*t4i .~ J'à ftfte4RU [ OeLfl Ah.,. u~.s, I .. .... ............ ea m"« or ea Nu. mm *a ~.puiVaege dh.viag MW îmr»nd et *0 r"eoevesy tht..uuhm ox h.wuheb mu. Mr , Ii OD U.i Dmwe emafti bi'a Adwflfrme»suwit iwten nu<gug.on smmsed "1frwdmMd aiebwvd for du lime. *N.em-cumlAdvenbemeaWnu.ftmed wuies peip 6:4.0 uh e. Mr nua viib.e omuete bpuy &MioeW dheoutauiadeettfubs-musbe. la .g.Otiwim the PWoN iB » I bme hitqpoai- AIMLA, C. l'loi Ibet& StPeTTy,-C.,W. 0. M JE. y. j NZIE à PATERSON, FR iqs IN CNANCzaeR,&0., Titi .1808M31l rANT, Auetio4eer sud. general sica Ageat- Patiftuiattention iollseon of- Notps, AÀÇ'0'oiuais, &c. Ded and àooua tsmmdo «t correctly u Made, p41d0 orPUoptY. I'o.Keep n 'ISq. Dvid Bwne, Came , sToruto ; IfeMtr q, tTorcono; 4ua.LBuh an 0., Montel;MusBuha, r r. James Wisou'a Stoi, coruer william Streets, Lln»d".y, (J. Elt ÀN1I>ERoNs. re betouee, « blis fer tLepast to say tbat Leo1iisili prepared te ýcule &U res îl hlhL a in the lateast ie. sud st lb. low- Nos. 4S &45, K ing Street- West, Orer E. Hoou'sah C&'sDru& Store, Torouto. Rx]rltlv;c".-Tbc Rt. Rev. The Lord isbop of Tor!onto; the t., Rev.ý The Lord Bisbop, of Huron ; tLe Rt. 8ev, Thïe: Lord iabop etf Ontario. 3 H4ENRY I4UGMESt TIdue ntiRLaud, uq adCommnssicu - Keat iret, 'Lindsay> - icAn ad O.r"e 1fs 11 Ofc e lb 1sdx geonin- la th s i eie k prot mpt at ton ~5O5i *W~ -Linâsa>', Jul>' 131hi. 84. 25 Oit and Ac- D IBE W O 'I Willim andti I G RS L a ilj Mu. G. 19. radumt. ueeu'sa University, 321 ~Kingston, C. lW,. &te ef McGilI (Laie Bur9ff.n U. ,S. Army.) to the Iii- -- i- Insurauce Office 1n MeDouald's hiilding, over Mli. Wüt- ,rgé Kempt's ago's store, corner Kent anti William Streets. -239-tf Regideuce Jewett'm Hotel. Adice sud Recipes furnlm.hed grsiîitous t id hesideue tLe poor ever>' Weduemday anti Saturday ' ron aiios's Ioid. Ili a.m 'to 1 p.in. 16- Liandsay' D«. 21, 1865.2 o -l 1s 2T2-tt DENT 1-SýT-RY.- WM SUI WET, SURIGEON DENTIT <LATI 07 030. eL. MUIdOiAND J. W. ZLLIO'O PEG8 t. luforsatheInhaht4ts, of Lindusy à,and i ts vëinity, that he bas opened an office over Kwowloo h Gregory'. Drug Store, corner of Kent and WWlliani streets, Lindsay. TeetL luerteti ou Qold Plate, 811,cr Plate, orVu1caiiised Rbber. Trhfhlt ihGoId, Silver, cr Oampbell's Amalgumi. Teeth ex- tracted aud reguki. ste Perfect satiafion, &ct gnarnuteed in every Case. 36l ESTÈABLISHEgDIN. 1859. DIEPARTMRýNTAL, -PARtLIAMENTARYI and PaientWRi<t Agent. PARITIES HAVI SI NESSTO -j trausset, will gave - ie sud',trouble bj Owica :-3 doors h.oW , ork Sussiex -Street, in the sanie building v'tb. eurs.Buc- le>' à Beti, Solicitors. *Otava, Jan. 2, Mo6. le ev Firot Prze 4aiusa Agriulturai to iuforsa hi. Friu as nd tbe Public -for the put poseof eabliog -lirselif in the mont perfect manuer, ai .r iwhiàh b. may be. favotd-be bau aseifthiorou#hy acquaiuted wiîh ail mprt>vefleti lubisrt; and..beitig vith the bett mw"elaschemlcaf&C., te produce the Carede Vitein s8 ellence an. a tj made lib is Province. ry le apacious sud-fa'vorm,lsitusted te light, andtinI prencomSet by Judges àrkabiy veli aispitd<r iL pupos g corroct hîkeneues. ïsitirely no pictumha iiiL b Wlt Iof ry t111 paiti for. ývariab -dupply Ur, Tranis yulththe dbs temicals Ihat cau Le obtaineti, ce ut -to Lebe ugly acqautt -it Ul UIC NOWLSO h GR.'t. lubave tuch L leurtai. e ::t. :tô Jr. FranWi aüityin rgardto b biii Lle te 4mû. - edpbetograpba. 