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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 13 Jul 1866, p. 4

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passus, and thui relieres- the wbea busolle 1>ythéir ast the serveS WbUCh art aeiolbqtL0@d of lb giteriesi anud son.ete worst -of f morefl Ibiota. b*en ar-ý -y short ikste y pouadins se 1 a bat, tb*n .laying tii. head *lump " msW,üwowthemi itjt reliere. i ltoiog h.. he tbroat as 1loDg9asposb, of dmrboea sud dysentery, grebt.thiret,,tb. gratfication ilbhii asy liqn.id imireases re pr0optly controlied, and raps of e.. self, one ufthl. e ot .unca- Iman autiadieiý s, ha aid to.be sftdly_.iiiLoué.don, b> the id thel. sinal p*r ouo t, sleahîng isry loves coml sayl, ad so does a t br'rdered a4 aeal ûn b,~~~~~~~ aita eriiebryuglady. 0, prte Genius f<as ni nadveuiîy, sic kens ýon ithe praise, starves. on u ci ~w~it Wowen nev'r îrt-ly- cornman4 till i tey LU the re -ave given theii promise. o bey. ure. 'The KI up i ja a Molto for a tservants' Uàhwll.-î-i" usec y *io hilsserve who stand asud Wat." lan pi'Vate I-ov*erty sticks ta ae na» Afler &Il hiN Sspeudiua frienJi% andi the rest of innkinti bave des- ly artkedI eted hill.. iid a Pres- A novai way of mitking change recently occutred nt. I-long KOng jin-China. An ffiratie.Ntuerican. baving càsîplaimecl ta a' nul ve v o!u rejiige O alrwlio bail beatWd Iiimn, tie 1o01, "4ofli4 sentenced (lie cuýi1ritt ityb<v heur you.' of lite bastinada, ae sent ence ,,wbich was at fionu of ini- onc<~e exeuted, sud the Amerecan cbarged rayer was firîy -rents cos! s. The judgé net beirtg ýh appre- able ta chonge the dû)llar given hlm lAy imiet th ue Arnerican, the latter humoeroutsly told i»vine iii- bitstu taire il. ont inu- he soute manner.' Ongr-lte Accordngly the -tailerr 'us ageain tied irity. la down, and received Aftfy more blwstIus n shot, a naking vp ini hýs own perâ,9n ýthe required, tmwth the change. insressd i IR~L.,INnsLrzT. the clergyman at bled- huit muade ia wbo wbipped-bis elîild ta deatb because ct ofnarty he would, nut tsa y is prayer3, aR1td W.110 %as sequtice, releused en $10,000 bail, îmnediately lag ail hbas upon being set nt liberty wea te Iicihu-e niight it ýf isbrother-in-law tea tay, btw-l o ýer1 as lie .ail wed tct do e, he'*brt hîe;r.inmu -la er- tifit hot ing itbat his bouse wctud le toril down by y lo-nig4iî. an agitatedtiltnîub;-a âd the. mserable rman aîtdres.iti- bas &eg. intalen yb is quarens the j;Iil i;, 1 doubt ut Albion. th:, S lime voluntarily, but really ould bayo te escape suimmary punkSIl1nùvo at Lb'.i >ntiresiitp' lhands ut an indignant pbi. idriI~ The Edinbtirg-ti Scot man says th at ini - the diferent couaties cof Scotland the, hav , -B1ees in crôP ml hbe tucomniollty -ight. 5-.Severy froin cold, deficient. indeed, is ilje mtni-ny parts tliat ,te freez- tarmers do not appeat te ronsider ibat ils '-i~..Im~m cutanand iwitsriowviàcr-vOuId bho einuner. ,he bottoan atîve, alnd <eywere eating it off i-'Fh were fully