il IR lusses ~ pueu mbe Seut-Aluat' *0p tir&d lw Op & Ulea Casfses» ulaihe wemw aed ta h Sdl en erace febc*zlbeà bibgt posibecredit chW bdh o #ie u fimcl«etate. TIi lpg ýkOb Ml algpe. tansieMozapeawile omalstuànsy tewt9» plesamu.of, lIe day: .....B "i. T64mha' " .luua... m ,. 3i olmm b oitwep)m mu. i. n WMbhw gaw elu whieh 1tei Cen t lb. Moooomn u abeVM&. u pp t m9»Nmi WM atoinà wu e '" Camadit Var Arn-'S III_-A Il W'l" aDot ma sW" i lte ii dbcar i o srg e cl-e 'uthe&x umjii. etotei.Abou*; ---à 1 it.<t béuD«§., 'm5 " Ou-denvéréd 4hBr . No.m&ue.Diatw, Ewiag, T qpo u *wooli. i. "ýw -t 'm bi4and1 pmu» Mpm i. olu, i c., f iottingham w»W pu»O ol b t ea*l, S«b r uOPlu partook kWgt seh om,. a< ~ -. Shai hk ave m~ cmomosW*àl to. ia. a'r-ltted husofai. "t..U~ *0 m.Vr ~ ~ t Qb* ùe»M l hW ma airi ,5 -a eat' a'p*qI as »Ws SAV 5l4?Ult ait "ý "m t J.k. .,,. va 1*~~b Mualm u uile , i'so yChis- moi . a *1, * #m-ba.177 dfm1," n. ~ Ir te è WC Ut 4011f>0 «M" Utowuka .1 ie"udb usi ope (i~ ae ~ ±initTwshp ,l1a îoilW ,t Horae-lt John Lams.~ eb. , eu t é' 0 l l n. wo.e UI i Ml'j u 0& 'ote"cnLamb. avloo iis î IIoâiîýwsaa .uu -4 ssvo uonsoioldle pooà" for& pan - ri MLrgti, ley ltýGo Y o theshp; d«ara 4EIt.lialh Litis ~ Cvhj. L~~, odpu 844f.. bmedifframait oospabuteao ffere16 day..Uoey Bll; a d Imbote ua. Kee --b e lo bswl ~e s t. &Oei"çëw&l e ', ga rwilIb seror..m cb y - Williasm a r; &rdrapht-s B eory.fur bat bsmasUy iv Wbt 515tef18 otisro he Ima40, basl*. eie la lay Vdro*"p rillti tliaslhi . b e maeF Ru;3d .J ce ~~~à!À,a fosde l.oi 2ta ti ipe n lse emit edtierasla.g , ai IJ ie I oiecas ia g , 41 arîtie m -lat, Mary eatty. Iomoukwhik as u os~a451I1¶ lcungiasg et lu 61christ "sis1iriewMe-oofking Why flot our alyA M 1e. )snhogkelsnd~Anteoreic-latfJheMsnr2d W latUe ~ ~~tiscgltýiipa Ià d* - rme.tD i lio- .. 49tel ad a Bell;. . iemynueDonaeldost hie w.., andepava vto pegiavey, a'iil he Ao ibade Age-laJms us les~~~- la, J4gad, eSSbclD.dLfumse if;delrd Miaulep. Tie MIc l L fe la. t sbu e lt *0* Elen i h M.-oeur li * iWm oM 2O4nd.,at o .. ~~~~ ~~ ~~~ e. w e ü* b asemm uesit1-mm'. C sci@ait litpesimqls MhvevFrepGammg-î t, an. H. rad; 11" tsO loel11tdm laIef . se.Ms t e p isss o.ouebs t b1ooneVs.0m er Refý .Mthl. rIecLi aey ltsetiim es~mpou ifrt a î -, l, m otiod, wua * fulaipl niad a2aadaeet h. rge (Gitls)-a, ea M.Lnly ~iit eusry.toâ eris s r«s Ieaderst il, lt~ . i m iti io iert Voluiflea, ,l*r dormeo c ntinuwok rii mmd~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~iitos Trop0j»,* I laie1 sIte l. gt: iienir us iuhtis nole alls, o*. < n--t, onSKera ; Lng, [bat 5ie.'erys b«donca 511a: sho.teeiseedus anneLle every RM,.0 J.qN-eheMiti oo nira eoluJa ?