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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 22 Jun 1866, p. 3

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BË ýimeeu., and I al ollien nedlii OjF -PQRSE8UWU<Q e lu (N &s iRs & N )v AN( eue ai ,~ horsts are Moiingas well who tan provo ifcib leg and 116t MDS of"'. terw wyou their herses uf -"1Darlcys Arabia Baveh Ige odlaw wayRcedy. Sosue wero béan and por isving i;p~tt>yb~ldynoea ppetitoo*choes oulddevour *eir f1ooti n- e entait- iturDeve veuously, yet derive ne heniefit fromuet; ; soene qtubdy aeeused *,re'iU1 ýtjud ' withrosigis sud shago, bain; sed of inarcliflg otiers hatd severo cold aud coughs; înny biad Àà 110 D&filI lot the beaves and otiier couiptatla, peécliar te t -.lonses : on aIllit 0opera ted as a chanI, the dis.ý ,i for libel, tis a sie or compluiitt as r>peedly remoeod, Webcp 1il he expecta- p)etite sud digestive organs crreted-.the skia1 iIlilee. lt ilhis, softered, snd a sleek sud shining opaac bveut inistaken. 'gî Vli te thé couat ait vîtisont auy danger to, s e' ta cu r preventing the -hrse hetng used. 4Yof u t uait, it eu enber the munie, and soc'tbat theigna- - ait oficer*of Vo- trulwl4 e so aci package. Po .NoLy.nan, 4e castle, W.C., ro SU ~ ~ prietors for ie Canadas. Soid by almedicine- thvele flot *dealers.c btice I l y oWli[_ iujuclIcU te tlite 111 Àiuong the most iportant ut modernu >ul reatlie ous10 ediral disroveries- stands the CANADIAN er, for tI-se valua- As a Famiilj Medicinie, et is -veh1i-sud favor- ýeLt it youuncol- ably known, retieving tbeusarids tiem pa ins in- the'Sie, c snd lleadi CeolteColda, Sore 5id't servant, - Throa t, Spesias, BruisesCrups in 0îLe Stoniach, OS.~~ ~~ N hOK oeaMorb1)u, I ysentry ,fllComp"'itgt' 1 BirîîaýScalds, Frost-bites, &. c T 1i'e Canadiaun 1Pain Destroyer.has uow been1 heforo the publ ic torsa length of.time, and wher-9 îever umcd uî vehi biked, rn.ver-fsiling ina single1 or'i1cn1to.- iustancC to ive- pennîaut reief ivhen timely -' - uted, sud we lta-Vonover kliown a single case & sons, od1 zt.;attiivîtere the' directions have RS ~ Lei FpropbguedrXu ,but on tIse cotràry al iî U-ë.ýfl the -iglest terni cf its. Yitues and Magical ~A BN S IWe speakfuom experietice in ibis matter, CARBIN S havii', tetb loreuÀbly, sud therefure tîtose * Mu - wlî ar subiing 1troum auy cf tise>complainte Revovers, -fir which it ib recensuended miay depend upon - j t biig a Sovereigit Renicdy. )e, fleVOlving Ri- Tiieiastonisbing clcacyolethie Canadianh Pain e, Rad ('.un Ma- Destroyer, in curing the fiseaffs for wlch it la md hte Trkde an e.omîdesd i(é venderful succcees, in sub- dsingthe torturing pains cf Elseunati, aud- in,-u andiuRvbb4ry. iii rcli-ving Nervo>us A-1utiône, entitie it teaa <ted(>$ skvdd tigl nuak nLu fl 11f creusedies for these rom- - painbs.ordens aire col.uhîig in froin.llediciiie jlelsini ail parts of tîse cointry for turtiien levolverse ane P;eh testifyingas te Le uniVeràal torf the lale tges uld sinpç-iur ii ok- 1 The Canadii a ain Destrayer neyver fails