bihece. Pasture fields have sufferce' fu.ly ,hile olters ~more from t lie drought titan grass in tended àcf 1)ees, for bey, end meoDy liidsaîe quite bare. s. lUvsThe7 cenrcl cropi, uthiise ds~n< ~il larera k(.r are geaerally reardàtias tie. boi.t tarmed id fût, Il le inSeotli, are net soli r forward ier do- re eKpoeeti aey on thêewliole lélor.k50eVig,ôousais the), rwit.b iheir generally do at that ( une 1 S) .ieao f $i t s i iie-ived, rrtd on ùitýtil t eCOern t et,-ald Illietb-es are LIed t'ogethcr iin u ice omebs are tliuan frozen or i.0%Cd -to afilospilert of' ure fur soen.tri, <bey ver the weatiter Lecolmets uA Ut ieed.4'Ar, Sir, oiglit -1< ear- e kunia TmDÂWG£R0 ALS rETk- rallIer singular accide t, rtended'*wrtb a liail resuIt, cccutrred ini the nt'iglîbea ot(l lý.iKiniarnoc'k à few days ao-NIr. Alex. Orr, of. 1 aimbea'ton, atiIe h inbed. c'arly in te mortiîitrg, wU6Seaize& àiti violent' fit of ceugliiig,'daring wlriclîlac swallowed soen- ial-e .tet!tit 4h an-plate rtbaired. 'Me die al as itanei was specýd ily- mrcuredh and an curetIe having bren u d-. nîini4tercd, lte teetin %vre sotinej.etecL. Nwîhitag-serious wast,~ firs tl',tIî,ttndetl,. but il 15 uow Sùppoed tîat tue gut tiýt s. have Leon u leratecli,àis dangeruus syty -ji, tonte sos>n set iha, And shortly -afterwàrds ,Nr..Orr expired. st. - A KNOWING GR--Afl lronest fariner il hac4ss couaity, nârried a Oriîsa rorma ~A faiioctble frist-clissborarding selîorl, for a few isccnvv é.lc. ie SIrùCý dailb-i'itir ba- ber cloqtence, and gapèd, wiîth werder ai d il, hber ltuig "e mât, . i bftr 10 boie bol. through tire scliaiearth,and flmg id 1bbc a iri-itoue in, and st wu r i yen b r r' n ashavi' lhow lung tibe'oae aroüulai le llig,' goinzag tin tirotigt. 1 used te ýtliink it: rit all- wsair I 1tceled i laevéry line ire ta 'itadl,'expif cd,' lhowonever ebe toli aie tuai, lett ise lnear be tter ; i-le tolJ rme tira i bad beesn.suikisag' iu Lave kî1îtd, cf gin,1ox pain leier and nitre gin ! lVl y statrs! in a temlper-' Cones aInc-e man. anad yet ha<ve been tiD.inking o ýha ~a'aid, ntre gi> ilà lft > -CIand *AL.BERT EWAD'LAST $PEZCH. The Ii>iinr.e al' 'ules amailde radiier aiakill- li i tile spioccît in lygthre fouindationl. Y > y, 1r lire Uiblu -oricly. - 1D.-* salai <uat.he 0k' k. iace ILItiithr's îaatainu ii ili a ,Cni<ontl execnited iulerth, rt;*,.-note whîicl i Eecto' of Saxrony,'4 oll,çIt:i'J mie1 the nzirkvd ; o <f te latta liice Conort,-while-tlire O G k i g î r e e r î a u l x t r iidivn t r a w s n t r o d u c e d teIUI rsrr1 il Ietacinc Ic. Bovral 1trde- s) have -cea'orof lis molrî7 Qt-en .Elîzebet .il. -wha Ir Somo e t.tfr wi.ute ',a et1r1t*ad S,. 'Sire of i'predI-ýeessor,' n«.1 lire Pi irco bas bee» nt "YiY nduil-quizze~d for tracin,, Iis -ancestor *qi l >' a a natdefi Queea. Butt-lire 4 Tines' vilb reporied il'1 predeceýsIr,' and evea i flire ,Mid 1 'arweetr,' sînticn -the previeuus sen- f - be teuce lic hai tikee et a .'cullai laucs e ('i- toi" (If ILis fatlier,'>ithere igs irereassa wlîy î;sthe- le hio nloet have neanjt ae cuol.aitïial Iig to ai.ce>tr&ir et lis inu-thtr, ahicl a a naidun ir'pr is entitisti, ve suppose, t'j be.,.