- - orsof the T as y ~ qsu Ùet t! ,-' -:fU..; 186 4 T. Cas ume eived îrom uony ireusurer ... ... 15,Muw wU rezs -bands !rom last yeëar....$ froni Land Improvemnent ancl. 102 92 à neeived from Treasurer ofLaxton.. . 111 14- Do. County. Treasurer .. . 959 00> Towus5hip Clfectrr...25303 ýÏ .:,Do. Mr. Staples, on acebunh of io q......*. 4*..P*. ..... 2O 6 .00 *0 s . *s'oa* hors f1 r TownSihlo of Bexley, do hereby cerùftU3 at given us, Io the bèsî ofônt knowledgé and belief FOI D. THOMÀS'S. Dplte Il0 * &0 M ila the, D. THOMAS. tT OF RE VISION. I ojPQrA-4TON ý;of the ie o1'watthipe of Lutterwortt, A nsonl will bold theOon*rt ofRevilon #8 13o11, Ansau, on - DAYs latk MAI, 1866. at ihe bour of 10 OCLOOR iu sted viii please take notice res aeeordiagly. Wm-;McKEL'EY,. Cterk. on, Aprit 346-6in Y DUSHfOP CAR- v OF LIN JSA v 'ORs of the Inscrivent are noti- tMeeting of thre Credlitors for iiation cf tb. Insolvent, sud the estate -generally, mîli take M1., lna a-côrdance vith " la- 8"~' Sec. 10. S. C. WOOD, Officiai Igssigliee. 11.1W NUKEER id amrî elever ma- irn shoîld possess rch andi- thé Chutrcb. us as ever."- Tàun- APBIL, 1866, !E. 13y ECIA LER I>ý RFINS. ITU>I. Dy bLORDIk- ýNFES8. B>' the Rev. >Y. A x rrî 1.hi xile, [t-Setttled for Li:~. 10~ OVGR -À Narra afs. Rhur. . Il>' the Ronron. Peking sud, Pel ile on China-Cl iii-Rocont Fictîon ý5êrron- rit Nat-iom i4 rit-Ilins te the 0Cille vo an ate t. place lu igars! igaxs! A. LRGE STOCK, vaeiaus br4usds, whôle- sale anid retail, on vy4tfallvorabie. terras- Fotel-keepers can iid evory knd, (rom $1 10 $4 per boxSJ at S 346Keenaufs Block, Llndsay. .WalI aper. XLARGE TATtIETY, of everY description,, kèpt co£nstuatly on band at 346 Kcenan'8 Bloýck, Lindsay. p LAINX andFANCY-verious prxeesr at 346 Ke us 'sBlck, Lindsay. "TOKIOLDRSIN ARREARS la thé S Oarubr4,y Joint Stock 011 Corupany are bore- by uotified tlitafi lîniediate paymenti must ho maide te ena bfc théi Directerste, proceed -aitlî 1he iork. The poiigidctoso arr day lasi wihi eiainly runke a forfeiture.very inidesirable,- Carnbray, A pril le'. lm H. FOWLE1~, - Sec rets r>'. 6, Cout f Re VIiSiollf. N TTF.i3 boebYgivcnthPt the Municipal Councîil of tlle TUWNSIIIP of FENELON% 'will hold the Court ut Revielon i the Couincil P0DcGEî'S ITOTEL, .FFNELON FALLtS, On MON DAY, th-e 28th of MAY$ 1866, Comnecdng at 10 dolocki a. Mu. -AH parties intereste *d wiIl please takre notice,- and govern theuiselses accordin#ly. -M.FIELDING, Township Clcrb. renelon Falls, 14th Apil,ý 1866. 345-5in L AKFJ--ON TA RIO. * UNTIL D'URT»-SR NOTICE TIIE MAGYlFICENl'T*N-EW, STfE L-PL ATED' IJPPER CA B V;STEAME R 1866. wILL leave Charlotte every Evening at 11 oc1r. Leaves North Shore ports *eey nriig,. (Brighton on- Mondaty, Wedneà- 41ay and Friday oriy, at 5, 39) Colborne at 7;- Co)bourg, 8.15: a'ý port Hope .ai 10 'cloek, a. m!. on arrivai or' trahid East alua WeAt ôn Grand Truzik !al For Freight or Pis mgeqpply to thec aptin on board, C. Ellioti n, A o. r,-V April 4, 86.6. . 