~LALJ Fregid i2w.veift ail. tke Y« ba t h ih' , , ý , Ietsud 4la-h«,~d ."U w*é e- ée~bleoe liseing11 t~ÂV. rmea be to ,end Otto persos, ouiy jII tb. day; that i. th.. ly4. i le.Course- of bpposig jou live tony tu commence iet coot-en &Teo matde 14, ifo e i. for a- lime." te get a ss.ack [roms a tria a ti,'s band. uulogit in Londo, who els ci a baottby Oxam The lady bath dmuid bar osishu edý ut-iIIIsb àSoi d.md able ed, "i ~ ~ u wa»ee ale a fairer bide, 'Auaddite wosm~I tW b 1 perllMatny 1mebut 1. bommi4ly pride, Aud ta puaih tby cueliyYm IlleMoIlwlitt puports tê bc.& roodet meoiç>oi fl: ,De>m Doet'4r_1shah b. unse kdnsred and sevety ,, ve>years, aid neat October, Fe ,eeaby Our y éara 1 have bees oh invslid, uI0qble te satel e.ept viien moved wlh kvr But ai y.ar ugo 1 -board o e b.Giaaunulir. Syru.. 1boue a boule., amot, the cu)rk, u bondut myself a mas. 1 cau now.rui tvel#emil.. asd a- bal an heur, and îrow Ilifrms oteruults ithout -stoping."9 14On that pint 1 wish t. evearr vithý great, Cèr. ido isot wish Iteinsinuat*e thsi Mer. Van Stupea i Dot a g0,Qd muic.iai. Notet u ali. But1 Icould net b.tp obsery- ing ~~ (pe PI. vii erve .Îftes tiingi ai r-imes> ht after lie commhened piayilng uns thé clarionet a tsaw-filer, Who lived reit.d"ro, tait hoe,and bas ev.ur ine ."Well, thal viii do; you 0 gdowil, .4r. Tisempso n. Crier, cl luio witten b.tf.re the ool ose.mdilt okloi.g-tu find à boîter descapticua of alterne aid age Ithonthe f.41lowiq, writ1eà asthe year -1690,by or o diseper. ataso MbiaIb. dief But&aeil U.atua ftdt ltimeUcowed long- Eve1Ivoudefdjst 45se bdropped ne booer, Fait. emmd I i um p Ibefourocere Jeansa, Y" 'Tlii, lik 80(1 vnotvil .tlgtse SPE1EIIS$ J3 AN OLD.&M OKEcR< Talie caret irt , owyuU gel a charac ter for integrity. ýDO't appear.tee nie in~ peui4fSUdhIlIS.OcesionlIygo about aab. people ii tlaey know anybody seho coukd i ly a.k i. -for oa or do you a ltule bit or u111 t'thenyou vwilI sacrer have any of your friends vnt ing, you tu becom an-svsjicutor or tri4e-; 0and be.. aides, nubotly iAbatyou tnow w91- eme ,eupect you tatendishaMbne7.- ' yoit Wonder if youi relaýtions viff rejoic li your 4eaih. W lai h f u >i itutthey won't i-ryour - incarnel-daes vill you. And you bail better esjoy tIW Wh ble of your propery yourself. Sink.it ain Ra.uity, IiEÂDCENTt&E STEPHENSO. mayiduce, or w. ,o"id rai her a&y, nuy ufao pportrti î tathe Fedeift iovern-m mn i le Wilh tbp'S W aswimgithe limtao thel constitution and l&awsî pèliey IR ita ttotr.rde supp *ng a 'sten wb;ch is ikelyin coniection WîtÏh fontirr quan'k$. j be1À) is aIl àQMîgg to the Unied bWtongad.ý'hyowe us ~ e ontia er wbic tIy do ot aisca ove to téueves I'èl has %OVred t1l es é ett4 .drsolleaî whiebbauebouu fruit, at-oSnCO l>otionaad unrip, in Feniaism, Ameticit 6s afforded. ,the ,onditions Pf ils ;ro'vtls. Muvreoùvei,, Egloe toWhou. tswrut. tile uiieneof- lsçdad thb political #Wutsbil the Irish ohartuter are tuaa.l»,du, vas the .En:.