-L h jý 've. ratier tea bai <o pick blls, lu much the ,pert. best uifle speuech tue Princeof Wagles ibas n y our yet jnasde.-SIrecînitr.- ' aid -Hn eary, a 'llard c'ame' nbf Ibis i mitreO ,hieh ,etb t thea; b. hesqa noire kt-haePolice Ceîurt bii aneceîir k-r " laigýd.. Sites i Orsnk and 091t, oraiiIe to 15lb. y in" 35 " 10,~ 100 > 18 150 < 2 . S 2Û0 24 e Lfet.of Acadmy, 31eamb go Weight,Pie af&l -À.1 2251s.2i$56000 2715 22 69 00 375 34 94flDo 450 36 112 0 60o 30 il50 00 750. 4 -188 cDo 1000 46 250 O 12()o 48. 300 00> 140Ô0 50 35i000 1560 52- 400 0 1800 55 450 01) 201M 58 - 500 001 25io. Go 625 (0 3000 63 *750 00 35oô0 136 875 00> 4.100 69 ()00 00 45ÔÙ 72 1125 Of, 500 à1 1250 0&1 Larger S$s -aMade Leo *? GVÂA RNTZ.-All BellS prices w4rrras ed agItinsi ringinig, for itoelve SIo5ik& chasing. Should coefail, given by retu.rJng the brok Orders ayble-sernt thr York. li case e Bell breaks ftç lime W,%arrantee; 1 allOw .al ELLS Mt tha -Ui",d MMNOTW, 5015-1 IrTios, uneq'îa1- Sfr.ssfros15 n wuthe& aid, at vbi.h butni. 014 bea mgbt fqe cash. ýON, %â34 s&zeD oj: bWo-Mwe> kk, Btaadard's ir Cosior off &Iand 1 flansing. omwlte. e,.00 8 75 12 50 18 75 25 00 37 50 w500G 62 50 baal, Fire-atarm, partùculars as- tô la 00a 87gOô:., 25 00 $ 7100 1800 ü 8700o 35200 1225-00 42500 13700 30 00 400;00O 54 00- 25 QD 40 001 29AloÛ 450) I62400 72 01) 400 60 60 040 SC100 100 f0l) 1100 (00 113 0<) 12 38 0 125 1 . le5. 00. ai z5 csaper pouud. isold aetheb. bove tbreakage 4y fair 1frou tinte cf plur- ,a new bell wil1l be >kena one. 'dugli the AMmuuc'Ârl 89 Broadway, Neiv teth h.expiration of, If piie fur.tic old JOHN B. R BINSON, 311 -1 U-3 Dey Strett, «N. Y. P. . Lê IRailway. ON Nand fter éËJue 28th, IMG6, and until'fur- ther flotrCp, Traiuq wyul run a5a follows: Leave ILindsay ai. 9,25-a. anrd atriventi Port Hope at 12.50J pa. Returiiing wilI teave Port Ilope 3.00:a-tii, arrive et Lindsay at " 6.40S, Sopreintjendent. Cigaraluciprsl!. A LARGE STOCK, variouis harwîte sale and retail, on very fatvorilbloe acrms. Hlotelekepers cpn fSud every kid,- om $1 ltu $4 per box, et 34.6 Keenan's Block, Lindsay. WNaU Paper. A.LARCE VARIETY, of every dgscri ption, ketcontantiy o n band et 346. Kaenan's Block, Lindsay. Wiudow BI*dst LAIN and FANCY-various prices,- at PL1£ G EMSJAG ERS, 348KeenansBock, Linds4y. 1866. rj'HE Subscribe A.t.hîsSoron william Street, in Kniowlsqon's New Brick Blick, in lhe Town cf L.indsay, Wliereb-hois determined to-Sei a Il iris Gootis et tb. ]L4wet'Cash, rie, lli keeping Iis eid rnotto la view "Stnal -Profits and Quck Returna.» Partiest wislirrng. cîeap- bar gains.,aill plenise mitl and examine bi& Stock, before going eisewlere. 20 Ckeils Young Hysmn Tea) at 2*. 6d.