sud lia. risj * I "*anl an -- i la m a ar .Umm* wkeU"ý I arna ffer- ,rge"ns nà l,Voe of total abeeeeubut we4 b'a a.var beîd buemmoexehaustive AStothe1.prese thlis UStiIl* U«resésis enat liberty t e xelcise ther. pwsing fatal- ties.. Âftersosme buitalP" ý eqrws ndt al l'hballtd onoUhit 1l 4: p ým»- md, o IPY y 'as Tou ~~a~d1Ur!TUaOOét'.Thére vas nery UiîCh pente la aiu i..pody. Then' I put, mime hb"4 ta My jocket, w! thea. V»s nwaug Now Iie vagno dmre pià imkminehead. The ausin Mine pnd Yva gme .aw l. Iputàad in My p*ck etan amrevu twenty tolails. 15à sW hatVp l4yp4de Temperane." à»de r. tlo mrs pf e t he quetion, tb. ~at-ciaaus <~e~II.oe» ell1. P*Iortland 'tArgus" suy tatCa. t Byd bas aeculed a patent wich uùe a complete revélut Ï'iOn PPl YiOg es t. garImnents. By-th-sinvpntion >as an be attaiied' to-t any pait 0of .inventioni coqsists",ll7iiaking lb. me with a*ia ieb h.inserted the. clotit like a* orkscrew7, as1ud then e' down . fat so -as ta forîn a ring to the buto n, aplace. A STRANGE LOVESTO R Y. k ib 'hr.n rWedtisomo litti. lunme age, ai a 078,- prouty ltle Town i*n lb. Eitiof. Fife, et whieh he vas a native, a gallant-à.-Capii, Who in very weil acquainted wiîh the face of whit u* old Nepttme th. e wved over 84 tnmarredi-be vas etcourse a lion"y a4lidies etflthe îowiît t whch w. have allud-; . e'Nexitt a raicoat there is nothirfgthat. e iea danhing youngWly Iovsaowell asa bine etc~. jacket, and, as the forumrwa, ne rivàl for th affetions cf out iierofte, le. at ce srniled a grac,.eous *Oaiptsce on - the suit testard of -the amerons tar; sud hie goiéips ad good sm-tauon fer cooufldeuîlyprçdctîng an ay aknmantiage of the insoparable lovers. "iBut bealte cotrs 'ofirue love never yet ran smooth ~~~i ai ei was itere.On. ev -ninglte lady rate haieti tele ai a pry et whichlta volt rtbO kuoa clerical -gntlemana vasaisepresefft, E# as ah. vas unattendeti on thu occasion tic by bter acknowtýledgeti lover, te courteous PUd akpa a l e hsplace, anti escorteo dt' ho Iovely mlt6lt faainattinbolle tober fther' bouse. Most people would have ce6nsidered such -a cir.- cumtaco as bein9:only in accordance with Ly one thtiordinaty rmies.e oItîiçness; no e, how. me b.- eve1, the indignant çapain wbo is ihe medi- um. UlllOfIOe yci J".loaly, andi the eonsé- DhAWqiencé vwu thaï a vilent'dîiarupton,.eusuedl e '-Old betwen thes lover, a nt to malte the sepa a- ~ et ie. .ouiplete.,the satior tocit a final dopartr flom the locality. The clerical gent leman, Pand who vie as lte innocent Cause, of tlioe nfortu- s> sud, ate afir,. having -beon apprized by the t r I riends of' the foraakotc lady fer emblighied prospects, chivalronsly oonsetoîd totakè lhem Unoketiaas ieown partner Of I ifs and with tiis. ai*w qe vrnpearalon wvas matie tebaveté:u'ion oelettrMe as -sSen as. pos sible.