9, 0F YEAES% blitOoeuno à- n"4 *bon, Ila i e'ultiio Ù1 be.ouw em4Wbtins -t ne pormorsai - eur. su>'n oil wuasin- ire vonId (dare te Il dicovor visa )Ur:eyti alsivercid t lscruind couile, fiI., . il (ail', Iconfi- i 'T a- - vs dn 'Whal id a hrédotig-ter., st ail, aiý ail. Sure h. muot bave a ridr;*sad Who can ha"e b. tb..ooaism hi. 'houri 4 1 -dinrix khé,, MuuldAd.w- Cbut , op, p qua. ,,a» vuY or ivre. The's à mwk IÏ làmp o'- wow' bâti botter lie dounahali' 4.' Thi. aggeslIon vwu aI oUo actetion;- ad ot.pçng behiot a lfifrgmnto! aMMY otuwelgi'Vh! tbafailefo th.e.lisloo.«Iis7 laid 4ev. chair burdons. above the sane. A dili gray ligbt came troSz th tr- shy, but lu oou Id saruly Md t l.Way it liai de.p moumn t p w.a a.nih -Ahadowa)lay lslok aud looMI. o tes.,di tw io reuoheti Muespeerotioagely fromn tiseit r iig lace teaoit, if possible, Who vas the rvie how. u hig dowu the. motintihtin nuch Ihot hante. They bail somely a minute b tovwi whea lise terrible dlatter madtie y thie m- loptng ted oundeci -jus at ead';-len, ww1en li.y expecweu hors. nutrider le weep ftr"oly by ihebeast scomble1 ou the psrtie, and Csam eadlwong tlte.egon ,close te the ver>' rock behinti wIkhhl lay An n wigry«iiwl anti sdeep ous. howet tuat the rZdér as aeiornethort ai milor rary sligitîl>. Tihe hors. vas,- hoever, appaently unigbIe tt i.,and ti il aster, diengagtig iinueff (rom lte uSdd*, but <ova wpoil the atone. 4 Horrible.] hrriblei. niasîutorotin an ton. loudienoughto. lài . hurd 'h. ouhas *the @pot Item -vbence #be vas tiken. lier spirit, vison, illoft lr ude eti body'u in th se&, doublegs. vandored la te tiMWvisere eh a hati iuinpr'esonsd.. Rav lier lookc burna in vny braits mtliiÈIIf 1bi amtrasheti ava>' 1 uhosltihave, gons méd. lia-1 hore cornes O'Brady. - ' Thtle eblaciguard: BBhanir,' is- 1tug as ranc l.,'rfeaffa0 But Bo.or any aube, dinna sýpea, or ho may heur us, llaniy folp esnov heari comits from shove, andth*iebard bromhing ef mon trio hai beena ronniog. .Stiddskly, lh. nov comgru 'pulici up, aud sp*ke.cgelier in. frighieuedtlués.- ltni,' crieti-Ma1ivrin. *hoisnoabu Ibis lime. My hors, i. allen, andiis-md- 1>'hutI ou; u9 where ii Mary t Suret>' yeu -bave broaghlt her wiîh y« e' - 4 N' vwuisîven's'l ansed lite jactor. 'W. were otilltou gladt .ga ffoKsmvo. o WeilI, wemuât retùru fkt her, saitiMal- vtrw 1'Butl viiiare vo tedo witthéehr. he's 4usd lame. OtIIkivtessa bitlOf gréeait 1a. utile way cown., l'il lsad it biadowvÈ ersasd ho can ost tit we- gvw f orMary.' moment lhey ver g on«; sud'heoant! Tetry inmaistly ros, sd îaking up tliitburdens, g~t eu aly yot 4qoankly bt o12 mbeiind tarock adt oaiRt a- rapic puce upthie &th towatds th. tain. prom ieConversa- to hoy a li>'bi itened i le, îhey -undeatood alimosi everythini lIat i hd tukbiplace, anti thi lulct o~nov vwaste arrive aitic romCi vus suýiii ad lis cOompanic-oin lsorder to gsi Mary out o! their roaciý. Terr, iought. thai. by using expédition tie>' would manage ic- for ho knev te spot te vhici hey woeo îsk ing the horse, and i t Vas a considerable distance front wier* i' th ad been standing. Swrnling, breasilelsîs ntians lous, the~ at laIroache thé lisemi, ani.d onfd iho bla ouken deor oïmen. Asouning tée stait tioy- e-ntoired heoltumber ln iholoveri,'atifound Norala sttatiJing pale as eati oerl i an- imale foins cf maiy endai, vilci lay opon Isle Ilor.