î per pund. Linduay, 3rd iMay, 1866. - 34811 q"IlE rkcflSior Bitter,3 should b. nsqed ln every 1, nilyinmore especially at the Sprinlg tlre of ýtb. year. They regirlate tihe general ayste m, givýe a beàlthy appetite, prify the blood, anmd counternet any bad effet from the use cf im- p r0 water. "Th ese Bitters vee m mch srud inEnglpsnd-àt the timu±otf the Choiera, t4 as a cure of Ibat diseae, but for cleanlng the general evstem, which iu the great preveutive of the sanie. For- Foyer end Agùe, theY cannot b. Take for a drr nglt a vine glass three timesý a-day, beforenea1%. Sold at al tLhe principal Drugita idStos tbroughoaat Canlidaand Whoiislo > ~ ~ s~> ~Ce. Cbu" Bker Wilit Street, T = luu aM. ~ vcat v FPoutu, ar uiowi asedte rnasIfaOWMto. erder Iacluding Statienery, Portable and MarIne. M.l W.rlc, Treakien g MaMm spm, ofatil <eripiona. ,my boy,1 THE ýDLTCII FLAG STILL WAVEF.S,, Tregrdes. f, and . unhurt by,. thc t-3rrýfiC *roar and meigity (?) cilemerits lit _wat iaithorlit, threaeniig omplete annihlation te al tre - npro)tectd, objects of tlhirlftey. And tiere il irtend 3 le remeirr,"for it.bas ne need of remio- val, ns alsi-iBnc, ireoieé knomv the stlnàdard- betrerq prowess-a nd reputation la tee adI es- tablisiieti for itat, anti lieuislîes tu rensind theý purblic that tire rvrtsqrrallsaiae râcrc. gusts -of, wind kebich, 804)1 paa.i awai-. li1e n, 1r-oerbegs tb autm ce limaI under the lie ad of WATC iI-.MAKING, he, is confident of the abiliry t.6.strpass even the. efforts of- "the best(t)worraiîa"olrtsittc cof Irid can shop, as Ieemîricys neither potier. ncr biower, buîta "Steady, experiericel -and skiiifrrl baud, aho act oniy thicrorrghiy uarlerstand.s tire 'Iwftcl i a al tars," but the.liart3 of evcry waich in ail Ibeir comnîlicalions, as thi.Il discriniiittiiîg .public arc wel l -awure of', andi alio cl, bis capaebilities ,0ruair aeordirigly any deicienries t1hrerin. Neither iN tIreproprietcr tirivera 10 thre niecessity 2 of solicitiiag crîstoin on Ime streets. and, public- highwrays, tliereby irterrtpting the frée lcorîrse c>f. traýde;bhit bis standing prinei;'îe is tt doraI, fainly arud honeÉtiy aurh evcry man, acuaraon andi chiid, artd ln th&,, capa city firats littie lime te taik 1,oltics, orhbîilti up imagirriry,catles. fîileti ait-bmuradry groceries .anti'l iquers, build-. ings doeraacd neyt-r to rime ebove the level of an lnflWted:brýala. Wetchea,' oitJewellery, Fae>Goodtis anti Roat-pa per always on band, And- et olti prices; id :AsusmuajRepairlng,_ Engraving, &c. ke.- solicei, nd executed.with gregt care sud-.despa.tvh., Plisally, as the proprietor la In ne wa' al-' rtaedbtt bat "Il arties* of disciminiation" - -would sces ciarly if <roà1. lo lne, lie wàfid reconmend Iiris ertomàerute try anid rub .ime dg ut -ftato!eir boeaigted eyes, and tlney viii tien of à traIta bebold vhbeea -reality tea' anit ernes frn-h pola i aPur a*rayod' laalîh gey Swig Iporation hoshebo tth tý b m tion oftb, hid. 1 or ithmAt ver> ~or Io that liting- 847îf THE EDINBURCH, LWE.ASSURANCE COM'Y, Fr.sh Tees. y0OUNG HYSoN, Guq*owder, Tvankay, Senchong,ongom, &Bd JaPai T..,, for salechea by DOBSON é NILOC]K. GOODERHAMk WORTS Old Ryt, Toddj' aiid Plain Wb