- A hundroti led .a - eleancies andi comforiit, of which bachelors jan.s or vitat in tesame tbing, misanthropes- -know this, vers fnrniâbed té. thbo matse on, vAylf paintors sud upholslers ver. bn alsoist nîght sud day. ýConeire, then, if - you msa, hie'! rader wbat mont have beea MSS tilt th consternation>etofeeing in a certain quar- -ustiner t., viten t ho astou nd ig i ntel ligence fle Wlike wild fr îluugh the lovn t thebr meMingý - that the lady haî! clandestinely left the quar-- su ad toi -aid that no oae coud tel!l h direction- of iwti e, «flight. Of oours 1 he gosai pe baveaibeen aethovu labo a Mtate efthéb greatest commotion or and and n endi of conjectures are carrent, 'but * but Itiese are se vwil'! andi contradictory as te h. unvorthy oftattention-fi t es"of oreçience.- Tue pain ful postition in whiclî thée poor juteil - - lsrgyiàn linsbeeti place'! byrlihi&»nîtbèpy tk. imurssance bu a selgenerM 4, idra tio eaid sympahy for ieseoaUiy àotg case in only .xcel, àb tiheocsre C.gmin .atbor.-NotAw% Wardr. à mm was seen ruuwug do" -attafroua one of our up-stair uleons juat before hi,. vasa ha-nmer sud le adysoce e thé ha.- mer anther vas is ylbg mniae thn treet. The banaier nane& the ma and strn ck a boy, vbo gave a yelI and dart ed igaint u# Duteli *Omn, wli vs- rring a basket of egg in ene baud and a jug of Mola.sses. i the Othet k Mcked ber dovu and landed iber tapota th.eggu, vWitle tue budr1 jug ftew fromi ber band and striking Ibth pavtement spread its COnteuts over Ibe ro 1 waik. A, man ru naing ait ïg villi hi# isuds inibis pochels, 'stepPed inte the lothau- aaus Whis feetsgi pped under iwhe ;0 hom e fi ontthe wooauau,w vi e î ayel whieh * frightened a testa et b orses tlit -v , dei , standing near, an&i theytbotte -Ibise aud . a an up -stree, demolished, the wagon and ort scttering its y ontmen t e, pavemen t- e Machet bqueiuSois vh* threv -the bainmner a" - sué h - re pomèblWfor lb. - ubsequeuen eapter:of - cdus.[ad5yOhio, n bed A- ÂCoiuoaDSKO.- Fron the exposiio Illesupamgof Fort .Eric given by Ibm Bufes flobs 1fm olesan %at the, twou aM " 1 n l ta Ridgqw&Y vas the 131h feula ÉÏ~i., tasex; 4 ashîile,- ten p -It »asalittl îùg, til tt ebïl4e 4-'~h ~oliw or 3e. Id. i À Pirat-olus style. kiae ofGarmmet m ai tWlIMM& A. CADOTTE. Frnch $ore* FRENCH S0IRE. Ten pet r nt. offon Uaqof$50, "V"rd. A. CÂDOTTE. FJRJNCiK 8T<$=E AÏ , Fîes o ane V.y llao, imported diret frose ~A EaIa~ ,CADOTTE. FREX%ýidiq'eORE. Staple Dey OGd oM% ebeap: 100 Pieces FREXC'IISTORE. ]FqyNEsu &Bd Cam of.<Il descriptiomw* FREXVTH STORE~. -Pln, Green, 0om&gJflue ami Red. Cottoni. -FXEL1'ft fl SRE. Bootsanad BboeN vey 1ev T FREJ«JÀ'J STORE. Only Sel) s O.s% and very cleap, A A»TTE.ý - VREANCH STORE. Cotton Yaàun, wmanted gopdý a&l numbees. PRE.P4CHSTORE. The most FPahiosaeIGarmenta inade aI L1ndsay, Iltir Uiy, 1866. . 30 tf WindowvBiido. PLAIN sand ?AI<Y-menus pricest at 344Keeuwe ~BIeek, Lladay. -,> 7. ehaul' b.e dilu verY illysi tteSpnglm puity the 14b, b ,et trou ii us t w nc& use'in la glan'! at .1tîhe a. esthe o«not b. vIne glass tirelimes Wbd at al lbh principal ititiglut Canadad IWNSEND 'à e. Toronto- Liiaduay by à, Kent Streot, rlam Street, wiam So rtncb Store liehoader- thia b. bas oomuece pis' hy lt. Robt. Lukey-Y y' old Store W. m t., teude to devote bIf-setat peb'strict attento =anhlp and mierat are of publie patromoë. piy Attsd.d t.. 1,1Wx. JEm I, 188em lh~uIa laelyoccupled by )Ir. A. oaI~Iar. pr e 1 alU u" 10 Wton pumpty atn Nui». 