- - 1~1 A. iêcAUL&T, bu." a.- wo mi d .105w .1T > 1$aea DrXtI;W.Wa-8 Oarbart. %mpeRl; Miss Cawi th or bsrer, ami Bi . po f -Tumperamnen ri doy wte e; PhyiognaayPrimary nq ve Nose. OurSe Rlations 0' by gr@. WyUlys; ohuaag b lovi t Happy;a au. V-is vtcý- to Ou It Negro Bapti- [nicas a ra1as 'cal Agent;' Ih andTi -aDiscours. R. W- Beecher Self-Rstem; Failli;' prêvemenet; valence, Ethnology, gy, etc, aisor.$2 ae yoar. FoL WUIaa 9Broadway, lNew ofe inLldsay Criceket nembera of thé Llsy -Cricket: Club iu'. meeting at BoyntonS Botel onFri- 2811 'uit., for lb. purpffe cf appoîntizag for th ensuing year, and discumsing the afm f et1he OIb. Memnbers.prent: Hophins, Pr iieit> .'.Tlrkefl, yan 2reaurr; esrs.G. . awke, ît&, C, W - unïsford, Perey Smth, T. J. M(-Kbbi:t and C. Hophins. . ti::side-i n th ltUchr That J H. -Hop)kls, ýEsq, be. mted Pi P ut for 1he ensuing ytear- 1 by C. W. Dun and reconded 4y :gibbon, That J D. illi, Esq., ho re- d Vice Preident for e ênaning year' ed. d by 0. W. Hake and seconded 'by iith> That R. F 11keilb re-;appoint- etary au eaurr for th.e esiqIng imriiiep, by th.e - yd y Perey. Smith, and secouded by f, os or beloe. tbe noe. An1 Ihereby w Be aIe, Thal Mesrs. Esyke, Graco aud hie, cf ilie Town cf H b. a Mauaging% Commihlee for match- il Heattii Ocer for es ltme neraai affairofethIe club.fer th. Bealth OffS oer~ er ld Privies, l'its, Cess- es ya- l horoughly cleanuied M .W. i., Sendeti by Wau. e tiaI t oUloving Boy' t That.Messrsesforti,.Smithaud. ,g o the Board o'Tbir el b. a Committe. e uit Mi. VWm. -Graces count *Îlh Ibis clundl tat lic gnarnt water ho re-, Treasn eratorised ltu.psy aI debt àdue inogo provided le by 7Ibis clu vitlthlb. frst ro nyreceived by àon. id decoîuposed mat- hiii-0aiiie anti arouanildwet- -Meveti by G W. avte, a ~ded by Ù,. in yards, and uer '~o&Tml .ersl fU 1Oved. vood, be ejpoiu honorarer muner cf 0 ghly drajued and Ibis club, for t ensuing-Carrled.' vibld ithqick- Mo-ved by p.D ,-secouided by Tics. sorn\Qther diuun- Foley, Tha. Ibis mccii be adjourned le Ibis ePuhýjic Scbools -night frtnlig -Garricd. id otliers\% madie ah The Tres-surer se ent oi! the affairs Ope Iueaflý otelean- oq the -Club whicb was tm tli$bcoi7-the_ Lig tai~l. tliabilities standing froro lagt r f iug tees by ýetl oug1,y clean- su neflluvium considerable' liat- Iat ofany rdCe the leaIIs d, ~ c before first organcization ef theclb h expenses cit b fiedup Iis year wil ho comp"arahley gt. .Tic le w-al ~ f 11e' jprv- g - i xelet * ite o a-e h ie and utslide witb ruahccelua1W.r fe i fhast lbaves vilimalte it. ai la required. r-ee udon lth' The.cricket mteri1ls0o ad arein very good u 4!h randa, order, ,anite thle iemlbers auticipate w> lmt g ne pg. e good yer in hcir cetu ga laniv ciag ou-n hope tirir peigne vWjIiih an vidô-. iwith AI rt sireet, rions, ere »è somn . k about 'a inter-, t0 to ra streeti Contitmatch, if vs may u se th1e Sien, ra t te ver Shtiv-belng o,,lb. programme. Tii. match to bho ete, the alng'between tE-4; l&ies et Peterbore ea ýVicto- nelg et thesco rua againat Durbiamu mat,,.1h Ontari sid 1V erice is Ibi il ltogeier liltely iieu e v placeof gniag, - paye' onthei. ea ru . -ver, > e tov poiupo Lidsa yards fr a dvol- - herýis 5 no.ibing- certain -ao il et. W. kept p. fetly cean 'geulti tuncllike. te ses icëh sa ged as I or miat . i wuldbrng sa rate cric eg tlent ,e thoro y cIa*-- ,..i.5 O> SanalI Iler o o e and a-- spiriotdila çioaeay ,re oted, the coulested gaue.' )ti disufketed- voeli O *pep- ScanoLt-EXex ATioLN.