LIat1yl8ub May$ I WURE 0F <!ONSUIIPTION T 81lO3IIO,149E$ RMEDY And Cd Victoiamola puhu, ai- bou I. se a 0 alomoer, or reudis 0» wb.ARpro- * I " es nadh isel"atingpaItlC ,f«r au. hbu patronage. He bau il reoolo*la Spblendid Lot of E~gt-y ud 1krq-K? 3au balb be sold ubeaper ri aata ther. Imet a l 1wa..Mlieaha Oe.a dadlc WEDI)ING IRIN<3S.Z* 01 goo <aid, and aI lovei r e iaIo eau aà eh4te luetion of Ee toPae suob ou Tea-Seta, COmets, Cake kaske, Tablo and Te& spoona, Forks, to', bo. Aiseo a fuI a a»iruaeut Of Sos.1 Books ad Ititoey,. Besîlde4os Thousaaud oUs of Rue. Poper.I Aise a lurgeassortmoal tof bsl Prend hPlate LOOKI«* GLA&mE-iS -&Il o c h itshah sold a price t'O ea f 4o'Iît Eqli.h and Ameiloam Watohos TInt hauevr bren exhiuliedilu-lhe Oounty of Victoria, selected by laniseif and, bouglul for Cash ln the hoat market la Armerlos. A s rm gArda unaterial andI workmauuahip, iii stock *111 ,b. fuund labho much aupericir 10 the -dCais f Wutches lIaI ame genieralily oltbrodfor &Sinl Ibis uarket, and ludli ou1 1baa bs u rclaie ofWateb6s now offérod' *bi ny oies pt- son inuthle Irado. And, 11,4113r' as ho pactise. no duplicity te drav a brade, >y ondeavorlng. tu nake bisaciastomers blieiat bl. lv ays, 61 Seltint out, a&nd about -terotire &OUI huaI- n eu,» paries of discrmnation viMi 114, on Inspection, that tluey ean do boîter a.t bis lihamnt, than * they can at tho places viiore suc> duqtidlagenerally attmpledté etobbrova 8 50-l1: 0 0lle nF to ry Subierber wib inforin blé numer- Cardlng, FulIng sud4 Cloth-DNsultng la tb bot style, and with tb. utmO«tdespàtch. He aise Wiabes tb star* tînt ho la preparedd b Buy a,.y qonntity of Clean Fletco Wool, fgr which hea Ut 1h. Higiiest Cash.price. .W.SMI-T-1. Lindsay, i7th May, 1866. 350-13 LIST 0F LETTERS' 'nD E MALNING in bbc IIEAVERTON Poat 0f. s iJce, May I1811,,1866., C ampbell, Mra Cati., --Mcfonaldi, anald, t(irlr, Jamnes, rihDbnaàld. John, nGrant Wiliamn, * cDoga il, Peter, t }odgois, Rohert, AICNab, Donald, ilrock Y Juhuaqton, William, a, John, Ci M.%cpenad, Donald, bMcRae ,biss Anfi I cDoitald, lHector, bitTayiah, Peter .2) iMcDonüld, Mrs, Cath.,, Parliment, John, k Smith, ML- Porions ealling for amny -Of, the above, willl Vplega. ask fur advertised leb.ýrs. t 350-3Potatr AUCOTION: SALE * (0? À TALUAIILE àp poedFrn teiâiig Or f , trte re ra. telarc under naI1i, in the À N C<IWS.?RINYEA. Frdericlcsbýurg, C.W., tliii P., P.R8DtY JP $entas. taste. orf giv tuto. ~n 't eogire fur oeAInm 1 1 IN TIIE Couuty -of, vic*tori DY vrtu cf Powr cf %le contained in a j) certainMrtgnage, wlich wili ho prodmucc at -ttle Salé, On Thw"sdsay, 3lst May, 186.6, ît'Two *o'oIook, p. m., ut Wormaus Moétel, in, theVillage of Beaverton. LOT, No. Ji INIPROVE D FARM IN ELDON. Lob No. 20, Norbh ide cf th. Portage Rond, in the-Townslip of Bdn otluo 100 Amre of Landi, hore or less, cf vhieh Wbout 50 A rc' -are clenred* There are erected on thue preniie] a IIiuck Ceduir D'elg-lotuse. 