345-7 nie. NOTIýCËý 0F BY-jýAW. niv b inrouce à tjeýnext meeting ofithe Muni- aiplICouincilioft i- Tow-nhip 'Of Fenelon, 10o -open a linae of raiàtacross Lot 6, i,2nd':Co., ofsaid Tuvisip tif Fettelon; as fol,iws ÀLDr- Co n a t g ai apointI:ontiet Northrern -howidary, of the road a[iowaice between Lots 5 ani e, M ohains sand.20 lirîks.Weetward-frein ýk- S. E. corner uf Lot .6.- thence North 95 links, bar-1 E. 4 chainés 88 linka; tlience No-rt-h 49Î East- 11.- il1, tu a point ounire «ser o.dryo iuqe Cocesionroad 2-asud 3 - 5 S'"QNorlher-iy tram, 'pl. h-v tb~.E corner of 6, afooM?. T<i e -Mc- ltrihed Ita be th, contre of thé roat1, vhich î1gb is 11, 1 ch aivv ide;,also.inctuding-a onait tri- autgularpiece oflaîrdas foi ï.:commenciug tub ata .oia o t r othern îboundary 1 of tire qreh tolve r àd r links W estfroël ià s lntrwsne rst with the WV. boundary. cf Conà.-roati 2 aàd 3; '*er theacer 75 links tota Uicrint of intersection i tforeSsad ; t1heure .Northenl amon ihe uaid NV. our bouudsry o'o! Oaa radý 1 ohain; tiesuos -talIs toas phcec of begin-nig. ibiic Notice i8s ira giron-tha t iuid 13y-Lav vi1i pies cOutaiiprA . ela nsê OifiiPËg Ilsý. egliMiM us*g alIlQ an ce tb0thre ntmner 0u 1(o0%. elub <ad con. B. e~rder of -he Couiclî. L W. FEL -Wk. AL - Clr m~ J ettaiu, 11h.Anl OS 4 ic tg iof BèxkI 1 éhover e' Expei" "~,Roda...... ka'o1 u tèàrer'-s1bande 1864 I 200 63 00 73-06 1292 TOtIl..........i........,,à$GS9 « Muicipal Expenses .......2180 te BmmtekT.sw.s bands....- 41 5 Âccougf ~le cTet 'DONALDMLAN jJAMES REID, -JOfhN HENDERS, 1DONALD McKINNON9 Aigo su &saortmeont of the Y-ery Choicest T>woe i..i - I,1 Ail Warreat.d Fred. .1 100. Ban-eli 08W1G4> PLASTER:expected lu a fev l>ays. .1U51 ICiVEa: O!~E CASE 0F CONCENTIIATED LYX Il MEDIGALlHA LL, -W. J. TRIRICELL. Linduay, 101h ,&PRIL, 1866. STEAMBOQAT TO ROCHIESTER. Daily Comnicmlatin wh .Ro.ster! rh iai ouucr tipper Cabi. &immer. ",RO0C lIE S-iTE R." (CAPT. J. D.INTRY.) W ILL commesé. hrregnlar t-ma(vah LEA, IN a COLBGRXJÇ ovrrneing at --6.30 s.m. <JOBOTJRQ " -- 8.00 -î'F .Direct for Charlotte, conecieg, tbemra witb the Afternoon Train for Rocheuiçr, and *iitbfb NwYork Central Eailroad, fo1alpbi .n the United St&te ýi@ r tplm 1,r eau Line of.Stegmers going ast. sud Weaîou *the Shore of Lalte Ontario. W Ob eveCarlotte eer>' niglit ai Î 09lc direct for Coiborne, Cobourg and Port Hope. uàassengers by 1lÀi1vy fromti be Easst, West, au Nrheau tairethq..b<i&taai Port Uope. 1;;r During- hewiater the-Roclscter bao beeu much imryd by a nev Upper.Saloon, a Ise a uew boler of lacreased power, and làkrger wheels, adding mut . te .speed sud .cofolfrt1 of the boaL. FOR FRE«»!T OR PASSAGE, App1 té J .Ke.ler, Colborne : Charles Elli ot, cobourg;A k.2ohran, Port lHope% otothe Ca plain on Board. Coboug,. Apuil, 1866. 