-Tbêquai toly ex- rased i qic- arninatien'Of thoe avrton Sehooltlookplace tes e ut- ou Wmi~day'.028th- uit. Tii boiue. tua ny n as crowdod vi lilea'., amog ag wv 'tin to se t noticed P. Davis Esq., M.D., LocalSupt.,. l, o pril viii Rev. Meur l~W W a, RaperI atad Chartée r f---- ting Robinson.m. adslaronmblriOet y of T NTYladies.The la whâeb lb.Pupils ven>r hl age quitted ilemsal reiteti iigr,'eatesit prl neut, the yards crodit on 1thon ir i .u d painmaking o Board of Boa-bIh. tae r r nom il-Àý' k Boffl for th. M.in. ano CAieacls en hy the e "alir of theexaania' Mr. J. B'.xWay offSeet -abuimdsom& , a thé boy mwme hati ap-- -plied hhxmsel ii ditlgemnt lu W. al- --dies uIZZm1aing triia quater; anti-Me. Gec. . VBruce oeled là umila me -0se 'he best hukset ~p * uflgant g Th 'ues. *a by tii.- -vote of lb. 19M 4 Mtada Wsy, anttho ù«tiyo a ie ttw-. ewflD.P I iodg M.gW. E numberd cf "9to o ust W ~ lioun as a t lmoft forgslten Aftor vhich Mr..I fevweiréâchoses'a party joinet in li a vMole ttbuashubg for th.veryau" duo t,ýbeir oxort pl.assd vifi the a (FJommuaicaLedj -Saaas Acu Wrightx 61h com. accident o4 gatun vhere a iog hou" only ab6uùi Ivo m doavouring to as. tlb, bymre unay but lan in a Y di igh ie bicon A man naimed- ship ef Minden,, brother'. Wood,b vWas ver y'skilfùH, etý BobeamygeasiC by Dr. Bensoa, co cf Or. Faikt a. fornued that hie makig,,iepid roc ,cm aim er a 4 uriou the tyets OlXt yaatiMr!" Jif.,8 la fev puy, drisg mia$ eladies, pro- bivuey Dfl - a. iil.- ,o u giooed "d the km lu th5 sa! tho te inw . lade iatnlc ead met'with e serions à uit. ne vent Io astg, and-h vas woi, viiema,il en- issu with a log, au»e foll, and ai- *. - Hel la yet alive, m- condition. I- ii. dy' bedly br"dec.. Cox, cf -the ,tovn- chopping, iu bis lg fearfatly. mn- rtputat.ioaa, wic me4d iby Dr. Pair, &ih uit., asmlated -To th. credit nedyare în-' 15 verg éli sud, Mi. ýGimma as in the Caîedian Mankels, vaiching arrivai of lb. Sua- nier impoirtatizus hidi are verylate for. 1h18 maso. Hvgimportati very heavi- ly , the. sto k i L âo4 1v î v i l.atu.ntloiu Il hbuyers..His$nme-ý- roua& butotasis y depeacion ûuding (ho Tory neveet 'sly ont -thlm seasemi, sud seted.witu an --y.teduabulty sud goil IRXOEVL AND. 4v wGoon.-Ey iirefer.- once-be aùur 'adveitling coluaus h iii 41b. meon that -84i. LénIbI~iaî hs raoved bhis es- tbiihebmate i. c-ýa.. spaciomas pem- ses in KeeuaVs ' ! ki ere hli lanov cpeuing e large r ivqlied assortiflent of $prind sud Sumtuter Dry Ç.dods. Lxmsv, Osâàw sANDB &V"T« xSTAGE Lx.-Mess.. Thomaus uthard are th. nets contractera for - y hie mail ever the aioe ,ren te. Tiiey ha paO.