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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Mar 1866, p. 3

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s.' a il t.- -"'v MM amrl. e 811DB. l~*~ --- ---- CI~. - - I 100 Pbme.F.towyCOtto.. 5(',P"14t & HtOYIWpebPits 10 Tlocing.; 10 " Faotory 8b»thIg., adtace on Quel for Cash. kaa' lioLNul TRMAS a-evê ,ol kW5.- rhôod on L-even i to the resîiondi ,of tbis tevu, I il. W. unu lui thre vicmui ik b h tber' in- tha township w«s sgiand - tiregable 'end chininey fel upon Mr. whuie ini b.d. and they ýniderable irjury. - One i% also huit, thougir nt kry eloutent descended noîisýirg'-everytbing ini sed out of the door be- od, and an-i is iciended fo onueof g whieh h maire t11s mbrted and Sknown Bs zily ;"-aIl - îbey -vil1 sriîed sei- Id obtaiî ai equal te it any cern- l. - e tirat te h package., SUPERI01 RÉ FIRED COAL, OIM, oà hand AT THZE NW »IWG STORE. rà Coul Oil Larüpos, C4ÎM*eOyç, cf al kindt, Iincluding the Smokléss, Ch-ney, Wicks,ý M haile!; MAiean etêiwstock cf GEN- eUINE DRUG»S, CREMICALS, PERMIT eMEF-Y, PATENT MEDICINES Ofolo.t a a* ki.sdé. DYE e1UpSPS1ofih &siatqua- li4'. Lollard'aecelèbrated'S-NUFPS. Painai, OGls, Varri.hesgBrmo.Bruabes.Ail s3izes. s cf Window Glasa,. Pétty, Ire., &d Th * ~ Oi C&119o sli& l. orue or usinems, caunot IRiltolbe sapplied. O PHY SICIA À 0' PRE-, SCRIPTIONSatiFML #EIT -CAREPULLY PREIArtÉD, Sanal CAITLE 'MEDICINES kept eonsltly onhatrd, M. : he NEW DRUG STORE, on Kent SÛeel, i Lindsay. YOlmvr aud Tinmoty S", W '.ý a :'OPPOSITE S. &0. EIGEFLOW§S. COUL.TER &CHAMBERIS. n CoMtuereffl. LiTNDSAY MARKETS.- - Wednoaday, March 21,1866. SpringWba,.... ..I00-"ro Oats, per buslz............ o 00 '0- 27 Nanse, per bush........... O0 40 4 0 50 P~otaoe, perbui.....00 0 30 Barley, per bush.......0. 0 50 Tznzothy, per o.....6 Go Y %Gover, per ton. ...........5450" g600 Flour, per r..........6$-'O " Fresir Butter, per lb. ...0 12" Eggs, peurc.......OG Be4 per 100Ib;...... fi0 veaiperlli. pr lIt....05"8 Ham per 0..... 00.. oU fill1ow,per b.......-.. 008"& Cordwood, per ordi.......4** T urkey , ea c l . . ..O - .i 40 llog, per M b...... .10 Cickes pe pa. --_20" Duk per pair .........Oé 46 9 0 14. e-50 0 Io .7 50 : MEDICAL.HALL le A gond 8tockpf CLOVIN AND TIMEiTY KUD on hand. nt odOi t 0C ta W.J.. THIRKELL, Lindsay, 21.1 atch,:t66. ;34 I.njstvnt Act ef ..186.. of Usl the Mailer of P. H. O'BRIEN, f lthe 7bwn of IÀ osaa Iw.zient. STESR I u4' t île tç'Insovent -reuotified tha bebasmade au Asigunmeat cf ý SEst. te &Bd Efiheit, under hénor -t tee, 81 tbeh.undersignedAsà1gue,and th. arerequirei be ofgliinVLzI tv etaIlsit blada0% UN wxith their laims, speeifiug l. ecuritylb.