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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 25 May 1866, p. 2

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ly Funs4 of thePresby tei.u.Cbuuich iii Caaa. Baih.laojet of Lecture, In tellect anti Conscience, I eut- or tbe rite, greal.isa, petsîanencëY, sud-filtif *ns ni frs om the istand paletof, Chitaln the Phio»pby.The lecturerWili diettatte.ntion be Io ti* ate of Gnou liritain, Irelandi France, 11171 opât b. Iliteti States "4 iCanada. 1matitsoetgrain w ioher items duc* talmud inCanada: appean sal- eitable. Frontofficiai reltas n me" ofet îafermatioQw v as- I.é; vimet 25,000,000 bu.;ipesa bus; peIt..200,0 bs m6,000 buF laokwhesi 180m- R"s glu.. sd average ef 45 g'Slp "à awtpweduat eu h es In mkIlOi %lttléa tier. -ewo iPouend&a1 e t .re' 0imoof e UAO'U00lits. et besi.BoseW i~ ~~~o W ,0000ts tbs:.J, A. tee: i., m0175 u. mtthe ertl epti: lui ou » em4 1vaspfflr by bM a, ohr 1 l a i. li. A *8 ftréspasa of à puoifeIlk t W m s aiait.. eu" ar"a i$ lbm of, bQ1oppos eLot. 1l or 15, taffms W ta * î.,îtep "oeut. Upas thee .. ovili.thés owve* Ur. Turner, nm@n &ia g, eretea dvellYg ; sud baviug àller-ý wsrud*.tld boule porm4plou ta romaàin ih.oii feed a, part of 1t,:planted ti Il wth **p4 e~Ims .prV44 l. Tibtissson. iie bas It edrW'best &Bd hallbeen Véir mouch Annoyeti by pasties thro-wlog, lowa hi* feaces te &Il"v caille to Injure, ils crep. Suca!n m» of blé nelghboro, ho. procurçd s mmmons ajlasi M. JIWMbU, an&dtile e a Wvi eepor >b«rd1 Ur.Mkth.1I lvas, ined orne ab!llng, andi a~u Mon.titade by wIh h e meats wes dvdM,, md by viilcb lt unrbas agreed: t e roe ahl#'proprtY frein dia raid aIlowance vihi hrem ear To CoraowiT&ia-m "PubritoýIl ands 6l. W. Thorniiill. Commnicaibltionu will 4pear psu. RessT uecxvcL-3lr. Fraser, etKnox i Collee, Tpremtej vil! <(p4Vt) preach i thei- pe canada Frobyisulan-at cl.urbP1'el Street, next eot bbah, *l11 fOICIslt,.U. Pr- mk 'We 0by thepperatbeehad battuan- other brutal atumpt te assassinai. a Dulin &y polico floo. h W*& ot sueee.afùl, aithe' of thi e n wvpnet oui of danger. Two, mou terwre armoald for the. outrage. '& U. Gladoie, of Dmudaqt.is about Ita erect a large Lgaz mii,tlt1 weil thicenter- prieing lirttle tevît vili-b. able ta beauai af Dot es!y kavig, jperhapA, Ile mosi ýexten- *ive -colonoandi voolen voua lin theProviîn- cet but aie the. lapaié linon matiutactory. of An adliesi a W** -e.nîIy c*riti4 i te vsNew"ua4land legllatale cailinal upon Lien- s. tonniant<titeGvw r Mnffguacýe 0 ansequit)' %d. te bemalle into ithe bos sues -aiextend ing r» steant eo.iunicaiion on <me Western Coast ar, in cecttii viitse.pwo tlb, meigh-i M@ buètring Provinces, 'vwitk wbioh7 anti the - 'rslay'aeft eraîoas'Iud b. crrried on. Tue a'vu.a-o a e have bat rernarkably sld veatier for ilis mason et theii you. On Weilneaday Lilndsy -anti oi ghbonhW w att vittI dby ligit show- or eo .nov; andtéiiceont inuanoo for sevemal ,ny tisys, of cati uorhart v nd A maktes it extra- ,,M moly dit.greabl. e those via