéne hso. 4'And viiet mey the, cla fyour aorrovr For a issg lime il vesalévaislte e bt' inutired Rargiroe. yoàtlh beeglt-àe pieue b ser e i I 'dstbecaus. I can't close wid yer hou-. sauouded bim e' the iiele hasinasssernsd oeR'offar. jf y er had maded, il afore ire <tak sd ie~1licbl. Sudwsy, hciPi, parted Wid the harnais, 1 could have met you ea liglit darted ato bas afiuI*-ffeht tnet be-àae ndl amundy, -bat now it's iwpossible.' comeasd with laerelalis. trop .I<II? 'mebl-and -wîy ?' iBsl ieirunuoallov bena iasv.rd~ nd Wha-1,'ie whispered. 'The oath lail- î WusIis b cause vhy -she4e -se et b.: l '.ily. aevaem aIU se-P XPPOàmt t 1rs 601""neoshbcme.bindaingWhic-1 ssenedrtrmlvJ~kly ~ sliluatbet 'o.td your'togne,l lo,said-lie. liamn liaiho W folr*i- itiitaid fisrceusess: 'fy. lie bycauuite te sea*oelals.:But viaà *Xherçapikiri, notier wod, ye'l l e afler b.d euti*i*d ithe ikeemo-; vasil ,heu' uuekig ma» uM«th tiLe. &"rberiltMaIvk Btis.? t, vasuthii t Hera # sIed e t the.hanei tute ha&Le no e "tp,-fer Bo e akw-.thi ue ausb Tu, obeyed the ordersno euay tee veli oy nw îldaiusr-.îralnnI ieand me distancet puinsMavui vs.furier tii. party coun-O- ir va la 'G ue f ue ha1' b.inwverdi e aoC aed, ete <if th ii. s osuadrel onk os iupon Onréachidg a_ recemejeIL Mary. iles âepebl,é-e eluari, sd ylwax ordfredto enter it,and - tisser are,-nodoubt,ltsMa aidsWh=r',of lb. ruffians vwas sstiouc, et its, h. lais eosployà ed-et id of àe liat e b. lh ir» .tetirsd to a linie distan, an Enay b. trio t. forvard liéw iafaasus pro- coaerred togýethin iihispers gregreaIre could mot hear whiti as étid,r As Ibis thohogtipassed tii h lth.mmd but Ie tedlia: lthe conversation iresa ofthyouh, lll'g v bill uter -regret o w:kind theî-boded ne 10d thiMnt;-sud and fiarce im6patience, lie psrty sudcteY neiher'it wasx for Mike - O'Raffcrty sud List camesu ron ofa rngeai oirbuidings, sow Pet, vereSncusutting'aste tthe desirable mader tii hé beoft e igit rok. ,1MIe s leyBeaus Of murdering ie inlbluordert h >psùsed aitiheleader utsered. a shill cryr tain tIemnoey which hole idh. psaetsdc& by q f sgnel vhieb mrogly rsssmbw dThe eupiciiî of the. wrsehes a be i rera of a birdO2 -.stimulated by teoffer lie Lad inade iheruf il vas imum.diat.ee. re. vwih- hich offer could- ual b. acceped for tis i ià», andti I:L. Iader âimting fremn hmsreason, thett h. mat i wo took charge of the hombeppù*oa l Jw.n, su a iu botses vas eue of Captain Jack's -gang, and l Whichvas trovaopbea ~,e esttpro- ho knew ltal Hargreave wasbeg nvy aened itsef-utebu ba.'b1ry-aed, cd to, bead- quattera., It was t00 late, thére-. bearded man, et the. venrele ru=-type. . f6je, to enter in a p rivale rnegatîahion, for the 0 Wllh tus mmloet 1apersansge îe :eMsof thé wful oath w hich ail the gang f leader 'itld à wbispolng àoosrersalios, aflo ok Mad*.ildccite tcommit eny breach of? wrhich th. aperture vas .tced, sud lb. 49or- faitb.- itseif vas. opened, uasth ie e erse o? o --But il occnred'ta Mike limaI if e could tueome ettheheei uadehieepparece. fotglmoncy froru îi. pnsoner for liber- Hia figure and -.iwol. aspect v as quit. lu-in hlm ho couki obtain it in anoiher 'vayv liepi.g w ith hie 1fbrbiddiug, eounlnane. -ri, Y mardering him-a dèed which Hefwa marthirunder, the.