W ftN~ I j 4~ L1TE~&ÀRT, I Ivoi kKent Street. à AT. i 114-ti 'u4tssu and At-. WELLES 'at-tf iTOVN, Barrlsteu's andi SAtýtorney-at-Lmw, Slicietor in risoma-lvasmiy. - 0I8ce-wVod- tlauwy istoLosit, at -?19,r int. uc4.al wihin test yen rs, et such rrower -propose§. 30h l-IU ANPhusiciaîn, -Surngeon , batik Sc. -, 1 4)r;, Pliy-ician, Suaron amui!Ac- -r. f.sidmsCc-Ci>t il wlli and L, fuu-mrly oceaiis'4 hy . - 321 iXMP1'lTl MCGrail-aite or MeGill t-y., ibodîcat heI'ere toe iteU i liritihrul and %larteinutile In3aranco -Wiilau Mr. George KemPt'4 Lluîhaîiy - - 239-tl lnv. M. .-EJtlce aatdui a'slak'u a, 2 dodso vhs i u utdti' Ibo, n-t thua R8iý*AI)IN(- it NOl,Koi flktK Kttrutact.,à JULY 2% 1866. -Wh4u No. 8W. WILLIAA.GOODWIN, I OI(ýgJ s4 L G pàfAITl, PAPEIR HN MikIttWLud4 7 SMd N7,18«6 41 DIR. W- N. -WRITEBIDE# s b.yMedtcBi Colle e. lomiy As- 1881111OF MARIAIRE ICCES5 -MANILLA, C. W. 32M D.......... ]LINDSAY. 308tfb COON1RANE & 0O.ORRIANE,9 Prine Albert& Port Perry, C. W. Coualty Gi'owms Attqyà MýACKENzlIE &PTIS SeLICITORS ýIN CHANCEFty, ê,. K.~~~~~~~~o II4uri ..O .PissmB.C.L; Toronto, IanI 1866.-31 Nos. 43 &48 ,Kitng Street, Wet, Over E. Ibooxaut Ca.'s >Drug Siore, Turonlo. ltsnasvas-TbO R ey. The Lar-d.B.il.1ua àof Turonto; tiat. Rt er. The ILord l Birhop - t 1larei;,Lb. 1., .TiaLord ,lieiop 01, Otario. - ~3. H ENRV HUGHES, IlON SE DAUC- Kent. Sht, tiLinuisy, tlOders loft ai thicOffice of b. Canaiauî ýPost w-il recelve proarpt attention, Lind"ty, Jul,131h. 1804i,_255-tf DR« INCERSOILLI, Graduate. Qu"ei' Invçrsityo- Ktingston, C.W., <Late, Surgese LT. S Arny.>, 1 son's store, corner et ut-Wlan$Luts * itesîdence Jeet el. -Adv-u oand Recipies faram'usid grctaiow 'ai t10 _ h poor every NV dnued4aaîi ard rom ý( t a1* ..tea 1 p1). Il Liday Dec. 21* l"u5. D E N TIS.T R Y. 1. r. ta, ýwKk, Surgeon Dl- o u Vry suih tore, K uiZ ~Civilrgiïienr and lrîýovincIRl srvevori Ru8SCII Street. ,i limgu and Ili ovinci-Rl cyu. uii n . Kempt's (,f, ouil' iVictoria. Land- y te. aiu<ft (1dýscrhP- t thoat-noiCe. - 3t-au- té% dI..-.t is f Trin- WM. URNETTj, SURGN,:DÉNtTS, (LATU 0V tISO.. ET.Lid AND J. a. ELLIoT'S - eFFacZs, TORtONTO.) Io 1E-lehfurnu thj i iaihtaàtl Of lifftirdi> ita slIvic-Iuity, thlt iat iue eopeneui au office Over Kiîowlsauî k. Greegry'sDrmag Store, coraier cf Rout ui Vh u tued anbry Teeti lsrrîda ou Pne ivrlli or Viticanise 1It ilmbler.- TechlivflleatI1a lolu, Silver, cm CanupbelI'q Amuîag 1 ii.. -Tuetli ex- Perfect s'ai ticou .itan tecuýl lu evr> caa i criutd DEPARTMI ENTA L, PARLTU&METARY, and -Paient Rif*t AgeUt. TjÂRTIES ' IGBSNSS-TO0 L transmet, wlIpsaye Lime aiuutrouble by aranstlti(ig Mr. Ortet. Ovrîr n-S ors elca ýYork, onSiee Strect, l lu e miatn bur3ilding iuMessars. Buc- iey &ScottSoIicLtorm_- OttaaRaL. HAL866 rogi ÂO( LAD Ail W 7ILD AND IMù vv.for Sale ik tb silaucoS. ,, 14. 1.-Speclal aIl sud prompt remkt*sll 4.W. e mror Caunty victorii t.ditor Berrie ExaiJf lcanamditm Poi, Lind OrhiFebruatry' TIho subseribet' de a dý tue public lb. best baorses, -neatea cartiages and huggi bire. Tormie cti Fuîturi N w, .ue IIL' a -- w'-- *515 ANDtI, ho. k a! Outarla as i~ CollectIon berpea, N.L.C hou. Osera Mi~P.1'Aatgus sCoskey. Esq., UII.r - erk sud Tisas. quoholten, Esq., lie Edilar cf lb. 138 kform s sfr iends nuies te lkeop the est côoiotable1 atly an bamud. for -ehoiise-1 Dotcw-Eu*h jg4 pÉces!! The subacriber begs te lufocî tise inhabitants cf Lindsasy and sirrousiinug cawtty itati le likts iately opened aout a Lerge snd ,arîed sock cof Chlairs, lied steads, Bureaus3 Dressimg and ailier stands 1. Lotkng lassos, &C., al cf whihelihowiill sell! s u nch lover rnues, tlan haeheretofore becs mtaked in Lîudsay:. --Citairs aSui0oas la Flair clolh. - - tl* Funerals