7.INO ' il T'lh.pictures taken la>' Jr. Praols, of-Liati- gy, are as gootiaus 1ha"v sia nu'c Lfteb buaGalierles. - W..J ON LL iconsier IL. plieîogm]pii of Jr. Framis as oo as Id * rea have sua lOO< la us as' tru bae uan>' Ibaveoee Ïha Ouest. Lindsiy, April VI,16MOI,29 eiM bas ia LaMve )a partit ru. D hem s65 DXTEY rL aepplical es are »et mal utIuay, April be ouboerber udaay anti a aeyopeaed S-stands, Lc bLelie Se býercitfce b - Fumis]1 JORN WILD ANDIr ,Wfor Sals in anti Promptromti Hlin. 'John Blan Crawford, M.L.Ç< M... .W. D; -borrison, Esq., M M4.P..-W. 1u.i hroniele; . .C. mier OCeuni>' Vie -Editor Bar,* ,tm 0madwiaa Pou, LI Oril'iaFeintus photogràI te large sud cou sud eqîtal forj Province. T.'G. vouidiv liberaI ptronag paut nrnbr of y paretithan e-ver ln lb. picture lin log styles anti ae Fiee exhibiioi ,Golti ant il11- te shortest motil q have fitteti u T. Gourley, Plie picturca vouiti d Lindsay', -Nov. 11 At -PAYS rWd eli atd, t Gx. lMsiOCE La"5-fl. rê LUI LANDS, -ha. i.. es of Oaioastiâ id te Oollectioas, rPbmsonM.L.C., C-, Hoeu.Georg terca, 1q., QG, ., M .P.?..hotus. sou,Es, MW er eb b ckBlocke LEYý ris triendesud the ie bas reutovet is- ire Gomlery.: a p for tLe purpose, on to auj lu, the ins for tIhe "ery npou hlm for. iLs is uow Imter pie- an - t îte public ai suad mosi plees- Of ll partsaeofiLs atinc doue on t:i md parties desiriug KNOWLSON. F THE DIRICTLY OPPOBITEC Mr.Bro"1a'sTi*. WarâouasK st. SE-LLIOVO OFF. I SBibevWatchesa lu'.. $5op to $82 echaluna goond running order and îmurrsm*ed.' ( 'Ieks trous $2 te $1 Petcb Ladies, Breaupinssaad Esiriags terni s. Table Lams s* m-28 ets. o $3. Hang and i 81e Lattmp frein 75 ci. te $1.501. Two. splendid Obaudelienre, yuL globes acm- ,etefor $bad'; ech. Rootu k..from '7 oe. te 30 aie, petrer.I Border. fon 2 c'tu. te Scia.: AspIendui lot of iAflvork inthe fine,mtebsas Cleimalu aud, blteps!ingtitÉCocks, Watches, Jeveller>, hc1. a.ndt Ivitvg, viii ha doe ause Leetofùro la s manner that wili retsa n stomt anti <iv. catira naerc'-Blgtîof 1.» DJTCH IL.UG Keut Street Wast, Lidas. Puilamu .- .- a-ce escb; - d bolsg atuatsd nmai tie.Maret, ef- ther foràwss a out 4elrabe residece. Aima tLe Store anti Dv4lint os ent SUtree nov occpii b'te ulistcu4and roprietalThe' Éoreb.air.wfll e totd tiv.te g« ee mr timée 1014>' b>' Iaats% yL uý m ltus.- Pmt fartiaur nfi*im ta eto b>'utter l te ii. qsti . imf and, iLs publica tai S. osat.,.. tu ksep ibis bée' boran8 ealutM d < ne", oemf,7tahl bui.gwnbg~~.ssG bu o Là.ire.àx l'ma BAUNV ap »md psast le hie '.elevt pl- lem, vwren ia ee '. (I lapon T.rrj mm4" n drew, wh. vere bohg botii 0Wrdu -ageofthe w n.e & 4Y ,Ca" «au' luPla -bisj , i laS guidei e' nv.edDrt tain, addressling Andr.v, iivs aleé- geher utabbse'iby Ls eireumoumeM Knokinacù, lu 'Seoti, sunereti An- tires-,aiot>. 'Yours, 1I nuderelas 1 l Captais Jack; ai leM tthat's vitalye sSa las be oa'er Lhe." 