*~êaàWOd~ ~ '~.1 ~çr- f ~a 1 - '7K Enb uubeq.........O...... Adwrlno s.umeel oswhmwh madame.. et60 ufleepoW oPUY C. siask.t oMns J .W. ELUOT, D ~I N T I S T, Nos. 43 & 41 I(IugSflet, W.st, IOser 1. Iloouau hC o.' Drg ator,. nOr$t. ravictmuu.-The Rt. Bey. Thie Lord Behop of Toronto ; thelURtî;.. Thee Lord Bith6p of Hfuron ; the Rt. Roy. 'The Lord -Blahop of Ontario. I3 H4ENRY NUGfr4E8. ONELand, Route and Commisasion Agent. Rtainuicu Keut SooLindsay, Pott il elve promatetn.Caal Lindsay, July 131h. 1864. 34 DRe INCERSOLLV*. Clatt Suri;e . US M'nY.). Offiee in MoDonabre Bii.1diig, over 1fr.Wal- sou alrscorerKet and iWiliim nStreeti. * Advece and ReipeasrnsedJata Os . the. poor every Wednesday sud Saturdal 'rom: 11 aMi. te p.Mi. Lindsay ir. 21,lads. 2 Wk SURNETTI URGEomDNDMTTI (LATI Or ORO. L. aLatv TAYD J. W. UL= la' PES 10510 bforni is l .iihtants et Lindsay an sd i* vîcinity, tisai le bhs opnet an offlce Oves KmOwlsou & orego ry' ig Store, corser of Kent -and WIlliam et ,liadsty. TeetS lustold oswIold-Pfiale, Biver Plate, or Vulr*uLseti Ruiwhen, Tostîs itîcti with Gt, i$vr, r susphels Amalguns.. Teetis ex- tracted sud reguiti. ate Perrect sailaion act.iaan teed in every mSo,~361 i 80~u -~ PriAm6it* PSt ?wfy, c.W.ý MACKE~ÂNZIE a PAT*RON> E. Ismas, QC. C. W. PÂtu ve, B.C.L; T.re.to, Jan. 1866. *81 - W. L. RUSSELL, ,I ÂCM NT-uetiouo.r sud geerat- A comsso AntI&. 1. ArMa attention L.U iad tb thsé .ofstom 0 Noes, Âeonaest, c. :kas lalaaced-ad i usuaeoa orct Oo&btà&o1as a usde, paId oseôprqsply. - hq.; Johsn Cameren, Esq.,,Torto; Hector. , Camutos, sq, Toronto; oara. 1. Buchann, ia arris à Ce., Monmtral iMe r.Buchanan, f HOtie0,ICo amllton.. - 1Ô(ffc, oerr ?4r. JaWes Wstienlis oe, corner Dli. o et an sd IR illanu Stetis,Llus,.W -y Apri 11>o11, 1866. 845-18-lu wa id sà;et tlflou the 1. std rai patroag bestood on u hlm *5- 15. ast 3~ years, begs t. us> Ibat Se la sitil pr*pared t0 prom.uy aeonte ail eiders vhs wbhicho eMay be tâo;wmd, Nla tbelatesutlés u ad ah the loy- Z' -'J.w. 0DNo 8 -2 414 29~0 iltf milueant P'ovaitieint1 of Vitunie11-Xnj IE ~N R Y Q GkIlIS TM ai ir a d fevery deeriiu 1(Lavu ýor Qmui,> nI~1 7.2e. i5~l i n s DEPARTMF.NTA L, PARUIAMENTARY, Artiet -snd l Boder, and154PateW.Rfg*t Aient iiil and 1i.t>urfttitâ madsie 1 ARTIE.,HAVING DIXSINIS ýTOý. -. . 7 tP aslviiisaolime sud'-trouble b>' - -. .-. .. - - uv-at --3 do=s lsa'ovYork, où u Soe '~~~~o <hî rsnrrîe in- StBtsetinlb.esasse bullduusg yul Mesi urac- ,>Tenirbeofutdise-plano-. ley à&-Bsmtl,,Solicitori. LldAwea t . uitne', Ottawsa.In. 1,î866. 33 s. willaroé'. tioproroti er -llwr Laud Sales.- r. it.crO uc~the -htmm1A gett 1.1- Li., ES le lifom i is Fiendi sud the Public -~ ~ ~~id emîtlt> ttmn0týt7Ethex u#aPM.oaHon -- ---- -ders wtt- hihIshe ina>' le favored-be ha. 