0 mrp Ien S&MI Brasebught or takea ii FRANCIS SEEN C k(o. 2!. b. Sltia& e' bait eor Lot Nb. lai, Iu the lath muallt isud Stable thereen;.there h ai- 'IImaw5a1 , Upplj af ng vatet on -the lot. ThM 'W U:giv for V trpart of the Tii lsPUtab1. Foi particuilars asud te treati APPV on lP*Wufms1t c éProprietor, LANDS- to be SOD VpJ*& adveulr e fets for sale the follewing et Los fro0m $1.0 b $2.0Gper acre, Lo 8 a rd contesdnu Souuervlllei " , 10%h 49 do, 6, lUth d é. d Or ho .111es the same for 5 or 7 years opon condition thaïtà. acres are cléared upon eaëb~ lot yeariy, taxes paidi su& statute labour tii. Tenant may 'purchiiat a ay timo duoringj the Leaue. Applyto. . F. PEÂRCENI FOR., LE A i l$.! 10 ÂRPà, about '75 of vlich Aaxe cleared!and seeded dovu in Ciover an'! Tîmothy, hsg lot No. 29, Cork. 7, TOWM$HtP OF0F OSi A&lso, for sale.là the Lots Xo. 4 a'!5 Souiliof Ridotîbt street, eing ohe site of Jewett's former Hotel, consisting' of. ivo-fitt f a et ce. Lots 2ô and! 22, aorth of Olenelg Stret, con- aitsug ofonie quarter aere- etch. Park lots .T l aud C 2, Lindsay ast, consiat. ing of 5 ami sàhait acres each.. ,,'ix haItaçr loso lt1 est of Adelaide For particulrsa pply te e% &'ýîn " Adj n OKT & ne API -Barrisers. ' Lindsay, No-. 7, 1865. 322 VALUABEF FOR'S AL 0 4_1e.IToms.t "Àe South hulf of Lot 22, la tic Eigbth con- - cession of the in the cOUNTY 0F ONTR O Oiie. T1undred"Acres! Known asi the " KELLOG FARM."' A very valuabe ptôperty with good buiiings.: 0E0. DOIRE, ote B. .DUNSFORD, 8&k,4. Registry office. Lindsay. October 20 th,,1865. 31 NOTICE 0F BY-LAW. MunWcpaliiiy ol FENEL ON.. Wo atuuduced atethl. elnxt-eiuof the muni- aipai Council et the Townuhip of Fenelon, ta epen a lins ot ros'! a cross Lot.0, in 2nd Con., of-ai'! Tovnsihip of Feuelon, as folows:- Comtàenelag aIa point on, -theNortiierq bonnaryofth ra' liowaice heIn-cen Lots. ô sud ô,89 chaires U d 20 links Wetwar'! from AS . cornet af Lot 6; thence Northb.35 linka, -E. 4 chains, 88 lnks; 1heure North 49i, UBsa S Il, lo &p Mat on te'e te'boundary of Concession tes'! 2 sud 3 , otelt lit . 1 .1. eorne of î, aferesai'!. .The .lin e de- ' scribe'!taob. tb. centre of thetad, vhicb ehis W b. i ebsin vide-, ag ise iclting a sunalitri- anguler piee e, id as t ollovs:* conecitt et & -point on the theheru mboundar>' ofthéb abave rçd, 75 iqls West tramos litersection Vilb tbeW. b" ItZof Qe.- OcAd 2 sud 3- Ihene- 75 Ilia-t.* o pMoinlu Itersection eforeasa'; 1heue NonCtWhri&al eit.Raid'W. boundary of Cmu tes', 1 Chan; thence thelb place otbegiuuîng. Notice hi aise given hat as!'! By-Law viii contain a clause convéying -thé original ron-d allivaneelb. evuwer oet as!'