ta 1 ail- un in d ugin> iiuii(d'ate relief., AU Mediçine- leaders Eu. jktep it. Physicia iii ortlèr and use -It l sd nu and dtuscrition or, iniusulyM-11l be- xithoêt afteroce ryiiag et. io>n It l'l i at:ol, I rice euly 25 cents lier botUle. SONS, Ilion " N y £hi urders -1ullld ho ,ddrssed te Ni Ag - XORTIROP & LY»MAN, - t1il t I w V'tîts,- Newcastle, C. W. solidl Lirdsay bY C. Britron, KnoWls(i ~~t~tt G~oryand ai the Medicl Hall; E. A. Bavwes, ouwudGeo. Doiiglasq, ilanilla; A. Wyatt Gilhnst CmernWood -iL ('E~~~~~~~~~ BémMe14ThnaMtCOî,Oaie,-snd ail mc4d in; Jail, $100 yer -iealrs.263ee Tui-WeklL $360 UNI MJ ~K NFashienable Ta lIor, ly Gzete is 011Q William Street, Lindsay. A1Ueors, ,n tre senitfor -Teîi areftîily filcd., Charges Mdrate. 354 ably kun, i the-ide. etc Throat. Sprah bafore- lb. public wbeïever used lasv singis instance 4t, case , u istie have heen, properly tra51â ailnredel1gt peak lu the 11gh ledical effeçte. 1We ëpeàak Ire. baviug tésteti k thaie Who Are que d'ains for which i pend upon it beîN~ The astouishiak Pain, Destroyer,, in it je n.commeud subduiug -the teli aud lu relieving N te high rùia a1 complaiute. Or&< cne Dealers, in iurther supplies, a uiversal satisfaçi The Cauadiaa1 give, ixmediaIte 1 keep it. ý,Physieha famuîy wii11 be wif Price ofly25 oeil Sold l intn Oakwood; G Caslu&'lingIT il dealers.- ai se lit y,) the paper extra, or'.',l - CO0m 1-10 ND mc l ficgttr po tBarsaparilla Bitteros, tte is sîrer sent ui es the lit jla. ell-know at9tatSaasarilla lis 'd ,, Irlle 1);î)$4-<uL" t 1 -hou purifier of tedo in the vo-nid ; sucit teîdby te prac tîce of<,f iteMost éminent, aote jll-hs he fîU~a ph-uî ()fî oIlle day; and as- a fünthen proofi ~ -,~ ~~ ~î ~ jujtice the-imimorous nostruins beting fih naine ii- ilscis tui-u1111i 1an ,ill ta tefSar c t tat ~thgtie at u-ali Of whic 1ttW. of ltod i,;Saraspuinil la. itl ucîs frotan aipart t' Butl iket eery otîjer-gQ-article, is naine is ra1dh expess ati te tuali o le îped b svorthlelss imitations. Patent O'cl(cjý oi 111ýýlimlle-ue rtscattered ever îLe, c utiu'tryih'ji t~~~.11 teç -wl coal îitilhi e uation tb Sarasparilitu oxcept la natue. - ue t i,; <lltteevifdeul tirerefore tIsaian article h <y- <xfcu-î5l~ ia-i reeail ingîuv the vu lit s oth tt re Jitisaica Sarasparilla 9 f 51lIle fiust t dgree h r-qired ;wile aitte tîtriiii t)j-t1it -,t [ Saitue 1inte a good Tui-aeligtht -Would ) i liteiev(,, ii ac s tr , tll ue îvsýqtenjl, tclé nete iBuil~~ iïuîtiX sd îalie tgîhtsoîna-li.and [lt ica-. 'î'-h ilesoe ut gaaetcbwl-audh clal-d cotitru ruîr Us u dtion .li tng these otijeots iiiview, the.pro- 1 actios îtll fyîp rîi ut ttof S ARILI.A BITTERS tv i Li iirî,lation is ', 1aeg tte)-ta trolur.e it aeul ombiing £11 the udr f its circulatin, ii Ifrit- qiiiCtii,; f a gond. A LTFItATIV, TONLO, j tiui RIEGTLATIOR -fut, t systeus. itS neO m uakuedicie-notliig lois.,or fusonsthan lb )NS lY THEI MI>'<TIT. usrepsneaeîd te b-egenuin. preparation etf l v i1*y, îmwll'hi11èb, fr SAMI ARIASARIL LA, along vith an on the rp Ii et t -11. - excellent