'Never mWmd hat a>my àu la,' d iL Captain vilS. a frova. Haouta, vhai fer no," wrojotuoti drew. car Liaby.>'.l'aha Soto simr, md l»%0 to Lesp utp dth e nnors thibmSotchb 'Ohidee,' tum eti iCapWain, sehieý face leliaxe omui s vois. ' m. ta Io oomèvitt etamaorliî u eMla Scoievan. -Msppose -oun %»v li. 1 hoes Lade jeu bavetalion, id vhatye "eqir. e 0de-te Procasure M btiob!.$- PFiedl s v>tee pù. sMM allier lite your pouah, I1fane>,' rétarait Andmew witL grcal The. CaptiW lauîgheti. 'Exati>' se,' ho ibreti ;' yaoutaire thethaag piio"ophlos- b>. h l sldetisdeed, ibai v. get a pri" - meer et your slamp, sud te show'jeu that I apprecrate tireý raril>', I fil jour manoem ai tbe ev nm eofeue ituudred -pounda. Nov, Loy cm n Dgelt titt? 'No vithout sentil'tao. MY ululr Je!Is ai KuokwInaçe'k. .r onded Audrevw tt tLe nimositieliburationi.1'A bai lae ta» ber fra mswifi mak berseii draft o ocy e>' iLebs .heme.' - But boy ltho draft.t ornluioi'ps-p session?' ask"et4 b.cap tain. -H m i -Aadrev eadicbot i hibead. n a i anawer qutill ready, bultidti 'i vIeS. te Le oIs promept le it. rep"110,1lewt lteé.robber M»eldsspc a previonu plan. , r -aavrei afler a mimut-o' paure,11I hinir îe'Lest va>' lie tise weuid Lefrair tas sen t e draft t»s me,-stdres- mal imee spast-office asomevhere,mie Le tfi tiica'd -four., Your messenge can* gel il there, ant cash h ai tLe bank. 'Good -;Ï Ibai yuldoa'returneti Caplain Jack, wvbodid Ioîfor amomeut aspect Au-* adtad anything bLui" di tple, nalsophiei- ask eu e witethe tetter ti iliàtomrrw. We Lave btoeemfor your site cusîti>', aud. tbat lsa aspressa- ti eanteti -b>' asother pruoaer. Yenud orguide mout sare it S Pmas Dopartieulei',' asvered Andrewy vida. apparent indifference, thaïsghla iiteart au t n t htieprluoer aIrLw dte v»auii-, tNnfollêv me,' nid.ihe Captamn, 'sud iviii myéeit laîreduce jeu te the aparîmen. Baîssenti-s&mtai te tdsebm rsliug.I' Tbyfoiloved thés Captains ahoog a dîwk pasasan&Ud p aust li he.grating, -bejouti rhiob Fwan a:, tîghietichamber. la thie çqbmbsr ut, a yoni 4 "ii 1ilaibo> and mui ttotde. An.r.'okd methrough, anti nv di ic ilvsHargreive. CRAPTÉR XXVIII. t'aiPSuUuEim'u rta AE I b c4ia«Df a d avumite, sund tLe M ffev lasi îruh .1 lot Amires' mt e t olov sex- Loairgovi e' ejaqcuLiti Tt>la 1ev vbhispev. Kmep in idm, dot'atioed utAdrev, ha them mne"vtire. Thsy oulredthe lb.cauLert psssd'on teo;itsecorner beitind wvAere Hargréesul TLe latter regardeci them wyuLas Iunati :Careousglanas, anti boltet iqrlnl*nto îLe face O e. CapuminWho m ea He -sudb as atendant vili roquim t. tr tb., chmmber'viih yjeu. .'1A cmpuion la mlsfume' awLet Bar- greve mste -smelanchot>'expresmieà'dSep- oued on b4s cenionance. ý Pceh, ilif a mieorune ho mû.. vor7 ligbt et;' re tamel mCaptain. 'Ania p'ur case, . ionghi jeu vould Lave ssei in a betriiti b>' tbs.li . Rhty y eedifiaq ih-opposltof auitr '4 Ti i eet i*ogh jour tiistortéd and perviti ln min'reurnea Hagnre vith heighiesea l eour. 