35 o SUPERZIOR REINE» C0AL OIL, on hand AT THE NEW DRUG STOREÏ Coul OM Lomrp4, Ceboeys of all kinds,, aneluding î1S -ikIess Chimney, Wick$Y S$hades. Aliso, an etensive stock of GEN- UINJE DRUJGS, CÙHEMICALS,. PERÉ1J- MERY,,PÂTENT 4EDICINES of.noeIly ail kissdt. Y STUFFS of the éui qqua- i1.Loitard'o c.Iebrated SNUFFS.- Paints, Ou., Varni.e, Bron, Bruahes. AlIdzn of inaw-G1,,Pvttyi, w.., Se. Ihe ,wantm otuJ in- our lhu oi. bumnem, canot ]railito be .supplie4. PFYSICIANS' PRE- SORIPTIONS an~d VMIIY RECEIPTS ý CAREFULLY PUPI>?MED) and CATTLEF - MEDICINES o"n.tly on band, ai the NEW DRUG gTFÛE, on Kent SUt« Clover #nd Tkusthiy $ds Wanted. 0O:'OPPOSIT.E S. & O. B1ÇELOW' COFiùit £CHAMBERI. LIST 0F LETTERS REMALNING iatIr. NANILLA Post Officel April 3rd, - 186: Fairnman, TbQmnau, Macro, , Jeell,.-John, -Moore, .Ocol Marin hs, C - - Mfor he, bv, Winé»u for advertwsd lettore. W. L. RUSSELL> A OU'lTÂNT, Âusneea.r sd ueral pa.d telb. collecion -<*Notes, Accounute, bc. Bouks ba a eed and Ad.qàamàd but correcti cohtecti6ns, as made, pad4 .ver promptly. koce«, iE hsetl. 96ft4, , i, DariBroya EÊsq.; Job. (1s*siPms.Xie, Troutà'; ooi Bari misers i. B Hairi ;t, * i i x.. lîinj* Ace., : Oecéovre. Jame. w'mln's tmuo oet and iuas WIUlo*u."t- &i.my, Aol101th, le".88-84 every particular, according SAuditors, 1864. Auditora, 1865. lus pree4 Sed A VEY LRGESTOCK of RELIABLE Gurdn, Ield aMid Fl-oer s"edii, est -Received ai -COULTER à CHAMBBRS! DRUG STORE, south aide of lient Stm4e, diietly opposite S. 0.Blgelow's. e' Qifflva I Our'Seeds bavt .been limported mai mnth, sud lbetfore anà be depended on as frei4,sud relîable.- A lot of. FûmTr QVALITY CLO VER SEED, alzoso me TIXOTIIY h*- un b i ,&edsmebwe couside tiura1vis quaMfed i g"fr the greatest satisfac- tion bo those Who may fanor as With a sh are.of their ~ i parmel ither QtrÂuvîvv, QtlLITY, or Paicu f Samas.Pleage call andexie tbem. The highesi price paid far Timoîby Seed. SREMEMB.R P our Stand is on the South ."qe 0/et Sr~,Sg fth large Red Morlar. * GOULTER à CLIfAU1ERS. tIIE CHEÊAPEST' Land & ,Qeneral Ageuecy AT TU£ sent of' Govermine t! LAND XND- GLNERAL- AGXNT. Land L patents tak.lesont Thloi f àanined - Seerches made. Lettâ~s Pillent foi Invention 17icured. MunicipaFnds and A'cutacl byeai.aouult o- R.ý L. flegil5bh841;.., »ot Court, Toronto. Hon. Johà Roé, M.L. C«., Toron-to. Jon <~ayorEsq., Quebec. 7 Hon.. William KoMaster, M.L.C., Toiroieti,. lion. George Als ML ,T oronto. Fluding thAkt there exists at the geai f u Gor-- erurent 11. uncdstity for a (JbeapReliàihie and MxedtOUS Agency, tbrouéh the mediumi of hchpartie" lîiùg ai a distance, sd listing. business witb aux of Uic Pübilc'Departm4ents, msy ho .sauod tre' eipensé iaàtonvenience of a.jUo ue>', 1 I rninduced teoi-e",an officelinthe sin 1eýb buidingtaud just above that of the City Regis, on lr corner of Meicaîf sud Sparks streets. - DeslàWrlng t ra my sertes shaîl-hé rmade 1aisilablo -ta that ciass of persons vho are. un- able ta ,r. e es, 1 lave.determÂtred -1 make au exceç' ngi> niode.