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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 6 Apr 1866, p. 4

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-1 I ;,le Inay -ie LaS , waieh bw îi4e of Rd surrounded wsre ra~1~. rd *inter quartefoa myriads of. pS uWieb, viien, tbewrms sluiof I 'OUses tlsem 1bo*s ,then, wiier COSme p te il. surface wery 1 auXieus for a ~gSleUpon oi 4mnett blbood. pply ibis, the 4c c ulvator xportion of himt*àlti1i adfove sua, whic1ý wtt. boughtý. by avergopmie of about <Volvo rbead. Ne soer *«0eomu *iirtuosdrivetu ito the ,puds.T y voe fatoaed upea Iyb tse' whiose, voracions. instinct, veto se moment the wter becogue agi- 'esances are siot usf.qiet eof 0f. coiliog se eqhaustee 'by thmiso 'rW t hoodsucerume a ink down ~ watea, uthero- tboy aere someimes d beore. "astavre cacorne ta te o!t t ~ohe Wa fisbers tg for -bôots.- mou.eje the fisel LeV isquired Andrew, hast lmtill l find 0cous of catchiag tie loueches isi Ileonre, . lis moetly eafrle*on girls and Iîds, vise, dur*iingt6s msos, enter tise..podsj, WMOc èrprob[bootâ of tbsck 1Iaes*bra ýeach of, tie' vitis a sort cf ol end a. canvas bag. Seating es i i tise"pondst tky d.sturb -the- h theit foot, end isumediate1y thse ýmaiuing tisa inm-be age Pimigeil poundu, swsa1rm arousd thse lecch- uti fastea gree«ly upun thi Sel.ctag -tihe stgrowù leecbeai s -aow pckt"s. 1o, and.Put~ 0 their b ansd in - tUs way. isands are aen by them le tise. fa few -bunrs. Tise, leeches are red homuél, aod, havià ein oacuit- sorted aioodm*àg W ue., use, stubs filled wviii soit, moisI daoy, b tisey i.rnnediately burrow.Tise tho- tigistly covereci with étroag tanas, anin ibis sitise tleochos n to market. MVOUJS-AND PRiESSING T Y. 9;f1llU' Journal o! Hiealtis" givss the fol.wiuig suggostions, which -deservTe3 thse iminediate tattention 0of allil vswish 10 avoid tise secourse 'of choierai, wbich -breatens te attack nus tmousmmer. W. -recoiiiixiosid tbom ta ije special couuidera- tion of our citizens lst. Every hoiseboider oveis ilte bim- self, te bis faiy oi tgbe ,t.c h commnit inwhicli heres des, to hÉave bis hotree, frern.cellar to garrot fro6m tise street. cas-b ta the. rear line Of bis lot, Most scrupiulousiy eleanmed., by sweeping, viii-ý iug. anidwhîtevasù4ag. 2nd. Evory Ma"s whlbas any auther-. ty in. cify. or toàwn gororumeat should conider Iitn-seif bouud .by the,,atl), of ollice, and by cvety consideration of bu- manity, tô gi ve himfielo sarost nti every street, nley, guttor'and sewr eit placed in a statu !a efc ianscsn esbe and kept seoutil tise frusts of. nejËl eason tomne. 3rd. Thee ie asns hudb. doue nsOw, in Eebruary aid March, beause, if put, off until wixrm-f weatlser, Ihe very effort necesýary for ethé enoa fluhw oly tend> in .the eseential nature'of- tiig, te hasten tise appeartance eM diease, te icreflie itâ mai gitad ta-xteid tl&s t~atioas; be, a s u ts eofspriwsg andi surter the so-oner warm into lifne and intensify the viperic and malignant influenceo, wiich in its rerno-selésà. troîd, wrocks 8seranch of humiai happinessà and. doltsse suaiy,,heibstones. ýARUÂ RVILms ip u ivEL-Tbe fol- lowiug'ul ! te r ad'ra based.upon legal deoisi se, nid ougisi te