bieg Cipeva Malt, Ald- welI a Ale, in brrs.ad es XX Porter and Ale in- beoules, for mal.byiI DOBSON à NIBLOCIt. feqý-1fB1y itimtetobis CuomlerS ad h% ic, that big! tgides w i a" mautasfacion, bomi te ri an dQmaiy co M.tUm Iwo stook commista in parto BLACX BROADOLOTHS, REGA TTA SIUI1RTINGS, SCUIV:R AND ENGLI 9 TWEEDS, MRA If I2 AND) MANTLE%, UTNION »4~D COTTON TWEEDS DJLESS 6OOD.3 PLAIN AND FANO Y FLANNEU A I)DRESS I8 U7ONS3 It.RIMMING$% FACI211fY C077Y)N AND STEAM FWWIERS AND ETKS LDE'BONNEIS AND RATS, LOOM, GEN2w' ELT A))STRAWRAZ& *0ROCERI E-SI T& from U. U4 -t .,Sg RBERTI SPIE R, o nre etadLuStreaLuuy Country Nerchants and TIAVINCoccasion to- "Isort up," ilfna filarge and varied stock cf Groceies and Liquors frorn which they cen select to, advan- tage Lt DOBSNk NIqJILOCK. IIJEADOFFICE,. 22 GEORGE STREET, -EDINRURdIH, HEAO OFFICE IN CANA DA, WELLiNGTON 91r., rQtOONTO. THE. EDINBURGH1. LIFE. ASSURA'NCE COMPANY Cuder the Act of Parliement pessed titis list session, are empowered te issue te eppilcants, POIJXR~OY IYKA~MRAN~HfNew Fruit, &è Forteesole b,-uÇeft of their Wî'es ad blîdrea; such Polciies a .re ait ,ogether, free 'frotn anv TAEllsaeandi Sultana. Raisinst, dla im on the l t of C re titors, andi cuable per ceras t e provi e w ith c eta in ty after t h i d at f r [ N e C op ur nt , . l c s F b rt a d 1Brazil nuts, ,nellovv Paste, Euglish Pickieg, thre mnaintenance cf <licir Families. u ai is frt- e ace,&. u aeb Thre Edinl>turgli Life Assurance Companuy are prepaaed te offer.unrsuSlac-iisfrti e acs c. o aebDBO IIO .scrilltion of Insurance. Terma of proposai, and es'erY information respecting Life Assurane -May b. had et aaq of i. the Company.;offices ina Cana la. J. IILLYARID CAMERON. Chairmen. * DAVID HIGGTNS, 'Secretary I*i Job- Work pmptly attende 4 to ~ Soa~ ron aidBrasa bonghit or taken iii A eai 18Respeofully Solicited. FRANCIS STEVENSO e Port Hope, .Feb. 14, 1866. 341-26 To b. Siolda ]Baratti"., Thé. south hait of Lot- No. 18, in the 15th -Concession of 1.tarîposa, cbntainitig 100 acres, of which- about 710 aeres are cleared. andu- -det clui4ivàtiof; it lu veil fenced, bas à gond, log àud also .Fse Dwelling bouge, and a amoil Barn and Stable thereon; there is al-: wlays a good-supplyr.of sprlng wàter ou the lot. Time -will be .given for the gÉeater part cf the. Pnrchase imoney. * 'itle indisputable. For, partieulars: and -te treât, apply on the.prenlisea te the-Proprieètor,, GEORGE LAKEY~ -or. te Mesurs. MACKAY & REAP, LANDS t eSL TJ IIE advertiser offert; for sale-the fokllowing ->Lots, ýat:from $1.50 lte 82.00 Pei acre, Lot 18,in 3rd concession, Somnere.ille, ' 4, 'lOth -do dO * "5, Oh d do 6î.lOth do 4do Or he wMl lease these arne for 5 or 7 ycars, Cptpon, Condition that 5.acres are eclea.red, upon .al, lot yearly,,taxe.s.paid, and statute labour doue. A- fixed priceamày be a.-rced on, ai -which, the Tenant may purchase ut aî*y, ime during the Lease, Apî>ily to, G. J. F. PEA rC, 34-26 Richmond 11111 ,P:O ., C. W.