wh, in, anticipa-' p-' lieuf et . wu veauhe, dobr.ed thoir sain 4- me gsrments. [ho ho Il@ -Nr- lV.stri* llutieg te tie sties o. smanetinte, inàoe circuisteti in.Canadtian papera'abeett goldihaviau boan founiniilarge * quanitie#snear Fort Gary., mayathey wer. ,,origiaed probsbly.b. msonte relative of o-Barou Mwwbcaumen, aalà tiàda.: -There.M no golal iinthi etllemfnl excpitthat wbiceh towards thte iller of tie sel! andt heenter- CsrrLZ FOR T»J MZ AmxaNuMÀamt.r-- <h Mosera. Denoon i& Brownrldge,cfaiIllion,_ fer saml thelIaflilt* lon 7Y, ,purciasei 'on hat Weodedy tem John White, Eaq., M. P.,# :a- 'eiateetih<ad ef very.fine young atth.,'Me, Iry vi tlm n ter car laý id h catlleb!ingd for thie proeetv for si, far -eprait ,noto IJ liotlgso tlise coîmmt houme J. Culli. *86 S, The cleai read j Con. A. Maya by Mrt. Qarke, nul laid -over far ied. Thte claru Kiganti otheri Point Jîne, béat75 MOTO' biy.Mn.Cullis, titten b. graniS James Profit, tos 7.-aii oni! thatc Daime coa oal e Rasben RÎ09 t place oet. Th Ile blee - ina the @ ' rin ia prythoiu duser ofupoal lrk 1 aeffed oort adjpard,4tI 0'lok,-Q*r l5th day ofMu pimsent Meoî«o ti46, Vaul 4 f Clark, secondei aaiea.meitifolle »oved by Mri Whiteside, Tha and are hereby expondt he f-lla, meula of roadi L J..Hotion and S.tii coricesiomtm 2nd, Hugh Ray on aie id, coeu 31j>, Wmn. Mark pend ona the '#3t ànti 22, W2.00. Thomas Tinney, Stewart.antiAle B, ,wesî of ide.i 6Ui>,R. F. Whitt expenti an h.s 6 in the fourth Rob»ison and Sa on the 3rd con.'c 8îi, John DBruce on cou. 1B, px oi, john Chlfis pend on the.61h lOtht Robert Di expondalth eni Hall, 8 1100.00. ine.bet<v.oius lot te- expeuti on Tova Hall, *101 oppoite iotéa Sa MecKentzt. and î the aide flle.bet onn. *#W.00. AngusMOKay, beteveen Iotalà, ant d ut Erain, betîveeti loie 30 - 0,00, fth, ç amie thIMlOicor 010.00. 16th, 1 Whiieaide, Ioeie alun Wot23, $15.1 -Anguta McKay, lotl16, 015-.00. repsiring of hes of Litti!.BritaiA Moet by >M Clarke,: That tfi thelTroastite il *4.18q for posta $1,fur budini A Coley, Sec) section 17, for cordîng te Soho aniouint of Debi commigsioti on J. Cullia for s$1 seizure ncas. A lso te W. Jaclk at. I'lito.m A $43.88, for prit for' $3.31 for 1 1 Jainos'Mark foi ng tii. coanicl te ap- en., Pathmanatoer for Ir. Clarke, seceudetid he prayer cf the, pe- hereby appoint MN.r, Pstbmaster foi sait! he clerk noîified the m te resigilah. office 72. Movret by Mr, Mr.' Culis,, That Mr uteti Pathmnawilerj n ithy for saidt ei7& bit councilstn semed MWnay ustual treaty hma >ruasi&anad Itaty. tbi. Fiancesxit*- ys nd Bruea,died kt noms, Ottaca *d. fiI.ved byMr W4n)tosid. Tii-athle îîd. MovetbyIr i, Jnlos, Tiut . mrvy o.j#ing am la uapi to adon oi. e Moved by Mr. Ddunda '1181ttie preent year, asauce ereby confirméud - t4, seom ' W b 'y -Mr.1 DilIwin1 permes hal ed corn iisioners toe ti. fur tiii spravo- ty, ta expent elie IoI' 19 and 4i ,'$40' snas Foe, te exponti seph T i nney, teoex - on opposite Iota 21 Iu...Sima!iwoodand end on the. 8ii con. le, to exýpenta't r1 c on. itgilot 21, 820.00 di Caris aHaskill, to ýbetweu lots b anti t4Ô.0.