~ adikitr, pe- whire , lw ,k in psesvoel-b.reoll lgate WboonM Kennedy;PARMtIT veieed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~b tis epecses af ii ai>fd*rcm ilte T - <f i mpa<îîmc,8ohk1s In.Mlyator2d, Sd 100 est ieS issa1berl su -asmuaus' Ï4 vrs aa Jd.obJj Bohy Cogrhaa-,Thohn asmb; 2n4 t&i.niimu e4-n 4 W.u-b >S4 uumiom h uldthopatec. JnirSd okg l a iai BI 2d pleoil; ord. lsb.m e *0- tlutoe', cutrciiIaS-.bJ C MiIWIO f #icr o n cUaea m b. o dffti <liace . Squ I saelle, railbnnld hre Iller emdieno wi.ignK tth* eameelà lncntdiegrapn- U *tesI is baosé me "a dci q , vaa pnilbc -La ltadeglagtitelyr a ol- eor Gie;or e dy 1.f ~1~~1¶ 10~ huit for l.b in 100 mnitles. ii f1e,,are-aa.9din SnIo At t10 e. -; 3s, .J.e aiton.t oint o reni a.. Wbévaylgusacir ens t h p e lca etfyb hs* I l ateràbrughdai Ctm"mae..Tit itesf td IbaCur;o&,TomsMteel bm fote dof tbï s O pp roesg i olepaato .'ltl tieibnes. uie"#hot dely segarrlg e h. ar Arihlatc-lot, Mary Lamt; nSr mis Theeafectsft ; aïdbeMKa *i Il- ~uhsoî~ cM1 oariIesteai P;Bis oai av10.JuiomA MLtl-l iii Sqiiad f h au iqo i ibmaé d.bp " u h" îl e b aa to8" ý<* Ur t.eJ McKtfor'DeledJoh.Tii.otise Olie C2»d;.d 11.8.,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ aneo leD ,is aitiCiid, iiï ia s t a 4ltitudase&, -lok- mai e vst pe a Ies. ond5h>ai~ eirGamnrlt aeEaitn;2d it rfght bav beln tii*W.l th -""P*bl!dme "Poe lnian,6,wb m l lii. ndeaordire atg is onble > .. Junior Graman ary-el;lutsbe A'haiy f i Wi todo uta acte ii eprefim'veu Il sltte MiC.afoglatIoe .aarP ise n niipl orooatsd, n .d *à. Ma? Lam il& ommecemet ao perl40y poitba nd etcivu let. $lav@t, ESis ley - tu biià ke Ji ôl. ik ie aneb Han t ;ioue. Cal ute m m i part u Uooeno loitg th fIraia, o gehu qpried éàme ic ving laintittoGeoogeeise.aternatve o.Georg uer ataatsem tr.W 3.l. it »-tht4score hst tSkshef h Gv linand - elimo st a m , asit medn ef~e ~ it<tsitls aIs. saher c ni sin vus s SrarahlM.Wniing(îls).a, SoyCttgh sujeî 1£epmuo~as oai . epeam th" J. e' seaanp or defendaue%.vpgn l -Ther CàOiiaCur and ant ealqeat. JIn w>as s ott e oe, Cuainsaks, die -n 1e* 0 vus elin, u th e .uk oltas tr m IL-_Mttht.3rli Li mo WEeSi"t m -««.wh u R hi--&- OUIS UOSIp0a»eaf shi os ise toi' of ortiem, o sial js h v e aiau lgiîsiote M.e h , le eorn IM Flid, r oe n hise Itoeui afll ggyM.Il VaS TS taras s6ocial @tom sil os t mlerrsu'."Ce ad frotW&, le odaaeey f heChcao amm Piçéthht1ng."ue.ooe elto» 01 -the mqvmm oU P lm Sarah -be Pt resco6isdvsts Prnilnt ede$le condia."'MdS -«>< or o jsabut publisin InMerting lo o b.l ci iseGusnel vold flelat the o l cfad» ofItheansmare n y inal rule ae- yobervto £e# am D.Wi. ,»4iIoëan ir 810, h S. 4,rnm Atl'd aftr d n expeien.tisai ci*ith theà ale a, v*.i lc oii mreifomto the end. Th e kamrbl "o a cte: Mg loseoe« ergsestowuMloesott oantyae csse-oeuitechent<0< tr oih peaiossbeex&d-lnso is h léreil al eqasmusi leel a vsch