â--tck tué-eoccqFice of, $3 »- e Stage ofice la ai Beyna kr etI1il. VEotET - P8TWO. ii. suinai Vestry Mdeetin a St.' Pau' -urh, C. B. Orde, s"d ',Vn. NeedWe, Equre v ere =*uad- ýmoubiyre-elowtmd l*oeuîWardeus. Judge Sr"nusd Jokp-D*.s, Esq. ver. appint- aoattention et.ofI g aciWaggoa makers la directet leMr'. Eertm't s.adver- isemev.t. Mlcuarhy hbu Summer Gcodui mhe veatber ii prornaing weit fa The largealti tops, very a mage Table Liuen ui Sping and en andi vw.a iW eobs M BIGELOWS9 dladiw ' sd yles, mtc - BIGELÇ#Wl. uni Toeehiia WBS. CASH I a'-' a-. Tii. 4h ~,w8. aises i. suce onthol oisl i . sued Bectoi suad HOapfc Aton damages. t'ffi c forPlla 2" a bâofta d as imaeoe a mv= yopa0 for lnie ne st $400 âo uhrapioperty Pd 6Mvou-t M p lb . pto ccd aodsm omitet eva8e paymeut tifthe nsur- "ao usitatbe plainiff bac! 1eut Tb@*arhoooe$ e f thé =a»» and return» a latit RaM, ="à" Mailla imarýmfor Pliutff;MoK Clêfidat.. iuut VedictforPlantif f. àcua 1m nefrPen Thomas Ch lisd Mathev Me- aaanting am a .içbr i f bi. dil 'bree'uh et the P*«,IOo place iuJui end aroetut 6fefa llàp- i traIoes case, unt.où ti. pass Age't a By-lav undor h.panisions citiLs . ~uk Ad ot 1864. -numbe f wit:iesaos wére exarmeti onu mleis, viieà Orib!r3e was guîl"Y homn* Chatberlain fine4 $1 and! cos i$81,10) Mè be pall forthwlth. TiaQuauir 4ýfinst.Thomas Chamberlain. and Andrew, H4miltoii.-m-Oàg.r ill .a- I eau ling Jamesakin Eq,.P. Va. berlain cknowiedpd his gufit, antl ïami- ltuwho tood" s ria, vsm3livioi d c COmmnasmau*ê Thrwaes -ChsmbeiIêwi .i0ed$1 suad * ' ($17,M) te b* aid .4"- wîb. AndteW aauiia fL.ed $5> ic!'$12 ebsts, to e b a4"t.j Tais Qu&"N gainai' - a1 Wyo.- Assaulting peaceio eVrdict. "Net Thomnas ,Chamberlaîn 'ii 'wis arker. parby finae$30:ï -ot as ($7,64 ~Second pryfined $1 Yn'i owesj'. bThd party fined e$o1~.cl(7 &; Tâ u QZEN Muesltho bdhrter- lain. Am ûlin Geo. BicEs y.1 Guily. iûed an d cts(17,>t.h i paid fortwilh. i z la euch of thbo0ýve cases, A. Laoorai, Conny Atr'e eed f& the .Cr va anti U!ameron sf4e 0= tédefence. The. Grand iy brontl tIi . folwing We.,the GrM11- 1Jurais01fontrSeyosigu Lady th e tabg le be "té.Iolo- ing prosentanin and the Couuýjty he'lisverYp ?crmual calender sn tnitti hem et "scokt, ae many.-gréet orue c4tantY ocusiugmw the Cetny 4 Iglt wou -snd lth sujOP f sm eWthaïhou thlb Pro- vince. Tlhe Grand Jufr .admW tii earie ucf Ils Hbuor Jug4VSm i t aIeo"nigel the court, vy"pspeat the presentîm6. andi trust that hea(vie vii b. acte' upar. ayàil cl1asses, atlotly the farniing cr persevsriwg mauîd.ustry, s.dnot te b.aled into-reokIesieavsg i 'temha ' o e- tained large prte fr b.prodace of the very àaudanit *p of iàm' harveit, a. .iany did"undet amhui kusaosmorne f#v rnv"sineftii ans imte thie ur premper - ou$,pab, ~ihap~coicum lais ; and- ie l - «-Lpleauite lb.aosriy viti whih uir cer epo.deo th celi. ef oui gm4sràlàut farton ir!sn, e eof. cf tée gnaxM r oui ietr and repel the ¶muana. payee, #ày cou- fideace MW te 5i. mut u oety etou goverumeat a#4 people to, Protect the pro-, woulmlbeg te poomund itha rhiang aid equi;.pang of pro or Ibi>s comupeamIn, Liusy te cJbs a home-guuW, le proteot -. regard li-iprobalea- pearmSof e laif foualoioMîi e choiera, lu ý milsi ext ,sommer, and trust thet ev pr.euiioneqy rammure mnay bke n -té