b.universaily. madle mou Tnie couts bave âecided ibat appliiants 1;4 tickets oà ra itreàari aobe -eectedfsirersif thbey do net ofler tise exaict amnulw tei are. Coud uctorsare not bound ta ae hange. -*Ait railroad tickets are ili usdi Cond itions 'oi .for th'.da Y y'Yor. othrwîi e admitting l ime f enu>i nessy. ar&e o! no 'accont. tPassengers W, laie tiseir tickets ca be. ejectod fruitsth -s uless thoy purchase. a tecosid one. 1aseugere ara bi@ad wt obseeedecor r 11Qse rs, and are obliigd toe cusply wLt 1remapble dernands ta rshow tisir tItk . Stapsdinosontise .plat- orior otiserwis ialag. is e 'ruleo6fl-te eomnpany, sondera. persan - hable tobe .put frein thse train. persan ba'; ai- ibt te mono oisa mms- - iaiha h a.paid for, ad aiaticle le.-iiiteieat whiie tse rownerisu touperaril aet eutlu hut eiu ~ aid ~baa ~lcity. s poiecru ibarPistai 1 Pc . .... i tâgé ~1Y, tn%4W~pam~G a &ur 4. 'HI liii ( àles troulut The Subscril a suitable tei Folr iXrtisor .t-ai ,)t Ma IANI s.g mo**;, auu" )a; ter. àl- water on thée lot. sar part o! tb. x6clasrsud te e the Proprietor, -LAKE, unduay ne on favorable i No. 2SO in th. somnsr- e and under culti. 1 vattred, a mile née, anad only il ýy Town. ôr a term ofyea5iii Ate po.sessic pply (if by letter, :çPHtERSONP 34M- TEHE advevtiur emt sale thse followisig Loto, ut m 1.0 e $2.00 pot acre, Lot là, la SM ccesalou, Somervil, " 4 Ith do do i, iftbk e'dd 'é' 1#t h de do Or ho VIIIlese the. same for 6 or 1 years, .tipeonditien iaI 5 acres are clemrd upon oaeh lot yes4l, tuees paid, aud statuts labbur doue. A imeil prilo May be ajeoodon, at ubiçis the Tisai mal parc1wse nay lurme du uMg ÜS- 1Lusse. a. J. F. PE-AU-X. 341-2f Richmuond SUI 1P. O., C,.IV. FOR SALE. AFARM OF 116 ÂOUSI about 75 0o-fuhiel Sare leardandl seededdown ii Claver and TUmothbeing lot Nô. 29, Cori. 7, TOWIShIP OF OPS Aise5 fer saliteti iTow3of Lladuay, Lots. No. 4 and6uê obf Ridoubt street,, being the site eor.Towtes f*oeer Dotel, consistio! f tw-iteof an acre. Lots 20 -and 22, artii of Glenelg Streecon-. sisting of one quarter acre ench. Park lots T 1 and OCI2, Llndu$y Zest, caniàt- ing o! 5 and'a .hf Actes oach. ýý IX lai acre lots en lot 15 veut of Adelaido 8troei, facingo« Âdel aad olbourn. Ste. For pertculars apply to Barristers. Lindsay,. Nový. 11. 866.22 iAa~ aaaî Laia The Soutih bll COUNTY One KAown se Ar vey u NotiaS .T1Iaturc at fair ans sot to strot &Ralis obthet, poInta & ada,' te- the Ne verion or rl Distitct te Pi ci, a n A or, mato Tx FARM 4Eigbtiscon- e ~ARIQ, Ad cre,$ k 1.1.00FARM. F itis good builUngu IO. DORMER, l. Dliitar,4c.,- e. Lindsay. Wby Givena >0 ade to the Lege. siba of Parliameut, ý à ompany te con' ewnrket, armieor WM Railkay otCati- .ake >Yca ia Boa- - tisn.gh tise Mtskokb ad Feçh River:- extenson andd fora, *Lauds lns aid th er. à corporas-to0'taIcn- r4o,.,Lind- pmh ri't ns "-aidaer "ai t~I 9io e bride uat for a~ est, b4t & dowTy exteubo fmuille. et tise -des l viiit . heesI au- *euw lie aoriemoby. su 0 havea eci a JAVING ocea*4oto « sort up," vwii find a lirï an vafl-stockof -GmSderes and mk oû rmi eis tiey ecan s oleii dna- DOBSON à N1OL0CL. Nov Cop OrftsA1saol Filberts,aus BrslmtAnchovy Faute, Nsgi hPickl esi Sueiofor maie by DOBBON