Bitter asud Aperieutz.. l ic -Mo[di- I Gsaili ri <I ekyfor 4 cii ail shoilld takyesepeIiàlly aittis sensun of m~ tloJ5 Wa.ytntîti t l)(c year. Try a boule anti juaige. -Price 75 ifrested lt)ot file r giecents. ~nugtrd.l î Ivol'llrs h<i St, anti tlle iatmeadopted as thei - . L iauisy~ - Tretde Mark. 9 ed. S'i< a M31)n tl lit eizM C'),o~ The Liverpool & Londo phoy a gt1,iiol Ar.t, fil y~ & Globe id taIt experes ora &large f1 IAND, 111 r a t : z:~i IuIvested Fundo, e - $15*,OO OO for thne- e u v. Silagie t- i- - 1 prIit lt- uil e x- f Daily Inconieof ilue Cgmpaiiy, $12,000. Uditvqresi a re r "!; 17,in a S,,a trî-rtvolv ternis t-o T- w<.ire. r.ë.. P.in, reév.evd byih iis Cenl- ('min lý- -London, n. >URerîr t lita lte o- zso,~VTII 2z-,uI>I ' FI pauî lurng ite yeur- 1863 cxcoed titose of ally ojiturGotaily ili Great I3italu by £20O,000ý Strllr. u evry'dQscnltion cf properfs t tbce utie lveremontezative raies. - fei Kemépl's Brick iBlock., 16.- LidsyJan 21, 1864 28 -tt weil and &lvoir 4e frou pain ia Po ithesOm r, Doe! Com- tee, AC. ke ,r bus mou bon th of ttmb% aud ver failing iu a eu roeit uben #,*GuDsasingle ib. directIons atI cn the cou- operations, sud laz Vintues and in Ibis. malter, snd tbereforo. 'Y'of tise.con- ended Ymay. de- k Reuly. t. eCanadian] isnsies for w hich idful succesminl of Rheusm*tisin) tions, entitle it soes afer these bgin froi' Mcdi- ise coutry, for iying msa to the r nover fail-s te ledicine Doiors use it, sud nu once tryling it. TItAN, Cà ' le, C.W. Kuowlseu & E. . Bouýes, A.Wy&ti, ,Wocdville diseicn SALE OF AT-CASSBRAY. Undersigneddà willI sel by privaie r hF ri .1th follow[5g Lots situate ini the Village of Cambray: Lots 13, 14, 24, 25, 27t an sd 29, on favotrable tenus;. For further informastion apply to Joh en Doug- lus?, Liadsay,:or Willam Davis, Camhray. JAMES k1W. Cainbray, June 9, 1966. WaII ftper. SLARGE VARIETY, of every description, kept -constantly op 1iand-at 346- Kftasn's Blocks Lindsay. NOTICER. W1 je reby respectthlly inform the public àV îthat the part.nerphip beretofor e'existii.g, and lcrown: as the tfrm of K N W LSON à G R E GO-R Y, Deuggis andi Seedanien, of the Town of Lindsay, lias tii day by inutual con- sent been dissolved - ad that in fttuir e. ,u1sin'-ss. wil lbccarried on by.EDhit'NDGRZOOaY1 one oft the late firm; andtits~t ail debta, due the late :fin- may b- paid to eitber ou-the lato' partners. JOHN Ký;OWLSOGIN, Lindqay, Nay 23rd, 1866. 35.24in 'Nothing Lîke Leathe-r.". T" RE Sabmeribêr ofiers tbhie .C.uslorners and the Public, i choice lot o well-made. Gents' Ladis'and Misses' Boots, lin ail thé Latest Styls, ad, at Pricýes -sure ta grVe satisfaction. ..11 -. .1 S1>artiýrulâr attention paid t. the Order De- ,partrnent. Work miade by experienced work-1 men, and a good. fit gtsaranieed. William Street, ibopewiori'e Brick Block jLindsay, 6th Apdilk 1866. 