aIas- inch aspomsble ar-auiils ees'Ù&uvea w 4bég to re- commiend b printing Cud Yei Orai circlatin ta ciculi lauod the te., atO01.1a or t.atprif itlaMiay b. Conarde mcecomaon th ii.sujot cf saa lte tions. Thor ille ocitTrmay betveenu thcountry sumd IleU tdae 0iibhue s -o171k t mrc, li&, las teie roate .alarma. sud asm-iny repeated *areuous efforts on "-.Part et a vr~ u 31tbe-09oot a reneval Of 111e &-ànrae> crAg té a nev tmday -s on - mndisud lbe ceall ia of kew.4vilt"iinl-i torcurs. yolentertim isah.bore lia Wtah Go<muius ili me. 00»à ' oeiau t .os e t e de la noco dithe bMe sUdadvmnmt va-!ins hed *.?ud laM iy buds b7 BMIs. -wae sand Mi Wataon,'a depoSlàt roenpt ifi ew»k4 tai, ndsylS Cuxy-pight dollas) a choeaI? dravW the wùte rue l lbaoýft I h1Ume-, (vii (i hom»»ad*Whook agu dâ-a*l etumble witli !àsprviu viii a omfiutabe ~eÂsottisa. e~oeôe4idei a t.~esCf Mr&. mâv dana JVe *0 tblieh te PàdA7!aîs for éwu d.eMs.do Iodîns,.'..... ......4527 s M. ame Waiar f*ko band *Iolw.....:.......on7 20W' c' »ag gave......... Ykea r.~.... ..200 pat orPaof BMa"k.a. 200 oaleïWligtuflmy banda of $12,M&~ (twolêdeils t"nvety-two and e-hall FRESENTATI Wl. 2h mA.edior of tAMe. riksot Du& Ma. ro,-n itoopeai M -.G. M Rc:oan Mr.. O. Biele -cils, ume ireprfeettatives rf the laies of E~~~ wirsaytyitoWr-o, hich, uiaex&LIIi& on, vas fwu Fu mtecontain- art o:itly sciers &o., but a ha:dsome mm-n Ietr6rr*' rtuwt in ev.ry way wathy of Uit -A SSCTATOR. pn3d,1866. - nnm~ '.L. X.DOU~ALL, c.i, A. Q. M. 1~ leL, Wo bave mmchpflare lt anomalgt Ua v. aw MW sv reoeivge'spdlug*adj umio smporttlon, ani"dpcite s ho* as la a~mÔet- mciii~~~~~~~ ha rm'daiedurlsg Ibmeoma vekmierdhçbIesai. c . ast omivo - h.hi~ppesM014el 'eu "t lb. .wn- ee mir. - super-phomphal *wmidi in a fai season, on Stiý CIus,-Lialfayter. 4tb Clas, -dry, vollt ioèand, soaoi iearly, give usj lut, Sassa, Mcre;- -2âmdMargaret Mdlimo.fom 0 ouhls fbtly hbe- 3rd Clasi-UstJohn McýRae; 2ad, Agnasacre.", Larsi. RITUETJ. -T:E. BRJTISHEX SFIJA7E3S FDIt 1866 le, Ctass ,-lst, isabella MeRas; 2nd Ti.cvasr ice ny -trî-l nayy esti- Lr'dia 11ayter ;. xL, Agiios Mclntire. 2nd mates for t'he cooing year, uevO beforo tbe = 1as14 Ai.n AM- tb ing;20d, MnMc- ]British, Parfiaznent, atnuoui, ta> 223,483,153, <~)O2altL r.$163,414765, d ivkLa a, folfbws -ii GEÂMNALservice, £. OtO;a ; 4095,00; 2sFrelerick Lardon - 2ù], Agnis 90- navy, 41 1,5.~>.ecf, îLe -:tomnsoe Iùtire;j- rd, Jodeph Arasîrong. these aocoxl4laxéeiu ~' varruro. -The. pmalàdn CM £t.-J'~ £99,»0 l0 aiF.uoikLandes; 2àd -Chia . 9of ieao.. fl j oa Muter. ~ri.i iî. tomanc i aüsaramsel spart Mz,îee of et buidu't contain the Prize for. Goal 3baiour,-BMary mc- naîW à1± i* elc :of tte..British [aire ?1"me'.n, -ý . 6i.iitai a---, Lzi for the pur- - '-'~'C. c' sp a Ji t e e ont f the - K&os. The ýiyrLeuv Com- tU .Ifar<îr.) qie!4eu7J -sud the .A 4iniler ritting n htbLindsay vas inr and atuï,,rie.y cw j,0ansd the -Y uÊàaFovEs . otî flot î-'l-3on ~service lu- 9> t»Town jial) e-ation j ~ ~ - "e. Iîàs il.voede "rst £1, ,- 'Ç',1. .lb i --iofawcirs " ~ ~ ~ Z Y"3 UJ tg!, O tbUk L a o Xe Colonial 'i i.": Rt'ph *ches. Th runare.. 