- iNarah -flternA l Iw ce o f, 1evwhes ae- - unit Go i l$& YOo!' ai e xclaima- l>'C a"laa g hot hààdeatogetiser. tmon s deuflul iigut.' bas, darliwir' but v knov overy- Vagabonda ;ave been aier. W. ai mpaia' of ilonieradt..You'ver hisuetit Ib bliek, covurdliy heurts r lodile, )llk int ye sà giosi. Buit aimin; again for tihe pear colleen, tinab hé uîk aad.have iter-cal cf inisenwibla,' saisiNotahi s sie lune#s. ethle pros-t rite.fÔhtn cf the e0 fui devis lu a avoon Itoi. m- permecuiors (loie, anti 1 have-uset ina ta resiere lîe' bot lu vain.-: r will bring lher tau#' mud -Aidrew. tic i moment te: jé-e evioionsm,'m"id Tary.,; ' vienswill saiti Norfth, 119peI nnthe narrow Il co.aaulacued vlh lise Cam - but tai'e.-a. Cunning.pinoue,' ri- Lq how 1 mantigoët Ip1ay tise homa,' Surahs villi a sasi smile. 'liaiBuýI îuckiy aîdti 'av yn ad Ii- , f Mr. lagrelave t' - anti vs hav,' amivweotblir bru- 409t Muîvrin t hm laken te tic a, l Cap1uti acb'î cave, iandi .n- o re going te -doe: m hlm if vo wolt enoogi. Mlrnad.h Il b. tmi -Frigtenied le corn hors ly qttbs cere mvie «t ley11. be ànaperti Audrov *the mair4ot.r iwdedusogo wd remanist but ut iendti, and Ifoond Andrew witn ais ars enderi>' and i rfal1' aven -as a ýud carry bl i alepkigut li, iti oèrin l hi% ara'ise tàinaoinàiatoforn Kendi. StMon of minci a*sth i vl uste avent. of!1h. ilgt, ,d ty ht .oyapooic an uaierMy appm.'.t.on,; 4ds. upes lber nwbo la, in Mal- ffi *the s, b«rasonweoied e ab@ a ,mt?, ww- May e lad y au l ,Io Ibo sdth e fl ht--to &sjoyous lone. -zd thisol w I violeântly, Andi loc ter -lu shi bore I 'Deeti no, umer 'To CaptainIoJ ,y É'MistBlaJ way, tit wil A hinde, then holiin 'Plast»- V 'Me sud 111,1er Mtountainh 10 try ouit e' their band, ditgniseti And i Iho tinehistian, know -me. *$0ojï spiit, MiensMal vithi-a prolector, from liai bati-he . 0My corde, s Audrow vith gr :MaiierHargrma, the oea o01se ver owre.iheir nos. lor speakin' sas Obîeolta.-lise A' respects, OevBI arn.inottoO, ha, thar thse sooudir tic, s P ley lir n 0ý4ýO, You kno% stromar hder- rienfnightened1 'Il vasthe *V saiti ary, ternil who was the mutl -h., wbo would Vif.Ber uiusd for vhen ho bae h sari .q1lai edç à fainteda. . ' Andi weo ge sakl Aidrew, wi shoutd net for thb coived as lulthe tint had. torrified tiée,' ho èonliil wilhoÙt vaitin' were corn ' ýbar covered yer ah. are able tao wall four they hd us Thus admoni bar lest, declarin 'roti; md wlh oatnestitsto, she tho inialuable so Hargroavow'. boa orsk lu wtivh i ingit i4,ya7pu 1le iBy tis l»u kon. 8hitewouic Caette, anideom aguinelst icit a nOW liai MalIvril Cuâhaleen, aie: voulit inluce. lie l10 force a union1 tro f 1ithe wl thse sera fthse bridingi, .otugl cilidin the dsrà '-011thse O@hhr