344tf 310EDI1C AL HA LL-11 SPECIAIJ NOTICE, OCO.UNRY 14ERCHANýTS, wisbing.to TsortL ut) with Medieioca, wilind É&large CAS rOR OH., by the dozeti fflENCES, COYDITIO, POWDE9RS,. WORX 1I0-ZEN<IERS7, BIGGS .BLACK GIL,ý "MAGIC RELIEF. PILLS. The abovo nsédicies will bc$0slias low as con be, purcbased in Toronito or Montreal. Hsavitig been psue sole aftent for the ,salecf Briggs's Idedieines for ibhis Couuty,, g1Merchnntà andi sihera requiring thon' can pur- chase at the Medjesi Hall. "l1over & Tmothay B Just receited a siipply of finit elant C loyer and' -Lindsay, 'ITtIsJataryi .1868. 34 ME~ETING OF . c-lite Stockbolders ofthlie Caî,,brsy joint ýStock 011 Comspay wii loke Place in lb, Town Hail, Llndssy, - on. Wédneday, 271À of Jmrne, 1866,. ,Mt 2 ché1ck -?,M., for lhe purpose of taiig lie ecnsideratio sthse busi meane et proceeding wilbtbWO*~k N. - YWLER, 5ecly. bsmbàyJu'lemU~.- 52 Ribbom nd', iFIowe, -f& sT IlA, L SXI IrTS, and "côv et tbooe7L prmts. Au l7 cheep for Cash at Gli IES SUPERIOR TIEAS,. LT lA MES WtOS The si % Soed e l.utatue to »bis1f. uiwcbss of Somme r Deu.Goodis, SUÂWLS, B~ESRTRIBBON8, sred.8-TAIPLE DRIY GOODS7 mmwhich wîR be.fDhiÇ» . The Nve,!<le urbl!id ithe Cbeap!! Puicbaaed -inTrade Sale below lb. Usuil ratés, x ow-offered ut figure ulsich will oommoud thse article 10 carfoti buyers, country Meeheati seting :Ur îa Tess would do.we1I b coll. Lioadsiy, 6th Jueoi 1866. JAMES WATSO. OPPOs ITION: STO RE.è NOTWITH-STANDING TUEEM NAN. RAID, -OONT1?NUES TO GSUPPLY £ver aric li u e Geeral rcery 0n., Jaît arriyed, a lorge lot of CR.OCKERY, tu be sold very cbeap. On isipectin the stock of TEAS w.l1, be- oad cf eupe.rior qualily and at 'very Modeiate Prices. LIQ(>R, WNESAND.-SPIRITS, OLD RYE an(Q: COM MON W[I:KEY of the best brànde,) 0Yp Cauh psid E4r Pota ces, atîts, Peaue, .ork, Butter, &t., &c.. lTrEJ M.S CA&SI, AN» CGoc> VIxI:Y L<>w Lindsay, 6uhI J1..,1866.38, NEWGROERYSTORE- The subscribers, would itîtimat. to their friends aud- ibe y are uow opening. eut a the public geuerally, that FRBS}[ STOCK 0F GROCERIES, WINES AN» LIQUORS, CIIOCKERY ANO GLaISSIWAREe. In thé. premîses formerly kaown as "CADwtLL' B,&KERirs. one dour west FLOUR, AND>PROVISIONS 0.F EVERY1',EsRiP TION oemdantlyonhland qj T'he Iighést Puice, ini Cabh,* wilI b. paWd for ail kinds of Country Produce.- CULLIS& SONT - - indsay, 2t1 A pniî, 1866. .LIST: 0F LETTERS REMATI&ING at-tic MANILLÂ Po8l Office, Chidley, Jas ,. .mcKhsunon, John Cope&aud, H]ugb -lnis, Jo-ha. ,Candwell, George - Mlla, Joseph, Cregiton Rsy Scarlit, John ou aleisl, ÙMn Wola-lcn, John MeArthon, Anch- Pensons écalliug ton thse abovo, vilI phosse sk' - l'ostmistneii. Indasay ýt6 Bobaeyéon. criR S bler Legs îo annuco î*ttuntif imI. utîer notice, ho vil rui a dalystage be- tween the above meuioued placeî, leaving ttc Jeweti lRouse, Lindsay) ait 7 ô'cloek a.m, annv- inga Bohos'geon ai 12 "Wciock. Retsrning wili' leave Cratte's Motel, Bobesygeor i t2 o'clock p.&n, atri ing lu iudaay ai 7 o'ohockc p. ni ae vef Reasosable. Psnel th îe risk cf lte owuer, unless book- an& opaid for. - Lind"uy, 21. Dec. 1465. 329-22 - WILLIAM A. GOODWIN- S f I n sd,.F LAG PAI1NTER, PAPER HAN- -OlýEIl, e.,te Matket St reet, Linidsay, Brd May, 1864. 