20 sm 3nl; a Log Barn, 34 mu 50, aàd od »;jFrame Bnrn, 94 â 40 TERMS :-One-tentbcf Ihe purcha se money te b.i paitid dva; 'for balance, terni wiIl be mnado kaowo al the Sae. For further pfititulîar3,-apply te JOIAkS P JOSES, Eqq, Miltor, %f'scduic Ilall, Torontu-t., Troronto.- Muéày tut,1866.354 *Towiq::.ndl'sý ,elsior Blitterashoul hused la orery orcpeiil i lb. -SPringtinie ithy apîltt, urfy tii.hlood, am any bad- effect <rouathe use of li- TbsoIlltrswert nmucb ae h u* au tl. e oit f thecChelems, moia4 acure ft hat diqease, but for cleanlin .g eaiulystei vblclis athe grcat îreventlreO oflb.saMe. For Fevec sud Agi.., thfY otinot b0 8 swpass.d. Take for a d" ugbt a vi s ises tbrelimes a-day, before meals. SoWtidi l b. prbincpal Dugistsanam Storte. tbrogbaist Canýada, anid Wbolual by TOWJSNNDhC. Torouto. ter ale in Luud.ayby Dohacu & Niblock Kent Bluet, Charte& Baker, wihiaia ise, ýW. J. Eobinaoe, WillaSo, Charto ulIfost ls ta 41tIa,18. A Plut-cl aad Ladise> style. *ÀHuyStock4 "o17iea. mk a <à Qast OÂD)OTTX.' .4-Rade OIothIng,~~ A. CÂDOffi. French Store. 1,00A Fancy pai hrs I aeu b I Mz A. CADOTTE. 17RN CIISTORE. Ton prCent. of oaSales. of $50, uvarda. à. C.&DOTTE. FRENCH STORE., 44 Pieem of ?ancy Flaunel, lmported direct, fiom England fur -A. CADOTTS. FRLNCH STORE. Stipi. Dry oode, V.q cb.ap. 100 Plecos A . CàiiOm.- FRtE.CH STORE. Fanoy Mau and Caps, of, ail description&. FRLN'VCII STORE. Plaint Grom, Orage, Blueand lRed Cotton. FREXCH STORE. Boots and Shoes, very low. A . CADOTÏTE; FREXCH ST'ORE. Only Sella for Cash, and very 'cheali. A. CADOTTE. ý,'RE.N CH . STORE. Cotton-Yarn, vansanted good, ail numnbers. A. CA flOTTE. FREXCH S TORE. t a t b. u of- àh tiii boý laiely oeettplod WMr. Rol. Lakoy,* saI dodi, lo Kem.dy'a aid Sto ng fhaui 8.,, Lladsay, vb.n b. lo"I a à d oteondtusef *0a1m Work, "d eooa d;alst eÎbtimt buas% segod oma ,lp- a&d -oderte Llmda.y,2"0aApia", 1868. FlistPateChanc TC PARfTIES REQUI-RIY4Q A:DE- SIUABL W]LIG, &ec. ao fe n ACRE tOT on the cor- Now.. d-éndshooet,, euh a gebo d btan- liai Dvellag-House, on Stone Foundationi. large Cellelr, and every other coavenlenco, as aooStableWel an M G »te ' .Tii. homme For Trmae., aply the. Proprietori P' . CimsoN. Linda, 411 Muy, 1866. 3481f: SI GN 0OF THE PKDLOCK. PARTIES.,BUIL4DINGs, W ani ug Ruîlà, G la4s, P utty, L ock , filges, palite, Gils, o ~n lale HardwelUne, go to T. FOLECYkGo -Bardwaostore, Koat Street, Wheo etMb. iindegseld. BLACKSMITHS AND1 Buy- yousr Bar, Band aud Heopa, I, Steel,, Springs, F antI G H ors. ,Nais, Farriers> Kuaiea, Mota, P- laces% Skeia Boxnea am Azles, or any- thiag lit your lUne, aI T. FOLEY Cb.o I.ardware Store, Kent Street. Sigu- of -the- Big Padleck. *FARM ERS If yount ut .eap Spades, 8hoveisai cs,oa S&Yt", Sitatha, -Forks, Rakes, &c, go w the Si tt4 ig, jPadlel. SPORTING MEN Requring Fishing Taekie, Net Twine, Spoon Oa, Powder ' Blet, Eley's Foil-liaed ai Wa- torproofCaps, un IVads, ORt ANY OTHER