th.7fAr.sIOtchiil landing, place n Hlore vas maryl Ions'insistedi on rfiid the 0600 I>OW breaking o, waa faiiar wit i'No,' sihao thoissandi limes 1 oeiloniyour b 'Hae yfopy v asket Audrisw,1 4'Tel! hm- blusixoversprem tell himn,'e $or amd constant, an rétutfl, andi-a djeop.y5 hir hindi iy ný loed in lu 1'gTii amati -it liedi, hol'ding it oul il1t0 han, as-as' rom. ber. 8h. .iok thai Kmiled&%,retîly t awB7 a"mnd wis gi * be's i fine il honeguid la"] Thoy PU ll.4 o laier cara .hmoî site tie iowenngi ~(1 PUR' N sud a O lier nol Leave L Pan iiops Raiurm4u arrive mi L ~ ~ we as bd 1ud'of lb. Pa t'bar book Io b.C*E tmant d#4wM is oldan the. vsil.keptl BoueboItI .à-. revive -inea- afuture foi, n y*Tuansd paoeuwmru applyote, gffg-pu-. Or to' DO>iB< NIELOCKC, Lnsay. of Ibo blet- 41 pII 86 4t 'VOR"Luc£*P.and isos 1LIAL ut tho %rd ioewi( o!PÎ4 wUiabout Aéres clrdîà. TisLaad li a !s RIM QUA- -ina qk, ITY,"o d v itbin 3 qu*' ofLA. o40-me ,'ried Mary in fat, si artinS ey ai Andrew,. ,' answered Au- item Hargreave's SAnd Youlmas- buhaI. rie<I hlm an'saerett Ter- rt;mrtîed, -Miss" la lma M' s nol WTmry. tu- sishonour ee u itile bit ettliai infy.on# 6o' p - lite Ur avrye .ÏIhi re'll coma .dc n- dase liai,' put in lusis.- ' 1OuIloi i., and'-se'li cisar ,d gar thorn bob rst. Forgive me sa-ibut Yer talier Ix ho 18, vill. ne a son-inlaw. Ill g tueyer fatier's mndti ties. bèoter iesnt tàe -play ye MW Mar Yao à mo ier <ame. arthe~ levillans ad, after tiay. hadi ýor souethsnig.' - ti aiter- Notai,,' y O,Iknow ruin. 1: was ho - Wi me ta be hi&.' grance saveti me; raition, htieguii>' i§ accompIm-es inu the ehamber, il best tir. Mary. ai leuaI, li nlis- f lhe "jparati1ce IL4 *Wergel 'yu brougbt y. awa' t, for theeirascible They$ll'hie dist- is timne, antiIf ye à botter -more Ifor y aI once rose le 13 was qu it. rocaer- ngsweëtnlest anti rthankledi tItrafor Iaireudorodhler. beach, tho>' found- Deied la the. Utile en heft, ntor- the bay. eoluiin ws ta- at one te RNçual rther'5Jt itO beFrayer qet Notai bat-.tils discovory ceas. lhe mtempl jrseif and iihao- dt hi,10 vi e t spe i lber father'is up- for herseifanthte ,f ie pQooL. _ lie promontoty la sau UittIle beach or ri Kendal Cashl.. eand lier crnp a n- ,ying her mi least lut ah. reaoIUIlyý mrngligisI vws plained ti; I lea- rperlant that yen noble rrranti. ,Andi isoer Jargreavell iwinkie in hiseye. lsesitatcd, andYa sitenance. 'Yes,- lIai 1 wiii be-Irne y feovenily foi'his Imlidstilir11 ors bite heing ne rvous- taribon i er b>bof, shOe ontin- uV>'4 wilI yen give b r an c er ? ,' kov, as ha tokil IlsO-t.ehai, buss, lurieti intw afiner lh o$ beia' his. id. nmrehouri f the bu>' oppa-i bf Sk.rryVoe. 