'Yenu.eloa i, ife. and Luüma*itvith sil.au e>'. nôt jandm',. merey- ai 1S. an eye wbh* La. becoe et, al, yen vend irte ;ersif yje coute. bhlaghi. up. IWehinka prudence euI prompteti enteL more gUadtIin Yeu !ec Iia eu et arsemai violoneti in- Omv uoBr-eai r, jeu ui nert ibm I *eu iduspIid Lind of -udnc yen alladodte .. Yen Lave M >gtited ~tdSke'y_ h ibsvtY$, Maoif jo do yo thi jeuonare. ibat jeu sot!uld pro- an1Me ot bret jOU¶'iWof0<thingaoas met b>' -vulgar brute (ores, antiton usaihe .xpeuodaotimïnn? f mn>' speech -di plosueskoîm o ui et i.>' , for aMun Jd> ODr ,,u 3'uci, mduwvj ls a.jeusdMomI le ane oual jmtbu lo i o a ilec.' h~ "UUIU 5* Aw, b. - ~ -b - 1 spe. km sd tbg y - lin ibm. te uews sene~ ' e è. ar..*r usid ni 'A coard!' -ro.«W th îe onflaw, l.au- wyuL Blasirte le om e em rtilt af ouby fiaLagain. mounating to hia bmew.. Mary osusnia le muy hi., ab& he bua W yï IL ard' roaseti Hargreecertain headsiroug houe r wihmoam himluti tcalusàd ofbearimg y. r ilistp- -keep hia pledge,d whitevoir mtcre -ktmay di poito«g«tàirmely fkueYeD take -be.'d 1*11vebe lewhe are m* ait-.rnyseif, 'But if le teP i'tu iwba y. are,' sitia for erampisant iis otbe;retlernan vhom Aasdoew i l a1evtouTa i mioh, makt' ei ym. bate juat éspinre. W bat .earthly cou- Lia» change biseours? t 1ern LshdW w vh .the occurrence which 'Noibing viii influence hlm«,'ýromarked çe Mode, y011lb.*ruel antidesperate man, jeu iargieve. I have studied him aléOseIly, H have.bsm. ansd his obstinacy ew ivils. mngrea as hie à .'Yonlbeiengtoavnordvthwhornl arn viewo-areperveileti. No;-o'ur--"ly pe t mi - arp, - eiumt he captalu; 4'but -tiaisliSes amcpe, and e" yeffort muai Le made ni lýenmtIa sl if a* àhé .yCapture my moen t acecoplsh iL W. amreeis,'sud sur SI ,ha made to-dy. -The maan who bought utied.energie. may enable us.ta eucceed, w 'th byLpiesvl is gold i.lsanthe ouly d0 pot lot us by word or blokb boray- th cave, andti s w iti hlm.I h1ýave seen ourselves. her-Lad ber etaudîng before me.. snd vit- TAie>' ere here iuterupied by tdi..noise nessed bhW egradafton. *The old miser, her ofthté- gratlkg be t drawu a*i de, -and oeehb husbad, wvie . esItStempted lher te Le ef the rwbbera eutred yuL ris.s faiae té.ume, has.oooaented .taerasnhers eif, They ait partooir liaril>' etfiL..; sund Ivod Ibut efisi .te mso hor. Oh, out this more'-coes «being,-mak« en thiefloor of. 1 arichwward-ofheeridty? He prererehis the chamber, tbey laydelon.ioaremt for the ib gold to ber-_to saie it, -Le vould louve lier nigbi.» Y ina dur Lande.' On the -folloviag day, viking materials a4 But yeu iii net detain ber,' nid fiai- wve brouglite Andreli, that inhms@ suppos- yq ea"; yen wiit show ber te aceompan>' ed characler of th. Laird. cf Lieckwinnock, sa fgiàmwiiewt s àwoe V L fe might addresa amandateto hibsiltr, di- 'Impaibks,9'- nid -thes captain. 