!Lot No. 6, la 2nd Con.. - By orde the lb.Oou<ti.. F DIG ]Pensoion,111h Apiit, M86. TNTIL Frtir, otie, A Stae ilii ave uBoYSTOWS ROTEL, Llàdsayt, every la tiel oÉo l h tages for. OWSav on' Beavele. i sl 'htaps g, vi les vo Maita gieros rrlvlig at Lmday at 8 elelk. "taoughi Tickets roi I#&> td.Syb-Gh W 'enger01"afrmtte e f s ovee Ti.Proptuters. viliaml be .jgpqfflli o Baqoulsr Egtaet unles bo4ie'!ant d fr TH ub -e ti.ardiclèè*1 w vs b4btot TILho »t»éUcou&tsIpIý G W#Cte-R2ÉI le. 47if Cornet of Kent sud Llaiduay Shoota Liud.ay. 111EED1NBURGH LIFlE ASSURANÇE CMY BEAU OFFICE, 22 GEORGE STREET, DINBURGBT, HEAO COffl EIN CANA DA'W ELLINGTON . ORNO THE EDINBURGHLIFE ASSURANCE- COMPANY' U uder lte Act Of Parliut pagSaiIbis .t Session; aem povM eséiw.sue tg applicants, Fo b oebeefitý or their WIves sud Chiildien;scPoce reaoetefr foan .amoutepart of CreditDrs, and enable pelsons te prOvide vîth certainty alter their death for tic maintenance of their FamiI!es.-hi e The Edinburgh Life Assurance COM*ampayaeprepared t*offer 5nUsmuýai i. fortis 1c4ietiAssturanrtet"Y Tipenus étproposai, and cvery information respecting LifeAsrners .bda n the conipan y's offices in Cana la. J.,UILLTARDWCAMIIEON,Cbairman. D.VID UOIGGNS, Secretry Agent al Linrdsay (319) Lindsay Forn.itureWreos Thei 'bari bet offerst tethe P ublic of Vrtori a C osty the largest asm tntet Ofe(P ur, Diathl ad Bed pBoom F1uraiture, ta vrjeou styles, ever, brougbt itLindaay, Partiejir ttentia Bd t invite'! to bis 44 CHAIRS .- -SIDZ-BOAllDS à Dining Tables, pARLO . DINING à KITCHEN CHAIRS, ROODINO a. WSli-STANDS, SOFA, COTTAGEk COMMON BEDSTEAU Ail ordera careful3(attendedtb. 0:> Coliu of «Il sizea kept conwa nitly je stock. j-Picturea Fram ed. .(0:> Acaîl . rom iiîundin1g pà4ehaers olMicJIt'.. Enemib.rADJONING THIE ENGLISH CHURCH, KENT.STRERT.- FURNIUREI rpii Suicrbervou'!resPectfglY iutimal te *the'people cet Lindsay, ain' lte CouutY Of ic .T tora, tht he bas on band, at is Ware-Rooems, on Willia Street, Lndas>, a large and vell-asiorted stock eof urnîture, coaseittipg et PARLOli AND DINING-aOOM CHAIRS; WALNUTSOFAS> 1N - HAt.CrH;A GREAT, VARiETY OP CANE AND WOOD- SEAT CHAIRS' OFFICE-,AP-M-ellAIRS; CHILDREN'S.- iiUAND L'OW CHAiR:s;-DININr--ROOM, CENTRE AND KITCHEN TABLES SIPE13AR»S; EU E1AU 8 AND CHIIFFO-NAIR.ES; S80AA OTG AND COMMON BEDSrEADzý- TEAPOYS andi WHATNOTS; CUI'BOARDS, LOUNGbe'S ANI)MATTftESSES, Togetbrvitb a large variety of otier articles, tpe aumeroeus 1 mention. Pies.e cal aund examine ihe <Jooda, and! note the price. before purcàssimg eliswhere.- Thbe shop s on William Street, noxt'to KièwiuioB98 Stick Stnock. JOMN. A D8R66. 'rx~x Poeptc's CIotIIing SL*rc. o (KWWEUDSS'S 1frIc1~ DEEDCA' W'5Uius-~S) -o ~ ICEA-RTHA4N THE >UHýEAPES3 TH< UECRIBERte meetthe sslicialsqfS? 1 .lut e osbapch bege .te a mmon t ba"i h -a.o una STORE at the above addi1hes, oiwhich tbeir faosvi . owre o heeeminii otHp.To thoSe gentlemen Who maxy "rerothe lateat u reet, m ho are net, adviedor hlaposition, i nocesaryte.ayth IîS STYLE 0F CUl'TiNG, combiuod w- it)i SUPERIUR WQRKMASHIP, halong cMae i.Etbihmeutt with the first iii the Province.' --l the Ready -made Departont ySoii i )flid ne garments maieby iaexerienced ~irlpad l Sdpet day, te i stcnua Id$hi profite at yor uti.p tI ..., but, oùl the coe bii. vok i. equoio.apk Tho tock i. compmu4! m% thCasimoes,' »ôeskis ad eedo nla lIgue Vaiçty.%, FANCY FLANNELS. 