3481f fl~W. N. WHITESIDE, GRADUATE etfToronto.*- Ihîivensity sud AI- b)any Medical College. (Fornserly As- sistant Pit>siîciani of tht Ntv Yoaýk- State A9ý.. PEsiDEXNCB,-41TTLE BRITAIN. - j Aliil let, 1866. T/eStaesnc& Upper Cabin Steamer. 0'OG H E ST R," CAP?. DAIT," - ,w no nakin -g dalIy t.nps belveen bis portl jsdCharlotte. partibedeinoui et contract4ng ton Freiglit or ~ wil PasS iistudy thein owa Interestby alig bu bise Subscniber, -csonailly or by leton ai&sOfc-iiWdeahbcMi 1 t ent peat hr$'sNti TO ,GARDENEI{S. Sper-ph.osphateofL e B>th Pund, ai the Medicai Hail. W. J. TIIIRKIELL. Lindsay, l6tb May, 1866. 351 WinterBlonuuts! -U PWARDS.ut a HU 2NIOE» Y ARIETIES f, te CWocesit Flower lseed, Graise,.,just recived-imponied trous Pnnsait. -PLeaie cau and axomîns liai. Cheiits. Druggists and Séedasmen. ý3 igu of ibo large "Red 3Mortar," Kent-st. Lindsay, 120h Mayi 186. 3501f Notfice tepayUpi., P RIS ludebooci tethe* laie finis cf raEke& Fo).y are nequested t10 rake li- modite payment, gr cuits vwill Le inurned. TT. FOLEY &CO., ILindsay, June 1, 1866.- 52 BLACKSMITH WANTED. W-ANTRU, a god Blacesmith; sca- [, baud 10 vork ai Waggous-ai Steigits. Cosslaui, «emplss and littrl vages te itesdy feai. Aplyto' 11 IBobesygeen, May 19, 1866. - 32-ttf SEFJDS!SEEDS!ý Fresh Grdon 800daB!! Also an Assortment ofthle very. Obomoest bWiow.u' 80ds lCrAlt Wiaeted Fnesb I.9:9 1 00. -Brrels oSWEGO PLASTER expeceà in a *vways- 011E oASp0 CONOINTRATED LYE 11 MEDICAL HALL;ý Liudsay, 101 ÂPIUL, 1368 S u.ist~4 gp4 b ath te. 11la the WM - 'luilb r g iWtW. swsg .yhI tbew b. dat; Z-mmmt w s 0 WM lbc oud, bc' thos e bwork l. his ohv es t m oss epemu. incue by1 b a v i ota Mgt m rc r o l v c i e *i .' ii i U % oar, i w t er sto o eBet ~ ~ J, vii vag q~dsao of, t. bg cpabl tha cs h dms a b re«o ë -eh. voulda»y; teta.~pmnd dé abb almeïeitia lbemmsottiblb ba «uds o n.eb ueiqaea uleà eio oeuie,» md b.d. lnevu TO thée 9do s W G mitsuo f the- Ad CoIMn et. Victr*ila gemmai, th" hoi liiet to jet saenamr, « et ab Ai* *%wes pro- core& .jk Iama.iby ute t ..o e cha- nids il llioensd'& o haatm p lifor aI isptron ab K.ba u W usmwbd à, tozLot eor àWic~sall b. m>1d ebeaper than st amy oumen I~~ ~~i hoa atu.bhastuc nh~aa chooie. latof Of gent! gold,,sud ai laver prces lbtb ey ea lie rocuetia ay other place; together viti, ocih a» Te-Sets, Cruels,, Cake Bakets, Table ati Té& Speonu, Fonks, Ac'., 1te. _M isýa faU< assonmeut Of Bobéol BJookas "d St&tionery,, Besides Tueo Tkotamd Rell# of Romi Paper. Also a lange sssontvmet et Lest French Plate LOOKING GLASSE,-all cf uhich,,shahLie sold at pnices te Do<y tition! IlLast, but not leas' hli bas 111e -est stock.cf English md American Watôhes Tht bas evr Leen exhibited ila thé Conaty ofj Victoria,. sel ectedi by hiniself and Luought for cash in te Lest mrketinlu Amenica As re- gards inaterial and workmansbip, bis stock will Le fiunai te Le mach su-perlerte the classof Watches that are generally. offered for sale in thîis market, sud shaH Lec sold cheaper than the chais cf NWatchces now offened by aniy ether pet- son in thie trade.. And, fiually, as lie practises ne dupicity to daw a trode,1 by eudeàvoning te make hie custoimes beievo that bis always "ISelling out, and about te retire frent busi- ness,"1 parties cf discrimination wl "fin-di ou inspection, tisat they cacdo Letten ai bis, estsb-, lishi et lan tbey eau aI the places wubere such dugtt b gencrally attempted te be ibrowu iu Iheir eyes Lindsay, libli May, 1868. 