eukOCz. lâù rté iquors. JLiulees Rbilàc, nt 1=V InoyarPro-! retrPe Martin% Sherrie, Gahm' Pr (for Zdicinal. purposes> u p1.s Iland Gin, Jamaica -Rumiriesh sud Scotch Wliiskie, London aud Dahl4' Porte,. Englieli Aies, &c.j orsa le byDO 8 NkNBOZ (DONALD lMeKENNIN PROPRIETO1L)I. ilAS been latelynrn&va ted ani refurniished, ivith tho view of mak . it a comtortuible Country Inn. Lidensed ta seli Wines and Spirits, of ubicli the bestbrani,.ngy*-illbeho pt. Argyle, 6th Mare#,18. KENT STRECET, LINDSAY. Qcod stable and shed attached, and an afteu- tive cstier ilways lu attend4ute. Fret Omnibus to and fromthe Cars and Boa ts. Lindsay, Marýh l10, 1863., 192-t W.BOYNTON begi toi inorMý tants oet he County cf V c ~ " tounàding Conuiies, tha t he Ial, i Hoctel on WiiUa"*Btlret, ately Octped ik Jewett, and as lI ls1ud it >ttcd-*nd furnlsbh- ed in tirât style, visitors vM iild every coni-eni- enloe: Wiues, Liqurs ani Cigare of the best .nattentive ostier aiways ih.atttndince.. Lindsay, Dec. 16, 1864 .2.i WALTONSTEET, PORTHOE.ý ESHEIT uDtoulm, Proprietor. iTIIS favor1tA Hfoi.el h&ving been -lately con- A. pil'etely renovated, affords the- best of. ac- cominodatiou for traveilert and the public gener'l'y. U,'nder.-pesent management, no effor ts U411 be. spared tisat.w conduce tô the coustori of guestia. Si The. biua qLlquorsand. Cigare DJVIS28 1107ELS (Lai. eCofl's> CA BRdaAY, C.W.ý MI $ ubscriber bega to *lnfortn hisfrlends a ud -tus pnblic of Victoria Oounty, that he bai opoenod:tise-hotelilu Cambray lately accu- pied by 1fr. McCýoll; suad as he bois usd it fur- nished In itstyle. 'risitore wvili finit ei'ry co-n-, 1 enience-. Wincs,ý liquors and cigare o! the bes.tq.ality. Aun attentive Routier alwayS in -wy.nDAVT& Prnr,.lMr. Cmsbray, Septý . il 865.. 36-ly (L.AE PLAT'S,)w Nsmmti'eet, T«Oate, AÂbe-. Eag Street; TPH EEBbscriher legs te intimaste to bis frieudu and-tse public, that baving leased thé ah. ovçi, central prodises for a term cf yes.ra, ha baff roitted and *refurnlsbed ihrouglit, sud lie viii bé 9! ,Iobvé &a-a o thé tmy 1iug e ôtm- Kr Excelent and oxièneive Stabuing. Torouto, JuIy 1865. 35-f Raevere 4Hoe,: Ti.he bribug. t. annofncu ubat Isoas leaud the abov.teboV"loba uitufrna"- ed mW fittel, up tbuestghouithe, .but et style. $éoue but utheseoimui iqoand Olgaru vii be keptIn atbe bar,sna4 bis table wlU he braii.- Eid w<thR *. oacsof g.gters alwsys l vu. ?ÀKIW, aplto i'2> ~ bae -erv-d ~ ucbsiý o inS«t Uiiieveq wy IN ALL ITS DBAWVtIS, p '0 ibis pchlîio ie .1 the CHOIOESTTEA8 evir broughtt Liaday. J 4Co»mplete.Stock ofCroc kery ALWAYS ONHAXD. - HerngUo-i.,a bd ihlSit fo r Sale* FINNAN IIAI)IE JUT RECEIVEDb A few bris. df Onions Io diispose cf sheap" ROB3ERT SPIER, CTUSorn e , LI$NDSA Y. EXTNSINE0 T0%0IWA MRE NWCOS 01M. WILLiAM STREET. Th& Uqrudm Usving now-oPe«ed a Gessera Orocru, rckeg ô'g'rbi5iok store h mwiàona New oBrick Bleck, 6Ve Towon of Lns lu~ ~o prSt ieve 1 arte etrade ut thse Lovasi Cusie.ce. bismotte bing"Sal& Pu~~ nickReurÀus."A re o! public patroneolere:cîuisolicited. N.B.-Ca6 aM i#reédtue1pion ut Farmlng pro&»s. L. iL flMICD. 