dieug iu ôfd u s veNG H4YSdu M OeupewCrmr, Twss1sdi 0" *0 la WOOU weèet-W.1y>ntianat lia biscGV(6tS ui e Pbu~taie i~~~ IS~~~~~ L. ~~~~ ~~~j1. i ...yuifcin olsovs aiQaa3._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ le( tII*n w.h bt ili 11»"htfn n sm eniS I.,p1te <'aq.t #q vasE te h~~~ml Il'*?, a. -,-,o 'lUe, £N'I t TWEpart>RI7of nu 0 <lg. disM te .sq iëwhé,8___1_=__W_________t_______ __ PAI N»FAC FANE.aDRSSTnns4 TIMIG* 0DERbel«IS MdR.,TMd ~kmssp1*. ' ~ NCI *S, PATRYCOTO N»8TAMFOWBSAN FAIIRS sdPlisWbake~,Ohppw IaifAi 5 . . l.UIa4IS 1.1l ae ~FRCChSt'0~ fl~~U 8SeUr weâ miMris MGEWFET~jjes »NEISAN AU OeIuAeii ri.apueg 4MPotr u Mkey . f i wapppoffl uimo DOESOY 14YÀ ANDCI W*.»4ffl e beof m UO&ac ftpfto -"% iBM ipli pa Ladh~m4 Ui. Ie l-aM____ ___ ____ ___ ~~~~~~~~~~IAIR COTTON AND1$ wus* ff a. UbGy0<.o éaFLOW___ Un ffll s r1p4Iye185pdBMd,50.7EU tulV * V* BoNMre %NEorp to ai AND ou torhku u . M «Ireots#bty mutWIVUÇ4prf. igoe3m phk," -Kne xohaap.AN qR WBAS flw'ril ssa 50la DomP <~ ' LMU.h. udmi ÂI»I.S, qOmeuM A al f Ihs..tfdg iy S* ag.4z T rf * 1 < a ua ah.. ss, a abdjnsta 0 uùkmadatheMIpair wu RWWumad la'lIoIats 12NC18BTE*hQHk Oo 0<<. 1114,3a0*8o14 Ntes ms sa SPûtpGoalOfi t!# staton i, .d < syRo -0 PEklS R .V1 ~wê ~ ~auo l udma tu s psTion uder - -o o 'bOM aaaDOSNkIBC. suu à eWmui Coeqieet i.sn ". .i~~*~ ,mi d f. ad ¶&O souàh haWIS, M&tlaI*0 JO, la the lSté - of lis reesat o e1.ps a po" ny be un" ua bpepw thpgtio. CqàmmumqDam tsou bfd taMW thes. ola i- df1'aouhdtS wlb 44TereKuryi UIUUW ail O at bis _french, ____________ Swoa-e M -P sn li EIW uv*tiI pseaiD I ___ ___ ___ __ dis otwm me àrou l, Êwn sd enc Sor la-. 4 * 40 F Titl "d able. si r partluars sd 01CetyNecat i duwa,& gra ly loon.ire 1J1ndN*uoccasio tFor sort upulwiIiandnd As * o uoanv Suirse £%, e h 1.lb. d. of FRF0JthNCH STORLto Popietri udmvl vyyin'a ses i yoeg Oftthe pMue .pba-e vthy < Lo 1, l 3d onoasonBoeriisT E T-N URH ,LEIEASURN EC M A Y _ _ wti d.igsratifctin- sud resorebis. 4 'h d . d hâfr, ad w Iii. yu &tor th& s,0 1061h do dadoo ý6s ftanie deingî, bege au. 'If h. a.loyall repecta 1k. iie Clnl .CDOT. upncudtcitha5acsae iaoduo T LTU fV T rô Ç && #IhII 1 lAb*t 14pribe may ha ag 50dt o 2M pe hFrtj oo oei fter ie hireu;HE D OFICEPoiclies aEL r altogethet ro ri. TAEMsatlsdSlasRii, lb. Loa.dthteainenanc ofnteir Fmille.he Bazil uls, échov Past, Engish ick1eé t zray i lle ag tttsad f h la., uon lb low-f LeDqGot'. 18 inbap:3M0 Plees Aply t d sADTTE 31-2 RchmndHil PdO.eC&W. Temaon«ropsa, sd ver&iforaton esectngLit Asurnc ma9b ha a1an9o -- Ihorthe Act of darDastatast onibilub snehes theamompanyeseOftecissueCaens pa. anti rde te' olonl CDOITsareo clsiin ï a ceds edseeeddm nClearud (3A19) alsis IArI- if ay daonsal1rsnohe u . . AOTE T thy, e ilotn 9, C aon.T PoIuInoef Disarr. el Trty otwa alaculrly oih t e daibs OWi¶-&N eiP_0F t, O riPS obt»eeet.ftëi ie Cide; u i o ~pOBb. y. fnsaes. ie ua sobatimes uprvenntFR1NC 5'OE. .Alofrc se u y ie d i ed say Fe u rot rOdet e Vaist r ti d. Iiotd.Lqo