>' lihold, ltasy, and bbe value eiti and if non., ým stating the fa-cl; th whole a1tskMd, ulder oalb, be with lthe Vouchers l spoin! uhCa8s ch Lindsy,2711, larda, lis3-1 LA RGE STOCK of RILIÂBLE Y DRUG ao-mab ade e dlrectly oppodie 8. hO. BlpIow'b. miOn ei &bd tbef.jore mû bé &eided «> eW.iro majr f r sl»wtl obI r ine a ~ UIT~ JL tu nd ud d y EXRTA mie, unq., Maii PRIX. gbis mcotion orCOQc Fed bi J- IES MA wiii beoSrttd Saturday, the r .>*JObbu$hop CAME.R, a ýu TT 0 Mr !EEF T ER. -le sppi>' bis e 8ec fucaad m te ouc lIaI ,da ý, Mauier, irleirk mroh, 1866. 10- Cents per lb. YGIING, TomDS& WUL4EMUTTON, "et cuts,.1.0 Cents peil1b. U"lC&an d texanea"d lon'l b*un to 6y. N. B.- aieoyud- to Kent Street,.bevien the ýhcpe o! Meurs. Coulter à; Obanbta &bd Moenan. &Go. Lhzs~y 31h ayciJOHN MAUNDER.ý X.Wa*, 3thI 18c88M. 343- TQ# CARAGE Ali»D BAR&ft ]OD»IRON, SPRINGS, SPRING STEEt., AXLEst TOM MOt IUSUBY ON B A FTS, SKAT RAILS .f1 8!'»lflLEgj Broad trand Nasrouu Lace, Lwin# And- mil Mnds of Sf8y Tritàmings!. Can bbe ail aI thevery LOW EST-RATES erocry, -To whielh bu lai TOM bn W.r in Wbich *1111b Ais0 a few haz> CASHI K ent Mhz Pw . - -. 1 ut flom at L ntempt's lock. $43 or Sto;re! ion cf lutending nisîve aid ehoice v« oand 8r -0W vrableteis 343 ,Y.1 brwmcml ,satui ~-~1 t i ~ Job Wuk pJ07y to gr' sepplmi ft~m sbo*- uIln k"a b FRANCIS Brie 5N eC por oilq,ýmel. 141860. 3414$ GRiCERY À tethe lecre. and fuimiOnterfor, RE.A:L ESaTAÂTE1; 1WIU b. & YB fl U81OkICM<N Wut b> conau f bla CO#tI1 o at Trlv, O3wooM " onby awavi oK...4iàa tiié Village Vitria l ÂÀecording to tbe plan bereunder anxd h fellowing aluaieProperIt', that-iu lu -say: Put off Lb.Wegt,.Ibr*quaiters-91 the Soulir hbai of . JWXnumber Ilt lu 'tWSIb Conceionof thé~~~~~ T<*s0i o arpsa otaiuing 64 acres i rWods 3UpercbeestW ftsamis laid ont ac- .cffllog b a plan orsu-dim*inthereof made by i len E eh. property . uthe tbriving 711kg. cf oat tda *M flbe o ffored for Sale la 21 Lots;or Parae, éea9cfwlic-mlot G-com- primes nearly 19 acres, and tbe-remaining Park Lots A, b, b, D,EF,M,4 -K, vary from 2to 1 actes# or thereabouts, ai *111 appear by the rid map or pan; i addition te wbich thert arie 9 Village Lots, 3, 4, 5i, 6, T8, 9,10,' Il of one-third of an acre each. A Covyne froc nf charge, wiII l. farniabed tW each ,pur- hePerchaser of exchLi twill'lreqùired, Mato b. lue cf Slte F . doWft sadeposit, la- 1h. proportion of £lo bey >ery £ (00 of bis pur- cba e Mo bey le b.Yende;or cibbsSlctr and shali pay so much theweof witb iâItesd within con.. month zicit .afler .thée day, of Sae, as, with th.esad deposit, wit abe one-Ibird urtheb purchase money, aridshah -psy thre r.