MAN Wantlinganything cie l nticHardware line, *Cheap 1for-Cash, eall ut T. FOLEY os, Ke.nan's Block) Kent Street. AgepXits f«orti Trenton Paper Liudsay, 4th May, 1860-k. i34tf FN]ELO0N Go~rt f R'vsoi NOTICE -la bereby given, tha ,tt h. Municipal NCoundcil or the TOWNSHRIP of FE-NELON PGDGER'S MOTEL, FriFNE LOX FALLÈ,. onQ MONDAY, the 28th of MAY, 1860y Coinmencing at 10 o'clock, a. Mi. Ait parties lnterosted vili please tale notice, and govora Ibeoielves acordi.ngly. *WM. FIELDING, ( FonlonPuls, 411Aprl, Township Clerk. Feneos Plloi14th Apral 86,-345-Smn DISSOLUTION or T BIE Pa rtnership beretofore exia.ti neg e- Ivteen.the ur.deroigned, as Hard jtare Mrchlita, aider lb. nam nd m style of DRKE« à- FOLEY, basi1hue 4y been dissolved by mu- tuai consent. Alilaccoutts over-due must, ho piid.Iimediatoiy 10 Mesrs. T. FOLEY a Co.$ (via- continue lb.businensj )or coes a il! ho *lncuired., Signed THOS. H. DRAKE, Llndsay, lot May; 1866. 34?tf SEPi)Si SEEDS!ý)7.t FrmhQaen Boeds!!t Abe as Asortmftset t b. Ve«7 la a ew lays. ON& CffE OF OONCINT"ATZDLNI EMPIESS TRAIL SKIRTS,r and anoube lot of' thoe7jd prias., JÂWES (850> ~o6. Keeasa4 hock. nAaoir airy CI w2oh Drs ood, Na ti-es, aw~s Boà(es, Hts, Parasols, Il ïbovns, G.loves, Broadeots Tweeds, &é., &., c. Ca8h Buyers wiIl fnd it, te their. adva"tage te Cail. JAMES LENIHANIR Keen"nïi Block. Lind:say,21st ApriI,- 1860. FURNITURE'1 =[iI usrber *ould respeetfa liy initimnate to the people ot Lindsay, a nd thé County of Vie toltIthoe las un bandi ut bis Ware'-Ro)oms, on William Street, bindaiay, a large and * weiI-ussorted Stock ôf Furniture, consisting- of PARLOR AND DENIN(;-ROOM ChAIRS; W#ALNUT SOFAS, IN ýIAI-CLOTHI' A GREAPP VALUETY OF CANE AND~ WOOD- SEAT -CHAIRS; -OFFICE -AII-UHAIRS; C-HIl-DREN'S BIGIT AND LI CHAIRS.; DINING-40Om, CéENTRE AND KITCHEN TAB3LES; SIDEBOAL)S; BEAU- ItEAU$r AND CHIFFONA-1ILES; SOFA,.COTTAGE AND COMMOIN BEDS'TEAD,-; TEAPÔYS and WHIA.TNOTi;,.CUPBOA'[tDS, LOUNULS AND MATTRESSES» * Together *ith. a large variety of otier articles, toc numerous to mention. Ut CFFXN ALW'YS N ST~I . * iuecalfanid examine. tlueGoods, a rd note thé prite,. Lfore pçrcibasing eLseviere. Tii. 'Shep 18 ou1William Street 0, next t. Knowlson'a Brick BI». JOHN ANDERSON. indiaY, May, 1866. Pcopl e'«s CIOtbing Store* 346 * GEMS3AGER'S~ Kcenan~ J3Iock, Lindsay. Wall,,Pap)er. ALA1RGEý VARIETY, of evcry description, LXkept constant1ly on band at 346. NI Keenan's.Block, Lindsay. Wi.udow Blindio. P LAIN and FÀNCY-various prieea, st 346~Keenn' Block, Lmdaay. WILLIAM A. GOOlDWIN, CGN a nd FLAG 'PAIN-TER, PAPEII MAX1- ~)GER, &c., c Market Street Lindsayv,,3rd X*y, 1866. 