Ftirislsed. Jolihu 'il re- rteeve prMpt attention. -- W 1!.WRTE, -- Opposa te Crev L&ndOfflce7. Linda>,Febr4&irl, 18 G5.1 829 r-piE'undeiaignoul lias ativices f.orn bis- cor- . réspoiidents, of awaitiug investrnnt û n Oheice, Imnpraved1 rani; it- hire OLD SETTLEO TOWNSHIPS aihie aiud the ardjoiiug Coaimties. - As pat éf the Mulies belog te privaite iudividaalg, lWangi cati, h negotiàted in FRMTES TO FIFTEEN~ DAYS aftertiîc applications arc made, Iprov!ded the Tities artd net unsaly couaplistei., Apply, if by letton pre-paiti, tu THE AUGYLE UOTELL. Il AS been lately riaovâ tec and refiurnisbitd, [[ wiuî uhe Tof ai king it a c6oitablt. Country Inn-. Liceîîsed to Bell Wines a.nd Spiirits, -of whicb the best bra.ndq only xvill be kepýt. Argyle,-fith Marcd½18tG. KENTSTREET, LINI)SAY. Gl sthle airacl-aueul attucid, and an atter tiv Litaier alwaysin attendance. Froc Omnibus Le uandu-omfeanL Cars and Bbati o eia qui in g eh .Cu 'Toebea!of the ruant'- ésijdeimnce art M1r. Jlmtter's, S PE CIA L N OTI CE S,- Williamns' Impt'e ' 10 COUNTRY II-CT TS, ewis ing te a Ogams. - j srt p ithi Medieýcimos, l fii alarge ____________stock ut tise Miedlg icait aIconsWI»tigot' LI'KSE -A C c&s 'OR OIL, hy lie tiozot,, 3Y, C.W. Particultalt5 ESSENCES, -y and othed4tLaud Sales. CONDITION POWVDERSý.- l ukRy, Blarrister; -James --WORNI LOZENUERS, - r, do.; 'NMsa. 'atoerson pI 1GS LAEO-L To Crontmo.uMe 270arl k" AG IC1RELIEF. ,Tamuul. 27 - " PlLLS. G ýue%. gént anI. --The aliove mîiiue aibe91saltas laa as a, Cusaubilge Street, lîtud- eau b. pîircbased T1in Torontlo, or Moutarcll. - I25-f ilIiaigbeemuapel sTitle aRent foir.tloÇ hanA~NMSTIr~tsaie of Biggs's Medieimes -fer ibis Coîînfy, ,Land Ais osmu>fr Lb sercuamts andt8 othtursre meuhrnug tbom can puj-ý 1m 0 utaih'anti b)umbftit. chareat theo.iliedîcàlallI. meitL of thse- tjuuty Blilîta- ilioe r& T n th Sed ji JsaI rect'ie a stuppl> cf firs.t ciass5 Claver ad Taaoi, ¶~- tree$tot, TmtYseeds. W..T1IKL. ilitary Unifatite, Clergy- WJ IIKi,, te rrsn avsatiE - Lindsay3, iltiiJanîtarytYG. 3:3 and rche r. e- uiMtSfitiUOlL Lùeasiinoo ea d oii 7l Y, Tilor, Kent Street, - 16. - 86 len ul udup l ic hebest West livingtg taLcs. Ait or- iipt Titteutium, ansd a gea!-'le. Steamner-EMIL Y VMA y leaves Bell - 279-ly 7Jaat ovoreiawfusltla.1y on thetho ar-, ival of the Mail T-rain frouta,'ToronTto, sud calil ýN, TAILOR, Williaar t oa erton oevety MadaWéînesiy and &y, tluauktul for the libenuul Fridayat à 'cioclr, P.m.,Amd evr>' Ticida>', 1 ona bitafur the paut- 14 Tbn%sday, anti Saturday, at 13 o'ecioch<a' nooti. taI foitstiml pyrpared to rcturaulng te *Bell EvaruIntlaie te cen neel 'ailItI I otler 'aib wi~hh ms lb evoningu, rainA9folTrante for colingwoo AÀrIT tSTYLUu sud ut Moni- Tihe Emt'ly àt calls dahl> it Jaickson's a tfPolit, Bearveartaau, therICy, Omillia auud. other -1 places, vItere . shs usuiUlly sthps: At Ormlia,1 ýS, lIêuse, igu a antiOrna- pssiiir eu tane e teame Faifry fr th. Br Glaser, Paper Usager s, nuakokseitemni at»b.Severnu River.. Ain ordierucarftu- lui Fares mnod«ate. Muansd rfreubm9it . bop o« Wiitmb*ft. mnbaAC ATrMst. I - - i. s- -1 (LATZEWNIVTT'3.). Sm. hoYN-TONI begs te infarmu Lb '.ahmbi- IVtaule of thse Caîunty of Victoriaftint sur-, nmdimg (Cotanties, that lue huas ope ned the DteI otn Wihlimni Street, latl> occumpiedi by1 ,wett, amuidas hlu asti ud k fit-led sud ftruisbéu- [Il tiret style, visilors'will fîmtd cvery conveai- o-W hues, Liquors and Cigare .of Lite beat An attentive estier a 'laays. lu itt.erça-nce. àdgaiy, Dec. P;, 1864. .229-t (LAE NORTE A*ICANI IWAL7VN SýTE7TPORT hOPE. IODERT US@Wfl,[E PropriJeter IlbSfavenitctel ai uvlng been iely cern- r hletl Ic> renoyated,Çufrords the best*cff'te- ,mmodlatcun for tratell-us and Lb. -pubic tenerally.