~7th, -flavid, ssspbuli, te ex peut -lois6 anti 7, *30M. U& Swain, te expenti ls 221 sand'M, 820. ot. Dauvidsoni, ta ext- m lot 19te24,$2M0 J joh Clarke, Io bu- 1. West ofthe. Town expendion ithe aide c, on. 8, $10000.. Michael Tharedyke, h on., eaut of si.é IU, J. Wylîo' andi W on the 1lth- 0011.0, *.. -1 31, Sidneçy Warn$ 'tefexpend an A 5and:6, Inhe Î5th Vrn. Camoron andi %doen the. aide in. t fthe Tovn mpenti un tihe lSaii 00. 'lSt, JohnCli ff #di on lime bideâneo 1. n the A15îh coun, flundas, teo'sxpexd'- àte lots 23_ aui 24, reoavay audlJ... I te .131h conceas.- ati un the 14th -con. Jamnea Mark, tn jet ote ti -Con. eust O get a eluice, way. -Carried. s, eco«Ied by Mr.. 'e give h& order.oui of F. A. Bewes for 60t tJ. NaYcor for. oon. B. Aietloo asurer 'UninnSciîoolý amegultrastse fr ne hol' parpaoss. r 150-.00,- being tho ,ste ra"sd fer scîmoolý R. lavin for 512Q.90, licences. Alio 'tQI 'resideudtix ix sectiqn qfor A1.60, couts of~ graphie Ittoicl'sketches. - ar- ecieu- bc thie case, if 1 dîtmos~Id4 n Ifr.l- pîcal bac1se rvue-t'Ustoîn!., fiflc articles suait as appear rgn'lynî le Iosay t/ti nsi l ife àrery interesf- Tb eun tte oemetenga- xie tms niicnet j ilg te~L'PZC f eergdc muds m.n ,lion officen ai this -port.show litii-te nun.ber 1 je Eriàligh andt Fulihpenluicaî1s, racY atwiJure hat the gcneriiity of zcorkiuî iîn-wokt.ttspr uig iels __ esilsayailabW9graphy, criicisia, anti anecdote, men-ai homte hare Io !abor a.iehird, i mnt>fauîdrib ct 845-am ,Commtîercial. I hardier, thitnthte poor seltèlier/ti.,tolado aiiatt 803seraepseîe laInjacte, it canitalis -,tii.crear ig f-fôrelo 1ean te .çellrha,;ah .ope uhi . -h T fac ieUti ted Statet ten'wre34 stmî, LINDSAY 3MýrKETS.' carrent Ii erat te, anti s ffegre a% re Iwrig»a i h ogrcotî';ka ith nd1631- ýterageanti cabre ,'pâqse11ger> eîedy ay,3h86 EÀch auriber boiing comphete h sif il tirnand a homie.for hixact1tmnd ild- - tl 4§tl sis.71 eteeri"e Spring WViîeit.............tG' I4 1 titbb -or 'raveîera; antitte lauiter drags mit his x-e . i- 1 I .60 iC dahii2wb m 16i veEig,- -L I t, per bush ............ < ' lenc ja hoahn. r neother prospect than of becotn- 1778riziî, anti '197 foreigners ;'Nuva & .ouia, I>'ie,.lier buishi.............. e.o" i. 711seriî en htili ig a paris it oper, or a busrdea on- his Illp aryi 36ste.;afreandi 1ainruttes erbs.........~(< jut hethng fr elle sr-ay atIlh'm Ili'iev, lier bush ............ 0O G "O W1hoeUewi, sh eslthe feehest andi choicefst trglnfU, ~îu ieeuir ee15Egtl 4rTîmotylier ton ........... e O" ý0Si A few. ierts ;n ré ferepr e tn this stîle- Sco)tch, anti .57 [riàsh ; to'Victoria, 21 shrps;Covr iertn....... foreign periedical hliiraiuro.mu&t gi "E Very neeetet eifadt on îli 679. stt'erage .cîr 6 cablît ; iluere beil' oi'r, lier to......... 0"tV SIra. 'ment. 1I thitý .nk Fleur, fra4-tu ore linle.............3 "1 Il ha ad iby Tacknon & 1'ere,,as tinore is plenit¶ f f cfiod~n le bfi, 2-12 Eulil21 Scoth 0 rs,.n 6Fresh i ntter, lier, lb.........0o to <OK. Feilis, ostn. 