3481f TeacherW'Eaiain SExanrination of Candidates for Cerifi. Leates of Qualification as* Commnon jchoo1 Teachers, wiii be held ut tht Urlih Sohool, Lindsay, as follows For appticants for is t Class Certulcates, oa WED.XESDAY, 6th June. For applicants for 2nd Class Cgrttficates, on. -THURSDÂY, 7th june, commnélig each day- plinctually at 10 o'clock, a. M. ýkIl applicauts must produce 1tiith Board of Examiners certificates of moral character. Vie programme, ai laid down i>y the C-ouncil of Public Instruction, in the Sehool'Manual will bestrictly, adbertd te. ADy further information niay ho lad on ap- plicaiion to the Secretary. A. HUDSPETH, Secretary Co. Board of Public Inistruction. Lip.dsay, 26thApril, -1866. 347td Uc FAPER TUAN TU',E CIIEAPE.sirC 0UR T'0F RE VI S 110N. THE SUBSCRIBER, to meet the Soiucîmations cf bev .eral Gentlemen to openi a brandi of ]lis. Port Hope Est«&bilualum.ent, Ie prevent hur warduuug their ordera tu Toronto, begs tue annotnce. that h. bas eipeuud a STO RE uit the above ahiuess, from which ttîeirj fayora wiil b. forwarded for -hise eecuiuuu. ini Peut Hope. Té those gentlemen - -i .m y- requii. the latest iunpovemeubs, aumi nho are flot adviased ef his position. ut uii secesar4iy t0 Say ihat HIS-STYLE OF CUVT"ING, comb'med with, SUPERIOR IWORKMANSHIP, bat long, clased his K-,tablishmnnt cvith the fiist iuî the Province. ln the Réndy-made Departinent yeu -wiIl * iud uno garmieuts nmalle by iinexpeuielicetl girls, pàid la :1 per day. to itîcréase bis profits u t your .ut*ianabte loss, but, on the contmary', the* wrk is equni to bespuîkt. The Stock is ceoi.ed. of Clotha, Cas,itneres, Does 1ii's nu Tweedâ in large variety. FANC Y FLANNELS OP A VERY, SUPERIOR QUALITY; FLANNýEL'SHIRTS, BATS; -VELVET, CLOTH and cîler CAPS; LINEN ýCOLLAKSý, NECK-TIES-, BRAC ES, GLOVES, &- c.* AU C0F 1WHIE[ ARE 0F THE LATEI3T FAHIIIV TESUBSCRIBER. baq Ïust Forwardeêd a largospl f ccîet ltîn c~- THE iMade up for.tîhe Liudsay Brancb. Mr. J. Reed,- who perfectiy înderstunds the Businesqs ia elery' Departuxent, wiii &pare- ne exertion le n-el )your wishes and Serve y-ouxr- interestis. Vou * wili fiîd-bim reliable, auîd a ONEÉ PRICE -MAN, asking you- at first the Lowvest ReInuiierative profit. Toi N.eetTSe. L-ýPLEASE CALI, AND EXAMINE FOR 1YO(URSELVES. 245-tf NEW' GROCERV STORUE!1 Thé. subàcuibers would intirnate te their f.-iends a-ILd the publuceg«nerIliy, huat tbey arenow cpenink eut a FRB ST[ STOCli0FGROCE RIES NVINES'AND LIQUORS, C R0 £KER Y 4NJi GL.IISSWJARE, Iu tite premisea forinerly known as "Cl A DWELL& RBAKERnY," oee door vs * cf Jewrett's lIotiVi. * PLOUR, AND' PRO VLIONS 0P E VER Y'DESCRIP TIONv,.constatly on hand Th4 Tii. lgbt Price, in Caîinlb. paid- for aIflkinds of Cûuuîtry ProDduce. Lind"sy, 25tliApi1, 1866. NOTIýCE BE SEZSMI-ANNXUAL Eraminn tien-ofTeac.là- T ore 4 AjKW-OD DIàTIT, wvii ho heid ut foilova For,- Friral -Ia,58Ce rtificalesa, PRIDATY, 80% j UNR, nea.t Fur&csi<1a md 77ird-Cau CcrQieates, sA TuRDA Y, St1k JUNE, mxe.t Thi EzuamimanyIen iiihoheid uin theGrain- Mr -so à hco re,,çommencing at TEX o'clock, a. M. Qakwocd, 411 Miy,, 186( DAVID KING, Cliirmé. RYVAE FUD8 e Loa, t moderato In- j~lao doreaI inausns b.Couaty of Victo- P. A. BURD, Solioitor, J. -CULLIS *& SON,. Heérses, Farm Produce, &Cet -forSae "filE undersigeoirs at Private Sale,. Sthe .duiî Piopefly, VIZ FIVE MORSES cone aÀo~ur-yearmold, verv prçniiing.) ONE CUTTER. ONE FATI Ox. ONE BUf.GY.