-ate charge for any busi.ness thoat I rMay ho favoured with-,:so that Ltyhoit té pover of evervoue to have a4 reliabie Agent ai the Capital. (Ail jttters 10 Dée cuber 1h, 8E3,. THE-,COMMERCIAL UNI1ON. Cern OraisLondon, 19 Corihili, E. C. Mob.treyl,2ei & 223 St. Paul St. Capital----------$2500,00 avis» ,u»~,$1,565,oow. DBPCSI T FUND IX GANÂDA - - $50,oe0 General Agents for Cànaa - ~ ~ NOLAN,WATSON & CO. -The niimdgneti haviug heeýn appointeti Agent of the above firsi class, Englieh Company' forh. ont> f ictri, l pepared eefe evory escriptio tFÉire and Life lusurance ai th e tà onste nt itsecurity. Pros-. ,étues ee a h ad on application tô - 'JAMES REAP, Grocery &Liquer Store! .' ~~WIYLN! A TTENTION,! I~O~VOIN TEES WANT.ED - tB - OPTVa S ~ ftOCERIE4T PIV8OS&. Wood rspetfuly nfonihis friendsand the public generally that hé has *il1ia TbIf, it bas a au14 cusions uam- Mm.. ub.* la oUO commenced the a =ei. d. Ila a Vory Sgot tt, LMd Wu hoslw ith balleand ce epltfo$f GeofýG ocery- ur u roiio, nscash, or for $120 inlu rn sfysI y imonts. by givimg Seeurity for th. paamt1 lb. ulà. prer ises late1y, oc=nld yMr .Caoto u opsieFues Hottu, vhe . iii firi$L30 ai the lime of purchati. bh awi to accomniodate brs customers and the public with choice articles inibis- lin., on the Appiy te ruost reaaonable terms?. 11e bhas &. well-assorteld stock of fresh THTOMAS IUWKN, . TEMY, SU.GARS, COFFEE 1S, SPICES, SAIT, and othes" kinds of' GroceÉies, AtsaMtc t 18.Duu% a'iýI ~~UPEUIo~~~~ToWiNrSa NDmaQT WIT13U D IE U pArt 2N .4 'LARGE:SUPPLY:OF CROCKERY AND GL.ASSW.ARIE.I'jiI? ru u a Thre hlgbest Cash prico wili ho allowed. fâr Couûrtry Produce taken-la exehlange If)r God, Lindsav, 8th. April, 1866. 35 Kessrs. f;Syomtensa t P eo p lc's C lohia ea the preoqms ately oe.uped b1-Ur. A. 'ORTE, are nov prepared to, mamuàtu I F RVATIC çmps t.eb terOsa iâ, au ht ftvqll â m from 3ô0 ~ $500 Toal.-$104-si(Kt 'lrik BI k - o -iw n CHE-APER THJAN- THE ,CHEAPESI' [V 1E tBCIBR u meet tihe sol-citaions of several Gentlemen teopen a brandli Tof his Port Hope lEstabliiment,- 10 prevent fürwartling their orders 10 Toronto, begs t aunouince that hie lias opened a STORE ri tlhe above addtress,. frure which their favors vill be fOrwarded for his exeeuutOi 'n Pori 1Dope. To those gentlemen who.! 'May reure thé atest- improvements, aid who are not advisedf of his psitio n, il Iueeesosnry to -say that BIS STYLE Or, CUITIIN, c6mrbined. witli SU PERIOR, WORiKMANSHI", lbas long clas-ed'his Estabiishmient witlî lite lirs t ithe Proin.1 Ini the Ready-urade Departmetit you>. wiil- flutkno, Èarments made. by inexperie ,nced girls, paid la 3d per day. ta increase. bis profits ai your Ultimale'losa, but, oil the conîrary,, the work is equalIto bespoke. The Stock is çomposéd of Cloilis, Cas.