352-tf EL LJN GOT modet. o n sUp hb business in Lindsay by the. Surt of April, GREAJPEf BARGAINS THAN EVER. The Goodg mue gud shah b. soid at whixte'.er thq'r briug. Don'l his thii ohanea of buyan< f3fl14F ~ AMALGAM BELLS, AMAI#MBEL41, Am LdA BLB ATr.oee ithin thoxabe y' brb Schooi, Cemeýter>', Fact-ory, o aml Their m.e throvghout the ZaÏ44. proven *em té oqmbb» mot valuahle quali- ouss, %and Du~aâ=LrT or v=ifo, unequal- led by any other manuftt. Sizes from 15 to !ýQ00 Iii., COSti»g TWO-THIBS LM tbari ither ,aitw or25 coud 4er* po.ud, etirMh prie 1 wurrnt théeui ivoir month. OId bel moel tken.,a exehage- dr bought for cash. SeBnd for a circular to the manufacturer, No. 36 Dur Sm.;r Nxw Toux. Liiof Prices, Weig)hti, and Sizes of Farn otel, >steamwbea* sehoot-kosse, Shop, and Factory Bell. These Belle are fltted wih Yoke, Standard' Crank and Buit, complete for use. Wtet of Bell &M.d Diameîer Cosu of Bell and H1ang;#'g. ý 1 -1i Hagmtgs coopl.:.. 15 lb. i ' igjches; _$.375 20 " 81 à 00 35 "- 10 - 73 ~50 ~ 12 :12560 '15 " 16 ' 1875 100 " 18 " 25 00 150 " 20 " 37 50 2 0 0 4 6 2 2 I' 5 0) 0 0 250 " 24 « 62 .5ô List of. Acade)ny, Sicam&a!Pire-oiarm, 4. <Jlurc& Relis, twith particulars a. *o te WeightPrce ofBliU. 4. aag-isiga 225 1b.26ii S5600U $J5 00$ 71 00 275 122 69000 1800ù 87 00ý 375 ý34 94 00 2 200 116 00 .41' 346 l112q oUü 25 OU 137.00 600 31- I 150 OU 30 00, 180 00ù &5s0 149 1 «OU 35 ü(0 2 25 00 1000 j46 250 00 42 '"O2. O9 1200 48 300 00 45 0ý 345 0 .1400 50 35f) n O 0 & 4 10 00 15CO 52 400600 54 00> 454 00 1800 55 450 00> 60 OU 510, Co 100 5 500'00 62Z 00 ' G,2 OU 250 6 25 001 72 0.0 691 00 Sm00 63 750 60 - 93 001835 00 35.)0 1666 875 001 811)Q 96200 4000, 69 1000 00 100 O0 1100,00 4500 72, 1125 06[ ..i3 001 1238 0o 50 75 1259) 001 125 00 1IÇ'0 Lw'qer ffwgýu*e Io ordet ai 25 ct&.pouud. GrAtÂTr.-ItBelle sold dit île above prices WCTenfrd. agaInt breakage . tY fx I ringir.g, for twelie imontAs' from tine c,!' cli.-siniz. Should one fail, s ncw bell will bu gis-ýn by rËtAýrnn1g tise broken one. 0:àhrà, n.zy -le sii -thic ugli the Axmc.' i An ~ ý,1«Lc D. ~~ GSY -. roadway, New a.caDelbreaks e'teex1rirati.so th, Warran-tee,,I a1à)w -. off.price Lit tîe 0o- uset ai. JOhN B. R BINSOWN, Lauci &Gçn.eftlAg.on-.y tAND A"1D QJNERAL AuExxr. Land Searches mad.4oitr* ~Met -fo=r- nscatl sud ÂccotW ooé- I.L. De iqon, Fs<?, D46r Court, Tartst. * e.John [ioss, MW«L. -(J.,f Ttsrümo. GOOD BLANKETS, for,4$3. - ÙOUDS, fine Yod, muly ~ 6d. T. 9. ;Stret, Ezq M P P Chipo. SHAW LS, al Wool,«,fronl* $2 np. ftETTT DELAINES, f« Ibd.,tJh .TyoIe. ubc CQBOURGS, for 1le yard. ITWEEDSIa'al .1lsîerM.LW.,3&oonto FLANNELS) 1 yard wide, for le. 4'd. HÉAVY COA.TINGS, bi~ble Fidt: 4h lte ex*,,qs eA the Seat of Gor.. PRINTS, -fus, colota, frein 9d. up. ouly 63. 3j. jcrument thec necessity for a lrheap, Reliashâeid peîeditious Aguucy, tihrtu*istheb. 4.ef .1wbicisparties living ata dasauce, zrU& Uisi ,A Irge, kçt of A PES and RAI'S, to be ahoved off' at a:-.~ busifess with axsy of tho PablIq »Wartmnts, An Immeiise Pile of other, Goodi tb be 801(1 ai ruinotis prices ùle,1 am induced to open art cftre u -,eb - sgna.Ju sr-e that of Ce ity COME IN TXME BEFORE T HESTOCK 1 U[L DOIt ctxr Ot CI'i -- 1:Mct.' £ Sa 'N. .-Ail those indebted by note or bcookaccout t ill.i poecaland selle immneli- .avaiabl thtia clsm jf pL.