'aud A.genst -UI4 TiMlier -Made 'Iimeif tharoligisl> aeqii" shdvu il a<s-Ist'ounapanyfor lise th laie imprnvemtenis«lu Ils. rt; and be vet ufthetiseljaîimy Ikitt- le 5io ~bproduceie hoCu>ie de ut , as great ellen" ias au>' matielu tiSs provIne. TA aLoiS.WIa Streetin ~ regsi&rd ho lilgii, mrd is prousouni>'d b>' judaet litan rnfbrns, C'çgY )luie rea riz tibty veýli dapleti lfortlb.purpome ýo ciriàv. -. be 1'ullt>Dively noe pictureavila e l o outoff gild ît --i-td. O tis e t e l ry titi pssld for. : -", ..1. 11 I ii ifaillu, gsra~. Sautifaction gi'..foi.e.ry eS.. g i'nt Tal ll Kin wt 5isel,' * FCiaIiý upOf lir. acswt -et liing irulo. Ail or- pal-al st ndest ic.hemnlesmthat eau la obtalsed .~t tintum, ud A dand 1believe hlsm ta etooshi euîs 379 i7- li shi, besîutlfllart. ---- ---- --- KNOWLSON à GREGQORY. S, TAILOR, William «I have mueSplamnelu enllfyling t. Mr. y, tliaitkti lfur -th ise l ee-Francis& ability ili regard to.bb ilsiagabie te on himb for the ihast 14 maire good Iplotograplas hât- 1w la tl i repane-i-l . tuISO. entiers vitis whmbvhhe aa> "The4pletures tabou wyrir.YuelmOfLiâd- Làri? ïItSN, atlti aIM- Say, art as good as I have 4Mas *Ofs>' - 239-tfi the bâ a 65lielo. laI l'ag ald, "d I have sMoi morneetlof it I.»- ty r n ,f It-ý* 13. t - - - i~ .&I~1~LIp4say1 .4. wl~ Sv~- user u Edîlen sud ho .pulb«e lbest Seris, »al camniagea tâabuI Sirem et Lia-dsa>' an bas iaiqiy ope et Chairs, 3,6 vbicb b. viii Kr *Fiuere Xoey J'VHE unders ofîlsis sud 1the ad., the munùies belong oai FROM TEN after thée applical Titles une uot tou AppI>', if S Liadia>', A pnil TEE A (DONALD Me] U AS n latel 11A -tise vie' Ceountry Inn. ' LiceuWsotilesell the lest branus 0 Argyle, 811lit Guod stalle suda tise ostleu Fiee Omnibus t. Lindsay, Marais1 WY. BOYNI tetaisfetht round'ing Contl Hole oms Wiligin Jewett, snd as So edin lu irsi style y! ence Wiues, L4 Au attentive o Lliumy, Do. 16 (LAI IVALTOVN oomuôdlation foi generalb>'. Und efforts viliiho.sin 0 oafôlI to "s ITise lest « 'j HI Suboonib su ad thepub] bas ope" thle P ed h M n-. Mc uainotir iit aI but quaht>'. Ai Cambra!, sept. îitted au le glad.to-1mna ultonose u> Bte, "umd ail fSebe su*I MOn bt- Baues te k.sp thes uai ostSmforble ani>' on baud for r ev-sUt4s. h e aud valed stock sus, Dresing ,sun mes, ke., al et lover rotesta eu. WRITE, Drown LandOffice. tees tàom hlm cor- Choies, iwrveti he TOWNSH IPS salies. As partoef e ndîvldisals, lbas 'TEEN DAYS ado, previded-i lise plicaied. -paid, to G» . R.OCHIE. 29-tf. ftOPlI=k)R. il sud returnisheti, ai it a conàfojttahieý d Spirils, et wbicb the Cars Mast sts. - 192-t sela *ud sur- omessedth ie lsnd ever>' conveni- Cigurs of tise bout lu natteudanee.. 229-tf Prepieter kg lues latel>' eom- du the best*et se., a sud, lIe pubict Umagemilm e ,11 coeaduSce he'i Bd ýCigare. O TEL, re). ra cut>tyisaI b. mmbay lalel ec-,00 -She hambhat ilfur- .111 fiud ever'cou- mnd cigaef Il -oellon alvrays m VIPropnielor. 316-1>' ltreot. tisatIe bsMouids ru ofyoe&M-e hum ehoet sud Se vUIi the tmaiulg coim- adsie.lblilag. mellmailelea k 'aI T. LJXY Bac ur-fo T. G. would retuzu lis £ ertev Ubmaktiome betowed upoo bim for *1 put nuu>ber of yearm, anud h. lo'row lttrpre- qtban eve? tosuit 1.wueo h &b n te lture U, lti u theui st àud ýt lecz- lt styles and sekoiid t66noue lu tin .Pr >vieic1 Free exhIbItiof etvievu ofe 1 l a of il. worlil. - ' ave ftted.up tise-save roomà peCMUIY for T. - iuvleY, Photogm Phbraud partid sirlng piceures woulû 4évelI te give hlm. a c J. KNOWLSON.