- Uade'r preat marna genton fojbrts-"'4ll bc sparoci that vil cond-uce tLaLie imfort et guests. - I The beat of tiquersand Cigae Dd!)VIS'S 110 TE, CAMBRAY; 0.W., FIN'IE Suseriber begei- 'a infor-n bis fionde aiul thte publiecof Victoria Goauntv, ubat he Imq oéeCitd the -110t-tain thruy hatlj>' accu- ledil b' Ntr. MarCoIt sud as hb at 0iait l.fu,. 'enletice. - WVnés, liquecrs ant i egava of tbe icst qluasit-y. An. attentive losiler inurtl - WM!. D-\VIS, .Propretor. ~aumrft, Set. 865. - - 31&-1.Y --(LATE tP'rs,). Igeuiola street, Terauto, -Aboe King Strect. I 'NuE Snbseriber begq ta liiimate l is friends amd thé public, liait having leaseti ltaeuab- ove contrai promnises fort s.tra ety eah bie reittd and ti rfarnLheti throaugsommt, ana ho wt-lIt b. gÉladt tehave a tltram Lthe travelling ceri- K8 Eealont andi extenciva Sitibli iug Trornto, Julv ý1865. 305tf, Revere fHOuse, DAVER v9mN Thfe nhacriber bezstc > t i.nne that b. has leitsd the abore bot.!, whici hats bea ufrisit- ei ad filtetiup throtighussnlathie beat cfstyle. Noua hil thc luokeei t biquets sud Cîgprrs 'ai ho ept Inuthe bar, andri lis table vil befaruib 4ith al tedlia cUates of e Se.sasn . darliul and e»Igug 0.11.:. ralusys la atteiâd&iuce. ~ PRI rplt rea'ae Jn. a ti;18". 20- «"l'have no ru jet lim only sr id>doppreiioS ta lu Feulans their ver j, o th>y e tbat i ceasO 10a mke wi hProul erablpis tu 96 of 5 Roete' beFua 'q jidvdt. 1866- I Wbaî Qf' 'i ~ Tbh 'Sb, Thi of Th TI 'T! TI T'r si ait Tri oui r bal rom Te lan To bail îhe a Wi he. s De Vbit Iliat Thi lien Of ýCll Bu laf Th 1 C OT 'u fo ci bal îr ea In td :ai 'I 'I J f I dE je -a ti ru el ýs - - - - f ~ lot li fieý aut rdi -ayWitnesses, atierali strtuimuW -nU4i( an thorougbiy aithi tdidn'tt mrileluke t oug w1sho s iràpoesib!o te ihs- sa cjo ,e tt t . il ah , i t S ,-bc clien ra setiby Pro- for itfl oitj adIam, 1 ke-PfprSsOf« a * 1 f ite bbues have w veek . à'.v u ts <i t he > ibe I a agaitathle posiive 'lay afttoranchurîiug tsait the captini catu id a &kaaia dku at dl oa th ie -break af the pc Iatehy as* 1848, 'that snmoking his.pipe Hew-as. alsuest 50o ehuntired y irtis of a anti h a titla q iliuter w ay wiîtl biis tian u t' tatedto tashow sixly but auîiuluînîy lue dropped lahis 'Peiandil-9 *alor, andte t have twýo or îhc iil(tti meks like a tighte ro-undasneath, oa.'hem* aitauhiai, a4 ai sanall size. de 051 isaI àtw-ar the matioftu, Atewmielsoff the 1"Lonuu tIere, lock* Y salit. PC pasa e man l i îge tu tu water. aaoU - eitli 1lc çetof-h. amrm c ' gitea luches î wo ti'bag. $# Ig tark 1color, barred. ,,,I1bec ket i aIthe- plade, ba5tw ' l cteit a stamu- swit on tihe surfacat t.samnc , ghst on board a- siizp juat asif a w-hale liar becir J,.tuneo< ri op-posie CarImita, soanded. s takeai charge oa:y tuy The-' w-as a big sharrktbe' aY . bad eralOttuaj ahe skippr, lits oyet stamtinÉ, anti tfepnf h b spipe.. ever,-" thoarea ws abi ag-lrk ibereI am oe in mir mmid quiet ou the surface, sisidti a bboys cf tise sipi i aao.e neftCi ilstrike topith red agaboloed. ý bsà tb. e a mms cf tCnadi ic e irled l a bl ody field,1 âd ita ta o b. heraon bc th ia. Tn ieif ta yieldi Saint Pattiek'aCrossof 1,whieh the gicirieus Dani V'xLLmretox bas set the sËta ýthat ho traiied beýneath U a traiter crew whorase à ise gallova foot, the. hob their c6tmry's focs? tb. argent cross cf the WA Lnted for thatha bre, emblmucf ifs pritr 'fend'lus dear-foved slion LSaint Duvida Crcleube th rcl a. :&wertthless fry? n ursing place cô car future 'l Wales stand. catuly by. altier Cross cf SiaitAnci eep dyed in loyal mcd, Syo desert i, sons cf "Seco 'ha halo wi' Wallace bledr le the I ruddy lion rampýsî itchinen ahil prore