-imune-s Doeskins and Tweeds lan large vatiet y. FANCY FLANNELS 0F A VERY 'SUPERIOR- QUALITY ; FLANNEL SHIMT, BATS; FIVX CLOTII and other CAPS ; LINEN COLLARS, NECK-'PiýES, BRACE, GLOVES, &c., &c.. 1Iacluding St. tionery, Portable -and Nailme -ALSO- AMI Work, TAres/ring- MaàinWaa PlugrBras. adIron CadiPa of all descriptiom. Job Work prouiptly attentlçtoW il:'r Scrap Iron and Brasà bought or tak. a exebiange. ...1 ,.. A Calil i Retpoctfully Sortitd. ,FRANCSSVEONk. Plortllope, Feb. 14, 18019. 341-24 MllEI CAý4L H A L[L SPECIAI.5 NOTIGE AULLOr' WRIUH ARE O0F THE LATESI FABHION!!Y I T0COUSTRY MERGHA.NTS,:visbing .to sort up with Mediciats, iii find a laigu t:.ý THE SUBSCRIBER haý jusi Ferwarded a- large supply of Èxcellent.Clothinz! stock at the Xdedical Hall, conalistlg Made up fqr the Litidsay- Branch. CATOuOLbyof. ozn Mr; J. Reed, wlrn petfectiy undetsianLIS the Bus.ness in every Departrne, i1 ES CS, ýpare f x~ Io 0meet.'your w se n eve your ijuleresîs. You W1DTOXPWES wilI find hirm reliable, and'.a ONE PRICE, M.%N, asking WORM L1OZENrERSj yuat first the Lowest Renulerative profit. BAIGGS BLACK '0IL "MAGIC -RELIÈIF: Tr. N. PITTS PLL IThe abiove medieines vill be gold as loy à# N. B.-PLEA E CALL,.LVDEXMN FOR: YT>URSEL VES. 215tf Ic an ho pirchased in Toronto or M ontreal. ________llaving been appbinted sole agentfor Ub. sale 917 Briggs's Nedirines, for ibis Coucty, tI' 1lerchants and others requiring them eau.per- Ti,.his is UcAd ertis.ement of the1 ca se at tu'oedc al gCiover & Timothy 8e& Jiist rece:red a supply of first élus Cloyer »d. HM TnuthR Eds IVJ. TIIIRICELL. Where. Clothing andDry-Goods are Sold 00, Gheap.t Lindsv ay lt iJanuary, 1866.. 334 The Suscribc is no recei ing sSrgImportations of Spring Goodâ, Clotb1,ý &c., and'asPOTRS0 theyý have bree boqiglt with grtat adtvantaze, lie will give the inhabitants of thiffCount the ENGLISH, FRENCH &4AMERIOANi henictît of his Bargaî.ns. The largest-pa rt of his stock co tistsln flroa.dcl bthsq, lack Cassinicres Doesintis, Black Bedford Cord, Fancy, Cassimeres, $eotchi Tweeds, English do., Canadian do, (Qver MOt pieovs), Ve-tings "of the its patterns, Collars, eck-tiesatndCpc.& V J Haigscred a f'rst-class, Cuttet, tlir subscriber is prepared to make up any kind of g.sr- WN.4 ments la the moýst faihhîa le t c ai. ahormade in -UMontreal or Toronto, and far cheai>er. JE E L R ,C LRY ciidren's Clothing aiso madt up very neaîiy. E L ER ,C T RV ll1aving 16 bauds at work, IPants and Vest or4cred in-the morning, can be bad on the*same dEe t -P tc Wa . day; or a whole suit got np in :14 botirs. ' Alwas o bau a erylag stock of RE4DY-11D CLOTHING, consisting of from ti PALO, IINGROM& FFC chaetto thé bcst und uost expensive cloîhing, and parties not havîng time Io leave their measure cau ho sited just as s-Il jn the ready-m ade liue, the reason