'Our rectiug ber ta forward a barilktdrait fur *neg lava foirhit i.If the old.dotard persiste li huntdreti deoanda, -med th. letter .ta the , h is resiolution,hler fate. is asidal power 'Waterforpas office, whSeeif hould lie -tÉlin te &Verti l. caIleti for. So, vitti a grave oeunnenauee, Aî.iat fate .Whst? kdHargreave. Audrew wrote tbuh-ettoer, pse, ti, andsud m- - iahonour sud. dWath,-wu the antswer. reai its Misa Jeuny M'Spatle, Kuocir- 'Great Ileaven!' excelaiusied Lis. liaten- winnock, Stlrlingehive, Scolàant. C erlt', 'lahPossible that yen caai censigu the 'Mi fiith, but il viii b. a longtiane or the vea yeonme beved t. sncb a doom ?l otà findesut Mies Jena>' M'Spurtle,' Know Yeunetalthat boîrayeti love turn ser= eAudrev, vheu the tmeseer Lad te *g laite bputae ?' aid tLe captii, -as a departed te pasithe Ietter. '1I'irleaetay sbadow 1.11 pver lais face. bore till the answer cornes*back, l'li hae a a 'True love cannai Lii.,' responded Bai- lang aud a weary viiand moIy's tbe rake greave. 'if th.ebojeet frve aite, it eauta tat blackguard wuil hae deun ta Waterford.' 1h, Wuy puty and lorgivem Oh, 'Captain Jmekr, 't'a a bold gaîne yeu've veutùred te play p if yen can do tiis.1 have'nîteri>' mielaken Anctirew,' observed hie master. 'Yoti bave your nabure-yôur iîomadiby ban gêne eut risked lit'. itsecf for my sake.' t of yon, and yen, have becoane.i'tend' - ' Hoots, air, I wadfainhope thatneither 'This ins net a pereoniactl re urned ALe lite uer Iinib aie- lu daniger.' -a Ciati, in;a tltte ishicti betay.ed.. s aule 1I coo Iat hope,' retairuhiastaer;ai compunetion ofeconscience. 'liL fthe 'but 1 contéeithahï1tinga asyet .don'tlIook, of atlifemalesWhovitre tiot ransometi. Iarn pro»mug. er. e ae ielainluthis a boumai by îLe saine Cadi that binde ail mly rock>' chamber, the only entreace te sud out-. Mersat Icse uebr f oid'1t ri hich -le au ion gratin,- seurel>' '9Horrible,,horrible asid -Hargreaie, lu a tastened' and which W. have ns: file or ther p loue otdisgl. 1Butthbe (aise-Course- yen instruant ta aperate lapon. A black piros- haveý adepted mustinievilablylead teail1 that pe.eh?'n Je mensuroa nsud inhuman.':,Sure and its myit fthata y L> 'Whitever Lam or; viiiLbel, té-îLe v . ejtook,.my aiilelah fin me,.sait ,Terry. î te blanie for it, cried the captain impetuous- 'Wid wliat pleasure iu lite would 1 knock i t'. "eBut till lei"e you te Makre the mc- dàwi tiie dirty blackrguard ut' a fellovwt"at qusiatauce of jour ,friendî u miifotune,,as. bringsus our mate sud then v.o- eould boit.-' you clilm. 'I hopeMr. M'Spnrle, yen Wîth ever>' Chance oftbeing seaziedinluthe f wiii imbu.: Mi'.Ha rgreaLve vitti a uie ef hall,' -sid Hargreave. .'No,-.Tërry, 1 feur you'philosophy.' ve muet adoi a hessvaliant mode ofretreat. r 'i nakeaboct that,' remarked An- If' ve encape ai ail it muet b. b>' sraageau. drewi chaugiugis-voize *as auch us bhe We muet wait awh ile sud aee whai turne 1chuid, tse> meienke theniÉel'richt. up ; and Fût waiting will1 b. bard work -for But a fyt te ask à' je, CaÇptaiu. nme, foi *ben I th.ink et Mary exposedta t the Ilasair faebed- vi' rheumatlanp, suWd the vi.les of-ihat unprancipled scoandrei B1lantîre, h .air thal'. comin' wbirrin, through that rati'n my ver>' seul buasvith impatience.' vuli Le asure %tasrais. ibea. n lime. _'Wud Tv. days pas sed and the Iproslpect diti not je k"diy get s oela0, o'me kin ta t set brighten. On iL. titird nig&ht, as Hargreave afore it.r la>' Iosing lu feèvenisb anxietly on bis coue', t! 