sud il. ~s. fiat bis ifl, h. huis @m5démt Uni 4'-'. r OMSN à NIILOçg 't'-', ~' I :14 mim 1 y" au M: DSISON MEA"D VROM. rasWh w?, s uI e 4 - - Isqisèr t ft p.m wn, or M, on OU MR 4sd as 0,'baW S ~~ po.avthri.- MwI" dred' g (rg'om s rsnt. .t telo e e Fot ai R athlwy',in uoiff of ev, despa dnrele fies lais rjil- la -1bk. c $0csth be h. wa % 'V#ukeru ts*efr Iic14ýront the stel'tn yWgthave ,dý' tOraÈ- bd tat tunermt ez- mi dfor'Amdnme e th*' aMpOeii. et had bu figwo *w in - a ,uespof, e km*iddily 0f. hud>brosîght -el. Tbe Us,.. Jerk wn e u$oud ~iqlneÇm *TUS DIX"T LITTLUWYOAND WIAT Thr wuadrEeltLisM i - 0 Insà and kýa mmsraa Yy« Ye 61a0i lou ieiin, 80Sag- 9 oiathl At lot «er uh Ne 41 moi eel i Mrm1 46ddiqt bair<W si: 0 uibWx I" for., h.t« A" udmbd you uoiso; tr yomalq lm toie f« à tdffl lie % mai aie uoe-lewu.laItbm a, 'r 'oe sue s . idearmai~ A. 0Afl0TT --o-- t' '0, k~U ~ A. ~JADOTTL e, qgiwar% .1 mprtai direct .à. CADOTTE. * ~ v-ou-vu-w. 4.' Sssp Jr,. sud bus bo.ghi c, teins is uchsegL kP4ISu.p~kE~ UoNmd~ TRA1~OI8 STEVEN8O~i * Q4~ bel UO~Ç~I 141810. w acres, aid un- Iretbethro? he~l . Lot là,ela 5,. 1r0tp doe, 1h or m is luWAbe os a4uaui «* t,--erý 1"p* as I amti b ropiue lor, 'pr 'I~meK A21BRP, Lldus 4~ OA»OTTE. ~ f44,4 Plai, Gsu, Ome lin d Red COttoI. 1 .C(DTE &bd a4SbOONVqyhM . ObuI>Sais.rhe Cs", *Bd *« eb«.p 'I Cotton Tain, Wua.ted good, a&H uusbçrs. A .aOTTEC. FREM#CIJ STQI"& B jb soFaé G. a.not4ua P LAIN sMd TANCT-.aoui Uâp4m stt' 346Ki* ;-,ànm Ro1Lmay wo $at GitOCE 1865. -t r.oelvsql s tics- ~d~*uZ A~RE. Rlhnon iii Pý O., C. W, ~& Â O F lie IL bout T75tifwhieh aejand seeded dowu in Clover and .: TOWNlsHW 0 F M.S ls%, fer sale laib T owea et rhAduy Lots Né. 4 ïrid 5 South ef Ridoubt street, boin. lte *tte0<Jeiwwta irmena teco ofge t;o.fitba t au acre. Lots 26 sud 22, nortît ef Gleuetg Strert, con- 1 ~fi J'lLf&~a'Xatconsitt. Sil hslfà=rlois om lot 15. Wet etAdeIaite fl4 Aalafe .iiC*lb rs8. Liedl6y, *ëf.: 18M.,M Ou LioralTorne. Tb40nthlofL0t 22 in the. Eighth.con-, cSsion of th. conTA'5'NO One'lHuài4red A Creg l JTqwu.Is lb. HlkGïFARM." A~~~U Aylaeprpryw& go uln Nrotidb 0t gat i au: l84q.a .8Sr, 4"à lPeJa i mn m lby eleFmetsa at waru witit, ~-'--tIrel.mlg PL te nIhlat«Io t ai uwg dtr'. Atithere mua poplemou be standird- ~ ~~ vl, s al 4tn.o . eu. s.r be iqo" 'oviis tb [l OMM Liais.>', t'. *4. fM M Dsas tli-'i pusu unsu fw gon "Mhpwbemi re. 195es, gl- am 14*tr prisocipsi it ss% dý b>' i Ib e s. u ppee erts et"Ch I (~wshU" esileof hie owaa hop,q- emph~ uIli sotluovq, but a thes1là sp uds<publie* t au ikis le 'defelemuisam therein. 1.1k pan lasq dirn .te neoes ~dngcusi ouibm leu a ud uc oui, eb smtinifeecua 414a ibuiie stida<l* Q psi tetsa aIk i8Up t4>výonplaia> éte *0., lolhl 4 >u meutilwit ' c vm tq sUid 00ubith 4,: ~. c@~u~ta lia parê of RRLIII'A WRIYN#S, t PMK,~ £DS~ t*~WW *ND MANTL~4 t ~ JftITTPNS * R1~gtIN«& T5*M ~1owaae AND PEAI'MR j RATS, ~57~ *IE'W A 1* MA 11~ AN» aY 4 A' .WAU4 ALVA~ 0FA~DV ~ a .D' 4- 44 4 *~.44 'ROCERIES! 