6, and until fun- k and arrve mi Ifop. 3A0nti To be SiWd-A BargainI. mius aselysuid vellatte forakeBodng gonsdIlepoeuosgve.Apyt - arnisACKAY & EA-P, Sohictlms The uuth hif of! Lot No. 1-8, inthé.1 Sth concesson of Maripooa, containiing 100 aereo,. of whlcb &bout 110 acres are cleared end un- der cultivation1.4 il la velinced, ha p oil loir end àlso a pomme Dwelling honu,., and a arà,1 a. an sd Btoçble thereon;-fibere is al- ways aloôd suppiy.of spring, vater on the lot. Tirue v be g&-ven for the. greater part of the Title iadlsputaible. Ver particulars and1 to troat, apply on théb promisesto the Proprietor, * GEORGE LAKE, or b Meurw.MACXAYI.k. HEAP, ISQ-tfLindsay FARM,,.FOR'SAL.E. T RE Subseriber offer for Sale, on faývorable ternis,. tho South haf of Lot No. 20, in the I13th Goncessic of Marposa, consîting of M 11UHINDRED ACRES, ,Of which 50 Acres are clcèred and under culti- .,ation. The property lu weyll, wàtered, a mile and a-bal from a School-bonse, and only il mileî from Lindsa.y, thUi onty To.n The Subscriher w 111 eritfor a terni bfyearsj to a sU!tîahlp tenant. Immediato ppss es4ion. For furtier particulairâ, apply (if hy letter, JAtMESmcPHERSON, Maripola, 21s1 March, 1866. 3-8 LAND& to be'SOLD 7[¶R alvrtimr oferafor sale the follow!ing -'Lots, at from $1.50 ta $2.00 per ýacre, Loùt 1$i in:'rd eoticesaiiuflSomerville, Il 4i loth do do 16 -, joth -do do' té 6,-. 10th do do Or ho will lease the Saulie for 8 or 7 ,years, Upon condition Ahat ÎÏ acres arp cleared o pon each lot ýyearly, taxes paid, and statute labour doue. A lxed price may be agreed ou, ait which the,,Tenait m=y purchase at ally time during tho Lea. Applto. .J . ERE 341-26 Rchmond Bill e. Ot' . W. ]PFARU OF 110 ACRES, about: U of which arc Gleared and eeded down ià- Clover and: Timotby, being lot No. 29,, Con. 7, TOWN13rsI4IP-OF CPS Alto, for sale in the Lots No. 4 and 5 Sountthof-Wd(oubt.street, beiug the site cf Jewewlsformer R otei, consiling of 'w> - f ! a n i e r . Lots ý20 a ud 22,jinorth of Glenelg Street, con- sisting of one qiarter acte each.: Park lots T irand ( 2, Lindsay, East, consiet- Sing of 5- and a liaifacres:ecadi. Six hall acm lots on lot -15. west of Adeliide streî,faengon Adelaidp and Colbourne.Sta. For poriculars apply tl &HEo Lindsay, Nov. 7t 1861.32 VALJABE ARM OR SALE. on Libéral_ TerMU& _The -South huM f Lot 22 lauthe .ightb cou- - cession cf the - «STON, GOUq.doe Waay *UONk NILOOK. Gl O0DMkA1I &WQNTS 014Rye, Tod I.Tae 4bWhikieo, Oblppewa Malt, Aid w.r inI bris. sd kegs, XX Porter and' Aie la botiles, for ai by DODSON à NTBLOCK. Wioissale and Betail at DOJ3SON k NIBLOCK. Oountry Kerchants and ocas ion ta , s r t .," w l fn 71 vagýncrriýeà stock of Groceries and Liquors fromà which, they eau select. ha advan- tage aI DOBSON à;- NIBLOOX. New Fruit, &C.> T TER, Yucàte4- an& Sultans Raisins, .1 jNcw Crou Carrants, Almetdu,- Fllbertqand. Brazil nultgu, Anchovy.Paste, EËnglisi Pickles, Sauces, &c., 'for.sale by- DOBSON & NIBLOCK, Imiported Liquors. (V .D Brandie fb rauaviz: Martels, V uleÎîs bin& o, nted Vineyhrd Pro- prietors,- Pc Martiu's SbeMres, GCrlau's Port, (for medicinal purp.pses) Du Yuplre's R-olland Gin, Jan-aïea flura, lrish and Scotcli Whiiskie 1 London and Dublin Porter, Englsh Aies, &c., for sale by NkOK THE. ARGYLE OTEL (DON&ALD MeKENNIN PROPRIETOR..)] PAS been lattly rentra teil aud refàrnisbedý, J.with the vie* of making it a coinfortibie C'ontry Inin. S-Licensed to sei Winea and Spirits* of which the beat brande only wvI behokept. Argylej 6th Mardi, 1866. -ICEliTSTREËT,*LINDSAY. G-ood stable and shed attached, and an atten- tive ostier aiways ln attends nce. Free Omnibus tu and frem flic Cars and Beats. BOÎRI>$10LUi DAY.. Lindsny, Maàrch 10, 1863. 