tamruaseaïddscaMaao ht ha, J.stieil i lBi eri botbb !h. abo~~a je bof & mespd as eWy alWa fmà ttine mis.. aogi> et tta, set eouù miin ever~yè .su>L.pbi i oueet "Fu >Prr t oLachlliaritime <o4maieea vote cf - tMuollmn tah<e tfioir ch. vabe id o- bstIfl Fo t lop- wtueieyspir5itee wdi'Cac"d SlOoPu 0c. tiodseho w e o :hig" yC .Cc, adl nw pitace, affecdini muéh a ndort b t vrasornnlgae., u 1 1 Csac a s casse. lefore i. Gbout cfloolch.te islio. amtloadiciet farhs n apeati a sppor-cflotl aboiteho , 11.' aern5O y-est .. , 'thescsol Ion vrsusIelsasof is Tassletiecams!* hsptau ndprsosr- eadriing slyiet%.'evl1e.rili Y.lîdtao sooaety Thoayies. >z > ,lie am. a et mooeu e DiinCor,édw icl$Silaing o at l llne, b Rblaet ecag by 4inccaufroo h ifoibp il ssk a glas.o f te1*b 'il w <, es.a A! cmei1vei e niraBotlreSoh ,afr; - . . g. - ýtou Itedèohoada I *tme& tisos. Juresponde nt "; lb. Lo om« lae.Tche att sion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t .1M.MIilasaarua ce f!"Aflie u 4,hem No e '. 1-A i > ou is prl I tnesh pofp alag hc Chaula '0ato erotïm tie tetta raing. slaa hudfPsm n4aeâigmat :h iva paienc »me bi or,.usaJ.shortoseech.. n ack. irea;Te000-é.. as v SA oulas, oi by coutsiad he cripneueblent nevirlaudguranl. is aud0;nce maof.~>y~ ~t patif. e T hé,ati, bvn o lebnss eoit tisa ~ Oaf 9w, chai cved sus Mr) i te ant I>O7uW~aul55 .<~- o b ade *e a rsgttt h lecuiéicmUuvtoisasEm dcîsof dvteis bww emams Win: av l mf., erie idps tjéf avsvsa fore b anc.~ % -iutaed chaià ,e'1stt's4 theo' ofa)'laGrs >y- qYaBook 4bn sutuo n tise mrkeî,ed ch " mma, ,O*4 f1w n = tmfbiof; Innrse i N ïossoow Cres s; a u oe ae u iap o~ 01b g i a placin tbofoceneos, girqS a ofmtheMMoe.. a Ji~eil.u A4 e ite su er aOdgeirAibe. Ois Glhlda itoo Tise~~~~~~~~~~~o the V7lqty zslalo f ieWa.s a Ytai M.tripe' theer hm su leea-ml*0 noeutime,; prpa. t cntlgy 1enI 1byhsuad thaou h th en Tî CAr scl eit psC ltieReve Vs d..eî.bt.Wa is tbe rva ed tseoncld mthess I user151tes ent osead osr. o nly u moif 4 $ Moom l"unc adprerigeut swda fil e d, md testSi umieau oIthe-tts floin bbeeî lisose ~ ~ ~ ~ mnl pupes vi* l ins pef'rmhmecf st M »Ch, Am ou prm.edlues " nz ieims@eV"ailPoster. leofol6,i: o ni,.e vloaaslaccommodationo o in s t h.WnIàmi thaiaeolatseu fus ie oolsNoah.r bsgd ntieMelmi idouI prh. îiiî<,lu -Ua j0( t <e e mful t"- itt Jof 4Cai y èo, *10aIâDa» dîfnMY aiti ' - 0001t a m ae1. u lcsd u$19ford,881 o. arorson, 0OW10,4 ]roof, se of:mindre ffl ic, whmsva xeeeh- * 1 au fer r easof \ekIida lon. 1 9- eto " us.. anne l sd i ie v itd l ea$1dor isean oit. asreit- I Cg I ".