ý ONE SET HAR- NESS. About Twentiy fule leSpiow [Whp-at, for.>Seed. About -Oaea hlondred BiebeIs, Putaitcs (Cupýs.) A New- Saddie nul Bridie. APts eîe ieaqai For furtiier particulars*, apply te ltNo. 27,14s Con.,Op. 364 TOWNS tP OF ELDO. P UBLIV N4YTICE is herýby giten t ha t the COURT OF REVISION for the-trial of Ap- peais, and final passing of the Agsesmuent RoIla of tIi.above low nsluip wililbe held ut. PARZER'S 110TEL, IWOOD VILLE, ON TVESDA Y29th MA , 1866. (omme neing at 10 o'clock-, &.m.; . f ahici aIt parties intere$ted-wiIi take notice and govera themselvesaccordingty. Eldon, 30th April,'1860. A. RAY, Town.ship Cierk. Lindsay to Bob caygeon., T~ HE Subseiber begs to annujunce uibat until .1 urther notice lie will mn a dail-y Stage, be- tw'een the above menfioned lcleig.h Jewett Iliuse, Lindsay,at 't o'eloek amarriv- ia.g at l3obeavgeon at 12 o'clock. Returîîing wili leuve Crubtree7s Motel, Bobcaygeun ut 3 0 -lock p.m., arriving ila Lindsay ut - oeclock p. ni. . Fre rery Rctnonable. - ,Parcels 'a t the risk of the owneir, unless book- ed and paid' for. BRY'AN GUNTGALL. LJnxdsay, 21.1Dc.1 6 .3 9 2 .S.uE Subsoriber lias just roceived a cm THplete assortîneuit of GÉ ROERIES, CROCKERY: AND G L.A SS WVA RE., At his Store. oùi William Street, in Knowlsonî New Brick houck, in the~ Town cf Lindsy, Where lie is.determined ta SOI nl lubis Goodsa ni the 1L4oWeit Comh Priee, stiRi keeping his old motlivýiçw "Stnali Profits and Qtick- Retuirns. Parties wishuling cheap. bar-. gains, wîll. please cali aud examine'liii Stock, efre going-.elscwbe. I0Cheta Young. It#aoeaTea) e# 2.. Ier PMU&-d Lindsay, 3rd May, 1866. L. 11. MURI>. 3481f À VERY LARGE STOCK of RELIABLEC Gardn Feldasud Flowe Seediu, Jus Reedved: at COÙLTER à; CHAMBERS' DRUG STORJI, nati aide of Ken t Street, d&eotty opposite S.-* Ô..Bigelow's, 0AJ T O 1EV Our. Séedà have bien mpovied Ibis Menlti, an4 <herefore ca be dcpesded on iftesb andi relia hie.A lot 0ol FIU'QAL IWV CLOERSEEDS aLso meTx-TH sgD on ba»d, As edain, uflies qualiMid t3giv j. gols eif tiiosevhthmwhe BmV u vit4s abat.of tir patreogoeeIn I, re uumQàxr os Pae' ~fpEj«8 >o. e d' erumo Î The higbest Mpri.pld fur lnySed a*R.EJ(EUBER !:Our -&%Md iMe ia S" A' y, 1860. 350-Ny J 173?RECEITE!>IV TaTEsUBRE, WINEB AND LIQUOt!,. , Ioew Knpem a l lad aa clem a"as chie Pai. and Dork Bramdye Poet and Sherry Wiftl:, Hoga.U4ifOU Tm sGi, Dvn brae*ridW7saey.. K.rrlng, Coied 1, sa" akw Farner vfl£ad a quniy 0Of 4-laa Wbitb Win b. Qffed og: hoe ulm Aise - busbela of' Whft.e usl.- 0>bBcash B1*3 iii!bc stîify m ILt." Kent, nei t b r. &ows tove Stom. Lindmay, 28th Uaz-ch, 1888.34 ALARGE STOCK,,varlous brands, wholo- s . ale and retail, on very favorable terma. Hot6l-keepers eau fSud every kind, from i to1 $4 per box, àt