192-t .LATMI J3 T' w x. BOYNTON bcgs te inforin the iuLabi- tante of the Cotîuty of Victoria and sur-: rounding '.oeunlies, thatl.leelbas opened the Hôotel -on William Street, la tely occupÎed by Jewett, and ais hehbas ad it fittcd and furnish- ed in firet style', visitors will f6nd every couveni- enie ines, iquors and Cigare of the best aàn attentive ostier alvayala aÏttendince. LîdsyDe 1,1864. 22Q,-ti <LATZ NaiRTE AMICAN) WALTOUN 8TEETi, POR T HOPE. ]ROETtIIODIJE1 Proprioer *¶USfvorts Iotel -havlug been latelf com- TH 'setl reurortvated, affords the beut oI ac- *commodatien for, travelleri -anad the public generi*l. tTnder -preseat management ne efforts iLlI o spared liat viii coud uce to, the coinfort of guests. Uë~ The beut of Liquors and Cigare. 247-ly. D-IfV1'S HOTEL*-: ME nberibr(-La te cOormi's)rin h«opened thée hotel la Cambray lately ocûu-. pied by 1r. MeCol; -and as'be has b ad it fur- ihdinfirat style, vLsitors wiii find everyc- venlence. Wines, liquors and cigare o!th. bout qÙality. Au attentive Ilostier a1Mys lu ~IF~L~©~J Ombry-sept 6. COUNTY 0F ONTA.IO% Ono *Hundred Actes-.!I Knownaî. thle KELLOG FAfiM.71 A Y.ery raluabe property vith. geod huins.^ - Appy to GBO. DORMER , or to IlýDUNSFORD sa8oiwtr, Regftcry Lofficy. October 20thi 1 oW. c. NotiM. SHereby Given rHATI appliction vil ho utde-> te1the Lei- T latue aI lienexh sesson o! ýprllabmou for ain elt téincorporaI. a Com tén'acoa sîfiruCt Railiwy frein- Newmarot Barri. or, cther pirâoientb ile Northera Railvsy etf Ca-. ada, 106thé S Narocf Lake Bluscee via Bèa- ,vertior Orilla;. le. timugbibieMissoka. District te Psary Souei d li( eici River:* withh pavers for ultimata extension sud for a r cendioîsgrant of Creva Laids lu aid tiere- cf~ mud usalig mniipa crporaions te on -AT% 3rpi6-ly Above Kug Street frîEmrhe bega te intimaI. te bis friends Tl and ihe Pui>iic, thlathavinglea:ed the ab- rtflte and refurnisbed tbrougbont, and h. viIII ho glad te have a ea Ifrein the travelling coin- E:-xcellent and extendive Stabling.- JAMES CLOOKERt, Toronto, Juiy 1865. 35t Revere, flouse, BEA VERTON. The. sbsorber hep sto anoune Usat ho bui leied 0 Oe ae.hoMelwbhbas heen furuib- eàâtd aitd 5110<1up ougieut iluthlb bolof style. Noie but tti ces& Liquors and Cigirs viii b. et 1a the bar, sedis table viii ho furai- ed it bo. 4.lieaeiê e' laoi. inr'Otrefuland oblilg Ostiers always tri * .. Wx. PÂRMI. Prourietor. Tne Buioner « nistes attention le his vet>' complet.aseortment. Of ~~S# .. fq'soble teni la PRON(PT-PÂYTNG CUSOMEAS. Coarisa il ie eslla arices sualyfou inl a fhmI-clai Grocery Establishment, aud viii h. ata e exeflntquaity aid ai suodorate pri. * T 1TEJ 1:TEel! Specila steutitlà directed tlaàtLAIGE LOT OF TRAS jusi -reteiTedi whici careful leseepers are invitsd lq*l The subseriber is.making thii depait- suet epcilit; u4~o Mi ffor a BETTER, ARTICLE aI -a - tLOWR IC tIai any otber Boue.in the Couuty. (JRO0CKERy .eJV7) GLE/SSW.IRE -JJV GREwdT VA~RJETY, Alarge lot o! TIMOTHY aid, OLOYER 8191D 'in l«rgeOr Osal quantities; A130, fi-eh GARDEN SERtIS. Lindsay, 301h marcb, 1868. 