350-13 -PRIVATE FUNDS 'to LoanÙ, ai moderale Iu- -tretnfom titree te fiTe Yen",li-sumos 41SOZYseeral,Farm,ina n ie Cuaty cf Victo- Knowlsoua Brick Block, Lindsay. ac sc b 1 " 86.3411f It flMOVAL.e Knolso's rick Rok 't'lut iweIv. ;aS>oULTIE a OL V ~ OaI. ?MOT"I e. bssd. , as ssn mîe Pu« ofiçU& gu.tn Mdsqamui"c Ui.TbhUghest pnS ep.id fwb»ttbl Kr RAM.KEER! *at&ud ft m*&0*8a" Îs of Lut Dst, S~tef Ilarge lAI MrWea COULTE RI RM'E Ourdie, FuIimg msud Cietb-Dnssin la the bot style, ai dwitb the utast das,a e i.wlie t autothat bh. h prepe.us4to Buy &Px qostity of Clu. Fhe .wQol br whiçh ho vin psy the %buget Cash Prie.. G. W. BàfmIT Liads.y, i7th )tAY. 1868.... 3à3-13 JOHN BERTRAIR, Would respectfally invité attention te lâbfl stock of Which will ho fonnd very complete aid of, fit%& eaisquaity, cousisting W, put of Black's Cé'Iebraied cast-steel Spades, Black'-s Draiiig and Dftching.Spadesý, Lo.ng and Skori Hairdle Shorela, Mastre Forks,. Barley Fqrka, T1wo rnsd lkree prong JBayFr. Riakes, Tnip HSg,: Sdiid Néck oeststeel Jloea,- Ogiawa casL-sieeI a" et Croit. &>Umas As a CASH BUSINES ONLY i. dome, dm Pricei -are. put dlown to the v"y lowest, an&. Cc*NO SECONqD PRIVE!4S Fpirat-Rate Chane. TO ,PARTIES REQUIRflNG A DE- 'SIRABLE DWELLING, &C. .\ uer et Bond Street,- villia good' goblin- tual Dwelling-House, ou Stone Fouadalion andi large Coller, aud every cter convenienco, als» a good Stable,' Well and Ciseru. The bous. is iat preseunt occulied by O0. J. McKay, Lsq. For Tenais, &c., applyttiprpet, JF.CJMSON.- I Tinsav. AtI ItMay . 866. PAIN-MKILLER AT THIE OLD PRIC. r: B'ware Of Oontrfeitr MI£ WortbemsIiain.- uLindy. l4th March, 1866. - 3 LIST OF LETTERS» RM EMNING in the B EÂAV ERTO0N Poat Office, June 5th, 1866. Fuaiss, Henry XcRae, Mns John- Gilchrist, Mrs Ellen Sutlîerl-andý, Wmn itclntosh, John WictEhi iIcNab, Donald Perions calling for any of t healove, will B EGS te intr'» bis numen .ous frieds ad theI -Peieasic for adve j)public generally,, ibat ie lias rcmoyed bis photographié' Picure Galery j tai large sndoummodiaus rooms.l iiowsns, LS Brick B «k speciaily fitted up for the purpese, LS . aud equsi for ocouiniodatioik lu any n tUic -i- EMAIN1NG I Province. 11<i un T. G. « ouîid retîtru Iis tha nk s for ite vény -Of ic, ardn liberai patronage bestow.ed -upon bhlm for the Conel,Rchr past number of yeàransd ho l now Leltonpré- Carty, jRohort pared taner; te suit thje wats ofthLe public Downe.vi Joseph' !n the 1Finlav James ing styles sud secw ond noue in ise Prco'inee. Frtexhbitosfviews etf ail parts of theGreEwd thsé shortei notice. Hurter, William Jobnston, John qI bave fltted.up tise ahane recuis slilecially for -Jerdan, M Il T. Gun ey. Photographer, sud part ies desiinig Kelly, John pictures wouid do well te give bu a caîl.p Ferions cailinji J. KNOWLSON. for Advortislýed Lti -- --------Nov.