- land of our »dsti e ommoo ancesturs. ,in ii ndueittiog hIWr share îsa Chauc, iia.d Shakepeave, rand Iikoit, 11WAtfred, and Rampée., &W Eliot -.*ad *bey Ir# rix.hî. ttootr etof nobe Iýaîg. s ot onfided exctivety to.the etd4t sona who sacceed#v 'I. thet titiand eitalea The. Youagcr brother wtt. bbs and Carlu 1 e t isý fortunes abroed bas bitequat portion.-iil- the noble -tradiJtions if it - rae. Bit oer k6itiém ta inteUuite. S1%aîsa ui tahe bre aw illthe gltur. For six serafn etuiesof 1 I'Wix suagoemmhent W-îl vhich £.gland s iber2lyrrdt wth fi ya~ t4p rednibe .4scesg ;r,ýand'vieWty-' w= ,4 tenu e to m"=.ti éaug~al,, au~ Quit >thlsvee~. ~: oe.»om. À Piral-dlu. Cuttr. Â1Uk"*dGariieiits and Ladies lIdWhq labile, made la the lateat style A. O&DOTTE. ~1. A Mw fiY-tQ* 1 of Ady.xade Ootig"- Fren, ch.Store- ' 0 O Yr a é y fl ~ 1 l f t , W a e u I I preses.A., CÂDOTTE. FRENCH STORE. Ten pet Cent. ou oBal" of $50, mpWetds. PUSNCH, STORE& 40 Pieces of Fauq flamuel, wowe direct frorm England for FREXCI* STORE.. Staple Dey Qooivert cbe.a100 Fieeé, Cotton, at <bat. A. CADOT. *Fancy HâaW su 9Q, Iitto FREXOI STORE. Plain, Greear, Orunge, luse and Red Cotton. FRiX.CH S TORE. Bootsýand Bhos very loV-. u FREJ'(UH STQ>UÉ. Onil Selafor Cash, and very cheàjp. A. CÂDOTTE.. )-'REJVCH STORE. A. CADOTTE9. Lindsay, ISth May; 1906.309if .I»lliàw. pie~-wl ue, ut 346 Keenads )Block, Lindsay., T P"10 te ar. thé time Of ti dsesebut Tub. for & *-"y,,. before ENDA a. Fhi or MayiTit 1' 1865. 77 alefr ld h glsW p ýt=4 1 the s.g aut e, reet".-" vo,,lu bug$>u J'ob Vork posMply mttencIed té ~'SrpIras ad Brasabongbî or takeu rlu A OI .fn.tllySolIcited. 91 RNISSEESO o The sout b alf of:Lot No. 18, in tIi. iStb tIêt a i,-f 0.0i 1,co 8éul'100 acres, gt*k aou t~t are eleared' and un-. der tomv* W*. e 1 I ýfewetd, ba s'agood 16g and ul.<i a Frme Dwelling bouge, and a irmal Bars and Stable thereon; 'there, as ai- *ayeepossPplz.sprug vuiter ion the lot, il 0Mb.J .Ifor th e*ater part cf. tue purel.emoe. "di ndisputable. For prcuaraadta' #lut, applýy o i e premfiles tu thé Pnoprietor, MIRGE 9LAKE, or te lieurs. MACKAY AH&AP 150-tfLindsay. T __ ad iet off erilfor smle ue fllo*1ng JLLt IieaOL 50 'o *2.00 -pet acte, Lot 181 Aû &rd concession, Somervillei " 4y- lOth do do 4 ,iOAth do do e4 1q1h do de, Or lie wilil fese> the sarne for 5 or 7 yearsi upomi cotope1 t1I 1n t Beriarmcleared upon ecdi lot. yeariy, taxes paid, and. stautei labour th# I Tnt ma<purehase at aâY tissa during thse Lease.- Appl G. . F.PEARCE, - 341436 Richmond BiHi P. 0., C.IW. - P" PU 7- 116 AC R t, about 15 of whih -ae 4easo*d seeded dewn in C lover and TUmothy, betsig lot No. 29, Con. -7,' 0IWINISHIP 0 ýF fOPSO * Alsoýtrsa»1e luthe 'Town. 09'La4uday, lobbt o.'à4 a - 5South ofRidoubt street, ibeing. lb.alite-of eett's former Bute l, consistiiigcfj îwo-fifý-bs of aiacre. Êel.tq2 u orth ofGlenelg Street, con- 8-6 1 ôto due qparter acr enah. Park lots T Yand C 2tLind@ay. East) cosst- iqgpf a pnd a bhWfcres tcadi. elIbi1I«rè lïolt II15 'vent or Adelaide 8s1 ireto oùgou dela id. a"d Coibourne Sts. pou particularu apply te M.ACKÂY A HEAP, Lind say, Nov. -1, i865. 