it true those *who Lonci itheiist li contact well. may rue. i-he badge that gracc fEnglanda fearlees lord : Il tbat ho trampledand pro yscb a laviesu horde? long ai "Mermie Englan& alt bouthat symàbol higli, :ry , l "dea thite traitùrs- a, on to victutrt 11 1Canada, Otcàr n;%adalt huI vo stîcliinstlstand, t the robber Shfoulti posea *thîis omarfavored land? id il, siades cf berces, in aany au, wetl fou,,Cht fid ýknew boy u giveuap the t kncw not hon' Lt. yleld. eédom's rinte, va wrctcl 'liberyye rave, ,ne'er wiùit hiéCanadian1 7our beutisman anè.yomîr 9a 1Chateamulray andi Qumei in:n there eaich galanrt bai Csa, cian IefDot 4strike a sO guard cuirxwell-loved lai iot tua'il4e1K cf the sç buad Iat wadI can wield "en well the àabre withd t.ic firm- unerin.; huntei iWaî unin g deer or éee, nplant hilead inlathefaItL tf Aüytraitor tue. r moîlaer-lamd 1 i ir moth ffe coisecmaité toe a rbearsles*blooci in Bri' tir rigit aîmd libet."tl aven's btessing -an eut dero [u r right ariÙa cha '.1 leféi D OdUR Quzk.s !" Our Dur *stlciî-eoi.d, ".lNO Si Sandich, July 9, j8GG. T ME SEA-SEzàl cotiscioU in. I-the ret I tooci une mugit ou tbt lenicat cilppe. We - -n tho Chtinas Sea,aller s :ing agaîuset eati le inrg ilut ie Pdifie sun, ri ouuvas., whiciî, ina the stà pai.- eti bye b>' as uk- w-as cuo-tdetiwitls v aitiicf haîman beinga, fla rîtired Caslestials oùi baa D iorade cf Califoriea. :Th. saiom s 'Vere men 0 nasi variety aI costumae Ore red shlirts, ihoreby ri oneus bine ecatmofu tAJ id wanidered forasmd, a lone on the. torecsie,: h ire,muayhap, hall-au h tre lu xur>' cfsolituide, - i rpoise a titig backwa ros cr bows, as, thse ru boac- loung smnooti swel âîoly liow to%vardsW the rel nay fliranhem. - Iwas a mi1t pacefui eaiigbtful gattor tèise pil era an t oanhîag, w-e - M1ih. yl.thiu hti the st er iaîus a u rt thé surface -cf wivich riant wouderfuî <-reattme ornent be bcraeahh omis k quiium, pscbly u nabi, ce! The. moansaers w-b m by lie micýroscope mz eiaii eoc; tise tantasio fa c" mn ble eut loue liy i ieath, àaù. ti osibly ini rnutteti pompeuses beside tea-sempéut ; ah, the Sea- 1tienr at gI n am rîuu4Rtet reagAit be.forée e ivà ppearamlce,-Sciaumîls si agocigu ihe rmait i adi ottie,,-thtat- it semau re.lit tisera. 'rie objec fessor 0w-eu, liat nou e bccu foanti, weighs hittlt videuce ofihe captamu tho passel w-lt bim one lit walicu îley catir feot af his b',dy .above, roýbaibh.y forty bel mues -Tbat sasaksot sanai lie quostisuol. couat cf Bortnaao, - ve 4iels oftheja on thi sm Pea, measuriug aibout eoi foot iu length, anti-ef a ut luyelio. I recil 'le took place'ou. -àiî yirg l in té IaHoghly w-he fpmIasatli Wb a si-foot suane, WMici chaecabie iWaithacegt slT-udaig t".la uhe I !Trm:*1", 2iÂvac ?~ ii.ma~d-...............k1 Y3 Knbapsul tafs oh foaeu D tenu gi~ ~ ~~ ~w uhim <moe m id'uu*l ifd Mi ffloma4v.lust ust seat.~MM~gari.aadeeé*entdk Utl focur tMotViJas-fleSïwmuueibli uas pm cfutis ,î iac. t~i iii .% et , c $dX - Me-. Pobthhber m nii rie and the ait 51h.v bmaele site tIse h'ý1li ptices set on hi* >vila-riiri rOhduot niade amenIs toa aIllthe leat, Th«,- î'?St~1'~1gu but lieu1- r anxiety, an& iie fth le jî-b. iiOOrOois, hn*. wa upO1t i taeeLitt5rgrei.lJts ene of ihle best blinshf, mati spp"go&l teas augicrot! tau n lîts- tcai îabsn msan can have. ts béourY*er -of a.ou nw-ho Unitle: ~ Tc e worît!t oucl eaî).,nbyme sools vafiet ieinBi anrarh'enabrii'intp- -0crnachiautrfu ein~ c s w-ev gem arau I ni ni rposea . B ailthe' be ilupe nd uri w Ifout Ar-G i w u I keLL m,î.Ieotal rrognce t Crd>'ia, anti lis t.ikrt. petbap>'1that t" yuut iiibean w-sut of heart, bitraycb ié s90 mw afaae o a ie iosî orin îmnie ani, nown wamsip. - -1-su au ano I. hesineere. nouelfanit(i *1> R ae nroUe ant8. ildiei -~ ~ ~ ~~~~~h h.dmid a li rlgmnle n ounaiatry. Bir mS.na . .S il cf~ ~~ uiltS abat i. cf viii, docte anitoanti he w", ' huefirit P'asioute l.Am thiàk e;*f beltS th ir bine hbppelsolte b. caft'Tast S',0i I . C ? <lS £ p r A ~ ?t - - 'o---.