'VJ £ ý19 --arly £5G,00 i:.c~î,~ 'sLUaiate-,. tIe' g.u fhr -.e 5'4p. ' neyue-f cap- fièOowr giýwver c&rried unani- - *îbM e e;n i 314 berael .Âfriarm, anti ton-l0 W- 'e.s.8's f î e e, y d l-C,,ràiesion es- uneve1t'Y Irr. XI-,owluab, seconded by aiertai*swhcîinpva Mr. MoQii0a. 5, u l èvd: i rioi î~eb-- "Thetla lawîh "olin t ~ ' tilthcexjuenSa Lcv 'red linruaintaing îisfor .t -atridd d isdain- hXAtw#,-*vlwe 1" iat- ii rycosit cf ,117 rnut: of' al tn. invasion o- .r îrroviboes b7 au arrned rs-ka, iivided, as- fllows:-R e.I:enbs; iidorbf audacao'a i ùebcnra asiLed IDin ï^212; - o.tasiii tbe: nited .--ggd : a of n ipeu w cnutry, w Z;i tilouï beloved regimena a4india, b,983;Vien" aisaff, 93; ýamimtaet" , etuerefore t.bi riooregula t s.c;tr e eW4nte ita, 548; eluicational eata7Aish-, p ct c-relves to aid oo* brothersn lu mets 281. 0 f t111e total, 7;150 are uflicers by i~ e:li~l a oluler Iueant luevey 3,454 noý-co--ilaîièioned -officeris, sud. cierytw a, ropelli* by force of armaÏ17, 513 ranasd fi.* 'se u 714 i ff-*iuservice, su.y tzrel;n.eneray vho m&Y darte te at- lu C.- ada iauts £~O i r l. rkva Scotia, tnplusuibveut tLe Gavermeul of Our £i93A0 connry. Ti. nay conprseo 765 vesas fal M uveti b y M a '. 1 g la s ond d b y cIas- s, cf. v bich O.' y 193 ar : c u m - "Tha vo ensîer imes miauidei a ioirn-clai léou nm.iien oievez' ves"e@, car- the Fesianaenemnies of our couutry, sMd ryi-..g 21 3 guria.Tv.: ty-meii.tver Vasele sbould Our -servies b. rcqUiredté e esiaDY are ',jlinone eoetwhacb - la a in-c-at. lawies a nduti, Fen'ianè o he, that dure-Bt 'eageaeet~aa eseedo te polum* Oui c:w.itry 1 y kva' aedeter cm'ioWteéd shipa éla t..itien kase cf' tbege services t0o ui G*ernment ; for, iv- tast yeur. ing as vo do r.îtdar a fýoe and -happy Gev- Th 'rime idtS navy coelsmère than the oaminloLt, à la c:r.- 3P1 s iijecls. et oui rei. ,aoordrg toe crespcieeu bait veA Quee7 ,- wî" slt.P t' ' ai Wavrmuinmates for the year 18SI-7. The former la hs.i. $. a: ' i .r r~v a .'lgib." kepti rp at, a cctst of Z5U,.. ýjl. ;tue latter *We ame pieaW dto sdate liaI a V. lu'xteer fOr $30u~0 Cernpa,.yy f tpvar laEof lûfl7 mombema bas - ___________ besu krw!, ad alyletthe IlEmiiy Volun-- LXCLJ11 teeCorpao."On Wedukdynightthey. a-aenabledt lath. Tovai Halt for drili vihen The Riga meni prornised by the Goveru- -Mr. ThIiz. beill, Who bas spent smre lue ln ment bas atrived at Pu:'îland, aud vill' bý the. rolas, service, .à a rlli-master. eady fora'distr'bution by hie floards et Agri- Mr. Wm. Catiuir, w, va hosen te b. culture in a lev daym. Farra.rs ahoulti, not Cathain, sud ve.1 me aboiter choice se.thi.e pruît f h1rug humvaluable uoL 0jbe.made. aoed. It lasIlegeÀ' that y usmng iutbey ï.Nlecn t lîis w h4emymg otatMaycalculate 0iifi .fromua -sixi-to eli t thle Ocuneil, aI t tr.eotng on Saturday, (de.- anchmes -longer tLau that prodàc0d trmmnative vise sente mea::s Ur gtig up a drlll-s .seiand il,11botterc.uWlity. With ai in- Tý ëBal. is ola tol m ~h frtlt~ imUeudemnd, r!for tho eed,, and- savaej, panad vo slie y g*4 net' b. beiud lie .aiatzrie iaiey~tbi .hoid - I MiImk'lic 3urNs he ii.mlitaryardor ferrn hg P oM's katic mtrev b anov Iof Ou oun eug men.