- L làdoay, - S , . 171.18U. 324 MEIAL HALLI SPIALNOGTI CE " 0 OJTYMRHAST%, wlshlng 1 stock at the Nedictl Bali, coà*itlng of CASTOR OIL, hy tedzs CODTON POWDRIt, 1 4OZENaERS 11100S IMAMIOIL, MAGIC. RELIEF. Mm ébov medlciame. vib. e- malIowas eau be-puebaed au Toronto or Montreal.. Raving bee ýpponied Woe agent for the sale of ~1psIeels for tbis Coiýnty," aMerchamta a-d-othev1 requirIng ubeus oaapurl- choameaI the edclal al. CIovr &Timcktky .04 Jit receWed a supply of fi nt' olm eChoyer and Tiwothy Seeds. -W.*J. ?HIRKIL LA-ON T.AR IOU. iTPPBR- GABIN STEAMER IJLL leaveChroteeve 11Y .Evcuing at ilo-1 ok Leafes Noth Shore ports evU7 yI.mnmg, (Brigh"o. ]["Y.yWedhes- day andl Frhly o at 5, 1 bIChoiborue at. 7; CoboSsg, 8.15: a dPort Hope at 10 o'cloek, a. m., ou arrivai of irpins. East and West on Gtaid Trouk Rtailway ~.' relgta i Somerrates. For Freigbi or Passage apply ta the (Japtain ow board, d.iedersmée, Agenlt, port Hoôpe, or, Geal Agent. April 4l 6.345-7 MO. TARKE ANOTIC E.: "ROC HE TE R," Iv =o nking dailylttipe beiveeü.ibis Port, Parties desirous of"eutractlug for FPreight. or Passge, - wl study their- ovu intereat, by aI l i gte lIe u bo e r, pers% ly, or by: jet, ai hîg O hie ie l Waddellos Block, DMIil JAMS H HGERNAN, port nope, 1011 May, 1866.- 349tf ýDR. W.NI. WHITESIDE* G1 RADUATI of Toronto tTUlv.iitLy and, Al- %J -bby medims Colleg. (Formorly As 1- sistaul Pbh ithé-.wYak SmatAv laqa.y- RESIDINCB -LITTLE BRITAIN. Apdil lt, 1864. 347 if S- ANiiAst> viul. ia' th" ty havé juatopned tpre- rAm eu Kuqwlaoa'u Efok,ou M lam.9treet whoeê.tey iatmudkeopug mo- hand every0 de- seripticuo Au* ta.t lai*1S4 nt ~ulms ID bmUI., te ment a fit Ïaan 0f pubik patr»eg. cou-mn aNàDBRA Bâlilard Tab1eý It bas a ot ofPbekWe sbut suWmi s , i" é.TM ii. oalahrdwoo ,514Itt5Je àa wusq li g", imdvfl %4*bew .4,oui bedêjo;S 1 low~ -'oo hy gi« -%$%* f* ' Phjllo p:mmS, tb atIsis prie ~. I ~ . TUIlAS U41I%~>1S, N w - tebrmfum 1iolg'0*004h TEE KAUNT» CAjTmE and thoui4 t i'fb . 6mieh. hd > àe.diîidl md ObàTpq*uês, wOrm -nt v lsui t v à,fiCta i a~s' thse de*dlyIy fs, o =e ty.lu'as!1 hâtif uspectèd. hliasil atet hatlysu 7usdir a. rigist ttéke. Htiho butcos ie««sembd te rnaw lu"qoirys e Might, have ,ot a the uth,sM4 lea«W ilsatit va«O te élive han fWter front disSon« îtiai Ierpve lien hait te thsti oltimisler viths 11e abivell-, ett hit-. Àis, me! ah, rme! *at blnd srstules ve e ottee am. - heu passion mis- poverna us, s-dand.àusiMteeersuad ifi- Musing tisslet '1 asleep, sud vison h. avoe a Ain drev sud Tonry vwe both -p, sud euts kfad :be*mh becain, sby- e lov vWho pficiaý&I sUsor;uiwi R. e ilaucotio en hbis couclivant Ie vaill ,e. if IlleMai-s etfopérations turing -ihe' sit.