322 O .-F01-SA LE- .oa Liberal- TerMi The South hhIt of Lot 22 in the Eighth con- efflion et the CQUNTY 0F, ONTARIJO, Oi00ô&II.utidred Acres! JÉORE Oa LUos. %ýnoWn*t ithe KELL0à,FARM." A ývsry vauabe. property wftb good builings. Apply te GRO. DORMER, or ta H. DUNS FORD,. oiirl.- Rcglstry office. Lindsay. October 2«th, 1865. 32 TR.ÈMENDOUS HIG.H WINLIS WAD A. Notwithlttndin.g ut that Samé 01WS84 ën Ko n t S t re t tsar asi Iigbty 1 eleisents at war withotit,' tbreatenifig ceaspiete antnih.ilation teo -ail tbe u0wprotected objects of their fury. And there- it âstcuds to renia, for it-ba a n» ced- of r enio- val, 8. 41 sangt'people lcioe ihe-standaail- berr'provessu.1and -rs .putation La toc> welles- tablisitetifor ihai, an4 las wishes tu trcmind the pulâlic tuai the recent.oquala are ruere gusts of wma wbléh 'sons pas uaway. Bve vr egs te -ain oUnce ltat uarer ti ead of WATCU-MAICING, he is conifident aitie sbfllty ta surpass even thée erts oet "Uic s" oqailieeof hie #vn shop, as e LPA nea e ufftr sur boebtA éI, ujepeinSd ad Ukil l and, -who sot enly tisorougitl>'undenatandà. te "v-ath'aail paetg,»but tlhe part. of eretyvwatcbluail their' c9rpiçUis~aslie discrmi tl,"îulo ot, asti alsotf biscaspabillîles té repair accordingly any * dçfiiencea therein. Itbtel;e l te prOprieëtUr drwvestée . necessit>' 0t f miifltagcitomn on the ,streïes sd public tIlL,'an ,tlinby interrupting lte frce coqrse a ef U ; - but M stapentg princiPiela ta *-a: îâIy iiit hoiaeitly vith t every, masi,wômran sud elti, spd in tbat eapacity.ftddu tile linte -te tikpaliïn,-or buid a. la aa. cstes 7Id0!l* dtr ygroç~eiel. and -lIrps, build- 1sg xêeIetit r ltéuse tubo: li.lereof1au W$ecbm C1ockU~ weller, Fascy Goodo aî4ýOos PePerivays on baid a, a t oid asUlit wtpne hl tu doa -bit dyle alose, b voai tbu o h lag4d Wb= ra ls qlt sh lst, ~tla~ «li e éàèk e.l in "flue Imptlalems! ¶*.be~bo wld e.s~tu1.yinîimnae M hie CaOdmen n tePublic, tblat hi& tê~Iu wilgio ui gtifatinbo b t Bliée y CQalit.hof idntht The ostooek o t 7 0 ~9C>2YIJ ND KGL~JTWEEDWS, j HA4WL2 AND M&NTLE$g, UTNION 4ND ICOTTON TWEEDS, P RESS 1G0M. PLAIN AND FANC Y FLANNELS, R V7IN47RM1G, FAVIY>RY COTTMN AND> ËTEAM{FW*I4,W AND FRATHEXS, LOOM, LM>IES' BQNNETSA) R?2 GENT&S" PELT A O SýTRA EV A7S. se: Assorted -B 347tf . W. U to6s., *i8gar x-s.,Od. s oas-a4Brp LUCO UId Pi@khs, Vinegar, IIROBEýRT SIR Corser of Keut d Lindaa tiesta Lindsay. THE- EDINBURCH LIFE ASSURANC E COM'V I9BAD OFFICE, 22 GEORGE STREETI ED)INBURGHi HEAD OFFICE IN'CANAD>A, :.WELLING-roN t4,., TORONTro. THE EDliNBURGH LIFE .ASSURANCE COMPANY lundEr the t t,.o Parliament passed this last session; are emipowered to issue tO applietntl For tbç sole benefit of. their W ires and Children; snicb h lstarc eal togtther firee trois any1 etaixm on. the ïaezt of Creditors, and enable î'crsus to previde with certainty after their death for the maintenance of their Faimilies.d The Edinburgli Life Assurne Company are prepared te offier unugual facilities for this de- scription et nsurenee., Terris or proposai, Étil cverY informnation rcspecting Lfe Assurance may b a tayo the- Company's thies.ilu Cana Ja. J. HILLYARI) CAMERON, Cbairman.