of this btiu.g ibat ervery- < x tbing is made on the prènhîses, froni a cotton shirt tu the most-expensive black dress coat. Parties buying their cloths fron i hh eau have theffi eut free -of charge, &C., &. Staple Dry (;Oods custstiug, lu Cottons, Shirtlngs, Tickings, Sligetings,- Graes Linens, Baggings, Prints, & c, at a very sniàl adiance on the cost. HZ~ sub'-cri.bers wuuld inforni tbsir cwutom- Boôts and 'Shoes'very low and ef a g;oodquality.,,T ers and the publie that, they' bave 1"A.y ,.As the inhscriber bt;ys partl[y for cash, and selis for cash, bis enstomersu and the publié. mav added verv largely lu their stock: snd owine depend ou gettîng good bargaîus.A discount of len per èéent. on sales frorn $50 and upwards.i to their increased faility for the importatioc, pi D3 It will be of no s to ask for credit for it w uO' be-given. the ahove articles, they are çaabled tOo 064 A. 'ÇA.DOTTE- goods of superior quality at îprice lover than Lindsa? Mý,arch 2nd' 1806. ai ISilver Plate anid Jewelxry Mid te rir. U REPAIIXG, in- ai- its branches, ttifrel SEA EH N C ftttenled to by conipetent workmen. 1K ~ i .Il, KSingO Strect East, Toronto, LINDSAY. G lf ~ ~ Doors East of Young Str»t. Av £lei IL salt 25 Cents Mer Bag, hy wbich a Sen AND Water Bath tan be Obtiued at home. Noh ,I-- Lahr KNOWolLSÔN & GREGORY. AV R ON thnLkL a1ir Lida,4th April,, 1866- 3-4 4iuns S & E l4ý E TIFusrbrofes.oIisC~t~w - >Ç T ! G.. L I e"E, Tand thle Public, a choice lot cf wlzrd IJNTIL Furtber 'Notice, a Stage w'ili -care Ge-ntf Ladies' an-d Miss.i ï es '.TO CAPL IAGE- AND BOYNTO.N;S lIOTFLi Lir.dlsav, every WAGGON-KAKERS. lawful mornhîig,. at 0 o'clock reachjing MaiîShos Gitrs &. ýWAro CA E AN» -netocnettihh i--e oshawa hIn au thle Latest Styles, and at Prime Suret4 and bcaertor Rturuug,~vit ie~ve aaiia-I gi¶c e::'ti fi tiot,~0d ôiiti. e rrva o te taesfropi Oehawa aud partictl .ar aiUenfoîi . o jbîe MrDe- RA> Z R 0-.LUt~ .~A~ ~ e averton, arriving ai Lindseay ai 8S o'ciock. ., work ?.nade býy eiperieneed vork- SPRINGS, ISPRING STEEL,f Facesimc, and.a guod lit guàratiteed.' flALg1IIIIDUL ~LR~ DUV RtMSl T[rortgh iTicketsfftoin l'itid.Sfto lu wilria'-Sr-t u~suaBikBok i FTS~ - Tce..............Liday; 5'l Aprtl, 181~6. 3441f CII ï, P0T..]FE -, Way Pares flensonabl1;e. --______________ SEAT RA-ILS a-ad SPI\DLES I .;r7 Passeugers from, the North arc- convec tirte Cars ai-Oshawafi-ee of ('Aorteè. Y"Th -,6p 1& S o Waggon & BuggyIEHubsp lThe I'roprietors wili flot ho reâionsibie for~TeLvrol&Lm o Mi SL AMii aia, - Parceis et- Baggageunless booked and-pid ftr.&Glb Broad ad .Narrw LaceLiningCoruforiabie Conveyauces and Careful Drivers.a~fl Il Brad nd Xro* ac, iin T1-MS COULTHAIID, r NaiLs, Tacks, TIMS~ Proprietors f11 HII h0 1 And al kinids of. Buggy Triminings 1 Liâdest, 3rd April, 130.