4 . . - 0** -'4 Bugsw, I~?USPB~~S7ThI~ a.. -4 Qw~kuw, 6!tàsaweoee, bé. .4 4' PÂ1~~ ~'1~O»TJ~ TÀ~N IN UXC~.&NG~. ROBERT SPIERI, -CS of u mWUitsdndaya b UiaLndaay. a8ê~ f .4 * ritE DINBURO L5I~ SSIJRNCEdOWY, HZIÏ GÔF7IGO, 22 QEORGB 8T2*ET, EDNBUWGH, IiKAA:.OelOS KIN CANADA -.WELLINÔO B.,TO*RONTO. ?H EIUGH LIFE A SSURANCE C0Mt'Ali u.d. t lb Act otbnllaanet pama islaut union; ar e epeerd.i"hit poist~ For sb ole heMîft or their Wime andi Ghildreu; such Polciies are. altogether fre front any oni ", ii.Part 0<of ditomsasd enable:persous to provide ulit eeriaiuty atter their deafor tht pitena oiofther Familles. W i.tdipb&rgh LfeAurace Company a"e preparedte offer unusual facilte for deis4- Termes of Propos ansd every information reapecting Lit Assurancemay bebl ai stany otf ibe ~~ -lup'sOfie a sna la. J. WLYARD CAMRON chairmanl. I DAVID JIIGGINS, Secretar> CAMERON &ORIEs Solicitor%, &c.., 4 gent. W Ludy (519) LinlayFor-niture Wareh-ouse. IMENSESTOCK A ND O WPRE The subsoeibe o"t the #ulic of Victoria County the largeit assorlinest of Parlour, Dininig and d &Boom Y.Mtuse, 'm varioue styles, eve eught bie Lindsay. Particular attention WÂLfitTSOFAS IN MAI11 CLOTU, CNBTO HIS " CHTAIRS " WOOD SecT " Mf-96ARDS a Diring Tibkes, ROCRING t- Q>R*R WHATS0OTS, _WASH STANDS, " IVRIAUSSOÈA' CG"TAGE k (OIDOX BEDSTEADS AL4"j.r dcavefhiltte*ded to. 0b: Coffins of ail aizes kept conuandwy i-I .~~~~~~~A Pt'uFaar.g.Àcai Irw teridîg purclb»n.ra aocired.. ~~.~wA$ONIGTFHE ENXGISU CBlUaIOH, Kx!T STREE£T. M HOLTOIF. ,rlH.&bscibrw-olar«eetukiiiimtetothe pepe of Lipd%y, and theCognty ai Vie PARLOR AND.DlI4ING-ROOM CH&IRS8; WALNU- SOFA',', 1N BAIR-CLOTU; A GREAT 'VARIET-Y 0F CANE* ANDWO- SeAT jCHÀARS ýOFFICE .ARM-C;HA JU; CJIILDEN'S U1GHI AND 1:0W CflAIRtt; D1.NiNC.UOOMN, »CE.NTRE *AND KITCHEN TABLESé SIDEBOAADS;: BEAU- ItEAÙ13 AND CHIFFONAIRES;I SOFA, CO;tAGE * AND) COMMON 1BEDST EA DJ - TEA-PCY WUATNOTS;- CUPBOARDS, LOUNUES.AND -MÂ&TTUESSES, Tognther 1 th a large variety oif other *rti.le, so alotinw uwmnion.. '1 an Uad -examine the Qood4an sd notae price., befS- percbauin elaewbere. The Shop as ouillMimStéstRd, tt.o WMou's # k Bso.' 'elOlffl ANDERSON. (5.WSD 'DBric&-- c J'S . se.) CHEAPER TfiAN TýHE CUEAPEST SUBS1U~1lio M9t ah.olicimatiootfereWalGentlemen 10, opeit a b"acî V is bi Mop1%aub. ahmnl, 1pr entforwanliasl huireîr. rete,-roî hepte aionn. hu~k.ha.u9ud SQREaithevt e *drea%,fr bwich their favoewiil . foWas. lbwuu Oto in or p ' e Toio..gentleenaWho sMay' tmeqa. Wulaism i oemula suid who are net adviied tof hiesio.ilj aecssmry e a> tat ISSTYLE Op- CUITINi Qicmbiaed wath jÉSUIeRIORl FWOIKMANSIIIP,.hua long ielamudbis