--17--M-- Grocery &y Liquor Store!' 1 JsI .StRECFIVED 1tbx TUEsuBSCIiIBER, s ontpletc Stock or IVINES AND LIQuoftRS, To.wbich le invites Utce attention cf intendiag! Hotel,>Kepcs w ill find. an extensive sud.dcho-ce Pale audDark JJra-dy, Port andî Sherry J ine,. HoUanid 8t.Old Tom- Gin, and, seve rai brarsd& Wai.skey. Herrings, Cod Fish and Mackerel. 'FAros wil Sd s quautty eOf fstclaqss Witich will Le ofered ou favorabf t ernis. Also a tew bushels of. White *e1~ CASH;i FOR PRO» UCE. JDUI CHIMOLIM, -Postmaster. OF LETTSRS; IN THEIBOBCAXiGEON Fitý 34tb,. 1866. Larack, Clams MlaxweIl, Janiee %IcLaughlin, Hugh lMeDon7ald, Rohi MeLean, John .X Roche, Olivet. Torrance,A Turk, 'Mé 'Whyte, Thomnas Wilkinsi Chaâs fo Ucabove, w i i ltase ask etteèrs", LIST 0F, LETTE1RS R MIXINO in the LINDSAY rPont Offico, camerAnC P LarWilliâta coscadd eni, arali- lyous, Janey Contior, lins. Margi Ml%(-Donald, Georre Clirtius, Johnts - c5ahon, Mn et Cuamn.nia , .P Nuit-e. Nvidowm Courreer, Igrael Cner John Fitzipabtnick, Patrick Vogue, Samunel Fee, Wm -B Ray) Thoum rC.;er, John Baymoud, C M làailt6n, (leorgo Rysun, Mary Hyes,Aeade * ia iclor ManIte, John Emîteus, Was Keancy, Mary 353 L AT E 0NT A R.1oT0. PTIE MAGNIFICENT NEW, STIEL-PL A.TED UPPIEIIC ABIN STEAMER Lidsy, 2th March, 18"3. 343 I INTI.H I £1 N, C~V Cgars!CI4RYSLEfL Mater. ..Ioep rs W fL la -eCharlotte eerY ]l'Çeuiug i; 1 ý il ocluck. Leaves Yortb Shore ports ALARGE STOCK, various braDi,'~llSeeyronu1(libo.o ody en Ssale nd retail, on cr a1ral 'bin.day snd 1'ridy ouly, at ~3 Coîbure at 7 , Hotel-keepers con fndt eyery kind, (rofm S1 to Corg .ý a>PotHpe at 10 o'lock, $4pr o EMSJAGERVS,-i a. ai., on arrivai or trains East and Wcst un 346 Keenan's Block, Lindsa.- rn rn aln jjm Freîits At SuflieFramtes. 1 For Freigbt or Passage spply te the Captain on board, 0. Headeieon, Agent, [Pont Ilope, or, SECONDRAND'A. M. BROWN;, SE .N - AN Ani -m86 Geneal -Aeeub, T'RSALEhy tht subscriher, a econd band isso.utiol% of Cooýpaaeramip. j ~Biliard Tabe, it bas a set of Phelan's best, ,ewg cushions, nearly new.# The bect is hardwood ITHE prtnensbWp hemtoib sebtbýg ers sud psuuzlied I a îaery ood state5 snd willlt COUR"N ho soltl, Iit.balhs1 aud otite ouiploefer $10 onketi fiisTou bs hi aybot cash, or for $120,la i n rbAgyear nîy t <j.i»W-d by matual om55it. .AI1 del>te due Io monts-by givint gSctirity frthle poymcnts, îe the f'.n Ae te Le paid te îMr. JOHNOREN visa vil' suc setule AilacceunttI çotr*cted by. finit $31) a the ti e ,of purcb mtthe i m pp1t9TE&ÂS 7;UAN Lin'!s1~ Malt ~ At»UP5'iEptel ý rv.ste. boublM.vthot a f a in ibe -hem Ma of 1 . 1 t -1 1- L JLjlý 1 persona zallingiîbr the abéve ýri1.1 plimse aak for advertised letters. 1 1 m iilea«mu%, unemo@Wmm mownemut G OU RLEY -WIl NES AND LIQUORS.,

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