IfttitL s cf u are.e Imaiintnance oftmr a !IE I lVAJP.e fo edcial-uross D Ypr' Hlin twistd an lon Ja r ange A t the.aidos0f theb, ico den-ahdeimotant le cy odvr ea.10Plcs plte psur2, oub f eenlgStee, ouosuu er ul IIWJiusuW fii Wies i- fnac RulrsçudSothlhike à" 5sow d, A l.esWd serie s b. ha and.wd. n and h London sud ublintPorter, G.gJ.sy.Aies, sa bahas.e * zo t$tp wd i Richmond Hill P. 0bOf - ,RL.uve. pe tslgtLifeoAssuranquarcer ad forsalcci eltlPc 1 I I! M ansion. ParktlotsoTsI sud 02,eLnfsay EeaWhoconaliT-of DOBSON anak NVBnfrmaionOC Ma there Uasaembleod.e Duhn ut onroy.Th ore Besa4hsu lo. gcl tdahlapeoab.Te ucibr&r l.puli f itoiaCrnIhte agètasorrestofsrôrDnig R haXbitethem a ndi ,bli clr percep bn sd s Fe,&cs.mO ladIidCisure 8 ,i iite i )UXDÀRIU.tir particularG uMACtheY kuHsAPaWÂLheUT 50i»t o 1bouAd FCLOTH, SCAËNE -OfTAMERON IRDES 1iûitN 0F1TUcE lb >r. Ti o ruil . booksptd bat hme umarn xie ered FREn ÇHBa ts ndC ps-f& ieritiu.-ae. Barrn Ïedddo i tersandChAIRSa le0I 1 a l e @ W rpe te i m lf 0bb OfttiflhItd) Ondomela orCahad er cca.lidsa y, br. l, t . 2,Cu md<it.Ti.~ hti.irtii L.laanol stn ,fl$nspp4 OF-HAISTABES àThaladom mdr eti oofîhos b. as ga h i. osaede .t4Cafs faisieketonatlinsc.P4R FS B IL N , n eg*,sta t los s a e .11emethsu~aid Mr. Aspinj go t Main dêwn lu s.verapBacee,»dndd CDotto. Tw eH.dsi9 ied on0 pterr4ie su d wa maily pra in i aned not quY ali h ot ti fLt2 i l.Egt o-T OE&(n' park ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A W,.dotetiitt fu Buots.r NO. 4utre ain bs luà FRSouth-RE o f R Who canot b. udersold; >ropoîiône eînut., nhem. Cuh bevsre have t o h n«f bews rà avesite ofoat Fasisiformer rusuts inude tuan oh blmd aWIo lodacay Mr. O tmr o' 701 theiead imortantA. CADOTTB'S.ofn tY 0 OTA'O »ùwericg Ashe negbeed whcserTvilîcsh re ta onus tu Ir, Li2diasd121hai', .1%ofHun e Ac Sre!F NcouE-CA~rAEMAES N tSa a hat hein objeed. Frhe' nd M. quienoWore Onogee0 W,#d -U011~~~~~~~~~ ~Pr lfdsOaiota da K 8. Tml r beto2t, inOns ta E ast ,__________Wair_ k5fu*i op go la ba i of ersi N isa ho thn 11k . f -ty i e Wisnd B w_11314q. K. norn s i i. "Ke LIGO FARM The subscribe OS d esc tfultmtates, euleo f idaan h anr fVeBygu aBndsdhophu te prille"yofas ou hand, surhis Wsre b ooms, o i a rt ida large aend pri nsF u (iHreNtFrrr'Kiv soareshfulolafftabi.ant s is v i oi a n ' dIt fllt thing in. yourllue, sttt Aebdean BdRomFuni a*h Pr. et, eva e m bow mo trede i a i PLAIN GRO. DOàRERSO Th* sd actiiy en'r b.aCpHihAI u v-i sit 4 ESJGR,.Apyl ALRRS ODS; ALNTI . OE ilion aken t pae'#v hock, Liad sisàl. Iorkta B.e DUNEJFOSTO,. Bchnto.AN IN.-R O xolatin, bVIEoughîIl wold Il andpirr athilir ta4îo ag; lTRMEcOJSHI-IWSNS NDKICHNTABLSLEDSOJS;BEAc-.