'jcnt; lkewie t e atsare o.Tt atttiue5Ti bipJouaBrab" aîet g-S, lier doz ......... .... on 0 o00 jni fa market ,r1144t te be ic -obqtnce .as wte li 749pe.nest NwYrnal i lkB,lier 100) Ils ........... 05 - -there i lV.twys allemandl for eVerNtin;* o f ltent liiti.z.XMormns prodeeding te SS ait ie 11)lbper qtr ...... ..oOù 0 O5 Ionernc hafpenple cati rairex. We have isere (wi*tl l k fihs hr er -0 gih,4 î ~ ....... < ¶aO12 0#mlada-af inmtrs oetv,îScotch, rio Irish, andi'24S foreinere.. Inshor. 'nlo p er lb. ............ '0O 14 Thé Seclto'. îtwa orespndnt tî~tt'ntîî,neîutî>rmila p ei<>rce611l> luresaîet passotîgermi 1kils , Co ood, per cord ........ 10"2C aTheaekritith a tail-, a steemae .anti a total for the.mni <if of bienear the iurnber:,G'eese, eteh ................ 0 5 àaau that a cunferenâce will soan thke plaeiT b fi t t o mgauieas1,0,aîifrten îthrTîkv ab...... 0" o rit Ottaa, cf tu 'ai 1iuuin Nthe'Ameui jpetîers, tir us ne;e.t...li.s..m.. Tit de Cuaammiof neé- rish e th Amritride beiliiin a fait W'ay t(or pe;peitv. Thé ra"-10f Ma!tch in tite Preacit tyear 241 losîe 00ls......-t .TaCu, &c for tie prpse tu e -t wing a apid rozreg.s ilbas mie has quite, astotiisli LNSONTEClekens per pair .........02i ,0 ~ I bà e bî ,l aps .' daigu j uclis per pair ......Q 40" tepri wen ubasoî, wllbut ret d-its own ihuiabitants. ' FCîOIVN LN MO TE ANITOU terest to-lIte taînmercial world -as affirimng shl' MiloTA. LI.___________________ valimloiîîurnahenastetbSc'a.a oairaiebe happy te air îfv anv un- OG R E ie b. don. w iîh those countrie. qîities. Addtres, Briacobritige P. Office, lhsbendcttrl hOtav 'tcae O G J{)N IS tô ciTer the public 'landis nthcMntui sailera___-P__teof Lime Trae it ti. owr roincs.EMGRIO FRM asAN.-A~r lRlOd elies il b.ciaret SO. ~e arewbie By1h _____________Mukoa Fli, andaliesr i[acnrefralz W udestii tht cialSupr-hopfat willjb. iii. prie. i lime' tsi.enaltan Pounad,, at the Xledicuel Hlai' -'undier the. a»tiority of the. Irish Reglutrac 'oil lantis'asi theGoy'erement may choue. o W. J.- TRIRKELL. M e Leaderas llii, a nequence aofGermrai.,show. that the ermiri on t ft re- j ispose et, accordiuîtg ln the fLth clause of th Lnsy,1lbMv,16.3> tbl getdebmnanti fr frbigit noviq iii bs land dturine lte vear 18&,j, was 101,497. ratlier n eaainsjtmi publialhed. by the Creiu___________ îwefl Canad a-andt hê e îWrPrvice, aitshuMuben than ile1864. -,A great inceau se Lntis D1eparlmenit, which calîs for cash pay- 1unerssndtha ti. raui T wk Ra~laY owver, took pince daring the. lad tuine a mtli. Thero ma sanie oo4 land onthe a- 'W inter B uq e ! ariaiintan a to t"e 1 g inli hrag ofmonthoi 186I5. àascompareti wjii1864, adlaitti. and, the unominîal priée demantiet__ Milag1byra!andti vater, frél ofntes.in tisa increa$p ban extende i jta th. prit tuaistettlens nI! otliisiduce. uany per-. TIARDS of. a Il'N>E AIT Caa to alil pats iie. aritime 'Provîin- year. The Registrar'a retentis are prodturct u o sas l locae tiemeoves"' elaatidn-1)of teChoie t Flower Siedw, =taa#igdictoi, vith in a very leàureIy marner, andi in April, j inghr.he saitimer. jue1siIt îwr s n Mifry e ___________th___" De. d. S&tattonUerl r gta6(Wmiud 86,tiWflue tih'le quarter 'endina D -rumflN-T<rassae, j gaels.I t vsitEt Jhn X.