-- r V - A D FN 1AMILY-11URNAL AýYil ýl. Ailvame, YID TRO hÇ in the Gteit "e-npnt. ~~~d s'O>'t "a do T> gsFr, Carmle back, t. me ike an coie- .l~voise 0eamé.frein ear yfo, tlhe. Caain. ld."lt col mIponMt" b.delte cathemrl, e icfo« u n- b t ildd on r« e befor e by the black she- etbo c ynny dow of'hO jib.The mata wasqîe ht tbeq *wLI Baud the acter on beard, singsl!ar ila &ppzSanCOandi illa But aslong manrieri rougigl m srlywitlierangers, but wI v l o e im p.tw ng n acquaintan oe. - Me ms a t er- e~ ~ ~ ~I ont-S~eh elf o.f the miçuas reliable mon on board for itlet alttfit"ay smriôe reluiri g ecourage audptg- met newhc'oan ikansfor each oehle, anc. 1 liait learned tae distioguish ISIRIji Iiiilh Mils, Stildier'llarry, an "-yed Bain. The. ald sarli. besdemue was kjown, luet oe-etlmWhatse.iHe spke lu s'4ch s arked and sarnes lotie. ltatilk acused . my ec.nariosity.- IlWby do yen ounds .believe in the eat sea-suake; have yen, - ever seeri hlm, ake1 "Ilbhie, sr. tsaid Jake.. )f stamnlet-whlite*- The. lotie anti look of the aid man wierte 'e 1ke those- wherewitli the Ancient Mauinuer 4mP cihled tie blocti f the wedding-guest. Net aIt fot noiher word .issed -for severaîI mintes; Jake seernied iii àarevery, anti,. for niyself, jai!, the huibir, 1Iwas wcmderiiug ahsether *thé le iman was :mati o culd noî dcubthisbeingthorough« i ernes., That v tee amIlhock cota liflot strier king, have been assuarel lis'tho bet acte r tht ever wore ba fi i Aer ( ase ua wiich l lightel my pipe anti sat Jon cm lit re;anchor-slotck, 1. said!: i"Came, Jake, tell me bus dotlled. al abaut l -t; ien dit lhappen, anti wiere." e k fi- 1 nover tel 1il nosv, sir," sail ho; 1"4I y? Ig- cat bear ta bc lauglieti a, anti told liai il *as ail delirium anti foyer.,,Fer tvrc years Ireapast, I -hav-en'l aven heard Lie mamne cfhie ea serpent; t-otîg day and nigit: I tiuuk te ai ut, andmlti whit lIJive.") ? i J teBut, J ke 1saId 1, I"yen need ti a es in gold," Ish , au - : anythmmg tolti Înearnqst; and e, o ai tîhi~ssua he cr'i, I shoul luke -a île, -arnabontI tle ses-serpent." Douu't cail ria yarn , sait! Jake d thue lion heart Il't is îao tr ucantilau, horrible l o be cal lod a -ofaned "okaiTier,"ha tILhe mate front the a ist Of tli-c ship. "Strîke eigilt be11r."- - As tie igfittmeasureti sîrrkes ,yere givon, and tht' saeel. sbharp imaiirfilIl ed.eair fat- - lluwed by lime boatswai'ç hoarse voice, I fait * lti-at ai chartes of hiearing Jake'asîastry for s himuselftîtnt mgtw-a, overy anad strolieti baclu ta thé po ad! »y n îghlly glas. c grog, anti tur- d - - neuin, dcteariuaed to tida an ealy opportu. eirlies, - - nits' of learmir g tise oit! saiior's secret. Early next aiorning, 1 carne on denda fotnd a, str&nze nidi menacinz echange of ed ceW, weatihhead akemi Place. Tht' wira! bac diel away, arti-tie ehip pitcet uueasîîy in alavo -;a heavy, conlusat.l weilI. - A icavy bank of slavechauds was rie ing iîm lt e, outi-ael. ihluinun- islam> Ileight,, aicul evey tua inomeis b>'vivid flashes ni luit, lightinur. The lia rom eter h b l i s g ad - stikeually'faîiing,. anti the men aceéeuîgag2et md? - - taking in lte iglt salis. Fritful poiffi et svune mil stang througi te riing, andi ihe sais.aI teroately tlrashe-d back on -the niacle, ana 1 the aie, tbe u uged farward, training tau their tick. 1e ho1ke chained i tindq.