* UA I IIGINTSI Secretaryý -CAIMERON& ORDE, SolicitorS, &C., Agents al Lindsay. (Sîfi) Liodsy Funiture Warehonse. ~MMNSRSTOIEèCAN Dt LWpRItES TIsbeiber oers top tbe public of ,'rtoria Countv the largeèst asgorîfrient of earTout, Dining and Bcd Room Furniture, in varions sty les, e*er t rought into Lindsay. Particular- attention is invited te bis WAI.iqtT -SOY'AS' I'BAIR CLOTIT " i»r-UOARS 4 Din ing Tables,, PAR1LOR, DINING KliTCHEN CHAIRS, CANE gSOTIOMCHIA!9, WOOD SEAT WA Sn STA NDS, > SFCOTTAGE k- COMMON BEDSIE ADS DRES.SING TABLES, &c. &c. Ail ordera careful atedd o.- Ce finasof ail sizes kept ' nsantly in& stock. SPictures Framed.. A cali liotta iuîending purchasers stolicited.-, D.mmb~ADOiN GTITE EXGLISI HUMIirrci KENT STREET. H. HOTif Fo FURNITURE'T rpfE ubsrierwould respeetfittly inti naUe te the people of' Lind.Qity, and tc eonty of ie ttoria, ihai he haon banil, ai bis W4)Ronîlnwiliiunt, Street, Lindsay, a large and weil-assorted Stock ofet Furtitture, consistIng of PARtOU ANDDIÎG oo cufl WALNIJT SOFAS, 1 N 1IAI-CLOTU;1 A GREAT VARILTY OF C.4NE ND WOOD- b'EAT CHAIRS; OFFICE .RlCflS CIIILDREN1S - lIGtT ,ANLI LOW. C[AI11ý;;1l1<-<0iCNLR AND KÎTrciIEN TABLES;- IDEOAIDS BJEA7- 'ELSAND CHIFFONAIRES -OFCOIT E IN» COIMON BED)S"EAD0; 'l'1h>'YS anti WHATNOTS; CUPBOAItDS. LOU-NULS AND MATTRESSES, Togeilfer wiih a large vrniet ot ler articles, teecnnliacros to mention. a- C FFN LV se IN SrocL . pleame cIii and examine theGcoes, and nocte the-price, befere purchasing elsewbere. The Shop ît'on William Street, noxt to'Knowlson's Brick Stock., J'OHN iýANDERSON.. jLîtdsay, MsY, 1866. 3419-Iy VYOUNG HYSO, sp.rTaay- :a Soo g9,1Ooagoe, 924 Japsu Tes, for DOBSON A IBLOCK. fi OODRiffA à 1t" O ,dToddy veifs Aie, la bris. and kegu, XX Porter and Aie in botiles, for>saliby DOJISON & NM~OCIL, coal Oil, WWuhsahsud RetaWt l DQBSOI! A IIBLOCI. Country KMecantsand TTAVINO occasion ta"sert 4ju" *Ill' find a [Jlarge and varied stoek of Groceries and Liquors tromis tiitthey tanselect Lo advan- tage at DOBOQN AàNBLOCE. .ýNew Fruit, &C, ý 1 .AY*ER, Moscatel1, andi Suitana Raisînt, LàNew Crop) Currant,Alodibctan Brazil nuts, Anchovy Paste, English Pickles, Sauce; &e., for salé by DOBSON A NIBLOCK. Iprted Liquors. (\LD Bra ndies of best - randtý, tix I7 ules Robin à- Co., lUnited Vine-yard I>ri- priptn"s, Pc M1artin's Sherries, Graham*s Pçr, «for nicdicinal purposes> Du Yupre's 1i.lia!r, Gin. Jamaica Ruas, Irish, and Scotch Whiskric LondotAànd Dublu Porter, English Aek. SFION 0F THE F-A 1PLO0-C K. PARTIE~SBUIILDIN.C., Wanting Nail, Glass, Pu-tty,ý Locks, Ilinget, Paints, 011s, or anythluîg in -the Ilardware une, go to T. FOLEV k Co.'s Hardware StôbreKent Stre-et, Who cannot b. undersold. CARRIAGE-MAKERS AND BLACKSM ITHS' Bu>' your Bar, Band and lloo ps; hen, . e Springs, F and G Iorse Nail4., Farriers' Kn;- , BOUiS, Pincer«,' Skein Boxes and .Aies, or a r.