0F A VERY SUPERIOR QIALITY; FLAM~EL SHIRTS, Il.TS ELYK, 4eHanI hrCAP,;LINEN. COLLARS, NECK-TIES,ý BRAtSW Ç£,&. . ST ISUBSCRIBERL alu n Fowowe4 alr upye oein lti made e ur b, Lnday aw'.9 Mr. . LRond, wbno perlectty un40,e&nda h. h40imin'*V57 -Depmenti vilI spae e x o bieet your viWis a osue aeess e wil fnd ii reîiahle,.w a ONE PICU Wl ia Y" aifinI . iturUfiI ONe bs.ceapb Wi r -Ln fuSr (ie , mi SE c i ~;, ~'~? kiG~oV&,, Tvsakay, ip~ a~ulé J. a m ayf, ()ODERHAM & ;rTo 4 pTo'!'! sud Plala WU*ki. vopa~Nit I& l- sleah u'!Rotit nuitry ~r!~t m [Aaueavsali:7 .et Sq,"vi fa lare a-. d-vaiMstock eofdrooeries ami quo"s tIomvhicb'ihey'cas icleI ta adrmn. eSt. DOBSON k- JIBLOCI., AYER, muscatel, and! Sultana Raisins, j New Crop Currantq, Almenifs, Pilberts,and izil nu"ias, Anchovy Paste, English Pickles, ixees, &C., for sale 4by DOBSON & IBLOCK. Impo rted iquorse LD Brandies of lest hrands, viz: Martels, rJules Robin & Co., United. Vinevard Pro- ietors, Pe Nartin's oiierries, Graham's Port, Ir meicinal purposes) Dit Yupre lIlelland în, Jam&ica Runi, Irish andl Scotch Whiskie -, indon and Dublin Porter, English Aies, le., )sale by, DOBSON &.XTBLOCK., MALGAM BELLS, AMALGAM BEILS, AMALGAM BELLS, AMALGAM BELLS, ~T price s within the rench of ever Cburch, jSehool, Cejnetery, Factory, or Farm in ,e' land. Their uise throughbout the United mites and Canadas for tite pa *st six vears bas Soven them to combine mô'st valuable quali- Îs. Arnong wbich are TO NE, STRK!NGTH, SONOIt- oINRSS, and IABILITY OrviBRATIO!N, uneqial- ed by any pther manufacture. -Siesfroint15 o5,1000 lba., co$ting, TWO-THtiRDSLES:; th&n bher' metal, or 25. cents per pounid, at which rice l warrant them twelre montls. Oid- bel netal liaken in, exchange, or bonght for cash. 3end for a circular 40 the maitufacturer, JOHN XB. RoBilNSON, No. 36 DET STASE?, Nxw Yoiti. Liat fPricet,, lVeights, and Sizea oj ,Farm, iel, .Steamboat, School-house, SUpý aund Faetory Bell. These Bells are fitted with Yoke, Stndard'î Grank and Boli,complete for use. - Weigh of Bell »d ID4.meterjCopi of Bell an.. Ranuig.fla Rn£inisre omplrte4 *15, lb, 1inches $37sa 20 " 81 *5 00 35 10 8 75 50 Il2 12 50 75 U 16 - 18 75 100 18 - 25 00 156 " 20 > 37 50 20 4' 22 94 50 00 250 " '4" -62 50 idst-of Academy, Steamixiat, Fîre-atarn, ch <ircsBell, silkparticadars a* la go Weigt,Price of Bella.4)anings br 450 600' 156 1000 1200 1800 25-30 35(» 5000 126 in$ 122 . 34 46. 48, 58. 60 63 66 72 56 001 94 o« 150 o0 188 ý0 300O 400 400 450 (0 5o0014 625 001 750 -00 : 875 00' l1001 112506 1250 001 18 00-l 8,00- 2200m 116 00 2500 ýl13100o 30 00'i 1e0-0o 3,5 00 225 no 42 GO' 292 00) 45 0; 345 (0 go W0 4Q000 54 00 4.54 (>0 6000 510 00. 32* 00 -56~2 (0 83e 00 835 0on 87 001' 9620Ô 100 00 fo(0 413,001 1238, (X) 125 01 37500 Larger Sizes mjaa te àndci ai 25, ets. per po und. GcuaNral-AitBell. sol'! aI the above prices warradedd againat breakage 'by fair jrtnzing, f«r tsedf MOntAs from lie ef pur- chasing. Sboull e ue faiO, a nen-bl mlh givQp by ite broken one. Orders .may be sent through thte Axrnucà-4 ADVFZnIiStQAGaLCI 389 .BroadWay, NeW York. In case e -Bell breaks (ter ithe expiration. of te Warfantee, 1- show. «f r e éfoi the aid metuil. JON . joifl . RBINSON, 3 1 14Y. 36 -Dey Street. . Y. (~N ud aterMase 5:. 186, ud ntilfur- port'Hmi4pJ'M Upg. ~*ti~t 1~v~ or& e~o3.00 sud i-I. 1 . t