-ere *visible. Thle -tobbààsiW"asnet 1ecaeuliy repiared- as- itlwaighi bave, let- bul in tie uim lamplight thse, OliauG cild sciffly -be uutitsdl.'Tise aspot vas, inoreover, siithe darkosl corner, sud ne eue hiouoiet goi rg inear it. Aonbreakfast, isoveves, ho'tckhi. ivo ronap.amions., lte ila col$ ence, sud ild in * hiLpering touesortise dimcor,îyiho liad -Matie of acommunication -etiven teir aisathor"sud. thal adjoiaisg. BuîîIis will deous 0,geod,'ho atded, ins a dejecteti toule, 1 torIse aperture ia seur- < ëd b> tise gratinga sd coulti vs eveus nemoVe ibat, vo vouttifait Ob"ai SooM - ietanotber Be * abers#!and hevWeald nôt belunch gamsed ythsa, i ot' Audrevw, Ihoweyer, wlith the -sal caution. :fhie, ceurirymien, did niet gve lise mator up ihis suvmiiy.. lie.orooset ove. te tise cerner, sud carefuli'e"aMimd iéseaperture, trvisgsa>' fr I teu rp ose mnoelet ofise anbihsd. puting lit ù- den Its. coucis. Nie vas ntoo-ng -in -rèMbhg-«tise gratin-- whiicli formet thse barri«, beiveous île tue châambers, sud isvi nt dtue-ti. eh. sei la engage- in -suïent examuaioaiby otyey ant i, ogitai. Ivbat lh. notioeti., cIt'a f'ny,' Ses"id tohirnself, 'that tbeïe-âzid. b rati thon., il it's .or nasilher.parpo. tkanustasMieeb up a isole ceti .oe' eaçve iim u eSe.$' -Audrev-s ilsonglats beiu"g Ihidaseul in is Iarlicuar direction, he preeed tésit ex- aminetise.aideeofth1e-apenirtevuwaitthe- 'back vallofthle chwauser,muid rsumovedthel rubbisfi, Which-cousisted of ewansd stolles, in auch proportions as te suggesitIthe ides. tIsai l imaidbeen bult up, ant tIsi imenmd- dtup iatcaudisti Il ioae its adsesiveneas. 1i a à.few miutesho camne'- peu anotiser 7grutiug, visicis semnetifau aperture ai 1raisli angles towands thse ether.anti visicisAndmew at once ceaijecînred lotilin à a passage. visicis iii ils tain issiglat probab'les tend 1 he operh ai. éTlaU' iviai 1 though4s ie' h ast t himusoîf, Wisle -his eoai Jeapi vitis a thsil of oxcitoeuet. This, basbenthse aniti road imite the place,aud il liasboomsabso p morky s bang ea.r sysse, aston les he ue if a siugle omature iKglit o71.> in' yen bonda ye are doun intise corner Y' atieeIorry, uAdrev ast suent and mot- io l e s ., S e n g a b s o r b e ti i n i s .-i n e r e s t i g Ho rse Ievy .p, sud crosaiug te viero tIse othera vtse'e, %vii t inkling oyeanti a-floshe eiek vere tise ouly Figus. of his iuvaïd oxcmlesmont, ho saiti Il %te comuld get -ait a tiig as s. file, vo wdmsa 1e ang iu main' oui vay 1 WI'at do y.mean Y>ouled Tommy,bounti- 'WVhist--on -ouy sàe, vwiit!> cautioued Au.dréw. But visaidu yeu tmeasP ' seet lai- greavo, ini mach lever lone. I tell e tisatitaing <tees ot leat t ie next-cham.