'Ah,!I have- on a iuhsed for thats,' nid îtaait Soundi cf humn voicéesreached bhis Ela,'rsve. ar. ýHie couch vas close ta the Wall of tLe ~~~~~a AsaLeatdeit ionce,' naid> the cavern, anîe ei emd 0te reta Capilu, s-h.hasîiiy beft the Cham eIsd ltait anme'direction. I lu- a ver>' 1ev minutes oeeoe the men ap- 11e itcned interitly. and lu the- stilînegs 4.rs -viha, piece of thlck, weil-oiled et ni-ht h. distinctly heard the sofi picadinge canvase, hchh.asee-ÎaîL ai tof a I'ady's vice. The words be'ceoino i b. ohimber in the in"id, caueing ite auagnimukie oui but the sd, pathetie toues viere avor th. grating. This effectuaily. etoppi unmnisake able and -they- vere .occa»iotially îLhe draft, but it diti wbat vas,. more imper- respondedto by deeper toues, evideuiy those taent, anti what Audrew b-.lu .viev wheu of & min. Le made bis equeul.--it prevented asuyoee g11 rose te hi& eibv aud looked round tLe eu n .ouai fLe grainfram seeing chamber. TLe oailamp onew ut fte r aiigiug (rom the lto the the cmhamber. roof, vas turnet down se as to ive tLe (ai-n 6'Ab, tbis la more cemtortable,' @nid Biar.-est gtimnmeriug of iigbt. By îLe 1lo-V, regul- greave as h. bangauly laid himmel tisack a breathing& cf the comanaions, L-e kuev ta Lia let. 'Iam obligedta i.yeni, for that the>' botb siept. Be hosteuted again, but lseiaig im l.ofocf impvlornent.' ail vas more silent,, and Le- bega,. te thiaik Ancev ailti 11 Le Lerd Ai. gati "fîth. lied been' asleep- sud drepamiug clioed1 sud iLs foiatep of tAie robber di. Conidluding- dine, Le'vas about te la>' his hev>' n d. pssae; heqLe -meut caui- Lemilagain upon the pillow, viten tue saine lionsly roudd la front of his mouler, aud ix- acunti vwe repeated-é They oeeemedtIo -corne ed Lis e>'. Mm y 1pon 1hlm. item eue piul, andti aWas aar-tLe floor Jimigreave, vh6 Ld$sunt ioa.smelan-. aetthat bide et his ceucb vWîieLwvianearest caLi>'absiractlas, d'daimetfor borne lime the Wall. maiien him but. Audrevweetnearer, ami Filieti b>' curiiy, as veli as b>' the F'op ihe ligLI t ibm lamIp àu'tng (nlupon hlm, ef makîng seins discov.ry, HargresebLet ho cht tiLs dresu>', ruabesa eyje efthe over ai examààed tLe spot ielis hnd. yeuth, :A d ecure Lsahi& teMtuion. 'ftem vasua Miiftel1ouu<.t et c!an sd j 'bcatiiaaa' letearbadereWa~vievofcfa bxmbersimilaMan10 m waa bu td Autrew-' vs rain. ratser, for ve Csa m ahe,-udmriauoib> vmnui An aid, grey-haired is maié on a cusîa iL.mouttan o Ai e>'prpMs e d cai, nt budhbin tooti'a fair and à m'iye a e. miv ie -coin e ebeauteonsgitl viîh usdtasudba- 91bU-te le t >'s oMop th* canlhes. . g, e>'., sud a lok et scorfidi digail>' Sot- 'MyfalLfu 1rlmtis jur6e elvetioheu eoh- tctd on ber featua. hsm Peelat ae -ume doe>,' eûMtheL. yuth. 'But ycur, ber boeoinheaved as if smre urong feeling1 aàiep ii .tutee asians 0 surgedt hroughi. It fsat ouboth. But boy did joye 'Yen have mde.up Ve0 n si te loave, Uy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ie fadm' eer, Ls sr nda eoeldand fficit ai 'Adrev sud-.Terqy, be eea m, rebat- tMes. ' Yen *iII sacrifice your vile radier i mdmlituaiLed.ceuaodaIma ib nigt o ib pàtih a futile et your superifuons Ir oargvesve' cature. Th.eh ut isteneti ta goh.' oeer>'yltabe àef *eircmmnuioma ilS. 