-, 1 "r:~M ~Id S NugeTot, igeuib Ee e o î.e. tape e aeton.s a<ae.nles-tesaIts ed MonDockeut ta, .oi81 ;iandeat.a a 3, Tiss. dfor ; c- n&&m. 800e on gahieS vorthesasai EMis 01uuld N- Tua Oa1 W6- re d, la t4 lea~> Xfist t 1>,the )4ri, Tha te re l a Skorder frat. 0 k, . un 2,M m apo *1 ht.latepubaLd~rbond, ebes"ali. fertishoe pïal ser of tage. Cbrocned r , Mîar la. oag E q,4 IDfOé O dls hsolw* aes m-s.siar Im oe<d Mi D7Tha t a llor y b.pseu r- niatin .- Taausel A damm-o r 1, qul chwdoLe aPr4s l# m , R ueme asuae Inid, P t n KeersloFenc00, guentatn (¶aus A , Ma. Tmei;2~ Coa>,A iop*eDwtwn.jIU &*No.uformat54eb W Pb"Idwt eto PNiew e Wer, i eiGii tofe s, adsd mtiselrue y s~ f8 , TIi A&ae rsn <etaispa tpeluwitb " ieraI as pu-bu aw lsIW., a ârvie e m irteguar a Pg I lree l.C id La fil gym kaivo ,rarr ug it rgtà otumberland» y I b a sume'.enite-Mi ' M0.Coaoîl, .cm 0'dedb 1#WilimlionMt froi bilath n- u M. oi n at,BsaI 0 oie tts Latin__________n t1', 10ehoe là*lnt lnttesago ns m-ov paaaeWu"dut*ioeod papet tiaicm>' ude li.lanus Càd c heI i w Ie sdlgea;a euulp ~j ~ rei l~o iluu,,u I. - ia soi lieeit bymn at. Cellis, ededb A rs 4*seJ)p w è obeg S. ibis M. AIl va u1 ia%,Ta a ederbigei cite lle q ~reia.4ofth- auq ut sh 17b oémiratt rf. usuesanMi.tnt lysecoel exesfo ,itth.dasy mfseIs 4, las..i . asésh tu roVa ii <SadaIaM410r.ofn,%t0 Nis. ol - t00ho, sud fe tipi.. uus t sêerk Iiqquloa1Wteaeide -ined mpampletI ý fo Mati ~*.ceUsa., mseed tby Mr. Cna6oI,1ia M Sd«.for # le gies tPaiuisk csMhàyhnEbe.seu ofhis Z 1. È- idei y r.ispGreat, RedutiOlil Uovai by ~Du oc mu lqMi uni ~ ~ ~ ~ o uuuthe- u c L Tovwnship -Ms*yr. Dos, beoodby Mr.! TALE COODS! Raid, TwIaeSmr forS6e grsled te E.i - ). flua, fer pmsling.Carrie; Thesa tllov goode have bm« rdciii A by-lev wu-poased le oassois te va- oucdi skié fir -the -evpasi tepaset iIbis year, l<pnSefrea 14,60.0 t» 495 ofluta Mr ya a Noat b> Mr. -Duck, aoineaiby Mn. cellaé s, -TIse m edmv for 25 cents b. 09 FB@toWy COttO*" ao Mn. Reidfor getma p mndu l- Wm ibi4qthe 0w lt4ll' a uec ii 3trino Shfrtinguy rwCarrisu. Mr. Duel, osodib>'Mr- Ste- àlooMs Reai TI o. tmeet île apprpaoa o- 60o na thse 161h clause cf I v c w f,;rns& i a the Cco il,$Sbe ot of the amppiaioa oWatdNo. 3,026 eut of the~ apprpri ciciWulN. 5 u fOete tis gneeltsd;sothuai $10of aid mute, A Ioniser esupply of ibm. b. tlaioio tis sdile lineol h S .«»s"o. canrie4.. 1. .Movtxl b>' Mr. n: Csa.îysecndeai b; rilyi Mi. Collins, Thoti tishelloving samoutit ha peaiaie!isdolavss collected, for D H M S sise.p f hie i dge, vax: James Farrellies' lo and sai . i Fga 7,50. Caried. Ln tre.511 Miitb>' Mr. Coa"ol>', aeemadd b>' Mr. Collins, Tia theClark .bsaaitlsoriz.d i ,ta talre iaamediaW~p~ceig agaiest aIl parties vise Mfee.ame on tise tomai, un leu, _____ 1 . laebresonvd in six daymsfter beingw ntfeiorthèt p -poeby the Ovarseer eft Sugar. The>' al-ço recemm#-nî that, priles bWas. ,bavarded, forwwdon Plougla.. Carried.. H1v y CsznD. bmne -b M.1Movet 1 by Mn Demnarays.imtled by Ni,. Cln, at8100 tle pprooriâted to1eràof$, n t lovaailip for thse ceaient Yeur. Catied.