- bier, .zo e da.lady is osofiei.' Audrow- veut noisâeleosl behindth ie socrelen iviwisbad Ilons pa=otal tis eonhsu- ce, asnd satisfyinjr hinsseif tisaI none ot tise rubb.. svoee htentug, lSe fretned, ami stl-im spe p te Margneve, wvisapereti: 8*ýheratv tins. ' Tv.?' ecehot is master ii satari. fAlid auie'tisemles.ls iuîtQ ark.pass- Thunder au' ouns!' jacolaleti Tom>', opeuing -iseyea sd o letilotsit Areyooertairi?'akeilargreavoeanà-' cos mdjug Tlai coursme vwu tee naloral le, admit ' o limitation. .Tisa> &Il ttre.vent te the, cor- ner s bdon.d Aurewmdimeey tenfieti. ~o te Ufoval Of ithe grtiàgofth emr own w» Gotthh ler heattwa"nev«r-tale. te yen, Aj hamber unesovemithoir safts sd -filleul tiem but tuai noie secretovervhslmiug nmon jit vusoOarntio. àl vm beûtise* our ai forced er-te dowvssbaise'did. Saa aléimug which lthe jailor vuisti thom, ant tie> tres'1- lbas occured be£>re, and ti ir'igii h. s Ùhot FOd lest a diaaov.ry ofiisei; pnaeedmssgs had case. Wsai,&tieonIl beu made eis1liberty wva imosi %% itis Can coeiveo f eothsin o e u m oo thons' graap. ~deet tise musa ske bati proxSot tmd v They Suhd bsrely lime 't. Lwy Jovu their naid the cap "aus g loay. =mneets sudradtet-tise other aide et tish ae 3Ùvilimîgte lau thse tnuths chmbr isn ,qsik uep v ta heard n the 1asked mieother. *Wum ne ohert, moawi he Lâl" ape re&IIIwrhi3itrou bil dnov l>y its tiugenfikg love, p Massage, a tsoI tince tW da bee". dtie Iby knoving issa ah sa" inoas Aotirevasd Tmq y erù broutiiMiisprismes-, fse as yen deemed ? W"oold ogthon orN ,asd hie. preseo ahe a cnitical sud c'ussigfl hte o!doon m unu it The. keen oye et il5. Captaip m«s havetan îokn dbin i f I. - Cloud upou his 'brovi, dadai:sld Jg î Ilq ahel. $» ou îlhouab' .ve hk' h ias -ti g . u . oaltes-bar hadjIs t.ftebu ÇÀQomeigf a umment aiIIagm.sve ie tisusi M. w"a - i~~ . 1 - -Sa 4,tlS4IlSesj~ I.let 5.t.is bu ddoe e- m00 tv R r " I 10 w il èê-ï. -',-W ka'~~-euldah~bn por s~ainIy-,'bat M.M'prlsi o w *~~~~~*~1 ana. se~I ~ ~ ~ uture ùet-Ibo -position ye oâ,~ àe 0" bf~sm m * no s e e , 41aiqfro ntur lelindr.' d ill far. io4~admt t hes ~sang 'Woei,aar, ,etrsed AndWW Pye cou Dedone 't'W&very.thoochtlcoeW My iq5 ,lvý by~ ~~~~» paet aoa~along-eoaüii dex- jPim sure I1ivrote the louer îpin i t.lt t Me.ah.miihi ýb.asure tae oudeus#a dIL i op. A tiij latie utber ré,pywill ceéin- adayoeI*aj. to1~ he u$* or, Wo be a MWCa. W Jack. .qgi tOfe, u. LgwiU ho A badionsa foryeu, and n b edfemme 9"» m1W Ma'y p'easant rnatter for me. I should bis. eon bvuail. hosla wih of sorny should the extremity b. retored Io in- *U RU WH104_ iroynot m.eues.' Yst U"Mi 1TPOliii ohauce iAnrew wittsan innocent ar 1mmVW1IL a m.with Mstlhaug abeptasa JL ars Lave ma. suka" islm dd Andr.w, -us ~er as. o I.tY, c. tak g with stro'sgly ',eiprosed hoon. 'Cagps, let, h twsdfiging v sa. y. surely adarauarder ulep lihinus.. W» a. i! tinte whenil 'Can't hek i,'wthé afisier.' Iam ~~~UB ~ ~ E Sia E twt0 hm.î.y pioîlee in tmalter. Asnilable ot vèeir Mt' up. h dturb nd . mdtbooefoie guides uiq ail.' netdiaovred .111don,1 s.day îhey C4sef jino4s, r-h Anw dt flm t b6-SII100 ha-ll.portantu effort. - 4s tntdp*ena Wh.n île.jailar poid-*hem h diy int, becasYsoàam oyry îey vere alvaYs wamed of-hie appne.by oaîhe My certie, but tbut's -pleoani-or thse Ioud.noise h. anade in- raommong the cose it'a une gnatis;andi beforehe Jsad lime t ikae hie ' lu youruuse4' ddediho captai, 