-middle staturehi could ecsily ereet ta tL. Capain asa Véry thiok aud brawny inl11mb, and wuvas eeceaaiîy f ii gan attempt :at es-p dreaad e in bt appeurcd to-b. clothesmadi cpe ofeskn Oi bt f heu suntais. Pal ;being entirely -of.bis father'. ini,P He took te eaLr'es.hors. and condicted 'îhey agredthal tLe crime should blicom- i il ti te i resu' o? the building, and b y le tinte mîîted on that very spot-flot in the. recess,d hie retircd lie entit e art id dismeutnt- but on tLe path, thai' ai suspicions mi<'ht cd, th. biell whicb cenUed Mcrgresve'a leavoidcd. -Pat vas, therefore, despatclhid legs having beeu lomWs., and Isiusei as- ta senti his brother'anti keei atch over the. sised oti. gouni yhi captors. prisoner w hile Mike 1acqnane hmwî Theéhagymari eli teé rog ents tihe desigu iey had fôrmed » too îe obe Iv hrss, uean ac had, 'Iis wasdoean, an undertcndîng i sud led.thora cawoeut of? mght, lnnsag round -being establised amont; tie lire., thtyre ai e disappearetituothrowvamod milte là"- turit îe ee"t o idr u er, who silently reurmed t i9 relde éNov, y.'l1 have toe fhier veihin' lthe ret tir lie w ay,' renaered thée attr, as ho CIAPTER XIII. t turîteti his masked face tu-wardo.Haigreeve. d 'AnctI1-wouid také-. il iberty -o' glylngCAPTAIS TeCK. y. this bit of? suivi 'e..Dorîî iyeuente HASUILCAVSdivined thte natureof lb con- giou thé. slip, for, by te. ýpaverà, Ye'l sultatien ihat -*as being iteld by Lis captura,. s ez td liaI' a thing ye ean'i do:et aitl et ail, vien thoy returned anti intinsted titat AhLeq aud J .'11 ouly bave mne vastin' a bullet on, josey, should b. resnmed, h. kept* a sharp YO;t Wel'~esd~ssiiu y nlsmoventents o? eaccit; i Wleobservid liargreat'e, Osdngbut OS pciiy o? thefslow' ai Lis leil, Iwbo I that amy arma are lied Preffy firmly, 1I hou id cari al in bhi aud. Without sccru- xay tiers e t ile: need kor mad vice of?.tirat: i gt. lbe watching Wim, ho vas yoi obsert- g kin. not did*1 te <té re Youen l anet ô? every moittion, and by lte ineasing g slip run aru.' -Y liglît of morning, noticed Lira lay bis inger 'Bedui but erery oneid not hé se leo al on"îLe rigg «r. sinsille as le hik se,' replled t.é eher. l'h. follota' novwbegan ta walk rather slow,, i Tie oume Ascnov reeed on bol; hit s iti ai greeve, for Le sair tLe pur- Harîeeerliengplacsd liolvsmn liteleader pose vas te hoothilm frora bchind.P- sud ent.,tirhird h.ing close behind. seuîiy heII. n ed- ithe-pistol .rising gradually,E Q.inns;i *sa*'t,'aW~ausho ~.tU~4bre~od yn isi 7sif, oedwI.pt.akn i usin dètmedand asmcd wij.h a Hargreave rWhse am antoldo u: e-u, Straneer, after a f*môm f'U 1are CaUtin Zaafr-3@a s ponse vlaick vers tic stinu bubanhhd eabAst maid dark, wild grandiur, a aaiIruucourud !over ils Dova lurto lb. deçaise af Chis rugged gorge JoMdvi ora he plrs, and fter narru sippehbl..pîhthYreacieda Place wher. a lrepciicereared ils pe .r- -po orfrn. tii.b r -,., hi* rei PiSs asmef wlit beh M grew in great r rouhion and haitdonccldseverai deep fisrs hicr MAs lsorne icenp th. .face o? lie roci. bêptg e,, t. leader, emitted a Cry iilar.toetlitt tehica ho bad - girea letore lis.. bautià ssou elover part et h. mon- laie, sud bloe, lb echo hait died. away fer dovu, the ravine, a -m i Di rnibing Plants m*as moveti aside e fei pa rie.trmi thema, autiac ild looking foret emerget! frout le- Bei veen tire'au m M i e leadero? the' pary selrral aigs were exctanged, thn peaigetMainth ie, binai 'ood!. Sem mnutes pesseti, dnrimg vbioit Heu- <tr. zbuilu. wicharge et the other tira, vite silenelY but rigilâotîr ;quarded ut. Tien lie lrushmood vas .agaee -put amide, an64 twae habby amen came forth, anti, grasp- tise youti by .acb arm, led bin feiwcrti. ý lmmediatllybebint! the miesof trailing lants, va# a *iilit-te rock, vide enutugli te <mclifiire. m-mnta6mvalk abreast. lute thi. Basrgie, nlereti beiveen bis mev os- c la vasS ideJ ormait!amidi profouadi andisepe I. blegioom. Thi aae seenaed