- inainder cf't bpurebase-nioey b, tw' equal: animal instalments, with interesl Ihereon, on so mueh thereofas 0hah remain'due, at thc rate of 7 per cent. 1per annu, l b. aecured l>y mior>gà - ox lhe property pnrebased, 'uuch mortsage le le pe d uteecuteid at tire expetnse et1h.pure r, and the. r !natal- ment to becci due on the *1 st day cf lkrch, >1867. -Th.PurebAser. at.1h. lime f Sale, shah aigu a.agreemua#,forlb detehorace of the ôotrc ohis-part. SThe*,Coaditioo f Sae, lanail otlicirespecte, are Uic standing conditions cf th. Court of Cbancery,. Further particulare ray lie baW, and the Planc seon, at th e scieraiOffices.of .Joepb A. Donovan, Esq., Court :Street, Toronto- 'of AI, fred Boultbee, s»q.i the Vondoe'. Solicitér, N.wmarket; .cf Michael Hayes, EqStat-' ford. c*f M. Déan, Esq., Lindsay -'snd of the- uconealso iBanki? llolelélu. in h&said Villageof Oak*ood. D.ted Ihis 6Ui dayj cf Marcli, 196. ROBER? T 'RR!hEI ALYREDgOtTÉEE, Es i4td Vel ide o4cUo1 c lràCOND IAND BuEavdTable, Fo OR SALE by 1b sbaiber, q second haid Éniab Mle, il bas ç6 set.ôf Phelan's.bes csisneariy »..The 1be~ a .hardwood pneIed t is'in a. very good sl e,, '.and VUii É.so, ith balli andeus oplet.,for.,$100 csb,. - or'for $120 lin tour balf-yea-rly matai- mnenta hy givinùg Securlty for lb. payiaents, the - THOXAS HAWKINS, iLifduy, march eGhimc86. 340-If' Lfrt Uf Aitrs - ExAlMNaýin.ý auvvuxpost Ofice AdarammJohn X.«,2 McDonaIdÀrcb.1l .Adara s SeuIl 2 MeFaydozin . a Curry, Malcolm àM.La, Ig r urrie, Mièssma Il NcNab, DUTncan Caiibell ma Ma*h.. Jolm GrOmm a., MMy MoR.,, IZha, Sam Hu*all, Wm. IIeRa, Farquhur Morson Duean W"i iGlbert. for adwrthed luer.. LANDISto be 801>0 àý- ith do dé, upeoidklm "t -Ià8a-ms an chiced upu. the se a-y b. sp04d-ne, am vhld ?auéstlay pueba~s a<l . a S~E8P It the .B âat.;..ow ut.pesa *et eaatglmscf Un Ll *iwbleh i-y b. f*-,oeêbu a Mâde MuscmIborougb l aquai dWu.h au b. bpc.» produce tc*0 * suuluas rb aelleneela sam iada. lasprvne la -regardt. ISX d i r aunedby judgss to b. remaricably vr w a4l jp efr lb. ros of "kilng correct lMemees. KIt Pom*tiveiyaDOplotniaslfl b. eloultof lb. Gallery lui p&Â or. f * i u yoas ~ "Wa lnvarabl sppy Mr.-Francis wilh lhé puesi id bue énicaht Ieau b. obaiveý and heve bnp 1Wbc lhorougbly »au wilà blibeautiffil art. OU avmue rpleagsaceclfa tm rrn eability ila--e-i tu hbis ga-bl. I. make «Wo phtgaha "TIi.picluros tabea by-Mr. Frantis, of Llndif 8.7,~~~ aeagods!have "a from many of lte b=s<alels 0,i consider hiepbolograps cf -Mi. Franchi us goodariid as truc s ity 1f hi"ve eér ceeu la England, and I bave seen So0M6 cf thefineet. JAMES B. ÉUIR.h Lindsay, April th, 1865. 