434 * EXENSIN 0FTHIE R LLW, -AND- [-MORE NEW- COODS' ON. WILLIAM sTrREET. The Subserîber baving now openedl a General Gr«iery, Cr.kerg f Prov;iston slore Ift Kiowlsons ýNew Brick Block, in the Town of Lindsay . is prepared to offer every article in the tra.4e ut the Lowest Cash price, his motto being "ISmall Proits and QucRtrsY A shareof publie patronage is respectfuliy,-olitd N.B.-Csh paid for everY dsrtOfe Farming Praduc. liudsay, Jan. 6tb, 1866. 332-t! ELLJN G 0UT. lu erder teoe - *up his bnsiness in Lindsay by the farst of A prit, - WILLNOW OFFER- GREATER BA RGAiNS THAN EVEII The Gomods mue&tati shah be soldâ t whatever tiey brin,-. Doa't miss tiis chance of buyin, CRIEe4P GOODS... GOOD BLANICETSY'for $3. SHIWLS'-, al Wooi, from $2 op. COBOURGS, for la. per yard.' FLA]NLS, 1 yard wide, l'or la. 4',d.. PRINTS, fast colorn, froin 9d. p ICLOUDS. fine wool, only ý2s. 6,1. PRETTY DELAINES, for 10,1. TWEEDS, ail mfool, for 3e., titi HEAVY COATINGS, double w olly 6s. M. Âlarge lot of APES and HAIS, t0 be. shoved off at anv -rr An. Immense Pile ofother Goda b be sold at. ruius 1;rîkciý. COME IN TIME BEFORE TUIE STrOCK i Cu I.LED. QV N.B.-Aithe indebteti hy midi or bk-oôk account Nviii p;ease ciii sund settle inimeil'- lâdaJalluary b20th, 1866. Lildsay Furiluiture .Warehttu@eo- IMME NSE -ST&I"{ Ai'DLOW Ri, e& ITic subscriber offers lu thc public o! Victoria Couunty thc largest assortment dt Parleur, Dinin-z ai Bd oci uriure, - varions styrles, ever brought. intn Lindsay. Particular attention sa invited ta bis WÀLXNUT SOFAS IN HAIR CL.OTH, a CANE BOTTOM CHAIR-- " CHAIRS nI WOOD SEAT SIDE-BOARDS D iîiîg-Tables, ROCEINO " ORERWHATNOTS, WASH STANýýDS, - " BUREAUS, - OFA, -COTTAGt & COM31ON BE.DSTADS PARLOR, DININ.G& KITCHEN OHTAIRS, DRESSING TABLES, &c. &c. AU orders carefully atended te.,a> Coffins of ail size8 kept conlatltly in glock. e:' Pictures Frarned. ~ A cuit ifrom intending purchaseresoliciteti... RlemeIef-AOINING TUE ENG;LISHR CHRCH, KENT STREET. 317 MRHOLTORF.- (ON LINDSAY SBET, OPPOSITE. TUE POST OFFIC. LINUSAY, COUNTiY VI CTORIA, C.IV.l" JOHN KEýLLS, PROPRIETOR. The. Proprietor wishes te infora bis fiends aid the. pubic tiaI ho hashnow instock, and il eoustantiy xnanufacturing SL EIC HS. A ND CU TTE R S OF THE Seat materials, Latest Style, Superor Wookmenthip amd.Varlous Prices,' Tosunit the vwsAa.d. meaus of eiery purchaser. lu al cses oiebut ie ry bsV1icr4l Ibwsed, sud an experimeeo! ma yyearS wiiI inmmlAre àâifction tP enstomers. M LW.QU-NWAD4UNTED - laauder the ebarge of a firot-clati Workman -ad ail kiis of Jebbîng and Repiilfg - d receive prmptatteni. frl.'S.a ~wn.q nfhAuMknAhne.u in mind *t hahi. tà » luhM..lanmloyed -thbe o I 1 el .1 WX.