-6bat:se madeu rmdeJ y , Janua Qô 10 M 6. i large féee, I ba ve denŽmied - .udaJnay Oh18. make an eceeedingly model;.ue thearge for anI business th.at I may be fssv -red with, 50 that it may be within. the power ef ovçryonc to have ____________________________________________________________%areliable Agent a:ibe Calpital(Ai loiters le be pre-ita;d.) - 1 W i . ; u~.'p ~whdsy urniture. Warehouse. IMENE TOUR<AND LoW F1'I(IFJse 'NSE- s Th sbcrbe flr t ts plioofV c ounty t e ruieS teo f arrg, Tsubsred t ofes ar tre su OfVieu tolei ev er lassg t a osto ndsa fPar r attnu at4 Bed ruoom Furniture, bnvoted ta iut d YýPriclritnio WALNUT ~Q7AS 1K UÂl lOTzI CANEbiT NCN~ 8 ipDE-BOARDS -& Diuing Tablés, ~'CORNER WHATNOTS, PAUOR, DLSNVG KITCHEN OUATES, WOOD SEAT 1700KINO WASJILSTANDS, SOFA, COTTAGE à CO=O'IC>N 13ESTà» DRESSING TABLES, &C. &c. Ail orders carefully attended to. tj Coffins of aU sizea, kepI c«utalety in stock. >'Pictures Framed. t:::- A eà1l irerssnendiug-purchasers Salicited. Reueember-ADJOINING THE ENGLISHI CRURCH, KENT STREET. 317 H. HOLTOU F* (ON ]LINDSAY -SI REET, OPPOSITE THE POST 0 FICY-.) ýýLINDSAY, -COU N'1Y VICTORIA, C.NV. JOHN IKELLS, 1P OPRIETORe Tbo Froprietor viaso einforse bis t iendsansd -tihe public that ho. bas*nov lu stock, andi l oosatymanufaëtusing 8SLEIfCI-H$8AN Un u'T TER S' OF 11M. Bu1t Materials Latest Styles, Supedrio'Woskmtulhlp and Varlous Proces, - To suw t the. and muins of every prhmr la àl1l tus oue but thee tory best Timber wiii ho uned, and anuoxpueinaof manYycyars viii imun tatisfaction te customers. ALL WORK WARRANTED là laMer tbe. chargeof* a kit damsWoekuta; &"d aUlk"ada cfJobhbsg and Repairing r 11 Tkownri et boemd bt D'aMW l a s li.tu b i 1 je I.oêploysd tii.bout TUE COMMEI I, luN ION C-nEr~FIEs London, 19 Ct>rt*i! E. C. 3 Motreal,221 à 223 St. Pau, St. ,Capital.......... 1,0,C DEPM~T TI-XD IN CANÇADA e3$0,00 General Agents for Canada, ~R)RANDWATSNkC. The undersigned b aving been arp'ointbd Asent or t1,ea 4,ove iirst elas EDgishCompany for the euuntv of Victoria, is preîtared to effeet every do-scripion'ofFire and L.It' Insurance at the Io%% est ra tes consi.stent wîth security. Proo- pectuses, &C., Miay lit1usd on, apliceàtion ta JAMES BEAýPL. 315.11.Agent, Lindsay. The Iàverpool &Loudon & Globe PIR111ILII iavested Fundia, --. *15,00,0 Daily Inconse of 'te Compancy, $12,000. The Fire 1remnmns receelved byr this Coi- pa-ny duiring the year 18tî3 ozoeed thofe of aliy ether Companinl Great Britain by £200,000 Stedli g. 1nqut-.nres on evcry desoTiptron of property efl'cted at tFe lowest remunserative rates. Loespaid inmmedistely on proot.- JAMES EÀP, Agent for Liedufy. Office in Kempt's Brick BlcLk ROYAL~ MAIL STAGE. I-îidsayto IBobcmygOOf HE~ ESubscriher begs o t ote nu itl J.furthr ntiee ili rusi a d.aalyStSgO ho tween the abiove mentioned pîAeeàB, «mg t'ho Jvwett flouge, LillMsay, at T7c'clock Ù-,s m iuig at. Bobcaygeon at 12 - oiock. RBring will1 leave cf htro&e aHotel, B"bcç&0l ai o'ciock p.m., srriit n uLaaya 'l P. m. 1Fart cer3 Reoagbj&O. SPancels ait the rlsk of tii. oWMUO? umi e ed and païd for. BTP~IhL TÀ.amar Sint O 1 fl ver, ýught to a IM.L içow

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