-- - i 99V0- O T E Eas1 EN I IQAOê ~»~NTE R$ WotD J.QROY WiLimupeshy lÇoS bis frkind, dte ulcgeemI is .bals oommeuced thé. GeRIrt#cer, LqoamiPêiIuEh. asumm m kt& .*B iaawell-aorted #s toc f bock TUS, U# S, OFFEES, SPOCES, SAIT, sd- on'kindec roeIs TRe e~w Cabiçevi .dalwdfr efore4c ain aeoagefrGo Ow~~~f tl e-ah i eqfrd UIT" mni CHEAER HANTHECHEÂPESTI T " É 3JEMRIÉ14 té meet the solicitâtions of Baverui Gentlemen la opeà a branoix Sof Me Poàl IIowpe ". blthmenît I prerent forwarxing tîreir ordora*.to Toronto, 1 beg oiuce thi I have opened A STORE at lb above addrese (rom whicli, their faoiwill b6 for*axrdM far hlmexelin .Port Hope. ,To thoewntement.who __m;y qiieheltu impovernents, aud' Who- are net a4vioed of his position, it lu% iieeasay 0 .y RiiMIS STYLE OF CUITING, èombîned with SUPERIOR W0l~MANS1IPhan Iond hiasebs Establishment with the, firejt in -thé. Province. IR th. RëailY -made' Department .you iwjlI l nd né garment mode .by' inexperieoced girls,- puld la 3d per dcay., te 1nscmase biis profits ai .your ultùnale Ios, but, on the. contrary, thé work in equal tao bespoke.- The Stock Wscompose1 of CloiaCasimers Doeikios asud 'Weeda,iu large variety. FANCTY FLANNELS 0F A VRRY SIUPERIOR ýQJALITY; FLANNEL SHIRTS, HATh, VELVET CLOTII, LINEN COLLAiS,ý NECK-TIES, BRACÈS, GLOVES, &tc., c AuLL CF wmcu AEE COrF TELATT FÂSHIO! t> éTHE. SUBSCRIBER bhajuet Forwarded a largoap> fEcellentCobn Made up fur the Liudisay Blraoch, Mr. J. Reetl,, wbn perfectly understsunds- the Business ii eî»y Deprmnwl spare no. exertiom . b meet your: wiehes -and. serve -yobr interesta. Yen- wiIl fAnd bita reliable, and -a ONE PRICE MAN, asking 'you at flrq the Loweàt Remuiteratire profit. Nil-PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE FOR F(OVRSEL-VE. 245-tf REMOV'ED.- .JAMES LEINIJJANI ilAS'Remoyed Io KEENAN'S BLOCK, three do ort West of the JéweittBouse, where be is now opening a, LARGE AND SELECT STOCK 0OF NEW GIOODS.& Oash Oustoier s .would, do welI là Cail.Eairlye Linday, arda 1prl, 1166. - 344 his: is "the Advértiseeniet of the F R E NC0 H:STORE! Where. ClothingO and IDryoos are Wod so Cheap. The Subsçriber is rno-W reeeiving his Springuimportationsi>tf pring Gooôds, Clothi, &t., sud as th y ave ben bought with great adirantage, he will give the inhabitants of this Ceunit e1 benfito! hes argains. The largest part of bis stock consists in J!roadcloths, Black Cas situeres, Doeskins, Black Bcdford Gond,.Fant'y Cassimeres Scotch Tweeds, English do., Canadian do.,l (over 100 pieces), Vestings of i latest patterais, êoIllars, Nc-is asai Caps, le. &ci &c. Ilaviuig seécured a irst-class Cutter, the -subseriber is preFAred f0 iake up'su>' Rdnd of gar- ments. in fithe ot fa:shienable- style that can ho made [n Montreal orToruo siia cep r.Children's Clothing aiso made upvery ucatl;r. Hax'ring tg bandsata work,. Pants aud Vest. ordered lu. the morning, can bh di on thie same day; or a whole suit got up la. 24 hours. cheaoi enhea svery large. stock of READY-1 A lE CLOTHINO, consisting cf from ther chepës tothe best aitdniost expensive, clothing, and parties Dlot having time ta Retire their meay;rur can b. suiteit just as.wel la the ready-madeline, the tessoncf this béing that e yery. thin 4 nde on th" premisos, from a cottoru shirt ta the'most expensive black dress coat. r Parties bnying tbeir clotbs frota hlm eau have.thein clit froe of charge, 1..Staple . ry Go4ds., consisting. in Cottotis. Shirtings, Tickingi, Sheetings, Gra-ss Linenq,1 Bagginge, Priatis,& at a vei ialad!!aire on the cost. Boots ait Shoca very low ait of a ;oý.>i qualit>'. As the. subseriber buys partly for cash, and sells for cash, b43isums -ad the publo- na> depend où.ge itiag good bargainsý. A discount of ten po1qt o ae fo 3 aitupaii .RVATE FUNOS te Loan, at moinate la- ýes4from tRias. eve ym.rs, l an fre*a $M00t $e$0. AI'" 'vra e ma atRie County Of10 1 .BIJRD, id-rob iso!4 1866 APUA IÔY be 'ade ter'tu. Lq8 E 101 a ctoincorporate a COUIJJBy, te D strtet a Railway froyà lb. Towu o91 Lindsay te ~ewroand ffrom thpncé to McM.point *a * LkeCou0- chiman sd from thene t. lPh" River, and for a:gre - of m ieW" mteLadet the row laaidot the mmr., Port Hope, 3mnuary 5tbI41866. amr iliderit Table, F O R SALE, by the aubscriber, a second b"a XBihliaffi Table, il1ba8 a set of Phelma but cubhions, nearly new. -The-bea la hor4wood pannelled. It is ln a very gond atate, and w1U b. sold, *fth balleaneuces complets, for $100 Cash, or for $120 hla our halft.yerly 1"1.7E mente bTr giving Security for thé. payrnets, R fiSt $30 Kt the trne -of purchamée. Âpply tg AI Dancma'm Kt*L Lindsay, àKrch eth 1 «. 