* Canrimai. Moea bMr. Voeamoltt acondedaiby Moed by Mr. Gibb, seconded 1'y Mr. ,Mi., Duck, anal05 b. pai> H.1foltorf, for a W . Thirkel 1, That two. prizes, -oe 'o $4, cefina fer Win. Short.- Carrimi.' and te lb.ller cf 82, ho awgarded for* Luniber Mm Curjîl ten djoued u dÎ. WCarried. TiseCoucil iso adourad as. dm. byMn. Lalhgov, socosideai by %I,. MoéQua-de, Tint John G ibb, and ia. CLut. NeuhL itingisaïn be delegates. to ihe Provint-jal E., hibation, andi tisai ahe êum of $10 ScfooL.Pic-NaC.-Thiis alait Wva great, ta eacls. Carried. sacceami es'ery vay. Filteen achool aad: Movetiby Mr.,McQoade, seeonded 1w Mlr.' about 3,000 people voie present. Thse rro-1 Densaray, Titai the .lndge@ form& le Cou itsv hoaed u>'tie BookoBras1à B !d, allShow be chose> opus tlae grouaid oita' CeSio! momnîng of -th. sho-w. Car'.l formod at tise Grammar.SciSooland marchea i ibroughatise pililstot 0M. dad' Te Inter-Counity Match. grove, where 300 putpils joinealaitise speak-j en'o stand in singing national sciga-" galeaiTise much-talked of, long expec.,ed I ter- Bniarssua" "eci Wbte ud lo." "odCouoty match, was piay , in thse Lit, Save the aits" "Wa'l 1drive tbe Feniansgoidosts 7ho uels. Tet~ ~ &.-acospaned y Msa iar. a» fine and cool, and with thse exception f on th.eo :.Cîtrxam te a warîd tr-an tise, was ai that te swings wve eallpatrenizeai throu,,hoùttah. mm nhsam riktrcu, t day y ih jou; tola. t noas tse cowdThse round vras in arery go condîtion r. disere-Itadin, nd ftr tasimprtntcapital order for bowling-, as the -tain a ut['r: e night belore bad doue ilt a great amurit matten vas setlcai, maasy asscwblodaitishe cf ml'Scboel to listen tIntise-oral exami-god TieaeFeinextmn fiwL ntoofcandidates for solool a.cbolar.hip, isigis broken up the match altogeîuîer, a 1l baut ovin; £0 a. protesi againratu one of the had greatiy i;iierfered with lise re>ru'ar iprac- catididaies, it 1vas posiponeai for a week. lice.of the Club he.e, wls;ciîwànt ùf practîca. Tisewniingnancis uuderdirctin c a hewed ii.self in the gaine, particu'ar' ; Comimita.. eon.sitiao' of, Dr.Oak ley and Mesur. George Horn-and George Douglaq,. the batting. . Assietlarce laad bier> yprori >e- aia tod geainterait. Six prizes in books and wsa a confilleudly expeceteti fsru 1ei.r- vueo swardZdte tise followh.lg succecsful boraugh, in the shape of live or at lait Lir-e3 competi!ors: Round Hanul: ltBalfour,>Ia-$ nils G.S. ; 2nd, W. D. Oakley, Manili lr; ua e.:ebto-gsg~tmn S.;; 3rd, H. Charlavorti, MàusillaG.S. An- s-ho hati been t> the front wîih the.r Ctir- gular-hanti: loi,- Jeana Catanacis, Manilla! pautieg vrere ùnable on their reluirri tt a -VC (L&. 