'h, A litîlé,' repomuidthe ol t mawinl ra - atreshteu',epul Ily tt it part v'h idignaio. D 'De enCai i ve Luaxdred ~ eee<.lMeansd Blantire, andtéi usIr pouraslitte' * fneumîlmpite ineibtie marriwýAt, 't i àittecmpaedvhh vh T M-1p0" iL. uinti ast.ndWhSeu4Andrèwew e sea," ibm rejolir uitP.surel>', vhen~ q o mpared vill the safety and houer of jour w ife. 'Raves'!th"Yrobbed'me of a îhocnwid 04 Zn uijrelmqd rein y lfforuybody, a ne Mn e't plagu me. But thït'. always 'lie I a7 witl: woern. Tbiydo,I e what mu they put a an 1 It ein pend, -and rage, waete, wîîth e for ever. 'WheftdWIas1k t s perid mouey cMMy accouaIbefore P eh. aeked. 'h l "mrtaliule that you have lost by by me.' 'Iàleothat 1 have lbe l'he repeated. Doo'î f' lm e .thoesauti pounds which roui' father owed me 1 1 _' i'No,' se.flrmnly rejoirieti;I1paid that noaey-.-paid it b ythes sacr f fmymeif. whun on pt boforene the cruel aiternative )f my faher'. lilrnprisonmenh or mY mahriage ïritb yen, did I1flot go Io*Ihle altai', -ie ave 'n father fr-m the dî»honor of ajail, and, (rom ing a hireten heart ? And in doing ibis, I i ot roliquish ail that wa.s dear tome- it'kat I cherished ? Did 1 flot ever for- swear my pli hted, troth, and preve untrue tthe man wg o"e hoourable love. 1 Lad r-e- mired, and to whoau1 Ihad given my hear.- Re never kueiv the cause of my desertion. Ratber than utier ne word - discrediîtable to te man I consenied to, marry,. yI1care hlm no1 explanation and te titis hourif, indeed h.e Stiil lires, h.liehiuîk a m a n, misérable wretch, Who bartered myselfif or goid. Ail ibis 1 gave up-.ai this I eîîclured-and nov yen yul censigu sme to dishonor amdeiffuu L apealù« W yw ,ve, for ihat ymouneer - had norto ourhurnaniiy, for gA lma siten il eut of you ; nor.to your sense of fut>', foi "hatexiste net in vour- nature ;> but appeal 'to your feu of iiat God at whose haï you muaitsoom stand. For the sake- of. our' ovn soul,hbnp net tbis g1iilt upon your aged head. Veryimouqithe.g.airewîiliiaini ,ou. un its 1prey, and> what vii. your gbd avail yen bLeu VP 'Oh, pou bhilnk 1,11 die son, and you will get my money,' he cried, with a bitter, iocking laugb. ' Ha, ha, l'il1 -lire. for mauy, years jet. My, gold ila mine, and 1 mean toenjoy it.' ' The me» are ready to coud oct you down te mountain , said a g-ruif voice ;and one 1f th. robbers ente4 ed1hbamuber and beckoned on the oldam nto foilotw him.- And I'm ready to go,' uuswered thé lai- tr, risang with grea:atacrity.- ' My arders are Io preveut the lady fromn accornpanying yo!1,' addei the in".: 1I k now, I know,' said.ithe heartiess,hoar,-. hedded ruiser,. as hie walired deliberaiely pmt the vite lie was baseZ>' desertinz, and without one fareveil look or word, quitted. h le chamber. 'I1 ho door was cboSed wit a, gratrng noise,. and the heipless and forsaken girl wulf aloue. 'Oh, the mturmered, claspirg her bands àikkig upwvsrd, 4 ihi is beaveu'. retri- bution for tht, terrible sin 1 c>ommitted in Pro'0ng ase Io Henry. Father, fathr! it rwas aI for.