- B., -Halifax celmber, 1865,.areéeotei utilaine- nter attempi to eroas the- Atlantic in received-iportl frtrPrussia.. sat Piss dvd sind wha viev toestood titharnigr iation for Ithe past three o1Yboat wl onli acb Cp.J / a ea/andr erarniM/tint. pere îngtii.. rrngeens, hic vl! ofheatuabeeu &t the rate of 14 00 petr ofeniNeoYrk. Iscati OLI HMES doubtieseptave a < etdt e stcatsmoi.Ill s m»0its teI hpo-mtlieeihst 7fo lnini6 me ienjt.Dlagssad usia d N&Mt Pi esm viearm now 'e.- ulation .deereaum o irther -'lat year to th*. te '11e.futahip r -e,* -( -ty- o.nt nias8t idssvviateStall* puiaeus qiinctio aume. e 80,0O~ htchwoul les. ii.! vl! asempny h...whicheollsodyd..K3 ISI t th1aM ceM-Etei 'Ket.sl h eo --*total aboit ,000.i Ius,1Y Xv18. Iviadi.. seetalut lite la, May 18. of aS.mer la letoris bfflurACTMU FOR MNDSÂY, vi.oasu. i qsa,~ J a i,pbe,,a - -it aofon ildb. uik i Ont of â«mm t o di beusLu pu. wlb s. lae..Gadte ani emnru ou é my . alwn ilergiviég àafint denis! ta the. latter. inilplloyotreques4 1 faaimba Mto Ti. ws~w j tt'i ~Yo mlhion AS1 in az9dle andi capitiva., by glei e~ta o! rWardto bush tife.. 1take aFortones b- *d 9 laef gris g the. w.l fas Canada, -but OC1. M me eqmpeialiY ii the Makoka Seuleoment. le , andd rcpd.with Ypporg ti>.eu ta wh~ ~ rZr f MftpréaM Mft id Çl>rnation wilt ltabe mach,, t at . o s pmuate, bou~Img t.~dioeàm~bIp~eitro&eu .<~~>s n xperince ield61< for entorptisso, andi a moin philantropici 19VMOU Md te*awm e ML-Lfflr, Y-manda, w ~Wh58Al0andi profiaie ifvenâent exisîedat hOffie. lis ere. or fir qwwsste or 2 ~'aeiotbe Xr I M NESOK0 mite nd a lffmmnthe Ma& s- diwýd E S TC *O '~'~~ ~ o Th soi is utxî amiweîîcîao$Ïsid e estabrhmontof sa WoOien thé t ii. Iwiqmoraine. Fndy, Fther» s bfà loteTheSuI frein U M;a'D ndhals.~etou~~oàIJin1.wtrt t beautifal creeks. Wr' e Il.vrmabesaewot a be issecedwithamal mensandi a înali stock.rulhaebrsa f1nao~a oioIoor~oAdn, Jg'on-I, nyione cow andi a si ot aî cny-» IO A rentres, ud b.isiesh» f rstoat su as ilw hn.. Oui rantc~p i t If &ho. invested would reloats direc4l penet. Ti.7~a o ii. z~i, <~ ~cîy ii. ~rs 'yn? asthy wroaihr atebeuganiinýthrectly,.te their colliers again, and, J GS to announco the completion of! lu, hnhf~g1aud~- pain, but th, potattues returnei seveuteen hj prn u arlc!4,ya-:" heBmg'Odrlnd'.boqh.C s1 rs ue. Our wheat the aoo tosmen wo,îld bu epteeumi benietactors Spiz.uchases, wiich will bc fournd the, teril7. i~è4 ti. rae of isco0t fr ;48 . I zn; : 'd 'rop otir in quantilv y el a ai, nent place Most AttfactiveinLdsy for l .mom be bvi 'ate every oberv-ng Io P ýw pressi.d c a o'ea 4a » es frwhat we sold of i.. V1sdo net know mmRuitegetdosiam ie aving pald speial attention to thc 10.~àlt Br.