340-f£ T ÈPublie of Port Hope and vicwnt7BaS respectfülly iiiformed that Late -of Kingston, having leaftdfor t erra of yea rs the premises late!>' occupied by Mr. A. ,ottare now prepared to mainfactur. la order including Stationery, Poable and Marins. Mi1'Work, Tkres&ing AMacM mes, E a goms Ptou g/., Brass and IIr= iC'astingr, o f ail desc ripi ions. Job. Work promptly atteuded to. il-' Scrap Iron a.nd Ilpi bought or isken in A, COUla Respectfutty Solioited. FRANCIS STEVENSON à C. Port -Hope, Feb. 14, l8G43t. 31 iMEDICA.L -HALL, SPEPCiAL NOTICE TOCOUINTRY MÉRCUtAN',wsig sort up mith 31edicînes, will find à large- stock at the Medical Ifalh, consisting of CASTÈOR OIL, hy rthe dozeni CONDITION %îPOWDERS9 WoRNI LoZEN(JERS, BIRIGGS BLACK OiL, PILLS. Thxe above mnedic lues *ftl beho ld as low asý can be purcbased in Toronto or Montreai.- llaving beeni appýinte sole agent for thie sale of Briggs's Medicines for Ibis County, s.Merchants and others requiring them tan pur- Chase at thé Medical Hall. elover & Timothy Beed Just receired a supply of first class Clover and Tirnothy Seeds. W. J. THIRKELL. Lindsay, ITth Januar>', 1866. 334 JI 0 Jhkrin Co#, IMPORTERS 0F ENGLISH,' FRENCH &JAMERICAN WlÂfITCH E s JEWELLERY, CUTLERY,ý .And Electiro-elated Waxe. PARLOR, Dl'.%ING-ROOM U OFFICE Relief- iniTexn NMutes. BRYAN'SPUL.4MO0NIC WAFERS. UU 10 1~ U ~ . AiJTTt tThe original me-licineEstz-tlii--hed nla 7,aiid Litnduy s>,areh .2nd, 18È66. - first article of tne kînd erer introduceit under the naine et" Pulmoule Vafersc," in tbis or any -. ther c utv; ai.! other PumoIcaerae am~ couierfeits. The genuine ciap b. known by THE ED IN Uasm H.m the name BRYAN beinùg stimpci on teWfr BRYAIVS PULMONIC 'WAFERSi *'~,V Rclie'e Coughs,-Colds Sore Thi o s, BRVýN S PULMON CWFERS OFFIE, ~ GORG STRETEDIBERH, elieve Spitting cf Bloodt Pains in thé Cha. HEAOOFFIEN OFCEN, GORESELNTON ST. ORNO Vei Irttinc ti vuasitT -RA'S PULMONX WAFERS T*IEFDINURG LIF ASSRÂNECOMANY Reieve t abone ofupthents la und Minus ýýý Il..ý1 1 ý 1., 1 BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Vruder Ibo Ado opsrlisment pe'med this luat session ar&ipwndt SU eplcis re a blessiug to al Classes snd Constitutions. 1>L1TPTL~ f~L'TT~L' A DA~LX1BRYÀX!S PULMIO 10WAPERS I . ra pe oVclsaadP Speakes. Are in a simple forci sud pleasant to thé. taml. For' the soie beneit of their Wives satcjhildrea;- mieL Pociies aealtogether fteBRYeS ULMOO WFER daim ou the. part ef Creditorp, anditenabla persons ta prend. witli certaint>' after thoir <ieath for Net oui>' r lie re.butc WFEotlsigRS. the-maintenance of thair Familles. Ntol eirbtc&tlsigcm The. Edinburgh Life Assurance Company are prepared to offer nnsul, facilities.- f i tRis de- *BIIYA YS PULMON1C WAFERS scriptien of Insutance. .Are warranfed to gi-cc satisfaction to every c»e 'l'norm f propog&sand ai«M ryinformation respeiag zlise Assurancenay be Lad at au>' of BRYANS PtTLMONIC WÂFERS. th*. Coopa'OieSR Ca"a la., ?o Famil>' should ho without a Boxt of J.HILAII QMROObairman. P AVID HIOGIN",S, ray.Inthe. bouse. CAMERN ORE, Sficîtný kj )o T raveller shoulit be.withou. a. supply o <31~ GMERÙN ORE, oliitos, c.,B R YÂAN-PULMONIC -WAYEES 4gea6s U Lmduy.in hie pocket. No per-vons will ever objeet to gf vo for. RRYÀN'S ?ULMOcnIC WTER w VgtMeJOB *MOSES, S$de Prqliet@r, aRogiP. ~~ For sale b>' ~Northrop sa yn a ec.e LINDSAY. i I gnts for the Canadlas. SoI X L eý,R inLidsy C . Britton, Kaowlma ,e THESubecrlbsbveS8.m.1ztI T!" D~sd etJe othé es!Hall; E. .ài eo A. Bit,25 eai pu~Is, 2»:«-'D . wood; Aitam Gardo%, ola; . 1gî Te b à bW U <olI&09=-odlb ai -onintn sichit u»t OU 4 us1