ý FdRAL E AFARM O? 116 ÂCRES, about 75 0 fwhir h are clIeared aad seeded doWn ii Cloverand- Tim.othy, beiiig lotNo..-9, .çron -7, Isfor sale in. the Lots,»o. 4 Andi 5 %Iith of PRidnubt street,l being <Jie,ý site' f JewveîCs former IBIde, consirting Uf t.wo-hýtltiq cf an nac. Lots 20 a nd1 22, north cf Oleuelg Street,Coli- ýsisiin9 of crie'qt art r a cre ch. Park lots T 1 aitd CI 2Y bildsy East, consîsî- ing cf 5 and'ka half.acres eael). 1 8ix hîf ac e t n lot 15 West cf Adelaîde- strtet, fticilg on Adelxide aod Colbournc Sîs. Forpartiý:uIars apply tg MACKAY &k HEAP, Barristers. Lindsay, Nôvý 7, 186,5. 322 FOR'SALE OuLiberal ornme. Theý South htkIf cf -Lot 22 -in the Eighth coln- cession of the in the COUNTY 0F ONI'4R10, MORS OR LES5. Known.as thie . "KELLOG FAR M."t A .véry valuabe property withr good builifags. AjPply to GEO. D9I1MER ort teIl. DTNFORD, Slctr c Reg(istirY offiée. Lindsay. Octojbeýr 20ilh, 18G5., 32 TREMENPOUS H.IGUI WINDS ANODA_ Notwithstamding ut that- Lisids-ay -For.ititure IVarehbouse. Iiuported'liquors. 'L Badies of best brnnds, tviz - Martejs, Ills R) & Vo., United Vinevark! Iro- pritors, Pe 3Irîn ) 9errîes Grahant s lo i~~I14I~~ ( ., a ,rdeîaip'rptses) . uDu pUl's lilIPd Gin. Jamýiica Bain, tri4h and Sc<tch WhIri. l."ndlorr andi Dulin Porter, EnýIish Ales, &-(., ViM~I~ iuu t1i~aVWWfor sale ____ Thle sulbscriber offers te the publie of Victoria Cotrnty the lr.tas-sortament DOISN- 1BOK andi Bed..Room Furuiture, lu various styles, ever brouglat-iritn Lindsy. Partictilar attention ______________________ is invited tu bis WAMNU T SOFAS: IN HAïRt CLOTII, ci CIIAIRS " SIDE-90ARDS k&Diuiug Tables, ci IUREAUS, PARLOR, DININGk KITCHEN CIUAIRS, AI olrders carfudly attended to. t4. C( qr4. Pictures Framned., 0:'. A eall rom., Ite3 eÉber-ADJOI.NIG THE1 WOOD SEATI-' SOFA, COTTAGE k OMON BEDSTADsP A B I DRESSING TABLES, & kC c - LJ.'.. 'afia f ilsizes kept cnn-elantly in stock. PA RTIES BU i te d g purchaser s oci tet.i.W antng \ ail GCla ss, P u ENGLHSH H OII EN TRT. * URNITURE! IRHESubscriber w u14 reqîrecfti y* intimnatc to thc people cof Lindsay, and the County of Vie ,.Loria, that he bas on hand, at bis Watre-RoOmqi, on %illi-tm Street, Lindsay, a largeAndi well-assorted ýStoek cf Furniture, conlsisting of PARLOIt-ANUD DNIN(;-RoO0l CH A1RS; WALNuT SOFAS>iINÏ HAiit.CLO'TLI;1A, GREAT 'VAR1ETY OF CANE AND. \VOOD-ý .SEAT- CHAIRS; OFFICE AItM-CBAIS; CHIhLDfEY' GIiG Nb NU OWCHAULS IIGRoom, C rrE J ND 1cIiN AbLS iDBADS EU R.1EAtS AND CiJIFFONA111ES; SOFA, COTTAGE AND COMMON BEDSTEA D,-:lEA'ÇYand _W11ATOTZS; JANUPBOAtIDS. LOU-NUES AND M.ýA'LrRE'ZSES, Together wiîlm a large-varicty cf other articles, toc numerous to mention. Please cali and examine thie Goods, -and note the price. before purchasing eIsewliere. The- Shop i; oh- William Street, next té Knowlson's Brick Block. JOHN ANDERSON. Lindsay, Mal, -1866. 