ý- tbing ia your Rue, at - T. FOLEY & Ce 's Hardware Store, Kent S' -tt Sign of the Big Padlock. i.SPORTING.ME.N Requirlng Fisbîng TackIe . Net Twine, Srt-,m Ba its, Powder, Shot. Elev*s Foil-lined- snd W1a -terproôf Caps, Gun Wads, OR -ANY OTHER- MAN Wanting anything-cisc la the IHArdwa;re lhz", Cbeap for Cash. eall at T. FOLEY àA Ca&s, Reenan'-. Block, Kent Street- Agents for tii. Trenton Paper jLiudsay, 4Lh May. 1866' 3 481f PCOpIci CIotIîiOg119 Storei- (~5$owsen~sUrie&- alecèk, PuE n.~)If you vaut clîcap Spades, Shoveis,Picks., Hloeg, Scythes, Snatha, Forks, Rakes, Ac, go tu tihe Sigu ol the Big - aigock. CHEAPERTU AN T I C lAPýES'I'- 'PIE UBSRIERtement the aiolîctautiorts eofspeieral 'Gentlemen ta open a brand of bia Pmort)pe Establihment, te- pfeî eut fraeag. thear enfers lToronto. e 'oannouuSe that he haopelied -a STORE i the above as ,front Whieh lher, tavots wiii Le forwarihed for hie executîouî in Port Hope. To' those -agentlemen whef may. requife tbe Iate.lt :o vements. ali who are not advited of 'bie Position. i as ttem" yte su? -*t &'18S-STY LE OF CUI NU, combined wiîh 'SUPERIORi WýORKMANsHtp, ha., long oWg-,écd kbia Eé;abIishn!ent with the.first in ithe Province. lul. ety-stade Departsnent you wii linel no garnxents umade by iliexpeieîîced [gil.,pai la3dper day, ta ancrease hie profits aà your ultimate lose,',but, on the1 corarttwe seuil beapoke. The Stock is composeui of Ciothas a.-iaereî4, ek ine mati '1weed4a inilarge varietyý FANCY PLANIIELS 0F A VERY SUPERIOR QUALITY;* FLANN EL SHIRTS,. HATS ; VELVETe CLOTI anti other CAPS; LINEN COLLARS, NECK-TIES, -TH~'l SIUSCMIER bas jeat Forwvardeti a large tu.Pply cf, Excellent, Clothinig -macele p_ foert it aayBanh - MJ~ rbp WIu rrcl ndrtansîI Basiness-inevery DpatîetowI aparm e exeltaoo et pulyur' -1ea and' serve ypur 'atemesfs. Veut ~wiff Md l-bhlm ,rgtiabiand -i euNEPRICE M.' N., aking -. y. t uthe ii.Loveal Retutterative profit. 1X4.WYAfF ovieEL FES. 245-tf LMNRAY, 03ilA.A -U NTIL. Further Noue. a Stage will leave BOYeTQN'S. HOTEL, Lindsay, eiery lawtul morning, au 6 dclock, renching Nfànilla lî inLime te connect with the 8tages fur Osbawa and Ileavetton. Returning, will leave Manilla on the arrivai cf the 8tagca frein Oshawa and i3eaverton, arriving au Liadaay ai 8 o'clock. Through Tickets frein Liuday tuos0b-. awa. l.................$( Retura icet$......... ...... WAY ïFare*a esonable. 13Passeers frei tboeNorth are, conveyed tu the bars ai Osbawafree of Charge.. -The Proprietors vili not, be responsible for - Pirceis or Baggfge, anleas booked end paid.for. CoafrtahleonveymS and Car.eful Drivers. 'TJUIXA k COULTHARD, Li Ua,8d *PMi, uê.344ti