292 ipamily Groceries, &c. AT KETSTREET, LLVDSIfY.- GONFEC .TIONERY, Sweetmneas, Fruits, liTeas, Cookie, Choice Tobiccos, sad Farrcy- Pipes. Cigtrucf tire bestBrand'd Limdsay,0th O4ilber, 1664. FARMFOIE SAILE r 19Sulocrie ffées orSale, on favOrable m3h oncesion "of Mrpscossigo! ONE HUNDIED -ACRES, 0r u'bh 50 oAcres arc*fev~ed Xanci un4erçcuIti- yvatisn.. .the property. ia vel watcrecd, amile and a-hait fromn a Scbool-boUAe, -and oRIY i11 miles froin Lind&yý, heConnty Town, The zSubscriber wiill lient, for a terni o! ycaMs ià a suitable tenant. Immediate possession. Fdr furthcr7 particulars, apply (if biy Icîter. post-paid,) te ES10 Manilla, P. 0, LIST 0F LETTERS REMAINING- ini the, MANILLAPouI Office,- JL.Marcir 12th, 186:- Azuberson, Thomas, Kennedy, John P., Austin, James, Logan, James, Bryen, Neil McDonald, Miss Chus- (çreightton, Mrs., (lina, OQurutain, John, McDoùald, John, Çormacki Alexander, eDougall, Donald, Camplieli,- ugh, (2) Parkcer,. Mathew, Duan; G, W., Philpots, J. A.,. Davey, George, Pussel, A, Ellict,ý John, -. Vaxton, T. C., qolýahon, Mins Mary, lîlemni Jqbn, OGhent Mris. W., To-whey, Joh%- BorJames, . Wilhians, Wldo-w. Registered . Letter. RC.Srelurned fronaibe hlcad. Let4r Omet. Personrtàelilng for lb.ealsovt,.wili please asic for adtietlsed lettere. 34.1-s MARY DOUGLAS, poolst rcsdl. AatbcMUI%*lgmff et part LOl5a a.oeh se mdv-=.te b.on dt4t plal4 maslwad&a w u~~f l ~~6b.o* etvRy aea@y it mdft m a" eot oia abd ia e.Iw ffa b *m vu Ratp steakuit teDY.XADiCLTUsg* ja dyb. ca bye hor aub sb ~ a olos Bkias ToIs, ~~sUh«S LimBe.7, kt.I tsd, 1*<. A . - (ON LUU>BA* lET POTIIFB@WÇ. INqqDSAY', OUJNTY VICTrORIA, . W- JOHN, KELLS, PROPRIETR Ti* tpdso, *Iéoâ 10 h u bi fdcadsalb t4 talmhé basw lk ohé, ui i SLEICIIS, AND CUTTER*, OF- TRI Té suitb IL. anad meSuof.eVurmuan. la ail causanoad îtii. very lt Tîmbar wMflbq uet ud au uqmbmelwe.<m Vuy1 a Win la-mmdec tle cchargé of a fantclaim Werknai; add îfl lÊ6&dmbtJobblug said x IIn recive prmýpt atnin Rosse Shoot-in Centr*l Canada. Liadaay, lTtu January, 186. 8M LIFE ASSURA14NCE CO1U'Y, MIÂD OFFICE, ERE cET IIBRE ilÉEai OfriO! tWNcANADÀi:WELILlNGTON ST.à. TQR@NTO. T HE- FËbMNBIi109H fÈ ASSURANCE GOMPANY vuder tbe Act of ?arimut pesaodbis last cession; ame czpovercd to Isseta applustm, ?OLIMM OY- 0 YRALllRA(fK ivor is sole t>en.ft eti thir Wand Chldren ;, sncb Polciies ealM ther fr"e fia. Sul tétfzimnnec t.1ieuu m.ta .provido wr"h ortasty îafuteir dial for The Hgdlaburhifo suarace Company ame prepgredt .eSt umnal 41faeicitssfer Iide- Tercproposa,,sud evex7 information respeeling ideLszme À M VIne Md ai alj of tcCompany'e Offices ip