Estabtishmttnt wit lt 4éin eh.'Frotinfe. laI iti ead4-a&a I paementyou i Ld Do> arm@Mna uada by -0ientiecd* Ïâu4, .14 la ~ I er day, te iftiasbnaêr 4at a,but on the la-ss,*t$owu*tis neqoal I» beoke Sbomît Domuko il. idTweedsusin [belLrgmiil#e. C&ftYS PANCY FLANNft OF ÀA TIl- SUPERIOR QUALIT-V; FLANNE&L SIR * MTS;VETETý CLOTU nul <eh., CAPë;LINeffl:VOUARS,: NECI-flEs, BIACISMMLOES, &. o AUi WEM AI ~Am-EELATIWr TAION 1 M t, Si NIM ipsm MIar sp 4Exeieme Clothing Js . Remsd, vS 'P16fd-J deStiOdo lte Bsiom s wwXstm«atviw Gfý - k SS matk'q, WWbolesisdRentag &i' DÔOBSON àk N1BLoct. AVIN OC¶S W1ta "srt np," WilIl lnda H large and viistock ef Gmocrips and Liquors front wÉcih, .bey eau select te adrAh. DOBS04N k NIBLO.U4 Ne* wFruit &C. L A7Z~~»"e Ilm ate d Slt2 a bi,, N,'4 Çrop ,curriaut','Almnd ,FilbeRt insi Brazil nn1' Anchovy. Pamt, Englisît 15. k les, son=e, te-, for sale by à DOBSON à NIBLOCK.. Imported Liquors. O LD Brandies of bet'ba d, iz Marteli, LJules Robin & Co, United Vineva rd 'rù., prieurs, P. Mrin'Sherries, GrahaiWs Port (for mealcinat purposes) -Du Yupre'u H<I!and Gin, Jamaica Huum, Irish and Scotch Whîskie , London and Publi Porter,, English Ales, &c., DOBSON k N.NIBLOCK. SION 0F r4THE PAJYLO CK. PARTIES BUILDING, Wanting Xails, GIasct, ?uiqv, Lofks, Hinges, Paints, Oils, or anytbitig in the Hardware line, go T. FOLEY k Co.*. maidwane Store, Kent Street, Who .ctnÏot bk und.rWod. CARRIAGE-M.AXERS AN~ Buyr your Bat , Band and. Hoopo, Traon. 'StceI, spn.ngs, F and G Horse Naits, Farriers' fKnives, Dolto,-Pineers, Skein Bpýxes and Ai les9, or an- thipg in your lme, at- I. FOLEY A do. s Hlardware st!ire' leùt street. r sa of the Sig- Pàdloek. SPORTING MEN Baita, Powder, Shet, Elt*'s FOii4ÎRCand d terproof iCaps, Gun Wads, OR ANY OTHERMA Wanti a aytbing ecin theUicHardware 1îe-, Chcsp or -Cash, ýtall ai T. FOLET a Ce.';9 Eues'. 3044 Kent Street Agenta for the, Trenton Psp.r Liudmy, 41k Msy, 1816. 348tf If YOU vant cb.ap SpAdei, Sboyeis1 Pick%, 1oeJ. Seytbes, Snath, Foris, Rýake9 , &ë, go tb tilt sise el ew Dis Padlk. LU1IRATO5AWA AND_ UNTIL Further 14oîk'e. a Stage wfi lles'Wl 1BiOYx*to4x($11Slli, La4."ay, every Iawtul moruing, az 6 iielock, reachinig Manillà lu time. t ecounezi with the ikitages for.(Oshawa: and Beaïerton. Petturaîng, wiII lekye Minilla on the arrival of tibe Stages frein Oshawa andi Be&Yerton, arriving ai Lindsay ai 8 o'clock. ,itghr 'Tickets from Lindsay te Osh- 5w................. '............... $2 00 léSurn Tickets ....I................ 3 50 1Way ]Pares Reasouahie. Kr Paumgers frm nt# o rth are ýe@uveyed -Io the CJars at Oahawafree of Chage. 1Tb* frqprietoçs wig net be responsible fo<r P*rel. ,or. Baggage, wilemboi*,&d MW pAid (or. Gosnoatje Cip~vsuma ~4G,~<1IDriver-. ~fl~gA&YX>344t&D .~- - .4. -r 4, $MOI. e .. a À Vah 1 elle