îhee Do youu.ee me now!?1 Oh, f you do, pity me, and aek heaven to save me, if salvaition b. possible 1 Aud with a long, MonUrwUuli oan, th. bâzp-i îess girl staggered to a couch and fell upon, t, weeping and sobbing lu thé very bitternesa of despair. Hargreave reverently wiihdrev hIe gaze. from thé scene of private anguish and deso- latioo4aud, hatily heaping. up thei rubbislb, relurned 10 bis ouch Io tbink over. the con- rer.sâjion hee Lad just listened te. (7b Lie Coeldinued.) MIARK TWVAIN BEARDS tHEFENIAN IN HIS LAIR. >I hunted up an old friend, Deunis MeCar- thy, who in editor cf the new Fen ian journal in SanFraîcisëo, T/te.I riM iPeople. 1 foun d him sitting on a sumàptuoscu.ndie lýox, i is shirt sleevea, solacing lîimeelf with a whiff it e ntoa dhudeenor caubeen,or what- ever.theYý cati it-a clay pipe with no stem to speak.of. I thoughti : aight flatter him. to address hitu in hi .s.native lorgue, -.and. se 'bowed with-cousiderable grace and said: 1[Arrah M" And li. said, 4"Bejabet,!s 1" "Och houe. !"1 eaid -I. "Mavourneen dhegelish, aclshita na-re, replied The MeCarthy. "'Erju go brn.gh,"I continiued with vivaci- "Athr.! responded The McCarthy "1Tare, seuns uisl" saidl-. 111Bhe dba husth ; fag a rogharha lums !"1 .a.,l 1ht"l Fian. C Mires, îLte great Pereian financier, Lad a bot argumrent yuL ha shareholderT lnuoeeof his enter p riss. 4'1 hope you iwilI net cal mej' sid hi& aulagenist. 'No!' anâwerea> tLe Jew,' ! My religion forbids it!' Net Ilong since.in Southt Ca'oiiua, a clergy- man vas' rieachingi-,onthe disobedience of Jouai., wheu commandied tego an.d pretach ta te Ninevites.. Afler expatiating for for corne lime on t" awfnl eotmsqietice of dîsobedisuce te lte Divîine c6minaîîds, hoe exclaitnett, in a voice of thîunder. îhat pased throngh congregation like au eectric shock, "Arethere auj Jon;hs hem V' Thenwa.% s negro present, irbose niaine -as Jonah, who, tbinking hiaiseif caileti on, immediate- 1>' are, and tuningu lp bis white eyes ta' thie preacher, w-th Lis hroa4des-t gCC ubest boy, answered," 11cm be ane masa. OILX?<G A Vrsîuîuokîs'r-A physician xa>-s that lie vas going clown the Missisîppi,- saorte ntit ai ale, on sasteamer vboeté en- girie ias upon the deeks, ho aaîuercd lu the vîcinil>' fle he. Leworkingg ethîe machiner>'. Near by stoodt a inu apparently Lent upçn the came abject. [n a lew meounnt;atquea- king noie as heard ou îLhe opste aide et of thoeregine.. Seizingî ii cas(a giga- tic eue, b>' the way> the engi ùeer sought eut th. dry spot, and te preveuit furiher ise of that kind, liberally- appiied. the ceninîs et bis can te over>' joint. Al venu -weli fùr a- vitil., vhou- tLe squeeing. vas Load li an- otLer direction. The .11kg procese vasO teupesanti qiet reeiorcd; but- as -heen gineer va s eong quiet1>' awund t'oward tLel spot accupie ytheydi. ejor and stranger, le hitord&ntersqueak. ThistiaoIiLe de- dotecte th îe tue causcte oibedicuit). Tlio -sînanger vas a venhWiIoqti*It. Walking d-' edý joker b>'lte baék af bis tieck, and emp' tied, the contents et' the càn dqçwu l i&, amne. theoldeorgine*iiS5Lgna.ib 't' t -t DEItNISTOUNl. DENNISTOUN2 s14*v Bolikitot in cv. OçIe--Wood- san, Eurgeon tack et the 114.'