- ýThetin main-e-ur, r's oye, w-sus ltowrïeëel, ai-dthe topsuil braileti n 1 esbreast sharp, lookiaizlUie s. mca f grot blatderi blasa nsil blew cii -.front ic eyairdb. Iglancel tl wi6Ndard, anti saw the rapidly-dvancn, îcr-iand Ibank.of It dativas etigediwtlu wvh lIe, syberi tie coming blast ploughed up thie sua inii i taan's% cause. course. Seui auoirhiandti e the, wlmcel, M ti- od f'ag, Blow," s ietut he Capialo. d lier 1 - Thée words hait scareely huIt hie lips w-el r1 butti'e r , lte gaile slruc:k us. amduIleitebp Ilîceeove tuRttOmi > lil t he aser rushied inluat tie ports, ani everyt hing Irrseon Iîhe.tiecks .flots'iuto tih -Widsr Reod.lee-cciper1Th hliards ô f tieupp-4 - - tusil-yartis wvere let- go, .but, -hi.el yards were comxuîng dotra, fie forecail ltl '"ENT. adrifî, spltihat long strearners, ýwhii ut - -terel out, tha'îping aitticracking iklie gigaltî 'aI Ses-Serpenit." estockwhips, iltlhey acre berne of by th hese words aloud,. gale. The rhîîp righated and- gaine w-av il t~ areasleofan thiesani etti, anti We flew throagistb lha jtist escapeti waterwsittit t e -ftai Our'quarter. i d je -elday inra- For ceeiu-ueand isighte Ilue wetaIo amand w-ent genîiy nover modticateti, anti tveaman belore the < iril acroati of cet- -et errifié -ateof speed, Cessing ti2s fui] muooaîil. il, ai- 'Pacific in aaî short a Lime as il bail evevima s briglittuess. 'he dons liy a silin"g vesse!. niiere qlwali *s strangè, ni otley utIle chance cf earing Jake's vym aduru * we liatl abo tSIX tîilia ine, bit 1 kepit the Nater in amymina tard, rushia-g o:la u as-e a't lad tise-gaIs oeaped, anti m wirte ne on nr usha irtgis tse cramix ai ail nations, andtai napUrsent' by great, green m O>utulh wi ;. many cf 1e rheaein reste, buta cabmly >dig1 reieving lte suan w-amIe the' goldemi iand, -got tIe adsaulor ulin~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~m Chntau alareubsmiait c n hi u> "Only.auoerohsik fIiifouif ,ard Goethe was "rtr mJolinson "ttblirabe«4«te capta.in," say iii.e Mie.; I, voftep seau ona t: the fouleiit andi mostitrebierons crée- tirerau bitqeuh othtil.» tarir that over breathiet, but whose energy te Who ekipper ewied out for mm, alla lày ofi vociferation aid action Compltely "aI dowa cri the deek, ehaking usif boh bd the CarIyle's. héart. In his "Freite .ILRe vola- agi.The. ate looked at ino shook his t ion-,,ho begarIo1 gloat -like- a fiead over the. head, ad sid, iGoîne m.d at lau,' andJ1Il destrucîrve forces at wark; ho seemed tu re- cértainty thought thal ilquor ba. îrned thé0 j vOl in uproar and blod durin~ that wild Wal- capîaihn's brui. eseau learnei what pirg isn miglit f ferocity ; aild -t horougitout' goc:d reason le hilîliii tôrrer. jbi4 bok there is, sea-cely a pitylig Word, v' as ual more thar nlu a &Éaterwards scnreely a sob or;~. sigb, 1everth1 eusfrincol that lie rose alongsiije,atid with his head as outhle nmon and wcmetn who pasectitrough higla as the maînivard; looked down on the: the ffeiy furnace. Ant impersonation of Ve dock, opeuing and shuttirg that horrible o!pgnie i't- owaa mrW mnoak tfie ,k ppe hafirst seerL1 to the dieàdi scenes hie lit us wih lte lurid, 4<What rose alongaide, Jake?' said 1. lurid torch of hol! as if thev baà only làeen 'The SoI-serpent,' said Jake, lu the very phatitasmagorical. Ilis -4'Cromvrel wae soleine earnest tai. h.e used %when speak-ig equally liard andI heartless, and his littest »~ 1We &eJLMntE i4ljct. uvrk,« la whieh lie mll*e a sort cf bronze 1 hvil the conviction liait tc man was in military Men, eq ially desituteo f humban earnes?, laffections and tie ordinawy huinaa passion@,, 'Welf,' sai Jl 'tel[ me abortt la ; and tils hero, la repàLsYe in lu moitaha glitter, flrs, îha Legha4idke it ho and harduess. Carlyleindeed, lias becolne have been?' f such a. bling worhipper ut fbret Il~ 1în