'I iii appearnce thé openstor for tise lime being -do h u t hat.i poie. 1 vili e"u isadiqoitted Il, enmfdmd. e e, tlers Nelitne le two(hyq~<~5 ai thse opposie aideof-th.,chambçr, .where* Whanb ye, l* Fr l'us1 mmukI* .bhg- ali threo apomed aà listiesa a;id;sdi-éd e:,' retuaed Aàdnev with tàOCî dferent attitudie. tic politaness which thi captain dsd net sem Thê smuccomîg duy-s were days of greaitat notice, fur ho turnud awve>, ans, iooking e..ilsnan a. u pense. The incision ini toward Hangroavo, vW" about té apeak, vison tie bt nskings -aypgr ems'bu, oh, lie chçcked hiùmslf sgaiu, and begas to psv. i s va l . sd edîoud lta¶'Oreave wvs 10 and fro iu thse chamber, the îrssbled, dis- in a very féver of aux soiy sud patience. --satistied expression rturuuug le leS oon0-- To îoep.u appearaiscesAndrew .preînded; ance. te e M mueconcrnued,.because no _antver j Tenonylllwed bis sevements weh IOka. had. onje . hi loue,'ah anat nîe- :of dimsay, for ho veet damIgerouaj b 11 Ma did. he honi agzinat his suppositious si&- aperture lb.y had oleared ini. o cro.- 1erIornyin is honin oîhela 1r ohirf ieeptain's mind was tS. much acocu-. dit'boriumesiiu similiaauimrsertititmatter, pied by ils -reflections fur bis oeye te notice 'Tise muid jsd,'-ho wouid say, & 1 beliove the disurrangement of the ruabbh. sh. waA>t nme tas bers'urderedthatse May IAt Iength hg again stopped in frontofRa- Se the-' eddy o' Knockwiunock, sud Ihen se greave. Witt 6sese difficulty in getting a Ùm, for1i 'Well,tise oldimiser bus prved hue ho dillho nlanger Jenny 1.,but Misa bis eltamcler,' h.ossd. 'Hie .a", ussen M'Ssatle farnivd ssue test or twelve dasaod be' Haýr rove sud Tery couli suclymi- oateIaving Aer, hMs u7,! eiti u taî.isthir o'avity ai tIsesweIl-aced ebolli- positively 1'ààÈto.is 0iIsoili er.'* tinetest, but Audreow himself deliver- '6And. 0&e.remaine ai?'P nid, Marraveo, ed the iet ua ir ot siaeerify 'hivh c -Iwho amid the excitement of their eretioua, ýPIoliY doceived the-falow fer vise. ni bad forgot ilse hopelese ocelupaut, o îteéad- lhey were intezsded. joining chamber. Aud -o tise urne pased feverishly on, eacis She does,' anavere t he captan; 'sd. duy sdding a fintie te tise progressmade by tise lime appointed oxpireb to-itighs.. To- us pe.edn. î hesd r dy.btsm -$e, he add ed ini a ltse hich -ha vain- enlai of1he tire lt an ver.t, t imboui, snd it 4 asuave ta make iudiâmmr .'teiDOiW ute via nmoved. lots wid 11e ca-.t for lier, aud to-morow nighi 'S8ix deys hard labour,' murmureil Unar- sh. suifons-tise fae taowiisur 191mc9nSiga greave> sho balsnced the rusted eauarseion, lier,' lu ie aud Tser ar iv uoue-atwelve 'Great hoavebtye iim lrV days work yt-whole tvoire ulsys, sud I aaid Hargreave, much- shoced. have been hem uùeanly lte. e es Oh, My 1I eansiot, if I would,' lo asmweed quiek- Mary, wliat -May net baentise. ere- then;- ly.1 But why should 1 ? Doea aise menit ns>, vIaI muynet ha ebu ned t c ono? rMercy ai my banda ? Ia il uet a retribuis 914" 'M.hoadsà as u"» idée, ureek for -her peffdy? lim, and iserng thbsr1wu dbe tW»«. .