à 1 r.ui SiCi recmnuda jmelf Mr. Cottir làn h recivod the foltov- stroz ly t3Ïbe notice cftont farmiser.;and 1h iu . l à, latter oprîng t as ou i g -,be alarge breadtb ef landvili- b. leeae in tus County s' ow x at tus Sprng.-G4ôoL. ]dont"ealMarh 26t1i, 1866.. Ci Co OCLIiS-Tbs Nov Zealsuti Sa-Youa' lotuorremàdtelb is- ot îEland about four millions cf dcl- ter ofMtlitia-has Idod toamioandim in aynr sd C'anaaapa.b reply feretoe I ams id ldu"liniyenon Pariiameuaiy tuamto eocet BL r.ainabut thé b. of ethe Eo.Commhander tue. millions et dollars arinuy, cbiefiy for i'i-Chiàfi fo«'r urfor m einraisfrag the. psy sud. support et toops. À..bal mil- oaaîi oib.tiullosietIF,,ho- I c.aeL7 Gbo mjtaraqd a OWabout *There appers zo 1". nu doubt tt uan irrepreaible ourtilirt has atisen between lh. Presdnt of 1b :"S-' 'tulez qnd Oopgres. A grcatima4ori' - CE xase ot Represent- ativeis and seil- 3 . ). ~proteci. the ne- grues, ail of wli _m wv ré- loyal, f- rom .the wroth cf their former rùasters-and. Southern whites, 3il 0.'.'v#korn, vith exceptionis -ton trfli- o eni1:ý wrwreel. The es fcr the grarItig of equai rights Ioothe e gices, thÀt Cotigr~e,si passes, and in: thié re- ect ia.hI w 'laie rebels of the 1 ~ oî,and <'oppertade cf t, t- North. He miil- saýy& he ib net, willinc' tôe de Jmified winthese vileo rudsly duriîîgthe %vtan sd-.. hopqsed ia selectioni; but lbey are the nly sipporters ne ha., with the exception et a 1ev iegades frorn tbe e- publilan paru y, snd ký 1ew war demnocrats. Lemral 'herefore, »neçessarily tait aito their bands, andi 'bis 'theyl appea r lob. sure of, 44"t(ho' di-ul'ken boc-ih taior," 'as Uiey 'called blas aow become the object ef theu utiosatfIsome Pruis- aur! hearty indor- salion.s.Siug hie dimatps state ofîhinga, the Amnericanm peopl1A laieturning , heir tbougbtaîte Generai ,-a 1t. k thoiit' sder lu the Gi .nre keûÂa eýIion hopimmg, '.rocili r -t-,,k. iîas rtau iaavic- trinthe tie'd f.. p '1114 a.&$hsy have et- raay due u te ilcwaL. W. are 'p;Lased te aunouce, maya the P c ' l e r - i, t i d Me .. e a M s'r s n il- 1r of this bwn ave eo;uw 'eneed the. man- ufacînrecéis > o9 na.latae'ir emaimrent, and thnt th4enté rpérise promaises te bc a great success. tpelooons-they manufacture are cf the Cromi"o deslg"n,'whicli are amxitted to b. the be# inl use, a i hey eau 1>- set to veave any pattern -of cledh; and as Meuars.- Morrs-and f4liear cauri îike tbhe= rucli cheaer bhe#_tbey cau be umpcrted froni teSasfi' - there cin b. -ne uio@bi uhat- their entep lbeyl secure a valoable returu. Severat ar'e 40W in tirocesa' of manufacture !r,- hite nov f ctory of Moisis. Fr :-v Fw.d Dotds and cre of. îbem which ila Cc enta4ray firisbed asud open ho public' in- 8pect1on, .la a very beantiful pince of me-ý oeuiananwtlcpaevoraly lu style andi. fnshwith hse:madé nte nld States. Cou seevers in Canada who need an article oftibisdescription would do weli te send îbeir er*rs te Morris sud, Uiller, as- vs cai ..ssure îltm f-honorable re'itment a good loomn, and 7pleap prices. o010, ?yrYas ut GINGRAT BRIT- àiN.