211d, Margaret HuaitMeianlla G... i riulect thei- btàminess for - cricket ai 1 apd, Agus.s MeMaster, Cannington. At haîfr, wing îu this fact, andti he-abs1. :fit, paiîtivo a large tireva asoeaniied on, Churcisî and ilîrsesscf asiother, they were iiaaaa!e 4, Smec te Ioites. Ise, kaciraces and gaines.' rentier any ao;'is,îtaece. Victoriï laadth- ari- iP ' 1mure vnb Mr.a omi dwi,j1 fore, ro go so the fheldalune. and s-irisa' :t Chus. MeFadyce-, JohnSoassisrger, B. W. hors. tet, a rhe ere atill faunher weak-- Wood. 11isa vilbinusw acs:veto di*- ei ed L'y the absence -of 'thie roogd- men oui perised wvùh, fir vit etfa'sitabl, grouasis. tsf their os-n elev',n. nis>ly iesqrs. J t1). At isaff-pasut tane thse chutarns-&nain as- Smith, Laimsden.acnd Ttairkeil. su fiat ti,4 sombled tt ang. The pioce eatitled "-Weeil, i ive of thse eleven oniginally chosvis îouk dive the. Fenians abcd" vas recoieil îtispart in, <ru 6amie. Stili, as thse moiCh (J< lonti applauAe. Franscis Oblile 1 , MD., L.S. J une lad bees lotit ta Cricketeris here, it wà% off Bmock, thon touis ah. Chair, an-ildoliveseai thujught better te, plaîy mige-hanîdel than. :u a vomi excellent adairemw. Réeas tiIlo*ed* allov thse match Io 1-'e broken oif alttug'e ir by er' . 9ouoii, 1"tse witiy Lniasasan," >sho for is 3-ear, as in -ail proba-biluîy ia wu I .diii net fait oas ibis- occaion 1,6saus ain, his, have beea, hati it becs> fus-tisert1aned cisharacter as a plifosm orto. Tise pocee&3- Victoria having won te.t"z ecedSug ings îornînated vus thre cýhoc'. for the iin tlaemselve; and sont in B. Smîi i ý Guvernom IGenénal, Ibree for Mtarsilla Gram.i- KnoWîsoal t bat agaistise h bow tg oi t mar,.kehool, anti three fortise Qîsesa;- and S miihasnd Ham. 'legaecoînrel thus cnideti onieofthe lurgesf sud mont aitc-, utifavorably ,tom Lindsay. as. o-h i _,!t cesaful Pie-Nies oser-held in Ibis partnIoftise bwic-ket on -thi e âmoîd ba' by a trs- country. i.rons Ham, ant i hs plâce 's-as 'tks- i ScuOOOL ExJsvixÀro-T .he-semi-annual' leamy, who showel i eegood buritî- exarninatios of tise Manil!a Gramaa Scisocli n his etitan, d s-as fia a.:t vas bhi on Tisarmaay, 2M th kThée Prie-m Scellie now went in, and. with Smîiaikrp t EsigisisHistan>,' Disca Cieras b at tisaipoint. Ontario and Dlur-hamn rie" tiî hua Jchraston. . th~e bat, imeeting in M1%essrs J. G. Ilall aud lit, Geomeir>': Dasscat a szrmss JoLhn Hem, te tise bo -ingof Grace and Lnqssrdl. Balfosar - Theirvieketsan th ie next also, f~sI er 2fid Georuryt Win . Oskly, Auigue tva rune, but several chang« e. ie: nors Cartuichael. made in tise bowling, anti.lthe battera gît 1lotGe" mltiHislory: ,Adant Vmoensas, I iolaf, hitting il s-cil ari:und. ,S.-imsi Alas MeFdyýM&. nov caume mn, snd for a visile tise bail ticiv '2nl Gen.nal Busiory: A. MetJ'.