~SSM ea iti. em ai sIeews» rs ne i1.wn fmntcaeadta rese Goods Depaitment, 1>do a eoenso ,t t at in it as« l i n unec ep' i, .ra " , a we dit l O f ile tWe 1 -OII O w hite aim ont every co nty Town in U pper . j .bt1 lattti~1 q -îUcaliit.egaea o'deiéo l10t P--*4..Canada iis prgremsing in. materiweaith, Ladies wili find ini bis fine of DressGoods h~os oWainçd.' lho tthe ea-o vas partieutarly dY iisyisu în-tii rtîtr er-enhe .dYnlad ot,'le dnaeaecopc ertisg rdn.Te ouainifateraiz EiyNwSye !tt esm <liaies ~r.'ludl anoueei. ii fii4 Lastyr we had spleriTadi crops ofevery- méchîan, fd aoin mon.are lueemsitae ilasofacoupraiel aaî ark,~ thing. W. plinted ltsn bashel.,4 f' Poatoes, ta 1eetvéi for want of employaient ;-anti TRIMMED HAT S-& BONNETS. w81 iitoa craatv1 &a[bnteand'fr6m-thiat ive raised '2410bashets, of ex- aithcugh the merchants mouIà"eandi feel .&oIiah 'Jc.iutStosh, for £80,000st. al enc*t îîqu aity. , I r'y 'aise so that 'oes a xrtio na are aJe te stimul-Pueofe ry olG tYrey esme - that 'of Peso kBotte, .für £4,00,- have been onilu twelve dàîyin uthe thrve aie action, iii so.laudable an enterprise-no o. liai 8~,imflnn railwayyears'î,iLihout potatées. ,Me commer,ced 0a.xeyi îaieîe teeuet. ore eS is t hon tiut %.V, Splant heni lai yêar nte28hc a fcretis i weahh ed avige xnple.- oyues:~ Ti aet oetyl opSit h contracter, -for' 200,000po.odsat i. iu autel iî»ed ûAnenîI:vfroi u 0: < it ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ta nirtoita h meilMr fuy eoo obse~c he 2t I10 i If e mrnilogqtee a ]opyDuplex Ellitie, have sufihcîenî seel,. and iaIur ettoughi toi interessamet niad be heki and plans capital la hglf a million slg.,- andi the. Con- tameîgw selidied Discount Comapny .With spotveosa il.W ae.,dnrduieteafrdaadom idcîet:e aHWXAS'5. owU.Urpne h Oh.fNveîe.we jpacticai-meuor otheswhio are.or mîihîKeentn's BlUk, capiWaet: a qiufrter Cd a -million> tà.,.muet are about .twu, miles frota griot rill. We j be desiroug of staruiti hose branches of Kn tre.349t[ wiîbextemoy hevy ommtmons, asaraiseti* a great deal off ine turnips, but I cati- busis, 'wih we are ýdeficie-nt. But, iata iiquidairg. nt giveithe exact amouiof anything excePi alas, on thie point çomprehension ici doti the potatnes , but I wijl mention lihe Iflii- (ir, erhaps, iindiffreat te Public, progrese. 'Later il îrannpired thai ltte governinent ber of stock we have -wintered, and people The 'own and «.County vanta, a Woolleil had 'reaolvedý te ýsuspend- 1h. band charter cars judge for fhemnselvee. We have eigmi Facsry-we want auother .Grist -Mill-we head Of cail,. viz., three mailk covfletwo are in want e# atither Foundtry andi Machine Young oxen, fit for.the voke ; due heifer, onte $hop, fix makine ail kinds- of a"ricultarai 'l'h. assoIs o>f Pela & Bette, evon wsder -îwo-'year otil bail, one caîf and six sheeP;, i ,plements-a7rid las4,i, l#- ltiesw 1.1 mont deprosed circumsîtances, are etit- w. al&ù, feed two pig,, al brouglit îhrotigh iwant a Scutching Mti 'o he. encourage- muated at firo millionsterlinganud iisü. la goW od i~ditiot,, fresh and fulIl of sport;rment of the'Flaxifrade. Hatithose braniches