-The Veo' 'G-nerl maies lie foi- loigesti ma 'e eIl greai lowas in the naitide of îLe ear 1865-London 3,067,536; Liverpool, 48,4,33n;.bMachester, 358,855;' Salforti, 112,094;--' Birmiiinghame 335,798--, LesJ84,228,187; effielti, 218,257 ; Bris- tol, 163,680; Newoàstle-on-Tvne, 1227 Hull, 1051M33.Th estimate for Edinbareh is 175,127 ;for Gaaww43%265 ; for lin, thes cily and a i w ubùrbs, 318,437. As au instance cf -tbc spnepoft'divorcela 4the West, we are t#1 d hattlere areat pr4 :int living at. Co 51bs Wsonî, y -vomen aud a man i Who -bas been marrieti bu the vornan afore4ai. Tii.mabas been married four limes, tbaa now 1two.vives liv- ing, 'sand bas no wifît. The firot woinan bas been married feur tilles bas tare hushanda livin%'andl bas ne husband. Ttiosecond womau bas been uàwrried îwice, lias. two huabaaads living, and. bis nô huelmsad A NEW uiiciprPamice.- hislarunrd 1 inEngland' thai 1hIlsà.Helenu<s iutoaded hnsband,'th. Pr'of Ssheswi# Hoisin, wi l b. olevated the Eaglish p*rag, unl- der the. tfle cf tb .e o f Keuda"i reside permausnily lan oand. Thw.ili ti8 siep la la accordan iiithe -Uitood wishes of the Queen. vb* o aial dMires that at leasi ueetho v eupdagbers ahould romain vii ber. M amAuna Bisie M.L"seehes bave l !cOOtliIig M it eSawrd"bbamd te rct .g0t(f.>.itus OBo* -E1 TEE TJU.T WILL PAT EESTf. The 3teek wv011111ekI ~r vii b.espcal - ~~atumfle, u 13 i ten,4 *ad.ty Ldchà ens Moss~~efi of seclediUtL Th2 folloing d.pairgent have bis eêrseived war partàcular atteathuj uvau ~ ~ cl sb w:, hIiguosim-8*ýN el " hould be .&fw u.mpgv>v ~E8 ~z$ ~o~be id*tI ftb 0. a8PWI<>i <~ Td~PLPg COTTCF 0001)9,- lb.~ ~~ oi, akind cf « S8011 1Wl7 LINLL li)THS ducema len Ied dmen. p n uigh a »m m re b. quâ:e udapîod Isc3TH.No :-'LSI WR Muy fïr=M W*I1 b.e t aie PLAIN JND JAC O8IS te kùéw à béattei 0W luât MoiVsm1-M BLC; . oD II>CSIEh (h.4Y !0* ( 1a7i bIId 51C.sL~Nx;1 IVREDS as COi TNGS, dmwlut.i nez& s1=mof rmn th.~f t p.l oe.'l' ~uur oes o" We .i-alhhow a vei7 large Stock of Strawt prxis 'i m]?Ousi'le t for.ell;'but tiiere 2ds51i.SIS DBNES mre soBe ilms. if hich thm ra 1 mach &iS<>lLàD-s1GaImiyâmST' andMi Mau! BATS. nore c ty Iba cTh ra asfoi inste, W a V»Jtalso bmetion' as 1worthy ofnotice,. Bissows, SLlo, FLOwEB, s, STmui ,Phaaats, barley aorvMOI. No farmer noed hestale k. c We have openud ii *e. au -exten- aboutP te >a" Oietb aI<>unt sive assort ent of BOOTS and Snomsý, ami 1Tor Oef to p i'tooà'fo toY k -- M S=Tîi; asOO, MEN'S FUT 1BATS in ail thoe vW tr i'onUiuSliYOpricos;m. Tàl--datyfahe. ou bil. mpotsd utolb. uiti Ettes Thoue favouriiig us-will thoir castose may la nSv. ocu at r buhel. "pý4n rely on - getting as good value as cmn be» badt ibo. the vis,!. f Ibis wve ta -e euh- in mey. other Bouse. Lwwaiedia t h. entrent ai-orage -mdethal 1Our haruy asoooimW.nd .d Jym GILLIS à LÂNCASIIIBEC, bac.k, iL Ïieu1d amlii bave 60 cealla iar bahel Âdam Baiding, ICentleit. Il4 1 po a e'.producer. aiaIit '.i 7ndsay, L>nil, 1866--1 ra il v db. ampre roilaba c than . - wiasut, ing " .risk of tbo I mme erop into eoeit 'ýifu Ume i -no ! ilidtyi t CAXADA';S GOLDiÈY OPPOI TJNI'Y. ,uy,1'o '~ ions have theïr opportunities as Woil i. ria 14 as ivaluals. Theprsetau