Jmxding, by ihe. I.mt of Dur arig, sir,I1 gentie or âweet or sott no% tatichies Ilir. tlaink lie must have, ban igand îwo ýýhundred loiexi, ini tact, quie akeptical of the exist- foot, and1 lit- looked amcre like a. menstrous ene of that sideo;'humnan nature, antd whe[a c*!uger-eel tian anyîhiqg else 1 c'a tink cf. it turnes up ho teats il as* a proper topic for His beody a * sas thick as a art hors., an d i bis is h ggh Bobdignagiati 1au h tr. Tu a p r. head was flat 1 ike an esi te*a coupjleocf sou. se constitutect, human destiny bas nie faillems lIoig. Hi hait gria io oc lîke maigbtan eternal sr ugle *between au ire!. lis es-en were vory bdg ad-btiht- ton u the wak orrntcrasrgl and wheu ho fifted hi. head, openuing, and ina-kwh the. str<ang ivili sjivi-.e and -te shiatling thosc friitinfi jaws, a$ ho hal a veak oto the wiail. -The urjiverse will habit of doingz every few BecXidl'e vaa becomoi what thé old Norse fi ) end!1 ehin-e the Most Awfad sight yen couki fffcy. Some îhotrWalballato be.,a lac ,Tedis o' ,of thse men said they kaw bis teti, and ltat bats anid rinking bouts. Tierefcopersan he had a double. rov like a shark, but 1'caui having'a hdpe of encie-ty are inflmitèly dis- flot- say that 1 saw, Ihera myseif. It W'aihis tastefl te Carlyt-Americatis i., pait.-cular. eyeà, sir, ---hiseye ir1was always looking 1lin whorn the spontaneous life tins been aàt,-and always wita fear that - Shor ild i <evelope(l -cicr lhe civil and* MiraI i f. 1 '111" 1 SrkX aIru. ir ùîwae Deýrpairing ai :matiand i SOCelyj iî.deed, lie diark and aglos.ir, ike Ithie sin of a ivale; shuis himelf up .u is conceit, anti grewls l tditsec any hair aboit him.: When- t a and rai!s.. 1afterwards raW him swim abivut,he wrig. Y- gled througi the water cl-fashion ; ati n LADY GOLIV A PROUEsStON.ý couLt .ee that the dark color of te ba<'k Lg t graclually lighter on th.-e Iideî, anti the bt>liy Lnearly whité. But tho.e e mxters 1 notiéed A correspondent of the Pall Mail Gazelle, after%"tds, foai l bthimie 1 apeak of, when writingc fromn Coventry, dcscribe-s lte Cov- lie rose atung<Side, and stareti down outr cI11ry l'air anti thq procession <. f Laidy Godi- decks, as. I have tolti yon, I1 was sitîitig or. va, or "Gadins." as thé' c fLtry people in- the dock cleaniag sorte bras,,;," at îî.uoi aiii le. "Iis is Ille firat whù 1 loocha iup, and hat.ia dreaiffol procession cf the kinti wie lias occu!reti ho4 just vhere I waq, andi slared at sei ne 16,at sikl uIten n irs wth my mouti. open, til11 lie sçank clown (ttrval wvill b- yet longer.. Waen if- sîas -cgeetly out cf sight. ibposed ic trevive the PLOW. sorte persons - My hea etdzyadm y.dmfr hoobject lu it irole Io Sr George Grey, hailfrà minute, àa'ndthtin1Iheard ibn -captain declaring îlîeir oelief -iht Coventry vas bowiîng, and saw that lie ias ilying ocn thé about lu be Éle scene of Z:ti,ïrr.noral exhîbi- lifuied hli.m upbut ho képi slirieking. andi fwîti the Mayor, wha plornised hlm tibat. j rcaldn't open liseyes;sqoWe caxiiedi hm Lady Godliva iule'dcnidesd. fbelüwàttd laid i ha on thé- sofa. on, tie Thee owin bas ibeiqîtricking ilselftttconsi- cabin table was the captai's case-boUle cf derably for thé imccaiou; mamiy Ilags are.- rurm, andt he imate filieil hiffiself a. glass and flying, and Pecping T1or..ati i vndo% las' If drn fêf Ibn le fl a glas for me,1 been nev!y painted and-plumet!, ln the - b t h . h çu sh ok e lia a oot pmi.cf lt m orîin - ti xi vwas. a- gec.ral gioon; the ')f was spille& .Whien 1 weuit on deck again, mîtformad.1 umi Ito1aendn l [found iIsSt the me 'ribail chut themseéàves w Icl-;ped lu niahke7it Jfuu our vears d p ln thc forecastle, in spite of the heat, and agc, h-id corne; it îained vilea!y.1m- j tre of them, ivhjo ad been 'iii vih co ast- eter, to-wardhs mca it cleaied ill, nul crowds 1- fover fur saune deYL, w-ere nnw quâ to of et fcm trie neighuQuriig ' v"'Iees s1reamed-ln.. dj. iei scrnses. e"Ve!!, air,- tint ni.