3494lY cii CHEFAPE R TIIN TtUE CHEÂPE ST1' 7JNE SBSCIIBR, e eet the aolicitatinna aof several Gentlemen te open a brandi T cfý his Por t-t Hue Est4blilutriientt, lu pnelu ent firtrdirg ibeir orderteoon, li.ege tuepanounete iret ho lias upenoti a STORE at tile abovu dd1es5, front which. their fevers - WilI be forwardedt for -his executioni n Port flope. To tbose gentlemen Wlto naay require time latest imp'overnecdoq, sud who are nul advised ot'>bis positio nj t is nec ezýssry ta say i.hat His sTrYLEOF> CU ITINUG, .conubined i wthSUPERIOR iWORXM~ANSHIP, bas long t.iaaned bis Establislru.-nt, witlm lb. first in the Province1. la time Ready-niade Departanent yeu aili tint- ne g-arme-trîs imad-e by inexperieticeni g;irls, paidi la âti-per day. te itacrease bris profits ai your ultntate lcss,- but, on tne contary, the wourk i equal ta bespoke. The Stock is emmoet-I cf Clôths, .Cast-irneres, FANCY FLANNELS 0F A VERY SUPERIOR QUALITY; PLAN' EL:.SHIRTS, BATS ; VELVET, CLOTII adh other CAPS; LINEN COLLAiS, N*ECK-t1ES, ALL Ù7 WMRH AU '07 TRE La-TEU T AMt>NH C:> THE SUBSCRIBER lia juatý Forwarded a large suppiy of Excelent Clothieg Made up for thae Liudrsay Bîançb. Mi. .. Reet w -operfeetly underau!arsthe: B"ns inleevery Department, viii satn oeexr<lon -le appel yeur wiéam at serve poar itùffls. Yeu - ifii Luti hm relittile, and a ONE PRI CE MAlN, "sking yeua e i &tthe. Loveml Remanîerative profit rtty, locks, Ilipgpq. Who cannot, be undersold. CARIAGE-MIAKERS AND BLACKSIMITHS, tBuv vyonr Bar. Band and llofirs, lion. FSteel, Spig.F.an (itG lispre ails. Fàmrr.r< Ktt:Vee BoIs, l'urcers, SI<ein Box "s and AxIes, or n thing in your Une, at T.- FOýLfýV &Cou" IHardware Store, Ket S-treet, Sign of the Big Padlock. SPOIITING MEN fleq~iiring Fi~hing Tackie, Net Twine, Sp~-'o Sýauts, P,.wVder, Shot, Feiis terproof Caps, Oua *Vads, Foii-linird and W Oit xANY OTIIEIIMAX Wýanning anytliing>(t-,e in the 'Ilar-dware'hne, Cheap for Crash, - alil et T. FOI.EV o. Keenan's Block, Kent Street. Agerts for the Trenton 1'aper Liudsay, 4th May, 1866..3~t FARMERS 1If von went chcap Sprades, Shcie, Pic-ks, lIcem, Sc*,thes, Siaths, Forks, t1nkei,.-cgoto tie Si2n ol theo Big Padlock. DEIAVIRT.Ot u NTIL Frtrher, Notire. a Stage wilileave BOV0NTON',S IOTEL, Lintisay, every ,la wtniimorniirg, t 6 6;ciock, rea ciring Mlanille. iu tiare te connrt ailitte Ssîgfes for Osbawa and Beaverton. Return*iig, will leeve %ManiilL% on the arrivai of te 51.ages from Oshtawa. anti ieaverton, erriving et Lindsay at 8 oMclck. Threugh Tickets froua Lindsay,,te 0gb- .. . . .. . . $200 Return Tickets ......................350 Way'Fanes Reasonebie. - 7 33-Pffsengers from -the North are. coureyed le the Cars at 0shrawaf,<ee of Charge.ý -The Proprietorsi ilnot 14 responsible fer, Parcels or Baggage, uniesa booked and pilti for.- Ccufortable Conveyanees snd Careful Drivers. TRaMAS à COUITEAU,. W =1eai. "tail et DOBSON &NIBLOCI. Agentis ai Linrdsay. ýaid Que=. a one v Saipprel .ees bl'e .et eue'f tl whicli ý 1 ,4 -. (319) Comer 6f Kent and Lindsay Streéte Lindsay., .Paintsý Oils, or anviliiiig Lu L'O to, bu tv, LindMf, %x ü -lit bàà -à - A ý ý l

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