shsi louaitf d i.nt have te al'L woofiyCanada, with lier aigu rprervinces moon _ _ if bai oceb.e i ze , swre 17tqb.unhîed,-te, -take >a position which wil raiaang 4i ur erquansties 0< baüel aac thihexxntdoral,88vl a i ver ~rwn matl uoat accessible country fort immigain irn wee.04aaeo h.popc laitabou.tkte wadd. In the neighbouring Repuice at*m»o farta1e ls ales x hgiA4ar eaboutieconmuoed, sithet as a neoai- aap4ijée aThdi u e bLd. Î_ty.or a luxury, 18 taxed to ita utmost lirait, ùotif lia, the. effect-à< cutlmng ofteVery ann n most oppressiv e rn. To eom- larg tree :-~<> e opresive ayetera, lb.eparial fre. 8aa:Irlf«aB véiulye. aaW lO trde oeAnied on.by treat wtht.seprovin- Il tes orly f<wiu - . ' 04tuÎguute ees. is Nrcatened, with total suspension ; so Tuale ylladi * ta c--zthAriag up th. that msfothUnited States of Arerice, ith buarsytrde.wa c fr: lb Ameua.its boundlesg'-natural rewouroes, will b. the Ag4 t$rit i~itd a mis , e t dearest-country '-tho worii i wbich 10liue. ~'AtP0!~>8d W.. tiir gain, eeptThis unnat aa1posiin for a new amil riui* whea1 b iriy ,iJi cci ýîx:nd a prIce. l~ yagcniuua ie aaa it r' iii, i e t à _na X'mlandeand'we onrlil otm ie aa onght~ ~ iil wth poi.~i e plendid cpportunity ottrying exactly the 'Cal.adnfa, 'ersata . win raising barley opposite pot ioy. . By red*isug txatin on ail e hraj u4e~ia± n obt~ aift se nfeesarias ofr4,fe, hý,lowering the tbau ta. ý ta; ir w .-e paia sWith'thepeen ltOstuiYO 1&rtOfS < s a Ji'et -a .4, bait la uivertxeless dà abotonaf ,dwl blalwn t irue, h ,M7 na.m,,.à -J o ;44 Can dien onal expotaos of egn goodsi; tnieth~ ~ th'scountiryomld b. ate e wporium of baeyr tat - t. ar-,ocitii.. f'tho a £ Wegy . 11- xaet rî ý U.")'f'the Prairie European goods for the whAIzý continent. -ra1ý4Ï qaýýýâJ.6 -la. C- .-ai a fomThis couid be 4one without injur*ag' our du- - '~ a frommell manufactureà at ail, f6r uà thei pe- 30 tée ?cenzd ie u:rnýo gowgae, ilte 1n ' $,31 hg~gr~ radef < iaitistey are very ile .dependent en adi. " d ~.ou' h ~.a o w protection dutîe. ..-ýou.dseem r.n ls tta-I, est (la, rersent revenue ,(rom eustomhs la about If the . eci1irtcity $749,286 41 per a.ni«x fftbey wmei e- #.-' th Caaur1--. la nc-t rcaeawed, 1he pro- dca:aicenycol bai s àare that- uar.t2y of prit.. Cuaity iby on-aiÇil ebu w.I L~r.d Lg pic rr altm madeieâby a large 1hereas e < exeuse vo V..f .msaleiupp..u -rex-îa Ià,!bread hLuty 011spirts anti acco; or e.: inational thi.- T~he gisat :e debt cauld iue proridtA forme nâe-r -such an barly W b et t i ta']Vo1Rgh.Th~eniergency aa the 1present, bYýýho is&ue of lanc i a 'uld le ric1l, a .cl wa e tender notes,'hc h onr wonld gar.e ~ g.~'i î~xm~1L1'~, i ~oîoy s a dly accept, without interj :the rce ofýwlich tu be api ~lue réctperchase p~uv~:m-, rodcts ~ai.r ~q~ iXn heofour iationýal indebttO.:eonW . commend )1at * 101..ut a lig t. w.L Iy, 38flIy Ii bt sbhnifX luebroadly suggested, bai, ~i1ienough, s yer- ily >r ?ices the :w"jiot delailY t-- the ' emideration of 'the t 1 g b: lvier sus iZi '. gemu len a!the- leeile.uq On .heÎ3 gii-, fit îni ciàlràncrxe. if it icau bé o.>tai eo f g«ond THE PRESIDIIT N' ID 'CONGRESS