<o, Mal- round the fieldi ila at diretior4s. Sm itl colin GillImpie. made sorne splessd . bits h isn nîic lai Frenchs: Jeanions Caansis ohuai t16, visoîs btwas aas aim n out. Kirchheff--r fIo-tsd scored 13 'à liat s wuai ateai 2nd nunis:DunaîsCaamroq, john.;iya',.when he s luckily cauglît. Ma'- Balfour. f'sIansid Langnom' got tegethen anti.shoý.wted Gevgrapi>:c Samh DouLglai, J. attour. msesfine baiting. 'Lanog'a sCore wai uî-e'vý Spellitag: John Moînltyr. pt togethm", andi cotibisted of a chre. L-ast Ilàproreaueai: :William Cootbe. tu ige;ho lus a r-tv xI lut Latin: D. Camnerais. J. Jorauiton. defénce and plys ver)carusiiy..- ls.a 2od Lasin > J. Balfour, A. Cisantswpris. .means-ile hati cos-npleîely collareti the 1lsovb- 3mai Latin : W. 1). OakIuyo' J.Tisoampon.' ang, sand marsup a large cousu io ri' 4e wa' 4tb Latin :.Rici. Shier, John Bart disposeti of; hie bais4 in au. easy stv le an, Gre:D. Caineron, B..W. Wood. b as, a splendid deîetl4e, assitprov'eilalr- getiser a tos- igis tomer. Mitelieli'.s-O(lr, Vicori Agicutuai w~itv. cf16 was soall andi quickîly together, - ~ andti*ateti of -s splendid driva fý)r isîur. Àmeeting ofthe Directorg oftti@ Society 1stiotilser- for tismes, a euoupie 1'4£wo lesa il was iseld in the Tes-as HallLinday>, __on s. is îanings eo'etill C lit, ins Wedisesday lai. -Preseot Mii.Cuisssg- JlLada 1t aetepeei îf.ît bansGibb Litsgow McQadeDoaa aay a sngle iineunga.& The flMing pf Lado-iya Cliii, seul Gr îai. a ery faimr. c otrtia>vthp Tise msnte.of lent meeting verisread a ea lfo oneunasa raIia oros> utV appromti1t. sgae. B.. Smitîh anti.: Dunfod es Mi.C. . obisuon' ucoiail o $690special mention. Theo bowlinsg cf G;w for n hng an ded in a.' nd Dunstord m-as aise oeilod, aaithe I»g 'oves0 b>' Mn.Lith,4 oogscied by Mr. 1saqpping -of Mn. A. 0O'Lpary? %i xe'eus Gr£asant i M. Robirson b. pahi theisum hs oscuiiliaae sJ.y : tîc ot 45 90 insaseai et$6,90.- Cairiied. was mssade b, anyone, $are Gmimce ustîi Duns-, Moveti by Mr.Cisis, seoudeai by Mi. fod;Crcp ayeil velIfr8 ta >n'l Litgov,* T)sèt tiseSoch.ty holti s Fuit Show, broaglat out hart bas for 14-, weillanid earefuily onthe Ii day cf October rase, liheTwvasobla;ned, of ootibowlinîg.,.Tise us-dar-ia.l ot Luiaisa>' ; sad .tha, aItarticlesa rich ie'as orvîn~ufSmà od tiNosrse wasiesaruure Grain, IelmutArs&c, .entatori don télt.ewckets, and one i.>'orme the. Crack a-batisen reuireti for imisemable tacres.11 or beote the.aayol tise shw, aisM ay par- i sasgl h fb> sOf)eScOle ties sot ,-maueoierng maitise " da>' of vSithwaiot i t fb ,ei show will b. chargeai 121Jeutaoieci e-su a vI ,O'Leary saud Bôy Mnlccaugii. tnj. Carnied utifoitumiely tua oui.ti inflcloseti ion 48, taving Victoria four awarded fr lu,vit: Ne-Dra.wove hstewaaso rîawstby SaeOWn n us lb. mat.afer .s tfheu Jste,.o»UCoànty Natoh ov.t played i*l