te have varion tà u hËg, but il grsw. vide as- they idvanced, li 'heir fbateps soundoti amuiechoeo as iu a Ially bill. O. timng ce ethe cor- neèrs a dutim ligiIrekeupeýn lt, inter gicoan, anti Hargrecre Iooking torvard smcvl, lte distance aaarnali, teily geara o? lire. As theya hro .dlis ltuned out isci lantp, hng freom tierooffoetc large. lofty ce- vrm. Tié Jigit'vas fot etrog inul ta illumnato théo place, but by tfeebi. eraya; the youîh, vas enabledto leses numerous forma lying 1Upon the. floor-mat of tirerasa it seemed aiep-one, or tva raiaed their' head and lent a, rikht, gliuteriug oye upo hlm as t.medI wu gli h. wfq i"datothoMe 'but lthe majority contimued amotionteas. The tva amen led hlm te tire futer side fo te caveramie e nother passage, -which fornud o mua nictin blem t hé e large' r-aveu nrd aW sialer, thc entiancc tu. which mas; by ýa loir circuler opeuing, thruughr whic hn poison h. tecrePi> n o l mn thon cre$t through fiuet, anthIe youth, iras ouderdmn a. deep, gruff voice ta fallor.. ,Resiataee b-iug uselesa, H.argreaveobeyed, sud a torclileagbroigit,. anoier oit amp icit Lung.frinti roof of tits plïcetx ag else lighted, rerealing the dimensions of tLe rocky cirambe-, anti eue or two rude bouches with ict il as. furished, aise a coitcito? dry grasu antimess mietw-as apreadt in one cerner. 'My new leclging,' ttougb t tce youh ta iiiâaelt, as Lia eye ly a rapid eglarice look in -te écene. -4 This in eridenlly ta le thc place of uty -requesîration, and it la, 1 take it,14 ti ban ot roblers, ria daubt ,under a daring reckiesa leader.' 'O 4Mcourse the walb up tLe montains has given yen albite' an. petite Il said anc-o?-his eanductoous, as the other brougt'a uar ti- tity. o? bread- antimeat. 'Yen sce, me dou'î siarre those whe are brougitt te Cap- taiu Juck'a Liberty Hall ý.' I.. 'I hoe.)-ou don't nurderthem, .eiiLer, said Hagrearc,.tuunmýg u.pon hlm - a bekl, eearcbang <lance. SNot mf e canlî help il.'1 oh.erred the relloir, a good ddeal surpriseti ly the, youtl' >iunt fearlessneps. ' 9Yen de souttimes, tien r retumred Bar-' gmeve, coulinuing tao ye hi mvila a steady 'Wel), if there's cuy difficalty about the ransom, we'ro flot over-polito,' laughed thec ioblier. 'You haro, a captain, afi course P~ O0f cre, ire Lave. Capucin. Jack. Erery body bacitheard of Lira.' ' 11havont,' 1roturnetl Has-greare. 'But thie,- tafil odertul, for I have oaly lieën afew weekl rieu"d. Well, novW, givel my, complimenta le Ce t. Jack, anid ay 1 wusîi tu e eîsrn ediaîe.ly.' 1' Fi.x,but ye'rs in a Lnrry any hem. If ho look@ in upea you in lte mruaing- aler xeakfiaW;. Ihit viille e ooest. Anti -acte lthelest thiug youcati de now is te tube a sleep, anti it'a jiatitat mante'I inteuidoiné* thetite th'îe earlymorit'teyolé, b1(1.1e1 disoern4îls u inthe,, nittat brow saitcoin- lou..4âeek b i ~ iee-td *m*rai étuted gandmibrougiu ber.e.yo~ qod esKeeP Yen hm erii le bjthéit~u capltuue je effecieti,' asuseredt! tbCeptaê math lIant frauueW . ý. That je tilli Mary, Kendel je mauie ot!t tMgbrn,e sid, lie ypuis k 'Tten aMY cptivity is likely lie-a long eue,' relumed ithe yen lIa- 'McryKeudal in ual~ t li far l irvear ber -prledË& 1100% youîtrust isle awoomua s con 8tan,&y,' said lthe captain vila a bitter mneer, 'yoa can't lbanupon c vweaber rsed.' - 1I ding te a botter failatrathe t,'sait 1 rFrath. rpeetethéccaptiin, iii the. acte bitter toue, 4'1have ne faili-1 hg-t perience.' Itus à u And i i ilfréern uat yot ensw seak?' asketh e youîh. dit is,' mas the fierce rejoinicu. 