flety auedtu iisî~îlmeapo-îe gttrnpgydy ic te1t J-1een in full operation fast. jea or partly se, pieton for ihe sjutmei lt i da.s pro eranmhae maiirt-3 hgi e tiltem oarlaie redandant'populalion wou!ld net have »tliusment o ali cthoW gratss .cirnes. W. have, a good deail beeri necessitaied te go tu a f4reiga, cou ntr.y b.ubrnitt.est. Evéry u i oe tant e futider, both s51mw tnd hay, ltsitnwe ta seek ual subtenaaîce which le denieti wîfl uee Wehive beîween twu and threïe îhem i n the landi of their-itdoption. ' thi&a--y .b. the:case, for Sir Morton Peto toasaip-oo tîi<nouhy hgy ; .- recao gel mxore hl ur-!dg hts mc ptb ~t 4nd hiis.panner, rank, prominently amnouig beaver uneaml.w thisi weu.i Ci limne lu cul iuilrnestot .mnf.e oad iobe who have carriodt he fane of Etglish 'il. ,W, coult oei ait Our ffodder, bat wW do mechanical operations by aur public men, entàerp riso te al pis , ai.ofthe, globe,- vhite Ot appt'rove a i th yêstars; the hay vil! the. beneéfi i fh*içh to heutcamni tb.e vr theybav coman4dd high per»oal regard keep over a year, *ad wu will gel pIe.y of estirnaieti. If uniîy aiffeltwou iftpoit- theýý have corn use foi the.trw.- Our'oats, pense andi la- anitanubject, wuuld charactieilze thiiimve- in tilt sections, amoQng their courâtrymeas. diase corn were ait good. Besidos theâe we mentS, along witi ers ano terefrts There vere ramors of comasutniçation by raisota gieat duat Of garden mouts, such as wvould be cmrowed wjîh surceesd; andi surely irrance anti Englani, wnh Austria, with a carrpigp-onions, boees, parîip,.Ch ickory, &é. enough patrio.sit&r exies among themn te take Nhig theie were superior to any we ever raîssei' in tho initiat.ve s èteps fiert the acctbmplîsiiment vie* le' avert., n oaabreak. Ntin 1an h. Id cu4ntry.-esidosihëoee w.ise car of what wbu Id be a boon te the whole County, Afiecleto Ipemea.Ca thentic. Latent Fiofence papors regrd war owe hopa.s, dnisel! what we donet uge; andti nne e@;petililte pteople'and iunerch- -g nadian limber basn been ms e.a- the ugge.- an inevitablo, andi »Y, by a modification'of te r la aebea aî -olraai iLrda.lion ai« Dr. -Tache, Secretary oftthe, Bureau Mnâyabaous tà take place" La' MamosponiWasorisei12 ibs. af earraway listIi.eItope that actionwill b. taken, and ai Agriculture. They- aieintendedte tabe Minatysied. anti the mont part of Our. gardon ieeti, the bail kepi rulling tilt i 0110 o a lti. ent aI Parisi, anti'are now où exhibition la wili receive.tb. mltary coammandi. îtuîp neeti, &c. We soweid a b.aaU parrel above branches of business are eababip eJ, r A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fli Belndaacht-a a- a i ~ sed, andi think il will do veiy well j int 'wiàh of are~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~le* aEs ntraud usre àres m~anufosciured il irtoropos and .'fours, r.pectntlly, CIA C.LsP 'icy- boka.Jî maintenance of peae, probably on the more Ibis. yeai. Oui clip cf wool fast yeàitii appe "Lou.is ENap ln, ihede tne gronitht atraWill make soute coees- Wa illIteWOexpêcita dlouble ittihiuyear -N'EWS FKOM.JAMAICA.' il MofIdhouihs Wal, c.tbh. e ffl 31. sin.as.we have incereaséci o4r stock.