- 344f Cau,b 44(ai thie vtry LOIVEST.RATES - ---- - M SulRa~C for CASH froni Ic-Jk . _ -21 e --ÉwkÉW JOHN BER'TRAM Liudray, 301h ?iarciî; î .33 JUBT -RECELIVED BY THEB UBSCRII3ER, LIT0'L T~ ZTA LE RO E~i~ EMI~NG latic L.-NDsAr Post Office, 5*1 WINÈS AND LI*QUORp AkasnJhir, Recte, Pa1t., roeery Qasw re,& i Bryson; Alexander, IMachier, MNary A-in, TO hic b fivi*s hi ttntin f ileni rysù,W. G., MCGIu; 1>PAt., ppcbCas.lia ghan, Deunia, McTn ly, Martha,- To vihIr rbs b tenino iniendiag ?ogu, A xnK., Hoe epers viii fiud An extensive and, choeCungapt, MlaoAexudr sasorînient ;Day, on,e «,Brie ,Th~m. Pal M bah raidy Prtand Ellis, James, lledmond, Bridget, S7~eiy ~neHO1GVSI ~. <u Iishier, Mrs. MArgaret, Robe.risou, Zeb.., '~ ~- Graham..Mrs. Margaret,, Smitb, .Samn., Ton -Gin, s verail Rarûlé,.John,,Trenanti,, Tbomas, br.si WMah~. Hgani, John, IValker, ELen ~ 00 ruh ai Mok..I. Persons cislngf'or . huve vwiii pleise ask - fo advrtisd lete . R. ÂAx. P.M. FarM iner v* ait- f p§ tý Plastîneoghi& fI&0«%h Ses, rJ"' ECOURT REF -VISION for l be United Whie WII b.olhid < favrabl ~ ownsipm LAXIVI sad DIGBY, vili- IW a *Wbaè o 'Vhte j q eO1<M 4 a -M îtnfo Ts.vern, on 'SATU RDAY, -~ ,~ i t îb.NINETH dTRcay cofJLAY'sei,at the ~ Ietfl~IJ ~hUU4IY4#bour of Tela dcIock in the foremunm awbich Oisif$bk *ODUC. ai parte5 itereted W91l govera theiselves K"t ft - 'qui la bo*u's 8sm. aor&LaaM isêgby., 841h lard, 1<8. ~ LIxdo, mareh. 1511, 1866. 34-i ADa Pil- Ir70n te Company,$200 -COJVFECTJOJ'ERY.IE ~ ui~hi -,$200 ¶Il F ui .ersi4ned »woul d respect fgh Iyin- Thé rilr(Premýinns roceived by this Coin- S furmn te' rhabitats cf Lindsay and Panvdurîii~te 'i-ar 1i8g3 exce ti ose otan>' vicinity that they havýe just' openéd the pro- hrCîpn uGetM~nb 2,0 iies I'to*snB BIck, on William Street, us tira nceeSon eem iyapu.n for eer wbere lb.> intend keeping on. baud ever>' de-;rwWaw se scriptioa of ~~effeoteti ai the lovere~l5Ieris Lasses paid rnrmedlt1 on oo Faut4 C4kas, Bread'& CéfOnftionery,'! JAMES IIKAP, * M A > -àn Agent for lidua>. WEOLEALE ETAJ, -.Office la Kernpt'a Brick mdoA. And trust tirai,-b> strict attention.t business, ________________ to ment a-fair share'of public, patronae. ~I'EMS.-L~ILLIST 0F LET TP.V§ COURSE A O'BRIAN, J)EMAIINOINTHEBBAVX07N1.6 "0 Agents for Mdile=7y's Biscuits FIE pnlS. 8~ Lindsay, 4th April. 1886. -a44tf.. Bruce David Jobuatome Angu.- Biner OCto.WD.' Jeout Ain. S. N o ~~ ~ c E j ~Caineron NichoaiLs' Jobiwtom HurbCuisR . JouIaLuhl C3ampbell Juin, 2ad £on. PM".eJu.- Campbeli Mm. Harriet MeDo«u lDosa COUIRT OF REVJIONl-TMOWNSIII caunpbell Mss. J»o. H. MeDousllj.oy 0F MARIPW>A. tramihe1lDuncaj eEfieAJu - - ~Campbell mm . e-"c* OB4 - TTW, COURT 0F REVISION for, the TgiWu- Fuller Stelîben MMI5S. IL thip cf maiposa vil b. mA b Town.Glatie> Bd, ied MRJ<'l"V Han of IL& niai ai TÈÉx o7cock iLe. b oe.G4~nDnl cI.C~Oê * ibemseWeu aocoewhgly. Ipersons Uliig for htoeluàS JOf N . O NN NO for advertised lt.rs JOUX . GT1 Y -~ - ECEP!. e - 609-92