-ghî theie Iris csltirnaîcl tÉtat ïhere werc nu, fewr -steward guI so frightenPLI by ixhat fehrvbl Ahun 50,000 sîranIgers il' 1e118 ty.Aliof e eei, andt by the horrible yella cf Ao .ktiip- É,cra '.veu±t first tg lia Iagaie te pas' aleir p i r, that hi -went forarard amnon-st tie meii. aerptect l. ejn Tonî.ý It %vas decided rs t.îking asinaill eg cf.rumrwiîls lim;a; n thiat Lady Gol iv.î hUio1j -iflîe processio01 o he bauds weme scan, ail drunk, ir abti tn2 a«t St. MrX i!,shr h~pat~ i ýg ainong eeh.othpm Jike ulevils. Thu ae d-iu, on the 'p1,!e_ charer'frfa re end tmyse!f took it in turne ta mintio- esk ip- -hoimr b 1uhfl. ecrowl a: this point tg per; and about dayliait 1, .Niaq svakened wascîamn.Ac~ wv Xoktu fronria short sanooze by a t qmiruiet oumi.ntr dooirs f ue :11 a wrè-ro:n*pnam r. oer tc sLip, ani there. vas lte, aptair. Lady G iva ca'm othl inmuicc t <utle da7h chin t llç:n, and i iseyes di!aaiscimyad.'secoue ivtur ýn \sjide open). The. same aflernoon, týeie tro MMneA guarasà!en to tho proèesion. 'Màa- r mcmi who bailbeen il! of caast ffèesr (ide dame Aitiie Punon, fromo tLh-à Roal Aca- id, andt ters were titrée. thers ijut udr berthe Ildemy * Tafil:-ar 'Square,' ivto pi.ronatl léavn~ T nie tlii day we saw lite grent Lad;- G. on the )ccasidn,,was -irhjmlieti on tr. 5;liake once about a mils, fro-ra us, andI le wiîh the dress of 'a caretill ba!o-sar 'e tiixt.tinçme e ix miles laseaIro and Madame Paiitoai is a not U!k~onî te -%vhoped lie b.d left u-3 a1togetier;-,but the oGf midle aue,,andihec2:,elue t- aîexi.day lie rose about lwa hundreti yardts horse, c Io.00very L'. m'deio,, je it ionscr starbeard- beam.a eae he.wssprb. For Illetes tto .roresîm te had about as i. hal done at firsI . ;:il %vas a shribbN buîleEëuofc. :.A si -'4Eight'limes in- ail ive .aw hlm, sir,; anmd ftt%, is Robin iÙood, 1 ~ alnt nul a ho once lte steward, %alio %vas ~iiwith drinkc, hîtie-e!uphIerd ar~ l' îpbr1suuder 1a am Iotte eaptaili's gun cul, a dwa-hvebwrhh smerèepaee Het:ougti, ired at i hl, butt-h ma te took h onclt of bis but Fa!StatEf, Qiietin iab ,Pinchl,a jetdo&. Ou the sèvemth day fram the tlime" the ike, ve.re.absùrUd. $yriîe :rua! osa- f 4à wu raine IL- a"V, the weather M eît aie a vcry 'uodi.aprt,ranoýe, vid there en chanw ,sd .haytrae aeoanti wcre a!sogreerI aa i ldy >)-ron,-ctd ForeEterxs. bl '4m us rmghi te ie IVe lest1nMost cf our The pceiot ihwsiasa e ' ug spar., beimig se ï-hrnde ati as scion 'the Ciiv Surreror. %vas iovitrg about fu idals thegale'mo ler. wehave ove.rboard hecirs a!'tethes, aI théend (1 f which Lady the iecaplaîn i," for i fth i ants w-ho l'al Gadivàu col ai l te w-ometi and elchilitrLus diitli hat bay, but whom %vd bal been w'tulookin. vtcry manser4làe. ; afraid t i bv hore, lett Iie imuke in it ïi- take a faney for humant flesli. At lait vw-A 'rIITY ïT1USAND iLLADý 'OD. ,ta reached Siceua leone, mearly disrmatodand- tqI wîthenoly uha'eebands on bardflit frr duiv. - ~~~~~~~~' , , « .t fon a otervese- 1.o ~ T . 1 _1-1ch' r f 1- îr ii ;n ls ý-V à- 1 1 ase [ýSt( Caryle he Eainain !I-an-n-I.gaiad the gent!emlam, nl- Cad~Mrlyliaiiiter cu .andalt b s-aed ai sol. f tic bur ot, atiphse taI lte tore wliere the-veung f.l hie or tut b.dt a ver itferi-tr tYl a ho lad sean. 0 4u Sim éarher bQnt7-be - 4 A1 luIsart unir môtliin,,'rv'idetfr ce, and theo hy n ,ý af .~ ~ ~1 hl , aI ti ber,' ýîson dgl0f immns uit i osktibuninesei )br, de euran Nne - dlat lî s.'ue -- ag;2"mthm, of the Àpril 20, 1865. Lindsay, 192.