__Ac'__ and it. The garden.111v.Ohhe datsh LiAonCOMON Ea nEDb' EAPOS su rOw wthvred4 Td the ndgroud n r ahi iotit te ood 1todn- I «-::-e#,»o lsze et 55 tW111 etei ae Th e t re ta bs maon hife uI o*ibtadn u ia e he r it lr ge v0:- A ait cf ote a ýrtcs uer ons t eno..RqiigFsigTci e wie8o ,so wl se rv iah.me Te orhe vaîr der10ts he tai t. Caotton tea.ivrmed o d s ern - Sema ,. Plecutane.amDJin b Go THd E tEN riS ce.boor pRCH s N S E hE. tip:oCpq as tnI kaw ns. bosaJPl TAn l eo i tsud tibis rsi Uud s s.asoloa0 *, svryhr, M 4f)Jasy. ashe atch i=anslade;:R AIS. COKEYTeSo.so ila tet x oKol.' rc I er parterres and whatrl need.nqanddil; T,. SouthHNoANDofRSoN22OinÀNY Ô1 RigIE coN prk a s vry oldy wtah fiev u thu re sud ya«is»,don oatc fi A S W '.R E 'epttetto tro hea llest A bsStore, on Wiliam &mt;la RoIlsw ,ing ta e 1 5 uuIu hasid Noontilin sn ew Brick Bock, linlM Tova oM Liudssy, _______________________________iea' IcJetSre gence. 0 T 89 nova a Tb*t t511he tord n g i or uts ruaSfsaKoloflvep'r~'5f,Ç O > fio# a abs hepfople ibat And rpnt toîbrcoslwbeu&I ahh]ceot, hOoblshlUlosIaUitodâ t ti b. rsoywt aano e bewarebhow yov tisad ounI bi 1 b .itOEit JAPIC, 111 EDUTOH PLAG STILL*W A VE S, ntthYreIedteaano kepnblodmttiviwSm.1 Utnd T grde s u,i4,unhurt by, the terrifie.ile moud.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wl fo 1 eeao fH, ut esolnWnakn anaplease«1 Mld exainue bis ,tocthre&tenlng lr oe annihilaion tje alithe._ ~Ltaui, a' hasg ol eiona~protected' abJect f te r ni. -Anud there Ibis ycung vi1e. 80 îbey Manis hWppàcsi would baulk, il retends l mi ,fei - baune- need of rna hm osewho love <o talk their m1Im.id f>C..YU<1*G i)G * d a>, as d4n sanst.peopîsle v li te 1tandard-_____'Ci____________ nard, sad put tlieir âger Wolld oul in e ak ~ (OJ ertatrvs u e>tte 50 ei~pCO pDle'1ýs C I bi g sr i~~~~~~~&ib dsoa.L..NU. albefo thatsdh.iato.reaid-the ti*,g ë . )ti escaigit strength ÀA NEW 1VERSI1ON :u o.» wmtDPiovau, Lindsay, 3v& May, 18ôe. t 481f public Ihat th. roe" squallseac re gusis cf. RM S - lesmntcfmioa ayb~g,. AIRL T 10ESZKALTeO-vind vbick sSliaI under Of almom anytillage Néemorsaver heg a1te annoùuce tit né ________________Plan__ofpthue hWadofWATOB..MAKING le la confident tEN...I o atcepSaeSoes c~ le ail his.camea r e oceIf- a ElilE sin -nd1*1-utetlid à neo 11051,l,, . .p heiepln<ýu a amo' iaJlIsetolaG f thé.shiliti te iapos eaveu, ..& efforts of "the ~S WèSgB iklw K v.u.SyheSahFrclsca c ot h et o 0510ryace 1.1 as t fai bikantw at(n>vorkmuno" beof his ovra sbop, a110a 1th a Pdok biis lnha employa neltber, pu*lr oi bloer, Ibut a andf wr. oi»dytacî.d s sad, experiouced sud ulilful baud, wvie mot bni proloand êo teoouehc et e K, ofcoîorne>-(t vew vwgasqe au s .rubydxaad sCHEAPER THAN THE- CH EAPEST in adyofasheowis.r. le lruuhamu , couapicatieus, aM lie- 4discxldmtlg" public whc pe in ie maofraeconditonoIhe cotry are w égetasd oaise t iscapagbilities ~ ' bipS e laui*vch -4uvof tt cvil var, vihits attendant AoiL II orepair aeeodtngiy sy doficienries tharein.t ro ieslcttoae eea eteneaa paabac becusepovules a sit ae*rqnge'and fearful cs-lamiis.... vo Nitheri à he proprietor drivera te tIi. eeeaity . ! D conchoalenamaprotestaaisat rlgng 1113lkgae Bic. twabld b. MWaIn aeo~ fslctn ubcao i tet n ulc of bis Port 'HopeEtbihent rset-forwatdirag