- We kitllei jBaitor makes the end ofahi. vurld- corne sa __________________à cw anti aiteep tant fatl; ve silti the NwtrkMa 17.-Ativie« froin Ja- .1M but for six or ïeven yeara previeus, "Lozws Sotare '-Weare n reeipimoai Oh-lent ; thtuy pakd.very, wel. 1 - maica ta-the 7uh instant are receiveti.,,I- LusNplotera nicrsst ai ii. xcllnt ngia mnîMy r May tmake iny wrî soap.art icandles. I aise. telligene bas beunreceived inl private -beeome sustanhiaiy mt nu onacb af the rl Y Oý a issel52 chiekehs (rom 4 lhens lamtetpriïig. I cermaîcaitions fRomt EutlanJ that Henry worhf!.. Bà -irm.kn acvnal'witt, it . ' coiE nube, ati ? rofuselY Now, Ibis* in."a faiihful accouint cf Iems tniwudb cnlm. .Gvme fthe Jews for the rebailding of JerusLalent, h. illustrated, is Iacontents are :-S econti oof lait year'a prodiuce, andi il r.arieamiy fJamaca, linIme roointcf ex-Geverlor Eyre, iewei h escuino hitas Thuhs ti;Hw.Kt iaoeeibe .seen by every.carefhd neader -thtweare who worild be mmradiate1y secalled. Col. o'eic n leri t e pr utton of Cheiite.s Tho ich ansaetaletetue ouring out of ah. vis!. Dow beginningtu enjoy the fruit <if our labor.' [tHobLba, the. officer who cotnmarxded the for- The lime of Il the ascension of cune hundreti Anmefia;si Watting for thb. aggaa; lie. èý cal- lath rtwe lîî.,;ve aitout tifîeem ces Sentntulaainst the hl acks dýi rIniii nt o:yrn îo thesevnin"î London Olsera Directors; Unrequiteti; Su~- a c ceared. andi ail Ibis lbas been done by laie disiurbVnces, a'nd at whoee.ottiers sm uyfxeat loo h ateo ra keries ; the. Mouchant Princes of Englaud; ny hueband alori..Fattler atteàds to'every fam hs orbe ticîe omte ygetdon, when ithe 'great beast I" (Louis Up tit Don ae Lhd« Srees; atî'sthittàige 1, b1th 1 jiugi.îu t ar to he soldiery upors the ne- noee were perpe- Napoleotn) i 'te beliréron. it lsait Revene; li Oper Box;Origi cf h hm. I iînay aise siaie thai my husbanxi lias trateti, bas ciommitteti. ieý hati lately that twelve thuat ois iii ulu Revçge; he Oera ox; riffn ofthealwaày. been from. borne hree unenths li the becomne serieusly deranged inlui md, andtil n bud-bohieared enod Pink Nlay 1 the Utiivertity ,Boat Race; Mrs. yar le has gone oui every- w'îîter, andi I was thouighit dvisab)le tuai ýh.shouId returnisdaer okhv !ed ensi Beauchamp's Littie Plans. W. C. Chewitt epine lsome nouney to carry us on. *He aI- i a !Englall(l. IHo left Jaunaica ln the Euîglish &C Ceare 'the Canad .ian wholcaale. a±ent4 % Ys lefi us in'Décember, andi réiuried in steamer oithe 218t. ultime, iii te euît0dY.Of TfficENGLISH BcPcir.-On the 3rd i llt, for ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 L& ne ver tyJo' Mtc, itne anofficer andti we soldions, but on the day the Chancio -feEeeqe ruit for- il!afir iîemi dleof arh;.nd s' hd aterhevesesel sailed, while walkingo deck wvard his Fiaanciai smaternent for te year. Il

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