Cana-la. J. IRLLYAIW CAXRtO.NI Cbalrman. J tAVII> lt1OGfl~S eC% 80d. CAMERON &ORDEs olicitant S, c SP.ECI.AL NIqetIýCE, sOtU p i 1r d -i t 11 ià a a larg o stucic at t Fie Mouli alul ting cf CASTOR OIL, by the domti CONDITION POWDERltq, WORM LOZENOERSi - RIGGS BLACK Olt.; "MAGIC EELIEÊ~. PILLS; Y6hz a-litoe maikiès *dl be -sold as Io* ka cait b. purchaeod iu Torbuto or Moutirel Ualkbeen appblnlëd sote, aent tfot Le. aMeré6bàttia-d elbis rerlgbei tan pur- Iisolýveit Afit of Jigu WIOVt & TmtyS N f thelbabove Act, I shal! effr fo« s4e. a:st4 lb. Residence of lhe Inselvenb, la lb. Towushlp P R of Mianil1 er. guéiaimle SeuIl cf Pot. V.- PZI mesa Taveru,, o h ua'à knowa s tb. Broad - Roado et aniers, on Saturday, th.e8S etday o On lO SLE EA?, an« upu. LIBERAL Mat A. D. 1866, aI Noon, lhe flioving GoC" s1j R% theOUTh BAL? of Lot iao.18;' aid : utIele, b.ionging tô tire Insolrent ý 1unt 3d d c"lf .01>5, yuàa-bout 30 .Mr,4 -Si.p, 1 Luober lVag A a- cres vaed, TIc Land ila01fa PRMÉ QUA- i Bggy iPiosagh, 1BArra i & T, i £g1!uigburhqed ai wbhiig fer, iFcaussisag MLL, iSicigis and aliastlàdual. 1Clock. JN KiUN -. ~ ..du.....&%P- mm12- Laay21Mitch 00 S0 . WOOD, PART mESIP wubtis day Dià" v11d by mutual cousant twq bylels a illa. 1AcuaIsnet, %MsV W MigI et Api ton <CULLIS, TEuKASWA 80-4 IdAR» 0< THANKS. i i ~ NU PLL1O'~40 MACE~ZIY &PATERSON, - uhdrist.kdtsE mto~u mue d' NOquthe 1 mpm the lbwTin tuLadjayof Oee-Oz.blu, mmdfi~1Im e Trnc lie. GREAT NARGAINS- DiRacflt-t OPPO8ITX. SELLiMàï; OFF. 5i4ver Walces trxm Si up lm $«Ch, au in gond runniigo.rdeïr and Wrmu, Ladies Breutsasns su Eaairiu ec. Table LÂm f s25-cîle. to3 Hariand9-doLmapg bis15 Ils. té $1.50. Two chaàneiiergU 1 MI gobe. scs- Rooni ~ ~ eu Plesrei t ai. et.scl. peu tom Botdor% <rm ets. te 8 cia. À spIeualot O!ý A! *orlu tl.iâ hac leaiag and Se àithig CI eclat, .aeu JewulWe,,h, a z Boiriving e 1l be duie as béret" reina minnor Ibat rdiii tétaisceum and gi. ct*e Eem.mbet-8lgmdethOe DU CH FLE Ktt i UltïeWmtLLmsaY., ea> R in a. Sstreallpart ef 60 et;nd being duteIcimtlb. Marke%, si- Oui finsrametl desirable reuidents. Aise .111Stoe aD wean Kneul ,Street eow fflupiedby lb. àbeczlber and Étp;bwt. Tii. pnrcbaer'ii .alowed tIvu te tliras ean tim to Puyby lslaewain v; itI ltrest. -For hSul WaOVzatse a llapro by lutter luIlspeepu (L r . . lENT Or t A t D0PETIm PAglueK IL LE R Ar I= OL0 P5JL 8~ Uswe et Gnatsrhbs mati W~tIo.L u~S J4a~5a-y ~4tb ~é, 3886 84121 pEJVÂTE TWfIB te Lanatus~als J.- fr~ tfrs.* Bei - b. fta $386 t. $500 Aiso~sew2 Fuma k lb. 0r <VIes. na- fog 8~c. ~pply la-. 1. A. ~ Mach ian, lNevea Canadlas. : 1 1

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