hetist ort, I~ ~ ~~~i tiS10thiodtfR Ugesave-- i a ofPrusia: .1fsmiiy gggoeeq»esdiyutias upriug lieighvsyy, theeb'crrupting tue free cou eat norc htb à pndaSOEa ieaoe~d.. ri hc hi nY h e1what 110 "id,1 44 Wkkt iq la t..D of tubetrbeo tlyec iy ssa ie~~~Iade; but iis tabdla iulial eds f , iibe. for d o i xcto Port Hope. To ihoseentleme i areodMysudfl i' suad h- oneall i- ii vrià-svo»Mara-May reguire the latea st n r oveints, sund vii.are net advised. et, hieposition . hiti RT their dehaice ainbhse.f4oe, t .aa3toeWa st, Ivo- cunea uy a itet farosetie s.etn-sucbIuda btsvct radaUtIemimenoser oa'lss SSYEn UTW~ crbut ihSPR Oir aLilitY b- diaregard the dser 'pre te lkpohtice ,or bu m mgurycttsWIMNRUPh. long oashua tbl iM ent, vif Ise iret in t.é p1rovince. TdGE Li ?E thy an bootsfor se Jlong Pleasat forS'g in a !"- i -Photo1 su T Bto e -mco w e-igft tÎldoovu voâilou;;slae4andlevèel cf ugirls, la la-the-etRéagi te ucreael u posaienour ultîbai, o, u, nte igo le elt bout haret- (t10 Mr.Sm lsf ~Krsol. tie e Ut II ea4so 0 ee. tî a t eil . a lbthe ork i. e hà esp.ke. The Stock is opfi of a>~s ~U BYNO ' OTL idaievr d ultiîficetiOn, Vêwing Ibat tJidy, piease ir, sdd -t<u dr ,in laM.dalp -1leo ýre atbs toio ovlei, as'God , ' osiaaadT ee.ilag uuei.lwttuouig t6 'lc, ccig uit h. ai o tos oa adCe. Sî n'eton ch1 .e re . at V o ey o a.,i,54 toI!. ulinelecouciviisbb Saesfo Oha eng.d whn has &gaino h on 7g lde os-8",ys »W,siav for an d 1Soffpaper aFLari UC = t LS pries;su aausai epir1g, ngavigFANY F A VERY SUPERIOR- QUALITY; FLNE HRS u evroa Rtrig illaeM iI Don't Win k, a ir ',14-U. S[ ya For .o., sby i b ri« icisaud exeffmn lule vigi à AS VL ,COH u e APS; LIFN COLASNEL.K-ITS,ouIiariiofl.sgefon waa- aie diector oft h. - niversaI thet Mr. S. quite tunderasits.aJust'el ca , su itdasandtcli. BRgéi COMandS oYheS,&r c lae-osrvn ILnui t8oco golog forwaj1 vas isab>îy *~ I>iU wink3 ~"Take tor a d m ugt a as glass tire 'l FaItYoas tIbm preprilor- al a i -~ ~ ÂE0 ' I ae ius.Tise pace vas DisOalt<ipu t frCh raeba-déy, e onte s d-salthle poincipa awn4balht 0"partesof dlaeriiuiuatiown" Jý ALL V WA A M M'L&TEST PAKIoN hog Tcesfrn idsyt asinasdi10tltoeLondà Times tome iiteresî. mggits sd Sssethusgiet Oo4s,--dvas i es ctearlr i e ry malose, b l!USUBRbsje owre ag npy tEcleteohu w........... ehtbiiig quiw a aiffrent ingtes ion a 05tribe o id nia whjb b.Wheesai bu k G reof thend bis <sabcnses ani'd tb11 al u o ie ida racfeur ikt. .. . . creau ud diflV 4je i Westeïià. ,be . le o.mul e elI i ia .iity lm dul à1ý .- Fares Reasouable.sans h- uin epnmnt wl adq bybu u of Ibo dïo 'obethe gyptieis@iuswbattitheirFbbir,8001Wda Lindv by oo o *iu tl OU5 31mai05pu"5a5i'v Spque1exefligon t Meet YOUt visites an tsrve peur. uer«&Yeu el.Crsu saare fCag ahai hm m -Ierlveiodb btjiiug. inga bisa P lire* Lviii nethe reopeaandsabi, for ,M thé « ruusd Ioa andai» r mlitilis vllsa, in£881114 16% ~ . k» J--<' aatgsa -I sf.t ths ite b. ,wa Ëoiaa M-Tslaelsm i h mria!ouisai T..h.. D rr omfolbl rsjoiefn Dves