1I tusew once, 1 Lad faitit once, but I1vau deceive! ýonce, antd se miii yoaL' «Neyer,' returned BUireae. d' Wini stk y lic oen Mary'sfaiutulnes..' lo0c' ul,' multew thle captcin. cf vas oce libe YOI&-4be liaei. villewme viten 700 mill b4 1k. me.' 'Ileiere CaJain yur priar an be continue c train of ceriverêction witich seem- ed te stir up deep poison lunlia. other's breast.- '1Genercllyi,' retared'lite.captain, speak- ilag agaln> in a cool tune. Suppose me ceaiete to ems thon.' Yp)uamarPot ae -subjeel e? renien,' id .the capiain, drily. Perhape yau'utiab I-casuel oania ttc m-eans,' remnaiet i the youti; but lia jea amîstako. -.Nane th. se nd- u!- 11Iave tld yon lieu yon eremol .a.sub- jeci of ranaom,' 1-epeatethéîLecaptin kc-- ly antidecisively. 'No auna ou culdaller miii aveu, for1[h ave contracted iti Ble-i tire,. aud Captais Jack nerYr breeks lie 'Nul evea if iis giron foracdiahonoérable P'Disonorahi,,' ropeatedt! îe captain, acorut-Ily. 1'Witet l.Ite d& vila ban- or? Amneta- heu'. Mi-open 'ver vith i maukînti? I amnlte euemy o? erry one, sud oberve ne, terras but--sncb aue I myieil ioe;Dishonorahie!i ha, ha -Loy the moudtiokles my ear! But, hik' , i a the -mort! liaitetughl me ta le vi.a m. Il ilomed me inhet a breali of of air hoator i., anti cli the empy names of love devo- lion, sud constaucy. -I1ana lut metinganit ltai mincies meaunre telame., Yen, tee, miii le miser sene dur.' 1I mili neve' yield up mY failailu Geti, or mani, or mamfan,' retarned Ifatgreitre. 4No, yau'il ual yielit uup; i ilmiil e wucnchcd tuent yen,' saitheb.oher mliii savane billornese.- 'Impossible,' malt! the yout. Your ex- perience asema nte le exceptionitl, anti yen- J wdge Lummuuîy by an extreme a'nti isolateti case. Soame rosi or «lancie! - wrong thas madie you cruel anti unjus:. A priv ai. grievence has matie you îLiÏfe o a ocieît'.' ' Soc iety ilseif bas made me ilsts ,' cuîed the caplain. 1Faseiood. perfidyi .hase mercenary lave tare loin lthe softuettsout o? my nature, anti- I glouy lunny power le re. Pestie Las returneti,' àaid a. voice le- bipid, anti the face o? an attendant appeare! ai the apexuug. Ha!ay ypn so-antibis news?'f- Good,' 'vas thesansmer. «Sent im-a iere,' saith ie captain, grestly excited. The face vaut and tic capîcin. faking néo iutter noti lHeuve, pacei te anti fra in'a state ofagiation. Thre- mas a foci-stepa Yong, active fellav, diuty, an ained, eutered thé NwPestol y *Siey,' mmd telid eri ' lelite aid d tai! acrose lis moue- tains on Il Inu a day or tvo ataitle fantheat, replieti 'Andi alone 1V. 'Ne ; Lis vwif accompamies hiim.' 'Wiat!' shonieth e capWai. 'Di! yen say ils wie?'l 'I sait! o, Ciain. Hoisso jeaiens that, Le cannoI bear ta bar. ber bciid.y ' Oh, this miii .b. thie rcry essence of re- rougi', exclaimed lthe captaih. ,'«A double lanson¶mev I vi1 ii mrng *Lis Laid, miser- ly Leart, anti vi talhairag acorn 1 miii heap on Loi faittles eaed. Tbey eai boli fiat! mLal a fient! tI.y have raisetiini lhe breast o? the an -thi i,7 ar.injure&. But. eýnougit. Pesle, I ove Ye" thauba. Il-tf ,e-64 Block, t , ko. LD., Surgeon, Physicien, aud bour. Lctely Surgeon in 'the Office-Bobeygeoo, .W. R1MAN, Physician, sur"op isl Llcentiate, ke. Bue Cottage, back @? lie h4 Wellington St. ,5, 1865. 314-ly Physicitn, Surgeon aud Ac- esidene-Corner William snd irnerlyeoccupied by Mr. G. R. EALL, Es q., Cerauaer. lie READIN<G BOOM, No. 8, ýC1, Kent Street 1894. 241-t FIDLER, 7VJ TIIE aAOL, a, -308-If (111, (le Orgseist of Trin- C;alt,)'Toacher of -the Piano- M. Besidencoe t Mr. Britton'@, B. S. williamns, lnpreved etraOrgaus. 2701, 290 l

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