-0Ify asklios.qesions syeu ffl tise lue yet cat, ho gave ifs violent svr.ch. Ii ng bheurt rallier "i at S s,' rspnd _lm Oh, joy, une of thein vas tain from il& sockeî, greave, f'il viii reply tIsai « M somd save and that se. tuiddenly titat Hargreave vas ber; andi she does net nieritîLrcy, but jus- pitcei back yard and felu upen Lis eoech. IL. e ?iIis lu er safe rotornta her husbaud'a Tise second bar. 1&dl ai tise ame momnent, roof. but lockily il suait amoug tise rubbilisud_. 'Impossible,' retarued thse captain lu a' mamien uoise~f. deep voice.. « Her doser is aied. -I1bel 'lHurrah,'saaid Terry,, rather trnprudently youI cannot. save bier if.-I would.' tod;',e-ihere guet .asixoo days lut. _amujîber- I :9 WosUtdYb*,, if pas <eUh?'desIsasdd écrns- At it again, sur, andtidemolie h the Iarg-roave, wvu poioesuiphaui.* uber si :, and outivwe go to-ht..eatas ak. winced - thon h. .ans-vered Haime re ang lightly t"' bis feet, and i4 a awoul d-bs elesle 1Ilshsed by -bis saccesa, made an mntempt on , Tu tell you the tiuth, I did net conteont- tse otIseu bar, bt withtout the lihrosais. h plate tiai issue vison I plaunned.the scisme * v_ very .irmiy imubetideit is -the rockboh ofthecaFture of tiai tlidotarl hur*h and. aboye sud below, sud ail tisetsrongthtisai Merconary aà 1 bevr him ta bc, I1tlid net the. vouth ceulti put forth failedti emoe it. îhink il possible thi ho Cog"l l bave, her in Andrew tried i ti sxbu t >letthoer uros. mntbands. TIsa: utingencry, Iceftaiaiy Toyflowed, but stWill ie bar clung ob- 1 »er tmaeiiplatetL' etimately to ils elace, Tise nature of ise 'Or Yeu Wouid me"have done il >11 added aprueMad ieimupossible forte mp l Hmnreaveiqrigy ai once. ' a - tha4,'repied theeap"a s but Faex, yoor bossur,' raid. Terry, oasing jisis 1 migisi have, dons-I veuit have con- hie oontisons when hoe hadgo very red I jomued tisumos. DeariY ai tise .11. money- in tise face, "the fasst sixdoesîIt't seem i:s- bag laned his golti, ho loves lkia vorihessa clieta tego imb a.miiîereeïis,..bati maners ilfe eu m iore. 'But vhy talk oethiis nov? Io -it. -Regrt are i~. 'No,' retwrned Harg-reavevl nsgs,' 'io yuae prepareti for yor infatnus fear vo musi cotilh by tise sanie proces. 1fiendesh lav takins its é-our» meisut Har- Making np thoin mintisfor vhisai as ise- 'greave, iw s tbrieetfusditmuguimd od ig- vituiibe, tisey set to vork again, aud wrought nation. vush untititig. zeal ai the -hast bar, 'Iimprepare7d, answered thse captim.' I- tiseir, o.=csîenet nd-amxiery becoming migs haver vîised it otherwvi.qe. Cur ihat. grenier as thse pro--pect of libe i:y'drew neai r , Mny hat e is Det se alroSg as iàssotid et. Tise statichiotin mtust have been thicker W 1 Ihave l"s. eakueis te b. trbuuhid, and harder thami the ohèr, for îhougph thm-y even tfhou;h I1 recali bor fi thioessfland in _aed thei rt it, vas fnt uearly,!'treachemy in ail ils enorsily.' ilurouigli by tise afiennoomi'ol thse tuolfth day. 'Ca an'Je_ is-y bwti àmé 1